Author Topic: Mix-up quest  (Read 10699 times)

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Mix-up quest
« on: November 29, 2021, 06:44:32 PM »
>You are Reimu Hakurei, an ordinary shrine maiden of the Hakurei shrine.
>One day, your friend Marisa comes over with a new discovery/invention. The device she holds has never been seen nor used before. It's like a glass cube with mirrors on all 6 sides. The mirrors function strangely, reflecting what it sees on one mirror onto all other mirrors.
>"What do you think it does?" Marisa says.
>"I don't know, maybe we could get Gensokyo's experts to help us out? Like Nitori and Yukari?"
>"Great idea! I'll let them know." Marisa says as she hops on her broomstick and flies away with the device, getting smaller every second.
>Some time has passed, maybe an hour, maybe a minute. But you see Marisa flying back, device in hand. You greet her as she arrives.
>"So, is anyone coming?"
>"Of course!" a voice behind you says. It's Yukari, Nitori, Patchouli, and Aya.
>"So, what should we do with this mysterious cube?"
>"Maybe we could smash it?" Aya suggests.
>"This is once in a lifetime! No one has seen this cube before. Why would we do that?" Marisa says with a raised voice.
>"I don't know, it would be interesting to write about? We've had nothing but the count of money Moriya Shrine gets on our pages, and the amount of trouble Chen is causing. It would be a change!" Aya says.
>"Calm down, guys. What if we each take a side of the cube? And by that I mean we each somehow put our reflection on each face of the cube." Yukari pitches in.
>"Okay, here goes nothing..."
>You all stand by the cube. Marisa is hovering over the cube, and Nitori is laying under the cube. After a moment, the reflections start merging together, and the cube slowly starts spinning.
>"Uhhh, I have a bad feeling..."
>"Come on, we'll protect you!" Marisa says.
>The cube starts spinning faster now. Faster, faster, until it turns into a glowing white, shrinks, and explodes. You are all blinded by the light.
>"Ughhh... what was that?"
>"I don't know. I guess I'll bring more people over!" Aya says. She's about to lift off and fly, but can't. So she forcefully pushes off, the way most people that can fly do if they're stuck. Instead of being lifted up, she collapses and starts having an asthma attack.
>"Quick! Someone get Eirin!" Nitori yells, panicked.
>"I'll go!" Yukari says. She's about to make a gap over to the Bamboo Forest, only to instead fly in the sky at an extremely fast speed.
>You all stare at each other in shock. Your abilities have been switched around with who knows who!

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Mix-up quest
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 08:31:22 PM »
>You are Reimu Hakurei, an ordinary shrine maiden of the Hakurei shrine.
>One day, your friend Marisa comes over with a new discovery/invention. The device she holds has never been seen nor used before. It's like a glass cube with mirrors on all 6 sides. The mirrors function strangely, reflecting what it sees on one mirror onto all other mirrors.
>"What do you think it does?" Marisa says.
>"I don't know, maybe we could get Gensokyo's experts to help us out? Like Nitori and Yukari?"
>"Great idea! I'll let them know." Marisa says as she hops on her broomstick and flies away with the device, getting smaller every second.
>Some time has passed, maybe an hour, maybe a minute. But you see Marisa flying back, device in hand. You greet her as she arrives.
>"So, is anyone coming?"
>"Of course!" a voice behind you says. It's Yukari, Nitori, Patchouli, and Aya.
>"So, what should we do with this mysterious cube?"
>"Maybe we could smash it?" Aya suggests.
>"This is once in a lifetime! No one has seen this cube before. Why would we do that?" Marisa says with a raised voice.
>"I don't know, it would be interesting to write about? We've had nothing but the count of money Moriya Shrine gets on our pages, and the amount of trouble Chen is causing. It would be a change!" Aya says.
>"Calm down, guys. What if we each take a side of the cube? And by that I mean we each somehow put our reflection on each face of the cube." Yukari pitches in.
>"Okay, here goes nothing..."
>You all stand by the cube. Marisa is hovering over the cube, and Nitori is laying under the cube. After a moment, the reflections start merging together, and the cube slowly starts spinning.
>"Uhhh, I have a bad feeling..."
>"Come on, we'll protect you!" Marisa says.
>The cube starts spinning faster now. Faster, faster, until it turns into a glowing white, shrinks, and explodes. You are all blinded by the light.
>"Ughhh... what was that?"
>"I don't know. I guess I'll bring more people over!" Aya says. She's about to lift off and fly, but can't. So she forcefully pushes off, the way most people that can fly do if they're stuck. Instead of being lifted up, she collapses and starts having an asthma attack.
>"Quick! Someone get Eirin!" Nitori yells, panicked.
>"I'll go!" Yukari says. She's about to make a gap over to the Bamboo Forest, only to instead fly in the sky at an extremely fast speed.
>You all stare at each other in shock. Your abilities have been switched around with who knows who!

> Even with her "ability swithed"is  Yukari still flying in the right direction to Eientei ?

> Go to Aya,support her and let her lay down on the ground in a way she has less difficulties breathing...

>...can we procure from the vicinity,or have at our disposal, some home remedies for ashma attacks,breathing problems and such?

1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


  • Gender: Female
Re: Mix-up quest
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2021, 04:41:56 PM »
>"maybe patchouli knows!" Marisa says.
>"I have my inhaler here with me. I can help her," Patchouli replies.
>As patchouli is helping out with Aya, You wonder what you were switched with. You excuse yourself to go to an empty bit in the forest. By executing Fantasy Seal, you hope to see what person you were switched with. So you do. And you are extremely surprised to find out that you are switched with....

//also why do we put like > in rp threads

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Mix-up quest
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2021, 08:54:44 PM »
>"maybe patchouli knows!" Marisa says.
>"I have my inhaler here with me. I can help her," Patchouli replies.
>As patchouli is helping out with Aya, You wonder what you were switched with. You excuse yourself to go to an empty bit in the forest. By executing Fantasy Seal, you hope to see what person you were switched with. So you do. And you are extremely surprised to find out that you are switched with....

//also why do we put like > in rp threads

// (I see that 1st player Reply is mostly for story introduction,then)
In MotK's RPs, each ">..." ,assisted by "quotes" most of the times,indicates the "simplification of single lines,of course of various length  and detail of command-actions to be Parsed/Interpreted by the Parser-to-Players and then Players-to-Parser directly "
; the Parser also usually insert a ">_..." at the end of their post for the purpose of easier identification/search and without additional replies for doing such //

// (Switched Abilities and Potential Side-Effects) = Aya->Patchouli ; Yukari->Aya ; Nitori->Yukari?/Marisa?/Reimu? ; Marisa>Yukari?/Nitori?/Reimu?;
->Reimu(us)->Yukari/Nitori(most likely)/Marisa(less likely)? //

>...Who we switched with?

>...Does it seem we already have and acceptable grip upon "The Switch" or could gain it soon ,and could the same be said for "Yukari's Unexpected Quick Fly"?

1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "