> Do we have any money? (Presumably it would be at home.)
> "If you're outright uninterested, you can say so."
> Continue on toward the entrance. If we still don't run into anyone, head inside.
> Yes. Thankfully, you believe you've left any funds you had at home. It's a dangerous job you have, and you can rush home to get funds anyways. Your transformation would've lost it if you did carry your cash anyways.
> "Disinterest doesn't mean I'm not open to changing my mind." Daiyousei makes the light bigger and brighter. "I'd say nows not the time, but I suppose it's not really an incident or peril."
> The greater light does allow you to see... no one is outside.
> You head into the shrine, the darkness within still feeling a bit weird to just sit in the shrine like this, aside from Dai's light.
> The Rumias are here, alongside yours of course. Ami and two Reimus are present. Hatate too.
> "Ah, good. Pickups here." Ami says.
> "Sorry again. Didn't expect you'd get sent here just from being in complete darkness." Rumia apologizes.
> "I hope no one else has." Reimu speaks
> "Not yet, as far as I know."
> Judging by their reactions to their appearance, you take it your Reimu is the one that spoke, as the other wrests her gaze away from you upon your scanning of those in the room.