洗濯船 (Sentakusen), the creator of Koishi Komeiji's Heart Throbbing Adventure, just posted a couple series of pictures to Pixiv after a hiatus of more than 5 years.
I say
just, it was actually about two weeks ago and I haven't checked Pixiv in a while. You can see his page here:
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/858374/illustrationsI personally am a big fan of KKHTA, it really helped me appreciate the Komeiji sisters in a new light and had a rich, dark atmosphere that drew me in. It is fairly unique among Touhou doujins by leaning heavily into violence and psychological horror portrayed through a distinctly amateurish and crude art style. KKHTA is also often credited with increasing the popularity of Koishi Komeiji from being relatively unknown to consistently scoring near the top in popularity polls, as well as catapulting her ahead of her sister.
Sentakusen sadly left KKHTA unfinished, with episode 9 of part 19 never having been made. The previous part, episode 8 of part 19, was itself released more than 7 years ago, so there has generally been little hope of the series being finished. Infamously, the last part ended on a cliffhanger, with
Something I think is noteworthy is that one of the pictures Sentakusen posted includes
Koishi with her newly-opened third eye, along with some others depicting events near the end of the series. The picture honestly doesn't seem to be recently made, or at least consistent with the style of many of the others, so it would probably be best not to get any hopes up for a continuation of the story. However, it's really cool that Sentakusen has come back after so long and with a selection of new pictures from KKHTA. The picture I'm talking about is the second here:
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115563166There will always be a little part of me that hopes for part 19 to be finished, and even just that one picture feels like a nice acknowledgement. Has anyone else seen his new stuff lately?
Also KKHTA discussion if anyone feels like it