New to MotK? Feel free to write a brief introduction for yourself here. Try to keep it to at most a few paragraphs, please.
Returning members from MotK v2 are also welcome to introduce themselves.
Potential topics (nothing is required, be as specific or unspecific as you like):
- Name, age, job or education status, country/location
- How did you learn about Touhou/find this site?
- What have you done so far in Touhou?
- Other interests or hobbies
(first!1112@@@@! looks like i sniped two people...)
oh nice motk already has a remake
goodbye motk :pensive:
i just go by latiasred/luma/luminous/AzuraAzureA/whatever, im a girl
i nolife touhou games and fangames, especially ephemeral unnatural balance, even though right now im at the normal mode level
i found touhou through osu (arrange of patchys theme by shibayan, getsurei 11.3 no candle magic) and i found motk through... huh how did i find it
i didnt even get into touhou that long ago, just february 7th of 2019. i got there just in time because then i got to experience the hype of a new game being announced
i just uhh like eating food
i use dnh and might make a fangame on it idk, maybe ill make my own game too or something
Obligatory FIRST. (spot was stolen as I was typing, ffs)
But sure, let's get this started.
Hello, I'm Wish, the illusory Daniel Maku in some circles.
Currently a university student in the USA.
Found Touhou through UN Owen memes in 2012 and "BUZZ LOOK USATEI".
Done a lot in Touhou, but my biggest things are Danmakufu Woo Edition (an update to PH3 after mkm abandoned it) and Return of Eastern Wonderland, a game that will be completed soon(tm). Also I worked on Ephemeral Unnatural Balance (go play it on Steam now!!!1)
I also adore the SMT and Persona series, as well as most JRPGs tossed my way. I listen to Yousuke Yasui and Caravan Palace religiously.
Happy to see MotK reborn!
Figures I should
start DAMNIT I TOOK TOO LONG, given for the whole of the original MoTK thread I never did this.
Personal info: My name is Bronson. 21, he/him, autistic. Born in, and currently live in, Louisiana. I used to rep Austin until I moved at 17.
Touhou origins: Three specific things, in order and around 2008-2010 (UFO-TD era);
• A 2x speed version of the Ronald McDonald Insanity (aka McRoll) video. Somewhat like the first part of this video (https://youtube.com/watch?v=-JQBUovTlhA).
• An AutarchOfFlame-styled countdown video themed around boss themes where Voyage 1969 and Necrofantasia were high on the list. No way in hell would I be able to find that video again, though because of this video and Terry Wit's infamous Mushihimesama Futari video I had the misconception that shmup TLBs were always geishas.
• For MoTK specifically: I was introduced to it by Tokiko Tatsunagi (formerly Mewkyuu, 希遠瘋癲, Neoty Kairyu, Zwyx Yajion, Victini Victory, Serperior, Miransu Uwabami, Misaki Rindou) through a video of his 0.12m script of Victini from Pokémon (https://youtube.com/watch?v=gAFLTkjdEJs). That was also my induction into the group that would later become the Land of Codes and Apertures, originally hosted on PPIRC and later Skype. At the time the group was starting work on a fangame called "Worldwide War" but it only got two stages in before breaking down due to internal issues. Maybe I might put it up somewhere for archival purposes.
Touhou accomplishments: No maingame 1ccs yet, but I currently own HSiFS on Steam so maybe that'll change one day. I did, however, 1cc Suwapyon 2 on Lunatic and Extra, as well as the Len'en game Reactivate Majestical Imperial twice (thanks Vierne!), and held a couple of good Suwapyon 2 scores on the old MoTK scoreboard, including the only SuwakoA Extra score posted on the thread.
Also, I have conquered the first Danmakufu script I ever played, Suikama's "TLB Sapzdude" two (http://XX) times (https://youtube.com/watch?v=vigUix03YO4) so far, after trying after several years of practicing, since, well, it's TLB-level danamku insanity.
I also have contributed the cover art for the canceled LoCAA fangame Lost the Leader, as well as the finished fangame Ephemeral Unnatural Balance (https://store.steampowered.com/app/834580/__Ephemeral_Unnatural_Balance/), and even have a place in the credits for the latter (which I haven't seen for myself yet because no 1ccs yet, but SOON!!)
What else do I do? Collect cassette tapes, ephemera (written-in postcards and handwritten recipes), do graphic design, listen to varied musics (http://bandcamp.com/swsb), and find jobs wherever I can.
I'm ZPS, some Touhou player that exists.
I've known Touhou has existed since as far back as 2008 but never really had any interest in it until 2017, when I decided it would be a fun challenge to beat one of the games. I chose EoSD for this, and ended up developing a bit of an addiction.
Fast forward to 2020: Now I mainly score UFO and have a high score of 2.110b (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkhbB2Zb27Q). I also have a Lunatic 1cc in every main series game (PC98 included) and an LNB in 6 different games (LLS, MS, EoSD, PCB, SA, and UFO). I also have the lowest miss LNB of LLS so far (2MNB) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTs_LFVesWA)
I also play arcade shmups.
Oh, uh, this is a thing, I suppose.
- I go by Naz. I exist somewhere and spend too much of my time toying around with Danmakufu. I'm the representative of the group giving TCL the BoSM treatment. I should remake the topic about that, actually.
I study game programming and have previously received education in teaching English as well as graphic design. - My Touhou origin story is one about Bad Apple!! and Ronald McDonald. Nothing too usual.
- I don't really play the official games as much as I should, but I do have Normal 1ccs under my belt for every main series game barring PoFV, I think.
As for fangames, I have Hard 1ccs for RSS and HSoB, and probably some other game I can't remember right now. - I draw animal people sometimes, and will draw your very own animal person as well if you pay me. Also, linguistics is fun. Talk to me about it.
Hello, I am HTFCirno2000!
I have been a Touhou fan since October of 2010 and had joined MoTK v2 sometime in December of that same year.
Besides that, I haven't actually been active on MoTK, but I've definitely been active in other parts of the fandom.
My Touhou origin story happened after I left a Lucky Star Forum back in 2010, essentially left me forum hopping from place to place like SMW Central and AnimeSuki forums. For whatever reason I just kept seeing the word Touhou pop up every now and then, and I was left wondering "Why do I keep seeing this Touhou thing everywhere??" One thing led to another, I went back to the old Lucky Star forum, found an actual Touhou subforum, discovered Walfas and the games and I just fell in love with the series!
Formerly known for Walfas stuff, now known for Fumo posting and technology hacks with Touhou. It's been a wild ride, seen many parts of this fandom for many, many years and still try to involve myself with them!
By trade, I am a computer systems expert and IT professional.
By hobbies I like electronics, science, 3D art, programming etc.
I hope to stick around here!
Copying this from yeashie’s Discord server because I am quite lazy:
Name: I will remain silent on that question.
Nicknames: Silent Sinner in Scarlet; SilSinn
Age: older than Toby Fox but younger than ZUN.
Pronouns: I will remain silent on that question.
Languages: English, Spanish, some German, Google Translate Japanese, PMD98 MML, HP49G RPN, Perl, some Python, just started Lua.
Country where I live: one of the five colonies of the United States of America.
Hobbies: chiptune music (preferably PC-9801), some pixel art (mostly recolors and GIF animations, but not from-scratch pixel art), some 3DS gaming, some Switch gaming, some Touhou Wiki editing (I wrote the articles on music circle Keine Ahnung (https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Keine_Ahnung) and its albums).
Likes: ZUN’s music (preferably the PC-9801 classics), pre-Switch Pokémon, Mega Man X, VOCALOID.
Dislikes: Switch-era Pokémon, fakebit music that fails to disclose its reliance on soundfonts.
Favorite Music Genres: chiptune music (preferably PMD98), eurobeat, some J-pop.
Favorite Games: pre-Switch Pokémon, Bravely Default, Ever Oasis, Mega Man X Legacy Collection, Legend of Zelda, Cave Story.
Favorite YouTubers: most other chiptune musicians.
Favorite Colors: Scarlet Red (in Gensokyo), Navy Blue (in Pokémon).
If either my username or my artistic name (or both) sounds familiar to you, it’s most likely because you played at least one of my legit PMD98 demakes of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil’s soundtrack on YouTube, or my PMD98 demake of Seraphic Chicken. I am open for PC-9801-type music commissions (either originals or covers/arranges of pretty much anything you might think up, just don’t commission me for Touhou covers since ZUN’s basslines & zunpets are very hard to transcribe and because some old MotK v2 thread still discourages doing Touhou music covers by commission).
I spent a cumulative total of two years within the Maidens of the Kaleidoscope community (all of them during its second incarnation): the first year was slightly more than ten years ago under an old username I no longer use (and wish to remain silent on), while the second year was just last year. Hereby I enter my third year in the community under this new third incarnation of the forum.
Literally all of the things.
(Yes. I really do like the moving text.)
Ahem. Well hello. I'm James (but not the other James) - call me Kurzov if you'd like. I discovered Touhou and all the things that go with it early on in 2017, and I have fumbled around between different communities, servers, and chat rooms ever since. As such I'm generally not one to stay in one place, but because I work as a site editor for a shall not be named Touhou site I've been forced to do that exact thing. Bah.
Anyway, I hope to make more of a lasting impact than I did on MoTK v2.0. Thanks for having me aboard.
G'day to you all once more! \o/
Name: I am not giving this out. :P
Nicknames: Some call me DX, others call me EP, and I'm fine with either.
Age: Not saying that one, haha.
Pronouns: Neutral here.
As for my story in retrospect.. I took interest in Touhou around early uni (thanks MADs), and found the last iteration of Shrinemaiden back in spring 2011 whilst looking for GTA:SA mods. Somehow that led to partaking more actively in Touhou stuff for a while, before gradually favouring community things such as conventions, the IRC side of things, and TF2/Minecraft game servers. These days I don't do too much with Touhou, other than picking up the occasional print work and hanging out with old convention friends, but it's still nice to check back every once in a while.
I'll have to keep checking back here, yeah? :D
Gosh, when did I post this in the old thread? ...*checks old forum*... oh, I never did. :V
Well anyway, I go by Agent BSoD (formerly Agent of the BSoD but I got tired of the length). I'm probably known for having the detailed guide on running the PC-98 emulators well.
I got into Touhou from a friend back in high school (hi donut) who was persistent about it back in early 2009. At first I wasn't sure about it, and he had me watch Dracil's IN extra clear video on Youtube, and I eventually picked up EoSD. And now here we are. While I'm not as active with the series as I was when I was new, I still play the games a bit. Still yet to 1cc lunatic in any of the main series, but I keep trying.
Returning member from MotK v2
Andrew, currently employed as a Software Development Engineer.
Touhou origins date back to Death Waltz (*groan*), Night of Nights, Bad Apple, and Nudarai's remix of Utsuho's theme.
Not really entrenched in the Touhou Community anymore but I spent a good many years on RaNGE, progressing from a n00b to a mentor and digital librarian as I inevitably write and back up many of the important things that help the Danmakufu community continue to grow.
Not planning on doing much on this new forum outside of lurking and assisting with logistics on RaNGE, but time will tell...
Hahaha... It's me, Neo/Mini, from v2. I'm the guy that did a bunch of things in Rumia's Party Games. Ah, it's good to know that we'll all still be able to have more good times in MotK. I will miss all the things that I've already done, though...
My favorite Touhou characters are Daiyousei and Koakuma. Kogasa is also up there.
For games, I mainly play a few things on the Nintendo Switch, PC, or occasionally PS4.
In MotK, I run a bunch of Touhou themed quests/forum games. They're pretty much interactive adventures where the player(s) control the protagonist of it.
It's nice to be back. I even see some of my friends have made it here, too!
Good to see you, new friends and old friends alike. Returning from MotK v2 here.
- I don't tend to prefer to go by my real name, Rei works for me.
- It's been so long ago that I think I forgot the exact way I learned about Touhou. I probably tell a different story every time, but I'm pretty sure my first general exposure was from smwcentral and there was a user named Flandre Scarlet (or some variation) and I thought the characters in their avis and signatures looked nice, so that sparked some interest to research where they were from. Many years ago, if that person is still there they may not even be under the same username anymore lol
- I've forgotten my accomplishments in Touhou, for the most part. I mostly played the older games and I like Imperishable Night most and its the only one I was able to comfortably play Lunatic/Extra on. Beyond that I know I at least cleared normal-modo for everything up to and including Ten Desires but that was quite a time ago now. Anything else I forgot. I also used to hold the record for Hopping Tenshi flash game for some time but I don't know if I still do uh oh
- Sadly my interest in Touhou has faded over time (I don't dislike it or anything, it just doesn't capture my interest as it used to) but I have some good friends in this community or the Touhou fandom at large. So I may not be super active in on-series discussion too often, but I'll be around.
- My other favorite games these days are games similar to Dark Souls, either in gameplay or in aesthetic. I also quite enjoy many JRPGs and most first-party Nintendo games. I spend a lot of time playing things like Ocarina of Time or Metroid Prime randomizer hacks, those are a blast.
I guess I'll also go for a introduction since I always wanted to be a member of MoTK :eyes:
Name/Nickname : People tend to call me Gren for obvious reasons, but personally I don't mind other similar names.
Gender : Male.
Age : secret At the moment I'm 18, and my 19th birthday is coming close.
Hobby : Normally I'm an artist currently taking commissions (although I'm not this much confident so I only take them from my close friends), and I play Touhou on almost daily basis. Due to my computer limitations, all runs I do are done on No Focus, which is personally something I find rare among the players nowadays.
My current projects/involvement : At the moment I'm a playtester of Treasure Castle Labyrinth, a fanmade Touhou project I'm a huge fan of, and partly graphic designer/playtester of a Len'en fangame called Glorious Memory Lane.
Something about myself : There's not really much I could mention besides that I'm a cheerful and a kind person who's willing to help others whenever needed.
That would be all from me, I hope my stay in here will be really enjoyable!
I am a Touhou modder and one of the developers of the Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher. My biggest achievements in Touhou modding to me are: a practice tool for Touhou 14 Double Dealing Character (which up to this day is not obsolete), reverse engineering the input handling (this allowed for mods like Priw8/DIO to actually activate their mechanic with the press of a key, also the creator of the patch made a custom global variable that makes the input state accessible from ecl) and the work I did for thcrap. I also contributed to ReC98 to get progress for free.
I got into Touhou because I wanted to know what the background music in a Super Mario World hack is called (it was UN Owen)
Hi all! Those coming from the previous iteration of the site already know all about me, but if you're new and you don't:
I'm generally called Ammy (a shortened form of my original user name, Amaterasu-omikami). I've been into Touhou since 2007, and have been local to this site since 2008ish. I'm an IRL reporter, ergo the affinity for Aya. I came out as trans about two years ago and have been transitioning since then, so if you're questioning, any of you are free to DM whenever.
I also represent Iceland's Touhou fanbase. And by that I mean I'm the only one, to my knowledge.
Hey all returning member from the old forum here. I mostly stick to posting in the games section but I do follow news and stuff on the rest of the site. I just never feel like I have anything to add.
-Name: commandercool is the only thing I tend to go by in polite society.
-Age: 28
-Job or education status: It's complicated, but basically I work for a library.
-Country/location: Michigan in the United States
-How did you learn about Touhou/find this site?: Oh man I don't even remember at this point. I got into Touhou when I was in college and I'm sure it was through fanart but I couldn't tell you what the art was or when.
-What have you done so far in Touhou?: I had beaten every modern game on at least normal up until LoLK but it was too hard for me and kind of knocked me off of the wagon a bit. And I almost never play games on PC anymore which makes checking out the newest entries trickier.
-Other interests or hobbies: My "main" hobby is Magic: The Gathering. I play, watch, and follow Magic pretty heavily. I also draw casually but I'm not comfortable sharing my art identify here.
Long-time member who's been around since just before the end of the v1 forums, although I'm mainly active on IRC over the forums nowadays.
Name: T-A-C (no relation to the Kirby enemy), although a lot of people prefer to call me Tack. What does T-A-C stand for? Whatever I feel like at the time.
Age: As of this post, just slightly over 30. I'm an old maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Job: Volunteer for a community group
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
What got me into Touhou: A variety of factors, but I joined this community in early 2009 around the time of the UFO demo.
Other: Also into a wide variety of other interests and hobbies, which tend to come and go like the tides so I won't make a list
Hello, I'm Mari, a 24-year-old Touhou player, who started in September 2011 and is mostly known for running the maribelhearn.com (https://maribelhearn.com) website and hosting the Touhou Replay Showcase stream through 2018-19. I score TD and have also done a good number of other things. As of the time of posting, my strongest achievement is a score of 3,376,993,770 in TD Lunatic with Marisa, and notable other Touhou achievements include my personal bests on other difficulties in TD, HSiFS Lunatic AyaAutumn 7,040,149,600, and Lunatic No Miss No Bomb (LNN) clears of the A routes in GFW. I also seriously play the related doujin shmups of Seihou Banshiryuu C67 and Samidare, both of which are two of my favourite games; I have the highest known score in the former (206,254,030) and the highest known score in Samidare's Extra Stage (294,204,460).
Outside of Touhou, I am a nearly finished master's degree Computer Science student as well as a nerd for anything that concerns countries, whether it be fun facts, geography, or history. Perhaps unsurprisingly given this, I love travelling and want to visit and experience lots of places. That and public transportion are also things I take an interest in. During these trips, as well as at home, I absolutely love to listen to VGM. It's the only kind of music I ever listen to, Touhou and arcade shoot 'em up games being a large portion of it.
I guess I'll write a post myself.
I'm Karisa, Touhou scorer, co-founder of MotK v3, longtime HME moderator. I've primarily posted in HME/scoreboards and site-related discussion, so not everyone would've seen me around.
I discovered Touhou since someone had uploaded videos to YouTube of a "Touhoumon Lunatic" hack, and I happened to like the music enough to keep watching it out of curiosity (despite that it was full of overleveled opponents and dark Flashless mazes). I continued on by watching a video by the same uploader of IN Extra, thought it looked intriguing and had good music, and decided to try out the game. That was around July 2010. I came across MotK a few months later (probably from searching for Touhou information; I've always had an interest in game mechanics), lurked HME for several years, and finally started posting in April 2012.
I have most of the Lunatic 1ccs but decided I didn't enjoy playing for survival. I prefer Easy/Normal scoring, especially in new games/games I haven't explored yet, and as such have learned to score nearly every main series game. I'm best at DDC Easy, though.
I also enjoy various Nintendo series including Mario, Zelda, Metroid, hacks of them (with a preference for high difficulty but not Kaizo), and randomizers. I'm a SMW hacker myself, and at the time of writing I'm on world 8 of 10 in a hack I started 10 years ago. Interesting to see how often SMWCentral has been mentioned so far, actually. Touhou was popular in my time there, though.
Guess a reboot of MotK means I could try to be more active now, since it's not scarily filled to the brim with old veterans (yet)!
So huh, name's ParadoxPython or just Python, if you play DNH stuff you maaaaay have heard of me before? I'd like to think I'm somewhat known to people who don't just play complete fangames, but give smaller scripts a chance to shine, too. I'm no good with words so let me just dump information on you!
Name: ParadoxPython / Python
Age: 19 years at the time of writing
Location: Germany
Occupation: Soon-to-be-second semester BSc CS student
Likes: Appreciation for my work, woodruff-flavored things, mythology and religion, sleeping, writing (to an extent)
Dislikes: Large gatherings, loudness, promiscuity, grapefruits, hot weather
Touhou skill level: 70% Normal, 30% Hard. I don't play all that often, actually.
Favorite animal: Snakes. Don't tell me you're surprised. Cats and birds are cute too.
Favorite color: Green
Favorite food: Fried duck with rice
How I discovered Touhou:
My first contact with Touhou was this exact video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvFk0IubrXo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvFk0IubrXo)
Moving on from there, Bad Apple!!, black MIDIs, you know, all the usual stuff that catches new people. Eventually after reading into the series a bit I gave it a try. My first game was Imperishable Night, and thus that was also the first game I 1cc'd. I've been into Touhou for uhhh...six years by now? Maybe a bit less. I've been working with Danmakufu ph3 for about five years.
My YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AJs4nBtfzsRlyk5mxdKgw)
My BulletForge Page (https://www.bulletforge.org/u/python) (advertisement thread in RaNGE will be migrated soon :} )
I look forward to trying to be more active here and getting to know everyone!
I'm KirbyComment, but please refer to be as just Kirby or KC or whatever else you come up with. I got introduced to playing shmups by playing Touhou around July 2013. I've quickly taken an interest in scoring and did most of my contributing in the PC-98 games, particularly PoDD. Back when I started playing the PC-98 games probably around the start of 2014, these games were almost entirely unknown territory. As such I really enjoyed figuring the games out and kind of pioneering in figuring out mechanics, subtleties, strategies and routes. I've also been scoring DS since October 2017. I'm probably most known for scoring PoDD, where I currently hold almost every record thanks to 5 years of semi-active learning, flailing and competing with Zil. Despite what my achievements may suggest, I'm not a good dodger and see myself having more technical skill than anything. Other random information goes as follows:
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Country: Netherlands
Discovered Touhou: Through meme videos and a platform-shooter called "Copy Kitty" of which the same devs made a Touhou-styled fangame
Most notable achievements: 133m PoDD Lunatic, 80.9m LLS Extra, 42.9m SoEW Lunatic, 6 WRs in DS, PoDD Reimu LNN, GFW A1/A2/B2 LNN.
Top 5 games: PoDD, DS, GFW, LLS, StB
Top 5 characters: Flandre, Nazrin, Suwako, Cirno, Sunny Milk
Top 5 music: Magic Shop of Raspberry, Romantic Children, U.N. Owen Was Her?, Last Remote, Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity
Other interests: Speedruns, platform/RPG/puzzle games, video-game music, denpa, anime
Fetishes: Loli/shota (90%), gay furry (10%)
Shortcomings: Socially awkward, slow at processing information, bad at video games
Past occupations: Rayman glitchhunter/speedrunner, Copy Kitty beta-tester
I'm a duck! My pond is filled with coins and dollar bills. Throw bread at me; free food can't be a bad thing.
Although my interest in Touhou has heavily diminished over the years, I'm still sticking around as cheerful boring company. Main interests include astronomy, history (local, military, science), video games (predominantly PC), metal music and ski jumping.
Shortcomings: Socially awkward, slow at processing information, bad at video games
Might as well have just copied this line. Describes me so well.
'Sup everyone. Since registering on the second incarnation of MotK in October 2014 a lot of things have happened in my life. Graduating college, getting my master's, getting my first job, and finally having a place of my own to live. Though I've gotten rusty I still play Touhou STGs every now and then, but with other games out there and more than an entry-level laptop like what I had in high school I've become invested in a lot more series. That said Touhou still has a place in my heart as a series of games made out of passion and not corporate greed, with none of the "predatory" practices popping up elsewhere. Proof that in the new decade there are still games you can buy once and enjoy it the way it is.
You might know me as Tsukasa, or you may know me as Tokiko. I'm a Canadaboi.
I'm mostly into the Danmakufu community in general, and I do make music for others' fangames. I'm making my own, too, but it's just kinda Coming Along™. Baby steps, aye. Expect me to be mostly active in RaNGE.
I like to think of myself as a Hard mode player. Lunatic in most cases is just plain out of reach.
One of my favourite characters is Nue but her stage is so difficult and arhghrg though a close second is Suika. Suika gud.
Give me spicy food and you have you a great big smile. Fluffy animals will do in a pinch. Give me winter and you have you a great big frown.
Hope we get along. Cheers!
Hello all. I'm Lebon14 and I've been a Touhou fan since... 2009? I'm always been somebody interessed by the lore and mangas of Touhou over the games. In fact, I never played a single Touhou game because shumps aren't my thing. I'm more of a Nintendo gamer with a very short attention span. I don't have any recognition within the community and I'm OK with that.
Age: 32
Gender: Male (he)
Country: Canada
Discovered Touhou: I don't remember much but I think it was at or because of the release of Toho Eurobeat Vol.1 when somebody pointed it on eurobeat-prime.com forums. or a Toho Mother let's play I watched a long time ago. Don't remember which one came first.
Top 5 characters: Momiji, Momiji, Momiji, Momiji, Reimu
Top 5 music: 廃獄ララバイ, 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion, さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream..., ラストリモート, ネクロファンタジア (HM: 永遠の巫女)
Other interests: video games, music, preservation and computers
Name's Otaku I suppose, been rolling with it for so long that it has lost the original meaning.
I'm a cosplayer and sorta okay-ish artist from the smoll Denmark, granted I'm horrible at the games themselves.
Best girl is Miko.
Hi friends, this is my first time being on a touhou forum o/ I heard good things about the site from previous MoTK members so might as well give it a try for nostalgia sake.
My name's Kitty and I'm currently a university student. I discovered touhou way back through the music (bad apple, cirno's perfect math class, etc etc) and eventually got into it more through fanart made by namie-kun and luluseason. I played the main series up to Ten Desires, but I've been out of touch since.
It's hard to choose top favorites but Youmu has a special place in my heart as best girl!! Interests include drawing, video games, anime/manga, and cooking.
Best girl is Miko.
You, you are a good
Name: Jason, but most people online just call me by my handle or a short derivative of it ("Ninth" or "Zent" or "Z").
Age: 37
Occupation: None, been on disability benefits for about a decade now. Far cry from becoming a paleontologist like I wanted to when I was a kid, haha.
Hobbies: Drawing, playing video games, online roleplaying, creative writing.
Touhou Discovery Point: Heard about it offhand from an old acquaintance, I think it was around when PoFV was new. Looked into it a little bit, and BAM, Touhou fandom gained a new member.
Favorite 2hus: Marisa, Sakuya, Yukari, Reisen, Kanako. I actually like a bunch but I'll keep it to 5.
Name: Kasu
Age: 26
Job: Part-time cashier/forever looking for full-time or a history gig somewhere. ;>;
Education: Four year Specialization in History degree with a minor in Classical Studies.
Country: Canada
How I learned about the site: I... think I made my way over after discovering the site from the wiki over ten years ago and got hooked by the fanfiction/forum games back then. All I can definitively remember is that I was in Grade Nine and I had more interest in the world-building and the characters than I had in the games themselves.
Other Interests/Hobbies: Anime, manga, light novels, video games, and the history of shipping on the Great Lakes (I really really like shipwrecks). My go-to mobile/browser games are F/GO and Kantai Collection.
Future Goals: Finish paying off this student debt and find full-time somewhere so that I can finally get a place to call my own.
hello. it's me, the Touhou Project. happy to have registered.
edit: "Touhou" is not a legal username so I am now Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Touhou
Name: Mea, also pyoklii on some other sites
When: Came to know about touhou sometime in highschool, apparently I've been in the old motk since about 2011.
Touhou: Played a lot back in the day but stopped after I decided to stop pirating them but never could afford the games themselves. They're out on steam now so now seems a great time to hop back in. Got as far as LoLK, doing normal runs. Not so great at it. Imperishable Night was my first and remains my favourite game and overall cast (and era).
Interests: I like to draw, read, write, music, code. Wish I could do better at all of them. Working on it.
I mostly post only in the fire emblem heroes now, though I've felt like doing more for a while. Want to draw and write more.
Hello, I'm Felis-Licht, sometimes also known as Fulisha~ My username's from an original, non-Touhou character of mine that I love dearly (a white winged cat with big ears~)
Been a Touhou fan since 2011 after discovering it through a fan game LP, Touhou Mother, though I didn't join MotK (V2) until a few years later, like maybe 2014 I think? I did lurk a bit though before joining because I wasn't sure if I'd be fully into Touhou.
I don't play the games as much as I used to, and even then I could only pass Easy, maybe Normal at best, but I liked playing it just for fun. I'm more interested in the written works and lore. My favorite game is Perfect Cherry Blossom, favorite written work is CoLA and my favorite character is Rinnosuke :3 (second to him is Koishi and Yukari)
I'm an artist who likes to dabble in a little bit of everything, to the point I tend to delve into too many side projects ;D Current art project of mine is a Madoka Magica Witch Project where the goal is to create 100 original Witches.
I like designing stuff the most, especially characters and whatnot. I also like writing short stories and making elaborate character bios lol~ I just like making original and fan stuff a lot because it's fun to create new things.
In relation to Touhou, I can draw ZUN style and I also make sprites for other people to use in Danmakufu, mainly player sprites, layouts and jewel cases, but I hope to make even more stuff.
Other than art, I also like other video games such as Pokemon and Pikmin. I'm personally fond of RPGs.
Personality-wise I'm kinda shy and quiet, especially irl.
'sup. I'm Kenny. I liked Touhou before it was popular.
Okay, that was deliberately to sound like a hipster, but I really did get into it before the big Touhou boom - started playing the games around 2003-2004, when IaMP and IN weren't even out yet. The detail I like to cite is that when I got into Touhou, Mima had been in more games than Sakuya. I was there before there was a Touhou Wiki, imagine that! Been on MotK since back then too, even if I have barely posted at all in recenter years. Two-time Swedish champion of PofV PofW, and even before that, won the very first tournament in a Touhou game to happen in Sweden (it was IaMP).
So, I am 33 years old and from, as you may have gathered, from Sweden. Technically a journalist in that I have a master's degree in journalism but hoo boy finding a job in that field is not easy. Currently working as an exam hall monitor at the university here in Sweden's second largest city.
I am a speedrunner (https://www.speedrun.com/user/KennyMan666) and I write One Piece fanfiction (https://corruption.next-era.net/). My interests include karaoke, as I am part of Sweden's oldest association for J-rock and karaoke.
My favourite anime of all time if Legend of the Galactic Heroes, my favourite manga of all time is Blade of the Immortal, and my favourite video game of all time is Mushihimesama Futari Black Label.
Alice is permanently the best Touhou followed by Marisa and Mima and I do not take opinions at this point in time
- Name, age, job or education status, country/location
Reaper gI, Ayrix, Komachi
31, doing a second degree part time, sometimes an IT contractor. UK/ North Wales (we have sheep, rain, weird geology, and stone age archaeology)
- How did you learn about Touhou/find this site?
2008, whilst at university first time around. Friend showed me some of the games (I like shmups)
- What have you done so far in Touhou?
I suck but enjoy doing so, not much.
- Other interests or hobbies
Games, maths.
Name: aListers (Sometimes I also go by the names Smegheadclock, Listers, Listers6 or aListersNG)
Age: 23 I believe
Job: NEET (technically I'm a self-employed game programmer but until I actually make money off it I'm just a NEET)
Education status: University graduate (barely)
Country: Scotland
How did you learn about Touhou: There are multiple possibilities. I know I got into Vocaloid first and then that lead into Touhou. However, the three paths I could have gotten in were either through looking at the 4koma "Chibi Miku San" and then through the comments on it finding "Life of Maid" by Colonel Aki. The other possibility was Bad apple. I heard a Vocaloid cover early on and then when I found the full version I started looking further into Touhou. 3rd path was Kasane Territory. Heard that it was similar to both "Kero 9 Destiny" and "Cirno's perfect maths class." I know by this point I wanted to properly look into Touhou as Cirno was my favourite character to start off with.
How did you find out about this site?: I believe sombody was complaining about MoTK on Poolshmer. Poolshmer was a touhou imageboard that died some years ago. People often complained about the strict rules - often in regards to piracy. Hearing that this place was a fourm (Which was much more comfortable with me as a Newgrounder) I kept it in mind. After meeting Alice Margatroid in my dreams I wanted to shout it from a mountain so I found the dream thread on the previous site and started posting there. I stayed on that site till it started coming to an end and followed a thread from there that linked here.
What have you done so far in Touhou: Not much. My greatest achievement is passing ESoD on normal. I've gotten to red magic with 3 lives and still got rekt by it. I've passed every touhou game up to PoFV on normal. Also HSiFS. Played Antimony of Common Flowers on varying difficulty. Beat Shion on Lunatic which was actually quite a significant moment of my life. Currently stuck on Sagume on LoLK.
Other interests/hobbies: Well, I'm a big vocaloid fan. I'm also into gaming (I play a lot of RTS games, 4x games and right now a lot of Mordhau), game programming and HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts)
I'm Raikaria. I don't too much like giving out personal stuff but I'm not a 27 year old Britlander who works assisting the medical industry. [I'm not a Doctor myself or anything; but still helpin' the NHS cogwheels turn]
I kinda just stumbled upon Touhou. I actually can't remember exactly how I came here. It has to be 8+ years ago now.
I don't actually play the games too much, I'm awful at them. I have 1CC'ed EoSD; IN [Magic/Scarlet] MoF and TD Normal. And I've made it to Stage 6 in PCB, and almost downed Mamizou. Instead I like delving into character things, history and myths. You'll usually see me around Rumia's Party Games or the Addict Center. Generally I'm the type to spout out character theories tying them into myths and such, or to bring up obscure facts like EoSD not being Windows Reimu's debut. I'm particularly fond of working with PC-98 theories since there's relatively little to go with there, yet the time I joined the Touhou community there was a lot of 'Why not Christian stuff in all this faith stuff' and PC-98 is actually very Christian/Western with it's references. Example: By tying together what little we have about Elly [Visual design; theme names; ect]; I've pinned her design down to a specific region of France. In my own headcanon; of course.
Other interests are mostly around gaming. Be it strategy or games like PoE that have loads of little things to tweak.
I also have a dreadful habit of overusing ; suddenly thinking of something after I've posted so editing, and being about as stubborn as Marisa is a kleptomaniac.
Yo, not many may remember me, but to those who do I'm Erebus. It's been a long time since I've been to the forums, but I decided to jump back in after I heard the old one was closing up. I've had a ton of memories with MotK and I couldn't see myself not being apart of the site coming back.
My history with touhou dates back to reading about it on a wiki then getting involved with the community right around the period where Mountain of Faith was still fresh off the presses. That said, I consider myself a novice at the actual games. I can manage a normal playthrough up until Stage 4-5 before I choke. Nevertheless, I love playing the games and the series as a whole has been a massive inspiration to me.
Favorite 2hus include - Seiga, Shinki, Satori, Letty and Yamame, but I generally like every character. There's not one I can say I dislike now.
Other hobbies are basically writing, drawing and dicking around in RPG Maker.
Hi there, I'm Dormio. I do absolutely nothing on this site and, to be honest, I have no idea why you're even bothering to read this past my name.
Frankly, I'm only really here to reclaim my old title from the prior forums.
What? You're still here? And you're interested in me? Oh my.
Well, if you still want more information about me, I used to do a few things on SMv2:
- I'd occasionally host some forum games within the Moronic Colosseum. (Keyword: occasionally)
- I was a part of the MotK mafia community. (Swadomeh still sucks)
- I was a part of the niche DotS circle. (rizock still sucks)
- I'd also just idle a lot on the site. (In case you didn't know)
Hello all, I am iPadDerek, or Derek, or whatever really. This is mainly a copy paste from the last time I did introductions, 8(?) years ago? Jeez, it's been awhile.
I am 21 and still in the middle of nowhere Kansas. I vaguely remember stumbling across some Touhou videos when I was around 7 or 8, and discovered this site (v2) back in 2012. I'm really into computers and creating music. I would definitely say that Touhou, both the games and the community has had a big influence on me.
Despite the fact that I've been playing these games for almost a decade, I still haven't 1CC'd a single game on normal yet, but I haven't given up yet! I'd also like to try and interact more with the community this time around, rather than just making one post and lurking for the rest of the time. This is an exciting time, and I'm looking forward to the future here!
Sorry I can't share personal info at the moment but I have an interesting story I would like to share.
So The first time I ever saw/heard Touhou was back in 2009 a Youtube vid called "Windows 7 Crazy Error HD!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4MsAVm5XQc). That song had that "Marisa stole the precious thing" song. Man the Internet was great back then. Then I dug deeper down the Youtube spiral in 2010ish and saw UN owen, Bad Apple Synthesia then Bad Apple and on on.... As I listened I saw the word "Touhou" and looked into the wikia to learn more about it. I went on to listen many boss musics and stage theme songs and I loved every single one of it. Now the first time I played the game starting with EoSD was back around 2013. I stumbled a lot with easy mode with max lives then gradually improved to default lives until I first 1cc on easy mode. Then I realized that easy mode is not the way you clear the game, so I stumbled again and again in Normal with max lives then gradually and slowly improved with default lives until finally I got my first 1cc on normal. I progressed on toward later games in chronological order. Each game has that atmosphere that evokes nostalgic memories. Good times. Good times...
Well that's my tale of the story. Cheers to the future! I guess.
I discovered this site around few years ago and I was mostly inactive. I was busy "in real life", so I hope I can talk more.
As of right now I cleared all the mainline games on normal plus extra with several hard along the way.
P.S: I don't know who is my favorite character there are so many to choose I can't choose "the one".
I looked up when I registered on MotK v2, and I couldn't believe it was already 2011. I've not been very active in that time though, trying to change it this time around.
Anyways, I'm Piranha, working as a (male) nurse, around my thirties and from Germany.
How did you learn about Touhou/find this site?:
My first point of contact was Nazrin fanart that popped up here and there (mostly danbooru for me at the time) after UFO was released. I saw it and wondered who the cute mouse girl was. Since I had only seen catgirls until that point, I was not used to other kemonomimi characters. The same happened with other characters like Yuuka and Yukari, and I was seeing the "Touhou" tag more and more. After a while I decided to check out what Touhou was, and stumbled upon the games. Not too long after I discovered MotK, the doujins at gensokyo.org and so much more.
What have you done so far in Touhou?:
Mostly Normal 1CC's (Th6-10 done), though my last attempts on that were in 2013, so I'm quite rusty (Jesus, has it really been that long?!?). I do play the new games in Easy though when they come out. Since I'm a bit of a completionist, I want to get 1CC's with all shottypes for every game. Also completed TH6/7 Extra stages. Dabbled a bit in StB and made the mistake to try Kinkaku-ji way before I was ready for it (sitting at 6325 shots...). In hindsight, maybe that was the thing that made me quit last time around. :P
However, LoLK definitely reignited my love for the games, so I'm going for the 1CC's all over.
Favorite 2hus:
Choosing is extremely difficult, but I guess Youmu, Koishi, Kogasa, Nazrin and Aunn are just a bit above the rest for me.
Other interests or hobbies:
Mostly Manga and Anime, video games and cooking.
Well, I never introduced myself in the previous site so might as well do it here
not that I'm ever active there.
You can call me Nine or Mileage, I think I first discovered Touhou when I heard one of its music a decade or so ago? Although I didn't immediately start following it, some time later when I was bored and somehow stumbled upon a gameplay video of it then I thought it looked pretty fun and tried playing some of the games, stumbled upon the lore, manga, etc and here we are.
Managed to Normal 1cc most of the main games, currently still trying to 1cc the remaining games when I got the time to do so, favourite game is IN and best girl is Yukari also no fighting games, probably ever, because apparently I really suck at fighting games
Hello there, name's Zizzwing you can call me Zizz.
I've been lurking the forum anonymously for a long time (since 2012). I guess this is my first real interaction with the site, since on MoTK v2 I did not post anything. I've started playing Touhou during "the golden age" which is between 2010 & 2011 where Bad Apple, IOSYS, /jp/, and Touhou related contents started appearing left and right. Since then I've played all official Touhou games and finished several easy and normal 1CC's, read the official works and doujins, watched Cookie☆ YTPMVs, and currently waiting patiently for another RenMariTM adventures.
I hope this new forum can thrive splendidly in this new decade, and bring more 2hu fans into the great community here.
Hey there, David Foxfire here. I've been warming up to Touhou for quite some time. Definitely love "Memories of Phantasm" and a good bunch of the remix songs. I've even designed a character for another D&D campaign setting based on Marisa Kirisame.
Right now I'm considering coding my own Touhou style game (Gameplay Wise, I'll have my own IP for the setting.) I'm going through some tutorials on how to code games from scratch (Using Java) and would like to get to know others who are doing the same time.
I look forward to hearing from you all and hope to enjoy hanging out this place.
heyo, the name's Skelerin. I'm 18, working on beating highschool. I discovered MoTK around a month or so ago, but as registration was closed I just stalked the forums as a guest.
My first experience with Touhou was shortly after the release of LoLK - I was recommended the game by a friend, and spent the whole summer trying to 1CC it.After that, I dived into the music circle part of youtube, and the series ended up as one of my all-time favorites. I mostly write fanfics and speculate on the vague corners of lore, as well as read official (and doujin) print works. I've cleared IN, UFO, DDC, HSiFS and SA so far, but only on normal - my dodging skills aren't so stellar... and played a few of the fighting games. Favorite character is Sagume hands-down, but Eirin is a close second.
I enjoy playing RTS and simulation games, reading, and drawing in my free time.
I'm Wamby, I'm Australian, and I have no idea what I'm doing. I found Touhou from some flash animations on YouTube (2011 I think), but I didn't get fully into it until around Ten Desires. Funnily enough, I like Miko's gang, and it was the first game I 1cc'd on Normal. I do some average art, and studied Japanese for two years (although it's rusty and there's still loads to learn.) I love folklore/myth/legend etc, and I have some weird fascination with people's fan-made ideas (OCs, ZUN-like music, that sorta thing. It's why I decided to jump onto here.) Although, I'm not the best at being super active because it takes me ages to get over being shy.
Despite that, YO 8)
Hai domo, Zengar here o/
Latin American, literally just 29 years old, almost done with chem engineering
Been a member of the community from the earliest days of V2, spurred on by liking the gameplay, and then tripping into this little niche of ours.
Lately I've been barely into Touhou things, but that doesn't mean I should completely disappear, should I?
I'm still around. Still in uni, but I'll graduate this year. I live in America and I'm studying electrical engineering. Dunno if anyone will remember me but I heard about what happened and decided to check in.
Hi, I'm WindyKitsune. I'm into Touhou since 2015 and I'm one of (not pretty active) members of MotK v2 since mid 2016.
General info: 26, university student, Italy.
How I learned about Touhou: One day of January/February of 2015 I bumped on Gensokyo Radio while browsing on online radio lists. I liked the music, so I discovered Touhou.
How I learned about MotK: I suppose search engines do their job pretty well. An alternative interpretation is redirected from Touhou Wiki, but I don't remember exactly now.
What I have done on Touhou: I'm slowly going forward on danmaku games, at the moment I have 1cc'ed Normal on EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, HSiFS. I'm learning to draw to make some acceptable Touhou fanart and currently trying to restart the Italian Touhou community.
Interests in Touhou: Danmaku games are good as always, however in the last year I'm more into fighting games (SWR + Hisoutensoku). I enjoy both original and arranged Touhou music. Well, I'm also an illustration collector.
Other interests: I like programming and interested in tech + science stuff.
I'm still around. Still in uni, but I'll graduate this year. I live in America and I'm studying electrical engineering. Dunno if anyone will remember me but I heard about what happened and decided to check in.
Anyone who is anyone remembers Guile's Theme Going With Douchebag Peter Parker.
I'm Lusus, I'm 20 years old, I'm a Normal mode player who is trying to move to harder difficulties after recently clearing Hard EoSD. I also make fights in Danmakufu sometimes...well I only made 2 in 8 or so months hehe~
I've known Touhou for a long time, but I only decided to get into it about a year ago. And ever since I've mainly played Touhou games and mainly listened to Touhou music (both ZUN's and fanmade). You could say I have become a Touhou fanatic in the past year.
My favorite Touhous change fairly frequently but Gengetsu, Junko, Mamizou, Kokoro, Nue, Orin and Momiji tend to be in the top.
I'm not sure how active I'll be since I haven't used a forum to communicate in about 6+ years and nowdays I prefer Discord, but I figured I might as well make an account and introduce myself. I'll most likely be active in gameplay threads and RaNGE.
Let's see... I've been around in this community for over 11 years, since just about beginning, so you could call me a veteran. I share a similar name and avatar as the one before (https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=summary;u=522).
- My real name is a secret, so just call me Mokou.
- How did I learn about Touhou? From a friend (http://ll-appserver.veoh.com/users/bleachyman) who I used to play Runescape with. In popped TH8 and fell in love with the Danmuku and music - it was mesmerizing, and still is. I liked reading the light novels too.
- I've played all of the Touhou games, and made a couple of Danmakufu scripts of my own.
- My hobbies include beer and programming. I do FOSS stuff in my spare time and release most of my stuff under the GPL. I like to hang out in IRCs. Most of my non-TH related stuff involves DirectX and more recently OpenGL, because I love to toy with shaders and with Unix.
Anywho, it's good to be back.You'll probably find me dwelling in the Q&A section in Rika's Garage or the IRCs.
I made an account on the previous version of MoTK like two years ago but never posted with it because the tight knit community always seemed kind of intimidating to break into. Well it's now or never I guess. Hearing about the unfortunate news regarding this community this past week made me decide to come check things out again.
I'll go by madpierrot here. I learned about Touhou around 2011~2012 through YouTube videos (mainly YTPMVs, MUGEN stuff and those iconic IOSYS PVs). I instantly fell in love with and became a fan of the series because of it's unique aesthetic and awesome music. So far I've 1cc'd every game on normal mode and cleared every extra besides LoLK's one. I'm working on hard clears now but I've postponed that indefinitely due to college stuff/lack of time. Living that American Dream right now :p ... I do still occasionally play the games just for fun though. My favorite game is MoF (nostalgia) but, in terms of game mechanics, I enjoy HSiFS a great deal and play it at least once a week.
Welp that's pretty much all I'd like to say. My interaction with the fandom is limited outside of Discord. But I wanna try this out. I'm vastly knowledgeable on esoteric Touhou trivia so maybe I'll talk a bit about it over here sometime. Also damn I have a habit of staying up late on Saturdays (<- guilt)
Wow, I feel old when I think back to when I first joined Shrinemaiden in 2013. I was immature, and were going through the period of “I want to draw good, but without the hard work”.
In the time of writing, I am unemployed, but working to get a stable job. Was really sad when I saw a vinyl album of Doki Doki Litterature Club go out of stock, and I didn’t have the money to buy it. Need a job to support my hobbies.
I turn 24 next month, and live in Norway.
Did you know, there is a huge lack of Touhou merch in the last Desucon convention. I only managed to get hold of a few beanies of Marisa, Reimu, Sakuya and Sanae.
Sad to learn that Helvetica passed away. My deepest condolences to the close related, and to the whole community.
I have been following Gensokyo Radio for about a year now, and my main interests are music, cars, touhou and tech. I discovered Touhou through music, and I will leave a link to that here. May we all have a good time, in this decade to come. =3
*HD* Piano Tutorial - How to play the hardest song of all time
Hi, I'm Tempest.
I'm 26. I currently live in France, with plans in progress to move to the United States.
Don't have many Touhou-related achievements, other than 1CC Normal of EoSD (replay files here (https://mega.nz/#!wlRwDQKZ!nvOjQhQrnAZc86ESjT396EfLTxYeCDXdEDsfUgTB65g) and here (https://mega.nz/#!ZhRmVY4Z!PzyUGWQeNiXHDGg9bkv0HgjqThoRgaNh71Ag6ZvQi7Y), both of which are dated July 2009) and 1CC Normal of PCB (replay files lost), after which I've stopped playing the official games entirely, because in all sincerity, I suck at playing them ^^;
Now, the most Touhou-related things I do are collecting doujin music albums, listening to Gensokyo Radio (and being active on their Discord), and generally anything to do with music. Touhou music has been something I referred to as my lifeline with the fandom - no matter how active I was, and throughout all kinds of life events and hardships, the music was there for me in a certain sense, and I've grown very attached to it, for its amazing wealth of musical styles, genres, circles and groups, and sheer quantity of albums. There's always something new to listen to... and there are many albums and sometimes specific tracks with lots of emotional value for me.
Favorite Touhou arrange circles: Ad libitum records, Alice's Emotion, Angelic Quasar/Rolling Contact, Demetori, Digital Wing, Mohican Sandbag, ShibayanRecords, Jerico's Law, and many more.
First found out about Touhou in November 2008, I was at the time into Stepmania, I discovered some of the original music (and some arranges, too) through Gpop's Touhou Pad Pack, asked a friend "Hey, where's that cool music from", then one thing led to another and I ended up in Gensokyo. Hard to believe it's been over 11 years, as of the time of posting this.
I was (somewhat) active on MotK v2 and (especially) on the PPIRC server (channels #shrinemaiden and #scarlet-library) from roughly 2009 to maybe 2012 or 2013, I'm not entirely sure about the actual years, but it's around that time period. All I'm sure of is that I was on Windows XP at the time, and have very distinct memories of firing up mIRC every day, auto-joining these channels and a few others, and talking with a number of regulars, especially on #scarlet-library.
Relatedly, I'm not sure if anyone will remember me from back then, especially #scarlet-library people, but if you do, send a PM or hit me up on Discord, I'd be happy to chat, talk about the past, answer questions and whatnot. And though it's been said many times, may TSO rest in peace.
As for everyone else, hi, I hope I'll be able to fit in on these new forums and on the Sea of Tranquility server, and maybe make new friends as well.
Hi, the name is 7TC7. Also sometimes Black-Cat.
I am 30 years old, am from Austria and am studying English in University
My biggest contributions to the community probably includes my very old playthrough of the PC-98 Touhou games at a time when there wasn't really anything like that on YouTube yet - a new version of which can be found on my YouTube channel, alongside an ever newer version in progress currently among many other Touhou game videos, as well as other shmups and fighting games. [/selfpromotion]
Oh, and I'm also the person that named the Five Magic Stones.
I learned about Touhou back in winter 2006/07. I was frequenting an image-sharing site called Minitokyo at that time and was looking at newly uploaded pictured each day. There I stumbled upon art by TOKIAME (who does the art for TH17.5 to my great pleasure) including the following picture: http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=31974 (http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=31974)
Minitokyo wasn't very helpful in telling me much about the picture, but it was labeled as being by the artist "Touhou". I just saved the pictures in a Touhou folder, as I did for many other artists and moved on with my life. But soon more pictures of that "artist" appeared (really, it was multiple artists, but they were all labeled as being made by Touhou). I really liked the character designs I saw, so I eventually wanted to find out more about them. I typed Touhou into YouTube, got confused by the shooting games and finally stumbled about IaMP videos which featured the silver haired girl I saw in the first picture I liked. I fell in love with the music of the gamse, started looking up the characters in the videos, found the Touhou Wiki and eventually these forums.
I generally have never left the confines of Normal Mode, although with some games I am more comfortable with I have ventured into Hard Mode on occasion. I have completed every Extra Stage and 1ccd every official game. I enjoy the music and the amount of fanart being produced daily and have enjoyed my time in this fandom to the fullest.
I was never very active in the forums, unless something really peaked my interest (like new games being released) and I doubt this will change, but I will enjoy watching mostly silently over the rebirth of this page.
Hi, I'm fsvgm777 (real first name Stéphane), a 28-year old person from Luxembourg. I work as a state employee for the administrative court.
I learned from Touhou from other people from a different website who also played games from the series. It piqued my interest at first, but only really became a Touhou fan after playing the Koumajou Densetsu games (which are Castlevania-likes).
I have 1cc'd PoDD on Normal with all characters, LLS, EoSD, PCB, IN (FinalA), MoF and SA. However, I rarely, if ever, play the Touhou games anymore, as my focus shifted.
I mainly play video games (mostly platformers, though), but I also tend to watch a bit of TV or a movie if it interests me.
Been lurking since the orange and black v1 site.
Active for a while, but back into lurking since I honestly don't have much of value to contribute these days. Passively a fan nowadays and I don't think I regret that, at least.
Hopefully this forum continues to be a good home for people getting into the series even as tumultuous as times are now.
You know, i'm not sure if i ever made an account on the original site...
But I prefer to go by Sats, and i'm a resident folklore fanatic from USA's chicago area. Currently 27, going on 28 (i think). I got into Touhou way back in like... 2010? 2012? Somewhere in there. Something about seeing the characters, and when I asked about them I got linked back to the games, and the rest was history. But I didn't get seriously involved in the community until I started going to the local cons consistently and mingling with the Touhou crowd there. I've known about the original site for a while, but had my hands tied up in too many places to give it proper attention. Might still be too tied up, so i do apologize if i'm an infrequent face around here.
Anyways, I'm a cosplayer and con-goer who sometimes assists with Anime Central's Touhou panel and photoshoot stuff, and I've also helped host a Folklore panel with heavy Touhou influences with some other close folks for both Acen and Touhou con, (though it's been a while since we've run that particular one). If you go to Acen's Touhou community stuff at any point in the last 8 years, you've probably seen me around. Beyond that, I'm a chronic folklore compiler, so chances are I've dipped into research on quite a few different characters for various reasons. Most noticeably Parsee Mizuhashi, and what on earth a Hashihime is and represents. So if there's something you'd like to know about a character and why they are a certain way that they are, or just weird trivia in general, chances are i'll be able to dig up a source for you. Beyond that though, i'm a pretty casual fan who sticks to the side and fanworks, and prefers to theorize about the setting and look into how the lore connects rather than mess with playing the main games.
As far as other interests go, beyond hoarding weird and random folklore trivia and convention going, i'm an avid roleplayer who is currently drowning in the gacha life. Currently playing FGO and Arknights. Also recently got obsessed with dungeons and dragons, for roleplaying reasons.
Hey what's up gamers it's ya boi Marby here. I was a member on v2 but I rarely posted, and when I did it was usually in the Labyrinth of Touhou thread.
Been a fan of Touhou for... wow, it's probably been around 5 years now? Where has the time gone?! I absolutely adore the music, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the official games (mostly because I suck at bullet hells), I LOVE me a good fangame. Fantasy Maiden Wars and the aforementioned Labyrinth of Touhou are probably my favorites.
I guess that's about it? I don't really have much else to say. I probably won't be posting too often, just wanted to make this post so I can get an avatar if I decide I want one.
Also Sanae is best girl.
Yo, I'm Funen1. I'm a longtime Touhou player (over 10 years), and an almost equally long member of MotK. I don't remember exactly how I found the previous version of this site, it was probably just me wanting to find any Touhou forum I could join in my fledgling fanboy stage lol. My Touhou career has been quite the rollercoaster, but I've since become a relatively high-level "survival" player, and I haven't yet stopped trying to push my skills even further. In recent years, I've also made gameplay videos on YouTube meant to be "semi-instructional" in nature, explaining how to play various attacks on Lunatic difficulty (though as of this post, most of them still need to be remade because they had used annotations). Nowadays I'm more likely to hang out on the Touhou Discord, but wherever you find me, I'd be more than willing to talk Touhou and other things.
I'm That Guy, been on MoTK v2 on and off since... 2009, wow. Damn it's been a long time.
Favorite gals are Youmu and Tenshi. Best girls. Been a fan ever since 2008 me discovered a couple IOSYS meme videos and then played a couple games, and been hardcore in Touhou ever since! Someday I'll beat the Ten Desires extra stage. Believe in me.
Also I adore Touhou fangames and have been so happy to see the recent rise of them on steam, like wow.
I have climbed out of whatever rock I've been living under for a few years now but I was on the V2 forum. Usually go by Mesarthim for most everywhere that actually allows me to. I started Touhou somewhere before 13 was released, but after 12. Just kept hearing about it and the fact Doddler (I know Doddler to an extent, old RO buddy) kept playing it alongside another guildie from RO.
I'm not the best at Touhou but I've played it quite extensively to know my relative skill level which varies between Hard mode and Lunatic. Hard Mode most of the time is my normal mode and I suck at curved patterns like most of TH12.
I like computers, I like games, I like music, I like touhou. I loathe politics.
Think that covers the blunt basics. I do not use social media. I use steam and discord.
Edit: And I forgot a letter in my account name so my custom title seems accurate.
Damm this is cool
My name is Caitlin but normally when I use this usersame people will call me sky/ skyla
I've been in the fandom for about 2 years now
I found out about it from a friend that kept talking about it and I just went what the heck is Touhou. I ended up serching it up and then yea. I don't have contact with the person anymore ;-;
I don't really have any accomplishments other then beating SWR normal mode with Sakuya
Ok yep I'm a pretty boring person lol
Hello. I am me.
saber went on a diet and stopped eating :(
Hah, just noticed that. Alas, after years of nonstop eating, she is finally sated. For now.
Hi everyone!
For those who don't know me, I am the guy who usually translates stuff to Hungarian and help with various projects in the thcrap server. Although my knowledge isn't that high-tier.
For those who want a bit of a more personal info: I'm currently 19, and on the second semester of a Software Information Technology Bsc.
I found Touhou via the U.N Owen was Death Waltz conspiracy.
Also I suck at Touhou.
Welp, you know me.
- 2hu fan since 2006
- Contributing 2hu fan since 2013
- Co-creator of the ULiL English static patch (https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,19122.0.html)
- Translator, spriter and manager over at Touhou Patch Center (https://www.thpatch.net/)
- Established German Touhou Translation Group Reality Dreamers (http://reality-dreamers.de)
- Touhou Lore Master, but terrible at the games
- Cat in Pyramidic Shape
I uh...I didn't see this thread at first before making my first post.
My name is Anna (Annawoo is also good enough for me).I'm a 24 year old mute,one-armed woman who doesn't leave her house. From the outside looking in irl,I wouldn't seem like the type to be here (I'm athletic and all that) but I'm not the most big brained. I enjoy learning the lore of Touhou and finding out more and more about the series. I draw,do my workouts,play games,and sit around and do nothing all day. Besides loving Touhou,I'm a massive Fate fan and I've occasionally done cosplay as fate characters(Mainly Jalter). I don't really do much else to be honest so...yeah.
I will play everything and anything except for certain mmorpgs but I have photographic knowledge of the entire Metal Gear Franchise.
So far concerning Touhou my achievements are:
-15 on Lunatic with a flightstick
-14 on Lunatic with a flightstick
-13 on Lunatic with a flightstick
right now I'm working on beating 11 and setting up a fishing rod controller.
I guess that's it?
So far concerning Touhou my achievements are:
-15 on Lunatic with a flightstick
-14 on Lunatic with a flightstick
-13 on Lunatic with a flightstick
right now I'm working on beating 11 and setting up a fishing rod controller.
Hang on. You did touhou with a flight stick? What?? How does that work? Do you not get big delay from movement to in-game movement? Would you please explain in more detail? I thought a keyboard was best, for quick moves and correction.
PS: I should have read more throughly. Sorry if I came across as inconsiderate. My bad.
PSS: You know, I should have also written what I felt, like, playing touhou on a flight stick sound so cool. As in fighter jet cool. I remember a dude who replaced the steering wheel, gas and brake pedals in his mercedes, for a flight stick, because he was that muvh into figher jets and flying. That kind of cool.
Not to be snide, but reading the rest of her post may explain why she uses a flight stick instead of a keyboard.
You don't need a second hand if you have a flightstick (and pedals maybe)
Hello there new forum site.
I'm called Jester, and I love Touhou Project, my favorite character is Yuyuko Saigyouji.
I've Normal 1CC every main Windows Touhou game but PoFV and I play some fangames.
Pleased to meet you guys (again!)
P.S.: YukaYuyu is God
Hang on. You did touhou with a flight stick? What?? How does that work? Do you not get big delay from movement to in-game movement? Would you please explain in more detail? I thought a keyboard was best, for quick moves and correction.
PS: I should have read more throughly. Sorry if I came across as inconsiderate. My bad.
PSS: You know, I should have also written what I felt, like, playing touhou on a flight stick sound so cool. As in fighter jet cool. I remember a dude who replaced the steering wheel, gas and brake pedals in his mercedes, for a flight stick, because he was that muvh into figher jets and flying. That kind of cool.
It's difficult to play but I make it work,the difficulty is what I like. Also with Antimicro I can adjust the sensitivity so it works pretty well,and it's decently responsive too
You don't need a second hand if you have a flightstick (and pedals maybe)
And Lol I have a prosthetic but it isn't very good for gaming and pressing buttons,but I'm working on that. I'm getting a new one for my birthday on the 20th ;D
Hi. I'm #4 on that list. Amazing how I can leave for a couple years and still be there.
I used to be Shrine Janitor, then a Global Mod, then an Admin, then back to a Global Mod. Then after a handful of years, I decided to relinquish myself of that duty. (Not like my services were needed much for those last couple years I was around.)
I don't go by Matsuri anymore, and I left due to wanting to leave behind a lot of intensely negative memories. And in that vein, this is not a return for me. But for those of you who may still remember me, I am still out and about and around.
I'm only really popping in because I had a random pang of curiosity to see what TSO had been up to this past week. And after a couple days of trying to find her without knowing recent usernames and such, my search ended tonight in finding out that she has passed and I did not have an opportunity to pay my respects before the old forum became archived.
This is my first and probably only post I'll be making, so I do not know if there's a post-locked forum where a proper thread for this may be located (I didn't find one as I glanced through what I do have access to), so I'll simply pay them here.
Rest in peace, TSO. Working with you on this forum in its prime was a pleasure-- a stressful pleasure, but a pleasure nevertheless. And in addition to that, this place and the roles I played alongside you helped me grow in some of the lowest times of my life. Hell, I spent literally over a year of my 30-year existence on this forum. It was a huge thing for me, even if it no longer is-- and I have you to thank for that. I always admired your kindness and passion for your endeavors. I considered you a friend, even if we had not talked in a few years. I apologize for never touching base and filling that blank. It feels self-indulgent of me to only now break my silence after it was too late. If text and awareness can reach into the beyond and you are out there reading this, you'll forgive me for that, right?
You helped me understand myself not for who I was, but who I wanted to become. I remember a few nights on IRC I spent spilling my guts to you about my personal insecurities and you had a hand in helping me figure myself out and become the (mostly) competent adult I am now.
Thank you.
...Oh wow. Quite a bit happened since I stopped coming here. This is all a bit jarring, honestly, but I suppose starting on the new forum with the introductions thread is a good idea.
Hi, I'm Sacchi, a name which you have a 95% chance to have pronounced incorrectly (it's "Saki"). I am a 24-year old brazillian dude currently going through university for game development due to an extended love for games and art. I play games like Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy XIV and, as some of you might have noticed from my profile, Fallen London. My tastes are all over the place, so trying to explain them here is probably not a good idea.
My history on this site isn't exactly much despite having had about 3k posts in MoTKv2, I used to play P&D, now I have switched to F/GO mostly because of my boyfriend, and am currently trying to live through a burnout of Dragalia. I like telling stories and participating in them. I'm terrible at mafia, yet the game intrigues me to no end. I'm a depression survivor, incredibly in love with my boyfriend, unrepentant furry and incredibly awkward at conversation.
And Miko is the best character in 2hu. Don't @ me.
Here's to a good few extra years of MoTK!
I popped in to the old forums, saw it migrated, saw a running Mafia game, and well... I like that stuff. Username from way back but I suppose it's how people'll recall me.
I'm a languages nerd, do some amount of work in localising LNs, and I spend more money on gacha games than I want to talk about. I'll be hanging around forum games and following the fanfics forum, since I love reading anything I can get my hands on.
Hey what's up, I go by Double.
I've been around the community since late '08, though most might not recall me as I spent most of the decade on the previous forum lurking. I did still participate in the occasional forum contest or just general posting from time to time though, and I played quite a bit in the community TF2 games and the latter part of the Minecraft server. However, the amount of times I visited the forum over the last 2-3 years dwindled more and more. Today was the first day I came to the site since maybe just before 2019 ended or just after 2020 started and there was quite a bit to process when I came back. It also seemed like my own personal activity with Touhou also kind of dwindled, but I still kept up to date for the most part on news and info surrounding it. But sometime last year to now I've been in a sort of "Touhou Renaissance" where my love for the series has been rekindled and I found myself wondering why it let up. Due to the activity decline of the old forum itself though I didn't start re-visiting more often in conjunction with that.
Anyways, I won't promise that I'll cast away the lurking ways or increase how often I'll stop by, but here's to a new era.
Hey hey, call me northernstar. I am in high school, 14, and I live in the USA.
Honestly I wouldn't have even found Touhou if soundcloud's algorithm didn't direct me to Bad Apple that one time during 5th grade. (But then a while later I suddenly remembered about watching that one Minecraft video showcasing a Touhou mod when I was like 6-7, so...) I've been a huge fan since then; my first game was MOF.
Beyond that, I've 1cc a good amount of games, most recently DDC, and want to write this one Touhou fanfic that has been floating around in my head for a while, and quite possibly make it into a game, (thought i probably will have to learn how to actually code first :-\) Other than that haven't really done much.
Beyond all that, I'm also northernstar in Azur Lane's Sandy server and in Girl's Frontline, and a (hopefully) budding author. My other interests are Vocaloid, Madoka Magica, and anything color guard/marching band.
That's about it, for now at least.
Hey everyone.
This is trancehime, call me trance, or whatever.
I guess you can call me one of the ancient users, this makes it my third iteration of Shrinemaiden that I have an account on.
I'm 27, which means it's been 13 years since I joined the community. Currently I work as a full-stack developer at a blockchain company (lul).
I'm just lurking here nowadays. I feel like I've drifted somewhat.
NOTE: If you want to reach me for whatever reason, I'm a lot more active on Discord - I've stopped frequenting IRC as much since. You can find me at astalotte#4951. Cheers.
I've been lurking for almost a year now but it's time for me to join this forum.
My name is Alexandre, I'm 26, my main occupations are video games and movies, though I enjoy reading classic literature from time to time. Started playing shmups when I was something like 6 and Touhou when I was 16, but with many hiatus: which means my skill level isn't really high.
My favorite character is Byakuren (despite my current avatar), but I also really like Yuyuko and Marisa.
Besides Touhou, my favorite games are mostly retro games such as Super Metroid, or JRPGs such as the Kiseki and Ys series or Final Fantasy VI.
I'm not really good with introductions so I'll stop here ;D
This is a good place to put my first post, but I don't really have much to say at the moment. I made an account here on totally on a whim. I've certainly been aware of MoTK for a long time, but I've never really browsed the forums much or know anything about the community. That said, I do like Touhou a lot, so I figured it couldn't hurt having an account here?
I distinctly remember that my first exposure to Touhou was when I heard 'Wind God Girl' used in a youtube in 2009. I looked up where the track came from myself, and it was a really huge domino effect from there. That said, I wouldn't say I've been big into the franchise for the entirety of the last 11 years. It was only just a few years ago, probably starting from 2015 where I discovered (or maybe rediscovered) a burning passion for Touhou and it's been my favourite thing in the world since then, and will probably remain the thing most dear to me going forward.
I could say more about myself but I'll leave that for other avenues in the future or if anyone happens to be curious enough to ask. Great job on getting these new forums up and running, by the way!
It's been a while, but I'm back for now!
Anyway, I'm Sana and I'm 28. Apparently I registered back in 2009 but I think I was around for a bit before that? I disappeared from forums and such for a few years, so a bunch of stuff has changed for me since then. I used to work as a technical writer, but I recently quit that to try to get into art because I am a dumb. I'm in an illustration program right now, but the whole virus situation has put a damper on things so I'm not sure what'll happen after this.
Also, Renko is good.
Hello, I am KaoAli (AliceKaoru in the old shrinemaiden), given the recent events, in the end I must admit that I collect everything from the years that passed, I have an addiction for collecting old things, since there are things that are better to keep and that they don't get lost over time.
I have known touhou since 2007, and although many do not know me, I have a long history in this and in other things that have happened over the years as in nico nico douga. Within that I met shrinemaiden in which I also knew her old wiki that I want to relive it again.
From touhou I know everything from walfas animations and Iori E animations to toho 17, that includes absolutely everything from touhou in niconico douga and more
I have a degree in programming in different programming languages, I live in Chile, lately I try to be able to form my life away from my native home, and I hope I can be more often, so that it is a new beginning
Hi! I compose music, and nice to meet ya!
Best girl:Koishi! Also, Sagume& Yuuka
Best song(Windows):Kobito of shining needle ~ 'Lil princess & Fall of fall ~ Autumnal waterfall
Best song(PC-98):Faint dream ~ Inanimate dream (Unused version, can't get YU-MU out of my head), and Romantic children
Story time
How I got into Touhou: I was around 5 when I was introduced by anime (Yes, My Mom introduced it to me), and I liked Vocaloid covers a lot, and I found Bad Apple! Cover by Jubyphonic.
That's where it all starts...
So, I became an Undertale fan, and like the game (I'm NOT a furry that ships Sans with everyone, I'm innocent back there), but the interest fire quickly got put out in only a Year.
Then, I listened to Nitro fun's "Game over" and some of the part seems similar to me, and found a comment that said so, so I clicked onto the link, and boom, :cirnotan: Cirno's theme :cirnotan:
That's the first I even touched official things, but I don't have any interest in it, so I got back to Nitro fun's video.
Then, after some month's time-skip, I've seen the Bad Apple! MMD Version on Youtube and found some character like Reimu, Marisa, etc
Yaay, 2Hu near now
So I got OSU! And played Tear Rain (Like one of the tutorial), totally underrated song, I think, so I got to Youtube and seen some 2HU! 2HU! Comment and I reminded of the Tear rain.
Then, I found the Touhou wiki, and instead of Suika(I came because on the horns lol), I found Ran, so I know some characters (Reimu, Marisa, Cirno, Sakuya, and Ran), but I think this is not the right time, until...
I found a 1CC EoSD Sakuya on Youtube and decided to play EoSD! But I don't know how to install it, so I go to the Moriya shrine website (Thanks for a user in Touhou amino for giving me the intro!). I downloaded the Classic era first and played IN a lot until I 1CC'd Easy (Reisen laughs at the distance)
I wanted to experience the Modern Touhou, but it always ended up in DX Files error, soI asked in the Moriya shrine and downloaded the missing DX files (Thanks for Maden who helps me with this).
Touching the Touhou: 2012 or so (HM Trial, SoPM, WaHH Tankoubon, OSP Tankoubon, ZUN's marriage, TGA, first FS)
Entering the fandom:2019 (WBaWC)
Currently watching salt from ECB (You know him, right?)
Hello there, I am MakiBlank, a 15 year old living in Australia. I am currently learning to use danmakufu and have no coding background. My best girl is Maki Nishikino, but when it comes to Touhou my best girl is Marisa! I joined around last year on the 2nd MotK as I found it through my research on what to do for my passion project (ended up being danmakufu). I still have a long way to go in terms of playing the series, the only game I've played being Imperishable Night, which I have yet to beat. My favorite song from the series has got to be Heian Alien, just love how it sounds. I hope to get along with you all and learn more about this great world of Touhou!
It's kinda convenient for cosplaying Kasen tho...
(Sorry if it's offending you)
Hey hoo, new member on the site. Consistently saw brief mentions of Touhou from around 2012-2015ish, especially around Smackjeeves as I frequented the sprite community there at that time, and just taking cursory glances at the wiki every now and then as I was interested in the lore. From there it was a slow dive into the lore and the typical fan creations.
Since my main interests are lore-based, I tended to find myself on the old forum a lot as that’s where a lot of translators and knowledgeable folk seemed to have congregated, so it seemed like a good idea to hop on and see how much that held up today.
Seeing that MoTK was rebooted fills me with ... some sort of emotion.
Anyway, hello, potentially again, everyone! I'm Taizen, 24.
I'm not new to MoTK at all but with the level of inactivity I'd maintained the past few years I might as well be starting fresh here.
In the intervening years, I've moved across the country, started and dropped a few jobs, and found a new love just north of the border.
Somehow, after what I believe to be 12 years in the fandom, I'm still associated with Touhou, largely by participating in Touhou-centric game jams every year.
It's nice to be here again.
Hi, I'm Himiko. I used to run text adventures on the old forums between 2010~2014. I've moved on to other interests since then, but I'd like to get back into this fandom, so I'm back! There are a lot of characters I love, but my favorites are currently Konngara, Reimu, and Sanae.
I'm pretty big on Hollow Knight right now and, as a result, I've been drawing fanart for it almost exclusively. However, I will try to start drawing Touhou fanart again. It's nice to meet all the new members, and to recognize some familiar faces :)
Name: Rowanaki
Location: Somerset, UK
Progress: Completed EoSD Normal, IN Normal, MoF Easy (Currently working on normal)
Age: 16, Just starting sixth form
Hobbies: avid writer, lives in a library, revises more than is probably healthy for me, likes cosplaying
I've been into the Touhou games for just over a year, playing them on and off, but I've never really looked at the wider community until the start of lockdown, where I stumbled across things like ISOYS and the forums. I probably would've found out about it sooner, but I'm a social butterfly and have never had any close friends, or anyone intrested enough to talk to me properly, well anyone non-fiction at least. I've been considering writing fanfic for Touhou after I'm finished with a couple of my other projects (rip sowing machine). But yea, if anyone wants to DM or say hi, just drop a message i'm normally around to talk.
Name: WitheringFlowerCrown (You can just call me by any of the individual words in that name)
Age: 18
Currently in University.
Location: London, England
I found out about Touhou back when DDC came out and checked out many gameplay videos both of official and fan-made games. It was in the description of a fan-made gameplay video that I found a link to this site. Notice that DDC came out 7 years ago, I've been lurking the site for that long.
In Touhou I haven't done much. I've made it to Stage 6 in EoSD, PCB, and IN without dying once but then my skill-level drops dramatically so I guess I'm a mediocre player. I've also played all of the fighting game spin-offs to completion.
I have an overall interest in programming and technology, I've learned Python and JavaScript, I'll hopefully learn Danmakufu in the future. Other than that I just regularly play video games and collect miscellaneous information on the internet. Oh, and, my favourite Touhou Character is Tenshi Hinanai (but that was probably obvious).
I honestly have slight problems socialising due to being very blunt so I have worries about saying the wrong thing and I'll therefore be curt sometimes. But I'm still ready and willing to meet new people.
Heyo, I'm Molten and I used to hang (or well, sorta semi-lurk/semi-chat) around here way back in like... 2010-2012 or so..? This place has been on my mind every now and then since I heard of the tragedy and I'm not quite sure why I'm here now of all times, but I figured I'd drop by and see how things are looking. I probably won't be very active but I'll try to take a peek here from time to time.
Since back then, I haven't accomplished much. Depression's been getting worse but I've actually got *some* proper friends now and also I guess I'm a girl now as well. At least mentally since I haven't really been able to start transitioning and stuff, but I did come out on my birthday last year. It's been really difficult figuring myself out but I think I'm starting to put some pieces together at least. Also I'm on the spectrum so that's yet another part of me being somewhat more understood.
And oooh boy all the memories that come rushing back as I looked through old and new stuff. This is a place where I hung around back when my depression got started and it'll always have a special place in my heart for the times it's helped me through. Have a good time y'all <3
Good evening. I am called Bear, and I'm a psychology student in the US. I am here to write, and that's about all. It just helps me take a moment to step aside and relax with the insanity of the world currently.
I got into touhou with writing and fics that I read. Don't remember anything specific that brought me in, but if I had to pick one that really pulled me in fully, it would be the 'Being Meiling' trilogy.
What have I done? Well, Nothing I want to connect to myself anymore. I'm taking this as a fresh chance to start anew. I finished a quest over in Rumia's party games. Fairy Quest.
I'm into a lot of other things, though it would be hard to really come up with anything off the top of my head. I'm better at writing then I am talking about myself.
Hi! I'm Claire (she/her), 23 years old and not doing much with my life right now.
I've been aware of Touhou for along time thanks to memes like Marisa Stole the Precious Thing but I didn't get into the series until 2017. I've had a lot of fun playing the game even though I'm terrible at them. I've also been enjoying the various related works including official manga, fan games, song covers, and fanfiction. I hope to get my first normal 1CC in IN at some point and then move on to other games and difficulties.
I found this community from the irc server in 2018 and this forum seems like a nice place as well.
Other than that I enjoy video games (mostly retro and mainly platformers, RPGs, shmups, and fighting games) as well as retro technology and cute animals. I'm also sometimes a fan of other things with vary from time to time. Hope to see you all around!
Hello, I'm Aleksey.
I'm an aspiring bankrobber from Vélez.
How did I learn about Touhou? I don't remember, probably learned about it after being after years of being extremely online.
How did I learn about MOTK? No idea. I think some folks from here joined some other community I used to be a part of a few years ago.
My touhou achievements amount to nothing, I hurt my back after grinding LoLK. I think I didn't finish that run. Oh, now that I think of it, I did fairly well on a pacifist TD run and playing SA years ago. Nowadays I don't play much due to health reasons.
I used to be a fairly active mahjong riichi player, but then I burned out ^^u, strangely, I neved played Touhou Unreal Mahjong.
That's all about me I guess, I hope I don't cause much trouble.
- Easy_breezy
- 2000s era Mads that I used to listen to in the mid 2010s
- I got the original CD Rom of ESOD and have the PC-98 games
- Old media collection
I'm Kitrinos, but I don't mind being called Kit.
I've been into Touhou for a quite a few years, ever since I saw these Windows Error Remixes of "Marisa Stole The Precious Thing", I got Imperishable Night on my old Windows 2000 PC and have loved the series ever since.
I've seen MotK various times while browsing around online, but I finally decided that today's the day that I'll sign up and take a look.
I have never really been too talkative on forums, due to me being shy and not wanting people to not like me or something, but everyone has to come out of their shell sometime, right? Maybe this forum will change that part of me for the better.
Hiya, I'm ramaseta and I am a male living in America.
I've always known about Touhou's existence as I've been into Japan and otaku stuff for almost a decade, but I finally decided to take the plunge a few months ago by downloading EoSD–and the rest is history. I found this site by looking up the most popular English Touhou forums, haha.
I've remade some EoSD songs using MIDI in FL Studio 12, mostly just for myself to learn the DAW, which can be found on my YouTube channel on my profile. I will likely remix some Touhou songs if I get a good idea for one. I also write, too, so I might write some type of fan-fiction someday if I get the inspiration for it.
The only other fandom that I'm really in is the NisiOisiN fandom, which in the west is honestly pretty small. Other hobbies include learning Japanese, which I've been doing for about a year, playing piano, reading, also creative writing (can be found on my profile) and music composing/producing like I mentioned before. Nice to meet you!
Hello, I'm Aisha. I've been around MotK since the days of Katchura running the place, but I haven't been active in the Touhou community for many years now. I still like to check in on the series every now and then, so I'm just a passing ghost needing to post something to unlock the PM functionality on this iteration of the forum.
i'll be honest i'm not entirely sure how i found myself here again but here we are!
hi! my name's kenzie, i'm 23 (coming up on 24) and i'm just a hobbyist artist/writer who strongly hyperfixates on her own ocs. i actually originally joined the forums in... 2010 - 2011 i think and due to a lot of IRL circumstances and shifting of interests over the years i fell out of the loop with the forum until just recently. to think it's been almost 10 years since then and oh boy a lot has changed so i won't even blame anyone for not recognizing me.
i also used to play the games a fair bit (mostly on normal or hard) but nowadays i don't really. play the games all that much. most of my accomplishments are in Len'en and i do have a couple old videos of me messing around in the demos/with the absurdly extra mods
as for my favourite touhou characters? back in the day it was kaguya and eirin and to this day they still are my favourites. sagume and sumireko have joined them recently though.
Very new, idk if ill post a lot but just wanted to make an account and see what it was like.
Been getting into Touhou and wanted to try and enter the fandom. Interests for me are music composition, music instruments, and clay sculpting.
Uh while im here this may be the wrong place to put this question but does anyone know how to change your avatar? I see the PC-98 icons but im unaware as how to upload an image for mine from my computer. Any help?
Anyway, hope this works out well.
hihi i'm fenny~
i'm a dorky magical girl from the usa and i'm really into playing the shmups and the also whole general 'public domain community' type thing that touhou kinda has. i'm a huge madoka fangirl (and fan of magical girls in general but puella magi and touhou both specifically are special to me) and i'm also a chuuni and also 25, a trans girl, ADHD and schizophrenic.
i've 1CCed normal in 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 (legacy), and beat extra in 5, 8, and 7 (+phantasm). recently i've been practicing lunatic mode in 7 and 13
Good afternoon-
I'm Neru, found about Touhou from its music.
It is hard to tell the exact date since I was not even aware of listening to Touhou arrangements and that it was actually a game in the first place.
There were some times when it was hard to find new music to listen to and I stumbled upon a playlist that had some familiar sounds in it. Since then I tried searching for bands that were in there and accidentally found myself in listening to various Touhou arrangements for whole shifts at the time.
The whole listening and searching for Touhou music period was not that long in time but certainly, a lot of things happened in that timeframe- finishing school, picking up an instrument, dropping some hobbies, getting new ones, moving places. It is weird how much influence music from a game has made in my life since some of the most important decisions were made while listening to it.
I have yet to figure out why I'm joining but I think I hope to meet some people.
Please, just call me Mukyū. Or Tsubaki. Or Camellia. If we are to trust the judgment of Seppo Hovi, the fabulous Tōhō player, I am a secondaryfag extraordinaire.
I started running into Tōhō stuff at some point between 2006 and 2008, when I was still pretty new to Japanese pop culture. (Well, I had been aware of "Sailor Moon", "Pokemon" and some other franchises prior to that, but they had never been a big thing for me.)
In March 2009, research into Miku fandom led me to "Marisa wa Taihen na Mono wo Nusunde Ikimastrawberriesa". Fascinated by the characters, I found out that Tōhō was neither a visual novel nor a manga but a bullet hell game. Later that year, "Alice → Dere" became the first Tōhō fan work that made me cry. Perhaps that was the most important turning point. Still later the same year, I published my earliest fanfic story, starring Patchouli Knowledge.
In 2011, I discovered our domestic fan community, which was pretty visible at conventions. I started socializing both online and offline. Those affiliated with the Touhou.fi community became one of my most important friend circles (if not the most important one) for years. I still like to hang out with those folks when I have the chance – perhaps most notably with Bitofhope, whom a few of you might know. The number of my fanfic chapters always remained quite limited, but I took great pleasure in producing Tōhō filks – songs rewritten to describe life in Gensōkyō.
I joined the previous incarnation of Kaleidoscope 6th June 2017. Over there, my enthusiasm for history led me to socialize primarily with Nav’, whom I hereby wish to salute. Also, cheers to everybody else who exchanged ideas with me, in public or by private messaging.
This much should suffice for now. However, I have skimmed through the whole thread today and found some rather interesting introductions. I might be back later to comment – but at least one person should contribute before that, you know!
The curse word filter ruining this message is unacceptable.
I have come from the many island of rices in South East Asia, call me Frans (surprised nobody has taken this name yet).
I discovered Touhou from a long time ago, however I wasn't quite aware of so as I was never big into anime stuff until some day in February 2020 when I saw a gif of Nitori doing GEDDAN at that moment I started to delve deeper into the rabbit hole that is Touhou from the music.
After constant exposure of old Touhou videos appearing on my recommendation feed, I started to play the game too.
By the span of 1 year, I've managed to 1cc normal on 6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14 and currently practicing on 15.(if only LoLK wasn't that hard :cirnotan:)
Anyway, here I am. Thanks for having me.
some day in February 2020 when I saw a gif of Nitori doing GEDDAN
Ah, Geddan! Good times. Lemme check... Yes, I managed to save two related videos back in the days:
– Marisa WTF!!! - Get Down_ゲッダン
– 【Touhou】 Koakuma ☆Get Down☆ by Patchouli ☆ゲッダン☆
At least one of them was gone for a while, which surprised me. Out of all things possible, I never imagined them to attack Geddan based on copyright claims.
Hi, I'm Alma. I got into Touhou around mid 2016. First technically witnessed a hint of its existence back in 2012 through a stickman animation featuring an arrange of Greenwich in the Sky while the stickman pelvic thrusts furiously. It wasn't until early 2016 that I would learn it was a game series through a pretty obscure rhythm game you never heard of (probably not even worth mentioning) called osu! :meiling:
I wasn't much for weeb music, but the songs by some guys you totally never heard of called Yuuhei Satellite captivated me with their strangely nostalgic melodies. Eventually, I wanted to find out more about this music, and so I found the Touhou Project. On a whim, I downloaded Touhou 8, hearing it was the best one for beginners and had a grand old time. Over time I started playing more of the series and even dabbled into Seihou and Samidare at some point, but then stopped playing all of them when I realized shmups weren't my thing. I was more interested in the other aspects of Touhou people like it for, like the characters, the music, the art, the community, and the lore. At some point I drifted away from the series and its fandom and messed with other things like fighting games and... vocaloid... somehow. I'll talk about that in another post.
Fast forward to now, I'm getting into shmups, and by extension, back into Touhou! Gonna try to clear the whole series on hard from 1-12 minus fighting games cause I already play mad IaMP and hate the other fighters.
Other than that, I like tea, kefir, linux, retro gaming, fighting games, arcade sticks and World of Warcraft. Sorry if the intro is a bit long. :meiling: :meiling: :meiling:
At least one of them was gone for a while, which surprised me. Out of all things possible, I never imagined them to attack Geddan based on copyright claims.
Dammit youtube and their broken copyright mechanic!
I was watching a video of that Miku leek song and guess what i found? A copyright claim and if that wasn't enough, I searched the one who claimed it and saw that it was just the Miku Ievan polka but with a rap added over it.
Guess I oughta leave my mark on this thread too. :cirnotan:
I'm bitofhope, the lurking fairy. I'm somewhat active on the IRC, but I've mostly had a forum account as a placeholder.
Yuuka is best girl. And Yoshika.
Cheers to Mukyū for the shout out :meiling:
Heyo! I'm AngryEclectus, but feel free to call me Angry!
There isn't much information I want to reveal... I know!
I got into Touhou late 2019, and I'm currently trying to read and play everything Touhou related in chronological order.
My favourite character is Patchouli.
That's all the information I wish to share. I hope you understand!
I'm buchsen.
First found out about touhou by playing and seeing TF2 videos, NightMen was one of them.
I think Youmu and Utsuho are cool.
I mainly lurk, as i'm not much of a poster
Cybeast710 here.
It's been...a long time.
Like...a REEEEALLY long time. I remember when I was constantly on this board in high school.
That was EIGHT YEARS AGO. Holy crap.
How am I doing?
Decent, I guess. Branched off of Touhou and spun up a net of original characters. Got into FGO. I decided to look back at the old chaos of "Roll To Dodge: Crossover Edition", a game I ran back in 2014. Like...today I decided to look.
And that's when I found the boards had moved, so here I am!
Alright so I'm Fallout.
I'm 16 (yes I'm young, I'm aware). I'm 17 now, but still young -_-
Living in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
I learned about Touhou through the most generic way possible, "Bad Apple!!". I don't know exactly how I found out that it was a Touhou thing, but let's say that it was about a month later and about one or two months before UM came out. That's when I found out "Bad Apple!!" was a Touhou thing through a video talking about its history and analyzing it, which is when I got curious.
I found this place while browsing about Touhou stuff when I came across an article on the Touhou Fandom Wiki talking about something called Touhou School (it's an... interesting take on character ages and heights). I tried to research it when I came across a post from here from 2012 titled "Touhou School Projects".
Other things are that I love Nintendo, chess, reading, Japan, history, and random trivia.
Last but not least, my top 3 Touhou characters are Utsuho, Aya, and either Marisa or Alice Utsuho, Marisa, and Momiji.
Edit January 19, 2023: Changed some embarrassing things I said, unnecessary information, over-enthusiasm, clarification, and my top 3 characters.
Hello hello!
The friendly white haired kitsune has arrived!
I mostly enjoy Touhou music and art, though that is slowly changing to include games too. We'll see if I can best Sakuya! Life would be much better if I had a maid like her though...
As for my likes, cute things and cool things I guess, heh. I especially like cats, though I'm not sure they all like me back. Oh also: Patchouli best girl. No questions about it.
Hello everyone, I am Fishou (that's the name I usually go by, I don't think that's a reserved name, if it is, well… that would be bad), 28, unemployed, and also french.
I learned about touhou a long time ago, as I had friends that were quite interested in it, I wasn't, and one of them turned out to be a pretty toxic person, so I only looked into it later on (I blame Dylan Asprey for getting me interested), I came across this website once or twice, I wanted to make an account today just because "why not, there shouldn't be any issue", plus it may be interesting.
As far as it goes, I played first Touhou Mother (the VGPerson translation, using EasyRPG as I avoid windows as much as possible), then later on Yoiyami Dreamer (by tripper_room I believe? A Rumia game similar to Bubble Bobble/Don Doko Don), that one being the first game I purchased, I then started with Touhou 13 : Ten Desires (which is nice, albeit not as hard as I expected).
Other touhou games I played were:
- Tempest of the Heavens and Earth (Tenjou no Tempest; by Lionheart I believe),
- MarisaLand Legacy (mario-like platformer),
- Komeiji Satori no Jousou Kyouiku (isometric puzzle game),
- Shoot Shoot Nitori the Golden (Shmup, you grab enemies weapons to add them in front of you); those three being Twilight Frontier games
And as far as official games go besides 13, I played:
- 11 (Subterranean Animism, but I suck),
- 14 (Double Dealing character, I finished with Sakuya A),
- 16.5 (Hifuu Nightmare Diary - Violet detector, a photographic one, very frustrating, I'm bad),
- 18 (Unconnected marketeers, very fun, finished with all characters but no 1cc, I actually didn't 1cc any of them, only because stage 6 of ten desires is not letting me),
- I also played the demo of 10.5 (Scarlet Weather Rhapsody)
- Using THCRAP for the official games to play in english.
I have those weird tendencies : If I can't buy a game that I know is a paid one, I won't pirate it in order to play it, that's not something I do, I respect that everyone is entitled to their actions, and I don't blame people, but I just don't do this. The other one is I use linux mint as my main OS, this reduces a lot the games I am able to play, as wine is a complicated beast : when it works, it works, when it doesn't, it doesn't tell you how to make it work (Yuuyuu jiteki no Yuukarin being one exemple of game that launches but has severe display issues, I suspect it has something to do with pixel game maker MV, but I don't know), and while in theory I'd be okay with helping more people to play touhou games on linux, it's outside of the things I am able to do for now.
hi hi! err, i've never really done the whole "forum posting" thing before, so apologies if there are any format errors!
my name is azazel, i'm 18, and i'm.. I guess a dude? don't look into it too hard ^_^;; i'm a hobbyist artist looking to go fully independent -- Freelance! i'm. not doing too well on that front at the moment, but i have high hopes! high school dropout, seeking my GED. i'm american, though i have the sleep schedule of an australian (according to my friends LOL)
i think i first heard about touhou around 7 years ago? it was because of a mixture of bad apple and cirno's perfect math class as far as i remember! plus i was really into mmd videos, so i watched a ton of random touhou mmd videos and just sorta.. slowly absorbed touhou knowledge! then i forgot about it for a few years LOL. but i saw something about cirno again about 2 years ago and decided to finally play one of the games from the series, phantasm dream. it was like.. brand new at the time i think? i genuinely have no idea, my concept of time is a bit shoddy. BUT i ended up falling in love with the style of the game!! ...for a bit! and then i fell out all over again. this time around, however, i'm here to stay. you can thank muse dash for that! their collab with touhou project dragged me back in so hard i swear i got my legs stuck in the ground that is Touhou. as for finding the site.. i really just looked up "touhou forums" and went from there.
..i have only drawn patchouli. i plan to draw as many touhou characters as i possibly can, though, and maybe even, and this is NOT a promise lol, make a game for it? who knows!
i'm very big on art (as i've mentioned a couple times haha) and rhythm games! favourite rhythm games are project diva and muse dash~ i'm also a novice writer and want to learn how to sew!
i look forward to chatting with you all here on motk2 ^_^
Long time lurker deciding to join this forum, mainly interested in the gameplay part.
Learned about Touhou in 2011, but started seriously playing only recently in 2021. I have most N1cc's and several H1cc's, and started dipping into easier Lunatics (MoF done), so I wouldn't say I'm a high skill player yet.
I'm also interested in Touhou fangames - like Touhou Luna Nights, Strawberry Bose JRPG trilogy, Labyrinth of Touhou, Kaisendo danmaku fangames.
As the username suggest, I'm Gonkanau. Well, I do have other names in other social like Final Gonkanau, SecondGonkanau, Konumi, Konumi1820, etc I can't even remember them all lol
I found Touhou around a year ago when a red and white girl keeps popping up in my socials and I was like "just who the hell is this" and now here I am.
I do play the official games, but I'm just around average at it I guess?
Anyway. When I was finding patches for fangames and stuff like that most of the time I ended up in this forum so I signed up. Forums aren't my thing though so I don't know if I'm gonna be active...
I like to play rhythm games like osu! and reading visual novel (uh... don't judge me please)
This is a complicated one, but... I'm not new. I've been for a small bit, but had to move on due to some complications. HOWEVER! I will be popping back in every now and then, so if anyone remembers me, I guess I'm back!
Well, might as well give my real introductions here:
Hello, I'm Alex, but Memomecha's my name here. I've seen this site for the longest while and even helped out in the early days of this site, but I disappeared for about over a year until now. I've found it through that infamous U.N. Owen Was Her full version video and it has been with me throughout my life right now.
Age: 19, nearing 20
Occupation: Freelance Artist
Hobbies: Writing and making 3D models
I don't have a nickname of my own, but for few years now I've been going around in Touhou communities as Kotohime. It's obviously obvious she's my favorite though I have a heart for other characters too. Not to sound ignorant, but mostly all of them are wonderful. Well well, what's my purpose here? I've made this account some time ago, but I haven't considered posting, just lurking. You all know that forums are pushed aside by social media like Discord (earlier by Facebook) or Twitter. Honestly though - I am happy to have at least one Touhou related forum that's lively and I want to be a part of it one way or another. Even as a pillar~ (I'm kinda strong when I put effort).
Anyway, more about me - I'm a gamer. I've played through and completed all of the mainline games (except for Touhou 1 and some spinoff like 13.5 and later fighters) on normal or higher difficulty. I find big enjoynment in Phantasmagoria games unlike other people (these were my first that I beat on Lunatic due to how they're not so different from normal mode to be honest). Anyway, don't take me professionally. I only completed few Extras and don't bother with others because I see no point in doing so. Touhou games aren't the only ones I play. I generally play every kind of game ranging from AAA titles from a 15 years ago or more, to indie games that get released tomorrow. It's easier for me to say which ones I don't like and these are RPGs in which I hate grind, slow progression and repeating the same thing over and over.
Besides games though - I like mostly everything. Music, films, books, cooking, gardening, electronics - name it. I avoid politics whenever possible as they've been doing more harm than needed from my perspective.
I'd almost forgot my main thing I do with others in the fanbase - that is roleplay. The roleplay servers on Discord have been getting a bit stale. I wonder if I'll be able to find something here?
Well, that's it for my personal blog in this not so long post. (I feel like it's longer from anything else others wrote). Oh well~
Thank you for reading this. I hope that I have sparked some interest.
:cirnotan: Hello! My name's Vaz, 22, they/them from California. I work on contract as a tutor and work as a cook currently.
I'd always known about Touhou from it showing up in memes and references but I had zero idea about the characters or story, it was just this weird phenomenon that would happen sometimes. However I'm a huge yuri manga fan and after burning through my regular series someone posted a Touhou yuri manga, and when googling for more it turns out there is a strawberries TON OF MANGA FOR TOUHOU. Reading through the various fan and official manga helped get me caught up a bit on the characters.
I also started playing Mystia'a Izakaya and loved it, and finally have been playing the official games. When I saw screenshots online of the games it seemed impossible to play but now having played them it clearly is less about being impossible to dodge and more about dealing with the disorientation of a thousand bright neon lights moving in different directions. Been loving it! Also started playing fan games too, basically have become a new obsession of mine.
Maybe one day I'll finally buy a Fumo...
Favorite character currently is Mokou!
I'm Gree!
I've been into Touhou for a few years and completed up to LLK so far (I force myself to clear ex stages) I've never really been on a text forum like this before so I hope to learn the etiquette and such.
My favourite Character is Sakuya and my favourite game is between Double Dealing Character and Imperishable Night
Also generally into anime and fighting games
New to MotK? Feel free to write a brief introduction for yourself here. Try to keep it to at most a few paragraphs, please.
Returning members from MotK v2 are also welcome to introduce themselves.
Potential topics (nothing is required, be as specific or unspecific as you like):
- Name, age, job or education status, country/location
- How did you learn about Touhou/find this site?
- What have you done so far in Touhou?
- Other interests or hobbies
I dissected a Swissman from London, it is how I obtained my biomedical science’s diploma to be frozen in Edinburgh.
I am retiring to video games and casually living to cure the trauma now, peace and fear! Yay!
I'm completely new here..
I go by jrm1007 on Xbox, PS4
Sumireko Usami on Discord, and various other places.
I ended finding this site through a friend who mentioned it, and I was curious.
I'm 19 and I live in the US
I'm big into Touhou, discovered it in early 2018, I'm also a big fan of racing games, and mess around with MUGEN a lot, I edit older characters and such.
Hey hey, my name is Kai/Kaii
I go by kaiidentical/mashedjunko
I've been playing Touhou since the release of Unconnected Marketeers, not very good at it tho.
Found this site through r/touhou
I live in the Netherlands :cirnotan:
Hi, my name is SirtheBastard but you can call me Sir for short. I've been a Touhou since 2 years (January 2020) which I am surprised especially when my relationship with it was strained this year before June 2022. I think I have known Touhou thanks to the the video Reimu VS Sakuya (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg_uZDHuAY) and listened Night of Knight. Ever since, I have become a prominent member of this fandom. (I forgot how I found this website. :cirnotan:)
-Braveheart, 22 years old, unemployed, Hong Kong
-I learned about Touhou when I was just consuming mangas, doujins and other jp-related media back then. I stumbled on a doujinshi about Touhou one day and got me hooked onto the series later. If you're wondering which doujinshi it was titled Yagokoro Syndrome.
-Played and cleared some of the mainline games but my favorite ones are probably the figthtan games especially soku and other tasofro-related works.
-I just consume japanese media for a hobby. :meiling:
Hi all! I go by the name "pandakekok9" in reddit. I'm from the Philippines.
I first learned about Touhou from a danooct1 video about Rensenware. I found Touhou interesting and browsed the Touhou Wiki to learn more about the characters and setting, but the interest soon faded for some reason (I think the wiki's weird interface compared to Wikipedia is to blame). Then I somehow regained interest in Touhou when I started playing the games in early 2020 with HRtP as my starting point. Yeah, it was a bad idea. I skipped that and went with the second game instead. I got turned off by the difficulty. So I lost interest again. It wasn't until I saw a remix of Dark Matter's theme mixed with Koishi's that I regained interest again, since the comments in the video about Koishi intrigued me. I'm now stuck in the Touhou rabbit hole, help.
I found this forum from the Touhou Wiki.
My current 1ccs in Normal (and in chronological order) are LLS (ReimuA) and SoEW (ReimuB). I almost got a Hard 1cc in LLS with MarisaA, but I didn't have enough lives for the 2nd Yuuka fight... I also play fangames; Touhou Mother and its sequel are my favorites. As you can probably guess, I love the PC-98! Please bring back Mima ZUN
My hobbies would be programming, collecting lossless music, wiki editing, and tinkering with Linux. I'm interested in old computer tech, world history, and archiving stuff.
Despite my username, Nitori is my favorite character.
:player:: :T::E::N::S::H::I::S::A::D:
Hey there everyone! I'm Tenshisad (100% real no virus guys trust me)
Just made an account here and I figured I'd stop by here and say hi before I mess around and see more of the site. A friend of mine was talking about the site, so I decided to drop by and it seemed like a fun little place.
As of posting this, I've been into touhou for roughly 2-3 Years and I don't plan on letting go of this series. I really like writing and I've been working on a rather big Touhou fanfic (I'd put a link here but I don't wanna advertise lol)
I also wish to become a Walfas content creator of sorts, messing around with Walfas is a fun past time of mine and I really wanna put myself to the test by making some Walfas comics/Walfas animations.
There isn't really much more I can really say about myself, but I really hope that whoever is currently reading this considers just talking to me, I mainly came here to meet some new people and get just a small bit further into the Touhou community.
I thank you, the reader for your time. I hope this message has found you well and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hey, what's up? It's your boy, ReUKing.
Someone told me that these forums still exist, so I kinda made an account just for the sake of it.
Been interested in Touhou since the Ten Desires demo so almost 11 years at this point.
Always trying to find more people to talk about it with, and if IRL were more common, maybe that too.
I wish everyone a good day. Who knows, maybe I'll be active. The last I enjoyed forums was back in the Animal Crossing Days.
Saluton! I'm Winslow, or Winslow S.E.M., the webmaster of Touhou.club(It's dead) and also the admin of the Seihou Project "subreddit" in Tieba(the Chinese version of Reddit).
I cannot precisely tell when I found Touhou, but Touhou has become one of the most significant parts of my life since I found it
I found this forum when I was searching for info about Dolls in Pseudo Paradise, here https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php?topic=17654.0, this raised my interest in this forum.
Goshka, Gender: Female, Aircraft Mechanic from Poland, Witam! (Hello)
Favorite music: Polish Accordion/Folk music
First Touhou game I played was EOSD on Windows XP, despite learning about it from the early PC-98 games while traveling in japan.
Hobbies: Old computers, old Polish cars (I curently own a Polski Fiat 126p) and Polish Soviet era aircraft such as (one of my favorites) the Polish Lala-1, Collecting soviet era equipment (aside from the Medical equipment the Polish soviet army issued me, such as dosimiters, naval range finders and Atgm launchers/Towed AA platforms) Drawing/Pixel art and games such as Simple planes or Scrap Mechanic and Touhou.
Hello. Please don't mind me, I am just a lost little Lv.86 Swinub. I hope we can get along. I'm hoping to find two old friends who meant the world to me and helped me get so massively into Touhou, and with luck make some new friends.
I like spicy food, and stick to a vegetarian (ideally fully plant-based) diet for [Personal Reasons].
This is accurate:
Shortcomings: Socially awkward, slow at processing information, bad at video games
And another accurate quote:
Give me spicy food and you have you a great big smile.
Please take good care of me, and let's have lots of fun.
*crawls back into its Friend Ball*
Hi there. I like Touhou and and its fangames in general. I discovered this series back in 2010 and have since been a fan of it. I use forums in general so I know my way around more or less.
Hi, I'm Shiina. I went by "Shiina Tamai" on the old forum. I was really into Touhou from 2014-~2016, then other things got in the way. I first got into Touhou when I played the fangame Touhou: Wondering Souls Since then, I've gotten SWR and Hisou, which is very fun on a rainy day. I saw an advertisement for a new Touhou game coming out and figured I'd re-register here. As for my old account, I don't have the password and don't even remember the E-mail I used. Besides, I had been thinking about changing my name there and like to consider this a new beginning for the new SMF.
Greetings folks! I am DeityDiz93, known simply by friends as Diz. I have finally moved to the new MotK from the old one, took me long enough. ^^;
I was first introduced to Touhou in March 11, 2008 with my watching Ronald McDonald insanity (https://youtu.be/Q16KpquGsIc), which I came back to later that August to find a new video called Deaf to All but the Ronald (https://youtu.be/l7GObEWKTwA) which is where it all began. From there I found Touhou 8's second boss, Mystia Lorelei, via her theme Deaf to all but the Song (https://youtu.be/t4y-pQb-UDA) on this exact video. It is from that point in time that my life changed, and I grew up as avid Touhou fan; today that's no different. I still stay with the series with just as much enjoyment to it that I did 15 years ago, and am happy to remain that way henceforth.
After getting quite familiar with Touhou music, fan animations, and such for 2 years - I started playing Touhou first day of summer break from school of 2010 and started my journey with Touhou 1 HRtP, which had sufficiently handed me back my own butt. I played the first shoot 'em up in SoEW next, the only of those games to have this exact translation patch at the time (https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,7068.0.html)! Thus, ZUN's comment on my end results were "You should die, you suck." which sent me into laughing fit for nearly 20 minutes straight because I sat in my chair caked in sweat from the summer heat feeling almighty accomplished for not running out of continues somehow on the semi-last boss, only to get hit with that assessment. It is that very assessment that got me hooked to play the rest of the games and keep me coming back to face the challenges, as it is with each new release and now.
My favorite game in the series is Touhou 5 MS, followed closely by Touhou 7 PCB, and in third place Touhou 11 SA and have been able to beat each game in Hard mode, and nearly 1cc'd MS on lunatic. My favorite character is Komachi Onozuka, followed by Iku Nagae who both remain my unchanged top 2. At the time of writing my favorite Touhou manga is firmly Forbidden Scrollery, fav written work is Cage in Lunatic Renegade, and if I had to pick one of the fairy stories it would be Oriental Sacred Place. My favorite of the fan games are Labyrinth of Touhou 2, Touhou Katsugeki Kidan 3, Ephemeral Unnatural Balance, and Touhou Puppet Dance Performance.
What I tend to gravitate towards is Touhou's written works and canon lore, Touhou PC-98 and obscure media advocacy, and enriching other people's experiences with what I know of the modern material. I love to contribute to Touhou with thought pieces of my own, and despite not being usually that active will pop up from time to time with hopes to be more involved in the wider community. Being here is a bid to that involvement, so I hope to be here as a way to give back to the series that gave so much to me. I wish all reading well, and hope to make the most of my contributions!
— 御像嗣 Diz
A decade and a half later, huh? It's always been great though. ♪
hi hi im yuutou!!
im an artist musician and permanent strawberriesposter that got into touhou as a wee little baby. 2008 marks the very first time i discovered the franchise through a parody of cirnos perfect math class. got really into it because of the music, became obsessed with the designs of the characters, and 15 years later here i am. touhou is the main source of my inspiration to draw and make music. i wouldnt have gotten so serious about pursuing those things as a hobby if it werent for the franchise and i owe a lot to it.
my top three are flandre scarlet, eiki shiki, and yuuma toutetsu! my favorite games in the franchise to play are mystic square and phantasmagoria of flower view. some favorite songs that i listen to are immemorial marketeers, doll maker of bucuresti, the last judgement, swordsman of a distant star, and fate of sixty years, just to name a few of them.
all things considered, despite having been in the scene for so long, im not very good at the games. ive only ever 1cc'd a handful of them, that includes pofv with aya and medicine, perfect cherry blossom with reimu, imperishable night with reimu and yukari, and mystic square with reimu and mima, all on normal. the games are great fun! i just suck at shmups. :sweat:
have a good day!
Hey, everyone!
I'm a 16-year-old boy who likes Touhou, Pizza Tower, LittleBigPlanet, and Minecraft. I also like to play games on my PC, 3DS, Xbox ONE, and PS4.
I also have two fumos; Patchouli Knowledge and Marisa Kirisame!
Oh hey I totally missed this thread when I was first going to post.
So uh, been a Touhou fan for a while. Not neeeearly as long as some people, but it's still been over a decade now I think!
My favorite character is Youmu, but after her it gets really hard to sort. I know I like Marisa a lot too, but I like so many characters putting them in any kind of order just gets super difficult.
I really like writing, and I've been doing a lot of Touhou writing recently.
My love of Touhou has been a big influence on my life and it's the way I met some of my current closest friends, so I guess that's why I felt like I wanted to join.
Howdy, it's a pleasure to meet all you kind internet strangers.
Seeing as this is an introduction, how about I start with how I got into Touhou in the first place.
My story begins in the early days of college. I was assigned to make a brief paper on whatever topic of my choosing, and for some reason or another, nuclear energy clicked with me. And so as I worked on the project, I wanted to find some music to listen to as I wrote the paper. Looking for something more fitting, I search "Nuclear Fusion music".
I think you can see where this is going.
And so through the theme of the three-legged hell raven, I found myself quickly getting sucked into the rabbit hole that is Touhou.
But that is not where the story ends, as that is simply the beginning.
I quickly found myself delving into the lore of both the characters and the world they lived in, and I was fascinated by this hidden little wonderland. A world where simply being strong or smart doesn't mean you'll decimate any opponent. A place where fights are dictated by beauty, and most conflicts end with you having tea with your foe.
And I loved every bit of it.
The world ZUN has created mixes so many mythologies in such a unique setting, that I can't help but get sucked into hour-long delves whenever I visit the Touhou Wiki.
And that's not to mention this creative and welcoming community, as I wouldn't be in this fandom if it wasn't for people just like you reading this.
So, you have my thanks.
You may or may not have guessed by now, but I come from the Reddit exodus as their admins and owner try to kill the platform as a whole. So, I wanted to share what I wrote about Touhou, and maybe meet a few new friends along the way.
My first and current only series I'm been working on is called "A Guide to Headpats: Touhou Edition", though the name is a tad deceiving.
It's an exploration of Touhou's characters and world, and every chapter focuses on a different location. It also catalogs my own experience with learning about Touhou's lore, as I mainly delve into the wiki for information on writing these, along with a few of the manga.
So, if you ever wanted to know about the Kappa's hideout, where it's located, who lives there, their history, how to befriend them, and ultimately headpat them, maybe check it out.
I plan to go over and polish it a bit before I post it here.
I suppose I should also go over which Touhou characters I like and why.
The first would likely be Yukari Yakumo.
I find her to be a fascinating character, one covered in mystery and yet predictable in some manner.
She is by far the most informed person in all of Gensokyo, and likely one of the strongest with how much utility her authority over the concept of boundaries is concerned.
She works in the background, keeping Gensokyo safe and maintaining the barrier that separates them from the outside world. Even helping manipulate events to maintain the delicate balance that holds Gensokyo afloat.
So whenever she comes up in the lore, the manga, or the games, I look forward to whatever scraps of information she'll drop.
The next would be Doremy Sweet.
I feel that she is a character that hasn't been explored nearly enough, along with the dream realm as a whole.
Does that dream realm connect to the people in the outside world?
Are there other entrances to the dream realm?
What other creatures live in such a place?
Are there more youkai like Doremy?
The fact Doremy is connected to such a strange realm that could potentially expand across all people, along with her ability to manipulate this realm, I find it to be an untapped gold mine.
Also for whatever reason, every dream I've ever had has been connected to the last. So for just over twenty years it's been a single growing storyline that has a stable continuity, a plethora of characters, and is just overall fun to write about.
Now, I believe I've rambled long enough.
Thank you for being such a welcoming community, and I wish you all a wonderful day.
I’m not sure if people still even use this site, but I see it every now and then and decided I wanted to make an account. Maybe this’ll just be some random mark on internet history, but hopefully someone will see and read this!
My name is Sunny. I’m 18 and really like touhou. My favourite game is TH01, HRtP. It’s a weird game, but I love it. My favourite character is probably Mima.
Have a incredible day, year, life, whatever if you’re reading this. God knows no one will for a while.
Hi there, just an Internet dweller from Vietnam who goes by the name of Yuuritsu Yumegane (夢鏡勇立). As of this point I'm a 12th-grader who is just trying to survive high school.
Has a profound love for mecha anime and Touhou Project, and knows a substantial amount of Japanese.
I first discovered Touhou on July 6, 2018, through a Fortnite compilation video (fr) which used Night of Nights as an insert song. I gradually began to explore the wonders of this series through fan animations, music, games, and before I knew it I have become a full-fledged Touhou addict.
Over 5 years later, and I am still as passionate with Touhou as ever before, probably even more so ever since I achieved my first 1cc Normal of a Touhou game (Eiyashou to be precise) earlier this year. I enjoy the games, the music, the characters, the community, and pretty much nearly every single aspect of Touhou.
The memories I have of this wonderful series in those 5 years has helped to cement Touhou as an important, irreplacable part of me, of my soul, as if we are bound together by fate (thanks Remilia). When I grow up, I definitely want to contribute something to the series, either through drawing art, translating doujinshis, or helping out on the Touhou Wiki. I feel that I need to leave a mark of my own on the series, on the community, so that people would know of this one Touhou addict who has an unrelenting love for Touhou. I will definitely continue to love Touhou for many more years to come, probably until the end of my life.
I do share the same feelings for mecha anime but this is a Touhou forum so I'll pass on elaborating it :p
As for more information regarding myself:
Touhou games achievements:
- Touhou Eiyashou 1cc Normal (Reimu/Yukari + Remilia/Sakuya + Youmu/Yuyuko)
- Touhou Yumejikuu 1cc Normal (Reimu)
Favorite characters:
- Yuyuko Saigyouji
- Yukari Yakumo
- Reimu Hakurei
- Marisa Kirisame
- Miyoi Okunoda
- Mystia Lorelei
- I love the rest of the girls equally, as they all have something to add to the vibrant world of Touhou.
Favorite type of music: Rock + Speed/Power Metal, or Trance, depending on my mood.
Favorite Touhou BGM: Necrofantasia (Magical Astronomy ver.)
Favorite Touhou boss fight: Touhou Eiyashou Stage 4A (I really dig Reimu's gimmicks).
Also, happy Cirno Day! 5th year celebrating this day for me.
Hi! I'm moons1de_ I guess. I'm pretty new to posting on any type of forum similar to this so forgive me if I seem not too knowledgeable on posting. I've been a lurker here for over two weeks just to get to know how this forum does stuff so this isn't my first ever experience with this site in general.
I'm in school still, I play video games less than usual nowadays but I still pick up traditional games I usually play, and I dabble in some music and pixel art from time to time.
I found Touhou probably from old Youtube flashes or music from older Touhou games like EoSD or IN. Even though I love Touhou, I'm not tooo keen on bullet hells or shmups in general. (I'll still play Touhou though since the bullet patterns and music are very appealing to me and are fun to play through.) I like to learn about Touhou's lore quite a lot as I find the games and it's universe as a sort of celebration and acknowledgement of old Japanese folktales and legends.
I wanted to make this longer to give more information about myself but this is pretty much all I can get out of my brain seeing as school is exhausting. It's cool to be here!
Hello! Call me Ale or Nish, either is fine. 18, he/him, going into 1st year of uni next year.
For a long time I had a very rough idea of what Touhou was ("that bullet hell game based on Shinto"), and I had been exposed to a lot of Touhou content on the internet, sometimes without realizing (there have been multiple occasions while playing the games where I go, "Hey, I've heard this song before"). However, I only became a fan about a month ago.
I'm part of the Googology community, an amateur mathematics community dedicated to set theory and large numbers; Touhou is really popular in the Japanese side of that community, theming large number contests and even a Googology-based manga around Touhou. I don't speak Japanese, but at the time I had a lot of interest in googology works from the Japanese side of the community (using machine translation to understand them), and that led to a curiosity about Touhou; eventually I decided to try EoSD, and I fell in love with the series.
Since early this year, I've been avoiding social media and algorithmic content: I stopped using YouTube, Twitter and Reddit, accessing them through frontends that remove/have an option to remove algorithms (e.g Nitter and Piped), and only use Discord very sparingly if I have no other option to communicate with someone. The sheer amount of ways in which these sites try to optimize themselves for engagement through A/B testing and psychological manipulation, even to the point of silently breaking some of their basic features, is really disturbing to me (not to mention unhealthy for everyone), and I've sought to regain that control through frontends; but I haven't really experimented much with other forms of social media, so it'll be interesting to try talking on forums for the first time since I was a child
With that said, nice to meet you all, and I hope we can get along ^_^
Hello! Call me Ale or Nish, either is fine. 18, he/him, going into 1st year of uni next year.
For a long time I had a very rough idea of what Touhou was ("that bullet hell game based on Shinto"), and I had been exposed to a lot of Touhou content on the internet, sometimes without realizing (there have been multiple occasions while playing the games where I go, "Hey, I've heard this song before"). However, I only became a fan about a month ago.
I'm part of the Googology community, an amateur mathematics community dedicated to set theory and large numbers; Touhou is really popular in the Japanese side of that community, theming large number contests and even a Googology-based manga around Touhou. I don't speak Japanese, but at the time I had a lot of interest in googology works from the Japanese side of the community (using machine translation to understand them), and that led to a curiosity about Touhou; eventually I decided to try EoSD, and I fell in love with the series.
Since early this year, I've been avoiding social media and algorithmic content: I stopped using YouTube, Twitter and Reddit, accessing them through frontends that remove/have an option to remove algorithms (e.g Nitter and Piped), and only use Discord very sparingly if I have no other option to communicate with someone. The sheer amount of ways in which these sites try to optimize themselves for engagement through A/B testing and psychological manipulation, even to the point of silently breaking some of their basic features, is really disturbing to me (not to mention unhealthy for everyone), and I've sought to regain that control through frontends; but I haven't really experimented much with other forms of social media, so it'll be interesting to try talking on forums for the first time since I was a child
With that said, nice to meet you all, and I hope we can get along ^_^
Welcome :meiling: :meiling: :meiling:
A lot of mathematicians/programmers get into Touhou, it's probably in their DNA.
I'm glad to see that other people are starting to see forums less as a relic of the past and more of an alternative to the modern social media atmosphere. For example in China, forums aren't as dead as they are in the west (maybe it's because of their lack of social media, but that's just another can of worms I don't want to get into). So to me forums aren't dead, they're simply dormant for the time being. Don't shy away from starting a topic or responding to a post, I'd love to see other's opinions on the topics posted here.
A lot of mathematicians/programmers get into Touhou, it's probably in their DNA.
From what I've seen, a lot of mathematicians/programmers get into anime stuff in general, so it's not surprising :P
Don't shy away from starting a topic or responding to a post, I'd love to see other's opinions on the topics posted here.
Thank you ^_^ I'm still new to Touhou, so I might not be able to contribute that much, but I'll try to be active regardless
Hello, I'm Readydaer. Many shorten it to Ready. I'm an amateur writer woman and I live in the EST area of the United States.
Like many, I mostly experienced Touhou in background radiation snippets in childhood; I remember listening to a Bad Apple midi cover on youtube over and over again without knowing what it was from. From then on I was just vaguely aware of what it was, being occasionally reminded of its existence when I heard melodies or the zunpet. In late summer 2021 I came across a veggietales meme that used the climax of Idolatrize World, instantly recognized it as touhou music, and fell in love from there. Now touhou is my autistic special interest. I found this website a few months ago when I was looking up touhou theories and decided to join now because I enjoy my time on the wrongplanet forum.
I've read Forbidden Scrolley and own the english volumes, read Wild and Horned Hermit, the fairy manga, Silent Sinner in Blue, Cage in Lunatic Runagate, and a little of Lotus Eaters and Foul Detective Satori. I've listened to all of ZUN's Music Collections and read their stories. I've played most of the games and got at least easy 1ccs on them, and got Lunatic 1ccs on Wily Beast and Weakest Creature with YoumuWolf, Unconnected Marketeers with Sanae, and Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost with Seiran and some others. I also cleared every story on Overdrive in AoCF.
My favorite characters are Yukari, Mokou, Joon, and Hisami, my favorite game is UDoALG, and my favorite song is Beast Metropolis
I also like Transformers, philosophy/psychology, and reading/writing. I've even published my own book.
I hope to have fun here chatting
I signed up a couple months ago, so I suppose I should have gotten around to this sooner, but alas.
My name is Faye, though you can refer to me by my username (inunaki) if you want. I'm an 18 year old female NEET from the UK.
I've heard of Touhou here and there throughout the years but never looked into it fully until 2020, where I became obsessed with the music, likely as a result of exposure to Alstroemeria Records and Sally. I also read all of Foul Detective Satori thus far, and read doujinshi or fanfiction of Touhou daily. Unfortunately I haven't played much of the actual games due to a lack of skill as Touhou is my only exposure to bullet hell games, I have played PFC and UFO but have yet to beat either.
I can't recall how I found this site exactly, though I think it may have been due to seeing a discussion about an English translation of the game Demonophobia from a previous iteration of this forum, however my memory is bad so I may be misremembering.
My favourite characters are Parsee Mizuhashi and Seija Kijin at the top, though I have other characters that are sorta tied at third place (Hatate, Sumireko, Reisen, Okuu, and Medicine, Mizuchi Miyadeguchi too if you count her even if she doesn't appear in the games)
My other hobbies are reading and writing fiction, anime and manga, music (techno music, DnB and J-rock mainly) and the occult.
Well, seems like I'm pretty late here :/
But anyway, My name is Rozevamp, I'm 24, I'm autistic (have Aspergers) and I've been a long-time Touhou fan, I'm from France so English isn't my native language.
First time I've discovered Touhou I think it was in 2012 with Bad Apple and UN Owen Was her remixes on Youtube. I felt in love and became obsessed with the universe in 2018 when I discovered vocal arranges on "Alice Margatroid" channel before it got taken down (RIP), I played and finished most Touhou games, and I also read the mangas.
I frequently listen to Touhou music, I discover new arranges everyday on Youtube, I also own some fumos and figurines.
I've joined there because I'm looking to meet other Touhou fans, and I don't really use any social media besides Discord, even though it seems this place isn't really active, I thought I could maybe give it a try ?
My favourite characters are Remilia Scarlet, Fujiwara no Mokou and Yuuka Kazami.
I like video games, anime, writing, history, geography, psychology, philosophy, annd learning new things everyday.
Hope to have fun and meet new people even though I'm really shy, and I apologize if my english isn't great !
Well, seems like I'm pretty late here :/
Yep, you're about 10 years too late, but there's still people here so we have to appreciate it while we still can.
My favourite characters are Remilia Scarlet, Fujiwara no Mokou and Yuuka Kazami.
Remilia and Mokou are also some of my favourite characters. They're one of my favourites of all time, even outside of Touhou.
Oh Hey Hi
I'm VanillaCake, or Vanilla if it's more comfortable to you, i'm a 21 year old woman who's been loving touhou for quite a while now
Matter of fact, i can't think of The First touhou thing i was exposed to, nor what pushed me to actually play the games, but all that matters is that i'm here now, and i've been enjoying them quite a bit (my favorites being a close competition between 8 and 15)
As for how i found this forum, it was through the LunarCast website, while trying to troubleshoot the AoCF netplay patch i found out that there was a forum mentioned, and since i have quite an interest in the old internet and spaces like these i thought i'd jump in :p
There's not much to say about myself really, so all that's left is hopes that i have a good time in here!
I participated in the previous iteration of this website and got reminded of it today. I had no idea someone re-made it! I'm so glad. I remember this place very fondly!!! Like a decade ago I tried to get into the big scroll project that was given to ZUN in 2013 (I couldn't get in, but oh well). I wonder where's everyone else -- I was never able to really talk or get close to many people, but I lurked a lot. It's good that the site is getting new people too :)
Anyways, hi I'm Hyn, I'm from Colombia, I've loved Touhou for like... half my life basically?!?! It's been soooo fun and I've gotten to meet so many people thanks to our shared love for Touhou (for example, I was able to attend thfest in April!) I like many other things! Life is so fun and the world is full of wonder. I'll try to post more this time around :)
Hi! I'm super late to this party but that's ok... Despite the fact I'm in my late 20's and have been constantly exposed to Touhou, in 2024 I'm finally taking the time to understand what it's all about. I've been slowly working on getting better at the games and have been inspired to draw again after a long period of burnout. I'm excited to see there is still an active forum as I tend to prefer this sort of fandom interaction over modern social media. I hope to see you all around ^^
I got into Touhou some time ago when I got to try Lotus Land Story on an actual PC-98 while at a LAN convention, and it stayed with me. Mostly since the arrow keys were a bit exotic. Later on I got interested in PC-98 emulation and Dosbox-X happened had a big and helpful guide on Touhou right at the start of PC-98 emulation guide, so of course I used it as a test. Haven't really even touched any other PC-98 games.
I've since then tried all of the PC-98 ones (I have only reached the end at 2, and got the bad end). Recently I got into the newer ones through Steam. I'm not very good at danmaku, but I find Touhou games more relaxing than some others that I've tried. I also really enjoy ZUN's music.
Since I like forums, I thought that it wouldn't hurt to join.
Hi I am darkninjaabc but most of my posts here are as Nucleus Waffles for playing Na No Wri Mo. I am now looking for the buy things post that has unlimited data for playing granbluefantasy
Hello im Alice but i also go by Lillith!
Im a Finnish collage student mostly focusing on chemistry.
I get obsessed with games pritty easily (touhou, signalis, pmoon. ect) but Im mostly bad at touhout thease games are hard man
my favorite characters from touhou are Alice (duh), cirno and reimu.
I know im a few years late here but i thought there would be some cool people to talk to.
Lil About Me:
(Nick)names: Soup/011
Where I am from: Argentina
Age: minor :cirnotan:
So uhhh I forgot how I discovered this forum, but I joined because I like both Touhou Project and forums :p. I am also a big Len'en Fan.
(Kotohime <3)
Lil About Me:
(Nick)names: Soup/011
Where I am from: Argentina
Age: minor :cirnotan:
So uhhh I forgot how I discovered this forum, but I joined because I like both Touhou Project and forums :p. I am also a big Len'en Fan.
(Kotohime <3)
Fellow Kotohime fan :D
Just out of a whim, I decided to come check out how MotK's been, and lo and behold, I see it still exists.
Deciding to pop in to say hi to y'all for old times sake. It's been a long time but it's extremely nostalgic not only to come back here (which was a core place to my high school life), but to come back to message boards/forums again.
(on a side note, I can't seem to add my own avatar to my profile, only option is to choose from a preset gallery, is there a permissions issue?)
Anyways, how're y'all doin?
(on a side note, I can't seem to add my own avatar to my profile, only option is to choose from a preset gallery, is there a permissions issue?)
You need at least 1 post to upload an avatar (to prevent spam and such). Since you already made a post, you should be able to upload an avatar now.
You need at least 1 post to upload an avatar (to prevent spam and such). Since you already made a post, you should be able to upload an avatar now.
Awesome, thanks! I feel like this was something on the old board as well and I just forgot about it :V
Hello everyone, I'm RuoM, a 15-year-old senior high school student from China. I like Touhou and forum and I wanted to find a English website to improve my English, so I searched by ''English Touhou forum'' and then found this website. It's without doubt that my English is poorer than you, I'm sorry if there are grammar mistakes in my sentence.
I have become a Touhou fan for 2 years. I have only one normal 1cc of EoSD, now I'm practicing MoF. I like most of Touhou girls because both of them have their own characteristic.
I have many hobbies such as drawing, music, program and writting, but almost nothing I can do very well, haha.
Hello everyone!
I'm a highschool student from Russia and a fellow Touhou fan! I was looking for place where I could possibly discuss Touhou and talk with some people, also it's first time when I'm using forums, tee-hee.
Beside Touhou, I like foreign languages (currently studying Japanese) and have interests in various things, like history, geography anime and other stuff. I find out about 2hu from FDF 1 a 2 years ago and was fascinated by Touhou project ^^
(Honestly, I was both surprised and happy that someone still active on this forum, I thought no one uses forums anymore).
Howdy, I'm Stanislav. I'd prefer not to tell my real name, age nor my location if that's fine, though I am studying to be a pharmacist at the moment (Eirin would be proud), so that's that.
I learned about Toho from a great friend of mine more than a year ago. He showed me the iconic "Marisa Stole The Precious Thing" by IOSYS, and ever since that day I got REALLY invested into da Touhou Project in general.
There isn't much to say here beside that I'm practicing EoSD Hard cc1 right now, can't wait nerd out Sakuya's attack patterns! :cirnotan:
I used to draw a lot as a kid and thinking about resuming my old passion. as as for other hobbies and interests... I guess I also enjoy cooking, exercising, watching silly videos on the internet, reading books and a wide variety of other video games out there.
Thanks for your attention, fellas. Have a great day out there :exc: :meiling:
Nano ka~
Hello to you all. My username may be ZEROrevive, but I tend to go by various nicknames these days (Kari, Rei, ect).
I would say I am a bit of an oldie fan myself, but was an outsider fan for much of the time until this past year. Quite the stark difference, and I know I am very late into the community scene....But better late than never, yes?
PCB was my first Touhou game, back when it was still relatively new in the early 2000s. So the franchise as a whole isn't new to me at all, but getting into the deeper end of it's details and media certainly is...and what a wild ride that has been so far, aha.
I have not used a forum in a such a while, but it certainly evokes some nostalgia....Shall we see how this goes?
Yep, you're about 10 years too late, but there's still people here so we have to appreciate it while we still can.
Remilia and Mokou are also some of my favourite characters. They're one of my favourites of all time, even outside of Touhou.
Remilia is my all-time favorite too ! I own many figurines of her.
(Replying a year late, I forgot that I posted here and I was really busy, I will try to be more active there, I don't interact much with the Touhou fandom besides one small French discord server.)
Hey what's good, I'm new.
Been playing Touhou for a few years now and trying to get more involved in the community.
Top five favorite characters are Marisa, Mokou, Kokoro, Raiko and Byakuren!
I will introduce in mundane manner. I have twenty years of age, study in a university, though I do not frequent it, and I lack an occupation, and I live with my mother, the tender figure in my care, and a scientist and landlord of my abode, and on the series, I have taken a break from it, for its dialog reads transgressive, and it transgresses so much it offends me, but I take, and to end with, names of Spell Cards and titles do not annoy me, just the repartees between the girls.
Hey! I guess if I plan to stay I should post in this thread.
I'm Linc! a very new Touhou fan. After hearing about the series a lot, I thought I'd give EoSD a try during August of 2024, and in the short 6 and a half months from then to now, it completely hooked me! I already own most of the official Touhou games on Steam (and some fangames), I'm buying volumes of Forbidden Scrollery, I've got two (admittedly bootlegged) fumos, I've got 6 1CCs (EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, UM), I've even made my own list of fan characters (but I'm not confident enough in them to share any yet lol)
My favorite characters are Aya, Koishi, Chimata, Okuu, and Tenshi. You might expect Akyuu from the avatar, she's high on my list for sure, but not quite top 5!
My name is rancer(not my real name)
I live in the UK
I love touhou, although I'm pretty new to the series
I've played a few of the main games, but I mostly enjoy the fan content
My favorite characters are reimu, marisa, remilia, flandre, sakuya, kaguya, and sanae(long list I know :meiling:)
I feel like this forum isn't that active anymore, but still, might as well join
I wouldnt say i have too many hobbies, mainly just touhou, other games and anime, I spend a lot of time online honestly
i love touhou!!1