Author Topic: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?  (Read 10595 times)

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Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« on: April 07, 2024, 09:46:40 PM »
Dreams probably don't really mean anything, but they can be really fun, if not exactly insightful. At least I never learned anything about myself from them. Your mileage may vary. ANYWAY, if you have any particularly fun dream to share, this is the place. Let's take a peek inside your subconscious mind.

One particularly ridiculous one comes to mind. You see, I like comics about ducks. Not just any ducks, of course, but the ducks: Donald, Scrooge, Huey, Dewey and Louie. The latest adventure sees them descending past the surface of the Earth, looking for God knows what (probably diamonds). They find strange machinery instead. Scrooge was able to name the machines (I can't remember the names anymore) and divulged that should they be disturbed, it would result in a cataclysm. No information on who put doomsday machines deep underground. Either way, they are (predictably) disturbed and the Earth explodes. Fortunately, the ducks are able to escape and terraform one of Jupiter's moons. The dream ends with a snapshot of reality on the newly transformed world: it's warm, so the ice is melting, but also very rainy and overall dreary. That's all.


Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2024, 12:04:03 PM »
This is the one i always use as an example of how weird my dreams can get

It was some sort of wacky races competition, it was in a grassy field with shoddy metal bars to denote the track, i was on foot for some reason and out-speeding other cars, i manage to throw a guy off of his vehicle and start racing properly

The announcer mention there's too much wind, and that they can barely hear anything; in comes Dale Earnhardt and says "they'll only hear a quiet and deserted track" before waking up

The only reason i have for Dale Earnhardt being there is a video i saw by a guy i don't watch anymore, i guess my brain didn't have a better place to use memories from


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2024, 12:08:48 PM »
I had a dream one day about meteorites hitting the Earth, and I had a vision (meaning I can't able to interact people) of being in Japan. There were people in a building and a meteorite destroyed it, killing the civilians. I was able to hear their screams of terror and despair before the meteorite hit the building. Then it cuts of me trying to leave from my apartment so I would not get killed by the meteorites, then I was on the outside and saw kids out too. I told them if they have enough money to call emergency from their phone (because I was a dumb to not re-fill it in my phone); and that's the dream.

Yeah folks, that's really it. It was crazy to be honest and might tell another dream that's in my mind right now.

Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2024, 01:54:19 PM »
I had a dream one day about meteorites hitting the Earth, and I had a vision (meaning I can't able to interact people) of being in Japan. There were people in a building and a meteorite destroyed it, killing the civilians. I was able to hear their screams of terror and despair before the meteorite hit the building. Then it cuts of me trying to leave from my apartment so I would not get killed by the meteorites, then I was on the outside and saw kids out too. I told them if they have enough money to call emergency from their phone (because I was a dumb to not re-fill it in my phone); and that's the dream.

Yeah folks, that's really it. It was crazy to be honest and might tell another dream that's in my mind right now.
This is the universe telling you that you have to refill your phone.
If you haven't, do it now before it's too late...


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2024, 02:20:25 PM »
This is the universe telling you that you have to refill your phone.
If you haven't, do it now before it's too late...

Too bad, I will rather use my allowance to buy a $50 Steam gift card in some local supermarket so I can buy Higurashi Watanagashi than ever waste them on refilling my phone. d:


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2024, 11:01:10 AM »
I had a dream where I was in the balcony of my apartment and the sun shined like a golden glow. It was SO BRIGHT, that I had to cover my eyes so I can have some visibility. And that's it, that was the dream.


  • only a poor old duck
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2024, 07:06:11 AM »
Speaking of the Sun I had a dream where there were five artificial suns in the sky. Looking at them, I had a sense of dread for a second, and then they all exploded. We rushed to escape pods and ended up on a completely new planet. I don't remember anything else, but I'll be damned if this isn't memorable enough.


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2024, 04:00:55 PM »
Speaking of the Sun I had a dream where there were five artificial suns in the sky. Looking at them, I had a sense of dread for a second, and then they all exploded. We rushed to escape pods and ended up on a completely new planet. I don't remember anything else, but I'll be damned if this isn't memorable enough.

Broooooo, if you are into writing, this will be a good premise for a Sci-Fi story, lol.


  • only a poor old duck
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2024, 09:11:44 AM »
Broooooo, if you are into writing, this will be a good premise for a Sci-Fi story, lol.
I used to be into writing, actually, but not so much anymore. I'm at my creative low point. This dream would make for a nice intro, but tne main portion of the story would, of course, be the new planet and I have no idea how would it look loke. My mind's blank.


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2024, 01:49:25 PM »
I had a dream, where I was going to school at nighttime to see a movie with all of my Grade 10. While on my way, there was a delivery man talking with someone while he was on his bike. On it, it has the box for the delivery food, where it had a fabric and something that looks like a handler for the box. For no discernable reason, I ate the piece of that fabric and unwittingly broke the handler. The delivery man was kind to me surprisingly and I paid 1 buck for the damage. Then I continued on running to my school, which looked different than it normally would, and the road also looked different. Then there were tickets for the movies, and I was there. That's it for the dream, and hopefully I remember it correctly, since it was in a messy structure.


  • On the meat bone...
Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2024, 06:35:28 PM »
If we're doing another one of these, I'll share a dream I had around two years ago that isn't Touhou related. I guess my dream journal is good for something after all...

As far back as I can remember, I was in a fairly cramped room with cream-colored walls. My guess is that it was about 20 feet long and 15 feet wide. It seemed cramped because there were about 30 other people in the room, all of which were of varying age, gender, size etc. Every single one of them was wearing a brown, dirty and tattered suit and tie. The only one who wasn't was me; I was wearing just a t-shirt and sweatpants.

We all just stood around aimlessly, and I heard some people muttering to one another. I was sitting down and scooched over to the side, accidently bumping into a girl who looked about 6 years old. When I did, she suddenly screamed "Get the fire truck away from me, you psycho!" and promptly shuffled away from me. Her outburst elicited no reactions from anyone else.

We all stood around for a few more minutes until a voice echoed from a speaker in the cieling. It was the voice of a man, and he uttered something in what sounded like Russian. I didn't understand it at all. When his "announcement" was finished, everyone started shuffling towards a door at the far end of the room. An older-looking gentleman turned around and offered me his hand. He told me "Alright, on your feet. We're leaving." I took his hand and we all exited the room in an orderly fashion.

Outside the room was a very dark hallway with no lights, but at the end of the hallway was a very bright light, like a light at the end of a tunnel. We all slowly and wordlessly walked towards the light, which grew brighter and brighter. Eventually it got bright enough that all I could see was a pure white void. All of the sudden, the light very quickly dissipated and I was able to see again. Me and all the other were suddenly in an exact replica of my third grade classroom, the only difference being all of our desks and chairs were missing. This allowed us to fit semi-comfortably in the room.

My third grade teacher was in the corner of the room, and she had more wrinkles than when I'd last saw her. She was reading a book of some sort to a group of young children sitting around her. Eventually, she turned her head up to look me in the eye. Then, she gave me a warm and welcoming smile.

Finally, my alarm woke me up. I very quickly wrote this down before it could fade from memory. Sometimes, I wonder how my mind comes up with this stuff...
By pressing down a special key, it plays a little melody!


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
  • Gender: Male
Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2024, 11:51:03 AM »
Today I had a dream where I was taking my Computer exam in my house, because the exam was on Google Forms. After done taking with the exam, I got a failing score in the exam, which is weird because it was easy. Then I told my mother about it while she was in the bathroom, and let's just say she wasn't happy; she screaming with rage. And that's what I remember from this dream today.

Maybe the fear of failure is the theme of this dream.


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
  • Gender: Male
Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2024, 05:53:12 AM »
Today, I had one weird dream, where it is basically  Cookie Runner (or a Cookie Runner like game, I don't care really...) with an age trivia on a phone. For one character, it says the following:

This character have the body of a 21 year old; but in fact, she's actually 6 years old.

I don't know HOW I even get that dream, it just happened.


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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2024, 11:58:28 AM »
In my dreams that take place outside, I tend to have and use an ability to fly. However, I always have difficulty gaining any altitude. Running up buildings has been the most effective way. Well, seems like tonight I unlocked a new ability - grappling hook, which allowed me to gain vertical momentum easily if used right. Felt quite amazing to soar higher than ever before. Not quite up to the clouds but still one step closer.


  • only a poor old duck
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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2024, 01:09:43 PM »
In my dreams that take place outside, I tend to have and use an ability to fly. However, I always have difficulty gaining any altitude. Running up buildings has been the most effective way. Well, seems like tonight I unlocked a new ability - grappling hook, which allowed me to gain vertical momentum easily if used right. Felt quite amazing to soar higher than ever before. Not quite up to the clouds but still one step closer.
Are those lucid dreams?


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Re: Non-Touhou Dream Thread?
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2024, 06:40:27 PM »
Yeah. Tend to gain control in the middle of them. Usually when helping people I don't know. Which I might or might not go on with. I prefer to test out what I can do with my movement powers when I do.