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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #600 on: May 14, 2023, 03:17:28 AM »

> "As you wish."


> "So we gotta be smarterer than them, then..."


> "Alright. That's all I had, then. If we're not going to do that, then we should probably go be productive."
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
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[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #601 on: May 15, 2023, 06:07:27 AM »

> "As you wish."


> "So we gotta be smarterer than them, then..."


> "Alright. That's all I had, then. If we're not going to do that, then we should probably go be productive."

> "I'll be right back, then." Yukari says, opening a gap. A small one, but still enough to climb through, it looks like.
> She heads in first, which seems to clear Seija and the others to follow.


> "Be my guest if you have something to try." Hecatia gestures to the door.


> "We could try to get to Aya... Or wait for her to come here."


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #602 on: May 15, 2023, 06:18:19 AM »

> Look to the rest.
> "After you."


> "Oh, I'm not smarter than you, though!"


> "Hmm. ...I wonder how she'd react if she came back here to us succeeding at what we just tried."
« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 04:09:01 PM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
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[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #603 on: May 16, 2023, 10:32:00 AM »

> Look to the rest.
> "After you."


> "Oh, I'm not smarter than you, though!"


> "Hmm. ...I wonder how she'd react if she came back here to us succeeding at what we just tried."

> Everyone has already went in...
> Though, before much, Yukari returns.
> "Now, shall we get going?" She questions.


> "A different person's perspective is worth considering, whether they're as smart or otherwise."


> "...Are we sure that isn't something only she wants herself to do? You think she would've had the idea to try teaching us it while we were still around."


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #604 on: May 16, 2023, 10:44:01 AM »

> Nod.
> "Sure."


> "Well, I mean...what if you opened the door again, but hid behind it while you opened it, so you didn't get blasted immediately?"


> "Mmm...maybe she's just been respectful of boundaries, and figured we weren't interested? ...Or maybe she doesn't want us to think less of her by asking us about it?"
« Last Edit: May 16, 2023, 03:56:16 PM by Kilgamayan »
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[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #605 on: May 17, 2023, 05:20:17 AM »

> Nod.
> "Sure."


> "Well, I mean...what if you opened the door again, but hid behind it while you opened it, so you didn't get blasted immediately?"


> "Mmm...maybe she's just been respectful of boundaries, and figured we weren't interested? ...Or maybe she doesn't want us to think less of her by asking us about it?"

> Yukari closes the current gap, and makes another, offering you to go first.


> "Alright..." Hecatia agrees, heading to the door to try again, and this time, keeping behind it as it's opened.
> ...
> "Erm, now what?" Piece questions.


> "I dunno... There was that moment when our bodies got weird."


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #606 on: May 17, 2023, 05:24:04 AM »

> Head on through!


> What's visible outside the room?


> "You mean when our souls switched? ...Maybe I should have taken up Aya's offer to put both our souls in my body..."
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #607 on: May 17, 2023, 05:45:46 AM »

> Head on through!


> What's visible outside the room?


> "You mean when our souls switched? ...Maybe I should have taken up Aya's offer to put both our souls in my body..."

> You head through...
> You seem to emerge... Near Mayohiga, you believe? You don't go by this place often...
> Yukari follows behind shortly after, quickly getting rid of the cold problem you were starting to feel again.


> Uh, black sky... The ground, and another building. You can't see well from where you are.


> "Then I wouldn't have a body! How could I help like that?"


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #608 on: May 17, 2023, 05:58:18 AM »

> "Thanks."
> Swoop over to Yukari and scoop her up into the regular carry, hands where they usually go.
> "Where to from here?"


> "...I don't see much of anything..."
> Shift our position so we can see out the door better. Be sure to still keep at least a few feet away from it, though, we don't want to aggro whoever is out there.


> "Well, your body was still there when your soul got put in Miss Aya's body. But I guess you're right that you wouldn't be able to do much. You didn't do anything that I could see when you were inside Miss Aya. I think your presence might've influenced her to fondle herself, but that was it."
> "I don't know that we'd be able to try that again anyway. I'm pretty sure the redheaded woman in the cape was responsible for that happening, and who knows where she is now, or if she'd do it again."
> Shake our head to bring ourselves back into focus.
> "A-anyway, even with that soul weirdness, Miss Aya didn't force anything on me that I told her I didn't want. For as...unusual as some of her behaviors are, I do think she at least respects us enough to keep them to herself if she thinks we don't want to be involved."
« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 05:54:38 PM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #609 on: May 18, 2023, 06:15:51 AM »

> "Thanks."
> Swoop over to Yukari and scoop her up into the regular carry, hands where they usually go.
> "Where to from here?"


> "...I don't see much of anything..."
> Shift our position so we can see out the door better. Be sure to still keep at least a few feet away from it, though, we don't want to aggro whoever is out there.


> "Well, your body was still there when your soul got put in Miss Aya's body. But I guess you're right that you wouldn't be able to do much. You didn't do anything that I could see when you were inside Miss Aya. I think your presence might've influenced her to fondle herself, but that was it."
> "I don't know that we'd be able to try that again anyway. I'm pretty sure the redheaded woman in the cape was responsible for that happening, and who knows where she is now, or if she'd do it again."
> Shake our head to bring ourselves back into focus.
> "A-anyway, even with that soul weirdness, Miss Aya didn't force anything on me that I told her I didn't want. For as...unusual as some of her behaviors are, I do think she at least respects us enough to keep them to herself if she thinks we don't want to be involved."

> You swoop Yukari up.
> "Why would you lift me up if you aren't the one leading?" Yukari questions.


> You peer out the doorway a bit...
> Still can't-
> Ah, something hit the ground in the distance outside.
> ...
> Ah, it's... a large red and white orb... bouncing - and now rolling, towards the building you're at.
> REALLY large. You think that thing could crush this house, or at least a large portion of it.


> "I guess... Agh, who cares, let's just find her and get back to being helpful. Especially with what we experienced out there, whether or not we recorded it." Suzaku starts for the door, slapping her cheeks in concentration.


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #610 on: May 18, 2023, 11:46:20 AM »

> Gradually look sheepish.
> "...Force of habit, I guess?"
> Gently set Yukari back down.


> "Wah!!!"
> Point at the orb.
> "That thing's HUGE!"


> Follow.
> "Is she still nearby?"
« Last Edit: May 18, 2023, 05:27:43 PM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #611 on: May 18, 2023, 06:45:18 PM »

> Gradually look sheepish.
> "...Force of habit, I guess?"
> Gently set Yukari back down.


> "Wah!!!"
> Point at the orb.
> "That thing's HUGE!"


> Follow.
> "Is she still nearby?"

> You set Yukari back down.
> "Hm, last I recall..." Yukari starts walking in a direction.
> She could've just pointed you out... Maybe she needs to retrace her steps. No, she shouldn't be that forgetful. Then again, she probably doesn't think this is much of a matter to remember.


> "H-Hey, we should get away or something. Just a thought." Piece speaks as she looks over at the orb.
> "Well, I don't want this destroyed..." Hecatia steps over to the doorway, stretching out her hands as she exits.
> "Hey, I warned you!" You hear the voice again, though don't get to see if anyone comes into view, as Hecatia seems to... create a larger orb in front of her outside. Though this one's only grayish.
> There's a loud crash as the sphere seemingly collides with Hecatia's.


> "I... don't know anymore, actually."


> You believe you've found your target. She... seems to be playing in the snow? Building things?


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #612 on: May 18, 2023, 06:47:56 PM »

> Follow along.
> Feel along the winds for any movement up ahead.


> Pump a fist into the air.
> "Yeah! You show 'em!!"


> Stop.
> Frown a bit.
> "...What now, then?"



> Point at the alleged 'Letty'.
> "That her?"
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #613 on: May 19, 2023, 06:52:59 PM »

> Follow along.
> Feel along the winds for any movement up ahead.


> Pump a fist into the air.
> "Yeah! You show 'em!!"


> Stop.
> Frown a bit.
> "...What now, then?"



> Point at the alleged 'Letty'.
> "That her?"

> You follow.
> There's a bit of movement in the wind... Like a few individuals. Given how it is, you suspect they're winged.


> Hecatia seems to swipe the large orb to the side, alongside hers, giving you a view of the attacker.
> It just seems to be a plain woman... She's standing atop a floating red and white orb. You note nothing special about her, maybe other than the other orbs floating by her side.
> "Hang on, you aren't a rabbit." The girl speaks. "Though you aren't human if you can do that, either."
> "I believe we're getting off on the wrong foot here, miss." Hecatia tries to negotiate. "My name is Hecatia Lapislazuli. I'm not human, just a goddess trying to solve a few problems. However, you aren't one of them, as far as I know. Do you know of anything weird with the moon?"
> "...T-"
> "Aside from the rabbits and us." Hecatia clarifies.
> The woman doesn't look like she'll attack... Though she hasn't stopped those orbs. She looks like she's still ready for a fight, at least.


> "That could also mean Aya is in danger. Usually, she'd still be noticeable if she darted away somewhere. This is different." Suzaku says. "We should ask that one daughter if she can help us search for her."


> "Yeah. Hey, Letty!" Cirno calls.
> The woman looks over in your group's direction.
> "Ah. I take it you're the cause of this incident..." The woman questions. "At least, that shrine maiden hasn't come to bully me for incorrect assumptions. Yet."
> "Hey, I-"
> "You're correct." Daiyousei interrupts. "This is Cirno's fault, which is why she's trying to fix it. But she needs help. As someone with skill in manipulating cold, do you think you could lend a hand, Letty?"
> "I don't know, this cold isn't too bad. It even feels funny, like it's trying to be colder than normal cold. You cannot freeze a Yuki-onna a second time, however."


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #614 on: May 19, 2023, 06:57:59 PM »

> Send messages along the wind to those winged individuals: "Hello? Who's there?"


> Feel for any unusual essences coming from or around this woman.


> "Sure, though we'll probably want an idea of where Miss Aya when we ask."



> Look around to get a general idea of where in Gensokyo we are.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #615 on: May 20, 2023, 02:19:42 AM »

> Send messages along the wind to those winged individuals: "Hello? Who's there?"


> Feel for any unusual essences coming from or around this woman.


> "Sure, though we'll probably want an idea of where Miss Aya when we ask."



> Look around to get a general idea of where in Gensokyo we are.

> You try...
> There's some more movement, as if you surprised them, though they don't seem to answer you back.
> "Ah, there she is." Yukari points out in the distance.
> Indeed, you can see Momizi, albeit frozen, and a few fairies floating about her.


> You don't notice anything strange... at least that you can tell.


> "I think she was somewhere low, like at the ground. Not flying."


> You don't see any notable landmarks, aside from all of this snow... the snowing also clouds the view far away, too.


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #616 on: May 20, 2023, 02:48:14 AM »

> "Ah!"
> Dash over to Momiji, ignoring the fairies.
> "Momi! Can you hear me?"
> Grab onto her arm, to feel how cold she is.


> "We don't want to fight you, Miss."


> Nod.
> "That's at least something. Let's try it."



> "Where are we, anyway?"
« Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 03:29:40 AM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #617 on: May 20, 2023, 07:06:12 PM »

> "Ah!"
> Dash over to Momiji, ignoring the fairies.
> "Momi! Can you hear me?"
> Grab onto her arm, to feel how cold she is.


> "We don't want to fight you, Miss."


> Nod.
> "That's at least something. Let's try it."



> "Where are we, anyway?"

> She doesn't seem to notice you, frozen completely stiff.
> "We should do something about this. Or I suppose, I should." Yukari sighs.


> "I didn't know the moon was like this in the first place." The woman says.
> "You seem pretty capable for a human. I'll lend my ear to hear your problems first." Hecatia says. "Perhaps we can be of assistance."
> "Eh, really? Aren't you a god? Wouldn't a god's problems-"
> "That's all the more reason, isn't it? Surely a god would be able to easily solve a human's problem, so if it's just one, why not-"
> "F-Forget my problems. Can you take me to that person over there?" The woman points... outward. Given you're still inside, you can't tell where.
> "Erm... That person... where, exactly?"
> The woman sighs.
> "Can you bring me back to Earth so I can point it out better?"


> Suzaku starts out the room, for the way you came.


> "Gensokyo." Letty speaks. "Wait, maybe not."
> "It's not easy to tell where this is with all the snow covering everything. Then again, does that even matter?" Cirno questions.
> "No, there's more important issues. Even if you may be enjoying the cold, everyone else isn't necessarily." Daiyousei says.
> "But they aren't necessarily hating it, are they?"
> "A Majority of Gensokyo are frozen, so they'd have no opinion. I'd like to think that most of them didn't want to be frozen." The big fairy crosses her arms. "Will you help or not."
> "What's in it for me?"
> "Well, we could all gang up on you and beat you up so that you don't get to enjoy it." Cirno muses.
> "..."


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #618 on: May 20, 2023, 07:15:26 PM »

> How does Momi appear to be posed?
> "I'm sorry, I would if I could. And I've certainly tried..."
> "If need be, I can carry her frozen for a bit.'


> "How'd you get here, anyway? Humans don't go to the moon."


> Follow!
> Are Suzaku's wings out and in close reach?



> "Uh, but not me...I'm not really a fighter."
« Last Edit: May 21, 2023, 05:17:26 AM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #619 on: May 21, 2023, 04:05:06 PM »

> How does Momi appear to be posed?
> "I'm sorry, I would if I could. And I've certainly tried..."
> "If need be, I can carry her frozen for a bit.'


> "How'd you get here, anyway? Humans don't go to the moon."


> Follow!
> Are Suzaku's wings out and in close reach?



> "Uh, but not me...I'm not really a fighter."

> Standing upright, holding her arms as if cold, and staring straight ahead.
> "I'll handle it." Yukari says, as you feel Momizi getting less cold.


> "I was- no, that's not important. Just take me to Earth already!"


> You follow along.
> Yes.


> "It's a joke." Cirno says.
> "Sure it is... I think I can get rid of this, but around all of Gensokyo? That's a bit much..."
> "That's why we asked if you could help. You wouldn't be doing it alone." Daiyousei corrects.


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #620 on: May 21, 2023, 04:11:43 PM »

> Give Momi a gentle hug from behind as we wait for her to thaw.


> Look to Hecatia and shrug.


> ...Reach out and use our thumbs to gently massage Suzaku's back at the point of connection with the base of her wings.



> "Oh, um, yes, there's a lot of people working on this. This group here isn't even everyone."
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #621 on: May 23, 2023, 09:15:28 PM »

> Give Momi a gentle hug from behind as we wait for her to thaw.


> Look to Hecatia and shrug.


> ...Reach out and use our thumbs to gently massage Suzaku's back at the point of connection with the base of her wings.



> "Oh, um, yes, there's a lot of people working on this. This group here isn't even everyone."

> You give the wolf tengu a hug, though it's cold and hard to keep up...


> "Well, alright then. We do have to get back here later."
> "That's fine, you guys don't need to escort me or anything. I just can't really go back down there myself." The woman says.
> "So what's your name?" I told you mine, after all." Hecatia says, starting back down to the house and Piece.
> "Renko. Sorry for, uh, slamming you with that giant orb. Things haven't been going my way."
> "Mm, I understand. They've been going bad for a lot of people, but I don't know of anyone else suddenly thrown onto the moon like you."


> Suzaku jumps in surprise, though doesn't stop you or try to prevent it. In fact, she even seems to slow down to keep pace with you.


> "I can assist a bit in this." Patchouli speaks, peeking out.
> "As can I." Alice adds.
> "Though we came to you since you undoubtedly would be able to help the most." Daiyousei gestures.
> "Alright..." Letty says.
> "Okay, so this whole cold thing is an effect that gets onto you and tries to freeze you. I think you can just feel for that and try to remove it... Just uh, for everywhere in all of Gensokyo at once." Cirno explains.
> "...I think we need more help for something of that scale..." Letty speaks.


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #622 on: May 23, 2023, 09:20:55 PM »

> We must endure it for our wolf! Keep hugging!
> ...Oh, right, the fairies. Are they still here?


> Renko...Renko...have we heard any names like that recently?


> ...She didn't happen to make any sort of cute noise of surprise, did she?
> Keep going, with both the following and the massage.
> "...Thanks for not treating me like I'm a complete weirdo after all that."



> "Anyone you have in mind? We can probably find them the way we found you."
« Last Edit: May 24, 2023, 03:34:04 AM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #623 on: May 24, 2023, 04:25:06 AM »

> We must endure it for our wolf! Keep hugging!
> ...Oh, right, the fairies. Are they still here?


> Renko...Renko...have we heard any names like that recently?


> ...She didn't happen to make any sort of cute noise of surprise, did she?
> Keep going, with both the following and the massage.
> "...Thanks for not treating me like I'm a complete weirdo after all that."



> "Anyone you have in mind? We can probably find them the way we found you."

> You keep a tight hold. Well, not that tight. But a secure one.
> They are, but they're hanging further back.
> Momizi starts to budge. And by that, you think she's actually starting to fall over.


> You don't think you ever knew anyone with that name. No fairies or nothing.


> No.
> "Why would I? Oh, actually, you are usually a bit more serious than this. Maybe being stuck around me and Aya changed that a bit."
> "You two are back just in time." The... one of the red women speaks.
> "Mhm. It appears that the rest of Gensokyo is accessible again." The one with the cloth says.
> "Hard to see anywhere through the snow, but part of the mountain is visible by a bit below us, for example." Eldest Daughter adds.


> "No, I don't know that many."
> "So we have Koa, Patchouli, Alice, Cirno, and now Letty." Daiyousei considers.
> "We probably have more people for making heat than trying to control the cold, right?" Sunny speaks up.
> "That would be... Koa, Patchouli, Alice-"
> "I've met a lot of people that have a lot of firepower. But we'd have to find them." Cirno interrupts. "Like Marisa, and that bird with the weird arm."
> "Could we at least see if you cold masters can manage?" Miko asks.


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #624 on: May 24, 2023, 10:50:48 AM »

> "Oop, easy now..."
> Use our hold on Momi to keep her upright.


> "It's true! Everyone got frozen! Well, except for a lot of us. But still, it was a whole bunch of people!"


> Break off from the massage. For now.
> "Really? Huh...I guess that explains why Suzaku could suddenly sense Miss Aya. Well, that's good, that means we can head home without bothering anyone else. ...Unless the freezing thing is still happening."



> Do we know a bird with a weird arm?
> If not: "Who's the bird with the weird arm?"
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #625 on: May 25, 2023, 12:02:27 AM »

> "Oop, easy now..."
> Use our hold on Momi to keep her upright.


> "It's true! Everyone got frozen! Well, except for a lot of us. But still, it was a whole bunch of people!"


> Break off from the massage. For now.
> "Really? Huh...I guess that explains why Suzaku could suddenly sense Miss Aya. Well, that's good, that means we can head home without bothering anyone else. ...Unless the freezing thing is still happening."



> Do we know a bird with a weird arm?
> If not: "Who's the bird with the weird arm?"

> "Ah... Aya? Hang on, I wasn't finished yet." Momizi speaks.


> "Uh huh..." Renko responds.
> With Hecatia bringing Piece and Renko to you, you once again blink for a moment and find yourself back on Earth, in Piece's home yet again.
> "Perfect. Think I can still tell where Merry is." The girl rushes out.
> "Not even a thank you... But at least she isn't fighting us." Piece comments.


> "We haven't tried, but-"
> "It's still going on." Eldest daughter interrupts.


> You don't believe so?
> "Utsuho Reiuji. Or Okuu." Alice answers. "She's a hell raven down in the underworld."


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #626 on: May 25, 2023, 12:58:11 AM »

> "I'm sorry, Momi...I didn't mean to leave you alone, let alone freezing. Are you feeling okay?"
> Hug her a little tighter.


> "Hey, wait!"
> Scramble after her!


> Slump.
> "Figures..."



> Say the name 'Utsuho Reiuji' with the intent of locating her.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #627 on: May 28, 2023, 05:01:31 AM »

> "I'm sorry, Momi...I didn't mean to leave you alone, let alone freezing. Are you feeling okay?"
> Hug her a little tighter.


> "Hey, wait!"
> Scramble after her!


> Slump.
> "Figures..."



> Say the name 'Utsuho Reiuji' with the intent of locating her.

> "I'm fine now, I think." Momizi replies as you nonetheless tighten your grip. "Why did everything suddenly get so cold?"


> You rush after her.
> "What?" She pauses before leaving out.


> "It's only a matter of time though, right? Since someone else dealt with one problem already."


> You try to repeat what-
> "Wait a minute, I don't think going for her would be a good idea." Alice interrupts. "She's a hell raven, yes, but she also has nuclear energy in her repertoire. Trying to get her to control that power to help get rid of this cold and not endanger everyone not just here, but also in the rest of Gensokyo, would likely be impossible." She crosses her arms.


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #628 on: May 28, 2023, 05:10:27 AM »

> "Weird stuff happened to Cirno. It's being worked on."


> "You're gonna freeze!"


> Look to Suzaku.
> "Do you want to go back to what we were doing?"



> Stop and shrug
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 5
« Reply #629 on: May 28, 2023, 05:25:37 AM »

> "Weird stuff happened to Cirno. It's being worked on."


> "You're gonna freeze!"


> Look to Suzaku.
> "Do you want to go back to what we were doing?"



> Stop and shrug

> "Cirno? That was... Uh... Feels like it's a friend of yours, but I don't think any Tengu were named that..."


> "It's just a little cold out, I'll be fine when I get-"
> "Why do you have that?" You hear a different voice, and spot someone else at the other side of the entrance to here, behind Renko.
> "Huh? Who are you?"
> "Answer me first. You aren't a Hakurei..."


> "We've missed a few things already... The other group leaving. Finding Aya when she was still sorta close. The moment one incident got resolved. If we miss any more, Aya's gonna be really disappointed in us."


> "So back to the cold controlling idea?" Miko questions.
> "Are you sure you can't simply end this yourself?" Remilia speaks up. "I've caused a wide scale incident myself before and stopped it after I was defeated as well."
> "Well-"
> "Did you try a lot?" Shinki questions, this time. "Miss Sekibanki there did seem to change when she put a lot of effort into something."
> "That is true... And Letty is here to back you up, among others." Daiyousei adds.