Author Topic: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up  (Read 372439 times)

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #330 on: July 18, 2021, 05:09:17 AM »
I did an obligatory 10-pull on the first Summer banner and netted myself a Summer Ibaraki and a Summer Jeanne somehow. I was honestly surprised my luck was that good for once.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Aya Reiko

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #331 on: July 19, 2021, 04:31:02 AM »
Landed a Summer XX and a Summer BB without depleting my SQ stockpile.  Yay!

Rei Scarlette

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #332 on: July 19, 2021, 10:56:32 AM »
Went into it with 38 tickets, ended up getting two copies of Summer BB before the 20th ticket, which I am very grateful for, but at the same time, I feel saddened by failing to get XX two years in a row, after exhausting all of those tickets and an additional 60 quartz.

I could keep trying, but I really don't want to cut my savings any lower than 300sq... hopefully I'll be able to pick her up on her next banner, which thankfully seems to come after all other servants that I'm planning to save for. So maybe I can go all out trying to get her that time, if I've successfully gotten my other targets.


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #333 on: July 20, 2021, 03:07:16 AM »
Used up half my tickets and SQ in an attempt to get a copy of Summer BB, deciding to cut myself off at that limit so that I have at least something when I go into this year's actual summer event.

I had a feeling that if I was going to get her at all it'd be in my very last ten-pull and lo and behold I was correct.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #334 on: July 20, 2021, 05:16:35 AM »
Welp, I tossed some tickets into the BB/Medb banner, and I got bloody spooked by Ganesha. Did get the Medb I was targeting, though, this is NP1 Ganesha, and I already have BB and NP2 XX from last year, so that works.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #335 on: July 29, 2021, 02:41:13 PM »
Welcome to the 9th Island!

I did two 10-rolls to try for Okkie, and got her... and three Summer Carmillas too. Considering she is literally the one Servant I just keep getting, seems appropriate.


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #336 on: July 29, 2021, 06:37:35 PM »
Managed to grab a Summer Osakabehime and a Summer Carmilla as well as truckload of the 5* event CEs for some reason.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #337 on: July 29, 2021, 06:46:17 PM »
Gold sparkles! :D
Assassin card! D:
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> overreaction
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #338 on: August 05, 2021, 04:20:25 AM »
wat is this noise

Bunny and d'Eon on first 10, Chiron on second. Finally got my Leviathan (on like my sixth roll), so I'll spend the rest on her solo day hoping for a couple more. (EDIT: Indeed got a couple more. Still have just enough to make one more 10-roll in a couple days, so maybe a fourth? EDIT2: No prinny, but did get a second bunny somehow. Ah well. Next year's target is Summer Brynhild, so unfortunately not gonna push very hard next year for NP5 prinny.)

Also, mmmngh, should I use my special Ascension on Bunny or Leviathan... (Most likely neither. All it would save is the glod XP embers, so maybe holding off for now is more efficient.)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2021, 05:04:36 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #339 on: September 11, 2021, 02:43:49 AM »
Man, imagine if you could bring in Chiron to strip Achilles' defensive buffs.

I'm glad I managed to pull Qin, because they've been kicking butt and taking names in these CQs. Jaguar Country is still a massive PiTA, though.

EDIT: ffff I went hard into trying for Murasaki, somehow managed to pull out all Raikous instead. I don't think I like where this is going. I'm almost at NP10, for the love of god. I swear, if Nagiko shows up in the first couple rolls next year...

EDIT2: Well, I guess ROMA and Carrot are going to be left victorious against me.

In slightly concerning news, China FGO has to censor out its Chinese Servants. Wu, for example, is now "Shadow of the Nightless City", and from what I could see from my brief view of the leak, most of them have their names replaced by [Class][ID Number], their voice lines removed, and their card art replaced by the card back.

In JP Summer news, the second banner recently dropped, and apparently both the artists from ReDrop have gone ahead and L100/NP5/2k/2k their Servant (though probably not pawprints, given how stingy those are).
« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 04:21:13 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #340 on: October 19, 2021, 03:10:59 AM »
Saber Wars II time! Rolling for S. Ishtar?

Man, my rolls were weird. 180 Quartz netted one Jane, one Fionn, two 4* CEs, nine 3* CEs, and an absolute load of off-rate up 4 and 5* CEs, including my third Heaven's Feel and my fifth Kaleidoscope.

Rei Scarlette

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #341 on: October 19, 2021, 04:42:32 AM »
i rolled everything i had and got a strawberries ton of 3 star CEs, enough to mlb the 4 star CE and have 3 extra, two 5 star CEs, two copies of jane and no copies of spaceshtar which is the only thing i wanted


oh i also got an achilles off-rate spook which i forgot about which makes me even sadder, what are the chances? i dont dislike him at all but damn...

its okay though, i will continue to blow things up with dantes and chen gong dwpending on the situation

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #342 on: October 22, 2021, 04:19:34 AM »
In JP news, considering who the new Foreigner's assumed patron is, I kinda wish they were drawn by pochi rather than Kuroboshi.

In EN news, I'm contemplating who I should main for the Liz Quest. BB Summer has burn immunity and the card lock to keep the deeps coming; Qin has the overall deeps, debuff cleanse, and invulns to shelter them from harm; maybe I could meme with Zerkerlot and just pump Command Seals into him to continue playing Cipher... (EDIT: Ultimately decided to non-cheese Cipher my way through; did have to burn a seal though)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2021, 07:43:16 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #343 on: October 27, 2021, 10:17:49 PM »
Used up the quartz I had to experience yet again that a servant I consciously decide to try and get via everything I've saved up fails to come. Happened before with Skadi, and very unhappily with Kingprotea.
Though login milestone with a meesley 30SQ came in and brought Spishtar with a minimum roll on top of that.

Since she's the first of the aforementioned group of dodgers to quit messing around, I rewarded her with grails.
The attempts to get her before that minimum roll only got me a Nyalter (NP4) and Nightingale, both of which I'm not sure where I can ever use them, especially when already qp starved from Spishtar.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #344 on: December 15, 2021, 08:31:32 AM »
Welp, the new Arcade Servant is making people rage. Arcade Singularity 7 is shaping up to be really, really weird with the introduction of the new Alter Ego.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #345 on: January 01, 2022, 05:48:20 AM »

Guaranteed 1 rate-up SSR in 900 Quartz (330 rolls), but pity doesn't transfer over between banners (or even between Servant changes in the banner!), and it only works on the very first rate-up SSR.

Showing the duality of gacha, Friend Fubuki apparently got her NY Servant in one roll (probably a welcome relief for her after the madness of shiny Magikarp), while Myst was one of the first to qualify for the pity.

Also, Grails can be obtained through burning Servant Coins! (Sure, it's 2k coins/grail, but free grails!) Looks like two Grails a month?

(In EN news, I picked Saber for the GSSR because I have only one limited there; picked up Arthur!)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2022, 06:14:44 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #346 on: January 02, 2022, 04:07:43 PM »

Guaranteed 1 rate-up SSR in 900 Quartz (330 rolls), but pity doesn't transfer over between banners (or even between Servant changes in the banner!), and it only works on the very first rate-up SSR.
A lot of people won't like it, but it is a step. Perhaps in years later, the implementation might improve. I wouldn't expect it to reduce in rolls required, but there are other ways it could get better.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #347 on: January 30, 2022, 08:36:31 AM »
So, Sei's early this year. (JP had a couple of dead weeks between Amazones and Valentine's for the Interludes.) I'm curious as to whether or not this means we'll get more stuff to fill in the relevant dead weeks that came up this year in JP, like campaigns/CEs/early QoL that NA still hasn't gotten.

I swear, if Nagiko shows up in the first couple rolls next year...

I said this in jest, but apparently she heard and showed up on my first roll... then again in the same 10-roll. I guess that's why Murasaki didn't want to come....

Well, strawberries, I missed getting the final Crystallized Lore by like one sortie because I was too tired. Did somehow manage to pick up Eresh, though, which, aside from making future Lancer banners completely unviable for me; probably means picking up much else this year will likely impact my wallet.

It feels unfair for Circe to not get any event bonus at all for Aeaean Spring Breeze.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 10:00:43 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »

Aya Reiko

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #348 on: March 11, 2022, 07:35:34 AM »
Got an Oddy on two Kita rituals...  though I was actually trying for Cu Alter. :b

Going Waver-Skadi-Shishou or Double Skadi-Shishou is an instant win for the Atalanta and the Zerkers raids.


Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #349 on: April 02, 2022, 07:38:49 AM »
Hi, I also recently started playing!

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #350 on: April 02, 2022, 09:19:31 AM »
Hi, I also recently started playing!
Welcome to Gacha hell! Enjoy your stay.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #351 on: May 06, 2022, 10:33:28 AM »

My allocated pack got me two Koyos, but no boys. Also more Marthas and Diarmuids, which is honestly getting to be irritating combined with how often I get spooked in Blue Archive.

Also as someone who watches Pipetron's Town of Salem videos, the Werewolf game physically hurt me with how badly they played.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2022, 09:19:04 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #352 on: June 03, 2022, 08:35:40 AM »
Just a reminder: the new banner dropping on the 5th has no rate up characters. Run it only for the memes or you're feeling really courageous or you really, really, really want the older summer CEs.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #353 on: June 20, 2022, 09:13:34 AM »
SE.RA.PH Main Interlude upcoming! That incoming Kingprotea buff is going to be wonderful. Also we might have anniversary overlap with the last few days of the event, so maybe you can hold off on getting a Melt or KP and try your luck with Castoria first?

Organon, if you're still playing, this might just be a dead week for you, since not only do you need to beat Part 1, there's a few forced Story supports, and the enemies are pretty tough even for early Part 2 players. If you can, have a go at it anyway, because BB is a good support (she has debuff removal, enemy invuln removal, and a NP that also restores your whole frontline's NP gauges too), and later you can buy it once you get stronger and have gone through a rerun or two for the Rare Prisms you need to buy it with.


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #354 on: June 23, 2022, 01:28:03 AM »
I missed KingP the first time around after I started playing, even with everything saved up.
Came in one 10 pull this time. Will I get Castoria? Highly likely not. Life hasn't been letting me enjoy the feeling of finally getting KingP much anyways.

Then again, my ticket luck has been very, very weird.
I haven't been doing story stuff enough though. I still have two of the 1.5 interludes or whatever to get through, the current lb, and probably a lot of free Quests from previous ones.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 03:29:11 PM by Neovereign »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #355 on: July 04, 2022, 10:07:15 AM »
That went better than expected. I went for Year 4 on the GSSR, and picked up Lakshmi Bai and NP2 Qin Shi Huang. Would have been completely fine with it as long as I didn't get NP2 BB Summer, so works for me.

For some reason, the game really, really, really wants me to have Awakened Will. I went a little bit back into the SE.RA.PH banner and picked up a ton of them. No 5* Alter Egos this banner, unfortunately.

(Also, holy strawberries Fate/Grand Carnival is on Crunchyroll, and it's dubbed to boot.)

EDIT: Okay, Summer 5 is before Ooku rerun? Huh.

EDIT2: Okay, karma hit me again. Two packs and only Illya Summer to show for it. EDIT3: Oh god it hurts. Five packs in total for Bryn and Kiara. Four gold Servants in total (got spooked by Liz). Welp, there goes the rest of the year's paid quartz. Summer Murasaki will almost certainly have to wait until next year unless she decides to be merciful (given my luck with Raita's Servants not named Summer Raikou, almost certainly not), and I've already written off getting Summer Abby at all. EDIT4: Murasaki did decide to show up. EDIT5: Holy strawberries Myst's catalyst worked.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2022, 08:03:04 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »


Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #356 on: July 23, 2022, 05:14:01 PM »
I am not playing anymore, need to actually be ready for my six-years-late university application for medicine, I cannot stay a pre-medicine forever.

I have the root of my account which is something like ,
The c and c are likely number six and number seven, or something, feel free to use my BB to clear quests? I have fully voiced my SE. RA. PH. clear after all.

Game is too much for me since I lost my annual novel and has to read up on my French .

I will prove my membership worth though because I kind of refined an excellent de francais translation engine, which I will post to the Scarlet Library right after this post. I will use what I already wrote last year as a template.

(This years spring novel is cursed, do not open if you are a hardcore FGO player)

Aya Reiko

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #357 on: July 26, 2022, 03:32:19 PM »
Surprise Summer part 4 banner has appeared; Summer Jeanne, Dantes, Summer Kiyohime, and Fujino.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #358 on: July 27, 2022, 06:20:34 AM »
Yup, a whole year early. Apparently KR server got this banner early too/first.

We also got blue cubes, so if you're still rushing story to beat LB3 before Ooku or 5.2 to get caught up/prep for Heian-kyo; free (time-limited) revives!

Ionasal kkll Solciel

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - You Can (Not) Rate Up
« Reply #359 on: August 22, 2022, 04:07:09 AM »
Well, uh, that's unfortunate. JP did not get Summer 6 Rerun. They did get a Summer 6 banner, though, which isn't great, considering everyone's broke after four banners of major goodies. Also no Ruler da Vinci.

In NA news, almost time for the next lotto.