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> "Hey."
> "That's not why I'm here. Well, I'm never not here for that, I guess, but that wasn't my intent this time."> If there is room, take a seat on the porch.> "No, this time I need divine power for a rocket launch. Is that a thing you can do?"
> So what's the deal with shirikodama, anyway?> "Oh, I'm not 'messing' with anything. You know I know exactly what I'm doing at all times when it comes to this sort of thing."
> "If you, of all people, are telling me to take my business to the top of the mountain, I can certainly do that."
> "The only other ones I know are out of season. I'll take recommendations if you've met any recently that I don't know about, though."
>It is going into midafternoon.>You walk into the shrine, and find Reimu sprawled across the front porch, reading something. A small faerie seems to be laying on her side. You note her pet komainu is sprawled under the front porch, laying on her side but definitely watching you. >"Hey," Reimu says as you approach, barely looking up.>_
>You have a seat by her head.>"...Maybe," she says. "You messing with that sort of thing?">_
>"Don't have any festivals lined up for the next while, if that's what you're wondering," Reimu says.>_
> Do we know who any of those are?
> Can we see what Reimu was reading from where we are seated or lean just a bit closer to see it?> Mention it to Reimu if it could be linked with any of our pursuits or future stall-participating at the next festival.>...What was the last festival we participated at the Hakurei Shrine and as an owner of which stall & merchandise ?
> "Those sound...vaguely familiar at best, if I'm being honest."
> "Oh, right, those ones. Hmm, alright, I'll see what I can do."
> "Makes sense. Thanks for the advice."
> "Not unless you're offering something. It's nice to have a sit for a bit, but I imagine you were already enjoying exactly that before I got here."
> "Of course."> Get back up.> "Hope it continues to be enjoyable for you, friend."> Walk to the stairs, then take flight at the top of them and head back toward the mountain.
> Do we think we could go home and then return to the Human Village by nightfall?
> Let's make our way back to kappatown, then. Use the river if it's convenient, fly otherwise.
> Land and approach on foot in an appropriate manner.> If we're not stopped for something, head first to where we set up shop, in the hopes that Miori's friend is still there.
> Mmmrgh...we'll need to suss that out on own.> Head up to Miori's friend, waiting in line as needed.> "Hey. Got this for you. It's not much, but hopefully it's something."> Rip the tire info page out of our notebook and put it somewhere on the counter that isn't where her food goes.