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> Head back out to the previous room, then, closing the door behind us. (Be prepared for it to make a bunch of noise.)
> Look around to see if anything has changed in here in the last handful of minutes.> If not, check out the cylindrical heater for signs of 55 bottles of kerosene.
> Indeed! It looked like a nondescript oval wall mirror.> You're not sure what such bottles would look like? The one it showed was like the glass bottles sake comes in.
> Nothing different.> You remove the cover from the very top of the heater and see some liquid inside with an awful smell. This is probably what Yakumo sold, but there surely can't be 55 bottles worth of it in there!
> Being the only thing emitting light in the room it naturally draws your attention!> Thinking about it, the silverware would probably be difficult to find... Not only are knives and spoons small but who's to say they're actually the ones Yakumo sold? As for the kerosene you imagine it have to be in some container of sorts and the only two things that come to mind are the bottles on the far end of the room and the barrel next to you. There's other objects in the room but they're not really catching your attention at the moment, unless you're looking for something specific?
> Can we discern if the heater was used relatively recently by signs from the removed cover or inside the heater or by some kind of gauge?> Consider if that much kerosene may be stored inside the barrel...unless there is some sort of secret , or not easily seen, storage under or around the same barrel...but knowing it is placed in glass sake bottles could also mean there is at least one among the bottles at the far end of the room....and,if true, the others could in a hidden,or not easily noticed,placementt
> Hmm. Where else might product be held here?
> And where is the unchecked barrel again?Sorry for asking this, I've been pretty scatterbrained lately.
> Sigh internally.> Head back into the store room, accounting for the door as needed to make sure it doesn't make a ton of noise, and check out that barrel.
> So there's probably kerosene in it?> If so, how full does it look?
> Well, that seems conclusive enough.> Screw the caps back on, and then check to make sure the barrel, mirror covering, and crystal ball are back to the way we originally found them.
> Head back out to the main room, quietly closing the door behind us.> Check around one last time to make sure we haven't left any obvious indications that we were here.
> Okay! Back up the chimney, and then sneak back to the inn.
> Is Sanae still in the upside-down position we spun her around into and left her in?
> "That's just kinda my thing. You seen the Princess around?"
> "Lots of stuff, silly, it's a curio shop. But there was a wall mirror and a barrel full of kerosene. I didn't bother with checking for silverware, it would have been too impractical."
> Do we feel weighted once again?> If so: "Oop, sounds like the Princess needs rescuing. Follow me, if you would?"> Head out of the room in search of Shinmyoumaru and whatever delicious chaos the mallet giving out just caused.
> Point at the door that just shut.> "Check that room out!"> Run out into the plaza after that shadow!