Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Help Me, Eirin! => Topic started by: degradingwindow on December 25, 2023, 04:38:16 PM

Title: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: degradingwindow on December 25, 2023, 04:38:16 PM
Ive been playing too many shmups recently, I really want to play some chill, slow-paced Touhou fangame for the holiday season that can calm me from this mess of a year. If any of you know any, please recommend them below.

Also, Merry Christmas everyone  :cirnotan:
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Branneg Xy on December 27, 2023, 02:06:57 PM
 :star: :heart: Merry CHRISTMAS->ST.STEPHEN->ST>JOHN THE APOSTLE :star: :heart:
Ive been playing too many shmups recently, I really want to play some chill, slow-paced Touhou fangame for the holiday season that can calm me from this mess of a year. If any of you know any, please recommend them below.

Also, Merry Christmas everyone  :cirnotan:
From Touohou's fangame authors on (whose's personal pages ,if available,can also be visited like  through the uppermost and rightmost corner icon on each fangame page to find out more development info)released fangames and comments, authors.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Branneg Xy on December 27, 2023, 03:08:18 PM
:star: :heart: Merry CHRISTMAS->ST.STEPHEN->ST>JOHN THE APOSTLE :star: :heart: From Touohou's fangame authors on (whose's personal pages ,if available,can also be visited like  through the uppermost and rightmost corner icon on each fangame page to find out more development info)released fangames and comments, authors.

(New reply page otherwise the visibility and awareness of editing the previous one would be known mainly to just  myself ).
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: degradingwindow on January 01, 2024, 07:49:58 PM
:star: :heart: Merry CHRISTMAS->ST.STEPHEN->ST>JOHN THE APOSTLE :star: :heart: From Touohou's fangame authors on (whose's personal pages ,if available,can also be visited like  through the uppermost and rightmost corner icon on each fangame page to find out more development info)released fangames and comments, authors.

Thank you for the recommendations, they're really cool (and free). I've tried half of these already and they're really good.

My favourite by far was Nitori's Genbu Reconstruction Plan, it's base building gameplay was really cool and it reminded me a lot of the Fallout spin-off, Fallout Shelter. Sadly it was a bit short, but the creator mentioned the possibility of an update that'll have customizable levels and goals so I'll probably replay it in the future when it comes out.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: WitheringFlowerCrown on January 01, 2024, 10:40:59 PM
One other Chill fangame that you have probably already heard of: Touhou Mystia's Izakaya (

Touhou Mystia's Izakaya is a restuarant simulator wherein you manage... Mystia's Izakaya. Developed and Published by the same people behind the Touhou Blooming Chaos series, it is available on Steam and Nintendo Switch.

Particularly, since Steam is having its Winter Sale, Mystia's Izakaya on Steam costs £2.84 ($3.61 or €3.27 from what I know). Alternatively, you can buy the Bundle that comes with the game and all the DLC for £10.76 ($13.69 or €12.40)
I will also be honest and say that I have not played this game, so I'm not completely trustworthy on this recommendation.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: williewillus on January 07, 2024, 07:06:09 AM
Seconding Mystia's Izakaya (even though I haven't played it for longer than 2 hours), it's a great chill game, if you're fine with the time pressure of restaurant games.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: degradingwindow on March 31, 2024, 09:39:56 PM
Seconding Mystia's Izakaya (even though I haven't played it for longer than 2 hours), it's a great chill game, if you're fine with the time pressure of restaurant games.
One other Chill fangame that you have probably already heard of: Touhou Mystia's Izakaya (

Touhou Mystia's Izakaya is a restuarant simulator wherein you manage... Mystia's Izakaya. Developed and Published by the same people behind the Touhou Blooming Chaos series, it is available on Steam and Nintendo Switch.

Particularly, since Steam is having its Winter Sale, Mystia's Izakaya on Steam costs £2.84 ($3.61 or €3.27 from what I know). Alternatively, you can buy the Bundle that comes with the game and all the DLC for £10.76 ($13.69 or €12.40)
I will also be honest and say that I have not played this game, so I'm not completely trustworthy on this recommendation.

I got Mystia's Izakaya last month and I've been playing it on and off. I finally got to the SDM after a while, the gameplay is really fun although at times it does become stressful (like with Youmu's Netherworld test). What I personally found more fun was the tasks and bond system, it really reminds me of Persona.

Also, does anyone here know what the hearts under each customer's table do? I think it's tied in with their enjoyment but I don't really know how that works either or how it's tied in to the tips system.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Tom on April 05, 2024, 10:22:56 PM
Some chill free games include Blizzard of Faith and Revenge and Touhou Mother 1 & 2 (RPGs in the art and style of Earthbound) which have custom soundtracks too with various remixes.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: degradingwindow on April 06, 2024, 04:20:42 AM
Some chill free games include Blizzard of Faith and Revenge and Touhou Mother 1 & 2 (RPGs in the art and style of Earthbound) which have custom soundtracks too with various remixes.
Funnily enough, I've actually been playing Touhou Mother 1 recently. I'm surprised it's gone under my radar for so long since I'm such a big fan of RPGMaker games. I got to Eintei but I dont know how to get to Youkai Mountain so I just gave up (the only written walkthrough that I've found online stops in the segment when you reach Kourin).

I've never heard of Blizzard of Faith and Revenge, maybe I'll try that out after I beat Touhou Mother 1 & 2
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Tom on April 08, 2024, 04:36:31 AM
The game should take you to Youkai Mountain after Eientei automatically upon defeating the V-1969 robot boss after meeting Eirin and Kaguya.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Mire on May 07, 2024, 09:08:22 PM
I can recommend Lost Branch of Legend.

Price is killer, though.  Really should be about half of what it is.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: MQJinx on May 26, 2024, 07:29:27 PM
I recommend Touhou Healing Nature; it has simple gameplay and its story is a lot more of its focus.
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Branneg Xy on June 01, 2024, 03:06:19 AM
Ive been playing too many shmups recently, I really want to play some chill, slow-paced Touhou fangame for the holiday season that can calm me from this mess of a year. If any of you know any, please recommend them below.

Also, Merry Christmas everyone  :cirnotan:
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Branneg Xy on June 04, 2024, 01:09:58 AM

Yoiyami Dancers: Twilight Danmaku Dancers || Touhou Fangame Spotlight (by the youtube uploader 'tenco") ( 8,19€  : in JAPanese,ENGlish,Subtitles by both).

There is a Nintendo Switch''s version as well,but "just" in JAPanaese'-language.

Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Tengukami on June 14, 2024, 11:09:09 AM
i really enjoy Fortune Star Panic ( as a chill touhou-themed game. great music, great puzzles

the link is to the official page which has a link to the free trial. not sure where you could buy it; i didn't see it on steam
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Branneg Xy on June 28, 2024, 05:29:49 AM
It is more involved to a certain degree,it being a mostly-traditional turn-based RPG,but still with an " acceptable amount of calm".
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Branneg Xy on July 03, 2024, 03:16:44 AM

Touhou Mystia's Izakaya

...Also, does anyone here know what the hearts under each customer's table do? I think it's tied in with their enjoyment but I don't really know how that works either or how it's tied in to the tips system.

Yes The 4four hearts meter/gauge is also tied to " Tips" (Obligatory and Extra Ones) ,itlasts until  "each Customer is dining = has enough Budget nor is giving Black/Mad Rating " and more in-detail: it is "a  resuming and estimating lv. meter/gauge of the  filling/draining customer's enjoyment/satisfaction AND potential reward which is going to be   (whenever the bill of each table's meal is ~'ka-ching"~ paid/collected at the cash/register counter ) directly convert-able into the actual Turn-Overs(3 w/ fixed icon displayed and 3 w/% ,their written and visual details on the downmost rightmost corner of the gaming screen) of  the Final Bill  .

It is all for the sake of players having a simpler and more essential performance tracking of each "Still-Dining Improvements/Losses of each Customer Table"
Title: Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
Post by: Branneg Xy on July 03, 2024, 03:47:08 AM
Funnily enough, I've actually been playing Touhou Mother 1 recently. I'm surprised it's gone under my radar for so long since I'm such a big fan of RPGMaker games. I got to Eintei but I dont know how to get to Youkai Mountain so I just gave up (the only written walkthrough that I've found online stops in the segment when you reach Kourin).

Touhou Mother 1 : here it is an useful help,precisely from the 2:48 to 3:00 ,it shows one has to interact with the "Gradius R-type(spaceship)" which is next to Marisa's House(Hakurei Shrine's left path->in the Next-to area immediately make the first sharp turn all straight to head straightly to the above path in the corner ->in the Marisa's House area go over the right to Marisa's House... from time stamp about how to reach "Youkai Mountain"  v=2jFhyHf8KkM thanks to the youtuber-videoplayer "CybeastID".