Yeah I think ZUN's art is okay for the most part. Joking about how his art is supposedly terrible is so 2012. He absolutely has a collection of wonky pieces
but for the most part his art is just perfectly serviceable. Not only that but it mostly looks cute and unique even. I certainly think Touhou would have a much different, arguably inferior vibe if it just looked like a cleaner, more stereotypical anime style.
I don't really think I have many particular "hot takes" of my own because I think just about every opinion about this series has been already stated to death. I do agree that TD's resource system is not very well thought out in some aspects - I feel like this was just a big recurring issue that permeated throughout the Touhou games of that era (SA, UFO, GFW, TD) which all have systems that are very interesting and rewarding the better you play but have some pretty glaring blindspots at 1CC level play, which is ironically the only (survival) category these games are supposedly balanced after!
I guess I do believe that EoSD MarisaA would be seen as being every bit as good as ol' reliable ReimuB in a universe where she didn't have to fight Satan Patchouli on Lunatic, but if this is a hot take it absolutely shouldn't be: EoSD ReimuA is dogwater for NB/NN and MarisaB has very little to nothing over A if Bombs are out of the equation. That would kinda only leave ReimuB and MarisaA left, and I feel like all things being equal they have an interesting give-and-take dynamic where they're better for some sections than the other is. I kinda already feel like this is the case when you're playing the Boss Rush patch for the game. But alas, this isn't the universe we live in.
Maybe not disliking UDoALG is a hot take of its own. I feel like a lot of people just had a very bad impression from playing the game at launch day and their judgement starts and ends with whatever little you can do with the game on first boot. I will admit UDoALG, especially 1.00a, leaves a
terrible first impression: you're railroaded into playing Reimu, the single least interesting character in the game, then most people either get stuck because the game is admittedly not great at communicating how you actually progress through the matches or they immediately find out Reimu is hilariously overpowered and get a low miss LNB their first time ever playing the game. If your extent of interacting with the game doesn't go past that I can't blame you for disliking it, but UDoALG has 19 characters, and by my calculations at least 17 of them are not Reimu or Chiyari. There's more to the game than just them, people.