Hey, been a while, hasn’t it?
I could’ve updated OP all the way back in June like I’ve said, which I apologize for.
Anyways, onto patch notes!
Worlds Designed with Desires by Burnyuho gets placed in B+
Fantasy recurrence organized by Mace's Secret Base gets placed in A-
Silent of Soul organized by Kiriko Kusanagi gets placed in A
Tipsy Wanderings by Useless gets placed B+
Obsolete Lesedrama by khirio gets placed in A-
The archive of native Japan by Hishimottie gets placed in A+
水底奇談/夢枕紀行 by Hishimottie gets placed in B+
Strange things happen by Hishimottie gets placed in B-
So many men, so many minds by sisyou gets put in A
Pursue the Truth by Myaga gets put in B-
Also will try to include some unfinished ones from said artist, like LSP.
Sound"E"scapes by Useless gets placed in C (mainly due to it being barely Touhou-style/original/just not my taste)
A riot of color in the garden by SHO gets put in B
Sunshiny of Frenzy got updated with 3 extra songs and got lifted to tier A-.
Reawakening of Youkai Mountani got updated with additional remixes and got lifted to tier C+.
妖祭2024 ~狂魔国和風戦闘曲集~by Chama gets placed in B
Daydream of Dozen Rose by 夢想夏月郷 gets placed in C+
Wandering and Transcending Naivete Soul by FanTouhouMusic/FanTBS gets into A tier.
None of them have my comments for ratings due to me obviously rushing to update it ASAP, will do in the future since this list/thread is one of the few things I’m still proud of. Also yes, a new Burnyuho music album came out and soon we’ll get two ones, both from teams I regard pretty highly!
So yeah, look forward to more updates if you like good Touhou-style music