> "Ah. Right, so. I mentioned that I'm a kappa tinkerer. I've spent a while working on one of my finest projects to date - a rocket for exploring the heavens. It had previously gone as far as the Sun, but this time I'm seeing just how far I can go, both for the accomplishment as an inventor and the experience of exploration."
> "That being said, rockets need power. So, in order to make it worth a god's while to invest in me, I agreed to a friendly competition with another batch of prospective explorers, who were coincidentally also setting up their own rocket at the same time. The long and short of that competition is that whoever brings back the most valuable object wins. Which, again, I promise we're not raiders, I don't want to steal or pillage anything."
> "Then, when I was planning a flight path, I noticed a couple of stars were missing. So, since I was going to be up here anyway, I reached an agreement with a local authority to investigate their disappearance and do what I could to return them, in exchange for fair compensation."
> Gesture to our crew while still talking to Otohime.
> "Koa and Aoi are my co-pilots for this mission, because extra hands and extra eyes are always useful. And, well, also because traveling the unknown for days on end by myself would get pretty lonely."