Human Spirit Agency ~ A Salvageable Tragedy (人灵事务所 ~ 一场可以挽救的悲剧) is a 2017 Chinese touhou fangame made in RMXP. It's a Touhou x Ace Attorney crossover fangame with a much more serious tone compared to the likes of Shin Gyakuten Touhou (Aya Attorney). The game is also heavily inspired by an obscure negotiation VN called Juusei to Diamond, which is an amazing game in its own right. Human Spirit Agency is my all-time favorite fangame and I'm very excited to finally share it with everyone.
Bundled along with the game is also another fangame called Beneath the Night Sky, a Young Girl and Shrine Maiden. If you enjoy HSA, consider check that out too! You can find the translation of that game
All content is fully translated! Enjoy, and have an early Merry Christmas!
You can download the original game
here (be aware that it's a baidu netdisk link, which means you need an account to download from it; registering an account requires a Chinese phone number)
If you can't download off Baidu Netdisk but still want the original game, you can get it here:
Mega MediafireYou can get the English version of the game here:
Mega Mediafire I also set up a discord for the game if you want to discuss the game with others or want to give feedback: