> To Seija: "Do be careful with what you do to her. Get her upset enough and she might just surprise you with how she reacts."
> Give the trio a small two-fingered salute-wave.
> Begin heading back to the Hakurei Shrine. Wile traveling, dwell on the implications of what we observed there earlier, both the fact that there was more food present than usual and the fact that absolutely no one was present for an extended period of time, not even any of the multiple people that would want to chase out a youkai that was freely poking around the interior.
> "Making use of a surprise is the idea here." Seija answers.
> You depart, returning to the Hakurei Shrine premises.
> You start to brainstorm scenarios. Food being stocked up could mean a number of things... Yukari giving Reimu some supplies... Kasen stopping by... Reimu herself going out for it... unlikely, but it could be donations or from villagers. Either way, the possibilities are too numerous to get much insight from it. Just that someone mightve visited.
> Though that does spark a thought. Most of Reimu's visitors are the kind to partake in some of her snacks, whether unprompted or from her own offer. Suika's certainly hasn't been by given the number. It's not like she'd take all of it, just that you doubt she'll leave so much unused. Maybe same for Marisa and Remilia. If someone or multiple people did visit and bring food and snacks, they didn't take any themselves, and no one else had yet, which narrows it down a bit in your opinion.
> Yukari and Kasen immediately come back to mind. Again, you'd suspect them to bring stuff to Reimu, but why not enjoy some too? With Reimu's disappearance, you suppose they took her for something urgent, which leans you towards Yukari as the culprit. Though Kasen could snatch her just as well, you don't think she would in the short time Reimu was ahead of you.
> If you're considering sudden disappearance, Miko is also a suspect for taking Reimu. Though you don't have any evidence to use, as you don't recall Miko coming by often with gifts.
> Marisa is fast, but again, she'd likely take some of that for herself, and you'd notice her flying off, even if it wasn't your direction.
> Daiyousei is also capable of teleporting, but you can rule her out unless she suddenly decided not to go 9 bed.
> You consider that Sumireko could've done something. And on that point, Doremy. But the food once again suggests otherwise.