~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

The Improv RPG

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Kirisame Cola:

//don't really know how this works but I'm gonna give this a try, with the dumbest plot I could ever come up with. So just be warned before joining in, I have no plot planned at all This is going to be all improv story writing on my part.

>You wake up in a room, the room is extremely basic and has little to nothing of interest except a mirror and a black coffee table. On the table lies a Tenshi Fumo and a potted plant. Upon approaching the table, the fumo speaks to you
>"Hello!" It speaks "Take a bite of that plant there and you can go somewhere really cool!"

:W::H::A::T::S: :Y::O::U::R: :M::O::V::E::que:


>"Hello! What kind of plant is this, and also where am I?"

>Grab the plant.

Kirisame Cola:

>"Honestly I wish I knew that myself, and that plant right there? It's just a tomato plant, I dunno how I got here myself."

>Upon closer inspection, the plant was in fact a tomato plant, as you had held it in your hand it had begun to grow at a substantial rate. the small plant reaching adulthood within mere moments

>"Wow... That's new..." The Tenshi fumo hand spoke as it stared curiously at the plant "Anyways... do you have any ideas on how to get outta here? I know you just sorta... well... spawned in but I know that brain of yours and your functioning limbs can come up with something to get us out!" The Tenshi fumo hopped forward a small bit.


>"Were you always a doll?"

Kirisame Cola:

>"Yeah, although I don't really mind being this doll, It's fun" The Tenshi fumo had spoke yet again as it curiously watched a tomato sprout from the plant.

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