Maidens of the Kaleidoscope
~Hakurei Shrine~ => Patchouli's Scarlet Library => Topic started by: koishsona on November 05, 2024, 01:15:45 AM
hello! i'm making a webcomic featuring Rin Satsuki as the pseudo-antagonist. in this story, the period between Mystic Square and Embodiment of Scarlet Devil is a pivotal point, the whole universe being reset and rebuilt from the ground up, taking the residents' memories with them. Rin managed to avoid the reset, and got stuck as a sort of "ghost". she can be seen, but her presence isn't acknowledged, even if she waved in front of someone like Sakuya. she wishes to reunite with Reimu and Marisa, and causes an incident herself. that's all i can tell you so far!
hello! i'm making a webcomic featuring Rin Satsuki as the pseudo-antagonist. in this story, the period between LLS and EoSD is a pivotal point, the whole universe being reset and rebuilt from the ground up, taking the residents' memories with them. Rin managed to avoid the reset, and got stuck as a sort of "ghost". she can be seen, but her presence isn't acknowledged, even if she waved in front of someone like Sakuya. she wishes to reunite with Reimu and Marisa, and causes an incident herself. that's all i can tell you so far!
2 Questions,if you could kindly answer them,of course not spolier-y .
1.By the "period between Lotus Land Story and Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" do you mean that "the period"is going to include them fully,included them partly,or their inclusion is going to be from approximately the aftermath of LLS and the prelude of EosD?
2.It would be a bridge-between PC-98 Touhou Era and the Current Windows Era one with the major focus ,background,tie-ins,etc. to the PC-98 Era ,correct?
i thought that there were 4 games in the pc-95 era, but i completely forgot about mystic square! therefore, it'd be bridging the events between ms and eosd. the inclusion of rin would have the aftermath.
and yes, it would be a bridge
i will edit my og post accordingly to fix the continuity error, thank you for pointing that out!
:fullpower: :extend:
i thought that there were 4 games in the pc-95 era, but i completely forgot about mystic square! therefore, it'd be bridging the events between ms and eosd. the inclusion of rin would have the aftermath.
and yes, it would be a bridge
i will edit my og post accordingly to fix the continuity error, thank you for pointing that out!
You are very welcome ,and,most of all, thanks to you for the effort and project.
P.S. Another ,may it be obvious or not,question,if you still are kindly available... the" Vampire Incident"... is it going to be "bridged" as well or hinted or glossed over or with "selected adaptions"otherwise?
Who is Rin Satsuki?
Who is Rin Satsuki?
Basis ,hints,speculations about the " initially planned and designed but later scrapped ".third player and main character from EoSD.