Personally, I've never had to use a d3d converter (Windows 10 here), and all the early games for me play perfectly in fullscreen.
For vsync patches, there's a line with two viable options to pick, if you didn't already know. "Vsync = x" where x can be 0 or 1. 0 means it will try to run at a solid 60.00 fps at all times, and 1 means it will sync to your monitor's native refresh rate (typically 60hz). You may see the fps be something like 59.94 or something extremely close to 60.00, which is fine. Usually a value of 1 is less input lag than 0, but if you have a high refresh rate monitor (144hz) then you want to use 0.
Also could be worth noting that you can mess with graphics card driver options. Some things in there may decrease the input lag. If it's Nvidia, you can set the vsync option for the game to "Use the 3D application setting" which gives full control to the vsync patches. Not sure what AMD's equivalent is.
Also I've never found "Disable fullscreen optimizations" and "Game Mode" to really do anything.