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SMT/Persona Thread - Probably Wasn't Actually on V2 Edition

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--- Quote from: degradingwindow on February 10, 2024, 05:45:35 AM ---Also, a bit late (8 days), but Persona 3 Reload has been released. Look, I love Persona 3, but there's no way I'm paying $70 for it. Reviews so far have been positive but there's a lot of things that they added or changed which people didn't like which was inevitable. The new gameplay changes that weren't ported from P5R feel like experiments to try out how people receive it. I wouldn't be surprised if things like the in-dungeon currency appearing in P6 or even Metaphor. I haven't watched all the new story cutscenes (there's a lot) so I don't have much to say on them yet.
Also, also: There's rumours that The Answer and a new Aigis origin story will be available as DLC. I'm not a big fan of The Answer (Yukari) but the Aigis origin story actually seems interesting.

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Yeah, the price for Reload is a bit much even if it is an entire remake. Since at the end of the day it's still only a remake of base Persona 3. The Aigis origin story does seem really cool though, there's a lot of potential with that

late (again), but SMTV: Vengeance has been announced, and of course since this Atlus we're talking about, they're making us pay a full $60 for an "expanded" version of a game that only came out 2 years ago. But in their defence, they did say that the new story route would add 80 more hours of playtime but we don't know just how much of it will be original new content. I'm glad they're fixing the story of SMTV which was its biggest problem but locking it behind a whole new route is a weird choice but maybe they can make it work properly.

Persona 3 Reload did well, it sold 1 million copies in just one week making it the fastest selling game in Atlus history. Hopefully this means that they'll invest more in these types of remakes (maybe we could even have a remake of P1, Innocent Sin, Eternal Punishment or even SMT4). I'm hopeful for a P4 remake since it's my favourite Atlus game but it'll probably take a few years for it to be announced especially since they're focused on other things like Metaphor, Vengeance and P6(assumedly).

Also, a prominent Sega leaker has said that right now they are already working to release Persona 5 The Phantom X, the Chinese mobile game spinoff in Japan in 2024 with an international release being in the foreseeable future. I really haven't looked at the game myself because the only things I see people talk about it here in the west is the weird censoring choices they made with certain demons and other things. We'll see if they're kept in the western release.

Edit: they just announced that they're gonna release the Shin Megami Tensei tabletop roleplaying game in the west. It should come out near the end of fall.


--- Quote from: degradingwindow on March 14, 2024, 02:22:12 AM ---Persona 3 Reload did well, it sold 1 million copies in just one week making it the fastest selling game in Atlus history. Hopefully this means that they'll invest more in these types of remakes (maybe we could even have a remake of P1, Innocent Sin, Eternal Punishment or even SMT4).

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If they do end up remaking Persona 1 and 2 again I wonder if they'll end up changing things about it like adding social links or baton pass like was done in Reload. The fact that they have the same circumstances as Persona 3 where they have a PSP remake makes me think Atlus would be a lot more willing to make big changes


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