~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)

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Unedited Bear:

>You are a fairy.

>Of what kind you're not quite sure, but you have some pretty neat wings, and a lot of time to figure that out! The problem with time is that you need to find some way to spend it, and this year has been so boring! There haven't been any big incidents for as long as you can remember, which isn't very long, but still! Boredom and a fairy mix as well as oil and fire, which is what you tried to do before being hit over the head by that gate guard. Stupid, mean gate guard. She always gets in the way of the best ideas!

>So you pass the time glaring daggers at her, and at her big stupid house, and the stupid fairies that go in and out with the stupid dresses and buckets and...

>Wait. Fairies?

> Oh, today may just be interesting, after all!

>You are a fairy, and today is the day you prove yourself the best by sneaking into the SDM! First things first, you need a way in. Stealing a uniform would be the best way, but you're pretty sure that you could get in if you waited for someone else to distract the gate guard...



>What is our name?
>What is our quest?
>What is our favorite color?

>Check chest for usual growths.
>What's the most complex danmaku we can do?
>Do we know anyone of note aside from the dumb guard? If so, what is our relationship with them?

Unedited Bear:

>Your name has been your most constant companion, brought with you ever since you ended up tossed into this land nearly... uh... some time ago! Your name is... JACK!


>Ok, you can't remember your real name. It's been a long time since you even thought about it, and unlike Cirno, you don't go shouting it from the rooftops every chance you get. You've bee calling yourself jack, after a friendly human who made you the nifty bandana you wear around your neck.

>Your quest is to break into the SDM and free yourself from the chains of boredom!

>You're fond of brown and grey.

>Chest is flat as one of those pancake things that you saw the maid bringing out to the gate guard once. They looked flat, yet fluffy. A real mystery they were.

>Not very! You were never the kind to throw out patterns. You liked the incidents with the oni girl and the celestial, cause all you had to do was punch people! You're good at punching!

>You know of the maid and the fairies. Other than that, you're flying blind.



>How long have we existed, to the best of our memory?
>Do we know if the mansion is guarded at the back?

Unedited Bear:

>As far as your memory goes, you've been alive and kicking before you had legs to kick. Time is odd for concepts of nature, but if you had to put it how a human would understand, you'd say you came into being around when Gensokyo became a thing. Maybe a handful of hundred years?

>The mansion isn't, but that gate guard is good. She's been able to intercept almost everything that tries to sneak into the mansion.


>Speaking of, it looks like the Black White one is coming in. If she's going to blast her way in, it might be the best time to get inside.


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