Maidens of the Kaleidoscope
~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: SirtheBastard on June 10, 2024, 04:12:29 PM
I am interested, since I have some of them that are nostalgic to me. I'll start.
• Touhou 7 (The first Touhou game I actually played on my laptop)
• Touhou 16 (The first Touhou game I beat on Easy)
• Touhou 10.5 (My first Touhou fighting game)
• Mary the Magician (It gives off a mysterious aura while listening to it.)
• Flower of Past Days ~ Fairy of Flower (It sounded peaceful to me. Idk, I just like it.)
• Legend of Hourai (It sounded like an ancient Japanese song with a melancholic tone.)
• A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky (It sounded really hopeful (lol).)
Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea. That's all.
For me,
Touhou 8 - My first introduction to the Touhou games
Touhou 5 - The first Touhou game I played
Touhou 4 - The game that got me hooked on Touhou
Track 1 from DiPP (I forget what it's called) - I'm not sure what it is, it just sounds nostalgic
Tabula Rasa - Most PC-98 songs are nostalgic for me, but especially Tabula Rasa. It's a fairly light song with a sad tinge to it.
Cinderella Cage - The first Touhou song I listened to that wasn't an arrange
For me it's 10.5 and it's OST. SWR was my first Touhou game and songs like Drunk as I Like was some of my first exposure to Touhou.
Tomboyish Girl in Love, Apparitions Stalk the Night, and Extend Ash ~ Person of Hourai are rather nostalgic to me, since I first heard them in a bunch of Super Mario World hacks (which are also how I got to know Touhou in the first place).
Since Double Spoiler was the first official Touhou game I've seen gameplay of, it also feels rather nostalgic for me (particularly its music).
Touhou 6 feels nostalgic to me since it was the first Touhou game i've ever played
The whole DiPP album also gives this vibes for some reason. Maybe because the style is similar to EoSD xd
Touhou 6
Everything about it just emits some powerful raw 2000s energy
For games, Touhou 8, since it was the first Touhou game I ever played.
However, for music, it's EoSD. I would listen to the OST while running in high school. The music always reminds me of those runs.
The whole DiPP album also gives this vibes for some reason. Maybe because the style is similar to EoSD xd
DiPP gives off those vibes, agreed. I didn't get into the music CD's until like 2018 or so (3y after I became a fan), but even then DiPP gives me a very "this is the dark, primordial past of Gensokyo" vibe that I love. All of the tracks between pc98 and pcb kind of have that energy.
I only got into Touhou in 2019 but I always get an odd sense of faux nostalgia booting up EoSD or IN, not because those are the ones I started with (they are), but something about the visuals and menus evokes memories of playing old PopCap games in the 2000's, though I guess their release dates don't stray too far from each other.
As for music, I'm pretty sure I stumbled upon U.N. Owen before either of those, kind of a given.