Hi, i need help with some bullets. I want to make a hammer fall when the other one is deleted, however, i tried it and this is how it ended: https://gyazo.com/8fcff2a6ef204c393af1559907373f65
Here is the whole code for if i did something wrong with the speed or delay: https://pastebin.com/EEULKn2r
Thanks for the help
It's a bit embarrassing replying to such an old topic. Do you still need help?

Note that I can't see your gyazo video as the link is invalid. Well, first off, your "move", "fire", and "fire2" tasks don't seem to be used anywhere. I would recommend not keeping unused tasks like these around your code.
ascent(i in 30 .. 3300)
let shotSpeed = rand(0.5,1.5);
let sx = ObjMove_GetX(GoldHam);
let sy = ObjMove_GetY(GoldHam);
CreateShotA1(sx, sy - 10, rand(0.5,1.5), rand(0,360), 226, 30);
You don't need an ascent loop for this. You could handle this code with a normal loop. Only use an ascent or descent loop when you need to use the iteration variable that comes with it. (in this case, that would be "i")
Now, I'm a bit confused, but are you trying to fire bullets when GoldHam is deleted? If so, then you will never be able to do this because of the following line:
This line of code terminates the loop if GoldHam has been deleted. With this line of code, you'll never be able to spawn bullets because GoldHam is deleted, the loop terminates and shots from firing.
Instead, I would handle this with a "while" loop that runs as long as the GoldHam object has *not* been deleted. In this loop, I will save GoldHam's position to a variable and then "yield;". (if you dont put a yield in an infinite loop, DNH will freeze up as it tries to do infinite things all at once.) The yield also makes DNH stay parsing the loop until the condition becomes false (in this case, until GoldHam is deleted). Meanwhile, there's a reason GoldHam's position has to be saved and updated within this loop. By the time you fire shots, GoldHam has already been deleted. If you try to spawn another object at the X and Y position of an object that does not exist, it will instead spawn at the top left corner of the playing field. Because of this, you will have to save the hammer's last position in the "while" loop. I would do it like so:
let sx = 0;
let sy = 0;
sx = ObjMove_GetX(GoldHam);
sy = ObjMove_GetY(GoldHam);
CreateShotA1(sx, sy - 10, rand(0.5,1.5), rand(0,360), 226, 30);
Hopefully this is a clear example, but when GoldHam gets deleted, DNH will stop processing the while loop and will continue to what's directly below. At this point, it will spawn your new shot at the X and Y position GoldHam was at just before it got deleted.
Again, I hope I described this in a way that makes sense. If you still need help, I suggest you join the Bullet Hell Engines Discord server. (