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Rumia's Party Games / Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 8
« Last post by Neovereign on September 12, 2024, 11:27:13 PM »
> "Do you want me to try to get rid of it for you?"
> "It doesn't seem like something you can..." Medicine observes.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on September 12, 2024, 07:57:03 PM »
> Do we know if Shinmyoumaru herself is a descendant of Issun-boshi?
> Given how long we've been kicking around, did we ever meet Issun-boshi ourselves?
The Shrinemaiden Café / Re: Introductions thread
« Last post by Gpop on September 12, 2024, 06:58:39 PM »
You need at least 1 post to upload an avatar (to prevent spam and such). Since you already made a post, you should be able to upload an avatar now.

Awesome, thanks! I feel like this was something on the old board as well and I just forgot about it :V
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on September 12, 2024, 06:57:40 PM »
> You pocket the gem and mallet before holding the spell card and seeing all the expected information on it.

> Just then Shinmyoumaru and Reimu run into the room and exclaim in unison "You're awake!"
> Shinmyoumaru continues "When you put on that crown you got possessed by an evil spirit."
> Reimu adds "I believe that must've been one of Issun-Boushi's descendants, based on historical descriptions of the crown Shinmyoumaru and I found."
> The inchling princess approaches "You were still knocked out even after we removed it... I was so worried that I went to search for miss Reimu in case we had to exorcise that evil spirit!"
Hey, been a while, hasn’t it?
I could’ve updated OP all the way back in June like I’ve said, which I apologize for.
Anyways, onto patch notes!

Worlds Designed with Desires by Burnyuho gets placed in B+
Fantasy recurrence organized by Mace's Secret Base gets placed in A-
Silent of Soul organized by Kiriko Kusanagi gets placed in A
Tipsy Wanderings by Useless gets placed B+
Obsolete Lesedrama by khirio gets placed in A-
The archive of native Japan by Hishimottie gets placed in A+
水底奇談/夢枕紀行 by Hishimottie gets placed in B+
Strange things happen by Hishimottie gets placed in B-
So many men, so many minds by sisyou gets put in A
Pursue the Truth by Myaga gets put in B-
Also will try to include some unfinished ones from said artist, like LSP.
Sound"E"scapes by Useless gets placed in C (mainly due to it being barely Touhou-style/original/just not my taste)
A riot of color in the garden by SHO gets put in B
Sunshiny of Frenzy got updated with 3 extra songs and got lifted to tier A-.
Reawakening of Youkai Mountani got updated with additional remixes and got lifted to tier C+.
妖祭2024 ~狂魔国和風戦闘曲集~by Chama gets placed in B
Daydream of Dozen Rose by 夢想夏月郷 gets placed in C+
Wandering and Transcending Naivete Soul by FanTouhouMusic/FanTBS gets into A tier.

None of them have my comments for ratings due to me obviously rushing to update it ASAP, will do in the future since this list/thread is one of the few things I’m still proud of. Also yes, a new Burnyuho music album came out and soon we’ll get two ones, both from teams I regard pretty highly!

So yeah, look forward to more updates if you like good Touhou-style music

The Shrinemaiden Café / Re: Introductions thread
« Last post by degradingwindow on September 12, 2024, 03:56:45 PM »
(on a side note, I can't seem to add my own avatar to my profile, only option is to choose from a preset gallery, is there a permissions issue?)

You need at least 1 post to upload an avatar (to prevent spam and such). Since you already made a post, you should be able to upload an avatar now.
The Shrinemaiden Café / Re: help me find a very old Touhou video
« Last post by Vance_croowa_08 on September 12, 2024, 12:43:50 PM »
It sounds like you're thinking of 495 GO! Little Sister Emotion, which is the title of the video, not the song. The song itself is called "彼女が一番少女なのか?"

Thanks for your help, but unfortunately it's not the one i'm looking for. I have a feeling the video i'm looking for got deleted since i remember it being in a saved playlist of mine
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 8
« Last post by Kilgamayan on September 12, 2024, 11:54:33 AM »
> "Do you want me to try to get rid of it for you?"
The Shrinemaiden Café / Re: help me find a very old Touhou video
« Last post by Gpop on September 12, 2024, 07:08:33 AM »
It sounds like you're thinking of 495 GO! Little Sister Emotion, which is the title of the video, not the song. The song itself is called "彼女が一番少女なのか?"
The Shrinemaiden Café / Re: Introductions thread
« Last post by Gpop on September 12, 2024, 07:05:46 AM »
Just out of a whim, I decided to come check out how MotK's been, and lo and behold, I see it still exists.

Deciding to pop in to say hi to y'all for old times sake. It's been a long time but it's extremely nostalgic not only to come back here (which was a core place to my high school life), but to come back to message boards/forums again.

(on a side note, I can't seem to add my own avatar to my profile, only option is to choose from a preset gallery, is there a permissions issue?)

Anyways, how're y'all doin?
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