Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Touhou Projects => Topic started by: Memomecha on February 22, 2020, 08:51:55 PM

Title: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on February 22, 2020, 08:51:55 PM
Done by Validon originally.

I've been posting a bunch of stuff about this translation project over back in my LP thread for Nightmare of Rebellion, but I figured it would be a good idea to shift any conversation, progress reports, screenshots, etc. over to Touhou Projects instead of clogging up the LP thread. So, that said, once I actually have the gameplay patch for NoR in a releasable condition, I'll be editing the next post (which I'll reserve for all the downloads, etc.) to include it, some example screenshots, etc., the same for when I move on to the other games. This includes Devil of Decline ~ Banquet (the other translation thread will stay for Devil of Decline ~ Festival), Touhou Quest, Marisa's Kirisame Magic Shop, Nightmare of Rebellion, and Phantasmal Summoners 2.

With that said, here's what's up with the NoR translation right now. I'm still going through item.srsdb, which is probably the largest file of them all to work through, and currently need to just get the descriptions done (I otherwise did all the names and removed all the furigana). enchant.srsdb, which had the enchantment related information, is also done. There's a few more files I am going to touch upon before releasing a "bare basics" patch, including monster.srsdb, chr.srsdb, and cond.srsdb. Once those are done, I'll make the bare basics patch and begin work on a full-er gameplay patch. The files more or less work the same way, so while I need to edit the .srsdb files as .txt files due to how the tool I got works, the .srb files (in other words, Global.srb) and the image files can be handled the exact same way as before.

EDIT: Updated the DoD links with the new ones by Validon. I'm sorry that it had to take this long to get here, but I've left this place for almost 2 years. Just remembered about this place and the post I made here.


Genius of Sappheiros

Patches are for version 3.00 (but should be compatible with 3.01)

Genius of Sappheiros V Stat Growth Rate Patch (
Img.pak Update (

Nightmare of Rebellion

All patches are for version 2.09 of Nightmare of Rebellion.

Version 0.01b
game.tarc (!MNIAUYzB!Z_0Cah-X0Nzvw7aCuYPsjNYNs4szGwti_i4QaZwMnPk)
img2.tarc (!9MJGDJhL!4rXQ5vcF8fb1q8kZ3Hh9-sIRWYdE2cAWLhrDH2s_BUM)

Images 0.01c
img2.tarc (

Images 0.01d
img2.tarc (

Detailed Patch (
Detailed Patch with Doppel Rate Up (
Detailed Patch with Doppel and Drop Rate Up (

List of Doppel Rates for Doppel Rate Patch (

Devil of Decline ~ Banquet/Festival

All patches are for version 3.03 and 2.11 of Devil of Decline.

Version 0.05e (!EMggRDjK!OV7Nspv55ihUMh02dxSR0s5NUsnQH3WR7_mKlvWBap4)

Version 0.01
game.tarc (
img.tarc (

Faster Element Leveling Patch (Half Requirements) (
Faster Element Leveling Patch (Adjusted Curve), includes Detailed Patch (still in beta, weapon descriptions not changed, some typos in skill descriptions) (
Faster Element Leveling Patch (Adjusted Curve) with no Element Level Spark requirement, includes beta Detailed Patch (

Touhou Quest ~ Infinite Spellcard

(None yet)

Marisa no Kirisame Mahouten (Marisa's Kirisame Magic Shop)

(None yet)

Phantasmal Summoners 2 ~ Tag Duelist

(None yet)
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on February 22, 2020, 09:07:56 PM
Welcome to MotK 3! I guess since we're starting here a fresh, I might bring in something. Obviously, these came from the original forums, and I'm going to hopefully make a few of you happy before the old ship goes down. Translation work will be continued in a bit by me and hopefully some others, like Vadimon. Now I'm going to try to modify shinigami drop rates in Devil of Decline Banquet (and Festival) so that they'll not be absolute RNG, and maybe buff some of them.

See you all soon
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Reiska on February 23, 2020, 12:29:41 AM
What does the img.pak update for GoS actually do?  I presume well enough the other patch's purpose.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on February 23, 2020, 01:41:48 AM
What does the img.pak update for GoS actually do?  I presume well enough the other patch's purpose.
I don't know.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Barrakketh on February 25, 2020, 02:38:21 PM
I don't know.
The translated link from the old board seems to be dead, but it looks like menus, resistances, BGM names, character names in battle, text like "BOMB +1", and also the ending of the main game.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: sweetd on February 25, 2020, 02:43:53 PM
It's nice to see that people are still willing to work on translating these games.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on March 01, 2020, 08:16:13 PM
OK, just to be clear: I don't know how to decrypt these. If Validon comes back to this new site, maybe he would help. But I can't seem to make the decryption tool a bit easier to understand (or mauve could also try to give me advice). But when I can understand a bit more about it, I can help translate and edit the games so that shinigami are a lot easier to get in Devil of Decline.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Tom on March 11, 2020, 02:53:38 AM
Are the story dialogues translated in the DoD patch?
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on March 11, 2020, 11:33:27 PM
Are the story dialogues translated in the DoD patch?
No. And neither is some of the stuff within the 3.00 version thing. I didn't make them as a reminder. Validon did, but since the dude hasn't come back yet, I just made this thread so that it didn't get trapped when the old thread caves in.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Validon98 on March 12, 2020, 02:25:21 PM
Haven't really touched this stuff in awhile, honestly I was thinking of getting back to it in some way but then both time got away from me (as will happen with jobs) and also the tools I used are less kind to me on my new laptop. I can try doing work again on my old laptop but honestly I don't know when I'd get to it. I'm sorry for not leaving better information behind, to the point even I'm having trouble remembering everything.

I will say that there is something I want to do, but it isn't a patch. Since GoSV and DoDW have been out for awhile now, once I have the necessary time and motivation, I'd love to put reference spreadsheets together for them, since otherwise I don't have a clue how to translate patch things on the Switch (and I don't want to risk bricking mine), but I think it would be nice for people who would want to try the console versions to have something of a translation reference so that they don't have to rely on a Google translated wiki or something like that.

Other than that, I dunno how much more help I'll be. Sorry for not having better gotten things together for people interested in continuing this.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Serela on March 14, 2020, 07:51:29 PM
I actually have recently starting playing DoD:W and boy it'd be nice to have a reference sheet for the weapon skills. Everything else I'm pretty much fine on, and the jp wiki is pretty helpful. But weapon skills? In battles is ok, but when it comes to swapping... oomph, not being able to see the ranges in the menu like in DoD:PC makes it troublesome. (also, generic shikigami buff/debuffs with identical range/mp)
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Validon98 on March 15, 2020, 03:31:43 PM

I started getting this kind of spreadsheet together before. It's very incomplete at the moment but it at least has weapon skills filled out for the moment with translations and any special effects (but not specific numbers, etc.). I'll try to pick away at this moreso with other skill types, weapons, etc. I have it set so people can comment, so if people have information on the required element levels for some of the skills I don't have filled out, it'd be nice for reference (I have all the ones for slash skills, just not stab or strike).

EDIT: I should note that since this is recent, I've done another translation pass at some things, so I've adjusted some commonly known translations. Been thinking a bit about other common terms we've been using and what might be better translations or otherwise shorter ones, like changing Element Power to Element Intensity (to separate it from Power as in base damage, rather than "Power" as in how much extra weakness damage it does, the two use different kanji in Japanese as well). Was also thinking of changing Permanent to Ailment, since... I honestly don't know where Permanent came from in the previous translation? Variety gets used in katakana, so it can stay, and Quick is accurate, but Permanent is almost always referred to in the Japanese as "Abnormal State," so I don't get where it came from in the GoS translation. Status effects as a whole (of all three types) are otherwise referred to in katakana as Conditions. I dunno, just thoughts on the matter, I think some of the original translations could stand to be adjusted for clarity.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: RegalStar on July 28, 2020, 05:57:42 PM
Validon, can you send me the csvs for Devil of Decline? I'm looking to check on stats of attacks and status resistance of enemies there.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Validon98 on July 28, 2020, 10:42:47 PM

Here's the link to the files I had uploaded for DoD 3.03. Honestly I was uncertain if I had them on hand anymore (most of them are in my old laptop and actually getting those out of it would be a pain), but there they are. Not sure if all the stuff you need is in here, but hopefully the important stuff is there.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: RegalStar on July 29, 2020, 04:14:53 AM
I'm looking for edu.csv which isn't in this zip file. I saw some tools but I don't know how to use them.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Validon98 on July 29, 2020, 07:07:34 PM
Oh, hmm. It's been long enough I don't quite remember how to use them either, especially since my current copy of those tools doesn't seem to want to work on my new laptop for whatever reason (probably a missing dll or something like that). If you're working with the Banquet version you'd have to extract the files from game.tarc using the genmu.exe tool that should be posted in the archived thread (I want to say somewhere in that thread I wrote instructions on how to use them when I said I was too busy to keep working on it myself, but I'm not 100% certain). Sorry if I've been of little use here, it's been awhile and I haven't had the energy to return to this stuff so it's all slipped through the cracks.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: not-so-homing curvy laser on March 07, 2021, 03:40:56 AM
And here I managed to dust off an years old account to make a post in the NoR LP thread since I finally got through to playing that game (and having a rather frustrating time with some parts of it), only to be surprised at how the forum moved right as I was about to mention how surprised (and glad) I was to see the forum still being alive. (I was going to comment on being sad about the LP going on hiatus before hitting the expansion content and to advise people to not sleep on chasers, they carried me all the way to the last dungeon).

I've been told that Switch games can be modified without much difficulty so getting V and W translated might not be impossible, but that's where my knowledge ends. Personally I'd rather continue praying as I've done every day in the past few years for Strawberry Bose to port those versions to PC and put them on Steam.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: FantasyJared on May 18, 2021, 09:23:59 AM
Howdy! I'm a huge fan of both Touhou and RPGs and have been looking into this trilogy of games lately - namely, The Genius of Sappheiros, Devil of Decline, and Nightmare of Rebellion. However, it all seems so massive and I have no idea where to begin.

Would someone mind writing a go-to beginner's guide to these games? I'd greatly appreciate that. I've been going down the rabbit hole for hours now but it seems pretty daunting and while I have a good idea of where to begin, I'd gladly take any insight from people who know these games.

Edit: Figured it was relevant to post here since the people most familiar with the games have been lurking around here. Also a great way to see if the translation is still going on.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Branneg Xy on May 20, 2021, 10:44:07 AM
Howdy! I'm a huge fan of both Touhou and RPGs and have been looking into this trilogy of games lately - namely, The Genius of Sappheiros, Devil of Decline, and Nightmare of Rebellion. However, it all seems so massive and I have no idea where to begin.

Would someone mind writing a go-to beginner's guide to these games? I'd greatly appreciate that. I've been going down the rabbit hole for hours now but it seems pretty daunting and while I have a good idea of where to begin, I'd gladly take any insight from people who know these games.

Edit: Figured it was relevant to post here since the people most familiar with the games have been lurking around here. Also a great way to see if the translation is still going on.

If it is of any little or bigger help for :player:(s).

(Video Let's Play of The Genius of Sappheiros : Weekend - reading the youtubers' commenting very kindly provides additional insights and helpfulness)

(Forum Let's Play of Devil of Decline : Matsuri )

(Video Walkthrough of The Nightmare of Rebellion - It Starts at around1:33:00 of the 1st Video )
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Ghaleon on May 24, 2021, 02:06:51 AM
I played Genius and DoD. I don't remember playing Rebellion. I probably should.

Anyway my lack of knowledge/memory of NoR aside, Genius and DoD aren't dependent on each other story-wise, so whichever you try first is up to you. Genius came out first, so I played that first, and loved it, but DoD was easier, though still more difficult than your standard turn-based traditional style JRPG. If you ever get dissapointed in, or frusterated in a game due to difficulty, DoD is probably the better starting game out of the two.

Another thing about Genius is that it is pretty tough late game, and oddly enough, grinding more and more doesn't actually help you THAT much. So if you're stuck, and you are more likely to grind to win rather than change your strategies, it can kind of brick wall you like that. It still DOES help, particularly with the super rare end game crafting materials, but you don't need them to win, and they are kinda stupid rare to the point where if you grind for just a few, it will take you like a dozen hours+. Though you can try and speed up the process with cheat engine or something if you aren't against that.

That being said, Finally defeating the final boss of Genius was really something. god that boss was brutal, but when I finally beat it, no other turn-based rpg boss ever made me feel like I really accomplished something like that one. It was like 1ccing lunatic eosd for the first time.

The games had other differences, not just difficulty, but honestly I think that's the important one. I can't imagine someone disliking one and liking the other for any reason other than that.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Chuuniflo on January 05, 2022, 08:08:45 PM
Anyone here still have the img.tarc for DoD Banquet?
Seems like the Google Drive link is locked unless you have permission (Same thing for the regular game.tarc but the adjusted level curve files still work fine).

All the Links for GoS and NoR seem to work fine though.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Validon98 on January 08, 2022, 04:03:45 PM
Sorry about that, I've been getting the messages for them but not quite responding in time. For whatever reason Google decided all of those require specific permission to even just view/download because of how long ago they were uploaded, which is not great. Here's updated links for the game.tarc and img.tarc for DoD:

game.tarc (
img.tarc (

If Memomecha could update the opening with these links, that'd be great. If there's any other broken links let me know and I'll retrieve new ones. Again, sorry for that.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Chuuniflo on January 10, 2022, 11:21:54 PM
Strangely enough it actually lets me through to the download page now, but then hits me with an Error 403 (basically missing access rights) once i click download.
Happens with both of the new links so no idea what google is doing there.

Just to be safe i double checked all the other links again and sure enough, everything works there, so it's only those 2 DoD links that are borked even after the fix.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Validon98 on January 13, 2022, 03:39:47 AM
Oh goddamnit. Okay, I've reuploaded both files to Mega instead because clearly Google is being annoying about it.

game.tarc (
img.tarc (

Hopefully these actually work. Sorry about that.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Chuuniflo on January 13, 2022, 07:51:27 AM
Yep, everythings working now, thank you for solving the problem so quickly.
And no need to be sorry, these things happen.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on February 19, 2022, 01:02:35 AM
Oh goddamnit. Okay, I've reuploaded both files to Mega instead because clearly Google is being annoying about it.

game.tarc (
img.tarc (

Hopefully these actually work. Sorry about that.

Oh..oh god I've haven't been here in over a year. Sorry...I've been busy in different hobbies ever since and I completely forgot about this place. I'll update the links in the OP.

Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: nook on September 30, 2022, 05:49:22 PM
Out of curiosity I decided to look into the file structure of the Switch version of GoSV. As we may already know, the game runs in the Unity engine. My knowledge regarding Unity is quite limited, but from what I am able to tell the data pertaining to translation are not actual Unity assets. They're zip files containing more or less all of the old files used in the doujin version of the game, though they're saved as .BYTES files. The BYTES extension appears to be solely so Unity is able to read the files as text or code, and what the files actually are are SRSDatabase2 files (compared to the doujin files, which are just SRSDatabase, .srsdb). The file structure is different enough that the old tools used to make the doujin translation don't work, but the data itself is all the same so it's still possible to edit them, it would just require a lot of cross-referencing.

The issue would be putting the translated files back into the game. I tried to use the Switch emulator's native mod support but it didn't work. It didn't seem like the game recognized the repacked database file at all and kept using the old one. Not sure how to deal with that.

Since the console version of GoSV is vastly superior to the doujin version in both stability and gameplay it would be preferable to focus translation efforts on it instead of the outdated version, if possible. As long as it can be done without essentially repacking and redistributing the entire game for free.

Well well well. Hopefully this version will be easier to edit and distribute.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: I forgor on November 04, 2022, 11:02:31 PM
Well well well. Hopefully this version will be easier to edit and distribute.
That version came out late on Halloween and I just got it today, nice. By the way, there's a language setting in the options which only has Japanese available at the moment, which might hint they plan to release a full English translation one day (like Labyrinth 2 which AFAIK only got a translation on version 1.10) so it might be worth waiting a bit before trying to port the translation over.
In any case, it's really great seeing this remake finally coming to Steam, and if Strawberry Bose's site is correct, they're planning to port DoD's improved version over as well. Can't wait, and I really hope an official translation is really coming.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Mashio on February 28, 2023, 10:57:01 PM
Hey everyone, thanks to google lens it became possible for me to copy kanji from the 東方幻想魔録 ~ Devil of Decline and thus translate it. I'm replaying this game as Meiling and plan to translate whole of her story as my progress goes. So far i translated beginning (I ignored intro cause text is automatically changing here and my knowledge of Japanese is almost nonexistant so I'm unable to translate moving text). For translating I used deepl, google translate (it was better in some cases, especially when it comes to character names) and my minimal knowledge of Japanese.
I'm making photos of every dialogue and then translating everything in text file with original Japanese text included (so if someone knows Japanese and wants to make it better, feel free).
I plan to do it in my free time so I'm not promising any fast results.
Anyway here's beginning of Meiling ( story translated.
I also translated conversation with Botan on first encouter before start of battle with her but I don't plan to keep translating Nigthmare of Rebellion for now, but since I already did it here it goes (
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on March 12, 2023, 02:55:28 AM
Hmm....another year gone and we have got both a steam version of GoS-V *and* some new translation progress. I'm impressed, but I only just reposted it, not much of a hacker person myself. Either way, I did just get Devil of Decline Banquet so I can finally play it the refined way.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: I forgor on March 16, 2023, 04:16:25 AM
GoSV official English translation is now out on Steam, neat. Here's hoping DoDW gets ported too soon enough.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Mashio on July 08, 2023, 01:36:55 PM
I was too busy IRL to continue my machine translation but it seems it's no longer needed. Thankfully it was confirmed that Devil of Decline W will be officially translated:
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: I forgor on March 28, 2024, 10:31:00 PM
DoDW just came out on Steam, by the way:
No translation yet, but as Mashio said the translation is confirmed and will be added with a future update.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Branneg Xy on March 29, 2024, 05:26:09 AM
DoDW just came out on Steam, by the way:
No translation yet, but as Mashio said the translation is confirmed and will be added with a future update.

Oh! Good  :lives: :lpoints: news on this topic by the present 2024, and also tied-in "by the not-so-past news of 2023 joined by reports about personal helpful projects".
Warm thanks, and Great Cheers for the very near Holy Easter, both to the recent poster "I forgor", past ones, past poster-project helper such as, but not just,  "Mashio".
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Memomecha on March 31, 2024, 02:31:16 AM
Annual return back and...oh my, nice to see that Strawberry Bose games are finally garnering the official translations we've long waited for. Memomecha, out.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: I forgor on June 15, 2024, 07:54:25 AM
Posting again to say that DoD's official translation is now out.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: arukaizer on June 29, 2024, 01:17:10 AM
Where is the official link? I assume you're not talking about Steam, can only find the japanese version there.
Title: Re: Strawberry Bose Translation and Gameplay Changing Patch Center
Post by: Gobbles on July 01, 2024, 09:10:55 AM
The 'not available in you language' was a lie since the Steam version has been in English for a few weeks now. I say was since it seems it finally got updated today.