Mugen Noh (夢幻能, "supernatural Noh") involves supernatural worlds, featuring gods, spirits, ghosts, or phantasms in the shi-te role. Time is often depicted as passing in a non-linear fashion, and action may switch between two or more timeframes from moment to moment, including flashbacks.Sounds really familiar, hmm?
What about tracks 10 and 11? Did the video mention those?
Regarding the track titles and selections:
- Track 8's name is approximately "Lonesome Walk on a Road in Hitachi". That "Hitachi" is the same as in "Hitachiota", the city in which Tanabata Hill is located.
- Track 9, Lamentations Only Known by Jizo. Perhaps Renko prays to Jizo for help to save Merry.
New RenMerries, yayConsidering all the Tanabata references, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch too see a parallel between Renko and Maribel with Orihime and Hikoboshi. ZUN might be too much of a coward to have them get together but he can't hide the romantic tensions between the two.
What about tracks 10 and 11? Did the video mention those?:ltotal: :lgraze: :smallfaith: :faith:
Tracks 8 and 9 seem interesting to me. The name of track 9 literally mentions Jizo protects who protects the spirits of dead children and that all ties up with Ebisu, that's pretty obvious but I don't really see how that might be applied to Renko or Maribel. But, researching more into the topic, Jizo is also seen as a deity that protects travellers on roads and considering the name of track 8 literally has road in it, it's safe to assume they're connected in a way.
Considering all the Tanabata references, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch too see a parallel between Renko and Maribel with Orihime and Hikoboshi. ZUN might be too much of a coward to have them get together but he can't hide the romantic tensions between the two.
What about tracks 10 and 11? Did the video mention those?
Tentative ranking after a lot of listening last night and today. I'm separating the originals and arranges because otherwise I honestly don't know how I'd rank them.
- Mugen Noh ~ Taboo Marionette: Just amazing, has a bit of that HSiFS lategame creepiness, mixed in with GFC calmness, in a folk mood. Probably my number one in the entire album.
- Tinkerbell of Inequality: Extremely troll track on first impression, but the percussion is starting to be addictive, lol.
- Morning on Tanabata Hill: The hazy, is-this-fantasy-or-reality atmosphere comes across really well here.
- Apparitions Abound even Outside of Night: Really feels like an ED theme, like I can imagine a game's credits scrolling while listening to this.
- Lonesome Path in Hitachi: This needs some time to grow on me, but that ending is quite interesting.