~Hakurei Shrine~ > Touhou Addict Recovery Center
What movies would you like to watch with Touhou girls?
Major Tom:
Let's say that you can choose to watch any movies of your choice with any Touhou girls. What movies and what girls would you pick and why?

My picks: "Kill Bill" and "Yojimbo" with Youmu, "Ghostbusters" with Yuyuko and "A Fistful of Dollars" with Saki.
Tenet by Christopher Nolan with Remilia and Sakuya. Just to see their reactions to its take on Fate and Time (or Entropy) manipulation.
Similarly, Inception by Christopher Nolan with Doremy. Her absolutely smug look as she sees humans attempting to use the Dream-scape for their own ends will be great to watch.
Any History Documentary with Keine, for obvious reasons.
The John Wick Trilogy with Reisen and Rei'sen just so they can rate the gun-play.
The Original Alice in Wonderland with Alice Margatroid and Marisa. The former so she can think 'huh, the protagonist has the same name' and for inspiration in future Spell Cards, and the latter to tease Alice for the entire film.
This list will be updated by me editing it over time.
"Watership Down" with Reisen, Rei'sen, Seiran, Ringo and Tewi
I'm not a big movie watcher, but I do have a huge list of movies I want to see at some point.

I'd love to see the Harry Potter movies with Marisa, because I'd love to see what she thinks of some British kids learning to be magicians in a school when Marisa's magic abilities were self-taught.
I'd also like to see one of the Spider-Man movies with Yamame, for obvious reasons.
And I suppose I could also watch Saturday Night Fever with Iku to see what she thinks about the "Iku Fever" memes.

There's a lot more I could think about, but I wanna save them for later.
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