> Inventory
>Your Inventory Contains:
>Kappa Cap
>A puffy green hat with a brim, favored by kappa everywhere.
>Utility Dress
>A dress with many pockets, handy for screws, nuts, bolts, washers, small tools, and more.
>Carries everything you need. Though you tend to keep it kind of light most times just to make it not be a burden
>Basic toolset
>A hammer, wrench, screwdriver, measuring tape, and small crowbar. Light, easy to carry.
>Bits and Bobs
>A small collection of nuts, bolts, screws, sprockets, springs, flanges, and so on. Handy bits to do handy things.
> Optics "Optical Camouflage"
> Flood "Ooze Flooding"
> Water Sign "Kappa's Pororoca"
> Kappa "Monster Cucumber"
>This is 34☼
>Some Lose Scraps of Paper
>A handful of loose, cheap, reasonably clean and uncreased paper
>A cheap pencil. It does not work underwater.
>A simple device for seeing further than the naked eye.
>Your Hold Contains
>Bundle of Silks
>Given to you by a grateful Orihime.