Author Topic: Running Shuusou Gyoku in Wine  (Read 12958 times)

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  • Cactus-powered autonomous domestic appliance
  • Gender: F to pay respects
Running Shuusou Gyoku in Wine
« on: October 01, 2020, 08:20:02 AM »
I've been playing Shuusou Gyoku in Wine with baked moji for some time now, and I'm tired of it. Only some of the characters fail to render properly; in particular, it seems that the kanji and kana render just fine, but romaji don't:

I've tried changing my locale to ja_JP, ja_JP.UTF-8, ja_JP.EUC-JP, and even to ja_JP.SJIS with those new(ly rediscovered) shift-JIS locale files dug up by HerbalNekoTea, but to no avail whatever.

Ironic that I'm the one to need help with this, what with my name, haha.


  • Cactus-powered autonomous domestic appliance
  • Gender: F to pay respects
Re: Running Shuusou Gyoku in Wine
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2020, 01:08:44 AM »
Turned out to be an issue of font, not one of encoding. Silly mistake on my part, but very educational.