So it turns out there's an Atelier gacha game that just released in English. Still JP voices only, though. Sucks, but considering the Star Ocean (defunct) gacha game's constant use of sound-alikes, I'm not quite as salty about that. What I am a little bit salty about is the fact that everyone uses the same few sets of facial animations regardless of their personalities - Linca and Vayne look
very strange looking smug. Also like in post-Dusk era, basically no one is wearing anything resembling a solid bra, so expect DoA jiggle physics from anyone bigger than a B cup.
Get it on mobile through your relevant
Google Play/
Apple Store app; or get it on PC through
Steam. Cross-play is available, though a little tense setting up the first time because it's a little badly worded. Expect to need at least 4GB initially on your phone/tablet, 8GB on Steam.
Gacha rates/prices are kind of meh: 4% for a SSR character, .5% for one of the four rate-up characters. One free pull per day. Pity can be redeemed after 150 summons using stones (free stones are okay, getting 3*s won't break pity, getting a duplicate of a rate-up increases the pity by 50 instead of 1, and pity carries over). Presumably it's the standard 3* set plus whoever's on rate up, but I don't have knowledge of that. At 3k stones per 10-summon, the single-use x2 max pack for $80 USD is precisely 40 summons; the regular max pack is only 24 summons. There's no monthly pass as far as I can tell, so $2 per summon is about the best you can get if you have to spend money, with $3.33 being the "best" value if you exhaust all the x2 packs.
(Aaand it's getting EoS at the end of March. Bruh.)