~Hakurei Shrine~ > Tech Support

Running Shuusou Gyoku in Wine


I've been playing Shuusou Gyoku in Wine with baked moji for some time now, and I'm tired of it. Only some of the characters fail to render properly; in particular, it seems that the kanji and kana render just fine, but romaji don't:

I've tried changing my locale to ja_JP, ja_JP.UTF-8, ja_JP.EUC-JP, and even to ja_JP.SJIS with those new(ly rediscovered) shift-JIS locale files dug up by HerbalNekoTea, but to no avail whatever.

Ironic that I'm the one to need help with this, what with my name, haha.

Turned out to be an issue of font, not one of encoding. Silly mistake on my part, but very educational.


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