> "I have some ideas, though they're admittedly back home, so it'll be a bit before I can get to 'em. In the meantime, I wonder if we should check out this village for some forms of portable recreation."
>"Do you think we have to that far?" Koa says.
>"What's the plan?" Aoi says.
> What are from the standing-out appearances, noises, other aspects, now. that we are closer to the village and on the. same. ground?
> If needed "for better scouting", once we have properly explained our intentions to our "space crew", do fly both accordingly and in relatively closer reach of Aoi and Koakuma be they staying on ground or fly with us.
>The village market, from what you can see here, is about like what you saw when you passed through. Bustling but orderly, laid out in a fairly organized way.
>You'll definitely need to take a closer look to glean any more information.