~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure

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It's Purvis!:
>YOU ARE NITORI KAWASHIRO, GENSOKYO’S FAVORITE TINKERER! You are well known as a leading voice in  the field of technology in Gensokyo. Or at least you imagine that you are. You are also an entrepreneur, a necessary thing for funding your work and also keeping yourself fed. You are a respected member of Kappa society, as much as kappa respect other kappa; which isn’t very much at all. You are blessed to enjoy your work, and find your work enjoyable. When you are not actively inventing something, you’re generally restoring something, or maintaining something, or cleaning something. When things get too monotonous, you do enjoy a nice board or card game. You have a taste for music, and like most kappa you enjoy collecting the strange black music boxes that sometimes find their way in from the outside world. Sometimes you’d like to have one every one there is, but that seems to be a virtually impossible order. You’re half decent at sketching as well, if only out of necessity for some of your more intricate works.
>And, you have a project to return to. Perhaps your finest work to date, cruelly overshadowed by various events. Save for one exception that doesn’t really count, as far as you’re concerned, you were the first person to facilitate slipping the surly bonds of gravity and send a youkai into the realms of the heavens above. Not yourself, of course, you had to stay on the ground and do the launch; you sent up Patchouli. Patchouli will of course claim Scarlet Devil Mansion did this first, which is technically true but doesn’t really count when you think about it. …And apparently Yuuka got up there somehow, but that also doesn’t count!
>Regardless! You have finally gotten the baseline money, the time, and the drive to restart the project! Before you only managed to get as far as the Sun, but now, you’re going straight up there as far as anyone ever has! Not only as the inventor, but the explorer as well!
>After much hard work, you've gotten things set up for the launch. You've gotten materials you need to put the finishing touches on the rocket and put them to use, you've scouted out a few prospective assistants, and you've arranged for Chimata Tenkyuu to guide and power the flight. As well, you've gotten into a contest with Scarlet Devil Mansion, who seems to have reignited their own interest in space travel. You've found your neighbors arranged for a festival, which is going on now, and no one told you. As well, you have indulged a worrying amount of money into a potion that has temporarily grown your hair out considerably longer.
>You've also discovered, rather distressingly while charting a course, that there seem to be a number of stars missing from the sky. This has added a sense of urgency to the trip, to say the least. You've decided to not spread the news to avoid causing panic over something that no one can really help, but you have made inquiries with the Tengu, and arrangements to try to do something about the problem in exchange for a few benefits (namely a more robust game day).
>After bringing everything together, and recruiting a friend of a neighbor and Patchoili's familiar (who came and gave you the most disappointing one night stand of your life), you blasted off! Your first target was the river of sake that flows across the night sky. There you found Orihime, the weaver goddess, who was happy to host you for the evening. While you did not learn much new there, you made her an improved spindle and was gifted with a bundle of silks and clothing for it. A decent find for the contest. >You've since left Orihime's palace, your next destination being the Tsurube Otoshi constellation, There you hope to meet with another deity, one Ojin Hachi of war and agriculture, and learn what you can. However, you have been distracted from this goal by a new discovery, a belt of rocks that reflect the weak sunlight, too distant from Gensokyo to be easily seen.

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on June 17, 2024, 05:11:41 AM ---> "I don't see anything too dangerous, just that it'll take a little bit of time. Let's check it out, then."
> Adjust our cource to aim for the shiny rocks!

--- End quote ---

>You adjust your course.
>As you make your way toward the new discovery, you have time to make a few more observations. There's dozens of them, perhaps hundreds, more become apparent as you draw closer. You hear Koa trying to count them, and losing count a few times before giving up. They seem to be of varying sizes, but none seem to be especially large. here also seems to be quite a bit of room between them, more than enough to sail through with impunity as long as you pay the slightest modicum of attention.


> Do we have any better of an idea about what they might be?
> Do we have any actual way of safely retrieving them?

It's Purvis!:

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on June 17, 2024, 07:39:18 PM ---> Do we have any better of an idea about what they might be?
> Do we have any actual way of safely retrieving them?

--- End quote ---

>You have no more idea than when you started.
>You think...they may be too big to retrieve. As you draw closer, you are sure the smallest of them probably rivals your ship.


> Drat. Well, maybe we can break some pieces off.
> Keep getting closer to them, making sure to ease up as needed so that we don't whizz right by them all.

It's Purvis!:

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on June 17, 2024, 08:26:13 PM ---> Drat. Well, maybe we can break some pieces off.
> Keep getting closer to them, making sure to ease up as needed so that we don't whizz right by them all.

--- End quote ---

>They are stretched for some distance, you don't think you'll need to worry about passing them by.
>Getting closer, you can see some of them are just round spheres of rock. Some seem to have craters, there's a couple in the distance with something green on their surface, something you are sure is grass. One even seems to have a pine tree.



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