Author Topic: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)  (Read 221214 times)

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Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« on: September 01, 2020, 10:13:32 PM »
>You are Patchouli Knowledge, The Great Unmoving Library, a powerful magician, and someone who really doesn't like going outside.

>Currently, you are outside, which has done nothing to improve your current mood.

>It all started off as a normal morning for you. You woke up, had Koakuma -- your demon familiar -- get you some coffee (You do drink tea as well, though you find coffee to be more effective in the morning), and proceeded to commence your morning reading activities. Additionally, your health didn't even feel that bad today, so that was a plus.

>It was then that a certain seven-colored puppeteer showed up, with the intent of using the books in the library to further her research into autonomous dolls. The two of you then began a bit of a discussion, where you noted your reluctance to part with books from Voile due to the recent actions of a certain thief...

>It was then, speak of the devil, that she showed up, announcing her presence with a loud explosion towards the back of the library, conveniently bypassing the wards you set at the entrance. While lamenting the amount of wasted effort into putting up that form of security, you flew to intercept the troublesome girl before she could get away. The puppeteer decided to follow you, probably to see what the commotion was, but you decided to allow it as long as she didn't get in the way.

>When you caught up to the crook, you immediately noticed that the black-white imbecile chose to rob the forbidden section of the library this time: The part of the library where you keep cursed books, tomes of unknown function, and malevolent grimoires. In short: Things that a magician who doesn't know what she's doing shouldn't be messing around with. As you proceed to scold her about messing with things beyond her comprehension, she simply has the gall to give you a cocky smirk and saying that you shouldn't worry and that she could handle it.

>Almost to prove a point, she tossed one of the tomes in her hand, which -- of course -- she ended up accidentally dropping to the floor, which -- of course -- caused the rusty locks sealing it shut to break open on impact. Newly opened, the book promptly created a dark vortex which none of the people assembled were able to escape from.

>And so, that is the reason why you're currently stranded in the middle of nowhere, glaring daggers at the meddlesome black-white who caused all this as she picks herself off the ground.

>Oh, and the puppeteer is here too... Of course, she doesn't really matter right now, since the target of your ire is currently right in front of you.

>What do you do?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 11:45:56 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2020, 08:15:32 PM »
>Look around, gain a general understanding of this 'middle of nowhere' we're stuck in.
>Test out our magic, wind usually causes the least disruption so attempt to summon a gust of wind in a direction devoid of people.
>Talk: "So how are you going to solve this, Black-White?"


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2020, 09:20:49 PM »
>Look around, gain a general understanding of this 'middle of nowhere' we're stuck in.
>You look around, you seem to be in the middle of a wooded area. Not dense enough to be considered a forest, but not sparse enough to be plains either.
>You also spot some strange birds you've never seen before fluttering among the trees, with mostly orange-red heads and black tails with a white v-shaped stripe on them. You also spot some strange looking creatures that resemble oversized ladybugs either flying among the treetops or clinging to the bark...

>Test out our magic, wind usually causes the least disruption so attempt to summon a gust of wind in a direction devoid of people.
>You do a quick test of your magic, conjuring up a minor wind spell in a clear area off to the side. It seems to work, though you do note it takes slightly more effort than usual.

>Talk: "So how are you going to solve this, Black-White?"
>She props herself up with her broom, looking around at her surroundings before answering, "Um... I mean, the book was in your library, right? Shouldn't you be able to just magic us a way back, ze?"

>"Something tells me it's not going to be as simple as that, Marisa..." the puppeteer groans off to the side as she sits up, "...Where are we anyway?"

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2020, 09:49:27 PM »
>Talk: "It seems that Alice is correct, ignoring the difficulties of space-time magic, I would like all of you to note animals around us. They don't seem native to Gensokyo and I don't think I've seen them in any bestiary I've read. Another thing before I forget, all of you test your magic using your least destructive spells, it should be harder than usual."
>Attempt to fly directly upwards
>If successful: scout out for the closest hint of civilisation, while avoiding the birds if they attack us.


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2020, 10:33:13 PM »
>Talk: "It seems that Alice is correct, ignoring the difficulties of space-time magic, I would like all of you to note animals around us. They don't seem native to Gensokyo and I don't think I've seen them in any bestiary I've read. Another thing before I forget, all of you test your magic using your least destructive spells, it should be harder than usual."
>Attempt to fly directly upwards
>If successful: scout out for the closest hint of civilisation, while avoiding the birds if they attack us.
>You attempt to fly upwards while Alice and Black-White test their magic.

>It seems that even flying is causing you to exert slightly more effort than usual, enough that a prolonged flight would probably tire you out after a while, and that's assuming your health doesn't decide to take a nose dive...

>Nonetheless, you do manage to reach an altitude where you can get a better glimpse of your surroundings. It seems a short walk to the west (assuming the orientation of the sun in this place can be trusted) is a northwest oriented road lined with what seems to be hedges, with a large fountain near the center.

>Connected to the southern end of the road appears to be a village, roughly the size of the Human Village in Gensokyo, but most of the structures seem to have green roofs.

>On the northern end of the road, however, has to be the largest settlement you've ever seen: An immense, circular, walled city full of tall structures, with a rather conspicuous looking white tower jutting out of the center. You can barely make out other roads in the distance leading into the same settlement.

>"You see anything up there, Patchy?" Black-White calls out.

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2020, 11:11:08 PM »
>Float down before we get tired

>Talk: "A road to the left, assuming the sun sets the same way it does in Gensokyo, that connects to two villages: a regular sized one and a very large one. I recommend we walk, magic and therefore flying makes us, or me at least, exert more effort than usual and considering the infamous state of my health I'd rather not collapse of exhaustion. The road only a short walk away."

#I should of done this earlier but...
>Check: Inventory
>Check: Relationships
>Check: Current Health


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2020, 12:40:09 AM »
>Float down before we get tired

>Talk: "A road to the left, assuming the sun sets the same way it does in Gensokyo, that connects to two villages: a regular sized one and a very large one. I recommend we walk, magic and therefore flying makes us, or me at least, exert more effort than usual and considering the infamous state of my health I'd rather not collapse of exhaustion. The road only a short walk away."
>You float back down and explain the situation.

>"Sounds like a plan I guess..." Black-White shrugs, "...Wait." she stares at you, "Did I just hear that right, ze? You, Patchouli Knowledge, of all people, are suggesting walking?"

>"Ignore her." Alice speaks up, you notice that the pair of dolls that usually float beside her seem to be active again, "Which village should we go to?" she asks.

#I should of done this earlier but...
>Check: Inventory
>Check: Relationships
>Check: Current Health

>Daily Wear [Equipped]
>>A pinkish pyjama-like dress with that you typically wear.

>Nightcap [Equipped]
>>A hat that matches your Daily Wear. Has a gold crescent moon on it.

>Fire Sign ~ "Agni Shine"
>>Unleashes a whirlwind of fire.
>>Requires Okay health or better to cast.

>Water Sign ~ "Princess Undine"
>>Fires a path of ice followed by a wall of water.
>>Requires Okay health or better to cast.

>Wood Sign ~ "Sylphy Horn"
>>Attack with a gust of autumn leaves.
>>Requires Okay health or better to cast.

>Earth Sign ~ "Lazy Trilithon"
>>Creates a landslide of tumbling rocks.
>>Requires Okay health or better to cast.

>Metal Sign ~ "Metal Fatigue"
>>Scatters coinlike projectiles in all directions that burst into radial spreads.
>>Requires Okay health or better to cast.

>Fire & Earth Sign ~ "Lava Cromlech"
>>An explosion of fire and rock projectiles.
>>Requires Above Average health or better to cast.

>Wood & Fire Sign ~ "Forest Blaze"
>>Scatters fireballs around you as leaf-like projectiles come in at an angle.
>>Requires Above Average health or better to cast.

>Water & Wood Sign ~ "Water Elf"
>>Scatters water-like projectiles along with waves of large, yellow shots.
>>Requires Above Average health or better to cast.

>Metal & Water Sign ~ "Mercury Poison"
>>Fires rings of mercury that expand outward in opposing directions.
>>Requires Above Average health or better to cast.

>Earth & Metal Sign ~ "Emerald Megalith"
>>Fires a torrent of emerald shots at the opponent.
>>Requires Above Average health or better to cast.

>Moon Sign ~ "Silent Selene"
>>An advanced spell that unleashes a radial stream of moonlight at your opponent.
>>Requires Good health or higher to cast.

>Sun Sign ~ "Royal Flare"
>>An advanced spell best described as an explosion of sunlight.
>>Requires Good health or higher to cast.

>Five Elements Sign ~ "Philosopher's Stone"
>>Your ultimate spellcard. Combines all five basic elements of magic in a torrent of elemental fury.
>>Requires Very Good health to cast. Reduces health significantly after casting and leaves you exhausted.

>Remilia Scarlet - Friend
>>An old friend of yours. You've been residing at her mansion as its librarian for quite a long time, however, you are not formally under her employ. You're on such good terms with each other that you will often offer your services whenever Remi requests them.

>Flandre Scarlet - Friend
>>Remilia's younger sister, whom she usually keeps locked in the basement, which has an entrance within your library. You've needed to conjure localized rainstorms to keep her confined in the mansion in the past. You find her to be a bit too childish and energetic to be around at times, but nonetheless you do respect her as Remilia's sibling.

>Koakuma - Familiar
>>A demon you summoned from Makai some time ago. She obediently carries out your orders when asked and serves as an assistant librarian. She also tends to you whenever your asthma has a severe flare up.

>Sakuya Izayoi - Friend
>>Remilia's "Dog". The head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion who is extremely devoted and loyal to her mistress. You do tend to act somewhat sarcastic and condescending with her at times, though you do appreciate the work she does, always remembering to thank her whenever she brings tea or completes jobs that affect you or the library. She also seems to hold respect for you as well.

>Hong Meiling - Tolerated
>>The incompetent gatekeeper and one of the main reasons you believe Black-White keeps managing to infiltrate the mansion. You recommend that she reads some books to improve that deficient mind of hers... There was also an incident where she attempted to force you into doing physical exercise with her that you have since made her swear to never speak of again...

>Black-White Marisa Kirisame - Disliked
>>An annoyance who regularly breaks into the library to steal books. She has been doing this ever since the two of you met during the Scarlet Mist Incident, and as a result you tend to have a somewhat low opinion of her. There's also the fact that she blatantly copied one of your nonspells and repurposed it into one of her spellcards, which you're a bit irritated about. However, despite this, you have also lent her aid in the past, most notably during the Geyser Incident alongside the puppeteer and that kappa you couldn't care less about.

>Alice Margatroid - Acquaintance
>>Another magician who specializes in magical dolls and similar automata. You aren't on negative terms with each other, however, you don't really consider her a friend either. She also carries around a sealed grimoire which you can sense a curious energy from.

>Reimu Hakurei - Neutral
>>The Hakurei Shrine Maiden. You met her during the Scarlet Mist Incident and had several meetings with her afterwards under different circumstances. Neither of you really consider each other in a positive or negative regard.

>Your health today is Above Average

//QM Note: Your health will fluctuate every in-game day, which will affect what spellcards and magic you can use, as well as how much physical exertion you can subject yourself to.

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2020, 01:19:21 AM »
>Talk: "Har-de har har, Black-White. I personally think we should head towards the larger village, a bigger area often means more resources and hopefully one of those resources is information on how to get back to Gensokyo or at least knowledge of the laws of this land if we have to stay here for a prolonged period of time. Because we're the only familiar faces (albeit one I wished wasn't) to each other we should discuss decisions like these in the future. Also, how much difficulty do you two have using magic now?"

>If all others agree, walk west, towards the road.
>Pray our asthma doesn't act up.
>Take note of any behavioural patterns we see in the wildlife of this area.


  • ***
Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2020, 01:23:18 AM »
> Before anything else: Glare at Marisa in response to her comment about us walking

> Do our spellcards have E/N/H/L variations?

> Do we know if Marisa's broom actually flies or she only carries it for show?  If its not for show would enchanting ourselves some kind of similar "vehicle" help us out flying?


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2020, 02:15:26 AM »
> Before anything else: Glare at Marisa in response to her comment about us walking
>For the second time since being stranded in this world you find yourself glaring at Black-White.

>Talk: "Har-de har har, Black-White. I personally think we should head towards the larger village, a bigger area often means more resources and hopefully one of those resources is information on how to get back to Gensokyo or at least knowledge of the laws of this land if we have to stay here for a prolonged period of time. Because we're the only familiar faces (albeit one I wished wasn't) to each other we should discuss decisions like these in the future. Also, how much difficulty do you two have using magic now?"
>"It's as you said, we can do it, but it does seem to take a bit more effort than usual." Alice answers for both of them.

>If all others agree, walk west, towards the road.
>Pray our asthma doesn't act up.
>Take note of any behavioural patterns we see in the wildlife of this area.
>You begin heading towards the road, silently hoping your health doesn't react badly to the physical exertion ahead.

>As you walk, you examine the local wildlife as you honestly have nothing better to do. You note that they seem to have odd vocalizations. For instance, the tweeting of the red-headed birds seems to sound like they're saying "fletch" and "ling" over and over, making odd repetitions as if it were some kind of language. You similarly catch cries of "le", "dy", and "ba" from the ladybug creatures.

> Do our spellcards have E/N/H/L variations?

> Do we know if Marisa's broom actually flies or she only carries it for show?  If its not for show would enchanting ourselves some kind of similar "vehicle" help us out flying?
>You do have some more advanced versions of your basic elemental spellcards, though you don't seem to have any of those variants on you right now.

>You do believe it has some utility in assisting her with flight. One time when she was raiding the library, you clearly remember her being knocked off of it and being forced to fly on her own power for a few moments until she could re-mount it. She was quite clumsy during those few seconds, if you recall correctly.

>You have considered enchanting a chair or something to assist you with moving around on a bad day, but then again it takes considerably less effort to just stay in bed on those days anyway...

>The trees thin out as you approach the road. As soon as you pass over a small hill, you catch sight of it, as well as the hedge mazes and flower patches lining the path. As the unmistakable scent of pollen reaches your nose, you promptly double over in a coughing fit.

>"...You okay there?" Marisa asks as the episode subsides.

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2020, 07:11:14 PM »
>Talk: "Asthma attack due to the pollen, this will probably get worse as we near the road but I'm okay for now. While I have your attention could you try flying up a bit with your broom? I believe it's enchanted to help you with flight so it should have less strain than it does on me. Also what do the both of you have on you right now? I only have my clothes and spellcards."


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2020, 07:47:24 PM »
>Talk: "Asthma attack due to the pollen, this will probably get worse as we near the road but I'm okay for now. While I have your attention could you try flying up a bit with your broom? I believe it's enchanted to help you with flight so it should have less strain than it does on me. Also what do the both of you have on you right now? I only have my clothes and spellcards."
>"Well clothes are obvious." Alice replies, "Aside from that, just my grimoire, spellcards, and a few dolls."
>"Just my clothes, broom, spellcards, and mini-hakkero here." Marisa answers before mounting her broom, "Hmm... Feels slightly heavier in the air, but it's usable."

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2020, 10:45:48 PM »
>Talk: "Good, Black-White, you're on scouting duty when needed, as I don't want any unnecessary strain. Now that we've taken inventory, let's continue our march towards civilisation."
>Continue towards the road
>Prepare our lungs for the pollen war-zone
>While walking let's make small talk: "So what were you two planning on doing after visiting me?"


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2020, 11:33:18 PM »
>Talk: "Good, Black-White, you're on scouting duty when needed, as I don't want any unnecessary strain. Now that we've taken inventory, let's continue our march towards civilisation."
>"Whatever you say, ze." Marisa shrugs.

>Continue towards the road
>Prepare our lungs for the pollen war-zone
>While walking let's make small talk: "So what were you two planning on doing after visiting me?"
>You continue, bracing yourself for the inevitable trek through lung hell before making a little small talk.

>"Bother Alice." Marisa replies.
>Alice frowns for a moment before answering as well, "Well hopefully, I would've acquired the books I was looking for and used the information within to further my Independent Doll Project. Otherwise I probably would've continued ironing out the kinks in the Doll Enlargement Project."
>"Planning on blowing up half the forest again?" Marisa smirks.
>"Tch. I'll have you know that the blast radius has been reduced considerably since the last time I--WAH!" Alice yelps as a strange creature resembling three hexagonal bees stuck together bursts out of a nearby hedge.

>"Commm...." the creature buzzes, its three heads humming in unison as it inspects both the girl and the two dolls taking up a defensive position next to her in curiosity, before flying away towards a patch of yellow flowers.

>"Gee, the creatures here sure are weird..." Marisa notes.

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2020, 12:48:35 AM »
>Talk: "For once, I agree with you, Black-White. They are somehow contesting Gensokyo's youkai in absurdity, imagine if Remilia and Flandre only spoke in utterances of 'vam' and 'pire' it would be much more difficult to hold conversations with them. At least these creatures seem to have regular animals such as birds and insects as a base."

>Check if Alice has recovered from the shock of hexagonal bees
>Continue to the Large village.

>Continue small talk: "Black-White, you must have some higher goal than just bothering Alice and 'borrowing' my books, hopefully?"


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2020, 01:30:29 AM »
>Talk: "For once, I agree with you, Black-White. They are somehow contesting Gensokyo's youkai in absurdity, imagine if Remilia and Flandre only spoke in utterances of 'vam' and 'pire' it would be much more difficult to hold conversations with them. At least these creatures seem to have regular animals such as birds and insects as a base."
>"Heh. You know, it would actually be kinda funny if they talked like that..."

>Check if Alice has recovered from the shock of hexagonal bees
>Continue to the Large village.

>Continue small talk: "Black-White, you must have some higher goal than just bothering Alice and 'borrowing' my books, hopefully?"
>You check on Alice, and see that she's gesturing to her dolls to stand down. When they return to a relaxed stance, it seems that she's ready to continue.

>As you start moving again, you continue to talk.
>"Oh, of course I do, ze." she answers, "And you're finally acknowledging it as borrowing now? See, I knew you'd come around!"
>You appear to be coming up on the large fountain you saw from the air.

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2020, 01:57:07 AM »
Resist urge to facepalm
>Examine the fountain while walking towards it, there shouldn't be anything outstanding right?
>Talk: "Ignoring your strange sense of humour and theft, could you explain these greater goals? You could aspire to develop advanced fire or light magic to bring out your limited unique strengths rather than emulating others, or study alchemy in-depth."


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2020, 02:44:15 AM »
Resist urge to facepalm
>Examine the fountain while walking towards it, there shouldn't be anything outstanding right?
>You examine the fountain, water seems to be streaming out of the mouths of two statues styled after some kind of aquatic creature with a curled tail, while the centerpiece resembles a large clam sporting what seems to be a pearl with a face in the center.
>There is a plaque of some kind at the front of the fountain with writing on it. You are not close enough to discern what it says, though.

>Talk: "Ignoring your strange sense of humour and theft, could you explain these greater goals? You could aspire to develop advanced fire or light magic to bring out your limited unique strengths rather than emulating others, or study alchemy in-depth."
>"I'll tell ya what, ze: I'll let you know what my life goals are, on the condition that Alice lets me take a peek at her book!" Marisa smirks
>Alice sighs, "For the last time, Marisa, the answer is no..."

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2020, 08:36:41 PM »
>Talk: "Alice's grimoire is definitely special in some way, I sense a strange energy from it and she probably keeps it sealed for the same reason I kept that tome in the forbidden section of my library. Considering what happened with that tome when you got your hands on it I understand Alice's rejection."
>Walk past the fountain towards the large village.


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2020, 10:05:04 PM »
>Talk: "Alice's grimoire is definitely special in some way, I sense a strange energy from it and she probably keeps it sealed for the same reason I kept that tome in the forbidden section of my library. Considering what happened with that tome when you got your hands on it I understand Alice's rejection."
>Walk past the fountain towards the large village.
>You continue past the fountain, as soon as you pass it you notice a peculiar sight on the road ahead:

>A pair of what appears to be teenagers dressed in quite ridiculous getup -- seriously, those wheeled shoes look like they're inviting injury, and that's not even starting on the bizarre looking armor they're garbed in to no doubt protect from said injuries -- are facing each other. Between them are two birds, also facing each other. One of which is identical to the red-headed birds you saw in the trees, while the other is more of a brown color with a tan belly and tufts of feathers over its eyes that make it look somewhat aggressive.

>"Fletchling, Quick Attack!" One of the teens -- a girl -- shouts, as the red head bird suddenly rushes at the other, beak-first, at high speed.

>"Pidgey, dodge and use Gust!" the other -- a boy -- yells in response, and the brownish bird attempts to dodge out of the way only to take a glancing hit from the other bird, knocking it to the ground.

>"What's going on over there? Some kind of cockfight?" Marisa questions.
>"I'm pretty sure that only applies to chickens, Marisa..." Alice frowns.

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2020, 11:12:10 PM »
>Talk: "Yes, this seems to be a blood sport, strange how teenagers are practising it. The animals must be thoroughly trained to follow orders so quickly."

>Remember the names the teens are calling out, they have to be special, who names their pet "Fletchling"?
>Attempt to get around them.

>Talk: "Considering what those teenagers were wearing at least we won't stand out, I mean, who in this world came up with wheeled shoes!?"


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2020, 11:55:26 PM »
>Talk: "Yes, this seems to be a blood sport, strange how teenagers are practising it. The animals must be thoroughly trained to follow orders so quickly."
>"I'll say..."

>Remember the names the teens are calling out, they have to be special, who names their pet "Fletchling"?
>Attempt to get around them.
>You note down the names as you pass by.

>"Pidgey! Get up and give it a Gust attack!" the boy shouts.

>"Dodge and use Peck!" the girl orders.

>"Pid...gey!" the brown bird recovers and gives a few hard flaps of its wings, which seems to send a wave of wind at the opponent, which quickly dodges out of the way and strikes the 'Pidgey' bird hard with a glowing beak.
>"Fletchling!" the red-head bird chirps as it returns to a safe distance before the other bird can retaliate.

>Talk: "Considering what those teenagers were wearing at least we won't stand out, I mean, who in this world came up with wheeled shoes!?"
>"I dunno... Those look like they could be kinda fun, ze..." Marisa muses.
>"Until you fall." Alice grimaces, "They honestly look like a broken neck waiting to happen..."
>"Eh, can't be any more dangerous than riding a broom at top speed..."

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2020, 12:28:57 PM »
>"I'll say..."
>You note down the names as you pass by.

>"Pidgey! Get up and give it a Gust attack!" the boy shouts.

>"Dodge and use Peck!" the girl orders.

>"Pid...gey!" the brown bird recovers and gives a few hard flaps of its wings, which seems to send a wave of wind at the opponent, which quickly dodges out of the way and strikes the 'Pidgey' bird hard with a glowing beak.
>"Fletchling!" the red-head bird chirps as it returns to a safe distance before the other bird can retaliate.
>"I dunno... Those look like they could be kinda fun, ze..." Marisa muses.
>"Until you fall." Alice grimaces, "They honestly look like a broken neck waiting to happen..."
>"Eh, can't be any more dangerous than riding a broom at top speed..."

> Without getting in their way or distracting those "pairs of sort-of duelists "slow down,observe,memorize and note better both the dueling, after-dueling exchanges AND the paths they are taking at the end  while  explaining and inviting Alice and Marisa to do similarly ,in a tone an meaning of Level-Headed,Knowledge-Pursuit and Practical-Pursuit....

> ...recisely express and highlighting the points of  Making  the Best our temporary Acclimation here in not only f Returning Home but also HOPEFULLY&RIGHTFULLY bringing back some proper and useful gain in  Items or New Potentialities toward our respective Researches & Insights....perhaps in with a Few Of the New Creatures IF with possibility,willing,safety&security for all involved.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2020, 01:18:52 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


  • ***
Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2020, 08:31:19 PM »
> Do we think these creatures are like some kind of familiar?


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2020, 09:12:17 PM »
> Without getting in their way or distracting those "pairs of sort-of duelists "slow down,observe,memorize and note better both the dueling, after-dueling exchanges AND the paths they are taking at the end  while  explaining and inviting Alice and Marisa to do similarly ,in a tone an meaning of Level-Headed,Knowledge-Pursuit and Practical-Pursuit....

> ...recisely express and highlighting the points of  Making  the Best our temporary Acclimation here in not only f Returning Home but also HOPEFULLY&RIGHTFULLY bringing back some proper and useful gain in  Items or New Potentialities toward our respective Researches & Insights....perhaps in with a Few Of the New Creatures IF with possibility,willing,safety&security for all involved.
>You pause and turn back to the battle going on behind you, it seems the "Fletchling" creature is gaining the upper hand, and a final ramming attack from its beak knocks the "Pidgey" bird out of the air, where it stops moving.

>The boy takes out what seems to be a ball of some kind. You can't make out much details about it from this distance.

>You think you hear him say something along the lines of "Pidgey, return." before finding yourself blinking as "Pidgey" suddenly vanishes into a beam of red light, which is then sucked into the ball in the boy's hands. The girl does the same thing with her own bird.

> Do we think these creatures are like some kind of familiar?
>Originally you assumed they were just trained animals, since you highly doubt either of those teenagers possess the magical capacity to bind them as familiars, though considering what you just witnessed, you wonder if those ball-like objects could be enchanted in some way. Of course, you'd need to study one up close to confirm that theory.

>"What are you looking at?" Marisa asks.

>Before you can respond, you pause briefly to hack into your sleeve as your burning lungs once again reach their limit with the pollen here. At least this time it wasn't nearly as bad as an attack.


  • ***
Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2020, 04:27:25 AM »
> Duck behind something for cover before they turn and notice us!

> Motion for Marisa and Alice to follow

> Take a moment to recover from the pollen, we don't want to get an attack


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2020, 10:20:49 PM »
> Duck behind something for cover before they turn and notice us!

> Motion for Marisa and Alice to follow

> Take a moment to recover from the pollen, we don't want to get an attack
>You walk towards a nearby hedge wall, walking partially into the miniature maze beyond it, while beckoning your companions to follow.
>You take a moment to catch your breath as the flareup subsides.


  • ***
Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2020, 06:27:12 AM »
> Take a quick look and see if they noticed us

> If not turn to Alice and Marisa
> "Those spheres the kids are holding *are* interesting...  Not only can they fit larger things inside but they seem to convert their contents into energy."

> "What are your opinions on politely asking them what these animals and spheres are about?"

> "Oh and lets not mention anything about Gensokyo, we're just a couple ladies from a village."

> Turn to Alice
> "Alice would you be willing to pretend that your dolls are a type of whatever familiars these kids were fighting with if things get heated."
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 06:31:36 AM by Tom »


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2020, 09:11:49 PM »
> Take a quick look and see if they noticed us
>You peek.
>It doesn't seem like they have, instead they seem to be just talking to each other.

> If not turn to Alice and Marisa
> "Those spheres the kids are holding *are* interesting...  Not only can they fit larger things inside but they seem to convert their contents into energy."

> "What are your opinions on politely asking them what these animals and spheres are about?"

>"Well if they're magical, they would certainly make borrowing your books a lot more productive, so why not?" Marisa smirks.
>"I'd say it would be interesting, but it doesn't seem like a priority for now." Alice shrugs, "Though it probably wouldn't hurt, regardless. Assuming we're not pressed for time to get back to Gensokyo."
>"Oh yeah, speaking of that, I wonder how long until someone back home realizes we're gone..." Marisa taps her chin.

> "Oh and lets not mention anything about Gensokyo, we're just a couple ladies from a village."
>"A couple? What, are you trying to imply one of us isn't a lady, ze?"
>Alice coughs lightly, "Well er... you and 'ladylike' don't exactly fit in the same sentence."
>Marisa gives the puppeteer a look.
>"N-Not like that's a bad thing, I mean!" Alice stammers.

> Turn to Alice
> "Alice would you be willing to pretend that your dolls are a type of whatever familiars these kids were fighting with if things get heated."
>"Of course." she turns to the two dolls floating beside her, "You two don't have any objections, do you?"
>Both dolls shake their head in response.


  • ***
Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2020, 11:24:03 PM »
> "So lets walk up and ask them what all this is about"

> Proceed to do what we said we'd do