Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: It's Purvis! on June 17, 2024, 04:01:43 PM

Title: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 17, 2024, 04:01:43 PM
>YOU ARE NITORI KAWASHIRO, GENSOKYO’S FAVORITE TINKERER! You are well known as a leading voice in  the field of technology in Gensokyo. Or at least you imagine that you are. You are also an entrepreneur, a necessary thing for funding your work and also keeping yourself fed. You are a respected member of Kappa society, as much as kappa respect other kappa; which isn’t very much at all. You are blessed to enjoy your work, and find your work enjoyable. When you are not actively inventing something, you’re generally restoring something, or maintaining something, or cleaning something. When things get too monotonous, you do enjoy a nice board or card game. You have a taste for music, and like most kappa you enjoy collecting the strange black music boxes that sometimes find their way in from the outside world. Sometimes you’d like to have one every one there is, but that seems to be a virtually impossible order. You’re half decent at sketching as well, if only out of necessity for some of your more intricate works.
>And, you have a project to return to. Perhaps your finest work to date, cruelly overshadowed by various events. Save for one exception that doesn’t really count, as far as you’re concerned, you were the first person to facilitate slipping the surly bonds of gravity and send a youkai into the realms of the heavens above. Not yourself, of course, you had to stay on the ground and do the launch; you sent up Patchouli. Patchouli will of course claim Scarlet Devil Mansion did this first, which is technically true but doesn’t really count when you think about it. …And apparently Yuuka got up there somehow, but that also doesn’t count!
>Regardless! You have finally gotten the baseline money, the time, and the drive to restart the project! Before you only managed to get as far as the Sun, but now, you’re going straight up there as far as anyone ever has! Not only as the inventor, but the explorer as well!
>After much hard work, you've gotten things set up for the launch. You've gotten materials you need to put the finishing touches on the rocket and put them to use, you've scouted out a few prospective assistants, and you've arranged for Chimata Tenkyuu to guide and power the flight. As well, you've gotten into a contest with Scarlet Devil Mansion, who seems to have reignited their own interest in space travel. You've found your neighbors arranged for a festival, which is going on now, and no one told you. As well, you have indulged a worrying amount of money into a potion that has temporarily grown your hair out considerably longer.
>You've also discovered, rather distressingly while charting a course, that there seem to be a number of stars missing from the sky. This has added a sense of urgency to the trip, to say the least. You've decided to not spread the news to avoid causing panic over something that no one can really help, but you have made inquiries with the Tengu, and arrangements to try to do something about the problem in exchange for a few benefits (namely a more robust game day).
>After bringing everything together, and recruiting a friend of a neighbor and Patchoili's familiar (who came and gave you the most disappointing one night stand of your life), you blasted off! Your first target was the river of sake that flows across the night sky. There you found Orihime, the weaver goddess, who was happy to host you for the evening. While you did not learn much new there, you made her an improved spindle and was gifted with a bundle of silks and clothing for it. A decent find for the contest. >You've since left Orihime's palace, your next destination being the Tsurube Otoshi constellation, There you hope to meet with another deity, one Ojin Hachi of war and agriculture, and learn what you can. However, you have been distracted from this goal by a new discovery, a belt of rocks that reflect the weak sunlight, too distant from Gensokyo to be easily seen.

> "I don't see anything too dangerous, just that it'll take a little bit of time. Let's check it out, then."
> Adjust our cource to aim for the shiny rocks!

>You adjust your course.
>As you make your way toward the new discovery, you have time to make a few more observations. There's dozens of them, perhaps hundreds, more become apparent as you draw closer. You hear Koa trying to count them, and losing count a few times before giving up. They seem to be of varying sizes, but none seem to be especially large. here also seems to be quite a bit of room between them, more than enough to sail through with impunity as long as you pay the slightest modicum of attention.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 17, 2024, 07:39:18 PM
> Do we have any better of an idea about what they might be?
> Do we have any actual way of safely retrieving them?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 17, 2024, 08:25:10 PM
> Do we have any better of an idea about what they might be?
> Do we have any actual way of safely retrieving them?

>You have no more idea than when you started.
>You think...they may be too big to retrieve. As you draw closer, you are sure the smallest of them probably rivals your ship.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 17, 2024, 08:26:13 PM
> Drat. Well, maybe we can break some pieces off.
> Keep getting closer to them, making sure to ease up as needed so that we don't whizz right by them all.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 18, 2024, 02:46:05 AM
> Drat. Well, maybe we can break some pieces off.
> Keep getting closer to them, making sure to ease up as needed so that we don't whizz right by them all.

>They are stretched for some distance, you don't think you'll need to worry about passing them by.
>Getting closer, you can see some of them are just round spheres of rock. Some seem to have craters, there's a couple in the distance with something green on their surface, something you are sure is grass. One even seems to have a pine tree.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 18, 2024, 10:32:46 AM
> Does grass and trees out here make sense?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on June 19, 2024, 07:38:49 AM
>They are stretched for some distance, you don't think you'll need to worry about passing them by.
>Getting closer, you can see some of them are just round spheres of rock. Some seem to have craters, there's a couple in the distance with something green on their surface, something you are sure is grass. One even seems to have a pine tree.

> Does grass and trees out here make sense?

> Navigate safely and as close as possible to the " Pine Tree's Floating Rock ".

> Naturally,pool observations and insights together with the crew about  " the Grassy One and the Pine Tree's one ".
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 20, 2024, 04:20:04 AM
> Does grass and trees out here make sense?

>There was grass and the odd tree on the banks of the River of Sake, so you suppose so?

> Navigate safely and as close as possible to the " Pine Tree's Floating Rock ".

> Naturally,pool observations and insights together with the crew about  " the Grassy One and the Pine Tree's one ".

>You draw closer to the one with the tree.
>By this point, Koa is glued to her window, staring at the nearby rocks. Aoi has invited herself to another window to do the same.
>A single tree dominates this rock, the surface being about the size of a the rocket interior, you think. Perhaps a bit smaller? The tree looks perfectly normal, just a pine tree like you'd expect to see among the mountains back home. There is a bit of grass around it, before it gives way to bare dirt.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 20, 2024, 04:31:52 AM
> "Huh. That's kind of a lonely existence, isn't it?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 21, 2024, 01:19:38 AM
> "Huh. That's kind of a lonely existence, isn't it?"

>"Maybe it likes the quiet?" says Koa.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 21, 2024, 01:29:08 AM
> "Maybe. I wonder if Shizuha knows about it? ...I guess pine trees don't have leaves that turn, do they."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 22, 2024, 01:57:21 AM
> "Maybe. I wonder if Shizuha knows about it? ...I guess pine trees don't have leaves that turn, do they."

>"Some of them have needles that go brown sometimes, I think?" Aoi says. "It's not my field."
>"I don't think it's a winter thing," Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 22, 2024, 02:17:01 AM
> So what's here that was shining, then?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 23, 2024, 03:47:35 PM
> So what's here that was shining, then?

>Nothing that you can see. You're starting to wonder if it wasn't  just light reflecting off of them?

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 23, 2024, 04:13:21 PM
> Frown.
> "That aside, I'm not seeing anything nearby that would have been shining from a distance. Do either of you?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 24, 2024, 01:59:20 AM
> Frown.
> "That aside, I'm not seeing anything nearby that would have been shining from a distance. Do either of you?"

>"Me either," says Koa. "That's weird, they were like stars earlier. Then it just turns out they're hunks of rock and dirt?"
>"I think that does happen with things that are really far away," says Aoi. "Sort of like how when you find a shooting stand and its just a burnt up rocky scale."
>Everyone knows that shooting stars are scales shed from the dragon of the heavens.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 24, 2024, 03:19:06 AM
> So what Aoi said is correct, then? Or do we need to start a fight?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 24, 2024, 07:57:12 PM
> So what Aoi said is correct, then? Or do we need to start a fight?

>You assume she's correct. You've not really seen one after they've landed.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 25, 2024, 04:01:25 AM
> "Well, that's annoying."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 25, 2024, 09:29:24 PM
> "Well, that's annoying."

>"Guess they can't all be winners," Koa says.
>"It is kind of a neat place?" Aoi says.
>"Compared to Orihime's Mansion?" says Koa.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 26, 2024, 02:28:00 AM
> What do we need to do to get back on our previous path, or chart a new path to get to our previous destination?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 26, 2024, 04:39:56 AM
> What do we need to do to get back on our previous path, or chart a new path to get to our previous destination?

>Now that you're moving, it's a bit easier to plan. You don't have to account for starting moving. But you do have to account for the motion you already have. You just need a few minutes, maybe more if the ride is rough and you have to pilot more actively.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 26, 2024, 11:45:52 AM
> Sigh.
> After checking to make sure we're not on a collision course with any rocks or trees or whatever, pull out what we need to do our calculations and get to work replotting where we need to go to reach our original destination.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 26, 2024, 11:55:48 PM
> Sigh.
> After checking to make sure we're not on a collision course with any rocks or trees or whatever, pull out what we need to do our calculations and get to work replotting where we need to go to reach our original destination.

>You set to work, settling into as much of a glide as you can.
>A few minutes pass, before Koa says, "Hey, what's that flashing light?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 27, 2024, 01:06:56 AM
> Look up for whatever Koa is talking about.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 27, 2024, 03:44:39 AM
> Look up for whatever Koa is talking about.

>You don't see anything, but you're also at the the front of the vessel while she's at the side. ...Wait, there is a bit of light near the left edge of your window! Ah, there it goes.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 27, 2024, 04:28:01 AM
> "Ah..."
> Point at where the light was.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 27, 2024, 05:14:08 AM
> "Ah..."
> Point at where the light was.

>You turn the ship toward that light, and note it seems to be coming from a distant rock. During the process of turning, it blinks back on, moving along the surface of the rock, then blinks out again. After a few moments, it reappears on the opposite side, and moves along the same course as before.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 28, 2024, 12:24:48 AM
> Could the rock be spinning, with the light blinking in and out because sometimes it's on our side of the rock and sometimes it's on the other side?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 29, 2024, 05:52:07 AM
> Could the rock be spinning, with the light blinking in and out because sometimes it's on our side of the rock and sometimes it's on the other side?

>That would make sense.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 29, 2024, 12:19:29 PM
> "Huh. Let's check it out."
> Steer toward the light.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on June 30, 2024, 01:40:03 AM
> "Huh. Let's check it out."
> Steer toward the light.

>You steer toward the rock.
>Drawing closer to it, you note this rock is fairly barren, with little in the way of anything green on it. However, what it does have is a single pole made of wrought iron, bearing a lamp atop of it. Standing near the lap is a young woman with blonde hair and olive green clothes, wearing a flat cap. If she has noticed you...she shows no indication of it.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on June 30, 2024, 02:04:42 AM
> How loud is our rocket while it is flying?
> Do we have a window or something we could open and hail this woman without landing?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 01, 2024, 01:02:23 AM
> How loud is our rocket while it is flying?
> Do we have a window or something we could open and hail this woman without landing?

>Not terribly on low power, you think?
>You could open the side door, just be sure that you aren't facing into the wind.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 01, 2024, 02:23:21 AM
> Let's do our best to get into such a position where we can open the side door and communicate with this person without facing into the wind, then.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 02, 2024, 12:55:20 AM
> Let's do our best to get into such a position where we can open the side door and communicate with this person without facing into the wind, then.

>You maneuver the vessel to minimize the wind. This places you in a curious position where you can see where part of the rock in in the sunlight and part of it shaded, making a kind of day and night.. By now the young woman has noticed you and watches curiously.
>Opening the door,  the wind tears at your clothes a little, but it's fine. You get a better look at the woman, noting her hair is tangled, and her clothes rather shabby. She looks at you as the rock's spin draws her toward you, currently on the shadowed part of the rock..
>"Ah, Good evening?" she says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 02, 2024, 01:03:08 AM
> "Good evening. Pardon our interruption, but I didn't expect to see a lamp pole or a person out here, so I got curious."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 02, 2024, 01:34:11 AM
> "Good evening. Pardon our interruption, but I didn't expect to see a lamp pole or a person out here, so I got curious."

>"Always been here," she says. "Can't say I expected to see a whatever that is, either." The rock's rotation carries her into the light. She reaches up with a long stick she carries and extinguishes the flame inside. "Good morning!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 02, 2024, 01:49:00 AM
> Does this behavior suggest this woman is any god we're aware of?
> If not: "May I ask your name?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 02, 2024, 03:34:46 AM
> Does this behavior suggest this woman is any god we're aware of?
> If not: "May I ask your name?"

>She's certainly weird, but you don't feel like she's a god. You aren't sure what she is.
>"Lamplighter," she says. as the rock's spin begins to move her away from you.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 02, 2024, 04:48:53 AM
> Is that a name we're familiar with?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 02, 2024, 11:37:15 PM
> Is that a name we're familiar with?

>It is not.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 02, 2024, 11:41:18 PM
> "Anything you need while you're out here, Miss Lamplighter?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 03, 2024, 03:00:58 AM
> "Anything you need while you're out here, Miss Lamplighter?"

>"That's mighty kind of you," she says as she orbits away. "But I think I have things pretty well in hand, here!"
>As she says the last, she vanishes over the edge of the "horizon". She ought to be back in a couple moments. Likely she can still hear you if you talk loudly.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 03, 2024, 04:44:38 AM
> Call out to her: "Good luck to you, then!"
> Once ample time has been given for a reply, close the door, resume our seat at the controls, and get back on course for our original destination.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 04, 2024, 12:41:45 AM
> Call out to her: "Good luck to you, then!"
> Once ample time has been given for a reply, close the door, resume our seat at the controls, and get back on course for our original destination.

>"Goodbye, and good evening!" she calls from the other side of the rock.
>"Who was that?" Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 04, 2024, 12:46:29 AM
> "I have no idea."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 04, 2024, 02:37:25 AM
> "I have no idea."

>"I think her name was Lamplighter?" Aoi says, "I didn't catch everything."
>Koa frowns. "Is she a weirdo or something?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 04, 2024, 02:40:56 AM
> "That was the name I heard. I didn't recognize it. She might be a weirdo, but really, aren't we all?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 04, 2024, 05:21:19 AM
> "That was the name I heard. I didn't recognize it. She might be a weirdo, but really, aren't we all?"

>"No we aren't," says Koa.
>"I guess she didn't have anything useful to say?" Aoi says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 04, 2024, 05:33:29 AM
> "Not particularly."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 05, 2024, 12:58:56 AM
> "Not particularly."

>"Guess she didn't know about any interesting rocks," says the kappa.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 05, 2024, 01:37:36 AM
> "...Ah, damnit, I forgot to ask..."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 05, 2024, 06:16:54 AM
> "...Ah, damnit, I forgot to ask..."

>"You're supposed to be the brains of this outfit!" Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 05, 2024, 12:52:52 PM
> Do we still have time to turn around and go back to Lamplighter?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 06, 2024, 12:15:15 AM
> Do we still have time to turn around and go back to Lamplighter?

>You could, if you wanted.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 06, 2024, 01:02:38 AM
> Grunt in aggravation.
> Turn around and head back to where Lamplighter is.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 06, 2024, 11:24:54 PM
> Grunt in aggravation.
> Turn around and head back to where Lamplighter is.

>Thankfully, you haven't had time to gain too much momentum, so you are able to easily to a U-turn, settling on the other side of the rock.
>Opening the door again, you see Lamplighter being spun toward you. "Hello again," she says, "Forget your hat?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 07, 2024, 12:34:12 AM
> "I forgot to ask a few things."
> Gesture in the direction we first saw the shiny rocks in the distance.
> "We saw some shiny rocks that way, that weren't shining anymore when we got to them. What's up with that?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 07, 2024, 01:34:20 AM
> "I forgot to ask a few things."
> Gesture in the direction we first saw the shiny rocks in the distance.
> "We saw some shiny rocks that way, that weren't shining anymore when we got to them. What's up with that?"

>"It all comes down to sunlight, doesn't it?" Lamplighter says. "Light bounces off things, make them glow like stars or the moon. All the planets around here do that."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 07, 2024, 02:32:43 AM
> "So nothing valuable? Drat."
> "In that case, what do you know about this area?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 08, 2024, 05:43:40 AM
> "So nothing valuable? Drat."
> "In that case, what do you know about this area?"

>"I happen to think these planets are plenty valuable," she says. "But, well, I don't get out very much."
>She pauses her words as she comes closer to the shaded part of the rock, lifting her stick up to it, revealing a small branch on it with a softly glowing coal. She touches it to the lamp's wick, lighting it once more as she and the lamp pass into the shaded reagion
>"Good evening," she says. "I think most of them are kind of empty. The boss lives out there, somewhere."
>She gestures vaguely in a direction away from both Gensokyo and the Tsurube-Otoshi constellation. You can see quite a few more points of light in that direction; dozens if not hundreds. "I think there's a planet with some really nice roses I heard about, once."
>She pauses to consider a bit more.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 08, 2024, 05:48:37 AM
> "'The boss'? Who's that?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on July 08, 2024, 10:25:01 PM
>"I happen to think these planets are plenty valuable," she says. "But, well, I don't get out very much."
>She pauses her words as she comes closer to the shaded part of the rock, lifting her stick up to it, revealing a small branch on it with a softly glowing coal. She touches it to the lamp's wick, lighting it once more as she and the lamp pass into the shaded reagion
>"Good evening," she says. "I think most of them are kind of empty. The boss lives out there, somewhere."
>She gestures vaguely in a direction away from both Gensokyo and the Tsurube-Otoshi constellation. You can see quite a few more points of light in that direction; dozens if not hundreds. "I think there's a planet with some really nice roses I heard about, once."
>She pauses to consider a bit more.

> "'The boss'? Who's that?"

> Also ask Lampligher if ,since she does not get out much,the boss is the same one who share those tales of planets tell with her by somehow coming here or contacting her.

> If the Tsurube Otoshi's constellation is visible from this position,also ask Lamplighter if she noticed that some of its stars mysteriously vanished, if she recount when did that happen,if she or her boss noticed anything else peculiar since it could be related to that.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 09, 2024, 02:32:58 AM
> "'The boss'? Who's that?"
> Also ask Lampligher if ,since she does not get out much,the boss is the same one who share those tales of planets tell with her by somehow coming here or contacting her.

> If the Tsurube Otoshi's constellation is visible from this position,also ask Lamplighter if she noticed that some of its stars mysteriously vanished, if she recount when did that happen,if she or her boss noticed anything else peculiar since it could be related to that.

>"They own the planet, I work for them." she says. "Though, to be honest, I've never actually seen them; I got the job from my pa."
>"I thought there was a star missing," she says. "I look at them a lot, you know. And I thought it looked off. I don't think I saw anything weird, though. Not even sure when I last saw it, maybe thirty or forty years ago?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 09, 2024, 03:12:25 AM
> Can we see the Daitengu Constellation from here?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 09, 2024, 05:40:20 AM
> Can we see the Daitengu Constellation from here?

>You can, though the rock, or planet you suppose, is in the way. Though it probably won't be an issue for Lamplighter, given she's rotating away from you now and in that general direction.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 10, 2024, 09:30:49 PM
> ...Wait, thirty or forty years? How is that-
> ...How is a 'year' defined back in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 10, 2024, 09:32:59 PM
> ...Wait, thirty or forty years? How is that-
> ...How is a 'year' defined back in Gensokyo?

>A year is 365 days, every 4th one being a leap year.
>You are sure that star hasn't been gone for that long.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 10, 2024, 09:43:01 PM
> Blink with a very confused look, mouth slightly agape.
> "...That-"
> Adopt a thinking look.
> "...Possibly stupid question, Miss Lamplighter - a year is 365 days, yes? At least most of the time?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 11, 2024, 12:40:04 AM
> Blink with a very confused look, mouth slightly agape.
> "...That-"
> Adopt a thinking look.
> "...Possibly stupid question, Miss Lamplighter - a year is 365 days, yes? At least most of the time?"

>"That's how they usually work," she says, as she starts to disappear over the horizon.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 11, 2024, 02:23:05 AM
> Do we have any way to measure elapsed time immediately handy?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 12, 2024, 12:20:22 AM
> Do we have any way to measure elapsed time immediately handy?

>Not really. There's a crude clock on the dashboard, but it's not very precise past telling what hour it is. There is a minute hand, just it's not really good for keeping time to the minute. More like the five minutes.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 12, 2024, 12:28:08 AM
> "And how long is a day?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 12, 2024, 04:42:25 AM
> "And how long is a day?"

>"Sun up to sun rise, obviously," Lamplighter calls from the other side of the planet, then adds "Good morning!" after a couple seconds.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 12, 2024, 04:48:51 AM
> "Er, good morning. I mean, how many minutes, or seconds, are in a day?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 12, 2024, 04:32:59 PM
> "Er, good morning. I mean, how many minutes, or seconds, are in a day?"

>"I'unno, don't have a clock," Lamplighter calls around the far edge of the planet. "But it's about 71 heartbearts."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 12, 2024, 05:52:15 PM
> Do we have an idea of roughly how many minutes and/or seconds that is, assuming someone at relative rest?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 12, 2024, 08:55:53 PM
> Do we have an idea of roughly how many minutes and/or seconds that is, assuming someone at relative rest?

>Not in hard terms, but you can estimate it to around a minute.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 12, 2024, 10:20:29 PM
> "Thanks. If you'll pardon me, I need a day or two to run some dirty math."
> Okay. It appears that Lamplighter's concept of a 'day' is one full day/night cycle of the, uh, planet she's on. Which makes sense, that's the same for us.
> So if we estimate one day here as about a minute, and that it's been 'about thirty or forty years' since Lamplighter saw that missing star, whip out the paper and writing utensil and do some calculations to determine about how long 'thirty or forty years' from Lamplighter's perspective is from our perspective.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 13, 2024, 03:42:42 AM
> "Thanks. If you'll pardon me, I need a day or two to run some dirty math."
> Okay. It appears that Lamplighter's concept of a 'day' is one full day/night cycle of the, uh, planet she's on. Which makes sense, that's the same for us.
> So if we estimate one day here as about a minute, and that it's been 'about thirty or forty years' since Lamplighter saw that missing star, whip out the paper and writing utensil and do some calculations to determine about how long 'thirty or forty years' from Lamplighter's perspective is from our perspective.

>"Not a problem, friend," she says. "I'll be here."
>You do some quick math. Every 30 seconds or so, Lamplighter lights then extinguishes her land, wishing you a good morning and good evening respectively. You figure out that she means the star vanished about a week and a half ago, give or take some days maybe. Probably give, your gut tells you.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 13, 2024, 05:16:56 AM
> Did we get an estimate from Orihime about how long ago she noticed the vanished stars?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 14, 2024, 02:33:55 AM
> Did we get an estimate from Orihime about how long ago she noticed the vanished stars?

>She mentioned noticing it about three (then two) days ago.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 14, 2024, 02:37:40 AM
> "Hmm, I see. So the stars have been missing for a fair bit longer than I thought."
> Look up.
> "Lamplighter, I don't suppose you can tell us anything about your boss?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 14, 2024, 10:40:17 PM
> "Hmm, I see. So the stars have been missing for a fair bit longer than I thought."
> Look up.
> "Lamplighter, I don't suppose you can tell us anything about your boss?"

>"Well, I've never met 'em," she says, as she rotates toward you. "My folks said that they were kind of a wet noodle, though."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 14, 2024, 11:24:18 PM
> "If you've never met them, why are you working for them?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 16, 2024, 02:54:54 AM
> "If you've never met them, why are you working for them?"

>"It's the family business, isn't it?" Lamplighter says. "Someone's gotta take care of the lamp."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 16, 2024, 07:08:22 PM
> "Are you getting compensation for it, at least?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 17, 2024, 02:27:19 AM
> "Are you getting compensation for it, at least?"

>"Oh yeah," she says. "It goes right to my bank account."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 17, 2024, 03:07:44 AM
> What's a bank account?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 17, 2024, 07:05:54 PM
> What's a bank account?

>You have no idea. You know about river banks? But you wouldn't want to put money around those, some other kappa would surely find it.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 17, 2024, 08:17:47 PM
> "...What's a bank account?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 17, 2024, 09:52:31 PM
> "...What's a bank account?"

>"It's what you put money in so -Good Evening!- it's there when you need it without having to worry about it in the meantime," Lamplighter says, while she lights the lamp as she passes into the darkened region of the planet.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 17, 2024, 10:14:40 PM
> "Can't you just put it in a locked box or something for that?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 18, 2024, 12:47:51 AM
> "Can't you just put it in a locked box or something for that?"

>"It's easier this way," she says as the planet rotates her away from you once more. "I don't have to bother with it."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 18, 2024, 04:46:09 AM
> Look at our travel companions with a confused-and-slightly-horrified expression.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 18, 2024, 09:38:11 PM
> Look at our travel companions with a confused-and-slightly-horrified expression.

>Glancing back, you see that Aoi is discreetly listening in from her spot looking over the engine. Meeting her eyes, she just shrugs, looking as confused as you felt a moment ago.
>Koa, however, has crept close to the door; you imagine she's out of Lamplighter's sight. She also looks confused, but you think it's less that she is trying to grasp the concept and more that she doesn't grasp the concept at all.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 20, 2024, 08:55:42 PM
> Mouth "What?!?" to them.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 22, 2024, 02:34:51 AM
> Mouth "What?!?" to them.

>Koa mouths back something that you think is "I don't know!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 22, 2024, 05:15:04 AM
> Look back out the door.
> "Uhh...right. In that case, do you happen to know your boss's name?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on July 22, 2024, 04:35:34 PM
>"I happen to think these planets are plenty valuable," she says. "But, well, I don't get out very much."
>She pauses her words as she comes closer to the shaded part of the rock, lifting her stick up to it, revealing a small branch on it with a softly glowing coal. She touches it to the lamp's wick, lighting it once more as she and the lamp pass into the shaded reagion
>"Good evening," she says. "I think most of them are kind of empty. The boss lives out there, somewhere."
>She gestures vaguely in a direction away from both Gensokyo and the Tsurube-Otoshi constellation. You can see quite a few more points of light in that direction; dozens if not hundreds. "I think there's a planet with some really nice roses I heard about, once."
>She pauses to consider a bit more.

>"Well, I've never met 'em," she says, as she rotates toward you. "My folks said that they were kind of a wet noodle, though."

>"It's the family business, isn't it?" Lamplighter says. "Someone's gotta take care of the lamp."


> Ask Lamplighter if it was one or more of her  family membes who  had already known, or even vistited, and had passed on the tales personally kn not only about their"boss" but also what is interesting and about those planets.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 23, 2024, 04:18:31 AM
> Look back out the door.
> "Uhh...right. In that case, do you happen to know your boss's name?"

>"I'm pretty sure it's Boss," she says as she vanishes over the horizon again. "But I guess that could just be a nickname?"

> Ask Lamplighter if it was one or more of her  family membes who  had already known, or even vistited, and had passed on the tales personally kn not only about their"boss" but also what is interesting and about those planets.

>"I don't know what -Good Morning!- the folks get up to these days," she says from the other side of the planet. "Just the odd letter every now and then."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 23, 2024, 02:19:27 PM
> "Mmm. Do you know anything about Ojin Hachi?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 25, 2024, 12:43:55 AM
> "Mmm. Do you know anything about Ojin Hachi?"

>She shakes her head. "Don't think she's lives around here."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 25, 2024, 03:12:32 AM
> What else is on our mental list of things to look into while we're here?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 25, 2024, 07:24:58 AM
> What else is on our mental list of things to look into while we're here?

>Only you can answer that.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 27, 2024, 03:51:15 AM
> Look to our travel companions.
> Quietly: "Anything I'm forgetting?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 30, 2024, 01:38:30 AM
> Look to our travel companions.
> Quietly: "Anything I'm forgetting?"

>"Treasures, maybe?" Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 30, 2024, 01:57:21 AM
> "She only mentioned a planet with a lot of roses. Some might value those as treasure, but I don't know that it'll be enough for the contest."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on July 30, 2024, 11:14:35 PM
> "She only mentioned a planet with a lot of roses. Some might value those as treasure, but I don't know that it'll be enough for the contest."

>"Probably not, unless they're special roses," says Koa, frowning.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 31, 2024, 02:18:59 AM
> "Might have to keep trying elsewhere..."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on August 01, 2024, 12:20:33 AM
> "Might have to keep trying elsewhere..."
>"I'm pretty sure it's Boss," she says as she vanishes over the horizon again. "But I guess that could just be a nickname?"

>"I don't know what -Good Morning!- the folks get up to these days," she says from the other side of the planet. "Just the odd letter every now and then."


>"Treasures, maybe?" Koa says.


// The Culpritt, or an Accomplicd or Relatble at least, could be "Lamplighter's! Anon! Boss"... of course we are still lacking. almost all the central point-out-track-through-moves-route-trackin 1 of the few dozens or more "Planet more Distanced by the Tsurube-Otoshi Constellation... a mostly-likely more secure and secure-anonymous place, but more practical and known by "their own soecial means, plans, purpose ...
or at least indirectly involved and/or sufficien5y info-savvy//
> Are we are able to properly excavate, conserve, in order to keep outer-space fertile organic terrain....?

>A moderate botanical and geological treasure, more than moderate ref. and if we found to the "Beautiful Roses Patches on a Random. more Constellation-Distanced Planet ", if we may have it rooted to Gensokyo or Boundaries-Neighbouring areas...

> Menta & Situatiinl Estimate if it adds up to adequately worthwile and equip. plus care operative,  but we could also be asking for some helo from Aoi and maybe Koakuma,  for the corresponding. equip and care

>...  the bet-winning-judging criterias are "rarity, higher value of price, higher practical uses and development or any other field with  enough higher-value and practicality or to-developo"...  but it could have some decent complementary or aftermath valuee

> Still...  at the foremost of The Most Important Info or our Main Incident--Solving Mission, and then its reward are these "so far 3 Time-Pieces Of the Star-Disapperaing": from Gensokyo the "Tsurube-Otoshi couple of missing stars" were...

>...  noticed plus observed by ourselves with our trusty equip., in "slightly more than a whole day";. by Orihime. at her poace" around 3 days"; circa 1 and half week, 10 whole days  by " "Lamplighiter's Little Garden and Lampost  Space-Rock""

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 01, 2024, 06:44:58 AM
> "Might have to keep trying elsewhere..."

>"Or at least come back later, maybe?" Aoi says.

> Are we are able to properly excavate, conserve, in order to keep outer space organic terrain....
>A moderate botanical and geological treasure, more than moderate ref. and if we found to the "Beautiful Roses Patches on a Random. more Constellation-Distanced Planet ", if we may have it rooted to Gendokyo,  or have maybe even also have it done to. a comoatible Neughbouring OtherWorld...
> Mental Check for the corresponding. equì and, at least a certa pafg, measurementx
>...  the bet-winning-judging criterias are "rarity, higher value of price, higher practical uses and development or any other field with  enough higher-value and practicality or to-developo"...  but it could have some decent complementary or aftermath valuee
> Still...  at the foremost of The Most Important Info or our Main Incident--Solving Mission, and then its reward are these "so far 3 Time-Pieces Of the Star-Disapperaing": from Gensokyo the "Tsurube-Otoshi couple of missing stars" were...
>...  noriced plus observed by uurselves with our trusty equip. in "slightly more than a whole day";. by Orihime. at her poace" around 3 days"; circa 1 and half week, 10 whole days  by " "Lamplighiter's Little Garden and Lampost  Space-Rock""

>You think could probably transport some roses more or less safely, depending on how large the bush is. But you'd need a pot for it. As for how valuable it could be, suppose that depends on how well you can argue for it to the judges.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 01, 2024, 06:41:17 PM
> Wait for Lamplighter to get into view again.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 02, 2024, 12:52:52 AM
> Wait for Lamplighter to get into view again.

>You glance out in time for hear her call out "good morning" once more, a few moments later, you see her crest around the edge of the planet.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 02, 2024, 02:23:00 AM
> "Good morning. Remember when I asked you about valuable stuff nearby a few days ago? You mentioned the planet with the roses, then stopped and seemed like you were thinking. Have you had the chance to think of other things?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 03, 2024, 02:53:17 AM
> "Good morning. Remember when I asked you about valuable stuff nearby a few days ago? You mentioned the planet with the roses, then stopped and seemed like you were thinking. Have you had the chance to think of other things?"

>"Oh, well," she says. "I think there's a king out there. I think they probably have some kind of treasure. Not that they're my king. I dunno whose they are."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 03, 2024, 04:49:32 AM
> "...A king?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 05, 2024, 05:05:08 AM
> "...A king?"

>"Yep," she says, the planet's spin bringing her pretty close now. "Don't know anything about them. But I'm pretty sure they're just a normal person like me."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 05, 2024, 11:47:53 AM
> Do we think we could reach out and grab her?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 06, 2024, 12:13:52 AM
> Do we think we could reach out and grab her?

>Maybe when she passes by. You might want someone to hold onto your backpack.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 07, 2024, 12:33:01 AM
> "Interesting. Anything else?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 07, 2024, 07:38:30 PM
> "Interesting. Anything else?"

>"I think I heard about some ole drunk- she says, the pauses to extinguish the lamp as she passes by, . "-Good evening! Some old drunk out there. Not that I figure they have much valuable. I think that's abou-Oh wait! Completely forgot about the librarian!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 07, 2024, 09:31:15 PM
> Whip our head around to look at Koa briefly, then turn back to Lamplighter.
> "A librarian?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 07, 2024, 11:57:43 PM
> Whip our head around to look at Koa briefly, then turn back to Lamplighter.
> "A librarian?"

>Koa gives you a shrug.
>"Yeah," Lamplighter says as she rotates away from you. "Don't really know much about it, but my folks mentioned 'em once or twice."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 08, 2024, 01:41:45 AM
> "Do you know where it is?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 08, 2024, 02:13:09 AM
> "Do you know where it is?"

>"Couldn't tell you," she says, shaking her head. "It's one of those planets out there. Probably not too close by, I've never hide nor hair of them."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 08, 2024, 02:20:00 AM
> Nod.
> "Alright, we'll keep an eye out for it."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 08, 2024, 06:13:22 AM
> Nod.
> "Alright, we'll keep an eye out for it."

>"Let me ask something," she says. "How does that ship you're in work? Did you catch a bunch of comets or something?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 08, 2024, 10:51:43 AM
> How long would a truthful explanation take?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 08, 2024, 09:41:24 PM
> How long would a truthful explanation take?

>Depends on how detailed you want to be, and just how much she already understands. Which, given you'd wager she doesn't even know what a kappa is... probably a bit.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 08, 2024, 11:29:33 PM
> "Oh, no. The extremely short version is that it's a machine that runs off divine power."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 09, 2024, 04:01:27 AM
> "Oh, no. The extremely short version is that it's a machine that runs off divine power."

>"Well isn't that something?" she says. "Probably easier on the arms than catching a comet."


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 09, 2024, 04:04:33 AM
> "Most definitely. I'm pretty proud of it!"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 09, 2024, 05:25:31 AM
> "Most definitely. I'm pretty proud of it!"

>Lamplighter gives you a nod as she rotates away. "Bet you must've worked hard on it. I'm an impressive bit of kit, I can tell you that."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 09, 2024, 10:56:41 AM
> Are we familiar with the meaning of the 'bit of kit' slang?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 10, 2024, 04:27:54 PM
> Are we familiar with the meaning of the 'bit of kit' slang?

>No, but you can probably work it out

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 10, 2024, 04:42:20 PM
> "Really? time I'm in the area, I'll invite you on board. I'd like to do it now, but we're kinda full at the moment."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on August 10, 2024, 06:48:11 PM
> Whip our head around to look at Koa briefly, then turn back to Lamplighter.
> "A librarian?"

> Enquire Lamplighter with  what else It Is possibile,even if circa circumstantial;nd of course if she heard or pieced togeher about what of their,manager by them, make them "enough valuably"...famous,intersting,to appreciate...Library Collection or Rarity or similar.

> "Really? time I'm in the area, I'll invite you on board. I'd like to do it now, but we're kinda full at the moment."

> Smile adequately and with some interest togeher with and appreciative hand-gesture

> After Fast fact-check and calculus add the bit of news and details that coming back with a Kappa Nitori,by mostly ourselves,if "our next project would be intersted and funded enough in Gensokyo to be making a Number Upgraded Trips a 5-6 Spaceship with more Trip-Back Capabilities"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 11, 2024, 12:30:18 AM
> "Really? time I'm in the area, I'll invite you on board. I'd like to do it now, but we're kinda full at the moment."

>"Nah, I gotta look after the lamp here," she says, shaking her head as she disappears around the far side of the planet.

> Enquire Lamplighter with  what else It Is possibile,even if circa circumstantial;nd of course if she heard or pieced togeher about what of their,manager by them, make them "enough valuably"...famous,intersting,to appreciate...Library Collection or Rarity or similar.

> Smile adequately and with some interest togeher with and appreciative hand-gesture

> After Fast fact-check and calculus add the bit of news and details that coming back with a Kappa Nitori,by mostly ourselves,if "our next project would be intersted and funded enough in Gensokyo to be making a Number Upgraded Trips a 5-6 Spaceship with more Trip-Back Capabilities"

>"I don't know anything about how good their collection is," she calls from the other side oft he planet, then adds, "Good morning!"
>Doing that kind of upgrade would probably take more time than you have for the contest unless you encounter some kind of miracle. You are under no illusions you'll encounter that kind of miracle.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 11, 2024, 03:20:58 PM
> "Do you ever get away from here, then?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 11, 2024, 10:01:15 PM
> "Do you ever get away from here, then?"

>"Gotta keep the lamp lit, you know?" she says. "Don't want to let people down."


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 11, 2024, 10:33:52 PM
> "Sounds like-"
> Blink, then shake our head.
> "No, never mind. It's not my place."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 12, 2024, 12:19:39 AM
> "Sounds like-"
> Blink, then shake our head.
> "No, never mind. It's not my place."

>"Huh?" she says, giving you a confused look as she starts to spin back into view.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 12, 2024, 12:33:56 AM
> "Don't worry about it."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 12, 2024, 02:19:15 AM
> "Don't worry about it."

>"...Alright then," she says, clearly not quite done worrying about it yet.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 12, 2024, 03:27:26 AM
> "Anyway, thanks for all your help. I'll see what O can do about visiting again in a few years, if you're okay with that."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 12, 2024, 06:49:01 AM
> "Anyway, thanks for all your help. I'll see what O can do about visiting again in a few years, if you're okay with that."

>"Wouldn't say no to that," she says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 13, 2024, 12:32:31 AM
> Look back into the rocket.
> "Anything either of you are curious about before we leave?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 13, 2024, 03:21:23 AM
> Look back into the rocket.
> "Anything either of you are curious about before we leave?"

>"I'm good," Koa says.
>Aoi shakes her head.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 13, 2024, 10:29:11 PM
> Look back out to Lamplighter.
> "We're gonna keep on going on our mission, then. Anything I can do for you in the event I can return?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 14, 2024, 12:10:21 AM
> Look back out to Lamplighter.
> "We're gonna keep on going on our mission, then. Anything I can do for you in the event I can return?"

>"Uh, wouldn't mind if you brought dinner?" Lamplighter says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 14, 2024, 11:57:54 AM
> Look slightly taken aback.
> "...I...will see what I can do in that regard."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 16, 2024, 04:08:54 AM
> Look slightly taken aback.
> "...I...will see what I can do in that regard."

>She grins. "Thanks!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 16, 2024, 04:20:54 PM
> "Anyway, you have a good'un."
> Close the door and get back to our seat.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 17, 2024, 04:39:11 AM
> "Anyway, you have a good'un."
> Close the door and get back to our seat.

>"Ciao!" Lamplighter says as you close the door.
>"So we're in agreement she's crazy, right?" says Koa.
>"She's nice!" Aoi says.
>"She can be both things!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 17, 2024, 03:59:13 PM
> "I think she just doesn't know better and her employer is taking advantage of that. That bank thing, though...I guess we really shouldn't assume anything about anywhere we go or anyone we meet out here."
> Get to work on re-working out how to get to Lady Ojin Hachi from our current location, based on our previous calculations.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 18, 2024, 01:38:15 AM
> "I think she just doesn't know better and her employer is taking advantage of that. That bank thing, though...I guess we really shouldn't assume anything about anywhere we go or anyone we meet out here."
> Get to work on re-working out how to get to Lady Ojin Hachi from our current location, based on our previous calculations.

>You set to work plotting the course. By and large, you don't need to do too much.
>"It's weird she thought we had a condemned star in here," Aoi says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 18, 2024, 01:52:39 AM
> What's a condemned star, again? Is that different from a detested star?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 18, 2024, 10:34:06 PM
> What's a condemned star, again? Is that different from a detested star?

>They are the same thing. It's the difference between shooting star and wishing star.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 18, 2024, 10:46:52 PM
> "...I mean, there's no delicate way to put this, she lives by herself on a rock that I could probably fit in my workshop, with no apparent regular contact with anyone despite having both parents and an employer. She may just not have experience with...most things we're all used to."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 19, 2024, 05:19:20 AM
> "...I mean, there's no delicate way to put this, she lives by herself on a rock that I could probably fit in my workshop, with no apparent regular contact with anyone despite having both parents and an employer. She may just not have experience with...most things we're all used to."

>"Barking mad," Koa says, nodding to you.
>"Well at least she saw the stars were gone?" Aoi says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 19, 2024, 11:48:27 AM
> "Yeah, that was potentially useful information. I don't know what we can do with it just yet, but I'd rather have it than not."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 20, 2024, 12:28:20 AM
> "Yeah, that was potentially useful information. I don't know what we can do with it just yet, but I'd rather have it than not."

>"I guess it means we can count on her to see things," says Aoi. "At least some of the time. As nice as Lady Orihime was, she doesn't seem like she has much a mind for anything but her work."
>"And Hikoboshi!" Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 20, 2024, 12:45:34 AM
> Chuckle.
> "Very true."
> Finish up those calculations.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 20, 2024, 01:56:50 AM
> Chuckle.
> "Very true."
> Finish up those calculations.

>You finish up those calculations. It should be reasonably smooth sailing, presuming nothing bad happens.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 20, 2024, 04:41:41 AM
> "Alrighty, let's get back on track. Sorry for the delay, folks."
> Resume our previously-planned course!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 20, 2024, 08:15:39 PM
> "Alrighty, let's get back on track. Sorry for the delay, folks."
> Resume our previously-planned course!

>"I think it's fine," says Aoi.
>"Not like we knew anything about those planets, anyways," Koa says.
>Resuming your previous course, you head for the Tsuribe-Otoshi Constellation. The course is fairly smooth, the winds favorable. Still, the detour has cost you time, and the skies darken more and more as you continue on. Your crewmates keep to their tasks, Koa obviously bored out of her mind but keeping her complaints to herself. At one point Aoi sets to work cooking up a small but simple dinner, cucumbers stuff with rice and flakes of dried fish; something nice and easy to eat while steering.
>Eventually, you begin to see vast fields of what seem to be rice and millet in the distance, planted in orderly rows along paddies.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 20, 2024, 08:27:23 PM
> Keep an eye out for (a) a residence, and (b) somewhere relatively close to that residence that is a reasonable place to land that does not squish or otherwise damage any crops. We don't want to give off a bad first impression!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 21, 2024, 01:14:48 AM
> Keep an eye out for (a) a residence, and (b) somewhere relatively close to that residence that is a reasonable place to land that does not squish or otherwise damage any crops. We don't want to give off a bad first impression!

>You travel row after row of of various crops; you pick out rice, cucumbers, wasabi, eggplants, daikons at a glance. Soon, you catch size of a sizable palace in the distance, only a few parts of it lit up in the evening.
>"Hey, there's swords stabbed into the edge of each of those rows of crops," Koa says, looking out the window.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 21, 2024, 02:56:23 AM
> Have a look ourselves. Do the weapons appear to be arranged threateningly or agriculturally?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 21, 2024, 09:14:25 PM
> Have a look ourselves. Do the weapons appear to be arranged threateningly or agriculturally?

>It's a bit hard to see, but you catch glimpses; swords stabbed blade-first into the ground at the head of each row. You...aren't sure why it's like or what purpose it may serve. A warning?

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 21, 2024, 09:40:42 PM
> "Well. That's...ominous."
> Maybe, uh, find somewhere a tiny bit further away from both the crops and the palace to touch down than previously intended.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 21, 2024, 10:14:49 PM
> "Well. That's...ominous."
> Maybe, uh, find somewhere a tiny bit further away from both the crops and the palace to touch down than previously intended.

>Looking around, there is not a lot of land that isn't taken up by fields of some kind. You do manage to spot a place not too far from the palace. Judging by the archery targets and straw mannequins set up, it is some kind of practice field for soldiers. 

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 21, 2024, 10:21:21 PM
> How feasible would it be to keep the rocket stationary in the air and float/rappel down to the ground?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 21, 2024, 11:51:55 PM
> How feasible would it be to keep the rocket stationary in the air and float/rappel down to the ground?

>Best you can do is keep someone in the pilot's seat circling overhead. Otherwise you'll need to land.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 21, 2024, 11:53:26 PM
> "Mmm...I don't know that we have anywhere we could reasonably land without it being on top of something."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 22, 2024, 12:31:38 AM
> "Mmm...I don't know that we have anywhere we could reasonably land without it being on top of something."

>"That field with the dummies is pretty empty," Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 22, 2024, 12:33:32 AM
> "It, but I was hoping for something more, uh...not her immediate property?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 22, 2024, 02:17:12 AM
> "It, but I was hoping for something more, uh...not her immediate property?"

>"I don't see anything," Koa says, "But I guess we can fly around a bit if you wanna risk it?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 22, 2024, 03:36:26 AM
> "It's possible, I suppose. Is that something you two want to do?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 22, 2024, 04:28:27 PM
> "It's possible, I suppose. Is that something you two want to do?"

>"You're the pilot," says Aoi.
>"I don't think we're gonna find much." says Koa. "And I don't wanna have to walk too far."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 22, 2024, 06:11:58 PM
> Now that we're at the constellation, how difficult would it be to change course and go to where the missing star(s) should be?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 22, 2024, 08:35:43 PM
> Now that we're at the constellation, how difficult would it be to change course and go to where the missing star(s) should be?

>It shouldn't be too hard.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 23, 2024, 03:34:20 AM
> "...Yeah, I'm not feeling this now that I've seen it. I think we'd be better off checking out the location of the missing star instead."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on August 23, 2024, 09:17:31 PM
> "...Yeah, I'm not feeling this now that I've seen it. I think we'd be better off checking out the location of the missing star instead."

> Change course for the "missing stars" of the "Tsurube-Otoshi Constellation"

> Lamplighter did "enlighten" us that those stars were missing for longer than we observed them from Gensokyo...

> Make observations for "any other discovery" both along the direct course and,when only the relatively simple maneuvers are required ,also for the route from them to Gensokyo .
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 24, 2024, 05:04:20 AM
> "...Yeah, I'm not feeling this now that I've seen it. I think we'd be better off checking out the location of the missing star instead."

> Change course for the "missing stars" of the "Tsurube-Otoshi Constellation"

> Lamplighter did "enlighten" us that those stars were missing for longer than we observed them from Gensokyo...

> Make observations for "any other discovery" both along the direct course and,when only the relatively simple maneuvers are required ,also for the route from them to Gensokyo .

>You chart a course toward the missing star, which is barely necessary from here. It should take too long to get there.
>Making your way toward the lack of a star, you are able to keep your eyes open, and...nothing particularly jumps out as you. It takes maybe ten minutes to approach the site.
>The region is...not exciting, to say the least. Just an empty spot where you know a star once was. Now it is empty, without any real evidence that there was ever supposed to be anything here. Maybe if the right kind of mystic type were here, they could say something about how there is this or that mystic connection that has been broken or disrupted, but to the naked eye there is nothing that jumps out at you.
>"Hey, what's that-" Koa starts to say from her position by the sail window, moments before there is a loud thump on the top of the vessel, enough to make you jump. Aoi's eyes are turned toward the ceiling instantly, but no way to see up there. But something definitely made a loud sound up there.


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 24, 2024, 05:41:03 AM
> Do we have handy a crowbar or some other blunt force weapon-in-a-pinch?

> Glance around and out every window to the outside to see if we can see whatever just hit us.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 26, 2024, 03:11:56 AM
> Do we have handy a crowbar or some other blunt force weapon-in-a-pinch?

> Glance around and out every window to the outside to see if we can see whatever just hit us.

>You have a small prybar in your toolbox. It is not very large. The hammer in there might be better.
>You glance around and see nothing. Koa looks out her window, visibly pale, then looks back and shakes her head.
>Above, you hear a smaller thump, then another, then another, moving from where the impact happened toward the front of the vessel.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 26, 2024, 04:02:38 AM
> Could it be someone walking along the top of our rocket?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 26, 2024, 11:24:47 PM
> Could it be someone walking along the top of our rocket?

>It certainly has the right sounds for it, and the right timing.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 26, 2024, 11:32:55 PM
> Can we safely get out of our seat and momentarily give up steering, or will that immediately crash the rocket?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 27, 2024, 12:56:20 AM
> Can we safely get out of our seat and momentarily give up steering, or will that immediately crash the rocket?

>You should be able to for a little bit. But if you take too long you may find yourself needing to wrestle it back under control.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 27, 2024, 01:02:05 AM
> "That's a person! Keep watch on the windows!"
> Get up and bolt for the door we used to talk to Lamplighter, open it, and stick our head outside to look at who's stepping on our rocket.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 28, 2024, 12:07:20 AM
> "That's a person! Keep watch on the windows!"
> Get up and bolt for the door we used to talk to Lamplighter, open it, and stick our head outside to look at who's stepping on our rocket.

>"R-right!" Koa says.
>You make it to the door and throw it open; the windws outside put up a good fight, but you're able to hold it open.
>Sticking your head out and looking up, you see a lone woman in a yellow robes. Her hair is drawn back into a ponytail, and there is a sword in her hands, ready to be raised at a moment's notice. Her eyes, a startlingly intense earthy brown, lock on you. HEr face has something of a classic beauty to it, but it is rough and a little weatherworn.
>"So," she says, approaching with an air of nonchalance and menace. "It is said the thief will return to the scene of the crime."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 28, 2024, 12:25:27 AM
> Oh crap. We didn't even think of that possibility.
> Blanche a bit.
> "Uh, Lady Hachi, I assume? I'm not a thief, I'm investigating the missing stars!"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 28, 2024, 03:15:50 AM
> Oh crap. We didn't even think of that possibility.
> Blanche a bit.
> "Uh, Lady Hachi, I assume? I'm not a thief, I'm investigating the missing stars!"

>"A youkai," she says. "From the world below. Sneaking into my domain. In the dead of night. You say these things to me knowing I am Ojin Hachi."


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 28, 2024, 03:58:58 AM
> "I wanted to talk to you, but there wasn't a good place to land."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 28, 2024, 11:49:49 PM
> "I wanted to talk to you, but there wasn't a good place to land."

>"I will not hear these evasions," she says. "You will return my missing star, immediately."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 28, 2024, 11:59:03 PM
> "That was the goal to begin with! But we need to find it first!"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 29, 2024, 03:28:06 AM
> "That was the goal to begin with! But we need to find it first!"

>"No more excuses. Do so at once, or you will nourish these crops with your corpse."


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 29, 2024, 05:10:20 AM
> "I've never had it! I'd return it if I could!"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 29, 2024, 06:05:56 AM
> "I've never had it! I'd return it if I could!"

>You manage to get out about two and a half words of that before something jerks your backpack; and you; back with surprising force. You stumble back; and feel something pass very close to where your face once was. You don't need to see to know that was Ojin's sword. You regain your footing in time to see Aoi, shrieking like a madwoman, pulling the door shut.
>"Nitori," Koa shouts, just behind you, "we gotta get out of here! We screwed up!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 29, 2024, 06:17:37 AM
> Scramble to the pilot seat and check the surroundings.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 30, 2024, 01:23:03 AM
> Scramble to the pilot seat and check the surroundings.

>You scramble to your seat.
>Looking around, there are fields far below, but otherwise the sky is clear.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 30, 2024, 01:43:38 AM
> "Hold on tight!"
> Full speed straight ahead!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on August 31, 2024, 12:46:58 AM
> Tell Aoi and Koakuma to check the situation and stay on guard around the door and windows....

> ...and be ready to explain the truth,that,after being guests in accordance with the the gracious hospitality of Lady Orihime, we are on our way from Gensokyo to search as well for the missing Stars at the Tsurube-Otoshi Constellation.

> Mantain our current route.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 31, 2024, 04:39:56 AM
> "Hold on tight!"
> Full speed straight ahead!

> Tell Aoi and Koakuma to check the situation and stay on guard around the door and windows....

> ...and be ready to explain the truth,that,after being guests in accordance with the the gracious hospitality of Lady Orihime, we are on our way from Gensokyo to search as well for the missing Stars at the Tsurube-Otoshi Constellation.

> Mantain our current route.

>You go, accelerating as fast as possible. Aside from the roar of the engine, everything is dead quiet; you companions don't dare make a peep. They don't need your orders right now, as they look out the windows, trying to see above the ship.
>Again, you hear footsteps along the top of the ship, moving toward you. But the length of time between each step increases.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 31, 2024, 05:21:23 PM
> Would that suggest we're outpacing her?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 31, 2024, 09:12:53 PM
> Would that suggest we're outpacing her?

>Are far as you know, she is on top of the ship. She is going as fast as you are. What that means with regards to her footsteps apparently slowing down, you must interpret.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on August 31, 2024, 10:00:29 PM
> Can we barrel roll in this thing?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on August 31, 2024, 11:41:28 PM
> Can we barrel roll in this thing?

>You've never tried, but you probably can.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 03, 2024, 10:17:08 PM
> "Hold on tight!"
> Try barrel rolling this thing to shake her off!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 04, 2024, 01:59:34 AM
> "Hold on tight!"
> Try barrel rolling this thing to shake her off!

>"What?" Koa says, a moment before you cut the vessel hard to the left.
>The world outside spins, you are thrown against your seat; clutching to the steering wheel as you brace against the back of your seat. You hear your crewmates crying out behind you, things and probably bodies clattering around.
>At the peak of the barrel roll, you look up and you see her. Ojin falling away, her sword spinning "upward" as she fights to right herself. For the fraction of a second, your eyes meet hers, and you can feel the weight of the goddess' fury. Then she falls away, as your vessel carries onward, righting itself. You know, in the depths of you heart, if she catches you there will be no stopping her.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 04, 2024, 02:48:07 AM
> Right the rocket and speed on out of there!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 04, 2024, 03:27:11 AM
> Right the rocket and speed on out of there!

>You right the rocket and go, leaving the constellation behind as fast as you can.
>"...I think we're leaving her behind," Aoi says, as Koa groans.
>Koa mutters, "...Keep going, though..."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 04, 2024, 12:19:21 PM
> "So much for investigating that area. ...Sorry, everyone."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 04, 2024, 11:49:14 PM
> "So much for investigating that area. ...Sorry, everyone."

>"We screwed up," Koa says, sounding kind of exhausted. "But I think even in the best case, she probably would have been really suspicious of us just for being youkai up here."
>"I think so," says Aoi. "Still, better not go back there with things as they are."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 05, 2024, 01:24:37 AM
> "I'm not going back there ever. I don't know if you caught that glare at the end there, but one of us ain't makin' it out if our paths ever cross again."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 05, 2024, 02:40:45 AM
> "I'm not going back there ever. I don't know if you caught that glare at the end there, but one of us ain't makin' it out if our paths ever cross again."

>"...Well, that's no good," Koa says. "You think she saw all of us?"
>"Maybe we ought to do something about it," Aoi says. "Try to smooth things over?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 05, 2024, 05:15:27 AM
> What happens if we verbally curse a god? Do they know? Are they affected at all?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 05, 2024, 06:43:44 AM
> What happens if we verbally curse a god? Do they know? Are they affected at all?

>You aren't sure. But you don't know of any smitings back home, at least. Thought you also wouldn't put it past any of the gods on the mountain to suddenly appear and rain down vengeful danmaku.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 05, 2024, 07:36:33 PM
> "I'm hoping returning the star will be enough. Maybe send a messenger to let her know who the actual culprit is, and who solved the problem, so she can stuff her suspicious exactly where they belong."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 05, 2024, 09:22:30 PM
> "I'm hoping returning the star will be enough. Maybe send a messenger to let her know who the actual culprit is, and who solved the problem, so she can stuff her suspicious exactly where they belong."

>"Yeah, that sounds good," says Aoi.
>"I'unno," says Koa. "Gods are traditionally really good at holding grudges."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 06, 2024, 03:18:01 AM
> "Yeah, but they don't have that market cornered, I promise you."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 06, 2024, 04:35:34 AM
> "Yeah, but they don't have that market cornered, I promise you."

>"Wait, what does that mean?" Koa says.
>"Ugh, what a mess," Aoi mutters.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 06, 2024, 04:41:07 AM
> "Look, the core mission of investigating and restoring the stars hasn't changed. Beat we leave it at that for now, I think."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 06, 2024, 05:49:19 AM
> "Look, the core mission of investigating and restoring the stars hasn't changed. Beat we leave it at that for now, I think."

>"Right, okay..." says Koa.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 06, 2024, 08:34:41 PM
> Look around outside. Do we have any idea where we are?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 06, 2024, 08:58:45 PM
> Look around outside. Do we have any idea where we are?

>You are leaving the tsuribe otoshi constellation behind. You're moving generally in the direction of Gensokyo and away from the moon. More than that, you don't really know immediately.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 07, 2024, 09:08:43 PM
> In which direction is the Daitengu constellation?
> In which direction is the fastest way to get back to the Sake River?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 08, 2024, 02:28:05 AM
> In which direction is the Daitengu constellation?
> In which direction is the fastest way to get back to the Sake River?

>It's quite some distance away.
>You would have to cut back through the constellation you just fled, or take a long way around.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 08, 2024, 02:43:23 AM
> Well, that sucks mondo shirikodama.
> Do we have any idea what might be in the direction we're currently going in other than Generally Gensokyo?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on September 08, 2024, 08:00:46 PM
>It's quite some distance away.
>You would have to cut back through the constellation you just fled, or take a long way around.


> Add quest : " Misunderstanding-Settler Peace Treaty with Lady Ouji (Tsurube Otoshi constellation).

> What is the route to the "Daitengu constellation" from here since "enerally Gensokyo direction" is straight ahead?

> Is the as correct as possible  estimate for distance as such :"generally Gensokyo" is at the shortest ,the "Daitengu constellation" is some distance away,and  "Long Way Around,since the misunderstanding threat by Lady Ouji ,to the Sake River,abode of Lady Orihime" is the longest ?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 09, 2024, 12:46:48 AM
> Well, that sucks mondo shirikodama.
> Do we have any idea what might be in the direction we're currently going in other than Generally Gensokyo?

>Not immediately.

> Add quest : " Misunderstanding-Settler Peace Treaty with Lady Ouji (Tsurube Otoshi constellation).

> What is the route to the "Daitengu constellation" from here since "enerally Gensokyo direction" is straight ahead?

> Is the as correct as possible  estimate for distance as such :"generally Gensokyo" is at the shortest ,the "Daitengu constellation" is some distance away,and  "Long Way Around,since the misunderstanding threat by Lady Ouji ,to the Sake River,abode of Lady Orihime" is the longest ?

>Quest added. It would probably be a good long term plan to dispel divine wrath.
>You would have to take a long arc through the heavens.
>It's hard to tell the distances; but you think that the Orihime's manor is probably closest. It's a toss up whehther Gensokyo or the constellation is second closest, but you think Gensokyo is probably furthest away.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 09, 2024, 12:21:54 PM
> Is there anything of note/interest immediately visible ahead of us?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 10, 2024, 05:19:25 AM
> Is there anything of note/interest immediately visible ahead of us?

>There is a constellation some ways ahead, but you would have to continue on well into the early hours of the morning to reach it.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 10, 2024, 12:04:49 PM
> "Mmm. Looks like we're camping in here tonight, ladies."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 11, 2024, 01:29:59 AM
> "Mmm. Looks like we're camping in here tonight, ladies."

>"I figured," Koa mumbles. "Better get the futons cleaned up..."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 11, 2024, 05:03:16 PM
> "Sorry..."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 13, 2024, 06:52:55 PM
> "Sorry..."

>"You're not the one that went all stabby!" Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 15, 2024, 01:55:13 PM
> So what will be logistically necessary for camping out in the rocket?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 15, 2024, 07:18:52 PM
> So what will be logistically necessary for camping out in the rocket?

>If things are reasonably calm, not a whole lot. The sails will need to be brought in and the engines cut to a reasonable level to avoid being blow off course. The latter is more theoretical, but now is when the theory shall be applied, it seems.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 16, 2024, 06:00:34 AM
> "Granted. And speaking of, how do folks feel about getting a little further away before bringing in the sails and cutting the engines?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 16, 2024, 04:14:02 PM
> "Granted. And speaking of, how do folks feel about getting a little further away before bringing in the sails and cutting the engines?"

>"I feel great about that!" Koa says.
>"It's a good idea," Aoi adds.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 17, 2024, 03:45:53 PM
> Continue traveling away from Hachi's domain for about an hour, then.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 18, 2024, 04:56:36 AM
> Continue traveling away from Hachi's domain for about an hour, then.

>You continue to soar away from the constellation, as your companions work to clean up the mess left in the wake of your barrel roll. It is a peaceful voyage, boring even. Not enough to quiet quell the anxiety of the encounter you just have, but enough to calm down a little.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 18, 2024, 06:07:04 PM
> "Okay, this is probably good."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 18, 2024, 10:14:59 PM
> "Okay, this is probably good."

>"Then I'll be turning in," Aoi says. "If you want a snack, you can get it yourself. The provisions weren't damaged, aside from some rice getting loose."
>You settle in, drawing back the sails and setting the engine to give you enough power not to drift off course too badly.
>Finally turning your attention to the rest of the ship, it looks fine. The cooking supplies aren't were you remember them, the privacy screen has been reset in an different way, but things are fine. The futons have been laid out; Koa has set her next to yours, and is already sprawled face first into it. Aoi has polity set hers on the other side of the ship.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 18, 2024, 10:52:22 PM
> How disruptive would it be to fix the privacy screen to where it was before?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 21, 2024, 06:48:55 AM
> How disruptive would it be to fix the privacy screen to where it was before?

>Probably a little, given the general silence now.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 21, 2024, 02:53:45 PM
> Do the others look like they're actively settling in to sleep?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 21, 2024, 03:46:08 PM
> Do the others look like they're actively settling in to sleep?

>You doubt Koa is planning to get up again unless forced. Aoi is definitely getting ready.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 21, 2024, 04:56:51 PM
> "Mmm, I guess I can tidy up tomorrow..."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 22, 2024, 05:10:59 PM
> "Mmm, I guess I can tidy up tomorrow..."

>Aoi doesn't seem to hear you. If Koa did, anything she has to say has been muffled by her pillow.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 22, 2024, 05:28:25 PM
> Might as well simply get prepped for bed, then.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 24, 2024, 11:57:38 PM
> Might as well simply get prepped for bed, then.

>Ultimately it doesn't take much; your crewmates were kind enough to get your futon ready for you, and you're too drained for much more pre-bed prep than taking off your backpack.
>You drop into bed, and quickly drop off. With Koa next to you, you half expect her to try something. But she doesn't; if she's not asleep already, she's well on her way to it. You do not sleep deeply, you have several vaguely remembered dreams of raging gods that wake you over the night, but you fall back asleep before you can really ruminate on them. At some point during this, you realize that Koa has leaned up against you, but you are too far from waking to especially care.
>Eventually, you wake up and find you're not really willing to go back to sleep. You can feel Koa up against you, her cheek mushed up between your shoulder blades as she dozes.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 25, 2024, 12:16:52 AM
> Are we possibly able to get up without waking her?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 25, 2024, 05:58:25 AM
> Are we possibly able to get up without waking her?

>It may be.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 25, 2024, 04:07:34 PM
> Slowly and gently try to slide ourselves away enough that we're free to move without bonking her.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 26, 2024, 07:30:01 AM
> Slowly and gently try to slide ourselves away enough that we're free to move without bonking her.

>You slowly set to work extracting yourself. At one point, she stirs a little, but you manage not to wake her enough that she doesn't fall back asleep. You are freed.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 26, 2024, 05:02:02 PM
> Take a few moments to breathe, and then get ourselves ready for another day of piloting.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 27, 2024, 01:57:05 AM
> Take a few moments to breathe, and then get ourselves ready for another day of piloting.

>You breath, and quietly get to looking around.
>The good news is that you are pretty sure the vessel hasn't taken any damage last night's getaway. No doubt this is due to your quick thinking, even if it did make a mess of things. You can't imagine she wasn't preparing to at least stab though the ceiling, if not cut a new entrance for herself...
>As you poke around, Aoi stirs, and after having some water, wordlessly makes her way over to the stove. Koa remains asleep.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 27, 2024, 12:17:17 PM
> If Aoi glances over at us while we putter around, give her a nod and a thumbs-up.
> Once we've made ourselves ready, take stock of where we are in the vastness of space.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 28, 2024, 04:56:55 AM
> If Aoi glances over at us while we putter around, give her a nod and a thumbs-up.
> Once we've made ourselves ready, take stock of where we are in the vastness of space.

>Aoi does glance over, and responds to you with a nod.
>You take stock of your current location. You've drifted a bit overnight. More than a bit, really. You'll have to adjust your theories on not drifting... The good news it has moved you further from the Otoshi-Tsurube constellation, so you feel a bit more safe now. Finding where you are in relation to it, however, take a bit more time. It seems you're more of less in the middle of nowhere; all there are are fields below.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 28, 2024, 11:45:20 AM
> Would it make sense to land in those fields before determining where the Daitengu constellation is?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 29, 2024, 02:56:11 PM
> Would it make sense to land in those fields before determining where the Daitengu constellation is?

>It would make the process faster and easier, though you may lose that time and some more to tacking off and landing.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 29, 2024, 03:00:24 PM
> A bit of lost time is fine if it means easier and more accurate calculations for avoiding Hachi's domain. Once we're ready to take the stick again, land the rocket in the fields.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on September 30, 2024, 03:03:56 AM
> A bit of lost time is fine if it means easier and more accurate calculations for avoiding Hachi's domain. Once we're ready to take the stick again, land the rocket in the fields.

>You set the vessel down into the fields. While you do, Aoi gets some rice going.
>The landing is easy enough, and you find yourself in a field of tall, swaying grasses. Nothing much seems to stand out at a glass through the front windows.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on September 30, 2024, 04:08:39 AM
> Get to work calculating how we can get to Daitenguland while avoiding Hachiland.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 01, 2024, 10:30:35 PM
> Get to work calculating how we can get to Daitenguland while avoiding Hachiland.

>You set to work plotting out the route. Breakfast continues to come together behind you as you work, and you hear Koa start to stir.
>There is some motion just outside the corner of your eye. You look up, perhaps a tad more nervous than usual, and see that there is a cow looking in through the window.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 01, 2024, 10:49:17 PM
> Is it bipedal or quadripedal?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 02, 2024, 12:50:42 AM
> Is it bipedal or quadripedal?

>It is a proper animal, not a youkai or otherwise.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 02, 2024, 01:01:39 AM
> "Oh."
> Take a moment to take a more attentive look outside, in case there are any other creatures out there.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 02, 2024, 04:48:16 AM
> "Oh."
> Take a moment to take a more attentive look outside, in case there are any other creatures out there.

>Glancing through the window, there seem to be a couple, mostly out of your line of sight. Another wanders in as you look.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 02, 2024, 11:50:28 AM
> "Looks like we've got an audience."
> Get back to running those numbers.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 03, 2024, 10:29:08 PM
> "Looks like we've got an audience."
> Get back to running those numbers.

>"Oh, that's a bunch of cows, alright," Aoi says, as she looks out the window.
>"That one's not a cow," Koa says, looking out a different window.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 04, 2024, 01:57:33 AM
> Ah, crud...
> Look up from our work at wherever Koa's looking.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 04, 2024, 09:36:32 PM
> Ah, crud...
> Look up from our work at wherever Koa's looking.

>You have to approach one of the side windows. There you see that there's quite a few cows milling about, and a dark-haired woman in rough blue clothes at the back of the herd, who seems to be regarding the vessel curiously.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 04, 2024, 11:32:36 PM
> Do we know who this is just from seeing her, as happens with gods sometimes?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 05, 2024, 05:59:36 AM
> Do we know who this is just from seeing her, as happens with gods sometimes?

>Not this time. If this is a god, she would be a heavenly god you're pretty sure.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 05, 2024, 08:56:28 AM
> How close are we to done with our maths?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 05, 2024, 10:52:56 PM
> How close are we to done with our maths?

>About halfway, you think.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 05, 2024, 11:09:52 PM
> Crap.
> How much would they be thrown off if we paused to hail the newcomer?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 06, 2024, 12:19:12 AM
> Crap.
> How much would they be thrown off if we paused to hail the newcomer?

>Hard to say. At least a bit. But it's not like you can't restart.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 06, 2024, 12:26:42 AM
> "Huh."
> Put down what we're doing. If the woman is looking at us, smile and wave at her.
> Then go to the door and head outside.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 06, 2024, 04:39:39 AM
> "Huh."
> Put down what we're doing. If the woman is looking at us, smile and wave at her.
> Then go to the door and head outside.

>You give a wave, which you aren't sure that she sees, then go to open the door.
>Outside is full of cows and the sound of occasional mooing. The blue-clad woman regards you from a distance, then tips the conical straw hat she wears toward you.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 06, 2024, 04:48:47 AM
> Give her a wave and a smile.
> "Hey there! Sorry, didn't realize we might be trespassing. We won't be here much longer."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 06, 2024, 07:50:05 PM
> Give her a wave and a smile.
> "Hey there! Sorry, didn't realize we might be trespassing. We won't be here much longer."

>"No place to trespass, really," she calls back, her voice strong and sonorous. "Cows are just the curious kind, pass them no mind."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 07, 2024, 02:55:16 AM
> "Alright, as long as we're not being a problem for you."
> "I'm Nitori Kawashiro, a kappa from Gensokyo. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 07, 2024, 11:25:37 PM
> "Alright, as long as we're not being a problem for you."
> "I'm Nitori Kawashiro, a kappa from Gensokyo. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

>"As long as you don't hurt the cows or ruin the grass, I don't see there being a problem," she says.
>"Oh, you're a youkai, that explains what felt so off about you," she says. "Well, it don't mean anything. I'm Hikoboshi."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 07, 2024, 11:27:56 PM
> Is Hikoboshi a mortal rather than a god?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 08, 2024, 05:43:34 AM
> Is Hikoboshi a mortal rather than a god?

>You don't think so...but she certain doesn't have a strong aura like the other gods do.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 08, 2024, 11:30:49 AM
> Mental check: Did Orihime ask us for any favors regarding Hikoboshi?
> "Oh! How fortuitous for us, we were Orihime's guests just yesterday morning."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 08, 2024, 11:42:46 PM
> Mental check: Did Orihime ask us for any favors regarding Hikoboshi?
> "Oh! How fortuitous for us, we were Orihime's guests just yesterday morning."

>Just to give her regards, and perhaps collect Hikoboshi's.
>"You were?" she says, her posture less relaxed, her tone losing its laconicness. "She'll well, is she?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 09, 2024, 12:23:50 AM
> "She's doing great, yeah. She asked us to let you know she's thinking of you."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 09, 2024, 02:12:26 AM
> "She's doing great, yeah. She asked us to let you know she's thinking of you."

>The herdswoman lowers her head, letting her had cover her face. "Glad to hear it."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 09, 2024, 02:16:25 AM
> "...Er, I hope this isn't a touchy subject for you."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 09, 2024, 07:57:05 PM
> "...Er, I hope this isn't a touchy subject for you."

>"Never you mind," she says, looking up again. "I'm glad for the news. It'll be a couple months before I can get out that way."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 10, 2024, 12:21:27 AM
> "Ah, yeah. I asked her, so I'll ask you too. Anything you want for Tanabata?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 10, 2024, 01:19:57 AM
> "Ah, yeah. I asked her, so I'll ask you too. Anything you want for Tanabata?"

>"A clear night would be real nice," she says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 10, 2024, 01:37:11 AM
> "I'll do my best."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 10, 2024, 02:44:23 AM
> "I'll do my best."

>She blinks, then throws back her head and laughs. "If you can keep it clear, I've a half dozen cattle for you!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 10, 2024, 03:50:55 AM
> "...Oh, I thought you were looking for prayers for it, since that's what she asked for too."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 10, 2024, 08:48:09 PM
> "...Oh, I thought you were looking for prayers for it, since that's what she asked for too."

>"Miss, you're a youkai from the land below, out here in the celestial fields," she says. "If you say you can try to make sure it's a clear night, I'm in a position where I have to think if you mean it or not!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 10, 2024, 08:59:54 PM
> "That's fair. Sorry to get your hopes up, then."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 11, 2024, 06:58:03 AM
> "That's fair. Sorry to get your hopes up, then."

>"Nothing to worry about," she says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 11, 2024, 11:27:13 AM
> Nod.
> "Anyway, we're looking to get to the Daitengu Constellation without passing into Lady Hachi's territory. I can crunch the numbers all well and good, but if you have any advice, it'd be appreciated."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 12, 2024, 03:42:52 AM
> Nod.
> "Anyway, we're looking to get to the Daitengu Constellation without passing into Lady Hachi's territory. I can crunch the numbers all well and good, but if you have any advice, it'd be appreciated."

>Hikoboshi frowns. "Her, huh?" she says. "Me and Lady Hachi aren't particularly close. She doesn't want my cows in her crops. and I'd rather not deal with her soldiers, if I'm being honest. Can't ever shake the feeling they'll poach one of my herd when I'm not looking, you know how soldiers are."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 12, 2024, 11:39:52 AM
> "Yeah, we also met once. She, uh, thinks I stole the star that's missing from the Tsurube-otoshi Constellation."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 13, 2024, 07:18:16 PM
> "Yeah, we also met once. She, uh, thinks I stole the star that's missing from the Tsurube-otoshi Constellation."

>"I'm figuring you didn't?" Hikoboshi replies.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 13, 2024, 08:12:42 PM
> "Nope. Not that she believed me."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 14, 2024, 04:57:44 PM
> "Nope. Not that she believed me."

>The herder nods, her hat bobbing up and down.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 14, 2024, 05:22:28 PM
> "Soooooo I'd really rather not run into her again. But the Daitengu Constellation isn't going to investigate itself..."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 14, 2024, 11:15:29 PM
> "Soooooo I'd really rather not run into her again. But the Daitengu Constellation isn't going to investigate itself..."

>The herder nods. "Mmm. Sound tricky. What happened?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 15, 2024, 12:49:32 AM
> "She tried to cut my head off. We only got away after I spun her off my rocket and flung her into space."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on October 15, 2024, 10:53:56 PM
> "She tried to cut my head off. We only got away after I spun her off my rocket and flung her into space."

> Before that,add that "she mistook us for the culprit(s),and also because we are youkai, coming back to the scene of crime" and "she gave us an ultimatum we cannot have fulfilled,since we are not such culprit(s) and have not their means,her disbelieving us lead to..."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 16, 2024, 08:20:56 PM
> Before that,add that "she mistook us for the culprit(s),and also because we are youkai, coming back to the scene of crime" and "she gave us an ultimatum we cannot have fulfilled,since we are not such culprit(s) and have not their means,her disbelieving us lead to..."
> "She tried to cut my head off. We only got away after I spun her off my rocket and flung her into space."

>"Suppose I can see why she'd think that way," says the herder. "Not so sure about the getting carried away like that, though."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 16, 2024, 11:08:14 PM
> "Anyway, yeah, that's why I'm trying to avoid her territory."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 16, 2024, 11:27:57 PM
> "Anyway, yeah, that's why I'm trying to avoid her territory."

>"I'd advise it," says Hikoboshi. "Won't surprise you to hear she can hold a grudge."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 17, 2024, 02:02:51 AM
> "I'd believe it based on the look she gave me as she floated away. So, uh, yeah, any advice for getting to the Daitengu Constellation while avoiding her?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 17, 2024, 03:11:12 AM
> "I'd believe it based on the look she gave me as she floated away. So, uh, yeah, any advice for getting to the Daitengu Constellation while avoiding her?"

>"Don't think you can," says the herder.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 17, 2024, 03:53:49 AM
> "Mmm. Was afraid of that."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 18, 2024, 12:09:15 AM
> "Mmm. Was afraid of that."

>"I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy," Hikoboshi says, as she glances toward the mass of cows grazing peacefully around the ship, "But if you were thinking to get back in, best way might be to have someone or something distract her. Then sneak in. But, shouldn't have to say why that's a bad idea and a shaky idea."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 18, 2024, 01:19:43 AM
> "Well...maybe I can visit other places and gradually go around it?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 18, 2024, 06:50:28 PM
> "Well...maybe I can visit other places and gradually go around it?"

>Hikoboshi gives a slow, hat-bobbing nod. "Might be wisest, that. So you're investigating stars, huh?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 18, 2024, 07:37:28 PM
> "Yeah. Have you noticed anything unusual that might be related to their disappearance?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 18, 2024, 10:26:30 PM
> "Yeah. Have you noticed anything unusual that might be related to their disappearance?"

>"Well, most unusual thing is they've disappeared at all. Only really noticed a bit ago; tend not to be up late much."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 18, 2024, 10:49:51 PM
> "About how long ago, would you say?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 20, 2024, 02:02:24 AM
> "About how long ago, would you say?"

>"Night before last," she says. "Had a cow get lost, so I was up later than usual."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 20, 2024, 03:25:47 AM
> We calculated from Lamplighter that the stars have been missing for longer than that, yes?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 20, 2024, 08:21:47 PM
> We calculated from Lamplighter that the stars have been missing for longer than that, yes?


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 20, 2024, 09:21:37 PM
> Nod.
> "Good to know. Anything missing other than the one in the Tsurube-Otoshi Constellation and the one in the Daitengu Constellation?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 21, 2024, 03:54:15 AM
> Nod.
> "Good to know. Anything missing other than the one in the Tsurube-Otoshi Constellation and the one in the Daitengu Constellation?"

>"I'll be honest with you," she says, "I don't know those names. I'd show you where I've seen 'em,'s a bit too early for that."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 21, 2024, 04:24:14 AM
> "Ah, that makes sense. Don't worry about it, then."
> Glance back at the rocket to see how our shipmates are faring.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 22, 2024, 12:45:12 AM
> "Ah, that makes sense. Don't worry about it, then."
> Glance back at the rocket to see how our shipmates are faring.

>"Doubt I'd have anything new to tell you," Hikoboshi says. "I tend to have my attention a bit closer to the grass."
>It looks like Aoi is serving breakfast.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 22, 2024, 12:51:39 AM
> "Alright, I'll leave you be, then."
> Purse our lips a bit.
> In a slightly quieter tone: "Though...I don't suppose you'd know of any way to quickly alter one's body shape? Or perhaps know of someone that might know?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 23, 2024, 02:29:21 AM
> "Alright, I'll leave you be, then."
> Purse our lips a bit.
> In a slightly quieter tone: "Though...I don't suppose you'd know of any way to quickly alter one's body shape? Or perhaps know of someone that might know?"

>The herder purses her lips. "If it were me," she says, "I'd look for the Great Sage of the Moon. Not that she's on the moon these days."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 23, 2024, 02:35:19 AM
> "Where is she instead?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 24, 2024, 03:16:06 AM
> "Where is she instead?"

>"Well, last I heard, she followed the exiled princess down your way," she says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 24, 2024, 03:28:18 AM
> Blink.
> "...Ohhhh. Her. ...Unfortunately, a reliable source told me that asking her about what I want would be a very bad idea."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 24, 2024, 04:16:56 AM
> Blink.
> "...Ohhhh. Her. ...Unfortunately, a reliable source told me that asking her about what I want would be a very bad idea."

>Hikoboshi nods. "If that's what they say, that's how it is. I have a notion she has a price."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 24, 2024, 11:36:07 AM
> "Most likely, yeah. Ah well."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 24, 2024, 06:51:19 PM
> "Most likely, yeah. Ah well."

>"Just gotta figure out what it is," she says. "Not that I'd know. Don't have much to do with the moon, myself."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 24, 2024, 07:15:02 PM
> "Understandable. Hmm, well, one final shot in the dark; would you happen to know any good spots to visit for treasure hunters?'
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 24, 2024, 09:20:58 PM
> "Understandable. Hmm, well, one final shot in the dark; would you happen to know any good spots to visit for treasure hunters?'

>"Lots of good stuff on the moon, they say," she says. "Not that I'd know about that or would recommend a youkai drop in there."
>She pauses and frowns, sucking her lip against her teeth. "Now, I'm not one for wealth. Or rather, you can see my wealth right here, putting that grass to you. But, if you wanted to try you luck, you might want to visit the Lady of Kashima. She might have a sword for you. What you'd need to do to get it, who can say? You can find her palace out that way. Not sure where you'd call it."
>She gestures in a broad direction toward Gensokyo, and across the river of sake.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 24, 2024, 09:52:20 PM
> Are we familiar with this Lady of Kashima?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 24, 2024, 10:26:04 PM
> Are we familiar with this Lady of Kashima?

>Not by that name.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 24, 2024, 10:33:55 PM
> "Lady of Kashima...I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that name. Does she go by anything else, perhaps?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 25, 2024, 12:20:15 AM
> "Lady of Kashima...I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that name. Does she go by anything else, perhaps?"

>"Lady Take," she says. "Though that's overly familiar, if you ask me."
>That is a bit more known to you; a heavenly god who oversees storms and swordcraft. More relevant is that she is supposedly the originator of sumo, an art strongly associated with and also attributed to kappa.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 25, 2024, 01:19:39 AM
> Would we have any idea where she might be up here, beyond was Hikoboshi has already indicated?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 25, 2024, 06:22:07 PM
> Would we have any idea where she might be up here, beyond was Hikoboshi has already indicated?

>You think she would be around the Tenome constellation.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 26, 2024, 01:18:57 AM
> "Ah, that's a name I'm more familiar with. Thanks!"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 26, 2024, 04:32:07 PM
> "Ah, that's a name I'm more familiar with. Thanks!"

>"I suppose that isn't too surprising," Hikoboshi says. "She might help you, but I wouldn't expect to get a gift."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 26, 2024, 04:33:50 PM
> "Of course. Conducting proper business is important, after all."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 26, 2024, 10:46:59 PM
> "Of course. Conducting proper business is important, after all."

>"About all I can think of," she says. "Not got a head for treasures. Might be some lost ones around, people are always losing things."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 26, 2024, 11:53:34 PM
> "That's okay, what you've said is greatly appreciated. Um, just so you're aware, you'll probably want to get the cows away from our vehicle before we leave."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on October 27, 2024, 12:35:04 AM
>Hikoboshi frowns. "Her, huh?" she says. "Me and Lady Hachi aren't particularly close. She doesn't want my cows in her crops. and I'd rather not deal with her soldiers, if I'm being honest. Can't ever shake the feeling they'll poach one of my herd when I'm not looking, you know how soldiers are."

>You think she would be around the Tenome constellation.


> Would we be able to take an alternate route with destinatin us to the "Daitengu Constellation " involving the 'Tenome Constellation" beyond the Sake River by Hikoboshi's side(Celestial Fields)? Or there is some part missing or hindered us requiring an" Heavenly Local Expert",likelythe Lady of Kashima,Lady Kame,if we base off the alt.route mostly through her domain?"

> ...and also ask,among   the final questions ,if she knows or likely suppose whether with Lady Take,the Lady of Kashima, we should observe a more careful or particular conduct or similar,beyond the normal so far,which might be "related  to us  Youkai visitors ,although with a good incident-resolving,business and scientific purpose" ... better to avoidbe prepare even for a limited and partial case of an "harsh misunderstanding plus action,especially if already mostly riled-up ,like Lady Hachi's" issue we have to smooth and pacify over later on.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 27, 2024, 04:43:10 PM
> Would we be able to take an alternate route with destinatin us to the "Daitengu Constellation " involving the 'Tenome Constellation" beyond the Sake River by Hikoboshi's side(Celestial Fields)? Or there is some part missing or hindered us requiring an" Heavenly Local Expert",likelythe Lady of Kashima,Lady Kame,if we base off the alt.route mostly through her domain?"

> ...and also ask,among   the final questions ,if she knows or likely suppose whether with Lady Take,the Lady of Kashima, we should observe a more careful or particular conduct or similar,beyond the normal so far,which might be "related  to us  Youkai visitors ,although with a good incident-resolving,business and scientific purpose" ... better to avoidbe prepare even for a limited and partial case of an "harsh misunderstanding plus action,especially if already mostly riled-up ,like Lady Hachi's" issue we have to smooth and pacify over later on.

>You should be able to get there, unless there's some strangeness you aren't aware of.
>"Well, you'll want to make sure she doesn't think you're a thief," says Hikoboshi. "Probably ought to conduct yourself like a good guest. Gift wouldn't hurt."

> "That's okay, what you've said is greatly appreciated. Um, just so you're aware, you'll probably want to get the cows away from our vehicle before we leave."

>"I'll get 'em away," she says with a nod.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 27, 2024, 05:05:06 PM
> Mental check: Do we need to go through Hachi's territory to get to the Tenome Constellation?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 27, 2024, 11:08:13 PM
> Mental check: Do we need to go through Hachi's territory to get to the Tenome Constellation?

>You would not. But even if it were, you could just take a longer way around.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 27, 2024, 11:22:40 PM
> "Great. I think we're gonna have a meal before we take off again, so you'll have some time. It's been a pleasure."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 28, 2024, 03:05:01 AM
> "Great. I think we're gonna have a meal before we take off again, so you'll have some time. It's been a pleasure."

>"Before you go," Hikoboshi says, as she turns away and begins to approach a one of the cows, "If you should so happen to find yourself Orihime's way again, let her know I'm thinkin' of her."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 28, 2024, 03:51:42 AM
> "Of course! Have a good'un."
> Head back to the rocket.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 28, 2024, 04:30:37 AM
> "Of course! Have a good'un."
> Head back to the rocket.

>"Good luck with your quest," the herder replies, as you head back in.
>"She seemed pleasant," Koa says, sitting at the table.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 28, 2024, 04:41:42 AM
> Have a seat.
> "She was. Even without our previous encounter serving as a standard. Imagine our luck that we'd run into Hikoboshi so soon after leaving Orihime's pad?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 28, 2024, 08:09:43 PM
> Have a seat.
> "She was. Even without our previous encounter serving as a standard. Imagine our luck that we'd run into Hikoboshi so soon after leaving Orihime's pad?"

>You have a seat, in front of rice and miso, and a plate of pickled cucumber.
>"Guess it makes sense she'd be not too far away," says Koakuma. "It's tanabata in a couple months."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 28, 2024, 08:27:20 PM
> Is Aoi built for comfort, speed, or a happy medium?

> "Yep. Hopefully enjoyable social calls for both of them bodes well for us in the near future."
> "Anyway, there's been a small change of plans. We're going to pay a visit to Lady Take, who will very likely be more social than Lady Hachi, and may also have something I can submit to the contest, if not also extra information on the missing stars."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 28, 2024, 11:49:54 PM
> Is Aoi built for comfort, speed, or a happy medium?

> "Yep. Hopefully enjoyable social calls for both of them bodes well for us in the near future."
> "Anyway, there's been a small change of plans. We're going to pay a visit to Lady Take, who will very likely be more social than Lady Hachi, and may also have something I can submit to the contest, if not also extra information on the missing stars."

>Speed, definitely.
>"I guess there's no real problem with that," Aoi says.
>"We know what she's gonna want?" Koa says. "They always want something, gods."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 29, 2024, 12:32:24 AM
> How are we at sumo?

> "No idea, beyond guessing based on who she is. Hopefully it'll be something reasonable."
> Get to eating as the table chats.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 29, 2024, 07:30:15 PM
> How are we at sumo?

> "No idea, beyond guessing based on who she is. Hopefully it'll be something reasonable."
> Get to eating as the table chats.

>Not good enough to really be considered to have any skill in it. But you know some basic knowledge via osmosis. You wouldn't want to actually try to employ it in any serious way.
>You get started on breakfast, and it is pretty nice for being out on the road.
>"So how do we avoid a repeat of last time?" Aoi says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 29, 2024, 07:31:59 PM
> Is Lady Take known to be as aggressive and ornery as Lady Hachi?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 30, 2024, 02:53:12 AM
> Is Lady Take known to be as aggressive and ornery as Lady Hachi?

>Not directly. But it is the nature of deities to be aggressive or amazingly petty at a whim.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 30, 2024, 03:09:43 AM
> "Not sure. I'm hoping Lady Take not being Lady Hachi is enough for that. But I'm open to ideas."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 30, 2024, 10:53:25 PM
> "Not sure. I'm hoping Lady Take not being Lady Hachi is enough for that. But I'm open to ideas."

>"Well, I guess we should introduce ourselves first thing," says Aoi.
>"Put out a white flag, maybe?" Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 30, 2024, 10:59:13 PM
> Do we have one of those?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on October 31, 2024, 04:23:07 PM
>"Lots of good stuff on the moon, they say," she says. "Not that I'd know about that or would recommend a youkai drop in there."
>She pauses and frowns, sucking her lip against her teeth. "Now, I'm not one for wealth. Or rather, you can see my wealth right here, putting that grass to you. But, if you wanted to try you luck, you might want to visit the Lady of Kashima. She might have a sword for you. What you'd need to do to get it, who can say? You can find her palace out that way. Not sure where you'd call it."
>She gestures in a broad direction toward Gensokyo, and across the river of sake.

>"Lady Take," she says. "Though that's overly familiar, if you ask me."
>That is a bit more known to you; a heavenly god who oversees storms and swordcraft. More relevant is that she is supposedly the originator of sumo, an art strongly associated with and also attributed to kappa.

>"I suppose that isn't too surprising," Hikoboshi says. "She might help you, but I wouldn't expect to get a gift."

>You should be able to get there, unless there's some strangeness you aren't aware of.
>"Well, you'll want to make sure she doesn't think you're a thief," says Hikoboshi. "Probably ought to conduct yourself like a good guest. Gift wouldn't hurt."

>"I'll get 'em away," she says with a nod.


> To better  come up together with proper ideas and plans for a good appproach and impressionand interaction,relay to them what we learned  abot Lady Take,the Lady of kashima beyond the Sake River at her palace at the Tenome Constellation, fom Hikoboshi and what we have already learned
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on October 31, 2024, 07:34:00 PM
> To better  come up together with proper ideas and plans for a good appproach and impressionand interaction,relay to them what we learned  abot Lady Take,the Lady of kashima beyond the Sake River at her palace at the Tenome Constellation, fom Hikoboshi and what we have already learned

>You give the crew a good summary. By and large it isn't needed, they were totally listening in. But there were a few finger points that weren't entirely picked up, so they do benefit from there.

> Do we have one of those?

>Properly, no. But you can improvise one. You suppose it comes down to whether you want to portray yourself as a visiting guest or a possibly hostile group under the banner of truce.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on October 31, 2024, 07:37:19 PM
> "Anyway, I guess we might be able to put a white flag together. At the very least, it won't make us look more threatening."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 01, 2024, 03:46:10 AM
> "Anyway, I guess we might be able to put a white flag together. At the very least, it won't make us look more threatening."

>"Unless it makes her think we're trying to to trick her," says Koa, as if she hadn't suggested the idea moments ago.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 01, 2024, 03:55:00 AM
> "It's possible, but I suspect it won't. She doesn't seem the type, in my admittedly-limited knowledge."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 02, 2024, 01:52:43 AM
> "It's possible, but I suspect it won't. She doesn't seem the type, in my admittedly-limited knowledge."

>"Maybe keep it in our back pocket," Aoi says. "Do you think she'll know anything useful?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 02, 2024, 02:14:56 AM
> "Dunno. But even if she doesn't herself, hopefully she'll have suggestions about who else to ask."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 03, 2024, 05:02:45 PM
> "Dunno. But even if she doesn't herself, hopefully she'll have suggestions about who else to ask."

>"That'd be nice," says Koa. "Or, like, things to steer clear of would be good."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 04, 2024, 05:21:53 AM
> "That too."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 05, 2024, 12:32:57 AM
> "That too."

>"So when do I get to steer?" Koa says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 05, 2024, 01:17:54 AM
> How bad an idea is that?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 05, 2024, 04:44:18 AM
> How bad an idea is that?

>...In theory, you can teach someone to do to steer the vessel. It's a combination of applying the engines, using the sails, and following the heading. It's not something that you can just walk up and do without supervision, but it can be taught.
>Is it a bad idea? Only you can answer this.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 05, 2024, 12:39:43 PM
> "Is that something you want to do?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 07, 2024, 11:10:39 PM
> "Is that something you want to do?"

>"Yeah!" she says. "I'm sick of just sitting by the window watching that sail!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 08, 2024, 03:33:08 AM
> "I can teach you how it works, sure."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 08, 2024, 04:41:32 PM
> "I can teach you how it works, sure."

>She grins. "Great!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 08, 2024, 05:35:40 PM
> Is it actually time to shove off again, or are we still dining?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 12, 2024, 03:10:57 AM
> Is it actually time to shove off again, or are we still dining?

>You are about done.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 12, 2024, 04:53:53 AM
> What sort of numbers do we need to run now, given the change of plans?

> "As long as you don't mind the assistance while piloting."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 12, 2024, 05:05:20 AM
> What sort of numbers do we need to run now, given the change of plans?

> "As long as you don't mind the assistance while piloting."

>The course plotting is still the same. You wouldn't want to start her out with setting sail or docking. But in between times, it should be possible for her to learn.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 13, 2024, 02:41:15 AM
> Do we need to redo calculations for the new destination, though?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 13, 2024, 06:19:54 AM
> Do we need to redo calculations for the new destination, though?

>Not entirely, but yes.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 13, 2024, 01:01:01 PM
> Finish up our meal, showing proper appreciation after the fact.
> Then work on redoing our calculations as needed.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 14, 2024, 03:49:40 PM
> Finish up our meal, showing proper appreciation after the fact.
> Then work on redoing our calculations as needed.

>"Oh, it was nothing much," Aoi says, obviously happy to be complimented despite her protests.
>With all the distractions and other business handled, you get back to plotting a course. Well, not all the distractions, there are still cows lingering outside the vessel, and every so often you glance up to see Hikoboshi shooing them further down the field, moving with a lazy gait that matches her herd. Koa seems to take it upon herself to make faces at the cattle through the window, while Aoi cleans up after breakfast. But this aside, you figure out what you need to do without too much trouble, plotting the new course.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 16, 2024, 04:17:06 AM
> "Alright, that should do it. Everyone ready?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 16, 2024, 07:03:14 AM
> "Alright, that should do it. Everyone ready?"

>"Just let me get into position," Aoi says, as she moves toward her spot. "There, ready."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on November 18, 2024, 05:23:37 PM
>"Oh, it was nothing much," Aoi says, obviously happy to be complimented despite her protests.
>With all the distractions and other business handled, you get back to plotting a course. Well, not all the distractions, there are still cows lingering outside the vessel, and every so often you glance up to see Hikoboshi shooing them further down the field, moving with a lazy gait that matches her herd. Koa seems to take it upon herself to make faces at the cattle through the window, while Aoi cleans up after breakfast. But this aside, you figure out what you need to do without too much trouble, plotting the new course.

>"Just let me get into position," Aoi says, as she moves toward her spot. "There, ready."


> Patiently Wait for Hikoboshi and herd to have thoroughly cleared the path.

> Tell and check if the "crew" is ready for the departure.

> Focus and Depart following and measuring the new course according to the newly adjusted calculations.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 19, 2024, 02:41:14 AM
> Patiently Wait for Hikoboshi and herd to have thoroughly cleared the path.

> Tell and check if the "crew" is ready for the departure.

> Focus and Depart following and measuring the new course according to the newly adjusted calculations.

>By now, she has moved all of her cattle along, you can see them in the distance.
>With little else left to do, you lift off and set off for your next destination! You're getting fairly used to this now, comfortable with your experience. Soon you have left the plains and Hikoboshi's herds behind and are hurtling through open stars once more.
>You are also aware of Koa lingering behind you now.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 19, 2024, 06:38:02 AM
> Look back at her.
> "You ready?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 21, 2024, 01:02:26 AM
> Look back at her.
> "You ready?"

>"Yeah, let's go!" she says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 23, 2024, 12:03:30 AM
> Get up out of the seat and gesture to Koa to sit.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 25, 2024, 12:01:46 AM
> Get up out of the seat and gesture to Koa to sit.

>She plops into the seat, folding her wings around it. Then she grabs the controls way less gently than she ought and says, "What's next?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 25, 2024, 04:53:30 AM
> "Ah, please be careful with that. Anyway..."
> Give her directions on how to pilot the rocket as needed.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 25, 2024, 11:00:02 PM
> "Ah, please be careful with that. Anyway..."
> Give her directions on how to pilot the rocket as needed.

>You set to work!
>Over the next while, you instruct and guide Koa through the basics. It takes some time for her to get used to the instruments, but she manages not to immediately put the vessel into a nose dive, which is a victory in an of itself. It takes her some time to get used to it, but you eventually feel confident to stop giving her every direction, and let her try to steer on her own.
>Watching her, you can tell she's pushing the engine a little hard, the temperature gauge is slowly climbing.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 25, 2024, 11:06:15 PM
> How does she seem to have taken the instruction emotionally?
> How long has it been since we last engaged her in instruction/conversation?
> What's the risk of an engine overheat? Explosions? Or something less drastic but still annoying to deal with?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 26, 2024, 12:19:35 AM
> How does she seem to have taken the instruction emotionally?
> How long has it been since we last engaged her in instruction/conversation?
> What's the risk of an engine overheat? Explosions? Or something less drastic but still annoying to deal with?

>Rather well, honestly. Better than she's taken it with other things.
>One on one, rather than a part of a larger conversation with others? It's been a couple days.
>You aren't entirely sure, but the engine locking and needing extensive work up is not unrealistic if it goes too long or too intensely.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 26, 2024, 02:38:54 AM
> Did we previously warn her about the temperature gauge?
> How long might we have before the rising temperature becomes an immediate damage-causing problem?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 29, 2024, 12:52:02 AM
> Did we previously warn her about the temperature gauge?
> How long might we have before the rising temperature becomes an immediate damage-causing problem?

>You have.
>It can go for awhile at this rate, you think. You would rather not, without a pressing need like last night.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 29, 2024, 04:34:31 AM
> "So what do you think?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 29, 2024, 06:42:45 AM
> "So what do you think?"

>"Easy!" Koa says. To her credit, she doesn't look toward you to say this, keeping her eyes ahead.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on November 30, 2024, 03:30:13 PM
> Nod.
> "Good, good. I bet your house will be asking you to pilot their rocket before too long. Just don't forget the temp gauge."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on November 30, 2024, 11:59:54 PM
> Nod.
> "Good, good. I bet your house will be asking you to pilot their rocket before too long. Just don't forget the temp gauge."

>"Well they missed their chance fo-whoop! Forgot about that!"
>You can feel her let off the engine a bit.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 02, 2024, 01:00:36 AM
> Nod.
> "I meant for future voyages. Unless you intend to not return to them?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 02, 2024, 08:59:42 PM
> Nod.
> "I meant for future voyages. Unless you intend to not return to them?"

>"Not while we're doing anything, at least," she says. "I'm all about our mission!"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 03, 2024, 06:53:33 AM
> "Of course. I'm thinking about just the future in this case."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on December 04, 2024, 07:55:02 AM
> Nod.
> "Good, good. I bet your house will be asking you to pilot their rocket before too long. Just don't forget the temp gauge."

> About that" Scarlet Space Rocket"...

> We did not see any traces of it if we are not mistaken,but...

>...did we know or hear or can we estimate anything about some of their actual course or at least their rough preferences?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 04, 2024, 08:52:44 PM
> "Of course. I'm thinking about just the future in this case."

>"Well, maybe," she says. "I'll take you on a ~spin~ on it if the chance comes, huh?"
>You have to at least give her credit for not looking away from the course ahead to give you the saucy look you know she wants to give you.

> About that" Scarlet Space Rocket"...

> We did not see any traces of it if we are not mistaken,but...

>...did we know or hear or can we estimate anything about some of their actual course or at least their rough preferences?

>You have not calculated their route, but you could. As far as you know they intend to head straight for the moon, which is a fairly long route.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 05, 2024, 05:38:13 PM
> "If the chance comes, sure."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 06, 2024, 03:13:03 AM
> "If the chance comes, sure."

>She gives am earthy little giggle in response.
>As you continue to observe, you have to admit she's surprisingly good at this. She seems to have a good sense of how to deploy the sails and how not to push them to the point of stressing and damaging themselves. You're starting to become confident you can probably leave her to it as long as nothing unusual happens.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 06, 2024, 05:43:42 AM

> Quests
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 08, 2024, 08:56:54 PM
> Quests

>Your Quests are

>The Last Place Uncorrupted by Kappatalism!
>You begun to explore the cosmos! Now you just need to make sure you find more treasure than Scarlet Devil Mansion does and win this competition.
>Pillowy Pinings
>For some reason, you decided your chest wasn’t big enough…
>It’s Not What You Think!
>Lady Hachi is understandably but incorrectly angry at you for thinking you stole her star, and perhaps correctly angry for your approach and then fleeing. You’ll probably want to settle that.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2024, 12:11:17 AM
> Look over to Aoi.
> "Anything small and easy I can tinker up that might make food prep easier on you?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Fish_enjoyer on December 09, 2024, 03:39:24 PM
//Would be ok if I'll join? It looks interesting but it's honestly first time when I'm engaged in text quests.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2024, 05:16:25 PM
//Would be ok if I'll join? It looks interesting but it's honestly first time when I'm engaged in text quests.

This game is open and anyone is welcome to join or leave at any time! Just make sure* to observe basic etiquette with your fellow players and the GM.

*This is said as a player and not as a moderator, as I assume things will not get to the point where a moderator needs to step in.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Fish_enjoyer on December 09, 2024, 06:44:54 PM
This game is open and anyone is welcome to join or leave at any time! Just make sure* to observe basic etiquette with your fellow players and the GM.

*This is said as a player and not as a moderator, as I assume things will not get to the point where a moderator needs to step in.

Ok then, I got it, thanks for clarification!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 09, 2024, 07:42:15 PM
As long as you don't come in with the notion of trying to nosedive everything (a problem in the past), it's all good

> Look over to Aoi.
> "Anything small and easy I can tinker up that might make food prep easier on you?"

>"If you could work up something that'd help keep things stable when the ship rocks, it would help," Aoi says. "The wok wants to slide around sometimes."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2024, 07:44:42 PM
> Nod.
> Take a minute to brainstorm what we might be able to cook up to do what Aoi is asking with the trinkets we have on-hand. Keep an eye on the sails as we do, now that Koa is off duty in that regard.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 10, 2024, 03:47:49 AM
> Nod.
> Take a minute to brainstorm what we might be able to cook up to do what Aoi is asking with the trinkets we have on-hand. Keep an eye on the sails as we do, now that Koa is off duty in that regard.

>Sail duty is fairly light stuff, you should be able to do both at once.
>Looking at the problem, you think the best thing to do would be to make a way to attach cookware to the stove. It will slow down the cooking process a bit, since it will have to be attached and unattached, but it should be reasonably simple.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2024, 04:53:16 AM
> What sort of stove and cookware are we talking about here?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 11, 2024, 02:15:44 AM
> What sort of stove and cookware are we talking about here?

>The stove is a simple woodburning stove, the cookware being a wok and some pans

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2024, 03:46:21 AM
> Would some sort of fasteners work, with parts affixed to the stove and parts affixed to the cookware?
> Alternatively, what about stationary hooks affixed to the stove that can latch onto the cookware?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 11, 2024, 11:13:12 PM
> Would some sort of fasteners work, with parts affixed to the stove and parts affixed to the cookware?
> Alternatively, what about stationary hooks affixed to the stove that can latch onto the cookware?

>Either way should work.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2024, 02:17:57 AM
> Would either be easier than the other?

> "Hmm. We could do fasteners on the stove and the cookware, or we could do stationary hooks on the stove that can latch onto the cookware. You have a preference?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 13, 2024, 12:13:05 AM
> Would either be easier than the other?

> "Hmm. We could do fasteners on the stove and the cookware, or we could do stationary hooks on the stove that can latch onto the cookware. You have a preference?"

>Hooks would probably be faster, but it's trivial, you have all day unless Koa screws up.
>"Whenever doesn't make it too hard to move thing around, I think." Aoi says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 13, 2024, 12:52:20 AM
> "Hooks it is, then. Probably for the better anyway, since it means I'm not attaching things directly to your personal belongings."
> Fish out some materials and get to work!
> While working: "On a different topic, Koa, how broad is your master's variety of magic prowess?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 15, 2024, 04:22:29 AM
> "Hooks it is, then. Probably for the better anyway, since it means I'm not attaching things directly to your personal belongings."
> Fish out some materials and get to work!
> While working: "On a different topic, Koa, how broad is your master's variety of magic prowess?"

>"That'll do," says Aoi with a nod.
>"Uh, pretty broad," says Koa; to her credit she does not look back while speaking. "You know that hell raven? She managed to steal one of her spellcards and repurpose it for her own style."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2024, 06:10:24 AM
> "Huh, nifty. Well, uh, if, say...someone wanted to alter their appearance, is that something she could do?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 15, 2024, 07:45:36 PM
> "Huh, nifty. Well, uh, if, say...someone wanted to alter their appearance, is that something she could do?"

>"I'unno," says Koa. "I don't think I've ever seen her do anything like that before..."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2024, 05:27:31 AM
> "Drat. Well, still, good to know."
> Briefly pause work to glance over to see if there's anything going obviously wrong with the piloting, just in case."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 17, 2024, 09:08:33 PM
> "Drat. Well, still, good to know."
> Briefly pause work to glance over to see if there's anything going obviously wrong with the piloting, just in case."

>"I mean, you could ask?" she says. "She kind of tolerates you."
>Looking over, you see no flagrant or obvious errors. She might just be legitimately good at this.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 18, 2024, 03:19:34 AM
> "I might do exactly that, yeah."
> Get back to work on our culinary project.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 20, 2024, 12:16:28 AM
> "I might do exactly that, yeah."
> Get back to work on our culinary project.

>It doesn't take terribly long to arrange something to keep the hooks in place. It takes a little longer to make something that is not ugly and doesn't have the danger of the hooks getting loose and into the fire, or flailing about if sudden maneuvers are needed.
>That done, you still have plenty of tie to do other things, or just take it easy.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 20, 2024, 02:44:38 AM
> Does Aoi seem satisfied with our work?
> Did we bring any research materials we could study, like books or manuals or something else?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 22, 2024, 11:34:21 PM
> Does Aoi seem satisfied with our work?
> Did we bring any research materials we could study, like books or manuals or something else?

>She doesn't seem to be hiding any complaints, as far as you can tell.
>Not really. You didn't specify any to bring, and you didn't bring any just to keep weight down.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2024, 02:30:05 AM
> How reorganized is the room in the aftermath of the barrel roll?
> What might a god of swords, stormcraft, and sumo like as a gift/offering/etc. that we might be able to tinker up?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 23, 2024, 07:00:39 AM
> How reorganized is the room in the aftermath of the barrel roll?
> What might a god of swords, stormcraft, and sumo like as a gift/offering/etc. that we might be able to tinker up?

>It is reasonably reorganized. Emphasis was done on getting things put back together quickly, in case you had to flee again. And because everyone was tired.
>That is something you'll have to determine on your own.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2024, 04:40:17 AM
> Let's get to putting the room back together properly, then.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 24, 2024, 05:12:07 PM
> Let's get to putting the room back together properly, then.

>You spend the next while tidying up the vessel. In the process, you find a few ways to keep the mess from getting quite so bad if something like this happens again.
>During this time, Aoi keeps to watching the engine. Koa continues to a surprising good job guiding the vessel. Every so often you take a peek at the sails, and they are holding up well.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2024, 06:06:59 AM
> Did we bring any sort of mindless recreation?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 26, 2024, 01:41:40 AM
> Did we bring any sort of mindless recreation?

>...Not especially.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 26, 2024, 10:02:24 PM
> How uncouth would a nap be, then?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on December 27, 2024, 07:45:19 AM
> How uncouth would a nap be, then?

>It depends on if your crew would let you get away with it or not.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 30, 2024, 04:00:30 AM
> Hmm. Dwell on what might be handy to have installed in this room of the ship, based on our space travel experiences so far.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Fish_enjoyer on December 30, 2024, 07:43:11 PM
Wouldn't we distract our companions too much if we will offer them to play word games or riddles as pastime?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on December 31, 2024, 08:36:46 PM
> How reorganized is the room in the aftermath of the barrel roll?
> What might a god of swords, stormcraft, and sumo like as a gift/offering/etc. that we might be able to tinker up?

> Consider if we,either by ourselves or with the help of Aoi,we can build ,as a gift,an improved version version of  a " Electric Blade-edge Sharpener" or even of a " Circular Saw Blade-edge Grinder-Sharpener".
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 01, 2025, 01:57:31 AM
> Hmm. Dwell on what might be handy to have installed in this room of the ship, based on our space travel experiences so far.

>Maybe a better privacy screen on the privy. It hasn't failed yet, but having something more secure would be nice. Though there is the question of adding weight...

> Consider if we,either by ourselves or with the help of Aoi,we can build ,as a gift,an improved version version of  a " Electric Blade-edge Sharpener" or even of a " Circular Saw Blade-edge Grinder-Sharpener".

>A powered sharpener...hmm...that shouldn't be too hard, but you would need to find something for the actual whetstones. You didn't bring anything like that. But, maybe you could find them at your destination, given its reputation as a forge.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 01, 2025, 02:26:10 AM
> What's the current screen setup?

> Can we see in Gensokyo's direction right now? If so, have a look, just to see if we can see anything.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 02, 2025, 03:11:27 AM
> What's the current screen setup?

> Can we see in Gensokyo's direction right now? If so, have a look, just to see if we can see anything.

>It's just a movable paper screen.
>You glance out the window and can see it in the distance, small and blue against the darkness.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 02, 2025, 05:07:25 AM
> Does Gensokyo look as it should from here?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 02, 2025, 05:13:42 PM
> Does Gensokyo look as it should from here?

>Ran what are you doing.
>As far as you can tell.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 02, 2025, 08:51:45 PM
Missed that this didn't get parsed:

> Would we distract our companions too much if we will offer them to play word games or riddles as pastime?

> Is the current privacy screen improvable with the bobs and trinkets we have on-hand?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 02, 2025, 09:08:30 PM
> Would we distract our companions too much if we will offer them to play word games or riddles as pastime?

> Is the current privacy screen improvable with the bobs and trinkets we have on-hand?

>You probably wouldn't want to with Koa; however a bafflingly good job she's doing right now, distracting her is probably a bad idea.
>You could probably attach part of it to the floor.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 04, 2025, 01:43:56 AM
> Let's work on attaching the screen to the floor, then.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 05, 2025, 12:30:26 AM
> Let's work on attaching the screen to the floor, then.

>This takes a bit more time than then previous project. Partially because you're starting to run low on the fasteners you want to use and have to improvise with nonstandard ones, partially because the thing really wants to wobble. Lunch comes and goes as you work on it, cucumbers and rice, and it's well into the afternoon once you get it done satisfactorily.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 05, 2025, 07:59:26 AM
> How much further did we estimate we had before we arrived at Lady Take's?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 06, 2025, 03:31:02 AM
> How much further did we estimate we had before we arrived at Lady Take's?

>You expect another couple hours.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2025, 05:00:03 AM
> Might as well take to watching the sails and the passing space for anything interesting, then.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 07, 2025, 07:52:40 AM
> Might as well take to watching the sails and the passing space for anything interesting, then.

>You take Koa's previous position, watching the sails as they move to catch the wind. They remain in good condition, thankfully so after last night's encounter. As well, they rarely go slack, and even then only for a moment or two; it is kind of irritating how quickly Koa picked it up. As for watching space, every so often you see a bit of floating rock, or a detested star flying past in the distance. But thankfully, nothing gets too close to be a worry.
>"Hey," Koa says after awhile, "I think I see it up ahead."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2025, 12:35:56 PM
> Have a look ahead to see what we're approaching.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 08, 2025, 04:45:31 PM
> Have a look ahead to see what we're approaching.

>Looking ahead, in the distance, you can see what looks like a small complex, with a sizable village radiating out from it.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 08, 2025, 05:25:04 PM
> "Cool. Maybe we can find some portable recreation there on top of our main goals."
> Did we teach Koa how to land?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 10, 2025, 06:31:27 AM
> "Cool. Maybe we can find some portable recreation there on top of our main goals."
> Did we teach Koa how to land?

>You have not. And you would want to demonstrate it before even thinking of letting her handle it. Even if she is surprisingly good at this, there's only one chance at a landing.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 10, 2025, 04:04:23 PM
> "Oh, right. Once we get close enough, I'll need to take back over for landing."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 11, 2025, 11:46:15 PM
> "Oh, right. Once we get close enough, I'll need to take back over for landing."

>"Okay," Koa says. "Should we do that now?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2025, 12:31:28 AM
> "Yeah, if you're ready."
> Switch if she is.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 13, 2025, 10:42:07 PM
> "Yeah, if you're ready."
> Switch if she is.

>The two of you switch positions when a calm moment allows for it.
>Settling into the helm, you guide the vessel toward your destination. Drawing closer, you can see the village below is not large, but it is fairly chaotic-looking. It's hard to tell from a distance, but it seems to be bustling with activity. The manor complex ahead has its buildings arranged in neat patterns to make courtyards and gardens with a minimum of wasted space; with an emphasis on the former.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2025, 11:03:28 PM
> Look for some place we can land that won't meaningfully harm the landscape or squish anyone.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 14, 2025, 04:47:01 AM
> Look for some place we can land that won't meaningfully harm the landscape or squish anyone.

>There's about as much empty space as you could ask for outside of town. You suppose the landing might be hard on some grass?

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2025, 05:17:12 AM
> Does the rocket door lock?

> "Wow, looks like quite the party."
> Land a bit outside of town.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 15, 2025, 10:22:23 PM
> Does the rocket door lock?

> "Wow, looks like quite the party."
> Land a bit outside of town.

>It does, wouldn't do to have some random kappa slip in and maybe take something.
>"Busy place," Koakuma says, looking out the side window.
>You settle the vessel down to the west of town. The landing goes smoothly, and there don't seem to be any unfortunate surprising awaiting you as you touch down.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2025, 02:48:01 AM
> "Alright. I have no idea what to expect of this place, but given the village and the crowds, we should probably travel light to begin with. If Lady Take offers us the same hospitality that Lady Orihime did, then that's great, but we shouldn't assume."
> Grab our backpack and prepare to disembark.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 17, 2025, 03:43:53 AM
> "Alright. I have no idea what to expect of this place, but given the village and the crowds, we should probably travel light to begin with. If Lady Take offers us the same hospitality that Lady Orihime did, then that's great, but we shouldn't assume."
> Grab our backpack and prepare to disembark.

>You put your backpack on. Aoi does the same with hers, while Koa just sort of lingers a bit.
>"We'll stick together, right?" Aoi says, as she finishes getting it on.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2025, 04:38:13 AM
> "For now, yes, that would be for the best."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on January 17, 2025, 08:20:35 PM
>The two of you switch positions when a calm moment allows for it.
>Settling into the helm, you guide the vessel toward your destination. Drawing closer, you can see the village below is not large, but it is fairly chaotic-looking. It's hard to tell from a distance, but it seems to be bustling with activity. The manor complex ahead has its buildings arranged in neat patterns to make courtyards and gardens with a minimum of wasted space; with an emphasis on the former.

>There's about as much empty space as you could ask for outside of town. You suppose the landing might be hard on some grass?

>It does, wouldn't do to have some random kappa slip in and maybe take something.
>"Busy place," Koakuma says, looking out the side window.
>You settle the vessel down to the west of town. The landing goes smoothly, and there don't seem to be any unfortunate surprising awaiting you as you touch down.


> Any reach-able ,"sufficient neighbourhod closeness to the inhabitated town&manor complex" ,as notibceablefrom the upper altitutide,landing or now on the planet ...lookout post,watchtower...roads or trails...signpost,banners...

> Any outlying  Trading Post Waterways or Bodies or Collectors of Water ?

> Ask the crew squad the helpful opinion, and for perception and look-out-around is  again the good.time"pool together" our honestefforts and  to-good senses.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 17, 2025, 10:46:23 PM
> "For now, yes, that would be for the best."

>"Okay, but you guys better not do the thing where I look at something and you walk off," says Koa.

> Any reach-able ,"sufficient neighbourhod closeness to the inhabitated town&manor complex" ,as notibceablefrom the upper altitutide,landing or now on the planet ...lookout post,watchtower...roads or trails...signpost,banners...

> Any outlying  Trading Post Waterways or Bodies or Collectors of Water ?

> Ask the crew squad the helpful opinion, and for perception and look-out-around is  again the good.time"pool together" our honestefforts and  to-good senses.

>You are not near any roads. You did notice a small river running through the town, and the central manor though.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2025, 10:56:53 PM
> "Is that behavior common in your house?"
> Exit the rocket while talking, in the hopes the others get the hint and follow along.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 18, 2025, 02:39:29 AM
> "Is that behavior common in your house?"
> Exit the rocket while talking, in the hopes the others get the hint and follow along.

>"It happens sometimes," says Koa.
>You make your way out. Emerging from the rocket, you find yourself in an empty field, not all that dissimilar from the one that  you met Hikoboshi in this morning. Perhaps a bit less overgrown, perhaps there are a few more wildflowers. A few hundred yards away are the outskirts of the the town, with elevated housing rows deigned not unlike that of the human village back home. However, these are much more stately, the timbers perfectly cut and and the decor on the paper screens immaculate. The wood itself is light in color, some of it hosting creeping ivies to add a splash of green. Further in, you can see things are busier.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2025, 03:07:44 AM
> Lock up and head toward civilization!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 18, 2025, 05:41:16 PM
> Lock up and head toward civilization!

>You make sure the door is locked, and head toward the village.
>Passing between the housing rows, you see there is not too much activity here, but there is some. People in gorgeous robes come and go, some dealing with daily tasks. You could not be surprised to learn that at least some of their garments are Orihime's work, or perhaps imitations. They wear their hair in elaborate braids curled into intricate patterns; you suspect if any of these were undone their hair would likely rival your own in length. You draw quite a few curious looks. Ahead lies a town center, and past that is the central manor.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2025, 06:19:35 PM
> What does the species makeup look like? Any obvious non-gods?
> Head toward the main manor, under the assumption that Lady Take is there.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 18, 2025, 11:10:00 PM
> What does the species makeup look like? Any obvious non-gods?
> Head toward the main manor, under the assumption that Lady Take is there.

>The majority of them seem to be heavenly peoples, something like that Tenshi idiot who goes around causing trouble.
>You make your way toward the city center. The housing rows give way to shops, tea houses, and the like. It is much less chaotic than the market back home, and more organized than the human town. The class of goods seem to be oriented a little less toward staples and a bit more toward higher end items. You note that various swords are often on display, generally more as art pieces than weapons.
>Approaching the central manor, you note that the rive that runs through town runs directly through it, the walls built over and around the waterway, integrating it as much as possible into the overall design. A half dozen halls are laid out side by side, with wooden paths and courtyards between them. The buildings themselves are much like the surrounding village, but exchange their pleasant simplicity for intricately carved and inlaid timbers, patterned roof tiles, and elegant eaves. Unlike the hustle and bustle outside, the grounds here seem relatively peaceful, with little activity. You can hear the distinct sound of a hammer on steel further within.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2025, 12:23:18 AM
> Swords Goddess being a blacksmith makes sense, huh.
> Is there any clear method of politely announcing our presence? Some sort of bell, or door knocker, or otherwise?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 19, 2025, 05:36:30 AM
> Swords Goddess being a blacksmith makes sense, huh.
> Is there any clear method of politely announcing our presence? Some sort of bell, or door knocker, or otherwise?

>You don't see anything of the sort.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2025, 05:51:06 AM
> Is there at least some sort of obvious front entrance?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 19, 2025, 06:04:52 AM
> Is there at least some sort of obvious front entrance?

>Not really, now that you look at it. Orihime's home, in comparison, definitely had a layout that invited one to think of one part as the front. This ones, in laid out as it is, doesn't seem to do that.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2025, 04:28:28 PM
> "...Is it just me, or is there no front door to this building?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 19, 2025, 08:59:48 PM
> "...Is it just me, or is there no front door to this building?"

>It is not a single building, it should be noted, but a series of buildings laid out over the land, in the style of Heian and Pre-Imperial manors.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2025, 10:51:37 PM
> Is there any sort of door to this assumed smithery, then?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 20, 2025, 03:16:48 AM
> Is there any sort of door to this assumed smithery, then?

>At this point, you aren't wholly sure where it is, aside from on the manor grounds.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2025, 05:13:58 AM
> Look at where the river enters the building for a couple of moments with a frown.
> Begin a trek around the building in search of a proper door.
> "...Koa, how water resistant are your clothes?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 20, 2025, 10:45:35 PM
> Look at where the river enters the building for a couple of moments with a frown.
> Begin a trek around the building in search of a proper door.
> "...Koa, how water resistant are your clothes?"

>"You'll see everything~" she says, waggling her eyebrows.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2025, 11:46:35 PM
> "So you don't mind walking around while soaking wet? Because we may need to enter via the river."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 21, 2025, 03:15:37 AM
> "So you don't mind walking around while soaking wet? Because we may need to enter via the river."

>"Oh, that's a different thing," she says. "Uh...I'd rather not?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2025, 04:04:47 AM
> "I would also rather you not, since the alternative would be doing exactly what you asked us not to do and leaving you outside alone."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 21, 2025, 04:28:46 PM
> "I would also rather you not, since the alternative would be doing exactly what you asked us not to do and leaving you outside alone."

>"Let's just roam around a bit?" Aoi says.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2025, 04:30:34 PM
> Given our aquatic affinities, how much water can we drink in one go?

> "That's what I'm hoping will turn up a proper door, yeah."
> Keep searching around the building for a door.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 22, 2025, 06:24:35 PM
> Given our aquatic affinities, how much water can we drink in one go?

> "That's what I'm hoping will turn up a proper door, yeah."
> Keep searching around the building for a door.

>You can drain a glass of water easily enough. Things that aren't water don't go so well.
>You look around the manor a bit more, and you start to find where the doors lie; they are facing each other between the buildings. Though in one case, one doors are off center due to the river passing through.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2025, 06:33:18 PM
> "Oh, thank the fates."
> Head for whichever doors seem closest to the banging sounds.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 23, 2025, 05:18:32 AM
> "Oh, thank the fates."
> Head for whichever doors seem closest to the banging sounds.

>After a few moments of consideration, you narrow the source of the sound down the second building from the right, which happens to straddle the river entirely.
>You approach the doors; they are heavy wooden things, currently closed, with intricately carved panels showing scenes of a swordsmith applying their craft.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2025, 05:29:10 AM
> Is there any clear method of politely announcing our presence this time?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 24, 2025, 12:52:00 AM
> Is there any clear method of politely announcing our presence this time?

>Not that you can see. There's no kind of bell or anything to get attention.


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2025, 02:25:54 AM
> Knock on the door manually, then.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 24, 2025, 06:18:56 PM
> Knock on the door manually, then.

>You knock on the door.
>For some moments, there is only the sounds that brought you here. Then the door opens, and a small woman peaks out. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, looped into elaborate braids; a small Heian-style crown rests among these braids. Her robes are red, with plates of armor over her shoulders, chest, and hips. A pair of leather boots round out her ensemble, comfortably worn and at odds with the rest of her ensemble. You can't be sure, but you think she has a tail? The aura of her divinity is plain to see, though she feels a little different than the likes of Hikoboshi, Orihime, or Lady Hachi. Behind her, obscured by the walls, you can hear the sound of metalwork clearly
>The goddess looks at you for a moment, her expression polite but clearly confused. Then she looks back into the hall. "Hey, Kashi," she says. "There's a bunch of youkai from the world below here. Should I bust them for you?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2025, 06:21:32 PM
> Small? How does she compare in height to us?

> Blanche just a little.
> "Um, we were hoping the Lady Of Kashima was willing and able to grant us an audience..."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 24, 2025, 07:14:31 PM
> Small? How does she compare in height to us?

> Blanche just a little.
> "Um, we were hoping the Lady Of Kashima was willing and able to grant us an audience..."

>You think...she's about your size, maybe a hair shorter than you. The boots make it hard to tell.
>The deity blinks. "Well."
>She then looks back inside and calls, "It seems they want to talk with you, actually."
>She looks back to you. "What do you want?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2025, 07:20:25 PM
> "Two things. Information on pursuing our investigation of the missing stars, and some sort of business transaction that helps me win a competition back at home."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 25, 2025, 08:23:48 AM
> "Two things. Information on pursuing our investigation of the missing stars, and some sort of business transaction that helps me win a competition back at home."

>"Hey, they want to ask about the stars," she calls into the hall. After a moment she looks back at you. Her expression is hard to read, but you get the feeling she is not exactly pleased to say, "You had better come inside, then."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2025, 01:49:50 PM
> Nod.
> "Your hospitality is appreciated."
> Enter!
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 26, 2025, 02:07:29 AM
> Nod.
> "Your hospitality is appreciated."
> Enter!

>You enter the building, and find it is at once spacious and cramped. You expected a workshop, and in this you were correct. But what you envisioned was something like your own; full of clutter and half-finished projects and scrap. You expected a variety of tools and specialized machines and such. What you find instead are pebbles in place of a floor, trees reaching up toward the eaves, and grasses along the bank of the river that runs through the far end of the chamber. Bushes and leafy plants dot the chamber in seemingly random places. However, among all the garden paraphernalia, you can see the odd shelf with various tools and supplies. Here and there is the occasional bench. And in the center of the pebble garden lies a single anvil and furnace, where a tall woman stands and hammers a length of metal.
>She wears a flowing robe of dark blue, with long skirts gray underneath. Vertical stripes of gold slash through both garments, catching the light of the forge and gleaming brightly. Curiously, though you would not recommend anything she's wearing for working with metal, there is curious concession to safety in a lack of sleeves, which makes whole ensemble look odd. Her bare arms are toned, and you swear you catch flecks of gold along them, particularly around her wrists. Her hair is dark, bluish gray and surprisingly poofy, reaching down to nearly her ankles; it seems to almost float around her. A necklace hangs around her neck, with a lump of unremarkable stone dangling from it. She doesn't look up at you as you enter, she doesn't seem to acknowledge as guest at all.
>As the woman who answered the door turns to approach the forge, you see she definitely has a long, monkey-like tail that trails behind her.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2025, 02:21:16 AM
> Boggle a bit at the surroundings for a moment, then snap to attention.
> "Thank you for having us, Lady...erm, how would you prefer we address you? Another god we encountered believes the name we kappa use for you is overly familiar."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 26, 2025, 02:56:42 AM
> Boggle a bit at the surroundings for a moment, then snap to attention.
> "Thank you for having us, Lady...erm, how would you prefer we address you? Another god we encountered believes the name we kappa use for you is overly familiar."

>"I am referred to as the Lady of Kashima," she says, as she swings her hammer, speaking between the ringing impacts. She does not look up at you. "It will do."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2025, 03:18:21 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood. In that case, Lady of Kashima, we're traveling the heavens in search of the missing stars, who might be responsible, and a way to return them. The most we've been able to learn so far is a fairly rough time frame for when it happened. Have you heard anything that may be helpful?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 26, 2025, 05:51:35 AM
> Nod.
> "Understood. In that case, Lady of Kashima, we're traveling the heavens in search of the missing stars, who might be responsible, and a way to return them. The most we've been able to learn so far is a fairly rough time frame for when it happened. Have you heard anything that may be helpful?"

>"I've not taken that kind of interest in that problem," she says between hammer falls.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2025, 06:00:25 AM
> "Oh."
> Blink.
> "...Um, is there a current problem you have taken interest in, then?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 26, 2025, 04:24:33 PM
> "Oh."
> Blink.
> "...Um, is there a current problem you have taken interest in, then?"

>Out of the corner of your eye, you suspect you saw the other deity frown just a little at her response.
>"My only concern is my craft," she says, as the hammerfalls come more softly now. "It does me little good to worry about problems I haven't the intention or the means to solve."
>"Lady Take," the other goddess says, "Don't you agree that can be a little shortsighted?"
>"Have I said something false?" she replies.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2025, 04:58:58 PM
> "You're not wrong. But with us here, you have means, and you don't need intent if we have it."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 27, 2025, 02:09:34 AM
> "You're not wrong. But with us here, you have means, and you don't need intent if we have it."

>"I was not aware you were offering your services to me," says the swordsmith as she continues her work. "I must disappoint you further, then, for I have been inside for the past two weeks. Were it not for Princess Saru coming to visit, I would not have known at all."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2025, 02:31:43 AM
> "Ah, that is unfortunate. Well, is there perhaps a different problem that it would benefit you if we solved?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 28, 2025, 12:24:37 AM
> "Ah, that is unfortunate. Well, is there perhaps a different problem that it would benefit you if we solved?"

>"Hm, how curious," she says. "From stars to errands?"
>The other deity, Princess Saru you presume, gives you an appraising look.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 28, 2025, 12:46:06 AM
> "I'll spare you the details unless you're really curious. The long and short of it is that I need to earn a physical object that is likely to be more valuable than cargo the Lunar Capital is sending to Lunarians in Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 29, 2025, 03:56:49 AM
> "I'll spare you the details unless you're really curious. The long and short of it is that I need to earn a physical object that is likely to be more valuable than cargo the Lunar Capital is sending to Lunarians in Gensokyo."

>"Ah, the truth comes out," says Princess Saru.
>"Well, I suppose there are much worse places to look for such a thing," the swordsmith says, chuckling as she continues to make tiny hammer blows across the glowing metal. You aren't sure if those are actually achieving anything to shape it.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2025, 04:58:56 AM
> "You were suggested. And, frankly, I was glad to be suggested a god I was familiar with, being a kappa and all."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on January 31, 2025, 02:54:45 AM
> "You were suggested. And, frankly, I was glad to be suggested a god I was familiar with, being a kappa and all."

>"Curious," says the Lady of Kashima.
>"So, you three youkai are up here treasure hunting?" says Princess Saru.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2025, 03:07:10 AM
> "No, just me. The primary goal of our mission is the recovery of the missing stars. I just also personally need to obtain that object to avoid spending a year as an indentured servant."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 02, 2025, 07:34:41 AM
> "No, just me. The primary goal of our mission is the recovery of the missing stars. I just also personally need to obtain that object to avoid spending a year as an indentured servant."

>"Yeah, we're helping," Aoi says.
>"Can't have my girl stuck under the Scarlet Devil!" says Koa, crossing her arms and thrusting out her chest.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 02, 2025, 01:26:00 PM
> "So yeah, that's our deal. If you have a problem that need solving, you got us."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 03, 2025, 03:15:58 AM
> "So yeah, that's our deal. If you have a problem that need solving, you got us."

>"Hmmm," says the Lady of Kashima, as her hammer blows become more forceful. "I am not sure need anything. But you're saying you would like something from me? What have you come for?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2025, 03:31:29 AM
> "The most obvious option is a sword, but I'm open to any number of things. Basically, part of the process of being able to reach the heavens from Gensokyo in the first place involved making a wager with another heavens-faring faction from Gensokyo, where the winner is whomever brings home the most valuable object. Our intel-"
> Point at Koa while still talking to the Lady of Kashima.
> "-says their purpose for traversing the heavens is as couriers between the Lunar Capital and Lunarians in Gensokyo, and strongly suggests it is that cargo that they'll submit to the contest. So I need something more valuable than whatever that might be. The particulars beyond that don't really matter to me; anything works as long as it wins. Hell, I'd even return it to you after the fact if you wanted me to and it was within my power to do so."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 04, 2025, 09:42:37 PM
> "The most obvious option is a sword, but I'm open to any number of things. Basically, part of the process of being able to reach the heavens from Gensokyo in the first place involved making a wager with another heavens-faring faction from Gensokyo, where the winner is whomever brings home the most valuable object. Our intel-"
> Point at Koa while still talking to the Lady of Kashima.
> "-says their purpose for traversing the heavens is as couriers between the Lunar Capital and Lunarians in Gensokyo, and strongly suggests it is that cargo that they'll submit to the contest. So I need something more valuable than whatever that might be. The particulars beyond that don't really matter to me; anything works as long as it wins. Hell, I'd even return it to you after the fact if you wanted me to and it was within my power to do so."

>"Perhaps you could visit the library of swords," the Lady of Kashima says. "But I imagine none of those would be valuable enough for your purposes. Certainly I could not let you have them, I am not sure I could let you borrow any of them."
>"And the one she works on now is pledged to me," Princess Saru says with an assured nod.
>"No," the swordsmith says, as she starts to hammer on a different part of the glowing steel. "You have tried to lay claim to it, and I have not yet acceded to that. Perhaps it will amuse me to gift it to a gaggle of visiting kappa and their child of Shinki."
>Princess Saru says nothing, and does no visibly react. But you can simply feel that she didn't like that one bit.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2025, 07:36:03 PM
> Sorry, Princess, but you gotta be ruthless to succeed in the world of business.
> "I'll gladly work for it if you're offering and think it stands a good chance of winning."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 06, 2025, 01:22:05 AM
> Sorry, Princess, but you gotta be ruthless to succeed in the world of business.
> "I'll gladly work for it if you're offering and think it stands a good chance of winning."

>She isn't outmaneuvered yet, you're sure' But she wasn't expecting that.
>"I did not say that, either," says the Lady of Kashima. "I have yet to decide what will be done with this."
>"Surely you don't mean to simply pitch it in a closet, Lady Take," says Princess Saru.
>"I may," the swordsmith replies.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2025, 04:54:06 AM
> "Well, while you're deciding, is there anything you can think of that we can take care of for you in the meantime?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 08, 2025, 01:48:18 AM
> "Well, while you're deciding, is there anything you can think of that we can take care of for you in the meantime?"

>The Lady of Kashima chuckles between hammer blows.
>"Lady Take," Princess Saru says. "There is no need to make such requests of your humble guests." 
>You can't help but feel that 'humble' was a euphamism for youkai.
>"If there is something that you require," she continues, "I would be happy to lend my efforts as a friend."
>"Ah, ever so competitive now are you, Princess Saru?" says the swordsmith.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2025, 02:01:55 AM
> Briefly look at Saru with raised eyebrow of irritation and disgust, conveying a message of "really?", before wordlessly returning our gaze to Lady of Kashime with a neutral expression.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on February 09, 2025, 12:56:28 AM

>The Lady of Kashima chuckles between hammer blows.
>"Lady Take," Princess Saru says. "There is no need to make such requests of your humble guests." 
>You can't help but feel that 'humble' was a euphamism for youkai.
>"If there is something that you require," she continues, "I would be happy to lend my efforts as a friend."
>"Ah, ever so competitive now are you, Princess Saru?" says the swordsmith.
> Briefly look at Saru with raised eyebrow of irritation and disgust, conveying a message of "really?", before wordlessly returning our gaze to Lady of Kashime with a neutral expression.

> Calmly refrain from picking up animosity for the sakes of the customs of hospitality, prospects of good business... also take in proper consideration "her competitive spirit and claiming at stake"not to mentio. ... none of the involved parties know enough of the history, stakes, efforts, urgency.....

> Watch the exchange and reactions,tinted with their history as friends, the craftmaker metalwork...

>... mainly watch out  for opportunities to glean, and per,  more understanding, awareness, breakthrough.... about the "Missing Star in each affected Constellation"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 10, 2025, 12:23:06 AM
> Briefly look at Saru with raised eyebrow of irritation and disgust, conveying a message of "really?", before wordlessly returning our gaze to Lady of Kashime with a neutral expression.

> Calmly refrain from picking up animosity for the sakes of the customs of hospitality, prospects of good business... also take in proper consideration "her competitive spirit and claiming at stake"not to mentio. ... none of the involved parties know enough of the history, stakes, efforts, urgency.....

> Watch the exchange and reactions,tinted with their history as friends, the craftmaker metalwork...

>... mainly watch out  for opportunities to glean, and per,  more understanding, awareness, breakthrough.... about the "Missing Star in each affected Constellation"

>You resist the urge to give the deity a look.
>"Not at all," Princess Saru says. "It would simply be unseemly to stand aside and do nothing when your guests are offering their assistance."
>"Which I have yet to ask for, curiously," the Lady of Kashima says, as she leans forward to examine her work, then applies a few more blows to it. "If you are so eager to vie for something, why not compete with each other?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2025, 02:07:21 AM
> "Sure. I'm already in one competition, what's one more?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 10, 2025, 10:29:25 PM
> "Sure. I'm already in one competition, what's one more?"

>The Lady of Kashima has a quiet chuckle.
>Princess Saru gives you a curious look, very difficult to read. Is she insulted, surprised, restraining eagerness? You cannot tell.
>"I would not have expected to you agree to such so readily," she says. "From where do you draw such easy confidence, I wonder?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2025, 11:36:04 PM
> "Well, you're a god, aintcha? Our whole interconnected existence deal is that I'm supposed to have faith in you."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 11, 2025, 02:15:13 AM
> "Well, you're a god, aintcha? Our whole interconnected existence deal is that I'm supposed to have faith in you."

>"I'm afraid I do not see how that connects," Princess Saru says. "But I suppose it is fine if I do. Now, I propose a simple test of strength. What do you think?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 11, 2025, 02:34:48 AM
> How physically strong are we, again? Does our inherent advantage of being a kappa get canceled out by our inherent weakness of being a nerd, or what?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 11, 2025, 04:52:34 AM
> How physically strong are we, again? Does our inherent advantage of being a kappa get canceled out by our inherent weakness of being a nerd, or what?

>As a youkai, you are stronger than you look. But in youkai terms, you're not that strong. In kappa terms, you're...middling, you think. Due to being a nerd.
>Gods tend to also be stronger than they look.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 11, 2025, 04:57:13 AM
> How did Saru seem to react to the proposal of a contest of strength?

> How heavy is our backpack?
> How fragile are its contents?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 11, 2025, 05:46:59 AM
> How did Saru seem to react to the proposal of a contest of strength?

> How heavy is our backpack?
> How fragile are its contents?

>Given it was her proposal, she delivered it in a perfectly polite manner.
>It's not especially heavy, but you have a few notable things in there.
>Your telescope is in there.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 11, 2025, 01:43:57 PM
oh whoops i am idort

> "Given the amount of time you've had to appraise me, I think you wouldn't be proposing it if you weren't supremely confident that you'd win. What sort of strength are we talking here?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 12, 2025, 05:21:54 AM
> "Given the amount of time you've had to appraise me, I think you wouldn't be proposing it if you weren't supremely confident that you'd win. What sort of strength are we talking here?"

>"The physical variety, of course," says Princess Saru. "I humbly confess I am quite confident in my own."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2025, 05:45:05 AM
> Look over to Aoi.
> "How's your sumo game?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 12, 2025, 11:00:21 PM
> Look over to Aoi.
> "How's your sumo game?"

>"Not that great," Aoi says, shaking her head.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2025, 11:04:55 PM
> "Drat."
> Look over to Koa.
> "How's yours?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 13, 2025, 04:46:43 AM
> "Drat."
> Look over to Koa.
> "How's yours?"

>"I'm much better at other physical activities, to be honest," Koa says, lying to you and herself.
>Princess Saru waits patiently as you discuss things. The Lady of Kashima seems to be ignoring you all entirely.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 13, 2025, 06:31:00 PM
> Look back to Saru.
> "Looks like you've probably got us all easily beat in that regard, then. Maybe something neither of us has a clear competitive advantage in instead?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 14, 2025, 06:19:06 AM
> Look back to Saru.
> "Looks like you've probably got us all easily beat in that regard, then. Maybe something neither of us has a clear competitive advantage in instead?"

>"Well, if you need an advantage in matters of strength, I don't mind letting you have one," Princess Saru says. "I am not without mercy, of course."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 15, 2025, 01:17:25 AM
> "What would that entail?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 16, 2025, 02:10:50 AM
> "What would that entail?"

>"Let us decide the nature of our contest, first," Princess Saru says. "Out of respect for our host, I do not think we should do anything so undignified as attempting to harm each other, don't you agree?"

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2025, 02:58:15 AM
> How's our danmaku game?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 17, 2025, 01:56:40 AM
> How's our danmaku game?

>You're pretty competent. But you wouldn't want to go up against the likes of the Moriya Deities. You suspect Princess Saru might be on par with them; or at least she's very good at projecting the feeling she's someone important; aside from being here.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2025, 06:25:41 AM
> Nod.
> "I'm fine with that."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 17, 2025, 10:58:02 PM
> Nod.
> "I'm fine with that."

>"You were speaking of sumo earlier, were you not?" Princess Saru says. "While that may be a bit more crude than would be appropriate, perhaps we can allow for the basic idea? I would suggest you cannot make me move outside of my own will."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 18, 2025, 05:04:47 AM
> Do we have any equipment on us that could enhance our ability in such a task?
> ...Do we know any magic that could enhance our ability in such a task?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 19, 2025, 04:16:01 AM
> Do we have any equipment on us that could enhance our ability in such a task?
> ...Do we know any magic that could enhance our ability in such a task?

>That is a pretty broad question. Very directly, no.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on February 19, 2025, 05:56:01 AM
> Do we have any equipment on us that could enhance our ability in such a task?
> ...Do we know any magic that could enhance our ability in such a task?

 :point: :bigpower:
// Good ideas, and I was about to write similaf in-quest suggestion as well, though tech-device primary. and magic or powers more complementary... but they are almost stopped by...
>That is a pretty broad question. Very directly, no.

:point: :power:
//"... Very directly, no"... in that case we should. try for, as long as fairly admitted, for "indirectly or mostly-indirectly", then //

> Any device, magical, or mixed means which could be working fairly but also indirectly or mostly-indirectlt?

> Perphaps... an hydraulic-water jet-press, adapted on one hnd build up. our charging impact and momentum. and on the other by also focusing, increasing and direting t with our "(Kappa) Manipulation of Water and/or Water-based Spell Cards", and finally by our average Kappa Strength?

> If somehow currently impossible or unavailable... list our complete and complete-able devices, even ones need a partner or assistant engineer since there is Aoi, our Spell Cards and their Relatable Effects with. our Water Powers.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 19, 2025, 05:45:51 PM
> Any device, magical, or mixed means which could be working fairly but also indirectly or mostly-indirectlt?

> Perphaps... an hydraulic-water jet-press, adapted on one hnd build up. our charging impact and momentum. and on the other by also focusing, increasing and direting t with our "(Kappa) Manipulation of Water and/or Water-based Spell Cards", and finally by our average Kappa Strength?

> If somehow currently impossible or unavailable... list our complete and complete-able devices, even ones need a partner or assistant engineer since there is Aoi, our Spell Cards and their Relatable Effects with. our Water Powers.

>At this point what you are wondering is if you can build something that can increase or direct the amount of force you can apply. Which is essentially all of engineering. So yes.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 23, 2025, 02:11:18 AM
> "You're gonna call sumo 'crude' to this audience?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 23, 2025, 06:21:02 AM
> "You're gonna call sumo 'crude' to this audience?"

>"Well, in the sense of the struggle inherit to the art," Princess Saru says. "I would expect something more genteel than a full match in the ring."
>Despite this, you think you got her. The Lady of Kashima doesn't seem to have reacted, busy with her craft as she is.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 24, 2025, 01:28:12 PM
> "I'm afraid I'll probably disappoint your expectations, then, 'genteel' isn't really a thing for engineers of my ilk. Frankly, we're all kinda lucky I'm not covered in black grease stains and burn marks right now. But I suppose I can try to make this work. How long do I have before you consider it your victory?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 25, 2025, 01:24:19 AM
> "I'm afraid I'll probably disappoint your expectations, then, 'genteel' isn't really a thing for engineers of my ilk. Frankly, we're all kinda lucky I'm not covered in black grease stains and burn marks right now. But I suppose I can try to make this work. How long do I have before you consider it your victory?"

>"I understand," Princess Saru says.
>"I would not have minded if you had come bearing such," says the Lady of Kashima. You suspect she's being polite, given what Hikoboshi told you.
>"That said," Princess Saru continues, "I feel it would be uncouth not to give you the time you need. The sword will not be done for quite awhile, I imagine. It would be rude to rush you."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 25, 2025, 04:53:07 AM
> Nod.
> "And just so I know how I can and can't game this system, how much of you do I have to move to meet my win condition, and what am I restricted from doing?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 25, 2025, 05:40:58 AM
> Nod.
> "And just so I know how I can and can't game this system, how much of you do I have to move to meet my win condition, and what am I restricted from doing?"

>"Hm," says Princess Saru, as she brings a crooked finger to her lips, her tail swaying slowly.
>"Let there be no damage to my home or my village," says the Lady of Kashima.
>"Just so," Princess Saru agrees. "As for how much I need to be moved, a single step shall do. However, I am free to move myself as well. Should you, say, try to strike my face I shall deflect, duck, or step away as I see fit. And I would be most upset."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 25, 2025, 12:25:17 PM
> "Of course. Who will be the arbiter of whether a step you took was forced or voluntary?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 25, 2025, 11:52:55 PM
> "Of course. Who will be the arbiter of whether a step you took was forced or voluntary?"

>"I would think it would be obvious," says Princess Saru.
>"I can do it, I suppose," says the Lady of Kashima, who is clearly not looking at either of you.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 26, 2025, 01:50:39 AM
> "That's fine by me, then."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 26, 2025, 10:06:00 PM
> "That's fine by me, then."

>Princess Saru smiles. Despite the fact she clearly wants to win this, you don't feel anything mean or mocking about it. "Then I am prepared when you are."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 27, 2025, 02:50:16 PM
> "...Uh, you mean, like, right now? Because I thought I was gonna have multiple days, if not weeks, to prepare for this."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 27, 2025, 05:15:20 PM
> "...Uh, you mean, like, right now? Because I thought I was gonna have multiple days, if not weeks, to prepare for this."

>"That is so," says Princess Saru. "When you are ready."


Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 27, 2025, 05:29:12 PM
> "Oh, okay. Phew. So, are you just gonna, like, chill here all that time? Or is there some way to get your attention if I return and you're not here?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on February 27, 2025, 09:05:57 PM
> "Oh, okay. Phew. So, are you just gonna, like, chill here all that time? Or is there some way to get your attention if I return and you're not here?"

>"I have no plans to return home for awhile, provided there is no emergency," says Princess Saru.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 01, 2025, 05:23:58 PM
> Do we have an Extending Arm device or backpack? If so, what are its capabilities?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 01, 2025, 10:11:41 PM
> Do we have an Extending Arm device or backpack? If so, what are its capabilities?

>You do but you left it at home, opting for spellcards. The two don't play way together.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 03, 2025, 04:23:27 AM
> "Great. I admit I have no idea when I'll be back, but I'll be back."
> Attempt a good-natured smile.
> "Try not to work the ref too much, please, I have a lot riding on this."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 03, 2025, 05:17:52 AM
> "Great. I admit I have no idea when I'll be back, but I'll be back."
> Attempt a good-natured smile.
> "Try not to work the ref too much, please, I have a lot riding on this."

>"I would not dream of it," Princess Saru says.
>"Or succeed," The Lady of Kashima adds, as she contemplates the glowing steel.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on March 03, 2025, 10:08:42 PM
>"I would not dream of it," Princess Saru says.
>"Or succeed," The Lady of Kashima adds, as she contemplates the glowing steel.


> Keep a smaller but still sincere smile, nod and glance between the two...

> What is the reaction, body language and facial expression, of Princess Saru in response to Lady Take?

> Lady Take did mention, and it has so far proven very accurate,  she is "ever so competitive", but not unfairly or pushy-like, or rough-liie and there is a rather good degree of familiarity between the two... what else can we pick out, even partly, that could later help or at least not hinder us?
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 04, 2025, 01:13:31 AM
> Keep a smaller but still sincere smile, nod and glance between the two...

> What is the reaction, body language and facial expression, of Princess Saru in response to Lady Take?

> Lady Take did mention, and it has so far proven very accurate,  she is "ever so competitive", but not unfairly or pushy-like, or rough-liie and there is a rather good degree of familiarity between the two... what else can we pick out, even partly, that could later help or at least not hinder us?

>Lady Saru seems unbothered by the comment, though there may be something in how her tail started to slowly sway.
>The best you can tell is that Princess Saru probably wasn't invited here, either, given everything. She does feel comfortable using an overly familiar name, as Hikoboshi put it, but whether the Lady of Kashima allows that or simply endures it is hard to say. At least Princess Saru seems to think they should be on those terms.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 04, 2025, 10:07:30 PM
> "Anyhoo, thanks to you both for your time. I'll letcha get back to what you were doing previously."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 04, 2025, 11:41:30 PM
> "Anyhoo, thanks to you both for your time. I'll letcha get back to what you were doing previously."

>"It's been an interesting diversion," says the Lady of Kashima, as undiverted from her work as ever.
>"An unexpected pleasure," Princess Saru says, nodding her head toward you.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 05, 2025, 08:28:15 PM
> "Kappa are unpredictable like that. 'Til later."
> Exit out the way we came.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 06, 2025, 03:21:43 AM
> "Kappa are unpredictable like that. 'Til later."
> Exit out the way we came.

>You make your way out.
>"They seem nice," Koa says, after you close the door behind you.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2025, 04:09:32 AM
> "That certainly could have gone worse."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 06, 2025, 05:38:15 AM
> "That certainly could have gone worse."

>"I don't know," says Aoi. "I think that Princess Saru has it out for us."
>"No way, she's all honorable and adorable and stuff," says Koa.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2025, 12:17:29 PM
> "I'd say you're both right, honestly."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 07, 2025, 03:20:04 AM
> "I'd say you're both right, honestly."

>"I don't think you can get both things," says Koa. "She totally warmed up to us!"
>"Well, regardless, we have to deal with her," says Aoi.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2025, 04:54:57 AM
> "I have some ideas, though they're admittedly back home, so it'll be a bit before I can get to 'em. In the meantime, I wonder if we should check out this village for some forms of portable recreation."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Branneg Xy on March 07, 2025, 09:41:43 AM
> "I have some ideas, though they're admittedly back home, so it'll be a bit before I can get to 'em. In the meantime, I wonder if we should check out this village for some forms of portable recreation."

> What are from the standing-out appearances, noises, other aspects, now. that we are closer to the village and on the. same. ground?

> If needed "for better scouting", once we have properly explained our intentions to our  "space crew", do fly both accordingly and in relatively closer reach of Aoi and Koakuma be they staying on ground or fly with us.
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 08, 2025, 04:38:01 AM
> "I have some ideas, though they're admittedly back home, so it'll be a bit before I can get to 'em. In the meantime, I wonder if we should check out this village for some forms of portable recreation."

>"Do you think we have to that far?" Koa says.
>"What's the plan?" Aoi says.

> What are from the standing-out appearances, noises, other aspects, now. that we are closer to the village and on the. same. ground?

> If needed "for better scouting", once we have properly explained our intentions to our  "space crew", do fly both accordingly and in relatively closer reach of Aoi and Koakuma be they staying on ground or fly with us.

>The village market, from what you can see here, is about like what you saw when you passed through. Bustling but orderly, laid out in a fairly organized way.
>You'll definitely need to take a closer look to glean any more information.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2025, 03:07:08 PM
> Details on our Extending Arm
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 08, 2025, 04:13:38 PM
> Details on our Extending Arm

>The arm is part of a combat package that you developed which includes water based weaponry and a built in flight assistant (which is necessary because the whole thing is cumbersome). It, unfortunately, doesn't play with well with traditional danmaku battles due its bulk and not being particularly elegant.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2025, 06:32:41 PM
> "My combat backpack has some tools that should be useful."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 08, 2025, 11:33:25 PM
> "My combat backpack has some tools that should be useful."

>"Ah, that's something," says Aoi. "It might disorient her as much as anything."
>"I think we oughta just hit her with the ship," says Koa. "That'd move her."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2025, 11:53:09 PM
> "We could do that if we're all okay living the rest of our lives here instead of back in Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 09, 2025, 11:36:12 PM
> "We could do that if we're all okay living the rest of our lives here instead of back in Gensokyo."

>"I mean, we'd fix it, right?" says Koa.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 10, 2025, 04:28:47 AM
> "Only with the right parts, and I very much doubt this place will have everything we'd need."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 10, 2025, 05:00:06 AM
> "Only with the right parts, and I very much doubt this place will have everything we'd need."

>"I guess," says Koa, clearly dejected.
>"Do we have anything to trade?" Aoi says. "I wouldn't be surprised if they have their own money here."

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 10, 2025, 12:52:46 PM
> Inventory
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 10, 2025, 07:59:19 PM
> Inventory

>Your Inventory Contains:
>Kappa Cap
>A puffy green hat with a brim, favored by kappa everywhere.
>Utility Dress
>A dress with many pockets, handy for screws, nuts, bolts, washers, small tools, and more.
>Carries everything you need. Though you tend to keep it kind of light most times just to make it not be a burden
>Basic toolset
>A hammer, wrench, screwdriver, measuring tape, and small crowbar. Light, easy to carry.
>Bits and Bobs
>A small collection of nuts, bolts, screws, sprockets, springs, flanges, and so on. Handy bits to do handy things.
> Optics "Optical Camouflage"
> Flood "Ooze Flooding"
> Water Sign "Kappa's Pororoca"
> Kappa "Monster Cucumber"
>This is 34☼
>Some Lose Scraps of Paper
>A handful of loose, cheap, reasonably clean and uncreased paper
>A cheap pencil. It does not work underwater.
>A simple device for seeing further than the naked eye.
>Your Hold Contains
>Bundle of Silks
>Given to you by a grateful Orihime.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 11, 2025, 04:41:45 AM
> "Maybe a little bit of stuff?"
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 12, 2025, 01:42:06 AM
> "Maybe a little bit of stuff?"

>Aoi nods. "I guess as long as we don't go nuts."
>"Awww, I wanted to get one of those kimonos people around here wearing..." Koa visibly slumps.

Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2025, 07:42:06 AM
> Shrug.
> "If you have your own personal belongings you're willing to trade away for one, I won't stop you."
Title: Re: Nitori Quest 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: It's Purvis! on March 12, 2025, 04:07:27 PM
> Shrug.
> "If you have your own personal belongings you're willing to trade away for one, I won't stop you."

>"Oh, you wanna watch me trade the clothes right off my back, huh~?" Koa says, giving you a smirk.
