"Dolls (primarly the 6 "honest men and secondarily the 7th "honest woman","ironic and fake honesty" but" thruthfully long-term dishonesty and thievery") IN Pseudo Paradise"as far as I am able to understand,explain,communicate revolves around the The Theme(s)of "Mysterious and Potentially Dangerous Pseudo
https://www.betterwordsonline.com/dictionary/Paradises, Mysteries and Dangers and Passages-to-from feality to Fantastic-Realities mixed especially linked to Unauthorized,Recklessness,Illusion and Disillusion,Self-Serving,Passages,Squatting,Dishonesty ..."
On the more unrelated ,almost all about the earliest Windows Era,Touhou's criticism.
- The "differences in Touhou temperament,behaviour,atmosphere,and related" between ,but also to a more relative degree between "PC-98 era and Windows Era,"first earlier Windows era and later-on Windows era is meant to underline "different times and stages of adaption(s) to' The New and Recent'(In-between the Vampire incident and Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)and 'The Gradually More and More Familiar(Mountain of Faith and onwards)' ".
- These differences and underlines are also meant regarding"the particular times,stages,periods,and the like" ,which are the same "Preparations-to,Incidents,Unrests,Aftermaths",whereas the Printworks,and to a lower degree the Fighting and Supplementary Games,are meant to depict "the mostly-general,common,typical lives".
- "Inaba of the Earth and the Moon" is indeed demi-canon,and not fully canon,and is meant as a mostly-comedic print-work.
- "Incidents and the rarer Youkai Unrests" are more of less necessities but nonetheless they do carry over a sense of unease,bother,inconviniences,"Incidents and Unrests" and the like otherwise they would not be such.
- (As far as Single PrintWorks are concerned ones)The passage-period-stage-difference-underline and so on is also,please orgive me please if I am sort of recycling these terms, underlined and makes a difference inalthough Touhouweiki.net is not the only translated/translation-seeking source,in (Hieda no Akyuu's) gensokyo Chronicle
https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Memento_in_Strict_Sense/Monologue and
https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Symposium_of_Post-mysticism/Afterword_by_Hieda_no_Akyuu .
- Among Single PrintWorks
https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Curiosities_of_Lotus_Asiahttps://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Strange_Creators_of_Outer_World/Who%27s_Who_of_Humans_%26_Youkais ; nevertheless be aware that inside the latter PrintWork there are a realtively low number of mistakes,in both Japanese and the Translated languages, to be corrected like "Morichika Rinnosuke's species is mistakenkly Human instead of the correct Half-Human-Half-Youkai(Outsider)";"Nagae Iku "main place of activity being mistakenly Higan instead the correct Among/in-between (Heaven's) Clouds ; the personality of "Remilia Scarlet" uses the mistaken term "Cruelty" insted of the correct one "Curiosity" ; others...?