Maidens of the Kaleidoscope
~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Neovereign on February 28, 2024, 01:47:21 AM
> You are Myon, the phantom half of Youmu Konpaku.
> Well, you are Youmu Konpaku as well, but in order for others to differentiate when they mean something directly corresponding to Youmu's phantom half and Youmu's human half, they use Myon for the latter.
> Regardless, you are Youmu Konpaku, a special creature who is half human, half phantom. It’s fine enough to call yourself human. Although you’re a bit easily deceived and a tad sensitive, you’re honest, hardworking, diligent, and skilled! It’d be nice if people saw your better traits more often!
> However, you are also currently incapacitated, with no way to get up...
> Your phantom half is fine and able bodied, however.
> You aren't sure why this happened.
> You are currently on your way home from the human village. Or, were before this... you didn't really get that far. Kourindou is nearby, and you could turn back towards the village, too. There's also heading on, towards Misty Lake...
> Youmu is scared of ghosts right? Scare Youmu awake!
> Assuming nothing happens make a run for Kourindou.
> Youmu is scared of ghosts right? Scare Youmu awake!
> Assuming nothing happens make a run for Kourindou.
> You try to scare your human half awake, but nothing you can do seems to get to her unconscious self.
> Not too mention Youmu isn't really scared of herself either.
> You float to Kourindou in spirit form, abandoning the human half to the wilds...
> Kourindou opens up easily, however, the shopkeeper is facedown on the desk.
> You can see a small spirit with his likeness floating above his body, confused.
> ???
> Give ourselves a quick look-over. Do we look the same as we usually do, including how large or small we normally are?
> ???
> Give ourselves a quick look-over. Do we look the same as we usually do, including how large or small we normally are?
> You recall your previous appearance vs your current. You appear to be the same large size as usual. Wait, maybe a bit bigger? Not quite, but something is off.
> This spirit looking a bit like Rinnosuke tips you off at something you might not have noticed alone. Even though you've been in your usual featureless state and not actively trying to appear as such, you can see a bit of your physical body in your appearance.
> When we entered Kourindou, did we make physical contact with the door to open it, or did we phase through the door/wall?
> Do we seem to be the same size as under normal circumstances when we actively try to look like our human half?
> When we entered Kourindou, did we make physical contact with the door to open it, or did we phase through the door/wall?
> Do we seem to be the same size as under normal circumstances when we actively try to look like our human half?
> You physically opened it. There's no seals, so you could just pass through it, but that'd be ruder than barging in like so.
> You seem larger. Thus, it doesn't seem like you're partway into taking Youmu's form.
> Try speaking: "Uh...?"
> Try speaking: "Uh...?"
> Youmus voice - well, your voice, comes out. That's normally not supposed to happen, you think...
> "Huh?" The spirit above Rinnosuke questions. "Oh. Sorry, there's... a bit of an unexpected situation. I'm afraid we're not open right now due to that."
> We've never spoken before, have we?
> We've observed that Spirit Rinnosuke appears to be 'a small spirit', and that we seem to be larger than normal. Does that makes us larger than his spirit?
> We've never spoken before, have we?
> We've observed that Spirit Rinnosuke appears to be 'a small spirit', and that we seem to be larger than normal. Does that makes us larger than his spirit?
> You aren't supposed to be able to.
> Very much so. Even if you were your usual size, you would still be larger. After all, your usual size is enough that you could possibly engulf a fairy entirely, if not some humans.
> You aren't sure if you're big enough now to engulf a human of his size though. Probably not a good idea to try anyways.
> Did our voice at least sound like our human half's voice?
> What were we doing at the Human Village, anyway?
> When we look at the spirits that float around the Netherworld, do we normally see formless blobs, or do we see humanoid shapes?
> "Y-yeah...uh, sorry for intruding. ...Are...are you...feeling okay, as you are?"
> Is there anything in Kourindou that may help us raise our human half?
> Did our voice at least sound like our human half's voice?
> What were we doing at the Human Village, anyway?
> When we look at the spirits that float around the Netherworld, do we normally see formless blobs, or do we see humanoid shapes?
> "Y-yeah...uh, sorry for intruding. ...Are...are you...feeling okay, as you are?"
> Is there anything in Kourindou that may help us raise our human half?
> Mostly.
> Getting out a bit. Checking out the village. It's not like you can't visit the most prominent place of humans in Gensokyo just to visit it instead of only when getting groceries after all.
> They're always formless.
> "I was feeling fine just earlier. I don't think this was a heart attack on that note, but am I really dead? Hm..." He seems... disappointed with this fate, rather than alarmed or worried.
> You look around, but... you're not sure what you should even be looking for. An elixir or something? You don't even see any liquids on display right now anyways.
> Do we know of Geidontei?
> Does Rinnosuke's spirit seem directly attached to his body?
> "Well...I'll get back to myself, I guess. Good luck to all of us."
> Exit the shop heading back to our human half. One we reach her, try engulfing her, so that we just have her with us for safety.
> Do we know of Geidontei?
> Does Rinnosuke's spirit seem directly attached to his body?
> "Well...I'll get back to myself, I guess. Good luck to all of us."
> Exit the shop heading back to our human half. One we reach her, try engulfing her, so that we just have her with us for safety.
> You're not good with alcohol... You'd normally have no reason to even head to a bar thanks to that.
> You don't see any connection from him to it. It's not like you have any for Youmu and yourself either.
> "All of us?" Rinnosuke questions as you leave.
> You head back to where your human half should be left behind. Ah, good, she's still there.
> You try to cover her entirely... It looks like it'll work!
> You jolt awake in surprise, your phantom half shooting out of your personal space. You think that managed to get you up.
> Ugh, your human half's experiences don't seem to be of any use in finding any evidence as to what happened in the first place. It's not even something you've felt before.
> At the very least, maybe that means that this wasn't something of Lady Yuyuko's doing.
> ??!?!??!?
> Stand up and check our human half over to make sure it's okay (and the proper size).
> Is our phantom half back to its normal size?
> ??!?!??!?
> Stand up and check our human half over to make sure it's okay (and the proper size).
> Is our phantom half back to its normal size?
> You examine yourself. Everything seems in order. Your swords are still present, so it doesn't look like anyone robbed you while you were out.
> In Myon's view, you seem a bit smaller than usual. Conversely, Myon is larger than normal. Maybe that's just Myon being larger alone, then...
> Unlike it previously noted, it doesn't appear to have any traits similar to you. Myon just looks a little larger than normal, nothing else.
> Does our phantom half feel any different, like something got mixed into us somehow?
> How much effort does it take for us to make our phantom half look like our human half?
> Does our phantom half feel any different, like something got mixed into us somehow?
> How much effort does it take for us to make our phantom half look like our human half?
> That... might be it, if you had any way to describe it...
> It's not that difficult. What takes more effort is having it take on human movements. Of course, being a human yourself, you're used to moving like a human - but your phantom half has always been a phantom, and doing human movements on its own while you're doing other things is more difficult. Having it follow your previous actions is easier, though. Likewise, if you aren't doing much, it's easier for it to do more complex things.
> You could probably train yourself to get better at guiding your phantom half in human movements.
> Put in the effort needed to make our phantom half look like our human half, to see what happens.
> We should probably go back to Kourindou and let Rinnosuke know how to return to his body. If it even works for Youkai?
> Put in the effort needed to make our phantom half look like our human half, to see what happens.
> We should probably go back to Kourindou and let Rinnosuke know how to return to his body. If it even works for Youkai?
> You have Myon mimic your appearance. It goes the same as usual, though your phantom half is noticeably bigger all around. It's like you have an elder twin sister...
> You could try...
> Is she hot?
> Hmm. It might be possible that a small spirit human us came out of our human half, like what happened with Rinnosuke, but it got sucked into our phantom half somehow, which is how our phantom half ended up the way it did. Then maybe our spirit got put back in our human half when we engulfed ourselves.
> ...Does that mean we're three halves now...?
> Try saying "Hello" through our phantom half.
> Is she hot?
> Hmm. It might be possible that a small spirit human us came out of our human half, like what happened with Rinnosuke, but it got sucked into our phantom half somehow, which is how our phantom half ended up the way it did. Then maybe our spirit got put back in our human half when we engulfed ourselves.
> ...Does that mean we're three halves now...?
> Try saying "Hello" through our phantom half.
> She looks pretty much like you. It's difficult to get yourself to try and come across that train of thought...
> You feel like you're confusing yourself.
> Your phantom half speaks the words you attempt. It can still do that like earlier... Just what happened to cause this. Did it reach the village too?
> We better investigate, the village sounds like a good place to start!
> Might as well let the shopkeeper know how we returned to our body! Having good credit with Kourindou never hurts!
> Return to the shop with our newfound body and announce "I found a way back! Try floating into your body and covering it."
> Given our "phantom half is noticeably bigger all around", does that mean it is simply a consistently scaled-up version of our human half? Or are there some parts that increased proportionally more than others?
> We better investigate, the village sounds like a good place to start!
> Might as well let the shopkeeper know how we returned to our body! Having good credit with Kourindou never hurts!
> Return to the shop with our newfound body and announce "I found a way back! Try floating into your body and covering it."
> Given our "phantom half is noticeably bigger all around", does that mean it is simply a consistently scaled-up version of our human half? Or are there some parts that increased proportionally more than others?
> You return to Kourindou, spotting the spirit trying to get into Rinnosuke's head.
> "Ah, good for you." He speaks, though looks at the body. "I'm afraid that might be a but difficult for me..."
> Compared to you, this sprit is much smaller than the body it probably came from... you don't think it could engulf it even if the body was curled into a perfect ball.
> It's certain area's, as if there's more of your human half than your phantom half.
> Supporting this thought, your phantom half feels warmer than usual. The inverse seems true for your human half.
> Can we sense temperature differences between Rinnosuke's body and his spirit?
> Can we sense temperature differences between Rinnosuke's body and his spirit?
> Given neither of them are you, you can't at a distance like this.
> Explain "I may be able to help."
> Sit down somewhere (to avoid falling fall if we pass out) and try engulfing Rinnosuke's body with our phantom half.
> Explain "I may be able to help."
> Sit down somewhere (to avoid falling fall if we pass out) and try engulfing Rinnosuke's body with our phantom half.
> You take a seat within Kourindou and have your phantom half head over to Rinnosuke's body in it's usual form.
> Unlike with your own body earlier, you are able to start actually engulfing it without suddenly being pushed away for some reason. Maybe it was a one-time thing?
> Though, you soon feel a sudden sharp sensation, like someone just grabbed you or shoved their hands in your shirt after being out in the cold for a while.
> "Ack!"
> Pull away, pull away!
> Make sure both our halves our okay, then make sure Rinnosuke's body and spirit are okay.
> "Ack!"
> Pull away, pull away!
> Make sure both our halves our okay, then make sure Rinnosuke's body and spirit are okay.
> You carefully release Rinnosuke's body, wondering what happened.
> His spirit is still present, so you didn't absorb that or anything. Your own body and phantom half both look the same...
> There's another sensation... Like... you're on the cusp of figuring something out.
> "I don't think that helped..." The spirit speaks.
> Phantom half: "It hurt, if anything. Or not hurt, but was suddenly really uncomfortable."
> Adopt a thinkin expression with both halves.
> Human half: "...Would you be okay if I left you here for a bit? I still want to help, and I might have other ideas, but I don't want a repeat of that sensation."
> Phantom half: "It hurt, if anything. Or not hurt, but was suddenly really uncomfortable."
> Adopt a thinkin expression with both halves.
> Human half: "...Would you be okay if I left you here for a bit? I still want to help, and I might have other ideas, but I don't want a repeat of that sensation."
> "That's fine. I'm probably safer in here than elsewhere. This place isn't frequented by dangerous individuals at least."
> The sensation grows a bit more, before suddenly forming in full in your head. Sheathes! They're sword sheathes!
> You... don't know why that came into your head, but the sensation is gone now.
> Today is a weird day.
> ???
> Have a look at our sword sheathes to see if anything is off about them.
> ???
> Have a look at our sword sheathes to see if anything is off about them.
> You examine them, however, you don't note anything different than usual.
> Screw up our face in confusion for a moment, then shake our head.
> "Okay. I'll try to come back when I know more."
> Exit the store and hurry back to the human village. If we see anyone on the way, though, pause our travels and check on them.
> Screw up our face in confusion for a moment, then shake our head.
> "Okay. I'll try to come back when I know more."
> Exit the store and hurry back to the human village. If we see anyone on the way, though, pause our travels and check on them.
> "Safe travels." Rinnosuke's spirit speaks, as you leave the store, closing the door behind you.
> You start for the Human village...
> Along the way, you can see newspapers sparsely littering the ground. It's not a lot, but it looks like people were just throwing them away after reading them for a while from the village. However, it doesn't look like it leads to the village, so much as somewhere off the path.
> Pick up one of the newspapers.
> Check it to see which paper it is.
> Then skim through it for anything unusual that might be of interest.
> If it is a certain 'infamous' newspaper, head straight for the gossip section to check if any misinformation is being spread about Lady Yuyuko or us.
> Pick up one of the newspapers.
> Check it to see which paper it is.
> Then skim through it for anything unusual that might be of interest.
> If it is a certain 'infamous' newspaper, head straight for the gossip section to check if any misinformation is being spread about Lady Yuyuko or us.
> It's Bunbunmaru. A bit expected...
> Well, maybe it could lead to some information about what's going on.
> A quick skim shows there's nothing about you or Lady Yuyuko, nor the netherworld at all. Just little tidbits like cute accessories on pets, or rumors on how to live longer.
> There is something about spirits, but it's only something about spirits and dolls. An event of sorts in the village. Seems you would've already missed it anyways.
> Check the date and time on that event, sure we might've already missed it but double check it wasn't earlier today when all our troubles began?
> Might as well hold onto this, perhaps something will become relevant later on once we learn more about what's going on. If all else fails it'll make an excellent projectile.
> Pocket the paper, and then follow the trail of papers. It's unusual enough to be worth looking into.
> Check the date and time on that event, sure we might've already missed it but double check it wasn't earlier today when all our troubles began?
> Might as well hold onto this, perhaps something will become relevant later on once we learn more about what's going on. If all else fails it'll make an excellent projectile.
> Pocket the paper, and then follow the trail of papers. It's unusual enough to be worth looking into.
> It seems like it was earlier today, but well before you even got to the village.
> Even so, that does still make it possible that this was the cause, or maybe worth looking into...
> You pocket the newspaper and follow the rest of the trail, away from the village.
> The trail fails to continue after a bit. All that you see left nearby is something black in the grass beside a tree. Well, a few black things.
> Do the black things appear to be clothes or otherwise part of a person?
> Do the black things appear to be clothes or otherwise part of a person?
> It might be hair?
> Ah, no, it's feathers.
> Frown.
> Hurry over to the tree and look around for Aya, who might've been mid-air when this spirit thing happened and crash-landed.
> Frown.
> Hurry over to the tree and look around for Aya, who might've been mid-air when this spirit thing happened and crash-landed.
> You hurry to the tree, finding more feathers, and a bag filled with newspapers.
> However, there's no Aya... Not in the tree or around...
> Any signs of a body getting dragged somewhere, maybe?
> Any signs of a body getting dragged somewhere, maybe?
> You try to look for any traces of such...
> The grass does look smushed in one direction. In fact, looking this way, you can see bushes being bothered.
> Follow that trail! There'll be no abductions on our watch!
> Follow that trail! There'll be no abductions on our watch!
> You follow the trail, coming across Aya Shameimaru, lying in the bush...
> Next to her is a similar case to Rinnosuke - a spirit with similar traits to the being beside it.
> There are also a few crows placing leaves and branches atop her body...
> You're not close enough that they've noticed you yet, you believe. Even the birds are preoccupied in their work.
> If we can see and hear with our phantom half, then send our human half back to the bag full of newspapers, and gently approach Aya and the crows with our phantom half.
> If we cannot see and hear with our phantom half, then send our phantom half back to the bag full of newspapers, and gently approach Aya and the crows with our human half.
> Whichever half approaches them: "Miss Shameimaru?"
> If we can see and hear with our phantom half, then send our human half back to the bag full of newspapers, and gently approach Aya and the crows with our phantom half.
> If we cannot see and hear with our phantom half, then send our phantom half back to the bag full of newspapers, and gently approach Aya and the crows with our human half.
> Whichever half approaches them: "Miss Shameimaru?"
> You can - thus you have your human half collect the newspapers and bag.
> You then have your phantom half approach Aya and address her.
> The crows jump in alarm, and as does the spirit.
> "Huh!? Crap, I didn't hide enough!"
> You feel wind picking up. A pretty strong breeze trying to blow you back. Not enough to do more than start pushing you away slightly - but still enough to know its Aya's doing and not natural winds.
> "Ah, please wait! I'm here to try to help!"
> "Ah, please wait! I'm here to try to help!"
> "Huh? Really now." The spirit stops. "And how will you help, exactly? How do you even know what this is?"
> "Huh? Really now." The spirit stops. "And how will you help, exactly? How do you even know what this is?"
> Suggest "Try floating into your body as a spirit!"
> "Or, if that doesn't work, I can try it for you. Since, well..."
> Gesture up and down at ourselves.
> Suggest "Try floating into your body as a spirit!"
> "Or, if that doesn't work, I can try it for you. Since, well..."
> Gesture up and down at ourselves.
> "I've tried that already." The spirit pokes itself against Aya's body. "It just doesn't work. I hope this is just a dream. How could something like this happen to an innocent maiden like myself?"
> The spirit looks you up and down.
> "Right, you are half human half phantom. I guess this thing doesn't really bother you. I think it's gotten to other people too, so this might be an incident..." She speaks. "Even if it's just around the Human Village."
> "I mean, it does kinda bother me a little? I shouldn't really be able to see or hear or speak with this half of me, and this half of me shouldn't be this large."
> Blink.
> "Well, maybe bother is the wrong word, because those are definitely all good things. But I was affected, and still kinda am, I guess. I can tell you that Mister Shopkeeper is also affected, so it's probably happening everywhere else. I was actually headed to the human village to check on them before I came across your crash site."
> Look to Aya's body, then back at her spirit.
> "So...I, uh, 'fixed' myself by engulfing my human half with my phantom half. If you want, I can try something similar with this half of me and you. I can't say for sure what'll happen, if anything, but I'm willing to try."
> "I mean, it does kinda bother me a little? I shouldn't really be able to see or hear or speak with this half of me, and this half of me shouldn't be this large."
> Blink.
> "Well, maybe bother is the wrong word, because those are definitely all good things. But I was affected, and still kinda am, I guess. I can tell you that Mister Shopkeeper is also affected, so it's probably happening everywhere else. I was actually headed to the human village to check on them before I came across your crash site."
> Look to Aya's body, then back at her spirit.
> "So...I, uh, 'fixed' myself by engulfing my human half with my phantom half. If you want, I can try something similar with this half of me and you. I can't say for sure what'll happen, if anything, but I'm willing to try."
> "I'd rather not have my body eaten... But maybe it's better for a phantom to try and move it than something worse. I can't exactly move myself very fast like this."
> Frown a bit.
> "I'm not going to eat your body...but if you're concerned about it, I could try engulfing your spirit instead?"
> Frown a bit.
> "I'm not going to eat your body...but if you're concerned about it, I could try engulfing your spirit instead?"
> "Neither of those sound like they'll really help. From what I recall, your phantom half can imitate your shape and movements, but you don't have the greatest track record of putting things back where they belong..."
> Has our human half joined up yet?
> Frown a bit.
> "I'm literally bringing your bag back to you right now."
> Has our human half joined up yet?
> Frown a bit.
> "I'm literally bringing your bag back to you right now."
> Yes.
> "Mm, that's nice and all, but I do recall you being tough to part with the nature of spring itself. Not to mention with the yama. Do you have better examples of the opposite?"
> Wait what thing with the Yama did we not return properly?
> Wait what thing with the Yama did we not return properly?
> You don't think you've run into her much. Unless Aya is talking about something to do with killing people? Or maybe spirits. You think you got nagged on something about that before...
> "Hey, Lady Yuyuko wanted the spring. I can't go against that. As for the yama, I don't know what you're talking about..."
> Lay the news bag next to Aya's body.
> "Look. Even if I can't necessarily put you back into yourself, I can at least bring you - both parts of you - with me so that you're not completely defenseless."
> "Hey, Lady Yuyuko wanted the spring. I can't go against that. As for the yama, I don't know what you're talking about..."
> Lay the news bag next to Aya's body.
> "Look. Even if I can't necessarily put you back into yourself, I can at least bring you - both parts of you - with me so that you're not completely defenseless."
> You set the bag down.
> Aya sighs.
> "I guess that's better than this for now..."
> Nod (with both halves).
> "Alright. Tell me if you need me to stop for some reason, of course."
> Float our phantom half (still shaped like a larger version of our human half) over to the tengu's prone body, descend upon her like we're lying on top her her, and engulf her.
> Nod (with both halves).
> "Alright. Tell me if you need me to stop for some reason, of course."
> Float our phantom half (still shaped like a larger version of our human half) over to the tengu's prone body, descend upon her like we're lying on top her her, and engulf her.
> You try with your phantom half first, trying to engulf Aya's body.
> Like before with Rinnosuke, you feel that same sensation, though aren't pushed away like with his or your own body. Instead, you're able to lift Aya up.
> Though, she's heavy... You can't do this for long.
> "Trying to go back in while you're doing that doesn't seem to work..." Aya comments.
> We'll probably have a strange thought momentarily, then...
> "Hmm...hold still for a moment, then, please."
> Try rotating our phantom half to a standing position, to see if it's easier to hold her that way.
> Whether the above works or not, float toward Aya's spirit and engulf that too.
> We'll probably have a strange thought momentarily, then...
> "Hmm...hold still for a moment, then, please."
> Try rotating our phantom half to a standing position, to see if it's easier to hold her that way.
> Whether the above works or not, float toward Aya's spirit and engulf that too.
> You stand back up and try to engulf Aya's spirit.
> You only seem to push against it and push it away.
> "Mhm... no dice..." She comments.
> Is Aya's spirit directly connected to her body in a visible fashion?
> How much 'open' space remains inside our phantom half while Aya's body is there?
> Is Aya's spirit directly connected to her body in a visible fashion?
> How much 'open' space remains inside our phantom half while Aya's body is there?
> No.
> Not much at all. You couldn't even squeeze a fairy in.
> Do we possess enough control over the shape and malleability of our phantom half that we could cram our phantom half into Aya's mouth, down her throat, and spread ourselves throughout her body?
> "Hmm..."
> Using whatever control over our innards we think we might halve, try moving and molding our phantom half innards around Aya's body in order to move it around so it curls up inside us to make more space.
> Also, try moving our human half into Aya's spirit, to see if they'll combine somehow.
> Do we possess enough control over the shape and malleability of our phantom half that we could cram our phantom half into Aya's mouth, down her throat, and spread ourselves throughout her body?
> "Hmm..."
> Using whatever control over our innards we think we might halve, try moving and molding our phantom half innards around Aya's body in order to move it around so it curls up inside us to make more space.
> Also, try moving our human half into Aya's spirit, to see if they'll combine somehow.
> You believe you could. You're not sure why you would want to though. You suppose if such a situation came up like someone choking, you'd be able to save them directly with it...
> You shift your phantom half awkwardly, pushing Aya around until she... takes up less space. It's not exactly the best curl up, but you've got her more extreme limbs closer to herself without breaking anything. You hope these don't strain her later. There's still no room for a fairy, given your phantom half is still in the shape of yourself. If it were in it's usual shape, you think the open space could fit such a size.
> "I'd like if you don't end up making my body feel terrible when I get back into it..." Aya comments.
> You try to push against Aya's spirit, but nothing gets it into you.
> "Aren't we trying to get me back into my body, not yours?" Aya questions. "Hm, this is unfair."
> Is Aya's spirit small enough that we could entirely enclose her within the space created by us linking our human half hands and fingers together?
> Is Aya's spirit small enough that we could entirely enclose her within the space created by us linking our human half hands and fingers together?
> No. You'd say she's about the size of your head.
> Hmm, what about if she curled herself up into a ball?
> Hmm, what about if she curled herself up into a ball?
> The spirit is mostly a head, similar to Rinnosuke's. You think his somehow had glasses.
> Frown a bit.
> "That's how I got back in myself...I was hoping it would work for you too, or at least give you a body to work with again. Okay, new plan."
> Gently lower Aya's body down, out of our phantom half, and onto the ground, resting.
> "Okay. This next part is going to be a bit embarrassing, so please don't tell anyone about it..."
> Take Aya's spirit form in hand, pull the bottom of our shirt out forward, and gently tuck Aya's spirit up inside our shirt from below. Pin the bottom of our shirt to our stomach once she's in to keep her within.
> Then have our phantom half engulf our human half again.
> Frown a bit.
> "That's how I got back in myself...I was hoping it would work for you too, or at least give you a body to work with again. Okay, new plan."
> Gently lower Aya's body down, out of our phantom half, and onto the ground, resting.
> "Okay. This next part is going to be a bit embarrassing, so please don't tell anyone about it..."
> Take Aya's spirit form in hand, pull the bottom of our shirt out forward, and gently tuck Aya's spirit up inside our shirt from below. Pin the bottom of our shirt to our stomach once she's in to keep her within.
> Then have our phantom half engulf our human half again.
> You have your phantom half set Aya's body back onto the ground.
> "Well you're already half a phantom anyways." Aya says. "And what's embarrass-"
> You stuff her spirit under your shirt. Your outfit isn't that loose, so it seems like she'll stay there without slipping out.
> But... It's really cold. Like you shoved a bunch of snow onto you. Well, a bit more bearable than such at least.
> "A-..." Aya pauses in surprise. "I... hope you're doing this in mind with somewhere safe to set me later, and not planning on toting me and my body around like this..."
> Human half: "Ideally not. My hope is what's next is actual progress."
> Fully engulf our human half (with Aya's spirit under our shirt) with our phantom half.
> Human half: "Ideally not. My hope is what's next is actual progress."
> Fully engulf our human half (with Aya's spirit under our shirt) with our phantom half.
> You try to have your phantom half engulf yourself. Given its larger than you, it starts to work - unlike when you woke yourself up.
> However, your shirt struggles a bit, before Aya's spirit ultimately squishes out from within it, as if repelled by your own phantom half.
> "Ah." She stops herself before she hits the ground or the bushes. "Um... Maybe try holding onto me?
> You notice her spirit's shape actually got squished. Not smaller, but more stretched. At least before returning to normal after she stopped herself from hitting the ground. Perhaps she can change her shape similar to your phantom half? Though, that doesn't help with curling up since she's already mostly spherical.
> ...?
> "Uh, sure..."
> Gently pick Aya's spirit up again with our human half.
> "...I noticed something during that, which has given me a new idea...please let me know if this feels unpleasant."
> Try squishing Aya's spirit our hands, to reshape it to be longer and flatter.
> ...?
> "Uh, sure..."
> Gently pick Aya's spirit up again with our human half.
> "...I noticed something during that, which has given me a new idea...please let me know if this feels unpleasant."
> Try squishing Aya's spirit our hands, to reshape it to be longer and flatter.
> You pick up Aya's spirit and try to squish it length-wise.
> It's a bit resistant, but nothing like an actual body.
> "Uun... This is a bit unpleasant. I feel like clay, or dough." Aya comments.
> The form sticks, but it's slowly going back to it's spherical shape. Though, not as instantly as earlier.
> Give a slight smile.
> "Welcome to half my world. Now, let's see here..."
> Reshape Aya's spirit so it's long and thin.
> Then have our phantom half 'open' its 'mouth', and try having our human half push Aya's spirit inside the open mouth.
> Give a slight smile.
> "Welcome to half my world. Now, let's see here..."
> Reshape Aya's spirit so it's long and thin.
> Then have our phantom half 'open' its 'mouth', and try having our human half push Aya's spirit inside the open mouth.
> You further flatten out Aya's spirit, to her displeasure, and try to push the spirit into your phantom half's mouth.
> It'd fit... but it's still being repelled by your half spirit. Each attempt just slips her out the sides of your hands as you push.
> Hmm...
> Pass Aya's spirit off from our human half to our phantom half, to see if our phantom half can hold her, or if she's just automatically repelled.
> If our phantom half is capable of holding her, then flatten her out to be long and thin again. Then press our phantom half's arms together with the flatted spirit pinned in between them, and try to merge our phantom half's arms together around the flattened spirit.
> Hmm...
> Pass Aya's spirit off from our human half to our phantom half, to see if our phantom half can hold her, or if she's just automatically repelled.
> If our phantom half is capable of holding her, then flatten her out to be long and thin again. Then press our phantom half's arms together with the flatted spirit pinned in between them, and try to merge our phantom half's arms together around the flattened spirit.
> You hand the spirit over.
> You do appear to be able to hold her. Shaping her is much more difficult, however. It's like it's getting repelled from too much force.
> Pass her back to our human half to shape her as desired, then.
> Then pass per back to our phantom half and try the arm-merge thing described previously.
> Pass her back to our human half to shape her as desired, then.
> Then pass per back to our phantom half and try the arm-merge thing described previously.
> You pass Aya's spirit around to shape it again, and try to squish her into your phantom half's arms using them again.
> Unfortunately, the force starts to shape her again, aiding in slipping her away from the limbs like a bar of soap.
> "If you can make your arms or hands big enough, maybe you can make it so I won't slip away?" Aya suggests, despite the discomfort.
> "Maybe...but I think I might have a different idea."
> Let Aya's spirit return to normal form.
> Then, while holding it securely with our human half, have our phantom half extend a hand to it, and try to pass through it, so that it is engulfing us rather than the other way around.
> "Maybe...but I think I might have a different idea."
> Let Aya's spirit return to normal form.
> Then, while holding it securely with our human half, have our phantom half extend a hand to it, and try to pass through it, so that it is engulfing us rather than the other way around.
> You hold Aya's spirit in place and try to pass through it with your phantom half.
> Surprisingly, it works. Though it isn't clear which is engulfing which...
> "Wait, what was different this time?" Aya questions.
> Human half: "Perspective. Now this is something we can worth with."
> Use our human half to begin stretching Aya's spirit out very tall and wide, like a sheet.
> As Aya's spirit's surface area grows, enter more and more of her with our phantom half, letting her engulf. Ideally, the ultimate result is that Aya is stretched large enough that our phantom half can exist entirely within her spirit, with her face lining up with ours.
> Human half: "Perspective. Now this is something we can worth with."
> Use our human half to begin stretching Aya's spirit out very tall and wide, like a sheet.
> As Aya's spirit's surface area grows, enter more and more of her with our phantom half, letting her engulf. Ideally, the ultimate result is that Aya is stretched large enough that our phantom half can exist entirely within her spirit, with her face lining up with ours.
> You start to stretch Aya's spirit out thinly, though you can't do so after a point.
> That point is unfortunately well before being able to fit even half of your phantom half into... Maybe you need something better at stretching or pressing things to be paper thin.
> "I don't think I like what you're trying to do anymore..." Aya speaks. "I'm not a newspaper."
> Sigh.
> "Sorry. Really thought I had something there, where if your spirit were large enough, you could take your body into yourself and be reunited with it."
> Sigh.
> "Sorry. Really thought I had something there, where if your spirit were large enough, you could take your body into yourself and be reunited with it."
> "I think your phantom's the only phantom anywhere as large as someone's body..."
> "Well, still."
> "...I can...try putting you inside my human half...?"
> "Well, still."
> "...I can...try putting you inside my human half...?"
> "Do you have an idea for getting me to my own body after?"
> "...Actually, come to think of it, I do. Please trust me for a moment; I'll be trusting you in the same way."
> Using our human half, reshape Aya's spirit into a form that we can put into our mouth, much like last time.
> However, this time, take and hold a breath, open our human half's mouth, and put her inside. The goal is to get her all the way inside so that we can close our mouth with her trapped inside without swallowing her down.
> If we are able to do this, then fully engulf our human half with our phantom half again, and open our human half's mouth and retrieve Aya once we're fully inside ourselves.
> "...Actually, come to think of it, I do. Please trust me for a moment; I'll be trusting you in the same way."
> Using our human half, reshape Aya's spirit into a form that we can put into our mouth, much like last time.
> However, this time, take and hold a breath, open our human half's mouth, and put her inside. The goal is to get her all the way inside so that we can close our mouth with her trapped inside without swallowing her down.
> If we are able to do this, then fully engulf our human half with our phantom half again, and open our human half's mouth and retrieve Aya once we're fully inside ourselves.
> You reshape Aya's spirit and... eat it. Or at least, hold it in your mouth. Again, it's cold...
> You then have your phantom half engulf your human half again, and let Aya's spirit out.
> It seems to have worked? She's inside now, with no apparent issues.
> "I... well, it worked I guess..." Aya says, a bit at a loss for words.
> Release our human half from our phantom half without also releasing Aya's spirit. If it looks like our exit is going to allow her to exit, stop our exit.
> Whatever happens with the above, close our eyes and try to get a sense of how having Aya's spirit inside our phantom half feels.
> Release our human half from our phantom half without also releasing Aya's spirit. If it looks like our exit is going to allow her to exit, stop our exit.
> Whatever happens with the above, close our eyes and try to get a sense of how having Aya's spirit inside our phantom half feels.
> You leave your phantom half.
> It feels a bit weird. There's a bit of some sensation with your swords as well. Or maybe your hands, though that could just be the cold from touching and holding that spirit so much.
> Does Aya's spirit feel similar to our phantom half?
> If so, does she feel integrable with our phantom half, so that she becomes a part of us?
> A sensation with our swords...didn't we get some sort of sensation from earlier with Rinnosuke, where we suddenly thought about our sheathes?
> Phantom half: "How does this feel for you?"
> Does Aya's spirit feel similar to our phantom half?
> If so, does she feel integrable with our phantom half, so that she becomes a part of us?
> A sensation with our swords...didn't we get some sort of sensation from earlier with Rinnosuke, where we suddenly thought about our sheathes?
> Phantom half: "How does this feel for you?"
> It's different.
> You believe you did before.
> "It's not as uncomfortable as being stretched and molded like bread, at least."
> "Well, that's good, at least. Do you feel like you can move around of your own accord? How's the ambience?"
> Engulf Aya's body fully back into our phantom half.
> "Well, that's good, at least. Do you feel like you can move around of your own accord? How's the ambience?"
> Engulf Aya's body fully back into our phantom half.
> You put Aya's body into your phantom half as well.
> "Still can't get back into myself, it seems..." Aya comments, trying to do so.
> Is she still as heavy as before?
> Do we get any supernatural feelings from her body that we could interact with?
> Are we capable of making our phantom half's 'skin' opaque, so that people outside cannot see into it?
> Comparing to when we first engulfed her body, has our phantom half grown in size at all from also taking in her spirit?
> Is she still as heavy as before?
> Do we get any supernatural feelings from her body that we could interact with?
> Are we capable of making our phantom half's 'skin' opaque, so that people outside cannot see into it?
> Comparing to when we first engulfed her body, has our phantom half grown in size at all from also taking in her spirit?
> Yep.
> Nothing you notice.
> That depends on the art- You're not sure if trying such will do anything bad to what's inside it...
> No.
> How large is Aya's body compared to our human half?
> "Now that you know your spirit can squish, why not try re-entering the old-fashioned way?"
> How large is Aya's body compared to our human half?
> "Now that you know your spirit can squish, why not try re-entering the old-fashioned way?"
> She's bigger than you are.
> "I've tried possessing it like I'm haunting it or something. That doesn't work." Aya responds. "And just trying to go back in like I belong there hasn't yet, either."
> Human half: "Hrm. Well, I'm still happy to bring you with me as I investigate. Maybe we'll get some ideas along the way."
> While our human half is speaking, have our phantom half reposition Aya's body so her limbs are more or less within our corresponding limbs (arms in arms, legs in legs, head in head, etc).
> Human half: "Hrm. Well, I'm still happy to bring you with me as I investigate. Maybe we'll get some ideas along the way."
> While our human half is speaking, have our phantom half reposition Aya's body so her limbs are more or less within our corresponding limbs (arms in arms, legs in legs, head in head, etc).
> "Uh, investigate where?" Aya questions, as you move her body.
> Adopt a thinking expression with our human half while looking at our phantom half's legs.
> Phantom half: "My first idea was to check on the Human Village, since who can say how hard they've been hit."
> If we can do so while keeping our 'grip' on Aya's body, float our phantom half up so its feet are level with our human half's head.
> Adopt a thinking expression with our human half while looking at our phantom half's legs.
> Phantom half: "My first idea was to check on the Human Village, since who can say how hard they've been hit."
> If we can do so while keeping our 'grip' on Aya's body, float our phantom half up so its feet are level with our human half's head.
> It's hard to float her higher. Again, this tengu isn't exactly light, even with it's soul or spirit outside of itself.
> "Could we possibly not go somewhere public with you toting around my unconscious body like this?"
> Given her spirit has been very malleable, how rigid or malleable has Aya's body felt within us?
> Use our human half to assist our phantom half getting Aya's body in the air to head height by lifting ourselves (and Aya) with our arms.
> Phantom half: "Oh. I guess that's fair. Is there somewhere else you'd prefer to go?'
> Given her spirit has been very malleable, how rigid or malleable has Aya's body felt within us?
> Use our human half to assist our phantom half getting Aya's body in the air to head height by lifting ourselves (and Aya) with our arms.
> Phantom half: "Oh. I guess that's fair. Is there somewhere else you'd prefer to go?'
> It's felt like a normal body, not really malleable at all compared to a spirit.
> "Hm... The Hakurei Shrine should be a safe enough place."
> You try to help, but it doesn't help much. It's still an entire body.
> You end up stumbling and falling under her weight and the poor footing this forest offers.
> "For this kid to be the one to find me like this..." Aya sighs.
> Let out a pathetic "Myo~n..." as we hit the ground.
> Get our human half into a sitting position.
> "Mmmmm...this might be more difficult than I thought..."
> Lie our phantom half down face up with legs toward our human half.
> Let out a pathetic "Myo~n..." as we hit the ground.
> Get our human half into a sitting position.
> "Mmmmm...this might be more difficult than I thought..."
> Lie our phantom half down face up with legs toward our human half.
> You sit down in slight deflation, and have your phantom half lie down.
> "Weren't you carrying me just fine earlier? I'm not that heavy." Aya reminds you, seemingly oblivious so far.
> Actually, reposition our human half so we're lying on our stomach facing toward our phantom half.
> Is Aya's spirit able to see our human half from her current position, that we can tell?
> Phantom half: "I think I tried to lift you too high for myself that time, yeah..."
> Take hold of our phantom half's legs with our human half, open our human half's mouth, and try to (gently) pull our phantom half's legs into it (with Aya's body presumably going along for the ride).
> Actually, reposition our human half so we're lying on our stomach facing toward our phantom half.
> Is Aya's spirit able to see our human half from her current position, that we can tell?
> Phantom half: "I think I tried to lift you too high for myself that time, yeah..."
> Take hold of our phantom half's legs with our human half, open our human half's mouth, and try to (gently) pull our phantom half's legs into it (with Aya's body presumably going along for the ride).
> You lie down as well.
> You can't see her spirit from here, but your phantom half can see you, so you're not sure. Maybe she can, being a bit above her own body.
> It's... the view is blocked... Was she seriously prepared for this sort of occasion...?
> You can't fit both of your phantom half's legs in your mouth.
> Are they not malleable enough for us to squish them together?
> Are they not malleable enough for us to squish them together?
> Not with Aya's body in them.
> And we have now actively tried this and it didn't work?
> And we have now actively tried this and it didn't work?
> Yes. Myon's legs squeeze, until they get to Aya's own.
> Drat.
> Stand back up with our human half, then do the same with our phantom half.
> "I suppose we can walk there."
> Drat.
> Stand back up with our human half, then do the same with our phantom half.
> "I suppose we can walk there."
> You stand back up in defeat.
> "I'm in no rush, as long as we're headed there first."
> Grab Aya's news bag with our human half.
> Then set off toward the Hakurei Shrine on foot.
> "I wonder if Reimu fell victim to this too."
> Grab Aya's news bag with our human half.
> Then set off toward the Hakurei Shrine on foot.
> "I wonder if Reimu fell victim to this too."
> You take Aya's bag and start for the Hakurei Shrine.
> "How many people have you seen like this so far? It doesn't sound like just me."
> "Mister Shopkeeper. And myself, before I fixed myself."
> Ponder the types of incidents we could get away with if Reimu has been affected! Has Miss Yuyuko desired anything extraordinary lately?
> "Mister Shopkeeper. And myself, before I fixed myself."
> Ponder the types of incidents we could get away with if Reimu has been affected! Has Miss Yuyuko desired anything extraordinary lately?
> "And you didn't take too long getting to me. Maybe it was only in a certain area. Hopefully."
> She's been content. Though, there's other people that would get in the way of certain goals anyways, like Marisa.
> How does having an entire person inside us feel, anyway? Aside from heavy.
> In how much detail can we feel Aya's body, anyway?
> Human half: "Hopefully. Though I wouldn't mind carrying both you and Reimu around if it came to that."
> "Oh, by the way, can you try to get out of me? I'm curious if you can."
> How does having an entire person inside us feel, anyway? Aside from heavy.
> In how much detail can we feel Aya's body, anyway?
> Human half: "Hopefully. Though I wouldn't mind carrying both you and Reimu around if it came to that."
> "Oh, by the way, can you try to get out of me? I'm curious if you can."
> You aren't sure how to describe it. It's definitely not pleasant, at least. You'd like if you could get to the shrine sooner and place her down already.
> Not that much. You don't think you would be able to identify her as Aya if you were blinded then had her removed and replaced back in.
> "Is it really smart to do that now?" Aya asks.
> How attractive is Aya?
> "Well, it's easy enough to get you back in if we need to, now that we know what to do. But you don't have to if you don't want to."
> How attractive is Aya?
> "Well, it's easy enough to get you back in if we need to, now that we know what to do. But you don't have to if you don't want to."
> "I'll try when we get there.
> You think she beats you out... It's nothing you'd lose focus on your goal for, at least.
> Nod.
> "Sure."
> Keep on traveling, feel-checking from time to time if Aya's body or spirit feel like they're changing somehow as a result of being inside us.
> Nod.
> "Sure."
> Keep on traveling, feel-checking from time to time if Aya's body or spirit feel like they're changing somehow as a result of being inside us.
> You continue on to the Hakurei Shrine, nothing feeling weird along the way....
> You can see Reimu outside, though Marisa is here, too. They're both with their actual bodies...
> "Then why did you leave her there?" Reimu questions.
> "I didn't. She's on her way. It'll just take a bit." Marisa says.
> "You didn't offer her a ride?"
> "Well I think she wanted to gather herself at home first. I could've waited for her, but aren't you glad I got here before you ended up like that too?"
> "Hm... speaking of..." Reimu looks your way.
> "Ah, good, its not a global thing yet. There's still a chance for whoever did this to get done in." Aya comments.
> "So this is happening elsewhere?"
> "So this is happening elsewhere?"
> "Oh? Youmu? And Aya?" Marisa questions.
> "In the-... right..." Aya sighs.
> "Is she dead? No wait, is this the thing that happened to Alice? Ah, did you find her near the Human village?"
> "Was sorta close to it before I had to make that crash landing."
> "I just found Alice's dolls carrying her unconscious body from the village while I was out earlier. Could be a youkai attack on the village."
> "Did you check on the humans themselves?" Reimu asks.
> "Ah..."
> Human half: "That was the next step. It happened to me, but I fixed myself. It also happened to Mister Shopkeeper, but he seemed fine with being left by himself."
> Walk our phantom half up next to Reimu so she can inspect if she wishes.
> Human half: "So...what is it, anyway?"
> Human half: "That was the next step. It happened to me, but I fixed myself. It also happened to Mister Shopkeeper, but he seemed fine with being left by himself."
> Walk our phantom half up next to Reimu so she can inspect if she wishes.
> Human half: "So...what is it, anyway?"
> You approach Reimu.
> "So, I can crash here for a bit and keep my body safe, right?" Aya asks.
> "Rinnosuke doesn't get in people's way much." Marisa comments. "Interesting. Did you come here right after that happened?"
> "We could wait for Alice to arrive and tell us what happened."
> "Ah, she couldn't really communicate with me. Or at least, I had to with her dolls instead. They said she was like a little ghost of herself, but I only saw her body. Probably means Aya's ghost is here too."
> "Oh great, so they won't hear or see a thing I do, huh..." Aya laments.
> Could we fit Reimu inside our phantom half, given Aya's body is in there? If not all of her, how much of her might we be able to get in there?
> Give Aya's spirit a sympathetic look, then look back to Reimu.
> "She, uh...she is. And she's not thrilled that you can't see or hear her."
> Could we fit Reimu inside our phantom half, given Aya's body is in there? If not all of her, how much is her might we be able to get in there?
> Give Aya's spirit a sympathetic look, then look back to Reimu.
> "She, uh...she is. And she's not thrilled that you can't see or hear her."
> Just an arm or two with this space left... a head or other larger area part wouldn't work.
> "Oh? And you can?" Marisa asks. "Must be a benefit of having one foot in the grave already."
> "I can tell she's in your phantom half, but not as much specific without focusing on it." Reimu says.
> "So I'm just being ignored in the end." Aya further laments.
> "Must be rough being an early victim of this. I'd offer some snacks, but..."
> Aya sighs.
> "What did I do to get picked first like this?"
> Reach into our phantom half with a human half arm and gently pat Aya's body's back.
> "Sorry...we'll fix it as quickly as we can, okay?"
> Look back to Reimu.
> "How can you tell she's in there, anyway?"
> Alter our phantom half so it's back in its normal orbular form, and manipulate Aya's body to curl it up so it takes up less space. Reassess how much space is available in there is this is done.
> Reach into our phantom half with a human half arm and gently pat Aya's body's back.
> "Sorry...we'll fix it as quickly as we can, okay?"
> Look back to Reimu.
> "How can you tell she's in there, anyway?"
> Alter our phantom half so it's back in its normal orbular form, and manipulate Aya's body to curl it up so it takes up less space. Reassess how much space is available in there is this is done.
> "You get used to noticing immaterial things when you have a profession like this." Reimu answers.
> You return your phantom half to it's usual form, trying to curl up Aya's body within - though, it's not working well. It doesn't seem to rest in a very curled up state.
> "I don't think you should be playing with a reporter's body like that. Or anyone's." Marisa comments.
> Aya moves towards the end of your Phantom half, slipping out suddenly.
> "Yeah, you should just leave her with me..." Reimu seems to agree.
> "I'd joke about being worried on what you plan on doing to me when we're alone, but I'll just settle for being in reliable hands..." Aya comments.
> Frown a bit at Aya's spirit.
> "Fine. See if I do anything nice for you again."
> Frown at Aya's spirit.
> "Fine. See if I do anything nice for you again."
> "Hey, I've seen you crash your phantom half into people to fight. It was either I get jumbled around like a toy in a jar, or I'm defended by someone with half as much fighting power as your usual fighter."
> "She's got a good point there." Reimu points out.
> "So Aya fell to this?" You hear another voice from behind, you think Alice's? "Anyone else?"
> Have a look at the newcomer.
> Have a look at the newcomer.
> You turn to see.
> It is indeed Alice. Though, she's not a spirit like Marisa claimed. She's all good and well...
> "Look at you, taking your sweet time to get here. I guess that has to do with how you're in one piece now?" Marisa questions.
> "Mm. I'd rather we figure out who's doing this instead of trying to fix everyone that ends up like that." Alice comments.
> "And here I was, about to ask for her put me back to normal, too..." Aya sighs.
> "That depends on how you ended up like this." Alice comments, approaching Aya and your phantom half. "What's the use of doing it if you're just going to get caught again?"
> "Um..."
> "You wouldn't sit still if you're fine and able either, would you?"
> "Ugh, I get it..."
> "Do you know how it happened, then?"
> If Alice makes to interact with our phantom half somehow, allow it. Engulf her (or whatever of her we can take) if she appears to be going for Aya's body specifically.
> "Do you know how it happened, then?"
> If Alice makes to interact with our phantom half somehow, allow it. Engulf her (or whatever of her we can take) if she appears to be going for Aya's body specifically.
> "I'm afraid not. One moment, I'm fine and doing a performance in the Human Village, the next, everyone's down and I'm floating outside my body. I want to say it was a bit familiar, however, I don't remember feeling anything that could've affected someone this strongly. And not so many people at once."
> "Hey, so that means the Human Village is in danger since they might just float away in a panic." Aya speaks. "You should send me to help. I'm fast-"
> "Can you even see the other spirits when you're in your body?" Alice asks. "Actually, could this be the work of your mistress?" Alice turns to you.
> You're sure it isn't. Not just in defense of Lady Yuyuko, but also because it's something different, and she wasn't even around you when you lost consciousness - unless she followed you secretly... either way, it doesn't feel like her abilities.
> "If it is, then it's news to me that she can do this. For however much present company believes me when I say that."
> "Anyway, do you need me to do a runner to the Human Village and corral them?"
> "If it is, then it's news to me that she can do this. For however much present company believes me when I say that."
> "Anyway, do you need me to do a runner to the Human Village and corral them?"
> "I doubt your phantom half can hold that many people. We should just hope someone there keeps the village calm and in place." Alice says. "If not, then it's too late to try anything and they'd have just flown out everywhere by now."
> "Bodies, no, but spirits? Probably. You'd be surprised how malleable they are."
> "Bodies, no, but spirits? Probably. You'd be surprised how malleable they are."
> "Again, those souls are probably scattered all about Gensokyo by now." Alice says.
> "I suppose it doesn't hurt to go check." Marisa comments. "At least, for one of you that won't get got by that."
> "Well, I did get got, but I fixed myself really easily. And even if it's unwise to try collecting spirits of victims, if this incident is localized to being near the Human Village, shouldn't we be investigating that area for whoever did it?"
> "Well, I did get got, but I fixed myself really easily. And even if it's unwise to try collecting spirits of victims, if this incident is localized to being near the Human Village, shouldn't we be investigating that area for whoever did it?"
> "That would help, yes." Reimu agrees.
> Change our phantom half back to a human-half shape.
> "Alright, I'll take care of that, then."
> Change our phantom half back to a human-half shape.
> "Alright, I'll take care of that, then."
> You return your phantom half to humanoid form.
> "Leaving Aya and anyone else you find in Reimu's care should be good." Alice comments. "Sorry if that's annoy-"
> "No, I'm in agreement to it. The Hakurei Shrine being a safe haven would be good after all." Reimu says.
> Glance over at our phantom half with our human half, then look back at the speakers with a slightly sheepish look.
> "I'll, uh, do my best...I don't suppose anyone here knows how I might be able to grow my phantom half even bigger than it already has?"
> Glance over at our phantom half with our human half, then look back at the speakers with a slightly sheepish look.
> "I'll, uh, do my best...I don't suppose anyone here knows how I might be able to grow my phantom half even bigger than it already has?"
> "I might have an idea or two." Alice says.
> "It'd be appreciated. I don't mind bringing people here, but doing it one at a time would slow me way down."
> "It'd be appreciated. I don't mind bringing people here, but doing it one at a time would slow me way down."
> Alice... doesn't respond? Seems she's just waiting?
> ...
> Shuffle in place awkwardly while looking around.
> ...
> Shuffle in place awkwardly while looking around.
> Alice crosses her arms.
> "Um...?" Aya questions.
> Check on Aya's spirit. Is it changing somehow?
> If not, look back to Alice.
> "...Oh, um...are you waiting for this?"
> Engulf as much of Alice as we can with our phantom half.
> Check on Aya's spirit. Is it changing somehow?
> If not, look back to Alice.
> "...Oh, um...are you waiting for this?"
> Engulf as much of Alice as we can with our phantom half.
> You don't think so.
> You-... You feel a bit scared to try, honestly. Alice herself isn't that scary, but it's like being asked to toss, no, throw an egg at Yuyuko's face. There's a chance she'll catch it and thank you, but also that it'll just break over her face and... You'd rather not imagine.
> "Are you really that hung up on keeping hold of Aya? I think she's just waiting for that." Reimu comments.
> Blink.
> "Oh. Whoops."
> Gently set Aya's body down on the floor and let go of her.
> Blink.
> "Oh. Whoops."
> Gently set Aya's body down on the floor and let go of her.
> You remove Aya's body from Myon and set her down.
> "Mostly a please, but whatever..." Alice sighs. "It seems like you already made your phantom half a bit bigger than it usually is. Though... I think that's because you've got a part of your human spirit in it. I'm pretty sure your phantom was your uh, spirit, but I guess something else must've tried to make your human form part of it? Can you do that any further, or undo that?"
> "Oh, that? Uh, well, after my human half got knocked out and I was just my phantom half, I engulfed myself to see if that would fix my human half. I guess that changed me? I thought I was feeling a bit off-balance..."
> "Anyway, I guess I could try that again and see if it changes anything."
> "Oh, that? Uh, well, after my human half got knocked out and I was just my phantom half, I engulfed myself to see if that would fix my human half. I guess that changed me? I thought I was feeling a bit off-balance..."
> "Anyway, I guess I could try that again and see if it changes anything."
> Alice shrugs, having her dolls carry Aya off into Reimu's shrine.
> The Tengu's spirit follows the dolls and her body worriedly.
> Hmm. If we hugged Alice with our human half, would that bring us close enough to engulf both bodies with our phantom half?
> Hmm. If we hugged Alice with our human half, would that bring us close enough to engulf both bodies with our phantom half?
> You think so?
> "Oh, and...I promise this isn't judgmental, it's just logistical, but will you be doing anything to me yourself that will need physical contact?"
> "Oh, and...I promise this isn't judgmental, it's just logistical, but will you be doing anything to me yourself that will need physical contact?"
> "No. I mean, it's concerning your phantom half. Why would anything physical be done, especially by someone else?"
> "I didn't know if any of your ideas involved you using magic on me or something."
> "I didn't know if any of your ideas involved you using magic on me or something."
> "An idea might."
> Do we know if it is possible for someone to breathe while their head is within our phantom half?
> "...Then, may I hug you for this process?"
> Do we know if it is possible for someone to breathe while their head is within our phantom half?
> "...Then, may I hug you for this process?"
> You don't know.
> "...I could give you a doll, if you want." Alice responds.
> "...No, that's okay. If you don't want to yourself, then I'm fine. Thank you for the offer, though."
> "...No, that's okay. If you don't want to yourself, then I'm fine. Thank you for the offer, though."
> "So, are you going to try your thing again?" Alice questions. "With your spirit."
> "That was why I was asking for that hug, and if you had plans that involved physical contact. We can do that and phantom engulfing at the same time."
> Hover our phantom half into the air, above head level.
> "That was why I was asking for that hug, and if you had plans that involved physical contact. We can do that and phantom engulfing at the same time."
> Hover our phantom half into the air, above head level.
> "I thought you'd use your own, not mine."
> "I thought we could use both."
> Hover our phantom half over our human half.
> "I thought we could use both."
> Hover our phantom half over our human half.
> You float above yourself.
> "Use someone else. Like Marisa."
> "Huh? Why me?" Marisa questions.
> "Because Reimu is Reimu, I can fix this issue, and Aya isn't in great condition."
> "Mrr... fine." Marisa walks over, arms behind her head. "So what experiment are you working on, Youmu? Give this test subject some insight at least."
> "Trying to make my phantom half larger, so I can rescue more people if I need to. It got bigger once when I woke my human half back up, we're seeing if it'll happen again."
> Open our human half arms in an expecting-a-hug pose.
> "Trying to make my phantom half larger, so I can rescue more people if I need to. It got bigger once when I woke my human half back up, we're seeing if it'll happen again."
> Open our human half arms in an expecting-a-hug pose.
> "Well, just don't kill me. Or cripple me, if you can help it." Marisa hugs you.
> "A-Ahem, you should be fine. She already did part of this to herself, apparently." Alice comments.
> Nod slightly and return the hug.
> Lower our phantom half onto Marisa and our human half to fully engulf them both.
> Nod slightly and return the hug.
> Lower our phantom half onto Marisa and our human half to fully engulf them both.
> You hold onto Marisa and try to engulf the both of you.
> Again, your phantom half is pushed away when trying to engulf yourself...
> Try pushing our human half into our phantom half, then.
> Try pushing our human half into our phantom half, then.
> The same thing happens - your half phantom is pushed away.
> Maybe you could trick it and try to pass through your human half like with Aya?
> Hmm...
> How does Marisa's body compare to our human half?
> Is there anything immediately around we could 'hide' inside, like a box or something, even just partially?
> Hmm...
> How does Marisa's body compare to our human half?
> Is there anything immediately around we could 'hide' inside, like a box or something, even just partially?
> She's about your height. And similar sizes too. Maybe bigger in some places...
> There's Reimu's donation box. And the two buildings here, such as the shrine.
> "...Would you mind putting your hat on me for a moment?"
> Lift our phantom half up a bit to make room.
> "...Would you mind putting your hat on me for a moment?"
> Lift our phantom half up a bit to make room.
> "Mm... I would mind." Marisa comments, holding onto her hat with a hand.
> "'Kay. In that case, I don't think this is going to work, short of us hiding in the donation box or something. I can't actually engulf myself anymore, for some reason."
> "'Kay. In that case, I don't think this is going to work, short of us hiding in the donation box or something. I can't actually engulf myself anymore, for some reason."
> "Maybe it's because you're already inside your phantom? In a way. And can't engulf yourself twice?" Alice theorizes. "I could try and undo that for you and see if that helps."
> "Please, if you're willing."
> Float Myon over to Alice.
> "Please, if you're willing."
> Float Myon over to Alice.
> You start to float Myon over Alice's way.
> "I need you both to close your eyes and not peek, though." Alice adds.
> Both? Ah, you suppose Reimu went inside.
> Can we see out of Myon while she's not human-shaped?
> Nod with Youmu and close her eyes.
> Can we see out of Myon while she's not human-shaped?
> Nod with Youmu and close her eyes.
> Yes.
> You close your eyes.
> "Not peeking, right?" Alice questions.
> "Yes, yes, I'm not peeking. I know better." Marisa speaks.
> Youmu: "My eyes are closed."
> Youmu: "My eyes are closed."
> "Alright, Reimu, don't come out yet."
> "Hm?" You hear Reimu question.
> Alice retrieves a book, seemingly starting to open it.
> There's an incredible force of magic...
> Magic that you should not witness.
> Magic that possesses the power to create. True creation. And more. So much more.
> You can't know of this, especially not more. You won't be able to go back. But it's already being used on you. You can't just ignore these feelings. Something, anything needs to be done!
> ...
> "Okay... You can open them now." Alice says.
> "You do some sort of trick? I kinda felt something." Marisa asks.
> "That's a secret."
> "First Reimu has her cheats, and now you, huh. I'm being left behind."
> There was a bit of a tingle, but you feel fine otherwise. You seem a bit bigger than Marisa now, though her sizes more match yours now, you think.
> Strangely, though, you don't feel your phantom half much.
> What's more, it's no longer floating. It's kinda just lying limp on the ground...
> "...Um..."
> Walk over to Myon and pick her up.
> "...Um..."
> Walk over to Myon and pick her up.
> You pick up your phantom half.
> You do feel it a bit, but there's something wrong.
> "Ah. Is it dead? Alice, what did you do?" Marisa questions.
> "Nothing. This was fine with myself. You sure you didn't do anything?"
> "I'm not stupid enough to act out during your experiments. Half of them are about dolls exploding violently, and the serious bits aren't for joking around."
> Adopt a dawning look of realization.
> "...Oh. ...I closed my eyes, but my phantom half didn't have any eyes to close..."
> Adopt a dawning look of realization.
> "...Oh. ...I closed my eyes, but my phantom half didn't have any eyes to close..."
> Alice facepalms.
> "That's why I said no peeking either. I'm not sure what sort of effects it could have on others, but I'm sure being exposed to the ultimate magic wouldn't be good."
> "The ultimate magic? Ooh, is that your grimoire?" Marisa questions.
> "No. It's just a diluted form for less use like now." Alice clears her throat. "Anyways, what I was trying worked, but this is your mess to figure out now." She crosses her arms. "I'm not trying anything else with you if I can't trust you with these sorts of things."
> "You sure that's not a bit harsh?"
> "I gave proper warning with the information I knew of and even asked again just in case. And it's not... dead, from what I can tell. Just incapacitated. Or confused. Or maybe just lost. That phantom half will be fine eventually, I believe." Alice still sounds annoyed.
> "..."
> Carry Myon out of the Hakurei Shrine with a defeated look.
> "..."
> Carry Myon out of the Hakurei Shrine with a defeated look.
> You're not inside the Shrine itself.
> Take flight and begin the trip back to the Human Village, then.
> Take flight and begin the trip back to the Human Village, then.
> You start off fo-
> "Hey, don't you have a sword that can get rid of confusion?" Marisa questions before you leave.
> Oh, right, that.
> Have we ever stabbed ourselves before in that fashion?
> Oh, right, that.
> Have we ever stabbed ourselves before in that fashion?
> You haven't.
> Do we know how we would possibly cut the confusion away from our phantom half without simply stabbing ourselves?
> Do we know how we would possibly cut the confusion away from our phantom half without simply stabbing ourselves?
> You can do that with just a cut. It doesn't have to be anything deep. You probably wouldn't even need to draw blood. ...not that your phantom half can bleed.
> "..."
> Set Myon down on the ground.
> Then use Hakurouken to cut her confusion.
> "..."
> Set Myon down on the ground.
> Then use Hakurouken to cut her confusion.
> You set Myon down, and carefully attempt to cut away at any confusion.
> Ah, too deep! No, wait, you didn't cut yourself that bad. Ah, it was just feeling Myon again.
> Your phantom half begins floating again. Still, that wasn't a pleasant sting / shock. On Myon's end, it felt like you were stuck in some sort of maze and something about tea, you think... Hopefully that was it and-
> "Hopefully there's no lingering effects from that..." Alice speaks.
> "So uh, how would you have fixed Aya, or anyone else for that matter with that trick of yours if that sort of thing happens from them witnessing it?" Marisa asks.
> "This was a different case from my own." Alice answers. "Her spirit should be all in herself now, and her phantom's in itself, too. Not one in the other like earlier. See?" Alice gestures. "Her phantom half isn't as large as before."
> Reform Myon so she looks like Youmu, as we usually do. Compare the two to see if there are any obvious differences in size and shape.
> Then have Myon turn to Alice and bow apologetically.
> Myon, if she can: "Thank you for your help, and apologies for letting you down."
> Reform Myon so she looks like Youmu, as we usually do. Compare the two to see if there are any obvious differences in size and shape.
> Then have Myon turn to Alice and bow apologetically.
> Myon, if she can: "Thank you for your help, and apologies for letting you down."
> You have your phantom half take your shape and compare the two of you.
> You look similar again... Neither are bigger than the other.
> You bow, but it doesn't seem like you can speak anymore. And here you were hoping it was a latent ability you just had to realize... Would've been tremendously useful in fights and reconnaissance.
> Human half: "...Thanks. ...And...sorry."
> Human half: "...Thanks. ...And...sorry."
> "Well, that's better than how a lot of people act." Alice responds. "Just be more careful with instructions."
> "Hey Alice, if you're not doing anything, why don't you go out with her?" Marisa suggests. "Since you can undo this, for yourself at least, and Youmu can too."
> "Well, it sounds like a good way to corner the culprit." Reimu agrees, peering out from the shrine.
> "If you wish."
> "If you wish."
> "I suppose I would like to get back at them for ruining the show." Alice considers. "Alright."
> Nod.
> "Are you ready, or do you need a moment to prepare?"
> Nod.
> "Are you ready, or do you need a moment to prepare?"
> "I'm all ready." Alice answers.
> "Alright."
> Take flight and head back in the direction of the Human Village.
> "Alright."
> Take flight and head back in the direction of the Human Village.
> You fly off for the Human Village, with Myon and Alice in tow.
> As you approach, you notice a strange sight. There are indeed human souls out and about, but they're only in the village... moreover, they seem packed more densly deeper in the village.
> there aren't many bodies lying around either. Compared to the spirits at least, there's more of them and less of bodies.
> That still confirms that the village got got...
> Point out the concentration deeper into town.
> "Look. That's kinda weird."
> Point out the concentration deeper into town.
> "Look. That's kinda weird."
> "Mm. I wonder..." Alice heads onwards. "They're collected pretty well."
> You can hear a commotion deeper in as well.
> Frown a bit.
> Quietly: "I can hear something else going on in that direction, too."
> Frown a bit.
> Quietly: "I can hear something else going on in that direction, too."
> "Then let's investigate." Alice continues, starting to lose you their the crowd of spirits. Though they seem headed somewhere now.
> You feel like Myon is being tugged on towards that way, too.
> Does she feel like she's being mentally compelled, or physically dragged?
> Does she feel like she's being mentally compelled, or physically dragged?
> Only physically. Like the wind blowing her, rather than someone pulling her.
> If Myon is not presently humanoid-shaped, make her so.
> Then grab one of Myon's hands with one of Youmu's hands, and hurry after Alice.
> Quietly: "Wait! Something is pulling my phantom half!"
> If Myon is not presently humanoid-shaped, make her so.
> Then grab one of Myon's hands with one of Youmu's hands, and hurry after Alice.
> Quietly: "Wait! Something is pulling my phantom half!"
> You follow after Alice, soon coming upon an answer to that consideration.
> It's that zombie girl. She's pulling spirits towards her. Though only a certain distance.
> And... Toyosomething Miko, was it? She's speaking to the spirits crowded around.
> Though, she's only a soul herself...
> that girl that the zombie follows is also present.
> Are the zombie and her master spirits?
> "...Oh."
> She's probably preaching crowd control of some kind. Let's get closer and listen in.
> Are the zombie and her master spirits?
> "...Oh."
> She's probably preaching crowd control of some kind. Let's get closer and listen in.
> No.
> You approach, as Alice continues to do so too.
> Myon stops being pulled in as well.
> "know you're very distressed about the situation, especially with the uncertainty of what may happen to your bodies, but please remain relatively calm and don't worry." Miko speaks.
> "Your bodies all seem to be fine, just... asleep, you could say." The zombie's master explains. "I don't think you'll catch any sickness or such while this is going on. Though, maybe you'll get skinny from not eating and-"
> "We still have more room in the temple." Byakuren shows up on stage, heading next to Miko. "In a few minutes, you'll all be safe and sound in there. We'll do our best to make sure you're all alright, so please don't go flying out and away from the village before this is over."
> "I'm sure there's people already looking into this - in fact." Miko glances down towards you and Alice. "Miss Puppeteer, is that you?"
> Is Byakuren a spirit, or does she have her physical body?
> Give Miko a neutral face of displeasure.
> "We are here to investigate this incident, yes."
> Is Byakuren a spirit, or does she have her physical body?
> Give Miko a neutral face of displeasure.
> "We are here to investigate this incident, yes."
> She's in her full body. The only one not like such is Miko.
> "Mm, please excuse me." Miko explains. "My query was meant for miss Margatroid's current condition, contrary to her previous one."
> "I was performing at the village just earlier today when this happened, and I was affected too, if that's what you're asking." Alice speaks up, to which Miko nods.
> "And how have you managed to recover so quickly?" Miko asks, to which the audience also seems to wonder, given they're pausing and slowing down in their leading to elsewhere.
> "Let's say it's thanks to how I can weave life into my dolls." Alice answers.
> Blink.
> "Oh."
> "...Uh, well...I don't suppose any of you have any theories as to what happened?"
> Blink.
> "Oh."
> "...Uh, well...I don't suppose any of you have any theories as to what happened?"
> "We-"
> "This probably isn't the place to discuss that sort of thing, at least not right now." Byakuren speaks.
> "Why not? The good people deserve to know the plans we have to fix this, don't they?" the zombie master comments.
> "Seiga, we don't have any-"
> "We don't have the leisure to explain them to everyone here." Alice interrupts hastily. "We just came from the Hakurei Shrine, and though we are investigating this issue, there's the consideration that this is something between life and death caused by someone or something. If that's the case, getting too happy over a surefire plan and knowing you'll have nothing to worry about might cause people to leave this world with no regrets - even if by accident."
> This seems to worry the people...'s spirits around slightly.
> "Mmm. Let me alter the question slightly, then, because those details are probably going to be lost on me anyway. Do you happen to have any ideas who might have caused this, or where it might have started?"
> "Mmm. Let me alter the question slightly, then, because those details are probably going to be lost on me anyway. Do you happen to have any ideas who might have caused this, or where it might have started?"
> "We think it started here." Miko says.
> "Yoshika dear hasn't managed to pull any others from outside the village. Except for a couple in the direction of that lake." Seiga says.
> Nod.
> "Anywhere you think you can rule out, to make searching easier?"
> Nod.
> "Anywhere you think you can rule out, to make searching easier?"
> Miko shakes her head, while Seiga gives a shrug.
> "I haven't noticed this happen to anymore people in the village, so maybe it's safe now, at least." Hijiri says.
> "Which means either this was a one-and-done, or the culprit is on the move."
> "Which means either this was a one-and-done, or the culprit is on the move."
> "We'll hold the fort here if you plan on investigating further." Miko says.
> "If you say miss puppeteer managed to fix herself from how you are now, why not ask her to do so for you, too." Seiga questions.
> "If you wouldn't mind." Miko speaks.
> Look away in slight embarrassment.
> "If she tells you not to look, she means it. Don't look. ...And don't ask me how I know."
> Look away in slight embarrassment.
> "If she tells you not to look, she means it. Don't look. ...And don't ask me how I know."
> "Hm?" Miko questions.
> "Well, it's something I've only done twice now. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it here and now anyways..." Alice glances around.
> "Oh. Should we bring her with us, then?"
> "Oh. Should we bring her with us, then?"
> "If you'd like to try it." Alice looks over to Miko.
> Miko nods.
> "Then lets. Where should we head?" Alice asks.
> How does Myon compare in size to Miko's body?
> Float down to where Miko is while waiting for her to answer the question.
> How does Myon compare in size to Miko's body?
> Float down to where Miko is while waiting for her to answer the question.
> Myon is big enough to carry her still. Though there'd be less room than with Aya previously. Maybe because she shrank back to usual size.
> "Well, we could just head outside the village I'm sure." Miko suggests.
> "That'll do." Alice gestures, her dolls lifting Miko's body carefully, before starting for the way you came.
> To Miko's spirit: "Would you like me to carry this half of you?"
> To Miko's spirit: "Would you like me to carry this half of you?"
> "I'm alright. It doesn't seem tiring to just move around like this." Miko follows Alice.
> Follow!
> Follow!
> You follow Alice out of the village.
> "Alright." She stops once you're a good deal away from view. "Let's maybe try a bit less this time."
> The puppeteer gestures towards Miko, while the spirit looms over her body.
> You think you can see strings coming from Alice's hands, to Miko's body and soul.
> Miko seems to have no complaints, and you don't feel anything weird happening to you either. Though it still feels like a lot is put into those strings.
> ... intrusive thoughts make you want to try cutting them, to see how resistant they are like this.
> No! No no no! Do not interfere in whatever this is! We already messed up big-time once and made a total ass of ourselves, do not do it again.
> Close our eyes and cover them with our hands, both halves of us.
> No! No no no! Do not interfere in whatever this is! We already messed up big-time once and made a total ass of ourselves, do not do it again.
> Close our eyes and cover them with our hands, both halves of us.
> You close your eyes and cover your face. You try with your phantom half as well.
> After a few moments of silence, Miko finally speaks up.
> "That wasn't so bad. And you say this was your third time doing this now?"
> "Yes. I think I've got it down now." Alice responds. "Seems it was just a matter of breaking it out."
> "You're quite impressive."
> "Can I look now?"
> "Can I look now?"
> "Yes. I didn't say you couldn't." Alice says.
> "I'm not taking any more chances."
> Uncover and open our eyes with both halves.
> "I'm not taking any more chances."
> Uncover and open our eyes with both halves.
> "You shouldn't have to. I probably won't have to do it that way anymore." Alice says, as you uncover your vision.
> Indeed, Miko is back in her body.
> "Oh, okay."
> Frown a bit.
> "I wish I could figure out how to do that for others. The most I could do was get both Aya's spirit and her body inside my phantom half, and that didn't do anything to either of us."
> "Oh, okay."
> Frown a bit.
> "I wish I could figure out how to do that for others. The most I could do was get both Aya's spirit and her body inside my phantom half, and that didn't do anything to either of us."
> "Some people are better at things than others." Miko shrugs. "And some have other ways of accomplishing things, too."
> "I suppose. Anyway, shall we?"
> "I suppose. Anyway, shall we?"
> "We still don't have any leads on where else we should go." Miko speaks.
> "We could try the lake?"
> "We could try the lake?"
> "I guess it's close enough. And we know the Hakurei Shrine is fine, so that should be a good place to check instead." Alice agrees.
> "Works."
> Head in the direction of the lake.
> "Miss Miko, you dabble in divine spirits, right? Do you have any ideas how I might be able to interact with people's spirits with my phantom half?"
> "Works."
> Head in the direction of the lake.
> "Miss Miko, you dabble in divine spirits, right? Do you have any ideas how I might be able to interact with people's spirits with my phantom half?"
> You start for the lake, the two following along.
> "In what ways do you mean?"
> "I'm not really sure. It's admittedly an open-ended question, but that's because it's an open-ended matter for me. I guess my goal in putting Aya's spirit and body into my phantom was to see if being in there would get them to recombine. Or if her spirit being in my phantom would combine her with my phantom and give her a replacement body, I guess."
> "I'm not really sure. It's admittedly an open-ended question, but that's because it's an open-ended matter for me. I guess my goal in putting Aya's spirit and body into my phantom was to see if being in there would get them to recombine. Or if her spirit being in my phantom would combine her with my phantom and give her a replacement body, I guess."
> "Perhaps you would need someone who doesn't feel as independent. Though if you could find a spirit or such that is like that and doesn't want to remain a spirit or return to their body, who knows if they'll simply pass on in a few moments instead of be susceptible to such outcomes?"
> "...I guess I didn't just directly ask her if she wanted to try joining with my phantom to use it as a temporary body."
> "...I guess I didn't just directly ask her if she wanted to try joining with my phantom to use it as a temporary body."
> "Did you at least feel anything weird from her being inside you?"
> "A little something when her body went in, and a little something when I got her spirit in, which was a lot more difficult. Something related to my swords both times. I'm not really sure how to describe it."
> "A little something when her body went in, and a little something when I got her spirit in, which was a lot more difficult. Something related to my swords both times. I'm not really sure how to describe it."
> "Maybe that's where you got a connection, if any?"
> "Through my swords, you mean?"
> "Through my swords, you mean?"
> Miko nods.
> What supernatural properties do our swords have?
> What supernatural properties do our swords have?
> Dispelling confusion and, well, being impressive in a few ways. Humans shouldn't be able to handle something like this.
> "Huh...I have no idea why they might be able to, with what I know about them..."
> "Huh...I have no idea why they might be able to, with what I know about them..."
> "Well what did you find out with them?" Miko questions.
> "For this incident? Nothing."
> "...Well, there was the time my phantom came into contact with Mister Shopkeeper's body, and after getting a strange sensation and pulling away, I had a thought form about how 'they're sword sheathes'. Almost like it was someone else's thought about what I had with me that got suddenly planted into my head. I have no idea why it happened."
> "For this incident? Nothing."
> "...Well, there was the time my phantom came into contact with Mister Shopkeeper's body, and after getting a strange sensation and pulling away, I had a thought form about how 'they're sword sheathes'. Almost like it was someone else's thought about what I had with me that got suddenly planted into my head. I have no idea why it happened."
> "I suppose I'd be able to help better if I could witness such a thing.
> You've already passed by Kourindou though. You can see the lake and it's mist up ahead. Though, given the fairies flying about, maybe this place wasn't hit?
> Gesture at the fairies.
> "Looks like things are okay over here, at least."
> "Anyway, I'd be happy to demonstrate if we come across someone that's been separated. Or we could even try on you, if you're willing and Alice can re-separate you."
> Gesture at the fairies.
> "Looks like things are okay over here, at least."
> "Anyway, I'd be happy to demonstrate if we come across someone that's been separated. Or we could even try on you, if you're willing and Alice can re-separate you."
> "I certainly wouldn't want allegations that I'm the culprit to arise if I know how to do such." Alice argues.
> "Excuse me but, are you two seeing this?" Miko questions, heading ahead.
> "Hm?" Alice questions.
> She continues a bit further, before gesturing ahead.
> You... can't see back here. Thanks to the mist...
> Move forward to where she is and re-look.
> Move forward to where she is and re-look.
> You follow along and squint.
> ...
> Some fairies are struggling to hold something in their arms.
> Every few seconds, one of them drops to the floor, and another comes to take their place in hold-
> Ah, their spirits are coming out, too!
> The fairies are countering this by... taking out the fairies that fall. Though, those spirits are starting to attack the fairies back.
> With the struggle, you can see what's in the fairy's arms. It's a cat. A black cat, with two tails, and a weird ribbon on it's head. You think weird because it looks very strangely colored.
> How large or small is the cat? Could we carry it ourselves?
> "...Huh. That's...unexpected."
> "...Should we involve ourselves?"
> How large or small is the cat? Could we carry it ourselves?
> "...Huh. That's...unexpected."
> "...Should we involve ourselves?"
> It's a cat sized cat. Not kitten, but cat. You could easily carry it in one arm.
> "If I'm not mistaken, that's that Kasha from the underworld." Alice comments. "What's she doing up here?"
> "You've encountered it before?" Miko asks.
> "Yes, well, not exactly. But that is her, I believe. She has a humanoid form too, and can control spirits. I suppose she's our culprit, or at least-"
> "A likely candidate. Worth getting involved with either way, no?" Miko looks to you.
> Does the cat have a visible spirit?
> Does the cat have a visible spirit?
> It does not.
> Do we know of this person?
> "Sounds good enough to me."
> Begin walking toward the fairies with the cat.
> Do we know of this person?
> "Sounds good enough to me."
> Begin walking toward the fairies with the cat.
> You do not. You don't think you've met her before either.
> You approach the scene.
> "I don't think all of this is worth holding onto this stupid cat." A fairy argues.
> "I don't wanna just lose though!"
> "How do we win if it just keeps making us fall asleep?" Another fairy questions.
> "We should tire it out! There's plenty of us!"
> "Pardon us, but what is happening here?"
> "Pardon us, but what is happening here?"
> "Cat!" The fairies all speak in... explanation.
> One of the spirits manages to take the chance to attack the vulnerable holder of the cat, making her release it.
> The cat jumps off towards the ground, but the fairies are quick to fly after it.
> Try to have our phantom half run for this cat to catch it!
> Try to have our phantom half run for this cat to catch it!
> You send your phantom half after the cat. The fairies almost make it, though once the cat hits the ground, it rushes off at a higher speed than the fairies can keep up.
> You, however, are another case, and your phantom half easily catches up to and grabs-
> Ah, the cat evaded you...
> E-Even with keeping pace, it seems like the cat is one step ahead of every movement you make to catch it. How did the fairies catch it in the first place when you can't?
> Then again, you feel like you're screwing up every time you go to grab it.
> Alice and Miko head for the cat to catch up
> How far apart can our halves be?
> How far apart can our halves be?
> You haven't tested before. It's usually a bad idea to go far from one of your halves, since it means you have to pay attention to both of your bodies and the area around at the same time.
> Chase after the cat with our human half as well, then, trying to keep our human on one side of it and our phantom on the other to restrict its movements.
> Chase after the cat with our human half as well, then, trying to keep our human on one side of it and our phantom on the other to restrict its movements.
> You follow the two after the cat, outspeeding both of them, though the dolls Alice is starting to send do keep up a little.
> You've got the cat sandwiched in position between you and your phantom half now.
> Prepare our human half to Receive Cat.
> Then bank toward the cat with our phantom half with the goal of driving it toward our human half, which we can then use to scoop it up.
> Prepare our human half to Receive Cat.
> Then bank toward the cat with our phantom half with the goal of driving it toward our human half, which we can then use to scoop it up.
> Your phantom half dives a bit lower than you intend, with the cat jumping into the air, then using Myon as a footstool to break for the opposite direction.
> A good plan, if not for Alice's dolls immediately converging on it like beasts.
> By the time Myon bounces off the ground, the cat is strung up in place by multiple dolls and strings, with Alice and Miko starting to slow down as they catch up.
> Have our human help our phantom back up as we all gather together.
> Have our human help our phantom back up as we all gather together.
> You link back up with the others.
> "Alright Orin, don't try anything funny. Your trick of the day won't work on me." Alice warns.
> The cat shakes it's head, and Alice soon falls to the gro-
> Ah, some of her dolls catch her, and she quickly recovers before you can see much of her spirit leave.
> The dolls retaliate by spraying the cat's face with water, causing it to cry out in discomfort and struggle.
> "That's strange." Miko notes.
> Human: "What is it?"
> Move our phantom half to the cat and fully engulf it, taking in whatever dolls and strings that are along the way so that they can keep the cat secured.
> Human: "What is it?"
> Move our phantom half to the cat and fully engulf it, taking in whatever dolls and strings that are along the way so that they can keep the cat secured.
> You try to engulf the cat, but it seems like you're kept firmly at bay from it. Likely by the cat itself.
> "It doesn't seem like it's doing this on purpose." Miko speaks. "At least, it doesn't want to."
> Back off from the cat, then.
> "I see...a shame it can't talk to us and tell us what's wrong."
> Back off from the cat, then.
> "I see...a shame it can't talk to us and tell us what's wrong."
> You back away.
> "Then just turn back into a form that can speak." Alice says.
> The cat meows.
> "You sure are making this harder than it has to be for us." Alice sighs.
> Frown a bit in concern.
> "If there's information you can provide on this matter, we'd appreciate it."
> Frown a bit in concern.
> "If there's information you can provide on this matter, we'd appreciate it."
> "Maybe it can't?" Miko considers.
> "What a pain. Then-"
> Alice is interrupted by the spirit thing happening again. Though she recovers, she's notably annoyed.
> "What do we do with her, then?" Alice frowns.
> Do we know of any mind readers?
> Do we know of any mind readers?
> You believe you do. A pink haired one, from the underground. You remember her name being Satori.
> "We could bring her to a mind-reader, maybe?"
> "We could bring her to a mind-reader, maybe?"
> "Her master is a mind reader." Alice explains. "Satori Komeiji. And the underground isn't exactly open to anyone waltzing in from the surface."
> "If it's for an incident, we could just sneak there for a moment." Miko suggests.
> What are the fairies up to at the moment? Consider both those that are all together and those whose spirits are separated from their bodies.
> Shrug.
> "We could also just tell Reimu about this and ask permission."
> What are the fairies up to at the moment? Consider both those that are all together and those whose spirits are separated from their bodies.
> Shrug.
> "We could also just tell Reimu about this and ask permission."
> None of them followed you for long. There's no more spirit fairies lying about, as it seems they've resurrected from their comrades finishing them off. The mist makes it difficult to see if they're arguing, talking, or going back to playing or something else.
> "It'll be quicker and easier if we just pop in for a moment to ask miss Satori about this."
> "Alright. I'm fine with that, then. How do we get there?"
> "Alright. I'm fine with that, then. How do we get there?"
> "Just take my hand. It seems some people have trouble understanding it if I try to explain." Miko scratches her head.
> Alice shrugs and does so. Her dolls grab onto her hand, still holding the cat closely.
> One of the dolls seems like it's threatening the cat...
> "Uh, is that doll threatening the cat...?"
> Take Miko's other hand.
> "Uh, is that doll threatening the cat...?"
> Take Miko's other hand.
> "They'll be fine." Alice comments.
> You take Miko's hand, and she pulls the two of you aside. Mostly towards the tr-
> You suddenly have the sensation of falling, and realize you are.
> Below you is a large structure, and terrain that doesn't look like the surface.
> "Before we-... Ah." Alice blinks, interrupted as she were from the swiftness of the action.
> You... have no clue how they suddenly vanished. It's like they went straight through the ground... Your poor phantom half was left behind...
> "Uh."
> Try taking on a humanoid form. If we can, land with our feet on the ground and look around.
> "Uh."
> Try taking on a humanoid form. If we can, land with our feet on the ground and look around.
> "We weren't all ready yet, Miko." Alice speaks in annoyance.
> "What else could you need to prepare yourself for?" Miko sighs, floating down with the two of you. "The faster this goes, the less trouble we have."
> "Miss Youmu's other body, for example."
> "Ah." Miko speaks blankly as you all land...
> You take on Youmu's form and land, as much as something perpetually floating can.
> The fairies haven't decided to approach and investigate about the cat and your group yet. It seems like they didn't care much.
> "It's fine. Myon's fine, I can tell. ...This is actually fortuitous in a way, I wasn't sure how far apart Youmu and Myon could safely be, but they're both fine so far. I guess the only problem might be is if Youmu's spirit gets removed from her body, Myon won't be able to catch it? But we can cross that bridge when we come to it."
> "So where are we going?"
> Try running back to the Human Village. If it gets to be difficult to run, take to flying instead.
> While traveling, try speaking: "Hello? Can I do this?"
> "It's fine. Myon's fine, I can tell. ...This is actually fortuitous in a way, I wasn't sure how far apart Youmu and Myon could safely be, but they're both fine so far. I guess the only problem might be is if Youmu's spirit gets removed from her body, Myon won't be able to catch it? But we can cross that bridge when we come to it."
> "So where are we going?"
> Try running back to the Human Village. If it gets to be difficult to run, take to flying instead.
> While traveling, try speaking: "Hello? Can I do this?"
> "I believe this is the place." Alice turns around, heading to the large structure behind you.
> "Ah, nice and convenient. I had hoped this was where we needed to be."
> The cat struggles, but Alice makes sure to have her dolls further away from herself.
> You start back for the village.
> It doesn't seem like you're able to speak. Unfortunate, but maybe you can fix that with Alice or something. Maybe even in your own attempts with your human half.
> Follow along! ...Keeping a safe distance from the cat.
> In fact, get close to Miko.
> Quietly: "Once we have a little time, would you be willing to try becoming a part of Myon, or at least supervising someone else doing it?"
> Bah, we'll get to that later. Onward back to the village, then.
> Follow along! ...Keeping a safe distance from the cat.
> In fact, get close to Miko.
> Quietly: "Once we have a little time, would you be willing to try becoming a part of Myon, or at least supervising someone else doing it?"
> Bah, we'll get to that later. Onward back to the village, then.
> "Ah, that's right. We didn't find anyone incapacitated in such a way." Miko says. "Didn't you say there were others still like that?"
> Alice boldly enters, and you follow...
> You can already spot someone down the hall though. You think it's your pink haired target.
> You focus on just getting to the village, picking up the pace. It's in sight already, at least.
> "I thought the people in the village were like that."
> Give the distant figure a wave.
> Have a look for spirits as we approach.
> "I thought the people in the village were like that."
> Give the distant figure a wave.
> Have a look for spirits as we approach.
> You wave as she notices your group.
> "They were, but we're you really going to cause a scene taking one of them like that?" Miko questions.
> "Miss Satori, right? Pardon our-" Alice gets cut off as the girl approaches.
> "Yes yes, I didn't notice you even left Orin. What trouble did you get into?"
> The cat meows.
> "I see. I wonder why. Is it this unsightly accessory?" She approaches the cat, poking at the ribbon.
> You check around, but they don't seem to be outside the village.
> "You didn't put that on? Should we remove it?"
> Head back to where we recall them being collected together, then.
> "You didn't put that on? Should we remove it?"
> Head back to where we recall them being collected together, then.
> "If you can. Orin doesn't seem to protest against that idea."
> Satori tugs at the ribbon a bit.
> "Doesn't seem like it'll come off easily."
> You start back for that stage Miko and her friends were situated at.
> Though as you arrive, you don't see anyone here. Even bodies aren't present.
> Does the ribbon look like it could simply be untied?
> Were there bodies here previously when we first left?
> Does the ribbon look like it could simply be untied?
> Were there bodies here previously when we first left?
> It's design implies that either its tied really tightly, or doesn't have a way to tie it in the first place. You could still give it a try.
> Yes.
> "I could try to cut it off."
> Do we know where the Myouren Temple is? If so, head for that. If not, continue onward back to the Hakurei Shrine.
> "I could try to cut it off."
> Do we know where the Myouren Temple is? If so, head for that. If not, continue onward back to the Hakurei Shrine.
> "With scissors, right? Surely you don't intend to brandish a sword against one of my pets." Satori questions.
> You think you can find it.
> You start to wander into he direction you recall it should be. You're a bit off in your memory of the village, but the crowd near the temple helps pinpoint it.
> The crowd is filled with normal people. As in, they have their bodies and all.
> "...I can put them together and make them like scissors...?"
> Oh! That's fortuitous.
> Let's let them be, then, and head to Reimu's pad.
> "...I can put them together and make them like scissors...?"
> Oh! That's fortuitous.
> Let's let them be, then, and head to Reimu's pad.
> Satori glares at you...
> "You won't get off easy if you hurt her." She warns, stepping away from the cat.
> You don't see many familiar faces compared to the bodies from before, but you're sure everything is fine, and continue towards the shrine.
> Have a look at the ribbon. Consider our ability to cut it off without hitting the cat in the process.
> Have a look at the ribbon. Consider our ability to cut it off without hitting the cat in the process.
> If it's just a regular, albeit weirdly colored ribbon, you should have no problem.
> "It doesn't seem to be just that." Satori suddenly speaks. "Else Orin would've tore it off herself."
> "You sure her claws are that sharp?" Miko questions.
> "Hm, that may be right. She might just be overconfident of herself."
> "What else might be there to it?"
> "What else might be there to it?"
> "I don't know." Satori states. "Could be a seal, hence Orin not returning to human form yet. Though, i wonder who put it on her..."
> Look to our traveling companions.
> "That's more your skill sets than mine."
> Look to our traveling companions.
> "That's more your skill sets than mine."
> "Neither of us are Barrier maidens or the sort." Alice retorts.
> Your phantom half arrives at the shrine of one, however. If only you could teleport her her with it.
> Well, convincing her to come anyways via charades would be difficult, since you can't talk.
> "Myon just arrived at the shrine of one, if you think she can help."
> Head inside, stopping if we run into someone along the way.
> "Myon just arrived at the shrine of one, if you think she can help."
> Head inside, stopping if we run into someone along the way.
> "Who?" Alice questions.
> "I'm not sure it even is a seal actually." Miko says.
> You head into the shrine.
> Reimu, Marisa, and Aya are still here - the lattermost still in the and condition.
> Your mistress and Yukari are also here, to your surprise.
> "Oh, uh, my phantom half. Ah, Mistress and Lady Yakumo are there too...when did they arrive?"
> Are they normal, or spirits with unconscious bodies?
> Wave frantically to get their attention.
> "Oh, uh, my phantom half. Ah, Mistress and Lady Yakumo are there too...when did they arrive?"
> Are they normal, or spirits with unconscious bodies?
> Wave frantically to get their attention.
> "My, you've probably missed some big talks huh?" Miko questions. "I wonder how well get back there before they leave..."
> All but Aya are fine and able bodied. Well, Yuyuko is a ghost, so...
> You wave about in a panic.
> "Oh, she's back." Aya comments, to which only Reimu looks over.
> "Hm, only the phantom half?" She questions. "Did something happen to Alice?"
> This subsequently catches Marisa's attention.
> "I'm sure Alice is fine. She fixed herself up before."
> "Then why come alone? And like this?" Reimu questions.
> "And after all that, she finally figured out we were joking." Yukari states.
> "Hmhm~ doesn't it sound like she's growing steadily?" Yuyuko questions. "My Youmu would've still fret about in such a state."
> Yukari chuckles in response.
> "...Well, time for Charades, I guess..."
> Point at our mouth with a hand.
> Then use that hand to make a 'talking' motion, and shake our head.
> Stop the talking motion, hold a hand flat with palm up in front of us, and then use our other hand to pantomime writing on our first hand with a quizzical look.
> "...Well, time for Charades, I guess..."
> Point at our mouth with a hand.
> Then use that hand to make a 'talking' motion, and shake our head.
> Stop the talking motion, hold a hand flat with palm up in front of us, and then use our other hand to pantomime writing on our first hand with a quizzical look.
> "You aren't going to just take us back there like before?" Alice asks.
> "I suppose I could..." Miko says.
> "Oh, she can't talk." Marisa says.
> "Well, there's Aya's notebook..." Reimu looks over.
> "No way. She saved me, sure, but I've got things to write in there."
> "How easily could you get us back here?"
> Look frazzled, then shift to a thinking expression, then shift to an 'aha!' expression.
> Point straight downward, jabbing our fingers several times for emphasis.
> Then put our open hands behind our head and wiggle them a bit to imitate animal ears.
> Repeat both these motions for emphasis.
> "How easily could you get us back here?"
> Look frazzled, then shift to a thinking expression, then shift to an 'aha!' expression.
> Point straight downward, jabbing our fingers several times for emphasis.
> Then put our open hands behind our head and wiggle them a bit to imitate animal ears.
> Repeat both these motions for emphasis.
> "With more accuracy than earlier now." Miko says.
> "That was already pretty accurate with where we wanted to go, even though you didn't know." Alice says.
> "She did, though." Satori says.
> "Hm..." Marisa thinks.
> "No, Yukari didn't bring her subordinate with her." Reimu answers
> "Oh? We you perhaps hoping to see her again?" Yukari leans over to see you.
> "I didn't expect her to have athing for her, but with how she insists on being respectful to her, maybe she does~" Yuyuko considers, chuckling slightly alongside Yukari.
> Look uncertain, then wiggle a hand in a "sorta" motion.
> Go back to pointing downward emphatically. Get lower to the ground as we're able - if we end up touching the floor with our pointing, that's okay. (Not like we're tangible enough to jam our finger!)
> "I'm ready to stop making a fool of myself back at the shrine any time, then."
> Hold out a hand to take it for traveling.
> Look uncertain, then wiggle a hand in a "sorta" motion.
> Go back to pointing downward emphatically. Get lower to the ground as we're able - if we end up touching the floor with our pointing, that's okay. (Not like we're tangible enough to jam our finger!)
> "I'm ready to stop making a fool of myself back at the shrine any time, then."
> Hold out a hand to take it for traveling.
> "Oh I got it. They got captured by that little mouse girl. Nazrin, right?" Marisa questions.
> You hold out your hand.
> The same hand holding happens.
> "Let me know when she's all better." Satori comments, before Miko pulls you under again. Are you going to another underground?
> No. You're suddenly at the Hakurei Shrine's You wonder how she does this.
> Look suddenly surprised, then shake our head and point out the door.
> Head on inside!
> Look suddenly surprised, then shake our head and point out the door.
> Head on inside!
> You gesture to the door and make your appearance.
> "Oh, Miko?" Reimu thinks. "I guess that is something that's always in the ground and has that sort of animal ear-like style..."
> "Ooh, that was a tricky one..." Marisa agrees.
> "We found who we believe to be the troublemaker, but solving it is another thing." Alice speaks up to Reimu, bringing the cat closer.
> The cat, carried by the dolls, and Satori, are still outside.
> "I actually meant a cat underground. Sorry."
> Drape a comforting arm around Myon's shoulders.
> Look downcast at our failure.
> "I actually meant a cat underground. Sorry."
> Drape a comforting arm around Myon's shoulders.
> Look downcast at our failure.
> "Of course, we were only down there for a minute at most." Miko adds. "Things lined up well, and all we have to do is get this cat to stop doing her thing."
> "Isn't that Orin? What's she got keeping you from making her stop?" Marisa asks.
> "She doesn't actually seem to be able to. Thus, I'm keeping her away from others in hopes that it prevents more accidents.
> Yukari and Yuyuko are still musing about like no one else exists...
> "There's a ribbon on her that apparently she didn't put there and can't remove on her own. I could just cut it off, but there's no guarantee that doing so would actually fix the problem."
> Can we hear what Mistress and Lady Yukari are saying?
> "There's a ribbon on her that apparently she didn't put there and can't remove on her own. I could just cut it off, but there's no guarantee that doing so would actually fix the problem."
> Can we hear what Mistress and Lady Yukari are saying?
> They're talking about Charades more. Something about Ran as well.
> "It doesn't look sealed on there." Reimu notes.
> One of the dolls tries to tug it off, to no success.
> "Must be magic then." Marisa says. "Where did she get it?"
> "It seems she doesn't know." Satori answers. "That it was just on her recently."
> "What about places she's been?"
> Satori looks over at the cat again, and answers for her: "Just the village today. Around the time someone was doing a performance."
> "So this did start with the village, then." Alice comments. "I guess we caught it early. But finishing this up... hm."
> "You can take your time, right? There's no rush since the trouble has been caught." Marisa says.
> "What about where she got the ribbon from? Why is it keeping her from turning back into a human if it's not a seal?" Reimu questions.
> "Right. Someone else could be causing trouble, and we have not clue who." Satori says.
> "I doubt anyone remembers everyone who was at the vil-"
> "I'm a bit confused." Aya suddenly interjects, floating into the room. "Why did I get got too if I was only flying near the village?"
> "Well, it was a massive amount of the villagers caught too. Maybe it was a large radius." Miko says. "Though she's not doing much now."
> "Right. And the entire Misty Lake wasn't subject either when we found her there, only a handful of fairies close to her." Alice adds on.
> "Who was performing? Maybe they might know something. Or even just be able to tell us if they were affected or not."
> "Also, it definitely seemed like the ribbon kept trying to detach Alice from herself, even if it hasn't happened in a bit."
> Try to inch-float a little closer to be able to hear that side conversation better.
> "Who was performing? Maybe they might know something. Or even just be able to tell us if they were affected or not."
> "Also, it definitely seemed like the ribbon kept trying to detach Alice from herself, even if it hasn't happened in a bit."
> Try to inch-float a little closer to be able to hear that side conversation better.
> "That would be me." Alice answers. "It was a doll show. And that's why I stopped getting so close."
> "Perhaps the cat got some control over it now?" Miko suggests.
> "Oh right, Orin could do that. She was able to control the spirits that were around that palace in the underground." Marisa explains. "But if she could just pull spirits out of people, that'd make fights a lot easier for her."
> "She can't normally." Satori answers. "Which means this ribbon is changing that."
> "Maybe it's something from Kourindou? I know some weird stuff pops up there sometimes." Marisa suggests.
> "I guess that's close to the Human Village... we could ask him if he's seen either this cat or the ribbon. Otherwise, there's no leads." Aya speaks.
> "So, we could ask Rinnos-"
> "Aya just suggested that." Miko speaks.
> "O-Oh, she came back out? Didn't think she'd want to leave her body for long."
> "I'd like to get back but everyone keeps declining or ignoring me..."
> You mosey over more.
> "Even with her tails, she can't express things in Charades much better than anyone else." Yukari comments.
> "Hmhm, maybe we should have a game night. I wonder how it'd be planned." Yuyuko responds.
> "Ah, I'm sure that'd be nice for Ran's shikigami. I hear she hasn't had the chance to play with one of her friends thanks to getting in trouble with Ran. Rin, another cat, I believe."
> "Oh, won't she rebel at this age with that treatment?"
> "It'll be a lesson to Ran if she does. But she probably has Chen close enough to be a good girl."
> Look to Aya.
> "Yeah, we probably should put you into something where you can at least be seen and communicate with everyone else."
> Look to Aya.
> "Yeah, we probably should put you into something where you can at least be seen and communicate with everyone else."
> "I suppose it's alright since the cause is in our grasp now." Alice heads to Aya. "And your body?"
> "Back in here." Aya heads back where she came out through...
> Follow Aya's spirit.
> Look back to Reimu.
> "So what should we do? Should I just cut it off?"
> Follow Aya's spirit.
> Look back to Reimu.
> "So what should we do? Should I just cut it off?"
> You leave the two ladies and follow the other two.
> Aya's body is laid down on some comfort. At least she seems cozy.
> "Go for it." Reimu suggests.
> "Hey..."
> "With your abilities, you should be able to tell she's no slouch with those swords." Reimu snaps back. "Quit whining."
> Satori seems a bit taken aback, but breathes out in acceptance.
> "Or you could have Miko try. I hear she's had experience with swords, too." Reimu suggests. "If that'd make you feel better."
> "It's fine. Go ahead." Satori says.
> "We should probably wait for the puppeteer to return before we do anything so close to her dolls..." Miko adds.
> "We can move somewhere more open if we need."
> Float close to Aya's body (head side) and watch to see what the other two do.
> "We can move somewhere more open if we need."
> Float close to Aya's body (head side) and watch to see what the other two do.
> "Do you need?" Reimu questions.
> You get closer to Aya and watch.
> "Hm..." Alice readies.
> You watch as she hooks Aya's spirit with some strings, guiding it to her body. It looks really simple. You're not sure why they can't just return themselves if it's this easy.
> Though, now that you're this close and watching so intently, you can feel something... interesting. You can't out your finger on it, but it should be the missing link to whatever trick let's Alice fix people where they can't themselves.
> ...
> Your curiosity wants you to physically interrupt it, at least to get a feeling for it yourself. But you've made Alice annoyed with your lack of being careful before. Then again, she didn't seem to stay upset. Maybe you can get off with it again...
> Is Youmu within reasonable raised-voice talking distance with Alice and Myon?
> Is Youmu within reasonable raised-voice talking distance with Alice and Myon?
> Yes.
> "I shouldn't."
> Look over to where Alice went and raise our voice slightly.
> "Alice, what exactly is it you're doing? Something feels really interesting."
> Adopt a very curious look, looking back and forth between Alice and Aya's spirit.
> Partially extend a half-pointing hand in the direction of Aya's spirit, but do not actually physically interfere.
> "I shouldn't."
> Look over to where Alice went and raise our voice slightly.
> "Alice, what exactly is it you're doing? Something feels really interesting."
> Adopt a very curious look, looking back and forth between Alice and Aya's spirit.
> Partially extend a half-pointing hand in the direction of Aya's spirit, but do not actually physically interfere.
> Alice doesn't answer.
> You move your hand a bit, but keep the intrusive thoughts at bay.
> Aya's spirit does finally get into her own body with the help of Alice, and moments later, she's up and awake.
> "Ahh. Finally. How I've missed you, body." The tengu stretches. "That was a good crash landing, all things considered. Nothing's broken."
> "Well, you are a youkai..." Alice comments.
> What would happen if Myon physically went inside Aya, such as through her mouth or ear or something?
> What would happen if Myon physically went inside Aya, such as through her mouth or ear or something?
> You would probably just pass through. You don't think it can occupy the same space as something that's actually physical. That, or possession. If it were that easy to keep hold of a phantom...
> Consider the same question, but with the idea that Myon would be respecting the physical boundaries of Aya's body and not passing through them, but rather reshaping herself as needed to fit inside. Would Myon simply exist inside Aya but separate from her, or would they incorporate somehow?
> Consider the same question, but with the idea that Myon would be respecting the physical boundaries of Aya's body and not passing through them, but rather reshaping herself as needed to fit inside. Would Myon simply exist inside Aya but separate from her, or would they incorporate somehow?
> You could probably fit inside as long as you don't push against any walls, you believe. Though as soon as you end up doing that too much, your body, or spirit in this case, would have no choice but to pass through.
> In a way, you wouldn't really be held inside at that point, since too much moving without you mimicking it well enough to keep up and not move against any walls further would have you pushed out / through.
> So Myon is not capable of making herself corporeal enough that she'd simply be moved along with Aya's body in those circumstances?
> So Myon is not capable of making herself corporeal enough that she'd simply be moved along with Aya's body in those circumstances?
> Correct. You wonder if you could get any better as a half-human half-phantom, or if this much is already better than an actual phantom could manage.
> "So what was that?"
> "So what was that?"
> "Probably Alice fixing up Aya if I had to guess." Marisa answers, as Aya returns to the main room in her body.
> Follow Aya out.
> "I mean the details. There was something to it that I couldn't quite discern. But I guess it can wait for another few seconds."
> Draw our better ribbon-slicin' sword and measure the up the intrusive ribbon on the cat.
> Follow Aya out.
> "I mean the details. There was something to it that I couldn't quite discern. But I guess it can wait for another few seconds."
> Draw our better ribbon-slicin' sword and measure the up the intrusive ribbon on the cat.
> You follow Aya out.
> "Maybe you're just feeling her spirit." Alice says, following Aya to the main room.
> You ready one of your blades.
> You should be able to cut it clean off...
> "Hold still."
> Focus
> and slice off that ribbon without slicing the cat!
> "Hold still."
> Focus
> and slice off that ribbon without slicing the cat!
> You ready while the cat keeps still - as do the dolls.
> A quick slash is all it took. There's a moment of resistance, but in the end, the hesitation to be removed from the cat couldn't hold up.
> However, you immediately notice it's somehow tied around your wrist now... it makes you feel a bit weird. It's not draining, it's something else...
> The cat quickly turns into a cat, though now more like a cat girl.
> "Ahhh, finally it's off." She sighs. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused so far, but I swear I couldn't control any of it!"
> Hold up our newly-ribboned wrist to study it with some concern.
> "...I can imagine, yes."
> Do we have a phantom ribbon on our phantom wrist?
> Hold up our newly-ribboned wrist to study it with some concern.
> "...I can imagine, yes."
> Do we have a phantom ribbon on our phantom wrist?
> You make sure you don't have one on your phantom half. Good.
> You do worry about what this will do to you... will you start attacking people out of nowhere? Will your hand move on its own?
> ... Nothing bad seems to be happening yet, at least.
> "So it's magic, or cursed, for sure." Marisa says.
> "Do you feel anything?" Alice asks.
> "Hm... what's all this about a ribbon, again?" Aya questions. "It looks like another devious thing that amanajaku would have in her repitore.
> Aside from Yuyuko and Yukari, now chatting about your cooking skills compared to Ran's and Chen's, everyone else pauses in consideration.
> "Wait, did I hit the spot? Ah, I accidentally solved it too quick, huh~☆" Aya gives a pseudo sigh.
> "No one ever figured out where she got those from though, right?" Marisa questions. "And they were usually sorta related to how they look. This one just looks like a miscolored ribbon. It could be something of Hina's for all we know..."
> "I'd say we could just ask Seija, but..." Miko looks aside.
> Take a moment to dwell on how we feel weird, trying to pinpoint what exactly is different.
> Take a moment to dwell on how we feel weird, trying to pinpoint what exactly is different.
> Well, it feels like your wrist, but that's probably because of the ribbon itself...
> Unlike the other recent times, you don't feel anything off about your swords this time, either.
> "Let's put her on the bottom of the list for now." Miko says. "The sooner she gets wind of this, the more we'll have to deal with her, regardless of if she's the culprit or not."
> Frown in concern a bit.
> "Should I isolate myself while this thing is attached, just in case it starts separating people from themselves again?"
> Frown in concern a bit.
> "Should I isolate myself while this thing is attached, just in case it starts separating people from themselves again?"
> "We should see if anything even happens with it on you now. If nothing happens, then this problem is solved, right?" Alice questions.
> "Then we'd just be left with finding where it came from." Miko adds.
> "Why don't we take it to Kourindou and find out more about it?" Marisa suggests.
> Look to Yuyuko.
> "Is that acceptable, Lady Yuyuko?"
> Imagine what it would be like if Yuyuko's spirit were free-floating from her body like the others and it got combined with Myon sort of like what seems to have been done to our own spirit earlier.
> Look to Yuyuko.
> "Is that acceptable, Lady Yuyuko?"
> Imagine what it would be like if Yuyuko's spirit were free-floating from her body like the others and it got combined with Myon sort of like what seems to have been done to our own spirit earlier.
> You turn your attention back to your mistress, who appears to be enjoying a snack with Yukari... Though, at least unlike other times, you do get her attention.
> "Hm? Why would I oppose you going around with a ribbon?" She questions. "Unless you mean to ask about isolating yourself, which I feel wouldn't do you much good."
> It's... hard to imagine, given Yuyuko is just a spirit herself... Though maybe that would make such a combination easier since that just skips a step.
> "Oh, I meant that I would be taking my time away from you and home."
> Hmm...
> In that case, imagine what it would be like if Yukari's spirit were free-floating from her body like the others and it got combined with Myon sort of like what seems to have been done to our own spirit earlier.
> "Oh, I meant that I would be taking my time away from you and home."
> Hmm...
> In that case, imagine what it would be like if Yukari's spirit were free-floating from her body like the others and it got combined with Myon sort of like what seems to have been done to our own spirit earlier.
> "Sure."
> You imagine... A little ghost with Yukari's likeness. Surely even she could be affected, right?
> "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I think I've come to an understanding." Satori seems to address you. "Orin is capable of controlling spirits to an extent, which that spirit thing may line up with her being unable to control her form and change back from a cat."
> "And given miss Konpaku can't control spirits in the same way, thus nothing involving any spirits is happening." Miko adds.
> "This ribbon might be making it's wearer lose control of their actions?" Alice questions.
> "Well, I don't recall her being anything special. Just a swordsman and also having a ghost half, really." Marisa comments.
> "So the least troublesome outcome out of all of us here has already been achieved." Satori states.
> You feel like that was an insult...
> "If that's true, shouldn't something happen to her phantom, or something change with her swordsmanship?" Aya asks.
> Frown.
> "It's great to hear how much my taking action to deal with the ribbon is appreciated. Let's just ask Mister Shopkeeper about the ribbon so I can get rid of it and go home."
> Frown.
> "It's great to hear how much my taking action to deal with the ribbon is appreciated. Let's just ask Mister Shopkeeper about the ribbon so I can get rid of it and go home."
> "Are your friends not playing nice anymore?" Yuyuko questions.
> "I'll take it off of you if you'd like. I believe I wouldn't be much of an issue to anyone else, either." Miko offers.
> To Yuyuko: "It doesn't really feel like it, honestly."
> Hold out the ribboned arm to Miko.
> "Sure."
> To Yuyuko: "It doesn't really feel like it, honestly."
> Hold out the ribboned arm to Miko.
> "Sure."
> "I hope I can do this just as well." Miko seems to retrieve and ready a sword of her own.
> Before you can speak up, she unsheathes it and slashes through the rib-
> "Ready?" Miko asks.
> Huh? You swear she already moved though.
> Look confused at our wrist where the ribbon was/is before we respond.
> Look confused at our wrist where the ribbon was/is before we respond.
> You Glance down. It's still there, and you still feel it on and everything.
> Look back up, still confused.
> "Wait. I just watched you do it, before you asked if I was ready."
> Look back up, still confused.
> "Wait. I just watched you do it, before you asked if I was ready."
> "Hm? I didn't even take it out yet." Miko taps the sheath in emphasis.
> "I didn't see anything either." Aya says. "Maybe you're seeing the ghosts of swords or something?"
> "...Maybe? I had a weird sword-related thought earlier, when with Mister Shopkeeper."
> Wiggle the ribbon hand a bit.
> "I know you haven't cut it off yet, it's still right here. But I definitely watched you unsheath your sword and cut it off."
> "...Maybe? I had a weird sword-related thought earlier, when with Mister Shopkeeper."
> Wiggle the ribbon hand a bit.
> "I know you haven't cut it off yet, it's still right here. But I definitely watched you unsheath your sword and cut it off."
> "Hm."
> Miko readies her sword again, this time drawing it and cutting at the ribbon twice in a cross sha-
> Miko... readies her sword again - again? You're getting a bit confused which is going to be the real time.
> Shake our head vigorously and rub our eyes.
> "What's...?"
> Shake our head vigorously and rub our eyes.
> "What's...?"
> "Did you see something again?" Aya asks, as Miko stops preparing.
> "Multiple somethings. Her preparing to cut the ribbon, then cutting it, then preparing again and again..."
> Are we seeing any of this weirdness?
> "Multiple somethings. Her preparing to cut the ribbon, then cutting it, then preparing again and again..."
> Are we seeing any of this weirdness?
> "Did I just snip it off with danmaku, or was it a specific way?"
> "It seems like she's seeing how you're planning to cut it, yes." Satori observes.
> "Okay, this time I'll actually do it, then." Miko says.
> You see her once again, slice through the ribbon, even though she's only preparing to do so now.
> You have been seeing this as well.
> "Wait. No."
> Hold our ribbon arm behind our back.
> "I'll keep it. I don't want to subject someone else to this."
> "Wait. No."
> Hold our ribbon arm behind our back.
> "I'll keep it. I don't want to subject someone else to this."
> As you hide your arm, you see Miko still adjust her aim for such and swing towards your-.
> "You already agreed to hand it off and I prepared myself for it. You're going back on that when it's the big moment?" Miko questions. You notice she hasn't lowered her sword yet.
> Close our eyes so we stop seeing things.
> "Should I continue with a plan when new information comes to light? Or are you saying you knew this would happen?"
> Close our eyes so we stop seeing things.
> "Should I continue with a plan when new information comes to light? Or are you saying you knew this would happen?"
> You close your eyes, but still see it...
> Though it goes away after another moment.
> Miko sighs.
> "If it's stuck on me, I assume it wouldn't do much more that I'm not already dealing with on a constant level. I'm not sure about you, but I'd be a bit annoyed if I were stuck seeing phantom actions people take that aren't actually happening yet." She explains.
> "That's exactly why I don't want to subject someone else to it."
> "That's exactly why I don't want to subject someone else to it."
> "I'm think you misunderstand what I-"
> "There, problem solved. No more fighting." Aya speaks, as you feel a brief gust of wind blow past you.
> "Hang on Miss Shame-"
> "Nu uh, I'm gonna take this over to Kourindou and ask about it." Aya interrupts Miko. "You can fight over who this might've came from or who to seek out while I'm gone. I'll be back with news before you're done anyways."
> ...Huh?
> Do we still feel the ribbon on our arm?
> ...Huh?
> Do we still feel the ribbon on our arm?
> You do not.
> "Huh?"
> Open our eyes.
> "Huh?"
> Open our eyes.
> Aya's already out the shrine...
> "She probably won't be two minutes. Unless Rinnosuke has something else to suggest to her." Reimu comments.
> Check our now-ribbonless wrist, then sigh.
> "Whatever."
> Check our now-ribbonless wrist, then sigh.
> "Whatever."
> The ribbon is gone.
> "You sure seem hard to please. Has anything made you happy today?" Marisa questions.
> "I'm fortunate to get my body back, and have a reason to leave the village corralling to the others." Miko comments. "This might've been quite a headache."
> Look to Marisa.
> "It's more that this appears to have been a big waste of time. I could have been doing literally anything else and the outcome would have been no different."
> Look to Marisa.
> "It's more that this appears to have been a big waste of time. I could have been doing literally anything else and the outcome would have been no different."
> "Now that's just not true. Alice wouldn't have- Oh crap, you said Rinnosuke was affected as well, right?" Marisa asks. "Aya's not gonna have much success in getting him to identify that ribbon alone, then."
> "Let alone see him..." Miko adds.
> "I definitely told her he was affected. Maybe she has a plan? If not, it's not like she'll take long getting back here."
> "I definitely told her he was affected. Maybe she has a plan? If not, it's not like she'll take long getting back here."
> "Well, if Miko's up for it, I could probably get to Kourindou and fix things up like with her and myself." Alice suggests.
> "Sure." Miko agrees.
> "He'll probably try to tell you the shop's closed, for what it's worth. But I imagine he won't object to you doing your thing."
> "He'll probably try to tell you the shop's closed, for what it's worth. But I imagine he won't object to you doing your thing."
> Miko approaches Alice, and you finally properly see what she's doing. It looks almost as if she passes through the ground, or at least a crack in the floor.
> You wonder if her being a hermit has something to do with it, and if you could too given she mistook you for one...
> Look at a crack in the ground and consider how we might pass into it.
> Look at a crack in the ground and consider how we might pass into it.
> You know your phantom half could, but would it take you to the same place Miko went?
> Take on our Youmu form, if for some reason we aren't still taking it on.
> Focus hard on Kourindou, visualizing where it is relative to us and what the interior looks like.
> Then pass through the crack with the intention of traveling there.
> Take on our Youmu form, if for some reason we aren't still taking it on.
> Focus hard on Kourindou, visualizing where it is relative to us and what the interior looks like.
> Then pass through the crack with the intention of traveling there.
> You focus on the shop and it's appearance, and where it is compared to where you are now...
> You then try to pass through the crack Miko used and arrive there the same way.
> ...Though, you just end up under the shrine. What's missing from this method...
> Can we see anything? Look around, as well as up.
> "Hmmm, that didn't work..."
> Can we see anything? Look around, as well as up.
> "Hmmm, that didn't work..."
> Just dirt. There's still a bit of space underneath the shrine, but it's obviously not well lit.
> "Ah, yeah, that's some trick of hers." Reimu comments. "It's some hermit thing about infinite space or something."
> Do any of our techniques make use of infinite space?
> Do any of our techniques make use of infinite space?
> You don't believe so. But you can cut things. And really fast sometimes... you're not sure that'd help.
> You wonder if there's any sort of technique to cut space. Surely such a thing exists, and others, but would they move you from one place to another?
> Doesn't Komachi do something like that?
> Doesn't Komachi do something like that?
> Hers is her own ability, she's probably just naturally gifted in it...
> But what stops you from replicating it? She still slashes with a bladed weapon to initiate it... if you can figure out how to do a similar effect with your capabilities, couldn't you pull it off as well?
> "I see. I'll have to figure out how it works some time."
> As long as we're fully submerged, wander around down here a bit, just to see if we find anything interesting.
> "I see. I'll have to figure out how it works some time."
> As long as we're fully submerged, wander around down here a bit, just to see if we find anything interesting.
> You don't notice much of note down here. A few leaves, more dirt. A tunnel. Some trash.
> Someone should clean under here, but you don't think many could reach...
> Where does the tunnel seem to lead?
> If we took the trash into our body, would we bring it with us as we traveled through the dirt, or would it get left behind?
> Where does the tunnel seem to lead?
> If we took the trash into our body, would we bring it with us as we traveled through the dirt, or would it get left behind?
> Deeper underneath the shrine itself.
> It'd get left behind. You could probably squeeze it with you from out under the shrine if you went there instead of passing through the ground or ceiling t floorboards.
> "Where does the tunnel down there go, anyway?"
> That works. Gather whatever trash we see into our body, and then head out from under the shrine, bringing it all with us.
> "Where does the tunnel down there go, anyway?"
> That works. Gather whatever trash we see into our body, and then head out from under the shrine, bringing it all with us.
> "Tunnel? There's one that leads to old hell if you follow it long enough." Reimu describes.
> You gather the trash and scurry out from under the shrine like a rodent.
> Back in the light, you can see that not all of it is just trash. Something even glimmers for a brief second, bringing your attention to such.
> It appears to be a small chest, with a key already in it's lock.
> Can we feel any sort of power or energy coming from it?
> How heavy is it?
> Could we unlock it while keeping it inside us by manipulating our innards around the key? Or would we need to take it out of us and use our fingers like a normal person?
> How does sanitation work for us, anyway? Do the germs and dirt and stuff from the trash float around inside us even after we get rid of it and we have to dip into water to clean ourselves, or do we just sort of slough all of it off?
> ...Come to think of it, if we dipped into, say, the lake, could we make it so the water passes into us and fills out our form from the inside without also passing right back out of us? If so:
>> How much do we think we could we carry around with us?
>> Could we expand/push out our normal physical 'boundary' by taking in more water than would visually appear to fit within us?
> Nod.
> "And what about the little locked chest I found down there?"
> Can we feel any sort of power or energy coming from it?
> How heavy is it?
> Could we unlock it while keeping it inside us by manipulating our innards around the key? Or would we need to take it out of us and use our fingers like a normal person?
> How does sanitation work for us, anyway? Do the germs and dirt and stuff from the trash float around inside us even after we get rid of it and we have to dip into water to clean ourselves, or do we just sort of slough all of it off?
> ...Come to think of it, if we dipped into, say, the lake, could we make it so the water passes into us and fills out our form from the inside without also passing right back out of us? If so:
>> How much do we think we could we carry around with us?
>> Could we expand/push out our normal physical 'boundary' by taking in more water than would visually appear to fit within us?
> Nod.
> "And what about the little locked chest I found down there?"
> You think there was something for a moment, but otherwise, no, not anymore.
> It's pretty light. Like the box could be empty.
> You'd probably need to reach inside to twist and unlock it.
> You have the advantage of being semi-tangible. Almost anything, save spiritual attacks and such charms or seals, can pass straight through you as you see fit. Though, at a certain point, you don't get the choice since you suppose your phantom body has lower priority in maintain space than an actual physical object.
> You haven't tried to see your limit on amount held. You're sure you could work as a giant water container though, if need be. Actually, maybe you're not too sure. Water does get heavy with so much poured in. At least, the weight shouldn't just make it pass through you gravity-wise. If something is too heavy, either you'll be pulled down until it keeps you stuck on the ground, or you let it pass through you. You believe that nothing too heavy should pass through on it's own unless it can exert enough force to "break" through your hold, or fits the opposite end of your body while trying to exit one end.
> You haven't done these sorts of tests, so it's all just theory based on what you've done so far...
> "What locked chest?" Reimu questions.
> Come running into the shrine proper, pulling the chest out of us and holding it up to show it up. (Keep the rest of the trash inside us for now.)
> Point at where Myon is coming from.
> "That one."
> Come running into the shrine proper, pulling the chest out of us and holding it up to show it up. (Keep the rest of the trash inside us for now.)
> Point at where Myon is coming from.
> "That one."
> You head into the shrine and show off the box.
> "From the tunnel?" Reimu asks. "I don't remember any little box like that. What was in it?"
> You notice Aya return to the shrine, and quickly step in.
> "Alright-" She wastes no time. "According to Rinnosuke, that ribbon enhances its wearer's abilities, but also makes it uncontrolled. Apparently, its also meant to do something else, something probably more beneficial, but he can't get a grasp on what or how to get it to do such - likely given it's supposedly unfinished. He calls it the Inverse Ribbon. Or maybe thats what its called in the first place."
> "Sure matches its color I guess." Marisa comments.
> "That thing is annoying to hold onto." Aya continues. "It made me overshoot and kick up too much wind as well. I don't think it's uncontrollable entirely though. I still managed to get a bit of control and stop myself from just taking the entire place up in a tornado."
> She doesn't appear to be wearing the ribbon now though, from what you see.
> To Aya: "Huh. I'll take it if you don't want it."
> Shrug our shoulders at Reimu.
> Then open the chest.
> To Aya: "Huh. I'll take it if you don't want it."
> Shrug our shoulders at Reimu.
> Then open the chest.
> "I let Rinnosuke take it since he said he was interested in it."
> You-
> "Is it really smart to open a chest from hell?" Marisa questions.
> "What did he give you in return?"
> Shrug at Marisa while pointing at Reimu.
> "What did he give you in return?"
> Shrug at Marisa while pointing at Reimu.
> "Hm? Was I supposed to get something in return?" Aya questions.
> "Probably not... at least do it outside the shrine." Reimu says.
> "I mean, he's a businessman, right? He wouldn't give you something for free, I imagine."
> Shrug again.
> Step back outside the shrine and open the box.
> "I mean, he's a businessman, right? He wouldn't give you something for free, I imagine."
> Shrug again.
> Step back outside the shrine and open the box.
> "He's the one that tool something though." Aya says, confused.
> "Probably meant I exchange." Marisa suggests.
> "Well, I guess being stuck with that ribbon until someone else takes it off of him is an exchange?"
> You "step" outside.
> The box glows again as you do so, though with you looking at it, it seems it was just the key that did so.
> Do we know if there's a body of water at this shrine?
> "Mmm. Maybe I'll pay him another visit."
> Look to Reimu.
> "What would you like my phantom to do with the garbage she gathered down under there, by the way?"
> Open the box!
> Do we know if there's a body of water at this shrine?
> "Mmm. Maybe I'll pay him another visit."
> Look to Reimu.
> "What would you like my phantom to do with the garbage she gathered down under there, by the way?"
> Open the box!
> You think there was a pond nearby if you recall correctly.
> "If it's garbage, throw it out." Reimu advises.
> You try to twist the key to open the box, but it doesn't budge...
> Is there an obvious garbage receptacle in the vicinity?
> Is there an obvious garbage receptacle in the vicinity?
> You don't se-
> No wait, near the path there is. It's not that big, but it should more than do.
> "Oh, there's something over there. Okay. The box isn't opening, by the way. Dunno what that means."
> Head back to Youmu, hand her the box, and then head over to the receptacle and unload the trash we gathered.
> "Oh, there's something over there. Okay. The box isn't opening, by the way. Dunno what that means."
> Head back to Youmu, hand her the box, and then head over to the receptacle and unload the trash we gathered.
> Reimu shrugs.
> You head back into the shrine - the key flashing yet again for a moment as you do so, and hand it to your human half as you head to throw out the trash.
> "What was that?" Marisa questions.
> "Must be something shiny inside it." Reimu suggests.
> "It's flashed each time I crossed the shrine entrance threshold, I think."
> "It's flashed each time I crossed the shrine entrance threshold, I think."
> "Ooh. But it doesn't stay lit up or anything while you're inside?" Marisa questions.
> Is it lit up right now?
> Is it lit up right now?
> No.
> "Seems not."
> Once we're done disposing of the garbage, float back over to Youmu.
> Then take the box, and try passing a little bit of ourselves into it, enough that we can see inside.
> "Seems not."
> Once we're done disposing of the garbage, float back over to Youmu.
> Then take the box, and try passing a little bit of ourselves into it, enough that we can see inside.
> You return to your human half and try to fit into the box a bit.
> Though you can cover around it, you can't seem to pass through it. Is there a seal inside? Or maybe the box itself is a seal?
> "What about when it's outside?" Marisa asks further.
> Frown and knock on the box a couple of times with our knuckles.
> "It wasn't lit up there either. Hmm. Perhaps the boundary between the two is key?"
> Make as though we are going to walk outside. The instant the key glows, though, stop.
> Frown and knock on the box a couple of times with our knuckles.
> "It wasn't lit up there either. Hmm. Perhaps the boundary between the two is key?"
> Make as though we are going to walk outside. The instant the key glows, though, stop.
> You tap on the box in annoyance. It stays silent to your provocation.
> You bring the box outside, but stop as it lights up.
> It doesn't stay lit, though...
> Marisa follows out, passing you to investigate it from not behind your back - though, it lights up again as she passes, and for a bit longer, too, you think?
> "You know Reimu, given it's from around your shrine, I thought you'd be more interested in it."
> "I don't just pick up random stuff around my house and take it in all the time like you do." Reimu replies.
> Head out of the shrine, passing through walls as needed, in the direction of the nearby body of water.
> "Wait. Marisa, can you walk by thy box again?"
> If the box glows again, try opening it while it glows.
> Head out of the shrine, passing through walls as needed, in the direction of the nearby body of water.
> "Wait. Marisa, can you walk by thy box again?"
> If the box glows again, try opening it while it glows.
> You head for the pond you saw.
> It seems fairly well taken care of, there's even a tortoise in it. Or, maybe it's just a big turtle?
> Marisa does so, wondering what you're getting at.
> You twist the key in the moments it glows, and the box opens up, releasing some hot smoke.
> Though, the smoke soon dissipates...
> You can see something inscribed inside the box, though aside from it, nothing else appears to be present.
> It reads: Open in Twilight. The text feels a bit weird to even look at.
> "What the hell was that?!" Reimu jumps up while you're in the middle of reading it.
> "Was that a spell?" Marisa covers her mouth. "It looks like it went bad or something."
> "What was that magic?" Alice questions, seemingly arriving with Miko once more.
> Aya doesn't chime in. You wonder if she's busy with something elsewhere in the Shrine, or if she just left.
> Close the box, quickly!
> "Uh..."
> Frown a bit.
> "...if you're gong to have instructions on when to open the box, why would you put them inside the box?"
> Close the box, quickly!
> "Uh..."
> Frown a bit.
> "...if you're gong to have instructions on when to open the box, why would you put them inside the box?"
> You close the box, and it locks on it's own with the key still in it's lock. Something feels off about the key when such happens, even though you see no flash from it.
> "That's pretty counterintuitive..." Marisa comments. "Seems like whatever was happening failed though. Was it supposed to open like that?"
> "Gone as fast as it showed up." Reimu approaches. "What was that?"
> "Hey, if it's from around your shrine, maybe it's your god?"
> "I don't think the Hakurei God would be locked away in a box. But that felt pretty strong..."
> "Mm... you'd think it'd be locked in an orb or something spherical given the track record, huh?"
> "It said to 'open at twilight'. In a really strange, weird-to-read way."
> If we're at the pond, dip into it, fully submerging ourselves and standing on the bottom, keeping 'solid' the whole time.
> Then take water into ourselves.
> "It said to 'open at twilight'. In a really strange, weird-to-read way."
> If we're at the pond, dip into it, fully submerging ourselves and standing on the bottom, keeping 'solid' the whole time.
> Then take water into ourselves.
> Marisa thinks for a bit.
> "Does that mean we have to wait for the sunset, or can we just wave a light across it constantly and trick it?" Marisa questions.
> "Um... Before... that happened..." Alice speaks up. "We were going to say that Rinnosuke has the ribbon now, and it doesn't seem like much negative effect happens to him. At least, in what he's explained. Unless Aya already came by and told about such."
> "She did." Marisa responds.
> You head into the pond, the turtle moving aside slightly, as if to make way for you, despite you being a phantom...
> You start to "carry" the water. It feels a bit weird, notably different and less pleasant than carrying something more physical in yourself...
> "Is she even still around?"
> Keep taking in water, with the goal of filling our current Youmu-shape to the top.
> "Is she even still around?"
> Keep taking in water, with the goal of filling our current Youmu-shape to the top.
> "Yeah, she went into one of the other rooms. I think she's filling out her notes on what's happened today." Reimu comments.
> You keep going, though you notice the turtle has dove down to inspect you.
> You're not halfway full even, but it doesn't look too happy with your work.
> "Oh."
> "...Um, well, I don't know nearly enough about magic to be able to say anything about what just happened with this box, so..."
> Stop taking on water, but don't release any yet.
> Smile and wave at the turtle.
> "Oh."
> "...Um, well, I don't know nearly enough about magic to be able to say anything about what just happened with this box, so..."
> Stop taking on water, but don't release any yet.
> Smile and wave at the turtle.
> "I don't feel anything anymore, so maybe it's gone." Alice considers.
> Marisa shrugs.
> "Maybe try opening it again?" she suggests.
> The turtle does not smile back...
> "Even though it says to open in twilight?"
> Adopt a thinking expression, then light up with an idea.
> Gesture to the turtle with both hands, indicating it.
> Then bring both hands back all the way back to our torso, as though holding something to our body. If we can get our hands a bit inside our body, all the better.
> Then point upward, to hopefully indicate the surface.
> Then hold one hand flat, palm-up, in front of us, and use two fingers on our other hands to 'walk' across it.
> Finally, given the turtle an expectant look, tilting our head slightly to the side.
> "Even though it says to open in twilight?"
> Adopt a thinking expression, then light up with an idea.
> Gesture to the turtle with both hands, indicating it.
> Then bring both hands back all the way back to our torso, as though holding something to our body. If we can get our hands a bit inside our body, all the better.
> Then point upward, to hopefully indicate the surface.
> Then hold one hand flat, palm-up, in front of us, and use two fingers on our other hands to 'walk' across it.
> Finally, given the turtle an expectant look, tilting our head slightly to the side.
> "I'm mostly curious as to whether we just freed something, or if it was going to do a spell that failed due to not being in twilight." Marisa shrugs. "If the same thing happens, then that'd mean it's just a spell out something."
> You try Charades with the turtle...
> It seems to wait for you to finish, at least...
> Afterwards, it retreats into its shell, and pulls something out.
> It looks like some bottle with a label slapped on it. Sake, maybe? But you're underwater and bad with alcohol anyways.
> "If someone more magically-inclined wants to try it, I won't stop you. But I'm not doing it again until twilight. I already massively screwed up once today by not following instructions, I'm not doing it a second time."
> Tilt our head the other way, a little further, in mild confusion.
> If we can do so, walk along the pond floor toward the turtle to get a better look at the bottle and its label. If we can't, float toward the turtle instead to get a better look at the bottle and its label.
> "If someone more magically-inclined wants to try it, I won't stop you. But I'm not doing it again until twilight. I already massively screwed up once today by not following instructions, I'm not doing it a second time."
> Tilt our head the other way, a little further, in mild confusion.
> If we can do so, walk along the pond floor toward the turtle to get a better look at the bottle and its label. If we can't, float toward the turtle instead to get a better look at the bottle and its label.
> "Guess you have a point... Alright, up to you since you found it." Marisa states.
> You approach in inspection, though the turtle moves back a bit.
> As you investigate it more, you speculate that the label might actually be a seal. This is one of those things to capture phantoms... But it's small, and why does a turtle of all things have it just lying about in it's shell?
> Nod.
> Pocket the box, if we have one large enough for it.
> Blink.
> Slowly raise our hands in front of us, open out toward the turtle, and back away some.
> Let go of the water we took in.
> Nod.
> Pocket the box, if we have one large enough for it.
> Blink.
> Slowly raise our hands in front of us, open out toward the turtle, and back away some.
> Let go of the water we took in.
> You don't think your pockets are big enough.
> You release the water you've collected.
> The turtle shakes it's head as it retreats back into it's shell, putting the bottle away.
> It comes back out, then starts to surface, not checking if you'll just resume.
> Though given it noticed the first time, it'll probably realize again if you did.
> Nod.
> "Thanks."
> "On a completely unrelated note, Reimu, are there any meaningful bodies of water nearby other than your pond?"
> Once we've emptied out all of our water, resurface and scramble back into the shrine.
> Nod.
> "Thanks."
> "On a completely unrelated note, Reimu, are there any meaningful bodies of water nearby other than your pond?"
> Once we've emptied out all of our water, resurface and scramble back into the shrine.
> "Why? Do you need to wash up or something?"
> "Wasn't there that one lake that got drained? That led to Yuuka's old place?" Marisa asks.
> "Yeah, but that's probably still empty now." Reimu answers.
> You surface as well and return to the shrine.
> "No, Myon just shrugs off dirt and germs and such. I was just curious how Myon can interact with water, and I don't want to bother your turtle."
> "No, Myon just shrugs off dirt and germs and such. I was just curious how Myon can interact with water, and I don't want to bother your turtle."
> "My t-... H-He didn't bother you either, did he?" Reimu questions, a bit of a blush on her face.
> Look awkward.
> " was...kinda my fault for getting into the water in the first place without asking. He just, uh, made it clear I shouldn't have done that."
> Look awkward.
> " was...kinda my fault for getting into the water in the first place without asking. He just, uh, made it clear I shouldn't have done that."
> "T-That idiot! I'll be right back." Reimu rushes off.
> "If Satori were still here, I wonder what she'd think of that turtle." Marisa muses.
> "It wasn't his fault! I'm sorry! Please tell him I'm sorry!"
> "It wasn't his fault! I'm sorry! Please tell him I'm sorry!"
> You're not sure if your words got to Reimu...
> Who's still present, anyway?
> Shove the box inside Myon's torso and hurry after Reimu.
> Look down in shock at the sudden intrusion.
> Then look back at where Youmu left with an annoyed expression.
> Who's still present, anyway?
> Shove the box inside Myon's torso and hurry after Reimu.
> Look down in shock at the sudden intrusion.
> Then look back at where Youmu left with an annoyed expression.
> Marisa, Miko, and Alice.
> You store the box and start after Reimu.
> "Having a giant pocket around all the time seems useful. But I guess it'd start to feel uncomfortable having stuff inside you, huh." Marisa comments.
> "Little scare or not, didn't you say you'd stay out of sight when there's visitors?" You arrive to Reimu already mid conversation.
> "My lady, isn't that a bit harsh? Even I miss my old friends." The turtle responds. It can talk...
> "I don't think any of this shrine's visitors are your friends..."
> "You'd be surprised my lady. I've made friends with strong youkai, strong phantoms, and even strong shrine maidens, even though I'm not that reliable myself anymore."
> "Don't... I-... Just quit talking already." Reimu crosses her arms.
> Could we fit Marisa fully inside us?
> Could we fit Marisa fully inside us?
> ...
> She seems small enough, even without you being bigger like before.
> "Wait, you can talk?"
> Shrug, then adopt a thinking expression.
> Take the box out of us and set it gently on the floor.
> Gesture to Marisa, then back to ourselves, putting the hand inside our body. Tilt our head slightly with an expectant look.
> "Wait, you can talk?"
> Shrug, then adopt a thinking expression.
> Take the box out of us and set it gently on the floor.
> Gesture to Marisa, then back to ourselves, putting the hand inside our body. Tilt our head slightly with an expectant look.
> Reimu jumps.
> "Uh... Y-Yea, he can talk. Why did you come back here?" Reimu asks, clearly flustered.
> You retrieve the box and set it down, then gesture to Marisa.
> "Oh dear, I don't think that's the sort of thing you should be suggesting out in public..." Miko comments with a blush.
> "I think you've got the wrong idea." Alice speaks.
> "What? You already have the box outside of you..." Marisa thinks. "You don't, well, didn't, need our help with that."
> Could we fit Miko fully inside us?
> What about Alice?
> Could we fit Miko fully inside us?
> What about Alice?
> You're not sure, probably not...
> You are also unsure about Alice. Both of them are bigger.
> "I just...wanted to make sure he didn't get in trouble just because I invaded his space."
> Look at and gesture to Miko, nod, then shrug.
> Then repeat the same inviting-her-inside-us actions to Miko that we did for Marisa.
> "I just...wanted to make sure he didn't get in trouble just because I invaded his space."
> Look at and gesture to Miko, nod, then shrug.
> Then repeat the same inviting-her-inside-us actions to Miko that we did for Marisa.
> "Well it's not his. He's just staying there."
> "There's no worry young Konpaku, My lady does well in taking care of here. I wish I could say the same for the rest of the shrine, but-"
> "I-I said to stop talking! You're being unnecessary, gramps!" Reimu interjects, throwing her arms into the air in emphasis.
> "This still isn't the place to suggest that sort of thing, even if you're fine with me." Miko repeats, head down enough to hide her face. Though, her tone doesn't suggest a further blush, and you can't see such either.
> "S-Seriously?" Marisa questions.
> "If it's... that bothersome, I have something that could help. Though, an actual person is usually better, isn't it?" Alice offers.
> "Hey, quit it, someone might seriously be listening in on this and get the wrong idea." Marisa says.
> "...Um, alright. I'll leave you both be, then."
> Head back inside.
> Give look of genuine confusion all around.
> "...Um, alright. I'll leave you both be, then."
> Head back inside.
> Give look of genuine confusion all around.
> You head back, and Reimu seems to follow, annoyed.
> "Like, Aya. Imagine if she was taking notes on all of this." Marisa says. "Who's to say she isn't, actually?"
> "She isn't, not now at least. Though she could be at any moment." Miko suggests.
> "What would Aya take notes on? She's been in Myon already. How do you think I got her here in the first place?"
> "What would Aya take notes on? She's been in Myon already. How do you think I got her here in the first place?"
> "Oh, great, you're back. Surely you don't mean what Miko's mishearing." Marisa questions.
> "Like carrying someone? But we can all fly, can't we?" Alice questions.
> "Marisa wondered if it would feel uncomfortable with stuff inside. Myon was offering to Marisa to experience what being inside was like."
> "Marisa wondered if it would feel uncomfortable with stuff inside. Myon was offering to Marisa to experience what being inside was like."
> "Oh. I meant uncomfortable for you, not your phantom half. Or, I guess I still did mean that. As in if I had my own phantom half and tried using them as a pocket, would I feel uncomfortable from such." Marisa explains.
> "Oh. Nah, it's fine. As long as I don't overload myself, but that's true of anyone trying to carry too much. Offer still stands, by the way."
> "Oh. Nah, it's fine. As long as I don't overload myself, but that's true of anyone trying to carry too much. Offer still stands, by the way."
> "I was just curious. It's not like I can make myself a half phantom anyways." Marisa says.
> "Should we get back to thinking of who could've made that ribbon?" Alice questions.
> "No, I, never mind."
> "Anyway, should I go and try to get the ribbon back, since you all are probably better at deducing who might have made it?'
> "No, I, never mind."
> "Anyway, should I go and try to get the ribbon back, since you all are probably better at deducing who might have made it?'
> "You want it back?" Reimu questions.
> "Now that I understand what I was experiencing, yeah."
> "Now that I understand what I was experiencing, yeah."
> "Alright..." Reimu says.
> "I guess we should split up and just ask around about new things made, maybe?" Marisa suggests.
> "Maybe we should just wait for something else to happen. Whoever made that probably isn't just leaving that the only thing made, right?" Alice considers.
> "Ah, good point..."
> "I can certainly keep an eye out for unusual activity along the way."
> "I can certainly keep an eye out for unusual activity along the way."
> "Good luck, then." Alice wishes.
> Nod.
> Head out of the shrine, Myon following closely behind Youmu as usual, and go all the way back to the shop, watching for unusual activity or people that might need help (or bodies of water).
> Nod.
> Head out of the shrine, Myon following closely behind Youmu as usual, and go all the way back to the shop, watching for unusual activity or people that might need help (or bodies of water).
> You depart, starting for Kourindou again...
> Nothing of note seems to happen along the way, and arriving near the village, it even looks like things got better.
> Misty Lake isn't too far away from the shop... You could continue on, or just stop here and head in.
> Or we could do both!
> Head to the shop.
> Head to Misty Lake.
> Or we could do both!
> Head to the shop.
> Head to Misty Lake.
> You head into the shop as you have your phantom half continue on.
> Rinnosuke seems up and healthy. You can see he has the ribbon on his wrist.
> He gives you a small wave in greeting with his other hand.
> There doesn't seem to be a lot of fairies on this side of the lake yet. Perhaps they don't want to run into whatever they think was causing the spirit stuff earlier.
> Wave back.
> "Good to see you're back to normal. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to do it myself, but at least I found someone that could."
> Submerge ourselves and travel downward to a point where we can comfortably stand while being fully submerged. If that ends up being the bottom of the lake, so be it, but ideally we won't go that far.
> Once we've found such a spot, begin taking water into ourselves, with the goal of filling up our Youmu shape completely.
> Wave back.
> "Good to see you're back to normal. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to do it myself, but at least I found someone that could."
> Submerge ourselves and travel downward to a point where we can comfortably stand while being fully submerged. If that ends up being the bottom of the lake, so be it, but ideally we won't go that far.
> Once we've found such a spot, begin taking water into ourselves, with the goal of filling up our Youmu shape completely.
> "Mm, thanks for that if that was you. It's good not worrying about if someone will come in and take the free meal, or steal something."
> You head into the lake, hoping there's no one around to both-
> Well... before you even get that far, you seem to catch the interest of the mermaid here...
> "How's the ribbon treating you?"
> Give her a smile and a wave as we continue in our original pursuit. If she desires to be social, that's totally fine, we can multi-task.
> "How's the ribbon treating you?"
> Give her a smile and a wave as we continue in our original pursuit. If she desires to be social, that's totally fine, we can multi-task.
> "It's been more of a boon than a bane, surprisingly." Rinnosuke answers.
> "You're not a bad phantom?" The mermaid questions, following you down. "Ah, you shouldn't go that deep. There's some nasty fellows the deeper you get. Even if you're intangible, they might have attacks that can reach you."
> Look slightly crestfallen.
> "Ah...I see."
> Stop traveling downward, having a look into the depths.
> Look back to the mermaid and give her a bow of thanks.
> Then gesture for her to come with us, and float upward a bit to avoid going too far down (but remaining well below the surface).
> Look slightly crestfallen.
> "Ah...I see."
> Stop traveling downward, having a look into the depths.
> Look back to the mermaid and give her a bow of thanks.
> Then gesture for her to come with us, and float upward a bit to avoid going too far down (but remaining well below the surface).
> "What's the matter?" He picks up on the expression surprisingly quickly.
> The mermaid follows as gestured, seemingly a bit curious, but moreso seeming quite friendly.
> "Well, I mean, it's good that it's not harming you, certainly. But I'll admit I kinda wanted it back..."
> Once we reach a good stopping point, do so. It's okay if we're just floating in the water rather than standing on anything.
> Look at the mermaid, gesture to the lower half of our body, and begin taking water into ourselves as originally planned.
> "Well, I mean, it's good that it's not harming you, certainly. But I'll admit I kinda wanted it back..."
> Once we reach a good stopping point, do so. It's okay if we're just floating in the water rather than standing on anything.
> Look at the mermaid, gesture to the lower half of our body, and begin taking water into ourselves as originally planned.
> "Hm? Was it a benefit for you as well? I suppose if you found it first, it'd be yours to hold onto. Though, why did it end up in my hands, then?"
> You've found a good underwater "ledge".
> "Thirsty?" The mermaid questions. "No, not quite... Is it something like this?"
> The mermaid seems to inhale, and she suddenly seems to grow a chunk. A bit in the front, but mostly in her tail.
> "I cut it off of a cat that appeared to have had someone put it on her to cause the chaos that was people's spirits leaving their bodies. It came to you because we were hoping to learn what it did. Well, other people had the idea to go to you. Admittedly, it didn't occur to me."
> Continue filling up in the background of other actions.
> Go wide-eyed in surprise at the display, then begin applauding in appreciation.
> "I cut it off of a cat that appeared to have had someone put it on her to cause the chaos that was people's spirits leaving their bodies. It came to you because we were hoping to learn what it did. Well, other people had the idea to go to you. Admittedly, it didn't occur to me."
> Continue filling up in the background of other actions.
> Go wide-eyed in surprise at the display, then begin applauding in appreciation.
> "Well, I have figured out what it does, at least, if you'd like to know."
> You applaud the mermaid.
> "Thanks, It's a little skill I've learned, though I'm not sure how to teach others how to do it..."
> Nod.
> "Please."
> Look down at our chest for a few moments.
> Then look back up at Waka and shrug with a rueful smile.
> Nod.
> "Please."
> Look down at our chest for a few moments.
> Then look back up at Waka and shrug with a rueful smile.
> "This strangely colored ribbon is known as the Inverse Ribbon. Whoever wears it has their abilities amplified, but loses control over it. A double edged sword for more power in most cases, I guess. It seems to always be worn, and when someone tries to remove it, it'll end up worn by another person. I can't take it off myself, but if someone's close enough, it can sort of latch onto them faster than anyone can react. Even miss Shameimaru believes she wouldn't be able to blow it away mid transfer, though I wonder if she's just being humble."
> The man tugs at the ribbon a bit.
> "Additionally, there's something else intended... Something to bring out a different sort of ability from the wearer. Though, perhaps this is just a byproduct of having control over your ability stripped form you, and having to regain it despite the offensive force the ribbon provides... Maybe it's meant as something to train others."
> "Well, I guess I can try. Hm, how do I explain it... It feels like I'm using the power of water to expand my body. But... that probably won't work for you. I'm someone that gets much stronger in water, after all, so maybe that's why I can do this..."
> Nod along as he explains.
> "That...sort of tracks with what I experienced when I wore it. Another offered to cut it off of me, and all of a sudden I started seeing her attacking before she actually did so."
> How full of water are we at this point?
> Adopt a thinking expression for a bit, then look around for something small and loose on this shelf that we could pick up.
> Nod along as he explains.
> "That...sort of tracks with what I experienced when I wore it. Another offered to cut it off of me, and all of a sudden I started seeing her attacking before she actually did so."
> How full of water are we at this point?
> Adopt a thinking expression for a bit, then look around for something small and loose on this shelf that we could pick up.
> "Oh, so you have a form of precognition? That's interesting. Maybe you'll be able to tell the future."
> About a third left to go.
> There's plenty of rocks, and some shells too.
> "I figured it was more enhancing my abilities as a swordswoman. Reading my opponents and such. But maybe that counts as a form of precognition?"
> Pick up a rock, show it to the mermaid, and then place it inside our upper torso, holding our hands away from our body to show it off.
> Once a second or two has passed, take the rock out of us and put it back where we found it.
> Then look back at the mermaid, gesture to her, point inside of us, and tilt our head slightly with an expectant look.
> "I figured it was more enhancing my abilities as a swordswoman. Reading my opponents and such. But maybe that counts as a form of precognition?"
> Pick up a rock, show it to the mermaid, and then place it inside our upper torso, holding our hands away from our body to show it off.
> Once a second or two has passed, take the rock out of us and put it back where we found it.
> Then look back at the mermaid, gesture to her, point inside of us, and tilt our head slightly with an expectant look.
> "A swordsman. Hm... I suppose." Rinnosuke shrugs.
> You take a rock and place it inside yourself, then remove it.
> "Hm... I think I get what you're getting at." The mermaid returns to her normal size, and swims closer to you, gently pressing her hand against your chest, as if to push you.
> "Anyway, uh, I'd be happy to take it back, but I don't really have anything to offer in return..."
> Nod with a smile.
> Allow the mermaid to pass into us, holding her within us (so that she doesn't immediately pop out the other side).
> "Anyway, uh, I'd be happy to take it back, but I don't really have anything to offer in return..."
> Nod with a smile.
> Allow the mermaid to pass into us, holding her within us (so that she doesn't immediately pop out the other side).
> "It's alright, I'm not stingy." Rinnosuke offers his hand with the ribbon. "You did find it first, after all."
> You allow the mermaid to do as she's trying, letting her swim into you, though keeping her from passing back out as much as you can.
> She tumbles a bit trying to fit, still managing to push out from your outline even with your attempts. Though eventually, she gets a hold of her tail in a hug close to herself, and fits neatly without touching any edges.
> You notice her repeat her trick from earlier, and though it expands you a bit, that's only due to pushing your body - which soon pushes her own extremities out.
> "Hm, doesn't work..." She comments.
> How do we feel with a mermaid and a bunch of water inside us?
> Are we capable of making our 'skin' pssable in only one direction, where things can go in but not out?
> Is the mermaid's chest sticking partially out of us now that she's grown again?
> How do we feel with a mermaid and a bunch of water inside us?
> Are we capable of making our 'skin' pssable in only one direction, where things can go in but not out?
> Is the mermaid's chest sticking partially out of us now that she's grown again?
> It's not the best feeling... Being underwater already, the water isn't as bothersome and heavy feeling as you suspect it'd normally be.
> You don't think you are.
> Yes.
> "Thanks!"
> Untie the ribbon in anticipation of it attaching to us. Maybe it'll improve Myon's abilities too?
> Put up a single index finger where the mermaid can see.
> Hold our hands wide open and a little bit apart, and then bring them together while closing them, in the hopes of conveying to the mermaid that she should compress again.
> "Thanks!"
> Untie the ribbon in anticipation of it attaching to us. Maybe it'll improve Myon's abilities too?
> Put up a single index finger where the mermaid can see.
> Hold our hands wide open and a little bit apart, and then bring them together while closing them, in the hopes of conveying to the mermaid that she should compress again.
> You try to manually untie the ribbon.
> It's a bit hard to come off, but not impossible.
> Though, you don't even see it move. One moment, it looks like you've finished untying it, the next, it's on your wrist.
> You hold up a finger, respectfully of course, then try to gesture your intent.
> The mermaid complies, returning her size to normal.
> "Sorry I can't get any smaller than this..."
> Do we feel different for having the ribbon on us?
> "Wow. That really is fast."
> Do we feel different for having the ribbon on Youmu?
> Smile and give the mermaid a thumbs-up.
> Then hold up an index finger again.
> Stop taking water into ourselves, if we haven't done so already. It's okay if we're not topped off (though it would be nice if we were).
> Will our 'skin' to no longer allow passage of things in or out.
> Then do the compression motion we just did, but in reverse, in the hopes of conveying to the mermaid that she should expand again.
> Do we feel different for having the ribbon on us?
> "Wow. That really is fast."
> Do we feel different for having the ribbon on Youmu?
> Smile and give the mermaid a thumbs-up.
> Then hold up an index finger again.
> Stop taking water into ourselves, if we haven't done so already. It's okay if we're not topped off (though it would be nice if we were).
> Will our 'skin' to no longer allow passage of things in or out.
> Then do the compression motion we just did, but in reverse, in the hopes of conveying to the mermaid that she should expand again.
> Not really.
> You don't feel any sudden differences.
> You repeat the gestures in a different way, trying to make sure you keep her from moving out from you.
> The mermaid repeats her growth, though it still results in the same, bypassing your body.
> "Anyway, thank you again for everything. Is there anything I can do for you while I'm out and about?"
> Frown a bit and make the compression motion again.
> Resume taking water into ourselves. Our goal now is to try to take in more than would normally fit inside our Youmu shape, in the hopes that it pushes our 'skin' outward and makes us larger.
> "Anyway, thank you again for everything. Is there anything I can do for you while I'm out and about?"
> Frown a bit and make the compression motion again.
> Resume taking water into ourselves. Our goal now is to try to take in more than would normally fit inside our Youmu shape, in the hopes that it pushes our 'skin' outward and makes us larger.
> "If you find anything interesting, drop it off here?" Rinnosuke asks.
> The mermaid undos again.
> You try to take in more water than your "body" limit. Though, it doesn't seem to be working. Like a container, it seems like when you're full, you're full. You can't even stretch yourself out for more with the water itself.
> Nod.
> "Sure."
> Try pulling at our 'skin' at our stomach with our hands in an attempt to stretch ourselves out to make more room.
> Nod.
> "Sure."
> Try pulling at our 'skin' at our stomach with our hands in an attempt to stretch ourselves out to make more room.
> "Thanks."
> You try to pull yourself in order to fit more.
> You don't really expand much, however.
> "Alright, I'll see you around."
> Exit the shop and head toward the part of the Misty Lake that Myon went in.
> Frown some more, then think.
> Then have a realization!
> Stop taking on water and go back to being impermeable.
> Indicate a single index finger to the mermaid again.
> Then try floating upward, back toward the surface.
> "Alright, I'll see you around."
> Exit the shop and head toward the part of the Misty Lake that Myon went in.
> Frown some more, then think.
> Then have a realization!
> Stop taking on water and go back to being impermeable.
> Indicate a single index finger to the mermaid again.
> Then try floating upward, back toward the surface.
> You depart from the shop and head for your phantom half.
> You try to float back up to the surface after gesturing. It's not too hard, but you still feel heavy.
> Well, with any luck, we can simply walk around once we surface.
> As we continue floating up to the surface, smile down at Waka.
> Point at our mouth, make a talking motion with our hand, and then point upward a couple of times.
> Well, with any luck, we can simply walk around once we surface.
> As we continue floating up to the surface, smile down at Waka.
> Point at our mouth, make a talking motion with our hand, and then point upward a couple of times.
> "Hm..." The mermaid tries to interpret. "Someone to translate for you?"
> You surface, and thus, answer her question with your human half arriving.
> Point at Youmu.
> Wave at Myon and her passenger with a smile.
> "Hello, Miss Mermaid! A pleasure for this half of me to finally meet you!"
> Float to the shore, but don't try to get out just yet.
> Point at Youmu.
> Wave at Myon and her passenger with a smile.
> "Hello, Miss Mermaid! A pleasure for this half of me to finally meet you!"
> Float to the shore, but don't try to get out just yet.
> "H-Hello." The mermaid speaks from within your phantom half.
> Does her demeanor seem to have changed?
> "Would you be okay with me getting out of the lake? You'll still have the water within me to float in."
> Does her demeanor seem to have changed?
> "Would you be okay with me getting out of the lake? You'll still have the water within me to float in."
> She seems a bit alarmed.
> "Uh, I'm not sure about that..."
> Nod.
> "Alright. We can put a pin in that for the time being."
> "Anyway, my name is Youmu Konpalu, and I am half-human, half-phantom. My human typically goes by Youmu, while my phantom typically goes by Myon."
> Smile down at Waka and wave slightly.
> "It's very nice to meet you, and it's also nice to finally actually be able to say that to you."
> Gently reach an open hand into Myon toward one of Waka's hands, in the offer of a handshake.
> Nod.
> "Alright. We can put a pin in that for the time being."
> "Anyway, my name is Youmu Konpalu, and I am half-human, half-phantom. My human typically goes by Youmu, while my phantom typically goes by Myon."
> Smile down at Waka and wave slightly.
> "It's very nice to meet you, and it's also nice to finally actually be able to say that to you."
> Gently reach an open hand into Myon toward one of Waka's hands, in the offer of a handshake.
> "My name's Wakasagihime." The mermaid accepts teh handshake. "I'm just a mermaid in this lake."
> "I wouldn't say 'just'! A mermaid is a cool being to, uh, be."
> "Anyway, I do want to tell you exactly what Myon was doing down there, and I want to find something nice I can do for you, since you were nice to me when you didn't have to be."
> "I wouldn't say 'just'! A mermaid is a cool being to, uh, be."
> "Anyway, I do want to tell you exactly what Myon was doing down there, and I want to find something nice I can do for you, since you were nice to me when you didn't have to be."
> "Okay. I mean, it's not that hard to be nice anyways, right?"
> "...Well, no, but I wanted to be nice to you anyway, I was just trying to make it sound cool, or something. Guess it didn't work, haha."
> "So the long and short of it is that, while I've known my whole life that Myon can pass through things and carry things and stuff like that, it occurred to me today that she's never really interacted with water for an extended period of time. I wanted to see how she would, and if she could carry some within herself, and maybe even take more into herself than it looks like she would normally be able to. That last one hasn't come to fruition yet, but I'd say this experience has been a rousing success otherwise."
> "...Well, no, but I wanted to be nice to you anyway, I was just trying to make it sound cool, or something. Guess it didn't work, haha."
> "So the long and short of it is that, while I've known my whole life that Myon can pass through things and carry things and stuff like that, it occurred to me today that she's never really interacted with water for an extended period of time. I wanted to see how she would, and if she could carry some within herself, and maybe even take more into herself than it looks like she would normally be able to. That last one hasn't come to fruition yet, but I'd say this experience has been a rousing success otherwise."
> "Mm. I guess those line up pretty well with someone like me, huh. Alright."
> Nod.
> "They do, as much as I didn't know you were here until we met. But now that we've met, I'd like I'd to get to know more about each other, if that's okay with you. In fact, it tied in neatly with an idea I had. Please forgive my presumptuous, but can I assume you're largely water-locked?"
> Nod.
> "They do, as much as I didn't know you were here until we met. But now that we've met, I'd like I'd to get to know more about each other, if that's okay with you. In fact, it tied in neatly with an idea I had. Please forgive my presumptuous, but can I assume you're largely water-locked?"
> "I've managed a bit against that actually." Wakasagihime perks up a bit. "But yeah, for the most part."
> "I see! Well, hopefully this idea still has some appeal. Basically, I was thinking that we could travel around together on land for a while, seeing sights you may not have seen before, and chatting and learning more about each other. And maybe training some more with both of our abilities."
> Gesture up and down at Myon.
> "With Myon able to hold you and some lake water for you, you'll have no trouble getting around."
> "I see! Well, hopefully this idea still has some appeal. Basically, I was thinking that we could travel around together on land for a while, seeing sights you may not have seen before, and chatting and learning more about each other. And maybe training some more with both of our abilities."
> Gesture up and down at Myon.
> "With Myon able to hold you and some lake water for you, you'll have no trouble getting around."
> "That should be able to help with my thing anyways, actually. I'm up for it, then." Waka agrees.
> "Great! Glad to have you aboard. Can Myon get out of the water, then? Or do you still need some time?"
> Hold out our ribbon arm to Myon.
> Attempt to until the ribbon.
> "Great! Glad to have you aboard. Can Myon get out of the water, then? Or do you still need some time?"
> Hold out our ribbon arm to Myon.
> Attempt to until the ribbon.
> "I'm ready. Uh, if you can even float out like this."
> You try to untie the ribbon, but it doesn't seem to work... Do you not count as someone who can wear it, or is your human half already counting for you? If it is affecting you, then what are you losing control on? Is there something about yourself you haven't realized yet?
> Try to get back onto the shore, either by floating or, if that doesn't work, simply by climbing and walking.
> Try to get back onto the shore, either by floating or, if that doesn't work, simply by climbing and walking.
> You try to get onto the shore, but the mermaid and the water seem too heavy for you to float.
> You try to climb up, but it's still difficult, if not just as hard. You can't do this alone, that's for sure.
> Help pull Myon up onto land.
> Continue trying to climb back into the shore, coordinating with Youmu as needed.
> Help pull Myon up onto land.
> Continue trying to climb back into the shore, coordinating with Youmu as needed.
> You try to lift your phantom half, but this thing is seriously heavy. This might be impossible.
> "Uhm, not sure I can help without getting out myself..." Waka comments.
> Look around for anywhere nearby where the shore slopes down into the water and continues sloping down once it is underwater. If we can find such a place, Myon should be able to simply walk out.
> Look around for anywhere nearby where the shore slopes down into the water and continues sloping down once it is underwater. If we can find such a place, Myon should be able to simply walk out.
> You eventually do spot such a slope, and try to walk up and out, though the weight makes it too difficult to get up it.
> Take Myon's hands and pull while walking backwards to help her get up the slope.
> Take Myon's hands and pull while walking backwards to help her get up the slope.
> You try to help yourself up, but it's still heavy. It's like trying to drag a filled crate. Were you seriously this weak? Then again, it's an entire mermaid and a container of your size filled to the brim with water...
> "Should we try less water?" Waka suggests.
> "Mmm...maybe. I have one last idea before that, though."
> Stick our ribbon hand into Myon far enough that the ribbon is inside.
> "Can you untie this ribbon for me? It will instantly appear on you if you do, but that's okay. Myon will untie it off of you right back."
> "Mmm...maybe. I have one last idea before that, though."
> Stick our ribbon hand into Myon far enough that the ribbon is inside.
> "Can you untie this ribbon for me? It will instantly appear on you if you do, but that's okay. Myon will untie it off of you right back."
> You stick your hand in to your wrist.
> "Okay..." The mermaid gets to work, soon untying the ribbon from you.
> And of course, it's on her next thing you know.
> Pull our arm out of Myon.
> Reach into ourselves and untie the ribbon on Waka.
> Pull our arm out of Myon.
> Reach into ourselves and untie the ribbon on Waka.
> You retrieve your arm and have your phantom half try to untie the ribbon.
> It works, and your arm is cursed with the ribbon in return.
> Is the ribbon on our human half or our phantom half?
> Is the latter, what does it seem to be made of?
> Is the ribbon on our human half or our phantom half?
> Is the latter, what does it seem to be made of?
> Your phantom half.
> It seems the same. You think you can just have your phantom half become intangible again to slip it off.
> Do we feel any different from before?
> Do we feel any different from before?
> You're not sure. It's hard not to pay all your attention to this heavy feeling.
> " much water are you willing to have me let go, and how much would you like to remain?"
> Try floating upward again, just to see if the ribbon helped with our strength.
> " much water are you willing to have me let go, and how much would you like to remain?"
> Try floating upward again, just to see if the ribbon helped with our strength.
> "We can try half of this." Waka suggests.
> You try to float upwards. No dice, still far too heavy.
> Nod.
> Keeping Wakasagihime within us, let half the water within us drain back out into the lake. If it seems like we're losing her, reach into ourselves and take hold of her to keep her in place.
> Nod.
> Keeping Wakasagihime within us, let half the water within us drain back out into the lake. If it seems like we're losing her, reach into ourselves and take hold of her to keep her in place.
> You let most of the water release, and find it much more doable. Still some weight, but you feel capable of moving at least.
> You think she's still too much weight to be floating with though...
> Try walking up onto the shore again.
> Assist if needed.
> Try walking up onto the shore again.
> Assist if needed.
> You try to get onshore, and have better success this time. Or rather, any success at all compared to last time.
> "There we go."
> Given the presence of the mermaid, how much free space do we have left within us? (Pretend the water doesn't exist for the purpose of this assessment.)
> How does Waka seem to be handling her current situation?
> Does she sound any different from being inside Myon?
> "There we go indeed! I would have been horribly embarrassed if I said all that stuff and then couldn't make good on it. I must plan further strength training for myself."
> "In any case, welcome to land, Lady Wakasagi. Before we begin, is there anywhere in particular you would like to visit?"
> Given the presence of the mermaid, how much free space do we have left within us? (Pretend the water doesn't exist for the purpose of this assessment.)
> How does Waka seem to be handling her current situation?
> Does she sound any different from being inside Myon?
> "There we go indeed! I would have been horribly embarrassed if I said all that stuff and then couldn't make good on it. I must plan further strength training for myself."
> "In any case, welcome to land, Lady Wakasagi. Before we begin, is there anywhere in particular you would like to visit?"
> You could probably fit a second Waka, though both would be very uncomfortably squished and one's tail would have to be moved around weirdly under the other, probably.
> She looks a bit tired maybe? Has she been helping?
> You can hear her just fine, same as Myon heard her before covering her.
> "Maybe the Hakurei Shrine? I've heard a bunch of people talk about it before, but can't really get to it."
> Myon previously had trouble carrying much more than Aya. Is Myon somehow larger than before, or is Waka just that much smaller than Aya?
> "Perfect, I just came from there and intended to go back. That's where we'll go."
> Begin walking back toward the shrine.
> Walk along as well.
> "You see, there's an incident going on right now, and I've dabbled in solving before, so I'm helping out. The ribbon you see on Myon was put on an unsuspecting cat, enhancing her abilities but making it harder for her to control them. It ended up forcibly separating people's spirits from their bodies. Ah, that's not my ability, so it won't happen to you, don't worry."
> Myon previously had trouble carrying much more than Aya. Is Myon somehow larger than before, or is Waka just that much smaller than Aya?
> "Perfect, I just came from there and intended to go back. That's where we'll go."
> Begin walking back toward the shrine.
> Walk along as well.
> "You see, there's an incident going on right now, and I've dabbled in solving before, so I'm helping out. The ribbon you see on Myon was put on an unsuspecting cat, enhancing her abilities but making it harder for her to control them. It ended up forcibly separating people's spirits from their bodies. Ah, that's not my ability, so it won't happen to you, don't worry."
> You note she's no bigger than before. You're still sure this isn't as bad to carry.
> You start back for the shrine. It's still difficult to walk though, strangely, it's getting easier as you go. Like, lighter. Maybe it's a heavy enough weight to get used to after a bit, like training?
> "Um... so if you're a phantom, would your ability be possessing people?"
> Can we do that, to our knowledge?
> If we it possible we're possessing the mermaid, and that's why this is getting easier?
> "For Myon?...Hmmm...I suppose it's possible? I admit I wasn't sure myself what that ribbon might enhance for Myon. ...Do you feel like that's happening to you, like I'm possessing you or something?"
> Can we do that, to our knowledge?
> If we it possible we're possessing the mermaid, and that's why this is getting easier?
> "For Myon?...Hmmm...I suppose it's possible? I admit I wasn't sure myself what that ribbon might enhance for Myon. ...Do you feel like that's happening to you, like I'm possessing you or something?"
> You're a phantom, so you should be able to...
> You consider the possibility... it could be.
> Strangely, it's still getting easier to move and carry the mermaid and the water.
> "A bit. Though I've only felt a different kind of possession before."
> "Hmm. Can you describe how it feels? I've never been on the receiving end before."
> "Hmm. Can you describe how it feels? I've never been on the receiving end before."
> "The possession I felt was like being filled with a power that wasn't yours, but you felt like you could make use of it like it was, I think. It's been a while. Right now, I guess I feel like something has a hold on me and is taking pieces. Like if I didn't notice, they would've taken a lot more. Ah, it's like eating with friends sometimes."
Both bodies:
> Frown a bit.
> Do we feel...'more', for lack of a better term?
> "You mean, it feels like I'm taking from you?"
Both bodies:
> Frown a bit.
> Do we feel...'more', for lack of a better term?
> "You mean, it feels like I'm taking from you?"
> You guess you feel stronger, rather than the mermaid and water feeling lighter.
> "A bit. It doesn't seem like much though. Hmm..." Waka thinks as you start passing by the Human Village. "Maybe it's like a newbie trying to fish me up. I. The water, I'm much stronger than one would think, so I can easily pull someone trying to fish me up in instead of getting pulled out. Of course I don't actually do that!" She explains.
> "Of course. Um, does that mean I should add more water for you? I probably could at this point, carrying you has gradually gotten easier for some reason."
> Try floating into the air a little bit.
> "Of course. Um, does that mean I should add more water for you? I probably could at this point, carrying you has gradually gotten easier for some reason."
> Try floating into the air a little bit.
> "This much is fine. It doesn't feel too bad."
> You try, and find that you are capable of floating off the ground a bit.
> You wonder if this keeps up, if you could carry another person in you and still float.
> Does the volume of water within Myon seem to have decreased since we left the lake behind?
> Descend back to the ground and resume walking along with Youmu.
> "Alright. Ah, there's the Human Village over there, by the way."
> Gesture in the direction of the village.
> Does the volume of water within Myon seem to have decreased since we left the lake behind?
> Descend back to the ground and resume walking along with Youmu.
> "Alright. Ah, there's the Human Village over there, by the way."
> Gesture in the direction of the village.
> No, you don't believe so.
> "I've been there before with my friends." Wakasagihime answers. "Though we can't go often since it's the human village, and most humans aren't fine with seeing youkai so freely roaming the village."
> You return to walking.
> "Ah, that answers another question I was going to ask. Would you want to go visit any of your land-dwelling friends as part of this journey?"
> "Oh, and do you want to try using your ability again? With how things have changed, I wonder if anything different might happen now."
> Do our best to will ourselves to be solid and not let things pass through us from outside or inside.
> "Ah, that answers another question I was going to ask. Would you want to go visit any of your land-dwelling friends as part of this journey?"
> "Oh, and do you want to try using your ability again? With how things have changed, I wonder if anything different might happen now."
> Do our best to will ourselves to be solid and not let things pass through us from outside or inside.
> "They did visit me a while ago actually. Today, still."
> "I don't know. This doesn't feel like a safe thing to try when the water could leak out of it goes wrong..."
> Nod.
> "That's fair. I wouldn't want to put you at risk like that. Well, maybe you and I can wander the Human Village later, then, if you want. I'm half-human, so maybe the humans will be less tense."
> Nod.
> "That's fair. I wouldn't want to put you at risk like that. Well, maybe you and I can wander the Human Village later, then, if you want. I'm half-human, so maybe the humans will be less tense."
> "I'm not human enough to pass though, so I doubt it'd work."
> "It may be good enough that you're in my company. But we don't have to if you don't want to."
> "It may be good enough that you're in my company. But we don't have to if you don't want to."
> "My friends can easily pass as humans too. So I'm the odd one out who'd ruin things if I tried."
> "Oh, I see. That is unfortunate."
> "Who are your friends, anyway? Perhaps I know some of them."
> "Oh, I see. That is unfortunate."
> "Who are your friends, anyway? Perhaps I know some of them."
> "The ones I hang out with the most are Sekibanki and Kagerou."
> Are we familiar with those names?
> Are we familiar with those names?
> You don't recall them.
> "Mmm. I'm afraid those names don't sound familiar. I would be glad to meet them if you wanted to visit them, though. If you know where they live."
> "Mmm. I'm afraid those names don't sound familiar. I would be glad to meet them if you wanted to visit them, though. If you know where they live."
> "Well, I know one of them frequents the village, but the other is in the bamboo forest. Both tough places to get in and out of without causing issues."
> How are we at traversing the Bamboo Forest?
> "Understandable. I have been in the Bamboo Forest myself before, and it is indeed as you say."
> How are we at traversing the Bamboo Forest?
> "Understandable. I have been in the Bamboo Forest myself before, and it is indeed as you say."
> You don't know your way through it too well...
> "My friends usually visit me instead."
> "Well, we could certainly try visiting there, if you decide you want that."
> Lightly bob up and down a little bit.
> "At this point, we're entirely on whatever schedule works for you, because it'd be no trouble for me to just go about my days like this."
> Adopt a thinking expression.
> "...Come to think of it, it'd be nice to have a friend along with me all the time. Though that wouldn't be very fair to you."
> "Well, we could certainly try visiting there, if you decide you want that."
> Lightly bob up and down a little bit.
> "At this point, we're entirely on whatever schedule works for you, because it'd be no trouble for me to just go about my days like this."
> Adopt a thinking expression.
> "...Come to think of it, it'd be nice to have a friend along with me all the time. Though that wouldn't be very fair to you."
> "Oh I couldn't intrude in your days every day like this. I already take up my friends time so much whenever they come visit me."
> Are we still feeling light we're getting stronger and/or our passenger is getting lighter?
> "Oh, you're not intruding at all. Myon doesn't normally go around carrying things, so you're not taking up any space. And my two halves can separate a decent amount if needed."
> Are we still feeling light we're getting stronger and/or our passenger is getting lighter?
> "Oh, you're not intruding at all. Myon doesn't normally go around carrying things, so you're not taking up any space. And my two halves can separate a decent amount if needed."
> You don't feel things getting lighter anymore. But it already feels like you're hardly carrying anything at this point.
> "Still, I'd be in the middle of your conversations and everything. I'm fine just staying in my lake."
> How close are we to the Hakurei Shrine?
> "Oh, I wouldn't care about that as long as you didn't rudely interrupt or something."
> How close are we to the Hakurei Shrine?
> "Oh, I wouldn't care about that as long as you didn't rudely interrupt or something."
> You'd say about halfway there.
> "Still, i wouldn't feel comfortable with it "
> Nod.
> "That's fine. You don't need to worry about me, but if it's for your own comfort, that's important."
> Nod.
> "That's fine. You don't need to worry about me, but if it's for your own comfort, that's important."
> "Yeah..."
> The shrine isn't too far now. You could try flying the rest of the way.
> Do we feel any more supernaturally powerful compared to before we picked up our fishy friend?
> "Anyway, I'm going to try flying a bit. Oh, I should have asked before - have you noticed any unusual activity lately?"
> Try taking to the air and continuing on via flight.
> Do we feel any more supernaturally powerful compared to before we picked up our fishy friend?
> "Anyway, I'm going to try flying a bit. Oh, I should have asked before - have you noticed any unusual activity lately?"
> Try taking to the air and continuing on via flight.
> You suppose so.
> "Not really. Just the usual fairy ruckus above the lake." Wakasagihime says.
> You start to take to the sky, your phantom half being capable of such as well.
> In this way, you reach the shrine much faster.
> Touch down and continue on foot to the main building.
> "Welcome to the Hakurei Shrine, Lady Wakasagi."
> Touch down and continue on foot to the main building.
> "Welcome to the Hakurei Shrine, Lady Wakasagi."
> You land and head for the Shrine.
> "Huh... It doesn't seem that grand." The mermaid comments.
> Everyone seems to be back inside the shrine, or elsewhere, not just at the front like before.
> "Reimu does what she can."
> Hmm...
> As we walk along, given we have some water within us still, try harnessing it to grow ourselves (particularly our chest) like we saw our guest do earlier.
> "Reimu does what she can."
> Hmm...
> As we walk along, given we have some water within us still, try harnessing it to grow ourselves (particularly our chest) like we saw our guest do earlier.
> "I thought it was gonna be like those mansions."
> You try to suck in air and expand like Wakasagi did.
> It... doesn't seem to work. You don't notice any change.
> "It's not much now, but maybe you can eventually do it." The mermaid comments.
> You don't see Marisa and the others inside. It looks like everyone split. There's just Reimu, now. The little box is on her table.
> Give Reimu a wave.
> "Hey Reimu. I got the ribbon back. Mister Shopkeeper told me about it, but it sounds like Miss Aya didn't leave anything obvious out. I didn't find any new incident effects, but I did find a new friend, so it's still a win for me personally, I think."
> Give Reimu a wave.
> "Hey Reimu. I got the ribbon back. Mister Shopkeeper told me about it, but it sounds like Miss Aya didn't leave anything obvious out. I didn't find any new incident effects, but I did find a new friend, so it's still a win for me personally, I think."
> Reimu waves back.
> "Aya suggested running the box over to Kourindou to get it identified, but she got talked out of running off with something again. Then everyone broke for seeing if anything obvious was happening in Gensokyo. Course, they could've just suggested such only to simply have gone home instead."
> "Uh, hello again miss shrine maiden." Wakasagihime waves.
> "I didn't expect to see you out of that lake. What's the occasion?"
> "I wanted to see you. Wait, I mean I wanted to, like, see how you are when you're not being a hero!"
> "So... my daily life? It's nothing interesting."
> "Still, you beat me, my friends, and even some big troublemakers up in such short time. I didn't even see you struggle with me."
> "Thanks, I guess? You sound like you're selling yourself short."
> "I mean, I might be stronger than back then now, even without that weird influence, but I'm not gonna challenge you to a duel out of nowhere."
> Could we fit Reimu within us without getting rid of Waka?
> Walk up closer to Reimu for Waka's sake.
> "Ah, mmm, battling while in your current situation might be a bit tough on me..."
> "Though, Reimu, you act like you're not someone worth seeing. You're Gensokyo's great hero, of course people agree going to be interested in you."
> Could we fit Reimu within us without getting rid of Waka?
> Walk up closer to Reimu for Waka's sake.
> "Ah, mmm, battling while in your current situation might be a bit tough on me..."
> "Though, Reimu, you act like you're not someone worth seeing. You're Gensokyo's great hero, of course people agree going to be interested in you."
> Might be a tight squeeze, but maybe.
> "Well it's not usually good news when someone I beat up comes to see me. Either they want a rematch, revenge, or they're going to start bothering me more often from then on."
> "Sorry if I'm being a bother..."
> "You arent." Reimu corrects. "This is only a little chat anyways. At least you're not dripping water everywhere."
> Look supremely pleased with ourselves.
> "Myon's just that good. Carrying Lady Wakasagi plus a comfortable amount of water for her without spilling. Marisa doesn't know what she's missing from what I offered her earlier."
> Look supremely pleased with ourselves.
> "Myon's just that good. Carrying Lady Wakasagi plus a comfortable amount of water for her without spilling. Marisa doesn't know what she's missing from what I offered her earlier."
> "What, you offering her a mobile hot springs? I can guess a few problems with that already." Reimu comments.
> "Well, no, not a hot spring specifically, that sounds painful..."
> "Oh, right, I almost forgot. Reimu, why did your turtle know my family name?"
> "Well, no, not a hot spring specifically, that sounds painful..."
> "Oh, right, I almost forgot. Reimu, why did your turtle know my family name?"
> "Huh? Did he? He said something about friends, but I didn't think he was serious. Maybe he knows you, or something."
> "A turtle? I don't see one." The mermaid comments.
> What is our relation to Youki Konpaku, again?
> What is our relation to Youki Konpaku, again?
> You recall him as a father of sorts, or maybe more of a grandfather. He taught you most of your sword skills, and even some of your half phantom techniques, though those were much harder to learn.
> If you had the chance to meet him again, maybe you could... no, you couldn't bring up this Mermaid's things to him. You'd die, for real.
> But, what if he does know how to manipulate his half phantom like such? Is there a way you can get to that conclusion without bringing the goals up to him?
> "Hmm...maybe he knew Master?"
> Look to Waka.
> "He's in a pond nearby. I could take you to go see him if you like."
> "Hmm...maybe he knew Master?"
> Look to Waka.
> "He's in a pond nearby. I could take you to go see him if you like."
> "There's a pond here?"
> Reimu nods in answer.
> "I'll take you there."
> Walk outside to where the pond is.
> Once we get outside, try the inhale-enhance-ourselves-with-water thing again.
> Watch Myon go, then look back to Reimu.
> "...Is that anything you might like to try, Reimu?"
> "I'll take you there."
> Walk outside to where the pond is.
> Once we get outside, try the inhale-enhance-ourselves-with-water thing again.
> Watch Myon go, then look back to Reimu.
> "...Is that anything you might like to try, Reimu?"
> "You're asking me?" Reimu questions.
> You try to expand Myon's body with the water trick Wakasagihime showed off, but again, it doesn't seem to do anything.
> No, maybe it's doing something?
> "Actually... It kinda looks like you're just doing that thing some people do where they breath in and puff out their chest." The mermaid corrects. "Sorry."
> Deflate back to normal Youmu-shape and look disappointed as we continue.
> Nod.
> "Yes."
> Deflate back to normal Youmu-shape and look disappointed as we continue.
> Nod.
> "Yes."
> "I thought it was different, my bad."
> You arrive behind the shrine. The pond, and the turtle, are both still here. Though, you swear the pond was smaller than this last time...
> "I can't say it would... That seems more like a sort of kids attraction. Taking a ride in a flying ghost."
> Look confusedly around the pond, then at the turtle.
> "Well, it is also an opportunity to get closer to one another."
> Look confusedly around the pond, then at the turtle.
> "Well, it is also an opportunity to get closer to one another."
> "Huh. Is there anything else living in this pond?" The mermaid questions.
> "I mean, they'd literally be inside you, so..."
> Nod.
> Gesture to the turtle.
> Walk up to the water's edge while doing so.
> Smile.
> "One cannot get much closer to another than that, can they?"
> "By the way, is it just me, or is the pond larger than earlier?"
> Nod.
> Gesture to the turtle.
> Walk up to the water's edge while doing so.
> Smile.
> "One cannot get much closer to another than that, can they?"
> "By the way, is it just me, or is the pond larger than earlier?"
> "I wonder what brings you back here." The turtle speaks. "You seem to have your previous situation figured out."
> "I didn't know Reimu had a friend like you. Nice to meet. I'm Wakasagihime. I'm normally over in Misty Lake." The mermaid speaks.
> "The pleasure is mine, Miss Wakasagihime." The turtle responds. "Few visitors linger behind the Hakurei Shrine, and fewer are interested in this little pond. My name is Genji."
> "I don't really measure it out often, so I wouldn't know."
> Gesture to Waka (putting our hand inside us to do it), then to the pond, then to the turtle.
> "Mmm, I suppose that makes sense."
> "Anyway, I do not ask if you wish to experience my phantom purely for amusement or intimacy. As we traveled, Lady Wakasagi noted that it felt to her as though something was holding onto her and 'taking pieces', and would have taken more than it did had she not noticed. I suspect it may be the ribbon enhancing my phantom's ability to possess. I would be interested if seeing you experience it yourself, as I imagine you would have a better chance to suss out exactly what is happening and how."
> Gesture to Waka (putting our hand inside us to do it), then to the pond, then to the turtle.
> "Mmm, I suppose that makes sense."
> "Anyway, I do not ask if you wish to experience my phantom purely for amusement or intimacy. As we traveled, Lady Wakasagi noted that it felt to her as though something was holding onto her and 'taking pieces', and would have taken more than it did had she not noticed. I suspect it may be the ribbon enhancing my phantom's ability to possess. I would be interested if seeing you experience it yourself, as I imagine you would have a better chance to suss out exactly what is happening and how."
> "You wish for her to stay here? Wait, do speak clearly, I'm afraid I'm not that great at charades" Genji claims.
> "I-I couldn't intrude on your place like that. I'm just visiting. And I don't think she can talk." Waka explains for you.
> "That's peculiar. Had Youki not taught you? You've already got changing your shape down pretty well from the looks of it. I suppose they're not one and the same, though...sigh, first Reimu, and now you? It seems past generations were pretty terrible at passing things on. Maybe they wished to leave them behind. I wonder if miss Rumia and miss Kazami have also given no thought to their pupils. If they could even manage any. Then again, who am i to speak? Even I lack any use these days, be it for utility or just knowledge."
> "Uh, Mister Genji, you don't need to feel so down. You've done a lot in the past before, right? Maybe it's your time to relax instead, now? Maybe the others are, too? I know that I like such moments a lot, at least. Even if I haven't done much."
> "Hadn't Rinnosuke already figured out about the ribbon? Aside from where it came from, at least."
> ...Who knows? Maybe the ribbon allows us to speak now...
> Try saying "I could earlier..."
> "He did in a general sense, but this is more specific to me. I want to know exactly what it is my phantom does to the things within it."
> ...Who knows? Maybe the ribbon allows us to speak now...
> Try saying "I could earlier..."
> "He did in a general sense, but this is more specific to me. I want to know exactly what it is my phantom does to the things within it."
> You try to speak, and do find you're able to. But it comes out a bit weird, like it's not completely your voice, or you're sick sounding.
> "Oh, you can speak?!" The mermaid says in surprise.
> "Hm. Guess you're expecting my intuition huh?"
> Does our voice sound similar to Waka's maybe? Or does it sound similar for Youmu's?
> Look confused and a bit surprised.
> "...I...kind of...?"
> "That, or your metaphysical knowledge. You're a well-traveled mystic, I'm a stay-at-home swordswoman. You must certainly have greater knowledge on this sort of thing than I."
> Does our voice sound similar to Waka's maybe? Or does it sound similar for Youmu's?
> Look confused and a bit surprised.
> "...I...kind of...?"
> "That, or your metaphysical knowledge. You're a well-traveled mystic, I'm a stay-at-home swordswoman. You must certainly have greater knowledge on this sort of thing than I."
> You don't think it's close enough to that. It's not like there's a scale you could apply with your voice and her voice at two ends. It doesn't sound like it'd fit on such a thing.
> "You could've said something back in the lake, then." The mermaid speaks.
> "I only travel when someone either doesn't think about how they'll cause issues for everyone else, or does and decides they don't care."
> "That's still more than me. Anyway, what do you say?"
> "I couldn't...not until now."
> "That's still more than me. Anyway, what do you say?"
> "I couldn't...not until now."
> "Something tells me it wouldn't do you any good..." Reimu comments.
> "Did you just learn how to now, then?" The mermaid questions.
> "What makes you say that? ...Intuition?"
> "I think so...maybe it's because of what I took from you?"
> "What makes you say that? ...Intuition?"
> "I think so...maybe it's because of what I took from you?"
> Reimu shrugs.
> "I guess we can still try if you feel like it's worth it instead. I'm not busy so it can't be that bad to do for a bit."
> The mermaid shrugs, clearly having no experience in this field, nor expectations...
> "I would be honored, frankly. So if you're fine with it, then we certainly can. Well, I suppose Lady Wakasagi would need to be fine with it too, but that doesn't seem like it'd be a problem. We're still chatting out at the pond, by the way, if you wish to join us."
> "Yeah...I cannot say for sure. I normally cannot speak on my own. ...Today has been bizarre."
> "I would be honored, frankly. So if you're fine with it, then we certainly can. Well, I suppose Lady Wakasagi would need to be fine with it too, but that doesn't seem like it'd be a problem. We're still chatting out at the pond, by the way, if you wish to join us."
> "Yeah...I cannot say for sure. I normally cannot speak on my own. ...Today has been bizarre."
> "...At the same time? I don't think I can fit, too."
> "What else can you do?" Genji questions
> "I think you could. Myon is roomier than one might think."
> Ribbon aside, do we actually know how to possess someone?
> "Um...the usual phantom things? Oh, and I can look like Youmu, like I'm doing now, instead of a blob."
> "I think you could. Myon is roomier than one might think."
> Ribbon aside, do we actually know how to possess someone?
> "Um...the usual phantom things? Oh, and I can look like Youmu, like I'm doing now, instead of a blob."
> "Unless it can get bigger, I doubt so. And I don't want to just be squished into something."
> You haven't tried it before, so you don't actually know...
> "Even though you're a half-human, half-phantom?" Genji questions, as if you gave the wrong answer.
> "Well, I can try that."
> Adopt a thinking expression.
> Then try expanding ourselves outward, while still maintaining our Youmu appearance.
> "Well, I can try that."
> Adopt a thinking expression.
> Then try expanding ourselves outward, while still maintaining our Youmu appearance.
> You try to expand your phantom half outward, still keeping your human hall's appearance.
> Still no dice...
> What else are we aware that Myon can do?
> What else are we aware that Myon can do?
> You can walk through walls, dissappear, and fly. Well, maybe not dissappear, but you're fast enough that you can almost look like such. You don't know if you can apply that to Myon. you know that you can copy most of your human half's movements and actions almost perfectly, as well as make Myon look similar to your human half. Of course, you've managed to become capable of moving Myon like a second human half body, not simply copying movements. You can fire danmaku from your phantom half. You think that's about it? You're not sure being warmer and larger than normal phantoms counts as something Myon can "do", rather than has always been.
> You briefly wonder if you can do the opposite and move around or take shape of your phantom half with your human half, but that shouldn't be possible... maybe for a youkai, who are more specific existences, but humans are more physical...
> Frown a bit.
> "Drat. Not just yet, apparently."
> Look slightly nervous.
> "Yes...?"
> Frown a bit.
> "Drat. Not just yet, apparently."
> Look slightly nervous.
> "Yes...?"
> "Hm. What do you mean not yet?" Reimu starts for the back.
> "Being capable of what a phantom could do shouldn’t be treated as obvious. Neither you nor your half phantom are just a human or phantom. Both of you're identities are hybrids." Genji almost scolds. "The human body shouldn't be a half, and the phantom... body, shouldn't be a half either. They're like two wholes."
> "How can you be two wholes? A mermaid is like a half human half fish." Wakasagihime claims.
> "But yet, you only have one body, right?"
> The mermaid looks herself over.
> "But isn't that the same then? The one body is the girl, and the not body is the phantom."
> "Does that mean the girl can't become a phantom or such?"
> The mermaid looks really confused.
> "I mean... she's already a. Uh, if she dies, she'll... the body would stop, and-"
> "And if you gave life to the phantom?"
> "Um... it'd get a body? Yeah, if you give it a body, it'd be alive."
> "Then how many Youmus would you have if you did that?"
> The mermaid is legitimately steaming from the head a bit. The water feels warmer, though not bubbling at least.
> "T-Two? But, that's one? T-The human body and-but the ghost also has a body then... would both be Youmu? Would both get phantoms? Tha. Whah. Two souls? Uh, two people? Not... haaah?"
> "Myon tried to expand outward, to grow larger. It didn't work."
> "Oh, um...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trivialize myself..."
> "Myon tried to expand outward, to grow larger. It didn't work."
> "Oh, um...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trivialize myself..."
> "You- well, Myon, looked like you before. Isn't that changing shape and expanding?" Reimu stops,, then glances down. "Well, maybe that's contracting..." She murmurs.
> "I don't mean to come off that way, but maybe you should try changing how you think of yourself. I doubt I could teach you how to properly be a half human half phantom. I'm just an old turtle, after all."
> Whoops! Follow along behind Reimu.
> "Oh, I can do that, certainly. But I guess there are limitations still."
> Nod.
> "I understand, and thank you. Though, I have been curious - how did you know my family name?"
> Whoops! Follow along behind Reimu.
> "Oh, I can do that, certainly. But I guess there are limitations still."
> Nod.
> "I understand, and thank you. Though, I have been curious - how did you know my family name?"
> "So you couldn't do me, for example?" Reimu questions.
> "I've been friends with another half-human half-phantom who went by Youki Konpaku."
> "You mean, changing to look like you?"
> "Oh, you're met Master. That makes sense."
> "You mean, changing to look like you?"
> "Oh, you're met Master. That makes sense."
> Reimu nods, peeking around to check on your phantom half and Genji.
> "What doesn't make sense is your current skills, then..."
> "I haven't tried, admittedly. Though that gives me an idea..."
> "Well, I'm still definitely in training..."
> Try changing our shape to look like Waka. Maybe we can do this now that we've apparently absorbed some of her, or something?
> "I haven't tried, admittedly. Though that gives me an idea..."
> "Well, I'm still definitely in training..."
> Try changing our shape to look like Waka. Maybe we can do this now that we've apparently absorbed some of her, or something?
> You try... You notice your legs feeling a bit stiff as you start to lean. Thankfully, you begin floating before you fall over. Though, it does look like you've succeeded, as far as you can tell yourself. You seem to have the mermaid's tail, at least.
> You're not sure, but given the water doesn't look like it fills you as much, maybe you're bigger than in Youmu's form?
> "Ah...that suggests Myon could turn into you, if you allowed it. And look, there's more space now."
> "Whoa. I guess I can do that now, too..."
> "Ah...that suggests Myon could turn into you, if you allowed it. And look, there's more space now."
> "Whoa. I guess I can do that now, too..."
> "Huh." Reimu notes.
> "How strange..." Genji comments.
> "Go ahead and get a closer look if you like."
> "Go ahead and get a closer look if you like."
> "I can see well from here. My vision's not bad." Reimu says.
> "Oh hey, Reimu." Wakasagihime waves from within your phantom half. "Your turtle friend said a lot of confusing stuff, and then Youmu's phantom turned into me. Is he magic?"
> "I'm not that impressive young miss." Genji comments.
> "I changed like this of my own accord, though Master Genji's words certainly were inspiration to try."
> Smile at Reimu and beckon to her to approach.
> "By the way, would you be interested in a roommate, Lady Wakasagi? Youmu and Reimu have been discussing the possibility."
> "I changed like this of my own accord, though Master Genji's words certainly were inspiration to try."
> Smile at Reimu and beckon to her to approach.
> "By the way, would you be interested in a roommate, Lady Wakasagi? Youmu and Reimu have been discussing the possibility."
> "A roommate? Uh, I'd rather not. I can go back to the lake if I need to."
> "Don't tell me I'm scaring you." Reimu says.
> "Well, it's less that and more I like having space to myself. Wouldn't you think my friends would try to bring me around places in something with water already?"
> "I guess. Why are you here like this, then?"
> "It was nice making another friend. Two, in fact."
> "Are you unable to get around without water?" Genji questions.
> "Haha... yeah, I can't fly..." Wakasagihime answers with an awkward laugh. "But I've been thinking of something to resolve that myself."
> "I see...a shame, but understandable. Do you wish me to take you back now, then?"
> "I see...a shame, but understandable. Do you wish me to take you back now, then?"
> "Ah. Hmm... yeah. I can maybe try working on that idea more back at the lake." Waka says.
> Nod.
> "Very well. I shall be back momentarily, Reimu, Master Genji."
> Change back into Myon form, take flight, and head back toward the lake.
> Once we have left the shrine grounds: "Please forgive my selfishness, Lady Wakasagi, but for the sake of my self-discovery, would you be at all willing to drop your resistance to the possession you mentioned earlier? If you do not feel comfortable doing so, that is fine."
> Nod.
> "Very well. I shall be back momentarily, Reimu, Master Genji."
> Change back into Myon form, take flight, and head back toward the lake.
> Once we have left the shrine grounds: "Please forgive my selfishness, Lady Wakasagi, but for the sake of my self-discovery, would you be at all willing to drop your resistance to the possession you mentioned earlier? If you do not feel comfortable doing so, that is fine."
> You head back for the lake...
> "Uh, alright..." She agrees. "Just don't get mad and maybe don't beat me up if I end up attacking you or something by mistake."
> Smile.
> "Don't worry, I trust that you won't do that. If you wish to be safe, though, you can always resume your resistance if you feel such urges coming on."
> Smile.
> "Don't worry, I trust that you won't do that. If you wish to be safe, though, you can always resume your resistance if you feel such urges coming on."
> The mermaid nods. You don't feel anything weird yet, though...
> "So why is she calling you master now? How much yapping did you do to her?" Reimu questions Genji, arms crossed.
> "Only a bit young miss. There wasn't much wisdom I could impart I'm afraid."
> "He is Master's friend. It would be uncouth for me to not show proper deference accordingly."
> "Anyway, I apologize that our adventure together was cut short. I hope we can resume it some day. I still wish to take you to meet your friend in the Bamboo Forest, for one."
> We should have a feel for Waka's presence and existence at this point, right? Given we've had her inside us for quite some time now. Try pulling her existence into our own, using our familiarity with and proximity to it.
> "He is Master's friend. It would be uncouth for me to not show proper deference accordingly."
> "Anyway, I apologize that our adventure together was cut short. I hope we can resume it some day. I still wish to take you to meet your friend in the Bamboo Forest, for one."
> We should have a feel for Waka's presence and existence at this point, right? Given we've had her inside us for quite some time now. Try pulling her existence into our own, using our familiarity with and proximity to it.
> "Huh? Like, Yuyuko's?" Reimu asks.
> "Sure. It'd be nice to do this again." The mermaid responds.
> You try a few ways to pull the mermaid's existence into your own as you head towards the lake, or maybe make it a part of yours, but none of them seem to be doing anything. It doesn't even look like you're taking her over or anything either.
> The lake is in view, and there just seem to be the usual fairies playing around from what you can see.
> Shake our head.
> "Master Konpaku."
> "Looks like we'll be arriving shortly. How do you feel, Lady Wakasagi?"
> Shake our head.
> "Master Konpaku."
> "Looks like we'll be arriving shortly. How do you feel, Lady Wakasagi?"
> "You've got a master with the same name huh? So, did they teach you anything?"
> "Yours sure didn't, young miss." Genji comments.
> "Tch. IF she's still around, she's probably sitting about somewhere, enjoying retirement and fattening up." Reimu scoffs.
> "Could be likely. But wouldn't you still lose to her even now?"
> "A-Ahem, you don't need to call gramps master. He's just an old man, even if he knows one or two previous big shots."
> "Still fine, I guess."
> Look mildly uncertain.
> "...I dunno..."
> Blink.
> "Wait, you had a master too, Reimu?"
> Nod.
> "That's good. I will be interested to see if these changes are temporary or permanent."
> Look mildly uncertain.
> "...I dunno..."
> Blink.
> "Wait, you had a master too, Reimu?"
> Nod.
> "That's good. I will be interested to see if these changes are temporary or permanent."
> "Hardly. I was stuck with gramps here a lot of the time. I don't recall her teaching me how to fly, let alone even walk on my own two legs."
> "Well, she was quite busy since these new spell card rules weren't here before." Genji explains.
> "Mhm." The mermaid agrees as you reach the surface.
> "Wow. I never knew..."
> "Oh, can we try your ability one last time once we're submerged? I wonder if things will be different."
> Descend fully into the water.
> "Wow. I never knew..."
> "Oh, can we try your ability one last time once we're submerged? I wonder if things will be different."
> Descend fully into the water.
> "Given you'd still be unable to beat her, why don't you try training a bit seriously, miss Reimu?" Genji suggests.
> "It's not like she's gonna show up out of nowhere."
> "But if she does and you give her that reason?"
> Reimu audibly gulps.
> "Perhaps both of you could train together for such an occurrence."
> You descend into the water.
> "Me trying, or you?"
> "An opportunity to train under a Hakurei elder...! I would be foolish to pass up such an opportunity if I did not have to."
> Point within ourselves at Waka.
> Then pull our arm out of ourselves, and try 'solidifying' our 'skin' so that nothing can pass through it, in our out.
> "An opportunity to train under a Hakurei elder...! I would be foolish to pass up such an opportunity if I did not have to."
> Point within ourselves at Waka.
> Then pull our arm out of ourselves, and try 'solidifying' our 'skin' so that nothing can pass through it, in our out.
> "I'm not an elder. And I don't think a swordsman would help too much in my areas."
> "Then how about that other shrine maiden. Miss Kochiya, I believe?"
> "You want me to train with her?"
> "Why not?"
> You try to keep your body from being pushed through, as Wakasagihime expands again.
> Still, the same thing ends up happening in the failed attempt, and the mermaid apologizes as she goes back to normal.
> "Oh, I meant this other mysterious Hakurei. Er, not that I think you wouldn't be a good trainer, Reimu! It would just feel kinda weird, y'know?"
> Smile and wave a hand dismissively.
> However, continue trying to keep ourselves solid enough to keep Waka within us, to see what happens if/when she tries to leave.
> "Oh, I meant this other mysterious Hakurei. Er, not that I think you wouldn't be a good trainer, Reimu! It would just feel kinda weird, y'know?"
> Smile and wave a hand dismissively.
> However, continue trying to keep ourselves solid enough to keep Waka within us, to see what happens if/when she tries to leave.
> "She's an incredible person. So too was Youki, but in taking their duties seriously, it's clear lady Hakurei had more complicated matters to resolve." Genji explains.
> You wave.
> Waksagihime doesn't try to leave yet though. She almost seems to be waiting on you, just as you are waiting on her.
> Nod.
> "I can imagine. The role has a lot of responsibility. I consider myself very lucky and privileged to consider myself anything close to Reimu's peer."
> Adopt a thinking expression.
> Try vibrating our 'innards' in the vicinity of Waka's shoulders, in an attempt to give her a massage.
> Nod.
> "I can imagine. The role has a lot of responsibility. I consider myself very lucky and privileged to consider myself anything close to Reimu's peer."
> Adopt a thinking expression.
> Try vibrating our 'innards' in the vicinity of Waka's shoulders, in an attempt to give her a massage.
> "And yet, she wasn't even taught most of what she knows now." Genji claims. "I believe miss Marisa is the one who had a mentor who actually did teach them."
> You try, but find that you can't move your phantom half in a satisfying way for such...
> How does Reimu seem to be taking our praise?
> "That makes sense. But, with no disrespect to Marisa, her role in Gensokyo doesn't have the same responsibility attached. That Reimu is so capable to keep Gensokyo safe, and still so magnanimous as to treat one such as myself with the kindness of a friend, speaks volumes."
> Try the growth ability thing ourselves again, then.
> How does Reimu seem to be taking our praise?
> "That makes sense. But, with no disrespect to Marisa, her role in Gensokyo doesn't have the same responsibility attached. That Reimu is so capable to keep Gensokyo safe, and still so magnanimous as to treat one such as myself with the kindness of a friend, speaks volumes."
> She seems more annoyed at something.
> "You see I can't even enjoy the sort of freedom she does. Nor do I get much respect for such a job either. I for one feel like this is one of the worst spots."
> "You still have the time to find the happiness to smile and enjoy some days among friends even so, young miss. I've seen it. It's not all business day in and day out like your predecessor."
> "If you guys are trying to make me blush, quit it. I'll go find Sanae already and asks if she feels like training or something. I can ask about the ribbon and similar things while I'm there."
> "Ribbon? Miss Rumia's?"
> Reimu doesn't answer, starting for the air already.
> "Ah, no! I'm sorry!"
> Take flight and pursue.
> Try the growth ability thing ourselves again, then.
> "Ah, no! I'm sorry!"
> Take flight and pursue.
> Try the growth ability thing ourselves again, then.
> You start for the air as well, but Reimu stops.
> "Huh? Oh right, you wanted to train, too." Reimu thinks. "I doubt Sanae would be against both of us coming out of nowhere."
> You try Waka's technique again.
> Like usual, it doesn't seem like- no wait, you think you did it?
> It's not a lot like Wakasagihime's, but it's definitely a noticeable chest expansion.
> "Oh hey, you did it!" The mermaid comments.
> "I mean, that's a complicated thing to answer, but right now, investigating whoever tied that ribbon on that cat seems more important. Will visiting Sanae help with that?"
> Go wide-eyed.
> Try speaking: "Whoa..."
> "I mean, that's a complicated thing to answer, but right now, investigating whoever tied that ribbon on that cat seems more important. Will visiting Sanae help with that?"
> Go wide-eyed.
> Try speaking: "Whoa..."
> "It's another pair of eyes from the mountain. Aya was a victim so she didn't get to see much, but maybe Sanae, or the other Tengu, have something to say. Oh, right, I should probably put that little box up if you're not taking it with you." Reimu heads back into the shrine.
> You do seem to be able to speak fine underwater...
> "It's not as big, but that just goes to show that I'm still special." Waka reasons.
> ...
> ...Try changing our shape like Myon can.
> "You'd still be special even if I could do this as well as you can, Lady Wakasagi."
> ...
> ...Try changing our shape like Myon can.
> "You'd still be special even if I could do this as well as you can, Lady Wakasagi."
> You're not sure how you're supposed to. Myon can pass through things, you can't. Myon can let things pass through it, you can't. It's a shapeless sort of ghost vs a distinct figure with distinct functions for every bit... if you changed your arm, where would the bones go? The muscles? Everything that can only move one way or another... it's like asking someone to fly... Okay, well, flying doesn't require much from your external body like waving your arms or such.
> "Yeah yeah. I'll still keep this as a pride."
> ...Try the inhale growth thing Waka can do, then.
> "Of course. Is there anything else I can do for you before we part?"
> ...Try the inhale growth thing Waka can do, then.
> "Of course. Is there anything else I can do for you before we part?"
> You try, but you just look a little weird. It also feels wrong, like you're missing something. Ah right, water.
> Wait, that won't really make it work, will it?
> Reimu returns.
> "Ready to go then?"
> "I don't think so. You learned the thing already, so..."
> Hastily return to normal.
> "Of course."
> Smile.
> "Alright then. It was a pleasure, Lady Wakasagi. Until next time."
> Gesture out toward the rest of the open water.
> Hastily return to normal.
> "Of course."
> Smile.
> "Alright then. It was a pleasure, Lady Wakasagi. Until next time."
> Gesture out toward the rest of the open water.
> You stop your attempts, and Reimu continues for the sky.
> With your gesture, the mermaid departs, waving off in goodbye.
> Were we able to slow her down at all?
> How much water do we have inside us compared to when we first left the lake? Is it the same amount, or less?
> Were we able to slow her down at all?
> How much water do we have inside us compared to when we first left the lake? Is it the same amount, or less?
> It seemed like you were not.
> You believe it's less. Not by a lot, though.
> Follow!
> Are we still larger via our use of Waka's ability?
> Resume taking water in, with the goal of reaching half capacity.
> Follow!
> Are we still larger via our use of Waka's ability?
> Resume taking water in, with the goal of reaching half capacity.
> You follow Reimu into the air.
> Yes.
> You resume packing your still mermaid shaped "body", until it's once more filled halfway.
> Change our shape back to regular Youmu.
> Then try the inhale-to-expand-assets trick again, to see if containing more water helps us go further.
> Change our shape back to regular Youmu.
> Then try the inhale-to-expand-assets trick again, to see if containing more water helps us go further.
> You return to Youmu's form.
> You try, but you fail to get any bigger...
> Did we at least get the same amount of increase as before?
> Did we at least get the same amount of increase as before?
> Unfortunately, you seem to still be at the same Youmu size as you always managed. Maybe changing to such shape was a bad idea...
> Try changing back to the Waka shape.
> If that works, try the inhale-growth thing again.
> Try changing back to the Waka shape.
> If that works, try the inhale-growth thing again.
> You try, and to your surprise, you manage such.
> You make an attempt at expanding like earlier, and it works just as well...
> So we only seem to be able to use the inhale expansion in Waka form?
> And taking more water in did not affect the degree to which we could do it?
> So we only seem to be able to use the inhale expansion in Waka form?
> And taking more water in did not affect the degree to which we could do it?
> Such seems to be your understanding.
> You and Reimu touch down at the Moriya Shrine.
> Sanae isn't out and about though, thus, Reimu seems to waste no time simply barging into the shrine.
> You see something yellow quickly scamper out and away from the shrine as Reimu opens it to head inside, barely giving her or yourself a good look. Nonetheless, Reimu process undeterred.
> Well, drat.
> Return to our normal Youmu shape and let go of the water we're carrying.
> "Uh..."
> Glance at where the yellow thing went, then hurry after Reimu.
> Well, drat.
> Return to our normal Youmu shape and let go of the water we're carrying.
> "Uh..."
> Glance at where the yellow thing went, then hurry after Reimu.
> You release the water and return to Youmu's form.
> Did it go under the shrine? Maybe.
> You head in following Reimu, hoping you aren't bring rude.
> Reimu navigates through the larger, nicer shrine, finally stopping as she knocked at the wall next to a door.
> "Sanae? Are you still asleep?" She questions.
> The door opens as a tired face greets you and Reimu, half dressed...
> "Hello?" The blanket hooded woman almost questions.
> "W-Who?" Reimu questions.
> "Rats."
> Resurface and fly back to where Youmu is.
> "Oh! Um, sorry..."
> "Rats."
> Resurface and fly back to where Youmu is.
> "Oh! Um, sorry..."
> You start back for your human half.
> "What is it?" The woman questions, rubbing her eyes. "Oh, Reimu? Ah, is there an incident?""
> "Kogasa?" Reimu raises an eyebrow.
> "Don't worry, I'll get Sanae up now."
> The umbrella reveals itself in hand as its wielder turns to head for the lump in a blanket, noticeably surrounded by a bunch of books.
> "... Should we not be interrupting you two, or...?"
> "... Should we not be interrupting you two, or...?"
> "We got too cuahg tup having fun last night." Kogasa explains. "Sanae made a game out of some of her old things, like doodles and math questions. I thought it'd be boring at first, but it got out of hand and we couldn't stop."
> The umbrella girl starts to shove the lump gently, revealing Samae underneath it. Though her own blanket seems to imply there's nothing else there.
> "Then why are you... er, we'll just wait out here..." Reimu glances away and closes the door.
> ...Are we still in the room, or outside it?
> ...Are we still in the room, or outside it?
> You never entered. Kogasa opened the door for Reimu's knocking, and neither of you went in yet.
> "Oops..."
> "Oops..."
> "A-Ahem... so...uh..." Reimu scratches her head.
> "...Erm...oh, uh, Myon's on her way here, in case you were wondering about that."
> "...Erm...oh, uh, Myon's on her way here, in case you were wondering about that."
> "Oh. I was more wondering if we shouldve just waited... well, she opened the door on her own..."
> "Uh, I'll be a minute, Reimu." You hear Sanae through the door."
> "We gotta change clothes. We ended up getting each other too wet last night and-"
> "It's fine It's fine, I don't need to hear it."
> "It was danmaku! She's saying weird things." Sanae corrects Kogasa.
> "In a room...?"
> "No, before, and we had to- ugh, I'll explain in a bit." Sanae responds
> "...Maybe they wanted us to join them...?"
> "...Maybe they wanted us to join them...?"
> "N-No way. Sanae said she'll explain."
> Sanae opens the door fully a bit later, looking proper, but a bit tired.
> "So, what did you need me for?"
> "Uh... right. Something happened at the village with a ribbon that caused Orin to use her ability wildly it of control. Have you seen anything weird lately, not necessarily similar to that?" Reimu tries to get back on track.
> "Hm... not really? Then again, I've only been around my shrine lately."
> Now that we've properly seen both, could we fit Sanae and Kogasa inside Myon at the same time, like we were considering with Reimu and Waka?
> "Hmm, so whoever is responsible hasn't been around here, at least..."
> Now that we've properly seen both, could we fit Sanae and Kogasa inside Myon at the same time, like we were considering with Reimu and Waka?
> "Hmm, so whoever is responsible hasn't been around here, at least..."
> You don't believe so, especially with Kogasa's umbrella open... you haven't gotten to see all of Kogasa yet either, just a bit.
> "Right..." Reimu says.
> "Maybe Kogasa has? Ah, right. So in explanation, Kogasa and I were having a danmaku battle." Sanae starts. "She was using a lot of her rain danmaku and I did so in turn, too. That's how we ended up wet as she said. And I didn't have a change for her so she was just using a swimsuit, since it'd be less uncomfortable while still drenched, at least until we dried off. But then she was still trying to do her usual antics, so I brought up some things to distract her, but I got distracted too. So uh, then it was night time and..."
> Sanae looks at the two of you, as Kogasa returns, also proper now, and leaning on her shoulder.
> "Can I help any?" She yawns a bit. "I feel great after being filled well~"
> Reimu blinks.
> "Ah, she uh. She must've surprised you, then. Sorry." Sanae apologizes?
> Your phantom half arrives at the mountain, but you feel like you're being watched.
> Pause for a moment, then shrug.
> "I'm just gonna say it. If you two are together, that's fine. We're all grown adults here, we don't need to dance around romance and pretend things aren't what they are."
> Look around. Is anyone visible?
> Pause for a moment, then shrug.
> "I'm just gonna say it. If you two are together, that's fine. We're all grown adults here, we don't need to dance around romance and pretend things aren't what they are."
> Look around. Is anyone visible?
> "No one's dancing around anything?" Kogasa states, wondering what you're going on about. "We didn't do anything like that last night."
> "Was that so hard to say?" Sanae asks.
> "Oh right, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to hang out, but I guess we already did, huh?" Kogasa states, looking over at Sanae. 'That weird water person and your games distracted me the whole night though. We can still do more today right?"
> Sanae sighs.
> "I'd say yeah since you're already here, but it seems like something's going on in-"
> "What weird water person? A mermaid?" Reimu asks.
> No, your don't see any-
> Actually, there seems to be a girl in blue following you.
> On closer inspection, there's something inbetween you and her, much closer than you're comfortable with only realizing now. It's completely see-through, with the irregularity of the space past it being the only indication of its presence.
> Do we recognize her? It's not Cirno, is it?
> Do we recognize her? It's not Cirno, is it?
> It's not. You think you've seen her around occasionally. You don't remember if she was a youkai or human, but you think she invented things or something.
> "Wait, what did Lady Wakasagi do?"
> Whirl around, stop, and give the girl in blue an expectant look.
> "Wait, what did Lady Wakasagi do?"
> Whirl around, stop, and give the girl in blue an expectant look.
> "No, it wasn't a mermaid." Kogasa explains. "It was a weird lookalike of the Kappa girl."
> "Nitori?"
> "Yeah, like her." Kogasa continues. "It was bothering me when I was getting ready to surprise Sanae with a danmaku duel."
> "Maybe it was just her pulling a prank on you or something, then. Doesn't seem related to our incident so far." Reimu sighs.
> You turn to face the girl, who jumps a bit in surprise, but holds her hands out as if to tell you to keep still or don't approach?
> But the invisible thing is getting awfully close to actually touching you.
> Is this girl possibly a kappa?
> Is this girl possibly a kappa?
> The hat, backpack, and general attire seem to match what you know as the Kappa, yes.
> "Uh. Does this Nitori look like..."
> Describe the girl Myon is seeing.
> Glare at the girl while pointing at the invisible thing.
> Prepare intangibility in the event it actually touches us.
> "Uh. Does this Nitori look like..."
> Describe the girl Myon is seeing.
> Glare at the girl while pointing at the invisible thing.
> Prepare intangibility in the event it actually touches us.
> You describe.
> "Yep, that'd be Nitori. But I didn't see her on our way here." Reimu says.
> You point at the invisible figure, to which the girl quickly answers with arms emerging from her backpack and firing something off from a small cannon.
> The invisible thing jerks a bit to the side, revealing itself and almost causing the thing launched to hit you, though it seems like it still got hit instead.
> Now visible, the entity appears to be another of that Kappa, down to its clothes, except entirely made up of water. Theres something hovering above it's head, however, following it as it moves further away from you and the Kappa.
> The launched thing appears to have been a sponge? It doesn't look like it did much though, apart from taking out a bit of the... water thing's outfit.
> It quickly reforms its outfit as the sponge falls to the ground.
> "She's with Myon at the base of the mountain. ...With a kappa made of water."
> Pick up the sponge and charge after the water entity!
> "She's with Myon at the base of the mountain. ...With a kappa made of water."
> Pick up the sponge and charge after the water entity!
> "Yeah, it was made of water, that's it!"
> "Anything else weird you've seen?" Reimu asks.
> "Other than that... not sure recently." Kogasa says.
> You grab the sponge and rush for the creature.
> Despite not being hindered much by the water since before your experience with Wakasagihime, your phantom half in general still seems too slow compared to the entity made of water, which dances around your attempt to reach it.
> The water from the sponge seems to squeeze out on its own, towards the water creature, who grows a tad in mass, before returning to regular size as it continues its evasion.
> "Ugh, I was so close! It's gonna get away again." The Kappa exclaims in annoyance.
> "Oh, they've got trouble! Be right back!"
> Dash back down the mountain toward where Myon is!
> In our (admittedly brief) experience, were we faster in Youmu shape or Waka shape? If we were faster (or the same speed) in the Waka shape, change to that.
> Even if our movement speed isn't the greatest, we're still good with reaction speed, being a swordswoman! Reading the water entity's movements as we chase, take an opportune moment to throw the sponge at its torso.
> "Oh, they're got trouble! Be right back!"
> Dash back down the mountain toward where Myon is!
> In our (admittedly brief) experience, were we faster in Youmu shape or Waka shape? If we were faster (or the same speed) in the Waka shape, change to that.
> Even if our movement speed isn't the greatest, we're still good with reaction speed, being a swordswoman! Reading the water entity's movements as we chase, take an opportune moment to throw the sponge at its torso.
> "Huh?" Reimu questions, before you rush out the shrine and down the mountain.
> You're faster in Youmu shape. Your human half should be faster than this thing, at least in bursts. Your phantom half should be too, so why aren't you?
> Maybe it's the ribbon...
> You hope your anticipation and reactions are good enough still, and fling the sponge when the time is right.
> You land a perfect hit, but without anyone to follow up with more, the water figure quickly reforms
> When we were in Waka form, did we feel like we had any control over water? Either by default, or perhaps when using the expansion technique?
> When we were in Waka form, did we feel like we had any control over water? Either by default, or perhaps when using the expansion technique?
> You don't believe you felt such a thing during either. You suppose at best, having the water made moving about a bit easier than now. That could also just be a demerit from being far from your human half. Then again, moving felt easier even when your human half reached the shrine and you were still giving up the water... around then, at least.
> Did we at least slow the water entity down?
> We're currently not carrying anything other than the ribbon, right?
> Keep chasing after the water entity.
> "What is this thing, Miss Kappa?! Are you pursuing your own water half?"
> Try changing our shape to Aya, just to see if that works. We possessed her for a while! ...In a manner of speaking.
> Did we at least slow the water entity down?
> We're currently not carrying anything other than the ribbon, right?
> Keep chasing after the water entity.
> "What is this thing, Miss Kappa?! Are you pursuing your own water half?"
> Try changing our shape to Aya, just to see if that works. We possessed her for a while! ...In a manner of speaking.
> Yes.
> correct.
> "Ah, a talking ghost. Uh, I'm still not sure. Just keep it away from water. I'm thinking."
> Said figure is now trying to leave actively, rather than dance around you anymore. Thankfully, it seems like it's heading the way your human half is coming from.
> You try to take Aya's form, but but don't seem to manage.
> You realize you're at a bit of disadvantage without the sponge you've now left behind, unless you can catch it another way.
> Your human half is near enough to see the commotion now at least.
> Try cutting in front of the entity to block off its flight path.
> Dash for the sponge!
> Try cutting in front of the entity to block off its flight path.
> Dash for the sponge!
> You try to get ahead, but with the beeline it's making, you're not very successful at being faster than it.
> It's off the ground a bit, but you wonder if it can even fly or not. It hasn't gone higher into the air than your normal floating around gets you.
> You dart for the sponge, scooping it up.
> "Get over here!"
> While brandishing the sponge, begin pursuing the water entity, on foot or via flight, whichever we're faster at.
> Change from direct pursuit from positioning ourselves so that it more difficult for the water entity to escape from Youmu without running into us instead.
> "Get over here!"
> Begin pursuing the water entity, on foot or via flight, whichever we're faster at.
> Change from direct pursuit from positioning ourselves so that it more difficult for the water entity to escape from Youmu without running into us instead.
> You stop and redirect yourself, something you can at least pride in if Aya's top speed is greater... hopefully she's not as good at sudden changes.
> You can quickly see the difference in speed between yourself and your phantom half, which is really weird. Nonetheless, you are already within throwing distance of the creature again, and another moment will probably get you to it if it doesn't suddenly turn or stop.
> Do not throw the sponge just yet. Instead, try to get Youmu up close to the water and ahead of it, on the other 'side' of it as where Myon is approaching from, and threaten it with the sponge, swinging the sponge at it if need be.
> Do not throw the sponge just yet. Instead, try to get Youmu up close to the water and ahead of it, on the other 'side' of it as where Myon is approaching from, and threaten it with the sponge, swinging the sponge at it if need be.
> Your phantom half is still having difficulty getting ahead of the creature, though your human half is able to get into position.
> It still doesn't stop, forcing you to swipe at it with the sponge.
> You take out almost half it's body, though most of it is splashed rather than absorbed by the sponge, and it uses the opening in it's body to go straight "through" you. Or rather, around, you.
> There's a sudden flash of light behind you as it does so, however.
> In your phantom half's perspective, you see a pillar of light engulf the creature, before settling down and revealing it trapped in a box of said light.
> "Hm. Maybe there's another ribbon, on Nitori, perhaps?" Reimu wonders, floating into view.
> You can see Kogasa and Sanae following along further behind her.
> "Oh. That works too."
> Come to a slightly-irritated halt. How annoying our lack of speed was...
> Float over to the real kappa and give her a short bow in thanks.
> "Oh. That works too."
> Come to a slightly-irritated halt. How annoying our lack of speed was...
> Float over to the real kappa and give her a short bow in thanks.
> She's quite far behind. At least your speed is still better than hers.
> "D-Did you... catch it?" The kappa questions, out of breath.
> "I don't see another ribbon on it though." Reimu says, examining the entrapped Kappa look-alike.
> Assist the kappa in remaining upright while she recovers.
> "It would seem so."
> Assist the kappa in remaining upright while she recovers.
> "It would seem so."
> "Looks like the original is also here, though." Reimu points out the kappa.
> "I-I'm innocent." She claims. "I don't know how this poser came up... But it's really similar to me."
> "What do we do about it, then?" Kogasa asks.
> "Myon can hold onto it. Uh, probably."
> Look to Reimu.
> "That is safe to touch, right?"
> Make our way to the box of light.
> Engulf it unless Reimu says it's not safe.
> "Myon can hold onto it. Uh, probably."
> Look to Reimu.
> "That is safe to touch, right?"
> Make our way to the box of light.
> Engulf it unless Reimu says it's not safe.
> "I don't know about that thing, but I just made a simple barrier. It doesn't hurt to touch."
> You... don't think you can engulf the entire box of light...
> "Hmm, alright. I'll try something else, then. ...Um, please let Myon out if she gets trapped, okay?"
> Try passing through the box to where the water entity is.
> "Hmm, alright. I'll try something else, then. ...Um, please let Myon out if she gets trapped, okay?"
> Try passing through the box to where the water entity is.
> "You won't be able to get in anyways." Reimu speaks.
> Reimu's words seem right. You can't get through...
> "Shoot, you're right. I don't suppose you can make it smaller?"
> "Shoot, you're right. I don't suppose you can make it smaller?"
> "Let's worry about what this is, first." Reimu suggests.
> "I can control water, but not that. It's got a mind of it's own." Nitori explains.
> "It looks like you, too. But I don't see any ribbon on you." Reimu notes again.
> "What's this about a ribbon? Am I supposed to have one? Did I miss a memo?"
> "Someone stuck a ribbon on a cat that made her abilities go out of control and start separating people's souls from their bodies."
> Hold up our ribbon arm to show it off.
> "The culprit, or a related party, might have done something similar to you without you noticing."
> "Someone stuck a ribbon on a cat that made her abilities go out of control and start separating people's souls from their bodies."
> Hold up our ribbon arm to show it off.
> "The culprit, or a related party, might have done something similar to you without you noticing."
> "As far as I know, I've still got full control of my abilities. This thing just... seems to take after me." The Kappa gestures. "Haven't seen a ribbon like that around, either."
> "This seemed to have started just earlier today with the Human Village. It's been stopped already, for the most part." Reimu says.
> "Well I saw this water thingy around yesterday. Does that help?" Kogasa says.
> "If it's connected, then they were at Youkai Mountain before the village. Judging by how Nitori doesn't have anything similar on hand like the ribbon, I'm not sure if it is or not..."
> Nod.
> "They could be related and just different kinds of effects, or they might not be related at all. Do you have any sort of supernatural affinity for water?"
> Nod.
> "They could be related and just different kinds of effects, or they might not be related at all. Do you have any sort of supernatural affinity for water?"
> "Of course. I can freely control it. Usually." Nitori says, looking over at her doppelganger.
> Frown a bit.
> "Mmm. Kind of regretting having Myon empty herself of the water she had earlier, but whatever. Do you think you'd be able to learn anything about or do anything with your water clone if you had direct contact with it?"
> Frown a bit.
> "Mmm. Kind of regretting having Myon empty herself of the water she had earlier, but whatever. Do you think you'd be able to learn anything about or do anything with your water clone if you had direct contact with it?"
> "I got the chance before. Nothing really came out of it. Maybe it's another urban legend?"
> Could we fit this kappa within ourselves?
> Look to Reimu.
> "Do you think you'd be able to learn anything from studying it?"
> Could we fit this kappa within ourselves?
> Look to Reimu.
> "Do you think you'd be able to learn anything from studying it?"
> Alone, most definitely.
> Given the water lookalike's... form, you suppose it could "fit" as well alongside her.
> "Dunno. It still seems like Nitori's just playing some trick. With that device floating above it." Reimu gestures to the strange thing hovering above the water figure.
> The figure almost seems to cover it, as if it understood.
> "Oh, now that you mention it, I was so hung up on it being like me and being made of water that I didn't notice that." Nitori approaches the barrier. "I didn't make this, though..."
> What does the device look like?
> Give the entity a curious look.
> Gently place a hand on the box somewhere the entity can see.
> "...You can understand us, can't you? Can you speak?"
> What does the device look like?
> Give the entity a curious look.
> "...You can understand us, can't you? Can you speak?"
> It's a small disk. Kinda like a spinning top? The top of the lookalike's body even points towards it a bit, as if it's being carried by it, despite having no visual physical connection.
> The creature shakes it's head.
> "Well, it seems to know what we're saying at least." Reimu considers.
> "If that's the case, then where'd you come from?" Kogasa asks.
> The creature's form shifts slightly. It still looks like Nitori, but there are clear differences compared to earlier. There's some triangles on the bottom of it's dress now, and it has really tiny ears atop it's head.
> Does this shape look familiar enough to possibly be someone we know?
> If not:
> "...I'm afraid I don't recognize who that is. Do any of you?"
> Does this shape look familiar enough to possibly be someone we know?
> If not:
> "...I'm afraid I don't recognize who that is. Do any of you?"
> Nope... Not a clue.
> "You barely changed how you look. Can't you do any better than that?" Reimu questions.
> "Maybe it can't look too different from me?" Nitori considers.
> "Maybe it's too tired." Sanae suggests. "I was going to say that if it's made of water, it's probably headed for my shrine's lake, but then Reimu solved the problem before I could come up with a plan."
> The water creature quickly nods it's head.
> Shift our focus to Reimu and the other flesh-and-bone people present.
> "Do the small ears or dress pattern provide any clues, then?"
> Soften our look and tone while watching the water entity.
> "...Do you have a name? I realize you cannot tell me what it is, a simple yes or no is fine."
> Shift our focus to Reimu and the other flesh-and-bone people present.
> "Do the small ears or dress pattern provide any clues, then?"
> Soften our look and tone while watching the water entity.
> "...Do you have a name? I realize you cannot tell me what it is, a simple yes or no is fine."
> "None that I notice." Reimu shrugs.
> "Those were ears?" Kogasa questions.
> The creature nods it's head.
> "Should we bring it to that lake and see if it helps?" Nitori questions.
> You hear the crunch of leaves in the distance for a moment. Or, maybe something different?
> "I thought so, at least. Did you think they were something else? We might be looking at her wrong."
> "What was that?"
> Look in the direction of the sound for any activity.
> "I thought so, at least. Did you think they were something else? We might be looking at her wrong."
> "What was that?"
> Look in the direction of the sound for any activity.
> "I thought they were cute little horns. Like on some statues and such." Kogasa says.
> "Aunn? No, those are too different from the pattern of her clothes. And she's only got one horn." Reimu corrects.
> You glance towards the sound, but there's nothing there. Must've been the wind.
> "Hm?" Nitori questions.
> You hear another of the same sound from the opposite direction.
> Keep looking in our current direction.
> Look at where the new sound came from.
> Keep looking in our current direction.
> Look at where the new sound came from.
> You keep your gaze fixed, while your human half looks for the new sound.
> Again, nothing there...
> Your phantom does notice something pop up in the previous position though. It's... a tengu? With a camera aimed at your group.
> "I guess they sorta fit horns more if they aren't done fully." Reimu considers. "Suika, then?"
> "They could be ears, too. Like cat ones." Sanae says.
> "Right, our first culprit was a cat, after all. That could be connected."
> Is it Aya?
> Flash the camera with a peace sign and a smile.
> Is it Aya?
> Flash the camera with a peace sign and a smile.
> It isn't. This doesn't look like her. Aya's not that... Uh... She looks different.
> You pose for the cams, and the sound comes again from the figure, who looks up from the camera, then-
> S-She vanished! Into thin air!?
> ...Is Aya, uh, smaller or larger than this tengu?
> "Hey! Who's there?!"
> Dash to where the tengu was.
> ...Is Aya, uh, smaller or larger than this tengu?
> "Hey! Who's there?!"
> Dash to where the tengu was.
> If you had to say one or the other, you'd say Aya is smaller...
> "What?" Reimu questions.
> You dash over to the Tengu's previous spot, finding no one...
> "It's probably just a Tengu. I think they know us enough by now to not start a fight." Reimu says. "We have something more important going on anyways."
> "It is, taking pictures of us, but she just...disappeared. They don't normally do that."
> Sink all the way into the ground, remaining just below the surface.
> If Youmu hears a sound from this location again, immediately spring up and, if the tengu is present, try to engulf her to slow her down.
> "It is, taking pictures of us, but she just...disappeared. They don't normally do that."
> Sink all the way into the ground, remaining just below the surface.
> If Youmu hears a sound from this location again, immediately spring up and, if the tengu is present, try to engulf her to slow her down.
> "Disappeared? They're fast, so it might seem like that."
> You sink into the ground in wait...
> You hear it again, though from the sky this time. Your human half doesn't even have the time to look up before it seems to have vanished again.
> "Oh, I saw her that time." Sanae points at the sky. "It was a Tengu. Is it Aya?"
> "She did leave the shrine, but she wouldn't be hiding away like this from us if it were her."
> "You guys are friends with boss?" You hear an unfamiliar voice surprisingly close to your human half, which even causes Reimu and the others to jump. Likely that it was closer to them than you.
> Unfortunately for the new voice, Reimu responds violently to it, tossing a flurry of needles. Even Sanae has her gohei ready in surprise, though she seemed to have more restraint than Reimu.
> Thankfully, it looks like they managed to dodge...
> "I rescued Miss Aya from her from disaster earlier today, in fact."
> Make our way underground toward where the tengu is, in the hopes that we can keep her in conversation on the ground.
> "I rescued Miss Aya from her from disaster earlier today, in fact."
> Make our way underground toward where the tengu is, in the hopes that we can keep her in conversation on the ground.
> You float through the ground below the airspace of Reimu and co.
> "Disaster? What was- ah crap." The tengu expresses. "I'm not supposed to influence the story or get involved."
> "If you're talking about the water creature, you haven't done anything related to it yet." Nitori comments.
> "Yeah, but I interrupted you guys when you were. Maybe I'm not cut out for this."
> "If you're another reporter, have you seen anything about this creature before? Or the person it looks like now?" Reimu casually puts away an amulet.
> The Tengu looks it up and down... then shrugs.
> Oh, they're all in the air? Whoops.
> Make our way back to the box and fully resurface so we're with the water entity again.
> "Hey, we all still have much to learn and our trainings to go through. And Miss Aya gets directly involved with stuff all the time. Don't let that get you down."
> "I didn't realize she had taken on subordinates, though. Who are you?"
> Oh, they're all in the air? Whoops.
> Make our way back to the box and fully resurface so we're with the water entity again.
> "Hey, we all still have much to learn and our trainings to go through. And Miss Aya gets directly involved with stuff all the time. Don't let that get you down."
> "I didn't realize she had taken on subordinates, though. Who are you?"
> You resurface. If not for hitting and splitting the water creature, would it have been low enough for Reimu to barrier it up on the ground? Would you have been able to go under and into the barrier that way, or would it extend under the ground...
> "Aha... not an official subordinate. It's more that I just follow her. You can call me Suzaku."
> "Why don't we just say all the eared and horned people we know of and see which one it reacts to?" Kogasa says.
> "That's implying they know their names." Reimu says.
> "Oh. Right." Kogasa rescinds.
> Now that we've had the chance to interact with her in public for a bit, in what way was/is Suzaku so immediately obviously different from Aya that was embarrassing to consider?
> Smile.
> "A pleasure, Miss Suzaku. I am Youmu Konpaku, a half-phantom from Hakugyokurou."
> Offer a hand for a shake.
> The box might have a bottom, too...does it have a top?
> Glance at the entity, then back to the group.
> "What about that one person you were theorizing about previously? 'Seija', I think?"
> Now that we've had the chance to interact with her in public for a bit, in what way was/is Suzaku so immediately obviously different from Aya that was embarrassing to consider?
> Smile.
> "A pleasure, Miss Suzaku. I am Youmu Konpaku, a half-phantom from Hakugyokurou."
> Offer a hand for a shake.
> The box might have a bottom, too...does it have a top?
> Glance at the entity, then back to the group.
> "What about that one person you were theorizing about previously? 'Seija', I think?"
> She's got more meat on her all around. But despite that, she's still fast enough for you to lose track of her with no indication of where she was headed. Maybe you just weren't paying attention enough, though. Unless she can teleport?
> "Half phantom? Huh." The tengu shakes your hand. "That sounds cool. Ah, right, while I'm here, what kind of creature is this?" Suzaku gestures to the water creature.
> "It's smart enough to understand us, but it can't talk." Sanae explains.
> It's sealed on all four sides... It's more rectangular in that sense though, with more verticality.
> "Well she's made people before in a way." Reimu says. "But those were Tsukumogami, and thanks to the Miracle Mallet Shinmyoumaru has. I don't think she can make creatures on her own."
> "We're still trying to figure it out. It's made of water and normally looks similar to Miss Nitori here, but we don't know much more than that."
> "No, I mean, does this dress and those ears, or horns, or whatever, look like they could be part of your Seija?"
> "We're still trying to figure it out. It's made of water and normally looks similar to Miss Nitori here, but we don't know much more than that."
> "No, I mean, does this dress and those ears, or horns, or whatever, look like they could be part of your Seija?"
> "Oh. Well, she does have horns." Reimu considers. "But the dress... I guess they could be her arrows? But these are just triangles."
> "They do alternate though, a bit." Sanae points out.
> "Yeah. No color, but I can see it." Reimu says. "We'd still have to find her, though."
> "Would you like to join our investigation, Miss Suzaku? It would be nice to have you along, for multiple reasons."
> Look to the water entity.
> "Are you trying to show us that Seija made you?"
> "Would you like to join our investigation, Miss Suzaku? It would be nice to have you along, for multiple reasons."
> Look to the water entity.
> "Are you trying to show us that Seija made you?"
> "Ah, I can't, sorry." Suzaku responds.
> The creature just stares at you, as if it doesn't even know what language you spoke.
> "Why not?"
> Shrug at the others.
> "Well, you were planning to seek her out before all this anyway..."
> Look back to the entity.
> "Out of curiosity, what would happen if we took that device above your head. Would that hurt or damage you?"
> "Why not?"
> Shrug at the others.
> "Well, you were planning to seek her out before all this anyway..."
> Look back to the entity.
> "Out of curiosity, what would happen if we took that device above your head. Would that hurt or damage you?"
> "You'd get in big trouble if they find out you were at the human village." She says. "I'll keep an eye out for weird things and horned people on the mountain, though."
> "We don't actually have-"
> The Tengu flies off in a dash before Reimu can finish.
> "To go... to the village. Whatever."
> The creature moves away, pressing against the opposite side of the barrier.
> "Seems like a yes." Nitori says.
> "Mmm, unfortunate. Next time we see Miss Aya, we should ask about her subordinate."
> "Okay, okay, don't worry, we won't take it from you."
> Look to Reimu.
> "I have a request, Reimu. I would like to serve as transport for our new friend here. In the event the device above her head is similar to the ribbon..."
> Hold up the ribbon arm again.
> "...I believe I am uniquely suited to having it on my person without taking it away from her, as well as gathering and holding water to keep her sustained."
> "Mmm, unfortunate. Next time we see Miss Aya, we should ask about her subordinate."
> "Okay, okay, don't worry, we won't take it from you."
> Look to Reimu.
> "I have a request, Reimu. I would like to serve as transport for our new friend here. In the event the device above her head is similar to the ribbon..."
> Hold up the ribbon arm again.
> "...I believe I am uniquely suited to having it on my person without taking it away from her, as well as gathering and holding water to keep her sustained."
> "It's a prisoner now?" Sanae questions.
> "If we end up having to move it, I guess. But you sure? If it is Seija, and we have to go against her, you're at a disadvantage without your phantom half." Reimu says.
> "If that comes to pass, I can simply let her go if need be."
> "If that comes to pass, I can simply let her go if need be."
> "Alright. I'm not responsible if something goes wrong, then."
> Reimu releases the barrier, freeing the creature.
> Smile at the entity while gently approaching it.
> "We will find you some water for our travels, okay?"
> If the entity does not try to escape, engulf it, device and all, with the intent of keeping it within us.
> Smile at the entity while gently approaching it.
> "We will find you some water for our travels, okay?"
> If the entity does not try to escape, engulf it, device and all, with the intent of keeping it within us.
> The creature seems to settle down at the mention of water, as if it was going to try and elude you as you got closer.
> You pass their the water, trying to contain it.
> The device actually moves down to let you pass through it, or the other way around, rather.
> it seems like it's a bit tight for the creature given the device keeps floating a certain distance above its head, but it fits...
> Can we feel anything from the creature?
> Can we feel anything from the device?
> Can we feel anything from the creature?
> Can we feel anything from the device?
I You don't notice anything special.
> "Thank you for trusting me. May I assume that device is completely off-limits for touching and inspecting and the like?"
> "Are we going back up the mountain, then?"
> "Thank you for trusting me. May I assume that device is completely off-limits for touching and inspecting and the like?"
> "Are we going back up the mountain, then?"
> The creature nods. Though can it really stop Myon from just looking at it?
> "I suppose next would be the castle." Reimu looks up.
> "There's a castle on top of the mountain? I didn't see one up there..."
> "As you wish. Ah, now that we are like this, perhaps you can try to communicate with me mentally, or emotionally in a way I will feel, or something like that?"
> "There's a castle on top of the mountain? I didn't see one up there..."
> "As you wish. Ah, now that we are like this, perhaps you can try to communicate with me mentally, or emotionally in a way I will feel, or something like that?"
> "It's in the skies above it." Sanae adds
> ...
> You don't hear any success of such, if it tried...
> "Mmm, perhaps not. Or, at least, not yet. Anyway, would you care for a companion, should we find someone willing to join you in there?"
> "A castle in the sky? How does that work?!"
> To Sanae: "Um, pardon me, but would it be acceptable to take some of your shrine's pond's water? I don't know if I'll be able to return it, but if I can, I will."
> "Mmm, perhaps not. Or, at least, not yet. Anyway, would you care for a companion, should we find someone willing to join you in there?"
> "A castle in the sky? How does that work?!"
> To Sanae: "Um, pardon me, but would it be acceptable to take some of your shrine's pond's water? I don't know if I'll be able to return it, but if I can, I will."
> The creature looks again like you're speaking foreign words to it.
> "It's inverted. Could be Seija's own doing, or the miracle Mallet making it that way."
> "I'm sure my goddesses wouldn't mind you taking a bit. It's a big lake after all." Sanae agrees.
> "Oh. Uh, okay. You'll need to lead the way, then."
> Nod to Sanae.
> "Thank you."
> Look to the kappa.
> "Would you like to join your water self, Miss Nitori? Perhaps you would learn something from such closer proximity."
> "Oh. Uh, okay. You'll need to lead the way, then."
> Nod to Sanae.
> "Thank you."
> Look to the kappa.
> "Would you like to join your water self, Miss Nitori? Perhaps you would learn something from such closer proximity."
> "I'll be taking this chance to get back to my business now that the lookalike is... captured." Nitori answers. "It's been bothering me since it looks like me, and kept going after water around us. You have fun."
> "You're passing up the chance to study it?" Sanae asks, as Reimu heads into the sky.
> "I'll probably get to it when it's not an asset to an incident. And when I finish my other things, at least... I don't want a bigger backlog."
> Follow Reimu upward.
> "As you wish. Until we meet again, then."
> Follow Reimu upward.
> "As you wish. Until we meet again, then."
> "Cya." Nitori waves off.
> You follow Reimu into the sky, as do Sanae and Kogasa.
> It takes a but, but you soon see what they were talking about. There's a giant castle, just floating in the sky. What's more is its completely upside down, as if you're about to hit a point where gravity reverses.
> "... Why is it upside-down?"
> Wave back.
> Then begin flying back up toward Sanae's shrine.
> "So it is just you and me, then. I don't suppose you might have an idea for how to communicate your name?"
> "... Why is it upside-down?"
> Wave back.
> Then begin flying back up toward Sanae's shrine.
> "So it is just you and me, then. I don't suppose you might have an idea for how to communicate your name?"
> "It's either Seija's doing, or something with the miracle mallet. Both are possible." Reimu explains. "Seija can flip things or something."
> You start for Sanae's shrine.
> The creature points to the device hovering above it.
> "Huh. That'"
> Hold up one finger.
> "Can you communicate with me through the device?"
> Hold up two fingers.
> "Or are you saying you are the device?"
> "Huh. That'"
> Hold up one finger.
> "Can you communicate with me through the device?"
> Hold up two fingers.
> "Or are you saying you are the device?"
> "So what's the limit of this miracle mallet?" Sanae asks.
> "I don't know exactly, but I know Shinmyoumaru used up its power back when she teamed up with Seija." Reimu explains.
> "Hmhm, so I'm better☆"
> The figure nods, but holds up two fingers.
> "Well. What should we expect, then, given we may be seen as invading their home?"
> Try looking on the device for any writing.
> "Well. What should we expect, then, given we may be seen as invading their home?"
> Try looking on the device for any writing.
> "I'm not even sure if she's here." Reimu says. "But just get ready for tricks. She's a bit sly. Not so much as tanuki or foxes, but she's another level herself."
> "So... should I watch out for any duplicates of you that aren't actually you? Do we need code words and responses?" Sanae asks.
> "What? No, it's nothing like that. Just don't expect a friendly encounter I guess." Reimu frowns.
> As you near the castle, you see a figure hanging on the edge of it. Similarly opposing gravity, down to Eben their clothes doing such. From a distance, it looks like they even have the arrows on their outfit, and little horns.
> You give the device a look over, eventually finding text around the top of the... top.
> "Biological Emulator Nitori #10 | C.N. Gwen"
> On another side of the top reads something about Localized Gravity Manipulation.
> "Ah, there she is."
> "...'Biological Emulator Nitori #10'? Is that your name, then? Or perhaps you are this 'C.N. Gwen' it says here?"
> "Ah, there she is."
> "...'Biological Emulator Nitori #10'? Is that your name, then? Or perhaps you are this 'C.N. Gwen' it says here?"
> "Seija." Reimu shouts, in an annoyed term.
> "Hey." The girl waves.
> "You're behind the-"
> "Yeah yeah, the Inverse Ribbon. Gwen. The Shooting Star Board. The air gear. I made those, and probably a few others while I had the ribbon. So what?"
> "So what? They..." Reimu tries to think.
> "I'm not exactly causing any trouble myself. Nor did I plan on them being used for such. Are you gonna bully me for it?" She gets up on the...underside of the roof like a regular seat.
> "Shooting... what?" Kogasa questions.
> "Did you really just come here with a group to beat me up for it? Seriously?" The girl questions.
> The creature just nods.
> "I...think we were mostly curious as to what was going on? The ribbon on the cat caused a lot of chaos, after all. People's spirits separating from their bodies left and right..."
> "Wait, you said 'Gwen'? What does the 'C.N.' stand for before it?"
> Smile.
> "It is a pleasure to meet you, Gwen."
> "I...think we were mostly curious as to what was going on? The ribbon on the cat caused a lot of chaos, after all. People's spirits separating from their bodies left and right..."
> "Wait, you said 'Gwen'? What does the 'C.N.' stand for before it?"
> Smile.
> "It is a pleasure to meet you, Gwen."
> "Code Name, Apparently. I'm guessing you came across it? " The woman questions.
> "You're surprisingly Cooperative." Sanae comments.
> "I'm not pulling any tricks. At least with you guys."
> "So you have something planned..." Reimu questions.
> "Yep. Sorta."
> The creature doesn't seem to respond to such.
> Before it just gives a thumbs up.
> "I did. She's a dear, now that we all understand we're not mutually hostile. How does she work?"
> Give a thumbs-up in return.
> "By the way, Gwen, if you wish to return to your regular appearance, you are welcome to do so. Unless you don't have a regular appearance?"
> "I did. She's a dear, now that we all understand we're not mutually hostile. How does she work?"
> Give a thumbs-up in return.
> "By the way, Gwen, if you wish to return to your regular appearance, you are welcome to do so. Unless you don't have a regular appearance?"
> "It's something that acts like another person. I guess the base is that Kappa regardless, though. And it needs more water to do more as well."
> The lookalike does so.
> "I see...then it is its own separate entity, rather than some sort of enhancement, like the ribbon you mentioned?"
> How close are we to the lake?
> "I'm told you can do more with more water. Do you have an upper limit for how much water you can take?"
> "I see...then it is its own separate entity, rather than some sort of enhancement, like the ribbon you mentioned?"
> How close are we to the lake?
> "I'm told you can do more with more water. Do you have an upper limit for how much water you can take?"
> "It's another toy of mine. Like my cursed decoy doll." Seija shows off a little doll that grabs your attention. You swear you hear a bit of snickering from it, and it seems to wave, or at least gesture your way, but you don't notice what it did in detail.
> "Did that always used to move?" Reimu questions, curious.
> "It got a bit different from before, yeah. A few have, actually..." Seija murmurs.
> You've just about reached the shrine. You can see the lake past it.
> The creature nods.
> "...That sounds like you didn't do it yourself."
> Is there anyone in the vicinity of the lake that we can see?
> Adjust our flight path as needed to head toward the lake.
> "Ah, there it is. Hopefully there will be no trouble, given we have Sanae's permission to do this."
> "...That sounds like you didn't do it yourself."
> Is there anyone in the vicinity of the lake that we can see?
> Adjust our flight path as needed to head toward the lake.
> "Ah, there it is. Hopefully there will be no trouble, given we have Sanae's permission to do this."
> "It probably happened while I had the ribbon on." Seija shrugs.
> There seems to be two people on one side of the lake further away from here. There are also a couple of fairies above it. Not nearly as much as around Misty Lake though.
> Blink.
> "Oh. I guess that makes sense."
> "...So, uh, I couldn't help noticing you listed a whole bunch of other things we haven't come across yet..."
> Oh well, we can just jump in as needed.
> Aim for the closest part of the lake.
> Blink.
> "Oh. I guess that makes sense."
> "...So, uh, I couldn't help noticing you listed a whole bunch of other things we haven't come across yet..."
> Oh well, we can just jump in as needed.
> Aim for the closest part of the lake.
> "I doubt they're causing any trouble. Some of them were more containable items that don't activate on their own or such."
> "If there are still some that could be causing trouble, you'd better tell us what they are, since I doubt you're willing to round them up yourself." Reimu threatens.
> "Hey, I wouldn't know exactly if there are. The inverse ribbon was a bit much for me, too."
> You fly over to just above the lake. No one seems to stop you yet.
> "So what, if anything, would happen to someone in possession of Gwen's device? Like how that ribbon affects the wearer in ways difficult to control."
> Dip into the lake, fully submerging ourselves.
> "Any requests for how much you'd like?"
> "So what, if anything, would happen to someone in possession of Gwen's device? Like how that ribbon affects the wearer in ways difficult to control."
> Dip into the lake, fully submerging ourselves.
> "Any requests for how much you'd like?"
> "Nothing I guess. It's a tool meant to be used, so it's not gonna do anything weird to the user. The inverse ribbon amplifies your abilities when worn but makes it harder to control. If you can get past that, you'll eventually end up better than you were before, with more than before."
> "If it makes your abilities uncontrollable, it isn't that useful to cheat in a duel, is it?" You hear another voice, as something small shows up from one of the spaces in Seija's outfit.
> "Who said my things are strictly for cheating? They can just be a bit of support until you get better than you were before. The cursed decoy doll doesn't draw all the fire away, right?"
> "I guess..." The small... person, responds.
> "Which means you can focus on the untargeted pattern of your opponent."
> "Hey, given that uh, Gwen thing or whatever has Nitori in it's name, does that mean you make them for others?" Sanae questions.
> "...Sooorta."
> You descend into the lake.
> Gwen pulls it's device out from you, then returns back into you a few seconds later. It's figure looks like it moves a bit, but it doesn't seem that different.
> It gives another thumbs up?
> "That would explain why they looked so similar."
> Give a thumbs-up in response.
> Begin taking in water, with the goal of filling ourselves, because why not.
> "That would explain why they looked so similar."
> Give a thumbs-up in response.
> Begin taking in water, with the goal of filling ourselves, because why not.
> "Can you make one for me?"
> "Sure, why n-"
> "Not a smart idea Sanae. She's a criminal." Reimu says.
> "Was." The small person argues. "I don't thinks he's wanted anymore, right?"
> "Ah, right. Sorry." Reimu apologizes.
> "Sounds like you're realizing your misunderstandings of me, huh?" Seija sticks out her tongue in teasing.
> "I was just a little on edge since the ribbon was a big deal at first. If that's the worst of things, I suppose there isn't much of a problem anymore..." Reimu explains.
> "Going home then, Reimu?"
> Probably, yea."
> You return the gesture and start to let water pass into you.
> "I guess it is true that the ribbon is currently somewhere where it's likely to cause minimal damage. Though, Reimu, are you still willing to join Myon like we talked about earlier?"
> "I guess it is true that the ribbon is currently somewhere where it's likely to cause minimal damage. Though, Reimu, are you still willing to join Myon like we talked about earlier?"
> "The heck is a Myon?" Seija questions.
> "It's her... Wait, why do you call it Myon anyways? Isn't it still just you?" Reimu questions.
> "She is, yes. But it is convenient to have separate monikers for my two halves. And it feels nicer, in a way I can't really describe."
> "She is, yes. But it is convenient to have separate monikers for my two halves. And it feels nicer, in a way I can't really describe."
> "You're two halves?" Seija questions. "Of what?"
> "Myself. Half-human, half-phantom. Myon's the phantom half, and she's elsewhere with Gwen at the moment."
> "Myself. Half-human, half-phantom. Myon's the phantom half, and she's elsewhere with Gwen at the moment."
> "Human and phantom huh. Wonder how that'll turn out..." Seija considers.
> There's a moment of some sensation, not long enough for you to determine if it was weird or even good, but with it comes something on Seija's back. It looks like a large sheathe of sorts?
> Moments later, something manifests and stands beside Seija.
> It's... Myon!?
> Or, at least it looks like Myon. You do notice horns atop it's head... Or rather, the top of it's "head" looks shaped like it has horns, instead of just being an accessory worn.
> "...Um." Seija speaks in... worry?
> "S-Seija?" The small person speaks up. "Gwen was pushing it a bit close, but isn't this just straight up creating life now? Is this still just a tool?"
> You believe you're filled up. Gwen is noticeably still visible through the water.
> ...Did she just copy us somehow???
> Look confused, adding a touch of irritation after a moment.
> "Hey! No gimmick infringement!"
> "How is that, Gwen?"
> ...Did she just copy us somehow???
> Look confused, adding a touch of irritation after a moment.
> "Hey! No gimmick infringement!"
> "How is that, Gwen?"
> "Gimmick infringement's part of my gimmick, sorry." Seija explains, a bit unapologetically. "This seems like a really good one, though. Second Soul Scabbard." She pulls the large sheath off her back. It looks like there's a sword already in it.
> The... other phantom also seems to lean over in investigating the scabbard.
> "S-She does it that fast?" Kogasa questions.
> "That's incredible..." Sanae speaks.
> "I-I guess if it's the scabbard itself, it's still a tool..." The small lady says in relief.
> Gwen shrugs in response. It doesn't seem to be taking the water you've filled up with. Did it already get as much as it can?
> Grunt in irritation and cross our arms.
> "Well. Not that I really want to talk about this now, but whatever just happened shouldn't have been like creating life from nothing. It's more like creating a new part of something that already exists, like a third arm, or a second head, or a tail."
> " you not want all this water I have obtained for you?"
> Grunt in irritation and cross our arms.
> "Well. Not that I really want to talk about this now, but whatever just happened shouldn't have been like creating life from nothing. It's more like creating a new part of something that already exists, like a third arm, or a second head, or a tail."
> " you not want all this water I have obtained for you?"
> "Seija's ability lets her flip and turn things into their opposites. She can create her cheat, er, support items like such." The little lady explains.
> "Don't explain the whole thing now. I like having some secrets." Seija says. "This method's always supposed to make something that's... based on the target. But it usually comes in the form of some simple object that just does a little bit of what the target is capable of."
> "Well, it's a phantom anyways. It's not really life, since they're spirits." Sanae says. "So you made a sword and a spirit. That's not as incredible. Though, still cool."
> "What's it do?" Kogasa questions.
> Gwen crosses it's arms in an X, rather than just simply shaking it's head.
> Shift our expression to a more thoughtful one.
> "...May I see that sword?"
> Hold out an open hand.
> "I see. I imagine you have reached your upper limit, then? Mmm. In that case, I am going to try something of my own, since I have the opportunity to do so."
> Shift to our Waka shape.
> Then, focusing on all of the lake water we've taken in as a battery of sorts, try doing the inhale-expand thing again.
> Shift our expression to a more thoughtful one.
> "...May I see that sword?"
> Hold out an open hand.
> "I see. I imagine you have reached your upper limit, then? Mmm. In that case, I am going to try something of my own, since I have the opportunity to do so."
> Shift to our Waka shape.
> Then, focusing on all of the lake water we've taken in as a battery of sorts, try doing the inhale-expand thing again.
> "Like, wield, or see? Because it's different." Seija says.
> "How?" Sanae asks.
> "You have to give give someone it if you want them to use it properly."
> Gwen nods.
> You change into Wakasagihime's shape, finding it's still possible at least.
> In your attempt to expand yourself again, you find you reach about the same size as before with it...
> "Wield. I am curious about the make and feel of a sword that has been created from thin air. Given you described your new item as the scabbard, I assume you handing only the sword over will not affect your newfound phantom half."
> Drat! Undo the growth, then change back to Youmu form.
> Do we feel any different from having contained Gwen for a bit of time now, presumably possessing at least some of her as a result?
> "Wield. I am curious about the make and feel of a sword that has been created from thin air. Given you described your new item as the scabbard, I assume you handing only the sword over will not affect your newfound phantom half."
> Drat! Undo the growth, then change back to Youmu form.
> Do we feel any different from having contained Gwen for a bit of time now, presumably possessing at least some of her as a result?
> "I mean that you'll get a different outcome from if I give you this sword itself-" Seija pulls out the sword, revealing a large two handed blade. About what was expected... "Versus if I gave you the entire scabbard."
> You don't. You haven't tried possessing anyone else since Waka gave the okay to.
> You return to Youmu's visage.
> "Well, admittedly, I do want the entire thing, since I'm not really keen on this existing at all, let alone in someone else's possession without my permission. But I suspect that will be a much longer discussion, and this is a curiosity I can sate quickly and with minimal fuss."
> "Hmm, that did not go the way I would have hoped. Oh well..."
> "By the way, Gwen, please inform me if you feel any sort of weird sensations going forward."
> Actively try possessing Gwen.
> "Well, admittedly, I do want the entire thing, since I'm not really keen on this existing at all, let alone in someone else's possession without my permission. But I suspect that will be a much longer discussion, and this is a curiosity I can sate quickly and with minimal fuss."
> "Hmm, that did not go the way I would have hoped. Oh well..."
> "By the way, Gwen, please inform me if you feel any sort of weird sensations going forward."
> Actively try possessing Gwen.
> "Just give it back when you're done." Seija offers, putting the sword back in it's scabbard and holding it out towards you.
> Gwen nods.
> You start to try and posses Gwen, but... it doesn't seem like there's anything for you to possess, as far as you can tell compared to Waka.
> ...Huh.
> ...Well, maybe that discussion can still happen.
> Take the scabbard, putting it on the way Seija wore it to see if her phantom half disappears and we gain (another) one ourselves.
> Then unsheathe the sword and inspect it up close for feel and quality.
> Try possessing the device, then, maybe?
> ...Huh.
> ...Well, maybe that discussion can still happen.
> Take the scabbard, putting it on the way Seija wore it to see if her phantom half disappears and we gain (another) one ourselves.
> Then unsheathe the sword and inspect it up close for feel and quality.
> Try possessing the device, then, maybe?
> As you take the scabbard, the phantom disappears, and the scabbard changes in your hands. It now appears to be a katana's scabbard. Though it's different from the two you currently have on your side.
> However, the handle to the sword itself looks weird and almost transparent.
> You aren't able to find anything to influence on or with the device itself, either. Maybe you're not poltergeist material. They are sorta different...
> "What the...?"
> Try pulling the sword out anyway.
> Drat. Well, this was incredibly unhelpful to most everything. But at least we adopted a pet...water device kappa girl thingie.
> "Anyway, if you have what you need, I am going to return the remaining water. In the meantime, may I ask what you needed that water for? Is there perhaps more you can do now?"
> "What the...?"
> Try pulling the sword out anyway.
> Drat. Well, this was incredibly unhelpful to most everything. But at least we adopted a pet...water device kappa girl thingie.
> "Anyway, if you have what you need, I am going to return the remaining water. In the meantime, may I ask what you needed that water for? Is there perhaps more you can do now?"
> You unsheathe the sword.
> It looks like a semi-transparent Katana. Almost like Myon covered a sword.
> Is the other phantom actually covering the sword, now that you think about it?
> With it out of it's scabbard, you do feel a host of new sensations... This sword is the phantom... Through this, you feel like the sword legitimately is another part of you. More naturally than you've learned in your sword practice.
> It feels like you're on the cusp of discovering something new as well. Like you were searching for something on a shelf too high to see, and you feel something in your grasp...
> Gwen gives a thumbs up and nods.
> Consider what approaches we might take to cross the metaphorical finish line of discovery here.
> Consider what approaches we might take to cross the metaphorical finish line of discovery here.
> You can combine yourself with your phantom half. It's surely possible! The phantom became a sword, after all - and Myon can imitate your appearance and follow your will. Can Myon become a sword as well? And the sword - if you can register a sword as an extension of your body, and you're excellent at learning sword techniques, then shouldn't you be able to put that skill into the rest of your body as well? Further, what stops you from changing up the process of these sword and body techniques you're learning and creating new ones? Perhaps you can replicate Wakasagihime's growth technique without taking her appearance. No, further, you can make a new variation on Wakasagihime's growth technique, right? Can you learn to imitate Aya's speed through sword and body techniques?
> ...With that talk of Genji and Wakasagihime's... Can your human half become a phantom? Can a bodily technique get to the point of becoming a spirit instead? Can you extend your excellent sword learning from the sword, to the body, to the mind and spirit? Can you actually change your body freely like Myon? Your mind is racing with ideas and possibilities. Is this enlightenment?
> No, that's a bit far... But this feels like finally cresting a horizon.
> Does it seem like these things might be possible through sheer force of will? Or would they require some sort of technique, presumably sword-skill-based ones?
> Does it seem like these things might be possible through sheer force of will? Or would they require some sort of technique, presumably sword-skill-based ones?
> Technique... but for you, that should be almost as easy as willing it with this revelation?
> Stare wordlessly at the sword for a while, eyes going a bit wider as we do.
> Let go of the water we have collected.
> "Would you be willing to demonstrate?"
> Stare wordlessly at the sword for a while, eyes going a bit wider as we do.
> Let go of the water we have collected.
> "Would you be willing to demonstrate?"
> You stare at the sword, deep in thought. Will this information be taken back if you give it up? Will it slowly go away? Will you keep it? Can this phantom sword turn back into a phantom? Of course it can... But, can you convince Seija to let you keep it? Can she make another? Can you have an army of phantom halves? How much knowledge would you gain from a second of these swords?!
> You release the water.
> Gwen nods, it's shape changing to match, as far as you recall, that of the Tengu that arrived for a bit. Gwen was contained when she came by, but it's still pretty accurate to what you remember.
> "..."
> Take on a slightly quieter, awed tone, as though we have just found an extraordinary treasure (since we have).
> "...What would you require to part with this?"
> "Impressive! Can you do the others as well?"
> "..."
> Take on a slightly quieter, awed tone, as though we have just found an extraordinary treasure (since we have).
> "...What would you require to part with this?"
> "Impressive! Can you do the others as well?"
> "If I can make another, I guess I'd be willing to bargain. But why do you want it so much? It looks like you've already got two swords, and you said you had a Myon." Seija says.
> Gwen's figure changes to Kogasa's. Then yours. Then Sanae's. then Reimu's. It's really recalled all of your appearances so closely.
> "This is...uniquely valuable to me, with my being a half-phantom. Possibilities I've only ever dreamed of now seem not only real, but achievable, just with handling this blade for these few moments."
> Look back up at Seija.
> "I am...still not thrilled with the idea of anyone else having free and easy access to what amounts to a piece of myself that I cannot track, but if letting you create another one of these is your price, I will pay it."
> Clap (as best we can underwater).
> "That's quite the memory and attention to detail! Do you have a favorite?"
> "This is...uniquely valuable to me, with my being a half-phantom. Possibilities I've only ever dreamed of now seem not only real, but achievable, just with handling this blade for these few moments."
> Look back up at Seija.
> "I am...still not thrilled with the idea of anyone else having free and easy access to what amounts to a piece of myself that I cannot track, but if letting you create another one of these is your price, I will pay it."
> Clap (as best we can underwater).
> "That's quite the memory and attention to detail! Do you have a favorite?"
> "It'd be a piece of whoever has the scabbard, not you. My things aren't as good as the real deal anyways. I don't think Gwen can do much of the stuff that Nitori girl can do, for example. Besides, you're saying it like you have any ground in this. I already made the scabbard. Even Yukari can't unmake the umbrella I got from her. She just covers it up saying I stole it."
> "Like she said though, her creations aren't as good as the real deal. That means you should be able to make such a thing yourself, right?" Reimu says.
> "She has a point. I think no one would really need one of Seija's che- support items of them for themselves."
> "Who's side are you on?" Seija frowns down at the tiny person.
> "Yours. But you're nice sometimes, Seija. You let the ribbon go around, even though you didn't need it yourself anymore. You wanted to help others, didn't you?" She smiles.
> "No. I just didn't wanna bother chasing it down." She turns her gaze.
> Gwen turns back into Nitori's form.
> "It's complicated. I'd rather not go into details, it would get very personal very fast. It is possible that I don't actually need to keep this for myself, but I'm willing to work out a deal where I do so anyway, just to be safe."
> Nod.
> "A fine form, to be sure."
> Resurface and return to shore.
> "By the way, it seems the others have found Seija. Would you like to meet up with them again? We have collectively learned some interesting things."
> "It's complicated. I'd rather not go into details, it would get very personal very fast. It is possible that I don't actually need to keep this for myself, but I'm willing to work out a deal where I do so anyway, just to be safe."
> Nod.
> "A fine form, to be sure."
> Resurface and return to shore.
> "By the way, it seems the others have found Seija. Would you like to meet up with them again? We have collectively learned some interesting things."
> "Hm... I'll tr-"
> "I always wanted to try to make one of your things, Seija. I'll give it a go first." The small person suggests.
> "Are you really gonna waste the mallet's energy again? You seem so ready to do so at every moment..." Reimu comments.
> "It'll be fine, don't worry." The squirt pulls out a mallet, replicating the scabbard with seemingly no issue. As it's made, it changes in size and shape, appearing much smaller to fit the tiny person.
> "J-Just like that? Can I do that?" Sanae murmurs to herself.
> "Ah, that works." Seija says. "Thanks."
> "What just happened? How? That can duplicate things?" Kogasa questions.
> You depart from the water.
> Gwen nods.
> Blink.
> "...You two are simply full of surprises, you know that?"
> Look down at the tiny woman.
> "I'm curious to see what sort of phantom half you get."
> "Then we will return to them."
> Take flight and head upward toward where Youmu is.
> "While we travel, do you think you might be able to speak now, or perhaps form part of yourself to spell out words?"
> Blink.
> "...You two are simply full of surprises, you know that?"
> Look down at the tiny woman.
> "I'm curious to see what sort of phantom half you get."
> "Then we will return to them."
> Take flight and head upward toward where Youmu is.
> "While we travel, do you think you might be able to speak now, or perhaps form part of yourself to spell out words?"
> "Is it alright if I use it, Seija?" she questions.
> "Maybe later. Everyone's gonna want a shot at this rate..." Seija says.
> You start to fly up towards the castle's position.
> Gwen shakes it's head.
> "Well, I can definitely imagine other people wanting to experience having a phantom half of their own."
> "So strictly humanoid forms, then?"
> "Well, I can definitely imagine other people wanting to experience having a phantom half of their own."
> "So strictly humanoid forms, then?"
> "I do at least wonder what makes it different from your own." Reimu speaks.
> "You should try it, Reimu." She offers the small scabbard.
> "Ehh? I don't know..."
> Gwen points at it's device.
> "Oh, you absolutely should, Reimu. Imagine having an extra you that you can send to take care of incidents while the original you gets to stay home."
> "...Forms you yourself have seen...?"
> "Oh, you absolutely should, Reimu. Imagine having an extra you that you can send to take care of incidents while the original you gets to stay home."
> "...Forms you yourself have seen...?"
> "It's not like I'd get to keep it anyways."
> Gwen gives that blank stare again.
> You're nearing the castle
> "Er...okay, fine, I was simply imagining how fun it might be for Myon and your phantom half to interact. Ah, speaking of."
> Gesture in Myon's direction.
> Close the rest of the distance!
> "Er...okay, fine, I was simply imagining how fun it might be for Myon and your phantom half to interact. Ah, speaking of."
> Gesture in Myon's direction.
> Close the rest of the distance!
> You quickly regroup with your human half.
> Gesture to Myon while looking at Seija.
> "So, to answer your question more fully, this is Myon."
> Give Seija a curtsey (as much as we can pull our own membrane to grab our 'skirt' with our 'hands').
> "And Gwen, you have probably noticed."
> Gesture to Myon while looking at Seija.
> "So, to answer your question more fully, this is Myon."
> Give Seija a curtsey (as much as we can pull our own membrane to grab our 'skirt' with our 'hands').
> "And Gwen, you have probably noticed."
> "Uh... huh. Doesn't look that safe to be like that, but Gwen will be okay." Seija comments.
> "What do you mean?" The small woman questions.
> "Nothing you should worry about Shinmyoumaru." Seija says.
> "Unsafe for Myon, or unsafe for Gwen? We both seem to be fine so far."
> "Unsafe for Myon, or unsafe for Gwen? We both seem to be fine so far."
> "For whoever's inside it. They're not you, obviously. Then again, it also might not be great for you either, since that phantom is a part of you too. I guess you'll probably find out yourself at some point." Seija shrugs.
> "I suppose so. Though I trust Gwen will let me know if something goes wrong."
> Look to Gwen.
> "Assuming you do not wish to set off on your own, of course."
> "I suppose so. Though I trust Gwen will let me know if something goes wrong."
> Look to Gwen.
> "Assuming you do not wish to set off on your own, of course."
> The Gwen stare...
> "Well, it is a tool, not something alive." Seija says. "Though I mean that in the way that it won't be in danger or cause any just being in there, I think."
> "She has reacted remarkably life-like at times for someone not alive."
> "She has reacted remarkably life-like at times for someone not alive."
> "I mean it in the literal alive sense. Not the capable of intelligence or not kind."
> "Oh. Well, actually, potential danger was one of the reasons Reimu and Myon were considering spending some time, uh, 'together'."
> "Oh. Well, actually, potential danger was one of the reasons Reimu and Myon were considering spending some time, uh, 'together'."
> "What? Why? The Hakurei Shrine maiden of all people?" Seija questions.
> "I thought I should be someone who can find out if it's safe enough or dangerous through experience."
> "You're an idiot."
> "Hey, I did think it could've not been that great idea at first. But I'll probably be able to notice before anything bad happens."
> "Sure, and if it's too late to stop when it does? If you're allowed to do things like this without someone stopping you, maybe they've already got a replacement in mind."
> "You could join in if you're that concerned, Miss Seija."
> "You could join in if you're that concerned, Miss Seija."
> "Nothin in it for me." Seija states.
> "You'd have the opportunity to meet whoever we meet and make things from them."
> "You'd have the opportunity to meet whoever we meet and make things from them."
> "I can just go about and do that on my own." Seija argues.
> "Yeah. If she got to that Yukari person and could make one, who's gonna be able to stop her?" The Shinmyoumaru fella says.
> "Oh, right. How did you do that, anyway?"
> "Oh, right. How did you do that, anyway?"
> "It's not like she has her guard up all the time. She's just a bit scary if you get in her way, but even then, she's not the worst person you can wrong."
> What is our life experience with Yukari?
> What is our life experience with Yukari?
> She's a mysterious person who your mistress seems to be very close friends with. She doesn't seem like a good boss to her subordinates from what you know, but you've never seen her as someone "scary" strong from anything she's done. You know she has a hand in the barriers of Gensokyo, like the netherworld one, so she's definitely powerful and probably skilled, too. She shares in your mistress' bullying of you whenever they're together...
> Frown a bit.
> "Must be nice."
> Frown a bit.
> "Must be nice."
> "What, you scared of her?" Seija questions.
> "What I feel doesn't matter. My mistress is her best friend. There's nothing I can do about it."
> "What I feel doesn't matter. My mistress is her best friend. There's nothing I can do about it."
> "Friend of hers... that ghost princess, right? I got something from her, too." Seija retrieves a lantern. It looks similar to your mistress' soul torch, but different enough that its either a knockoff, or something else entirely. "It wasn't much though. I probably need to give it another go at some point."
> Eye the lantern with some suspicion.
> "...I'd be real careful with that if I were you."
> Eye the lantern with some suspicion.
> "...I'd be real careful with that if I were you."
> "Relax. It just turns you ethereal for a bit. Like a ghost. Though that's why I say Reimu should be a bit careful, less she turns into a ghost or gets possessed by your phantom.".
> "That's possible?" Reimu questions.
> "I'm sure she can resist possession, that's why I asked originally. I don't know anything about me being able to turn others into ghosts, though..."
> "I'm sure she can resist possession, that's why I asked originally. I don't know anything about me being able to turn others into ghosts, though..."
> "That seems to be a worry I got when I made the Second Soul Scabbard."
> "Do you just know how to use everything you make?" Kogasa asks.
> "Yep. Though the spirit can become a part of you, you shouldn't do it until you're used to using it, and not for too long at one time. And you shouldn't hide inside the spirit for too long either, else it'll end up doing the same to you."
> "That makes sense if it's both ways like that..." Shinmyoumaru says.
> "Hmm. Well, for what it's worth, someone else has already successful resisted the process and came away just fine."
> Change to our Waka shape.
> "Hmm. Well, for what it's worth, someone else has already successful resisted the process and came away just fine."
> Change to our Waka shape.
> "And how much did you make sure they were fine?" Both Seija and Reimu ask, but Seija let's her speak after the first words
> "I asked her to tell me if she felt anything abnormal, and let her swim away on her own once it was time to part?"
> "I asked her to tell me if she felt anything abnormal, and let her swim away on her own once it was time to part?"
> "I guess I'll go check..." Reimu starts to fly off.
> "You were going to regardless of what she said, weren't you?" Sanae causes.
> Deflate a little bit.
> Look down at Gwen.
> "...Given what you have heard here, I would understand if you chose to set out on your own."
> Deflate a little bit.
> Look down at Gwen.
> "...Given what you have heard here, I would understand if you chose to set out on your own."
> Gwen shakes it's head and points to the device again.
> "Again, Gwen is an item. It seems like it can think and form its own opinions, but it's not a living being that has to worry about becoming a ghost, or having a ghost possess it." Seija says. "At least, I don't think poltergeist would be able to control it..."
> "So why were you a criminal, by the way?" Kogasa asks.
> "I caused an incident with Shinmyoumaru through her Mallet. We also made a few tsukumogami through the Mallet's energy, and they caused a bit of trouble too." Seija explains. "I also kept causing more and more trouble as I got more infamous. But no one could catch me and they eventually gave up pursuing" Seija smirks. "This traitor even tried her hand at it." She picks up and waves Shinmyoumaru around lightly in teasing.
> "I-I had to stop you before things got too bad."
> "Well you put up a fun fight at least." She sets her back down. "Besides, I was fine in the end as expected."
> "Wait, you created some Tsukumogami?" Kogasa questions.
> "Huh. I wonder if Gwen is close to becoming one..."
> "Huh. I wonder if Gwen is close to becoming one..."
> "Tsukumogami can also happen when a spirit inhabits an object, right?" Sanae questions. "If so, then maybe you can speed that up."
> "It's already something like a tsukumogami." Seija argues.
> Could Myon inhabit the device?
> Could Myon inhabit the device?
> You haven't been able to. Even with the revelations thanks to that scabbard, you believe such wouldn't be possible... you aren't a poltergeist...
> "I'd be willing to try, but I'm not a poltergeist, so it probably wouldn't work, unfortunately."
> "I'd be willing to try, but I'm not a poltergeist, so it probably wouldn't work, unfortunately."
> "Last I recall, phantom's possess people, and can even influence people around them if their feelings are strong enough." Sanae explains. "They have no ground in objects, that's poltergeists' specialty. Ghosts also can't since they just fully lack physical presence i think."
> "Right."
> Adopt a pensive look.
> "...With every way this has worked out just now, I think I should probably head home for a time. I have things to think about, and a mistress to return to."
> "Right."
> Adopt a pensive look.
> "...With every way this has worked out just now, I think I should probably head home for a time. I have things to think about, and a mistress to return to."
> "What, no vacation?" Seija questions.
> "...There might be, I guess? But I did not previously request it, so I would not be aware."
> "...There might be, I guess? But I did not previously request it, so I would not be aware."
> Seija shrugs.
> "Indeed. Thank you for the information you and yours have provided me."
> "Indeed. Thank you for the information you and yours have provided me."
> "What are you getting in exchange?" Kogasa asks.
> "Ah right, almost forgot about that." Seija says. "How about... you find me someone who's got an interesting skillet and bring them back here?"
> Change to our Waka shape.
> Gesture to Myon.
> "How does a mermaid sound? She can do this, but even better."
> Inhale to do the expansion thing.
> Change to our Waka shape.
> Gesture to Myon.
> "How does a mermaid sound? She can do this, but even better."
> Inhale to do the expansion thing.
> You take Waka's form and demonstrate.
> "Wakasagihime? Nah."
> "Oh, you know her? Well, alright."
> Return to Youmu-shape-normal.
> "An item that grants that ability would be amusing, though, even if it weren't particularly powerful."
> "Oh, you know her? Well, alright."
> Return to Youmu-shape-normal.
> "An item that grants that ability would be amusing, though, even if it weren't particularly powerful."
> "I haven't actually done it for her yet." Seija claims. "Or her friends."
> "Why not?" Shinmyoumaru asks.
> Seija shrugs. "We don't cross often."
> "Anyway, I'll keep an eye out for interesting individuals for you."
> "Anyway, I'll keep an eye out for interesting individuals for you."
> "Good. That's all, then."
> Shinmyoumaru waves you off.
> Wave to her, as well as the others still here.
> Take flight and head back home.
> Give a bow to those gathered, and then follow.
> Wave to her, as well as the others still here.
> Take flight and head back home.
> Give a bow to those gathered, and then follow.
> You wave goodbye and leave with Gwen in tow.
> The way home is uneventful. Few seem to bother the ways to the Netherworld at least. Even the fairies find better places to play.
> Though, there's a fairy falling down the stairs of the netherworld... you swear she seems a bit familiar...?
> Well, that's unusual. Speed up to get a closer look at what's going on.
> Well, that's unusual. Speed up to get a closer look at what's going on.
> You approach the scene, not too close at least.
> She... looks like she's having fun? Youre not sure. On closer inspection, she's rolling down it.
> The way she's doing it too - she's definitely done this multiple times before. It's such a steady roll that she isn't bouncing down them like steps, but rolling down it like a hill.
> She's passing you now...
> Now that we're closer, do we recognize her better?
> "Hey!"
> Pursue in the hopes of getting ahead of her.
> Now that we're closer, do we recognize her better?
> "Hey!"
> Pursue in the hopes of getting ahead of her.
> You don't think you've met her before, but... you've seen this sight before, you're sure of it.
> You pursue, and the fairy eventually stops herself to stand up. Again, surprising control. She even made a pose in landing...
> "Huh? What is it?" She questions. She looks mostly unharmed, hardly a scratch at all. Though her voice sounds a bit weird.
> Get a little closer.
> "Are you okay?"
> Approach the roller until we're in casual conversation distance.
> Get a little closer.
> "Are you okay?"
> Approach the roller until we're in casual conversation distance.
> Both of your halves approach.
> "Yep. I'm the best at this. I've been doing this for years."
> Blink.
> "...Why?"
> Blink.
> "...Why?"
> "Why not?" The fairy blinks back.
> "...I...suppose I have no real answer for that. May I ask your name?"
> "...I...suppose I have no real answer for that. May I ask your name?"
> "Mikuru. ...I think. Some of my friends called me Meguri, too..."
> "Well, which one do you call yourself?"
> "Well, which one do you call yourself?"
> "I guess i can myself Mikuru more."
> How is Gwen holding up?
> Nod.
> "Well met, Mikuru. You can call me Youmu."
> Gesture to Myon.
> "And you may call her Myon. She is part of me, and I of her, but it is nice to have separate names for my two halves. Oh, and the water entity within Myon is called Gwen."
> How is Gwen holding up?
> Nod.
> "Well met, Mikuru. You can call me Youmu."
> Gesture to Myon.
> "And you may call her Myon. She is part of me, and I of her, but it is nice to have separate names for my two halves. Oh, and the water entity within Myon is called Gwen."
> She seems to be patiently waiting through your conversation.
> "HI Youmu and Myon and Gwen." The fairy greets.
> "Go ahead and greet our guest, Gwen."
> "Go ahead and greet our guest, Gwen."
> Gwen gives a simple wave.
> "Anyway, Mikuru, you be careful while doing that."
> "Anyway, Mikuru, you be careful while doing that."
> "I told you I've been doing this for years. I'm fine."
> "Even still, one overconfident lapse in judgment can spell disaster. When one's way of life is inherently dangerous, one would do well to never forget that."
> "Even still, one overconfident lapse in judgment can spell disaster. When one's way of life is inherently dangerous, one would do well to never forget that."
> "It's happened before, but I can't get hurt like that anymore."
> ...How is that-
> ...You know what, sure. This isn't an argument worth having.
> "I would seem I must step up my training. Very well, have a good day."
> Continue returning home.
> ...How is that-
> ...You know what, sure. This isn't an argument worth having.
> "I would seem I must step up my training. Very well, have a good day."
> Continue returning home.
> "Wanna train with me, then?" The fairy offers as you ready to leave.
> Stop.
> "Possibly. I will need check with my mistress first, though, because it has been quite some time since I was home."
> Stop.
> "Possibly. I will need check with my mistress first, though, because it has been quite some time since I was home."
> You stop and answer.
> "Okay, good luck with your my mistress, Youmu." Mikuru waves.
> "Thank you!"
> Wave in return, then continue heading home.
> Follow!
> "Thank you!"
> Wave in return, then continue heading home.
> Follow!
> You wave and continue your way home.
> The phantoms pick up in density, but as usual, harbor no intrusion to your return to Hakugyokurou.
> Gwen doesn't seem to react in any notable way to the scenery, even though this should be a pretty rare and maybe even famous sight in Gensokyo...
> Where would Yuyuko normally be at this time of day?
> Where would Yuyuko normally be at this time of day?
> Usually indoors, either in her room or the main room if she's unreasonably expecting you to already have a meal ready for her like usual.
> If she were outdoors, you'd have seen her by now.
> Let's collectively head to our room first, then. If we are able to accomplish what we're hoping to accomplish, we can surprise her!
> Let's collectively head to our room first, then. If we are able to accomplish what we're hoping to accomplish, we can surprise her!
> You head to your room. Seems that rolling fairy really was the last intrusion.
> Exhale, and take a moment to clear our mind to focus on the upcoming task at hand.
> Then, using what we have gleaned from the existence of the phantom sword, apply our knowledge of sword techniques and attempt to combined our human half and our phantom half into a single whole entity.
> Exhale, and take a moment to clear our mind to focus on the upcoming task at hand.
> Then, using what we have gleaned from the existence of the phantom sword, apply our knowledge of sword techniques and attempt to combined our human half and our phantom half into a single whole entity.
> You mostly empty your mind, a lot easier than the times you've tried before, beginning an attempt to combine your phantom half with your human half.
> You do remember the earlier failure of even getting your phantom half to engulf you, and Alice's spirit stuff, but they quickly trail off, like being swept away by a current thoughts. Who says you'll fail in the first place, this time?
> You feel something slip your hand a bit...
> A bit more. It feels like someone's tapping your arm. This is going to break your concentration...
> How far along are we?
> How far along are we?
> You don't know. You could have not managed anything at all, or you could be finished - yet you haven't felt anything detailing if anything even started. You've kept worries about how difficult it may be, failure, or even other similar things about it in the first place out of your mind.
> ...Mentally sigh. We can't take the risk of ignoring Yuyuko...
> Open our eyes and check who is poking us.
> ...Mentally sigh. We can't take the risk of ignoring Yuyuko...
> Open our eyes and check who is poking us.
> You peek open.
> It's just Gwen...
> Is Gwen still within Myon?
> Where is Myon relative to us at this point, anyway?
> "What's up, Gwen?"
> Is Gwen still within Myon?
> Where is Myon relative to us at this point, anyway?
> "What's up, Gwen?"
> No.
> Beside-no, wait, that's just the sword.
> You don't see Myon around. Perhaps you've succeeded?
> Gwen gives a thumbs up with a puzzled expression.
> Have a look at ourselves.
> Have a look at ourselves.
> You give yourself a look around.
> You... seem to be in a bit of tatters. More accurately, what you had on before has been torn due to some growth. And some growth it seems to have been. You're not sure how you didn't notice this - you look like a different person. But you don't feel odd. This feels natural, like you've always been this way. Your body doesn't feel any heavier than moments or minutes ago. If anything, it feels a bit lighter.
> Blink.
> ...How indecent are we currently, right in front of Gwen?
> Blink.
> ...How indecent are we currently, right in front of Gwen?
> You're still heavily covered. It's only multiple tears, as if you've grazed a heavy field of danmaku. Most of the skin showing is your legs and upper body, arms included. Though a bit of your sides and upper chest are torn too.
> Actually, some of these do look like you were in a danmaku duel or something, not tears from growing bigger...
> "...Oh. ...Uh..."
> Stand up, and compare our current form to our...normal? That doesn't seem right, given how normal this feels. Compare our current form to our previous form.
> "...Oh. ...Uh..."
> Stand up, and compare our current form to our...normal? That doesn't seem right, given how normal this feels. Compare our current form to our previous form.
> You stand up. You appear to be bigger, in almost every right... Height. Hair length. Your sizes. At least your limbs mostly seem similar enough. You wouldn't want to have to relearn positioning for your swords. Then again, you don't have much to compare it with.
> Do we feel any sort of connection to Gwen?
> Look at her, slightly bemused.
> "...I guess I should have seen this coming, huh."
> Go through our wardrobe, gathering new articles of clothing to replace what has been ripped.
> Do we feel any sort of connection to Gwen?
> Look at her, slightly bemused.
> "...I guess I should have seen this coming, huh."
> Go through our wardrobe, gathering new articles of clothing to replace what has been ripped.
> You don't.
> You browse your wardrobe, finding that most of the clothes seem like they'd be too small to fit...
> But that would imply that this one should've too, yet comparing it to the others, it seems bigger than them.
> Given we do not feel any connection to Gwen, would that mean we are probably not able to combine with her as well?
> Given we do not feel any connection to Gwen, would that mean we are probably not able to combine with her as well?
> Everything points to such...
> Look to Gwen.
> "I suppose I should have seen this coming, huh."
> "Are you okay? That was probably strange for you, given you were within Myon while it happened."
> Look to Gwen.
> "I suppose I should have seen this coming, huh."
> "Are you okay? That was probably strange for you, given you were within Myon while it happened."
> Gwen makes a smaller figure of your phantom half with her hand, with a smaller figure of Nitori, or maybe itself, within.
> The inner figure drops out, as Gwen moves the phantom to a figure of your human half on its other hand, and melds the two.
> Gwen then repeats the thumbs up and expression.
> Something feels like it's missing...
> From ourselves, or from her explanation?
> From ourselves, or from her explanation?
> The former, maybe? Then again, it could be something you're forgetting, too. Or someone, maybe?
> Well, we can try a couple things, and if that doesn't help, we can dwell on our day so far.
> "I see. I suppose that isn't too bad."
> Do we sound like we usually do?
> Without separating into two halves again, try applying our knowledge of sword techniques to change from a human to a phantom (but maintaining our current shape).
> Well, we can try a couple things, and if that doesn't help, we can dwell on our day so far.
> "I see. I suppose that isn't too bad."
> Do we sound like we usually do?
> Without separating into two halves again, try applying our knowledge of sword techniques to change from a human to a phantom (but maintaining our current shape).
> You do, for the most part. It's hard to tell yourself.
> You try, and find that you appear to turn incorporeal before you even start to consider which sword techniques could translate to bodily ones.
> Though... that which has a physical form falls from you... onto the floor...
> Well... It's... good you were still turned around from Gwen, looking back from your wardrobe...
> "Oh. ...Well, again, I don't know what I expected."
> Move over to and engulf Gwen.
> "Pardon me, friend."