Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Another  (Read 481535 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #270 on: July 20, 2021, 03:37:34 AM »
>"The fairies that would want the title, we could visit their homes."
>"Another idea is throw danmaku in the air and see if that draws anyone to us.

Shadow Realm:
>If there is any blood on the 'floor' try a taste of it.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #271 on: July 20, 2021, 03:46:30 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Do we have any medical knowledge from before we were sealed?
>Has past us ever treated injuries with darkness?
>Are they bat wings, fairy wings, or feathered wings? Blob of darkness wings?
>Do we remember if our shadow has taken on this appearance before? If so is it her "default form"?

>"Yeah, aside from me there's nobody outside at the shrine right now."
>"The fairies that would want the title, we could visit their homes."
>"Another idea is throw danmaku in the air and see if that draws anyone to us.

Shadow Realm:
>If there is any blood on the 'floor' try a taste of it.

> You do not.
> Not anyone else's.
> They seem a bit like bat wings.
> You've never seen your shadow take on this appearance before.
> You don't notice any blood on the ground here.

> "Okay, good. Anyway, uh, I think I see some buildings in the distance, but...they look like they have a good number of fairies inside them." Your shadow speaks.
> "A-Already? Right... they're really fast. But to think it's already getting overrun..."
> "Surely they'll be driven out sooner or later." The other Tengu speaks.

> "I don't know any- oh wait. I know two. That ice fairy lives at the Misty Lake. And those three that are always in a trio live in a tree near Reimu's shrine. They're strong, so I bet they'll try to get in on this." Clownpiece says.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #272 on: July 20, 2021, 03:51:48 AM »
>"Ice fairy.... That's Cirno, isn't it? I've heard of her. Don't know anything about the other three though."

Shadow Realm:
>Wait what? Since when do we have buildings in here?
>Send a couple eyes to scout out the "edges" of the shadow realm.

//Do you think we involve ourselves in our Shadow's business at this point?
//If you think we should then I'll probably politely interrupt their conversation.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #273 on: July 20, 2021, 04:02:23 AM »
>Where do we feel Shadow is?

>Would it reflect badly on the shrine if we're seen doing nothing for the tengu or watch the chaos?

//I'd say we should politely ask if Shadow needs any help with her project.

//It kinda sounds like fairies are overrunning tengu buildings.  Tempted to go there and watch the show


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #274 on: July 20, 2021, 04:21:55 AM »
>"Ice fairy.... That's Cirno, isn't it? I've heard of her. Don't know anything about the other three though."

Shadow Realm:
>Wait what? Since when do we have buildings in here?
>Send a couple eyes to scout out the "edges" of the shadow realm.

//Do you think we involve ourselves in our Shadow's business at this point?
//If you think we should then I'll probably politely interrupt their conversation.
>Where do we feel Shadow is?

>Would it reflect badly on the shrine if we're seen doing nothing for the tengu or watch the chaos?

//I'd say we should politely ask if Shadow needs any help with her project.

//It kinda sounds like fairies are overrunning tengu buildings.  Tempted to go there and watch the show
> "I think they call themselves the Fairies of Light. A light controlling one, a sound controlling one, and I think a night controlling one. No wait, the sound one was stronger at night. I don't remember about the third, then." Clownpiece explains.

> You scout out further in the shadow realm, but don't notice anything out of place in here. Just darkness, as it usually is.
> Your shadow feels like it's on Prime. But also in the Shadow Realm, though only in that redhead's place.
> It feels like something of yours might be much further away, but it's not very noticeable, even when turning your focuses to it. You can't pinpoint where nor whether or not it's just some darkness you left behind, your shadow, or X Rumia.
> "How are you two holding up, anyway? Do you think you could handle springing a surprise counterattack if I manage to find one or two off on their own?" Your shadow asks.
> "We were the ones that got surprise attacked there. I don't think we'll manage anything if the roles were swapped... Even if these three were up, too."

> You doubt you'd get reprimanded for not helping someone. From your experience with Shingyoku, you believe that Reimu would rather let strangers deal with issues than take them up herself.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #275 on: July 20, 2021, 04:31:14 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Continue to observe.
>Speak with Shadow over our link: ("Pardon the interruption, but would you like any help with your little personal project?")

>"A light controlling fairy, huh... I wonder if my darkness would take precedence if we had to deal with her... Unless you plan on recruiting them."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #276 on: July 20, 2021, 04:39:41 AM »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #277 on: July 20, 2021, 05:11:55 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Continue to observe.
>Speak with Shadow over our link: ("Pardon the interruption, but would you like any help with your little personal project?")

>"A light controlling fairy, huh... I wonder if my darkness would take precedence if we had to deal with her... Unless you plan on recruiting them."
> "If you have any ideas for how to deal with super-powered fairies that can outrace tengu and sink into the ground, I wouldn't say no." Shadow replies to you, then speaks aloud. "Well, you gotta get your homes back somehow. What other options are there?"
> "...Get them to start infighting?" One of the tengu suggests.
> "We could also try that shrine on the mountain for help..."

> "I don't know. I haven't seen much of yours."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #278 on: July 20, 2021, 09:32:04 AM »
>("I feel like I'm missing a lot of context here. What's this about superpowered fairies now? And I assume those tengu you're keeping in the Shadow Realm are your friends?")

Shadow Realm:
>Continue to observe.

>"Well I'd be more than happy to give more demonstrations if you need them."

>Any activity?
>Do we know any constellations? If so do we see any in the sky right now?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #279 on: July 20, 2021, 09:58:17 AM »
>("I feel like I'm missing a lot of context here. What's this about superpowered fairies now? And I assume those tengu you're keeping in the Shadow Realm are your friends?")

Shadow Realm:
>Continue to observe.

>"Well I'd be more than happy to give more demonstrations if you need them."

>Any activity?
>Do we know any constellations? If so do we see any in the sky right now?
> "Not exactly. But we aren't enemies. I dont understand what's up with this Tengu Fairy situation, but I'm working on it." Your shadow informs you.
> "That shrine and I aren't on the best terms right now, but I could send you two there if you want. Infighting could very well work if they don't immediately notice where I am." She talks to the Tengu.
> "Hm... Back on the infighting idea, maybe posing as a fairy could manage such?"
> "If not, it didn't really seem like they could capture you or anything. Maybe you can help..."

> "If you want to. We have nothing else to do." Clownpiece states.

> There's a spire of darkness piercing the sky out in the far distance, but otherwise, still nothing here... You wonder if that Mima person-
> "Looks like you're not getting swept away." You hear the voice of X Rumia nearby. "But you are falling behind. A fairy with only a few followers. You need to do better. Your competitions are no joke. Your enemies are increasing, and as are their enemies."
> Accompanying her voice is a small figure similar to your size, wearing a black hoodie. Said figure emerging from a roundish darkness doorway.
> Past the "doorway", or maybe more accurately, portal, you can see something red rising up from the darkness.
> It seems she wants to stay unrecognized, for one reason or another. You can tell its her by the features you can see under the hoodie, though.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #280 on: July 20, 2021, 05:33:07 PM »
>("The fairy I'm with could help with infighting.  I am curious, when you tried to enter the fairies did they immediately notice you?")

>Examine the portal from a distance!  Try to feel what X is doing that we didn't!

>Feel where shadow is?  Can we tell where X is?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #281 on: July 20, 2021, 06:54:24 PM »
>("Should I introduce myself to your guests?")
>("Also I will probably have to introduce you to Clownpiece and her group if you want me to bring them in on it. Would that be okay?")

>"Well, alright. Anything in particular you want to see? I can darken an area, turn into darkness, make secondary bodies, shapeshift, and move extremely fast through darkness among other things."

>A spire? Does it correspond to any natural landmarks we know?
>"Hey sis. I like the disguise, by the way. Makes you look mysterious. Why is the inside of your realm red, though?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #282 on: July 21, 2021, 02:04:56 AM »
>("The fairy I'm with could help with infighting.  I am curious, when you tried to enter the fairies did they immediately notice you?")

>Examine the portal from a distance!  Try to feel what X is doing that we didn't!

>Feel where shadow is?  Can we tell where X is?
>("Should I introduce myself to your guests?")
>("Also I will probably have to introduce you to Clownpiece and her group if you want me to bring them in on it. Would that be okay?")

>"Well, alright. Anything in particular you want to see? I can darken an area, turn into darkness, make secondary bodies, shapeshift, and move extremely fast through darkness among other things."

>A spire? Does it correspond to any natural landmarks we know?
>"Hey sis. I like the disguise, by the way. Makes you look mysterious. Why is the inside of your realm red, though?"

> ("I snuck up on them, but fell off the one I tried to absorb and bring here. Once they noticed me they were able to keep track of me even while I was underground.") Your shadow replies.
> ("It's up to you. Just try not to spook them, they're already on edge. And if you need to tell your companions about me, then do what you gotta do.")
> "Hmm...I might be able to do that, yeah..." She speaks to the Tengu.
> "Well we better hurry up..." the Tengu replies.

> "How strong is your darkness?" Clownpiece asks. "How big an area can you darken?"

> The portal seems made of darkness. It looks like it might be constantly staying open, rather than closing?
> You can tell where X is, that is, in front of you, in terms of how it feels...
> The spire just appears to be a large amount of darkness. You think it might be near Misty Lake, or the forest that was affected by that "barrier"
> "That's a secret." X Rumia replies. "I'm just staying prepared."
> The portal darkens more, obstructing your view...


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #283 on: July 21, 2021, 02:19:54 AM »
>("Well I'm pretty sure I'd unintentionally spook them in some capacity due to having to either manifest in there or speak as a disembodied voice but I'll try to minimize the damage.")

Shadow Realm:
>Manifest a body out of the tengus' collective line of sight.
>Audibly clear our throat once there's a pause in the conversation. Try not to startle any of them.

>What do we remember of our limits, pre-seal?
>>If we can remember, would the Hakurei Shrine darkness bubble from earlier be our maximum range? Or can we go past that?

>"I assume that spire of darkness over there has something to do with it as well?"
>If she implies or confirms its her doing.
>>Concerned frown, "You know that's going to attract attention once people start noticing it, sis."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #284 on: July 21, 2021, 02:40:47 AM »
>"OK, so we're not dealing with a regular incident like Reimu and Marisa solve.
>"I didn't realize."

>"Who are you trying to attract?"
>"And any hints for how to link places?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #285 on: July 21, 2021, 03:04:58 AM »
>("Well I'm pretty sure I'd unintentionally spook them in some capacity due to having to either manifest in there or speak as a disembodied voice but I'll try to minimize the damage.")

Shadow Realm:
>Manifest a body out of the tengus' collective line of sight.
>Audibly clear our throat once there's a pause in the conversation. Try not to startle any of them.

>What do we remember of our limits, pre-seal?
>>If we can remember, would the Hakurei Shrine darkness bubble from earlier be our maximum range? Or can we go past that?

>"I assume that spire of darkness over there has something to do with it as well?"
>If she implies or confirms its her doing.
>>Concerned frown, "You know that's going to attract attention once people start noticing it, sis."
>"OK, so we're not dealing with a regular incident like Reimu and Marisa solve.
>"I didn't realize."

>"Who are you trying to attract?"
>"And any hints for how to link places?"
> "I'm doing what I can. We're getting close." Your shadow responds to the Tengu.
> You manifest a body of darkness within your shadow realm, and clear your throat for attention.
> They look over in your direction, though don't seem to have a large opinion... At least it isn't aggressiveness.
> Ah, right. They probably can't even see you with how dark it is in here... Though they did notice your shadow's appearance was similar to one of theirs. Maybe their sight is good enough.
> "You might want to make yourself more visible if you're going to join us." Your shadow advises aloud.

> You do not remember well. You'd believe that you can go past the Hakurei Shrine. Maybe you can envelop all of the shrine's grounds. It doesn't feel like you can manage an entire forest right now, but it feels like you should've been able to before. Maybe that's just thinking too highly of yourself.

> "Oh definitely not. These fairies are being completely lawless." X Rumia explains. "I think they might be a little upset that everyone thinks it's fine to just kill them over and over for no reason. I hope your little group isn't planning on trying to rely on the spell card system. Those patterns could help, but the dueling system itself won't."
> "Ah, that? Yeah, I'm just finishing up." She speaks. "It's part of my base. And tell your shadow not to worry. Her business shouldn't be bothered by this, if she's still working on it. Do be careful if you go there though. A certain fairy has already made a strong force in trying to take over that whole area."
> You ask for hints on how to link places.
> "Advice? Hm, I swear I remember trying to give you advice on a few occasions, and it going right through you..." She puts a hand to her chin in thought. It seems like you two are already branching to a different kind of darkness specialization, whether you're aware of it or not."
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 03:12:03 AM by Neovereign »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #286 on: July 21, 2021, 03:37:25 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Ah, my mistake."
>Try to "clear up" the area immediately around our Shadow Realm body.
>"Anyway, pardon the interruption. I noticed that my shadow had brought home some guests and I couldn't help but pick up some snippets of your conversation. I'd like to lend some help if you'll allow it."

>"Well that darkness around the Hakurei Shrine earlier was my doing, if you know about that. I could probably completely cover a larger area than that, but it would be limited by how much ambient darkness I have available to draw upon."
>"Otherwise my darkness can be anywhere from a slight amount of shade to absolute, pitch darkness. I can also physically touch things with it as well."
>Are we capable of making danmaku out of darkness? Both lethal and spellcard compliant?

>Wince a bit at the ignoring advice part.
>Re: Specialization: "We are? How so?"

//Gonna broach the topic of the superfairies to Clownpiece and introduce them to shadow only if the Tengu agree to let us cooperate. So please don't try to do that just yet if any of you are planning on it.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #287 on: July 21, 2021, 03:56:10 AM »
>"And poking a human's shadow gives them the heebie-jeebies."
>"I don't understand why, yet."

//OK, I do want to send contingency to the village to get info on our past.  They might have fairies there with their treatment of fairies.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #288 on: July 21, 2021, 04:11:07 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Ah, my mistake."
>Try to "clear up" the area immediately around our Shadow Realm body.
>"Anyway, pardon the interruption. I noticed that my shadow had brought home some guests and I couldn't help but pick up some snippets of your conversation. I'd like to lend some help if you'll allow it."

>"Well that darkness around the Hakurei Shrine earlier was my doing, if you know about that. I could probably completely cover a larger area than that, but it would be limited by how much ambient darkness I have available to draw upon."
>"Otherwise my darkness can be anywhere from a slight amount of shade to absolute, pitch darkness. I can also physically touch things with it as well."
>Are we capable of making danmaku out of darkness? Both lethal and spellcard compliant?

>Wince a bit at the ignoring advice part.
>Re: Specialization: "We are? How so?"

//Gonna broach the topic of the superfairies to Clownpiece and introduce them to shadow only if the Tengu agree to let us cooperate. So please don't try to do that just yet if any of you are planning on it.
>"And poking a human's shadow gives them the heebie-jeebies."
>"I don't understand why, yet."

//OK, I do want to send contingency to the village to get info on our past.  They might have fairies there with their treatment of fairies.
> You try, though it doesn't really get any less dark to you.
> The Tengu shrug.
> "We can't do much ourselves, it seems. So feel free..."

> You are capable of both.
> "Hm... Good, good."
> "I see." Hecatia nods as well.

> "It's something to do with your darkness being in... Well, if you don't know, maybe it's just your shadow that does. In which case, I should leave it to her whether she wants you to go that way or not. It'd also be interesting if you two had different specialties. It'd certainly help in some situations, while being a problem in others." X Rumia explains. "I should get going soon. I told you I don't like having many bodies around."
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 04:21:00 AM by Neovereign »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #289 on: July 21, 2021, 05:06:53 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Attempt to will ourselves to have greater contrast against the background darkness.
>Are our manifestations in the Shadow Realm in color?
>"Alright. So is there any more context regarding the situation? All I heard was something about super powered fairies and that they were attacking your homes. My Shadow already told me some of the details but the more I know about the situation and what we're up against, the more I'd be able to help."

>"So, this may be a bit sudden, I just got some information that might interest you."
>("Gonna introduce you to the others, just a heads up.")
>"Oh, and I should probably introduce you to my informant first. You guys were probably going to meet her eventually anyway since we're allies and all, so might as well get that out of the way."
>Gesture to our shadow.
>"I'd like you to meet my shadow. Despite being connected to me, she has a separate mind of her own and can act on her own will. Shadow, this is Clownpiece, Hecatia, and Junko. Feel free to introduce yourself."
>Repeat the "Shadow, this is..." and onward at the same time directly to Shadow through our mental link if she is unable to hear us speaking aloud.
>Allow her to make introductions.
>"Anyway, there's a situation that my shadow is involved in that I'd like to assist her with. Not sure if you would be interested, but apparently it involves tengu being attacked by 'super-powered fairies', so helping out with whatever's going on could potentially help you with your goal of becoming the Best Fairy in Gensokyo."

>"I'll look forward to her words if she feels the need to tell me, then."
>If nobody else has anything to say to X:
>>"Alright sis. Take care."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #290 on: July 21, 2021, 05:33:54 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Attempt to pull the darkness away from us if the contrast fails


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #291 on: July 21, 2021, 09:27:09 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Attempt to will ourselves to have greater contrast against the background darkness.
>Are our manifestations in the Shadow Realm in color?
>"Alright. So is there any more context regarding the situation? All I heard was something about super powered fairies and that they were attacking your homes. My Shadow already told me some of the details but the more I know about the situation and what we're up against, the more I'd be able to help."

>"So, this may be a bit sudden, I just got some information that might interest you."
>("Gonna introduce you to the others, just a heads up.")
>"Oh, and I should probably introduce you to my informant first. You guys were probably going to meet her eventually anyway since we're allies and all, so might as well get that out of the way."
>Gesture to our shadow.
>"I'd like you to meet my shadow. Despite being connected to me, she has a separate mind of her own and can act on her own will. Shadow, this is Clownpiece, Hecatia, and Junko. Feel free to introduce yourself."
>Repeat the "Shadow, this is..." and onward at the same time directly to Shadow through our mental link if she is unable to hear us speaking aloud.
>Allow her to make introductions.
>"Anyway, there's a situation that my shadow is involved in that I'd like to assist her with. Not sure if you would be interested, but apparently it involves tengu being attacked by 'super-powered fairies', so helping out with whatever's going on could potentially help you with your goal of becoming the Best Fairy in Gensokyo."

>"I'll look forward to her words if she feels the need to tell me, then."
>If nobody else has anything to say to X:
>>"Alright sis. Take care."
Shadow Realm:
>Attempt to pull the darkness away from us if the contrast fails

> You try, and manage.
> Yes.
> "Well, the good news is I finally arrived. The bad news is...there's nothing but fairies here. I don't see anyone else at a glance..." Your shadow reveals.
> "Ugh... So this is how the Tengu go down... By a bunch of fairies?"
> "They're fairies that we got surprised by. Faster than us and stronger. I don't know why they went for the Tengu on the mountain."

> "Wait, if she has a mind of her own, doesn't that mean she could be against Clownpiece?" Hecatia questions. "Or at least, for a different fairy already."

> With such, X Rumia departs back through the darkness, the portal closing behind her.
> You wonder if she's teaming up with Yukari... she can make portals...

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #292 on: July 21, 2021, 04:33:46 PM »
>"I don't she is.  I haven't seen or heard of any other fairies except the 'super-powered fairies."

>Sink into the ground and head to the human village


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #293 on: July 21, 2021, 08:26:36 PM »
>"I don't she is.  I haven't seen or heard of any other fairies except the 'super-powered fairies."

>Sink into the ground and head to the human village
> Shadow places a hand on the Tengu.
> "Hey, a lost battle isn't a lost war. I'm going to find and rescue as many tengu as I can. I just spotted a few, even."
> "War... What kind of fairies..."
> "The tengu I found are talking to the fairies." Shadow speaks in the shadow realm. "They're negotiating something...apparently the fairies aren't planning on taking over the mountain, but they will if the tengu don't agree to whatever was proposed. And apparently some other group of fairies got some sort of agreement somewhere else."
> She frowns. "Wait. The fairies at the vampire manor told the gate guard youkai that the non-fairy residents had to fall in line behind a fairy leader. Is there some sort of fairy competition involving subjugating all non-fairy societies throughout Gensokyo?"
> "We have no idea. We just got ambushed out of nowhere." The tengu within reply.

> "We want to hear it from her then."
> "Yeah. I'm pretty sure best fairy means best fairy, not best fairies. So if she's not gonna help me, she's an enemy." Clownpiece states.
> "As long as being Best Fairy in Gensokyo doesn't involve beating up people I've taken an interest in, I have no beef with you." Shadow answers.
> "That's no guarantee..."
> "Yes, I'm afraid having someone who could potentially turn on us isn't good." Hecatia speaks.

> You head into the ground and start for the human village.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #294 on: July 21, 2021, 09:49:03 PM »
>We can control shadow if we really wanted to, right?

Shadow Realm:
>"Well I heard about an alleged competition to be the best fairy in Gensokyo, but I'm not sure if it's related to the events at the mountain and manor. Do you think the two groups are part of the same faction?"

>"Well she isn't with the other fairies. She's actually against them."
>"You're not under any power like she described, nor are you attempting to forcibly subjugate any of the non-fairy races like the others, so she doesn't really have a reason to be against you. Or me for that matter since I'm allied with you."
>Only if the answer to the control question is yes:
>>"Plus if it came down to it, she's both a being of pure darkness and mentally connected to me. Meaning if it really came down to it I could 'tighten the leash' to keep her in line, but I'd really prefer not to do that to her unless it was absolutely necessary. She only recently got freedom again after all, and I'd hate to take that away from her. Besides, she's usually cooperative and reasonable anyway so there really isn't a reason to do that."

>Stop and turn around.

//Why are you going there?

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #295 on: July 21, 2021, 10:08:01 PM »
//I'm wanting to see Akyuu's notes on past us

//Also the human village seems perfect for fairies to subjugate


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #296 on: July 21, 2021, 11:48:47 PM »
>We can control shadow if we really wanted to, right?

Shadow Realm:
>"Well I heard about an alleged competition to be the best fairy in Gensokyo, but I'm not sure if it's related to the events at the mountain and manor. Do you think the two groups are part of the same faction?"

>"Well she isn't with the other fairies. She's actually against them."
>"You're not under any power like she described, nor are you attempting to forcibly subjugate any of the non-fairy races like the others, so she doesn't really have a reason to be against you. Or me for that matter since I'm allied with you."
>Only if the answer to the control question is yes:
>>"Plus if it came down to it, she's both a being of pure darkness and mentally connected to me. Meaning if it really came down to it I could 'tighten the leash' to keep her in line, but I'd really prefer not to do that to her unless it was absolutely necessary. She only recently got freedom again after all, and I'd hate to take that away from her. Besides, she's usually cooperative and reasonable anyway so there really isn't a reason to do that."

>Stop and turn around.

//Why are you going there?
> You should be able to. You haven't tried to see if it could oppose you yet. It could have gotten stronger than you though, if it's business it's been leaving to was for such... Given she heard of this fairy business from the vampire mansion, you suspect she would be against you harming it's residents.
> Given the other things said so far and your recent visit, you wonder if the darkness spire was from a fight between her and X Rumia. Though X did say she shouldn't worry about it and "her business shouldn't be bothered by this". But that still gives other suspicions about what business it was...

> "Looks like your friends are being forced to choose now, by the way. They're pretty badly outnumbered...I could try to cause chaos, or try to rescue them, whichever you think is better. Need to choose now, though." Shadow explains to the Tengu.
> "Uh... I'm no hero." The tengu answers.
> "Yeah, me neither. I don't want to make a choice that could end up worsening the situation, even if it could also save them. They'll know what to do." The other reasons.

> "Also, if I agree to help, that's no guarantee that you won't ask me to go against someone I care about, so we'd be putting some amount of trust in one another, rather than having it go in one direction." Shadow explains.
> "If she has someone following a fairy, or fairies themselves that don't end up following Clownpiece or staying out of her way, then she's a problem." Junko responds.
> "I'm not just going to watch another group get better than me. If others are trying to be the best, you have to beat them at it. And doing that directly is easier than leaving them be."
> "It's not impossible to leave others alone, I'd think. But if they end up being better... Hm, we don't even know what the merits or issues with winning or losing would be, do we?" Hecatia questions.

> You stop.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #297 on: July 22, 2021, 12:17:19 AM »
>"Would you keeping the ones you care about out of any possible fights with Clownpiece and otherwise not directly interfering with Clownpiece be reasonable?"

>Leave a spike of darkness to warp back to
>Try Warp through Shadow to the Tengu
->If that failed absorb the spike and continue on to human village

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #298 on: July 22, 2021, 01:00:47 AM »
> You should be able to. You haven't tried to see if it could oppose you yet. It could have gotten stronger than you though, if it's business it's been leaving to was for such... Given she heard of this fairy business from the vampire mansion, you suspect she would be against you harming it's residents.
> Given the other things said so far and your recent visit, you wonder if the darkness spire was from a fight between her and X Rumia. Though X did say she shouldn't worry about it and "her business shouldn't be bothered by this". But that still gives other suspicions about what business it was...

> "Looks like your friends are being forced to choose now, by the way. They're pretty badly outnumbered...I could try to cause chaos, or try to rescue them, whichever you think is better. Need to choose now, though." Shadow explains to the Tengu.
> "Uh... I'm no hero." The tengu answers.
> "Yeah, me neither. I don't want to make a choice that could end up worsening the situation, even if it could also save them. They'll know what to do." The other reasons.

> "Also, if I agree to help, that's no guarantee that you won't ask me to go against someone I care about, so we'd be putting some amount of trust in one another, rather than having it go in one direction." Shadow explains.
> "If she has someone following a fairy, or fairies themselves that don't end up following Clownpiece or staying out of her way, then she's a problem." Junko responds.
> "I'm not just going to watch another group get better than me. If others are trying to be the best, you have to beat them at it. And doing that directly is easier than leaving them be."
> "It's not impossible to leave others alone, I'd think. But if they end up being better... Hm, we don't even know what the merits or issues with winning or losing would be, do we?" Hecatia questions.

> You stop.
>"Would you keeping the ones you care about out of any possible fights with Clownpiece and otherwise not directly interfering with Clownpiece be reasonable?"

>Leave a spike of darkness to warp back to
>Try Warp through Shadow to the Tengu
->If that failed absorb the spike and continue on to human village

//"Super-Powered Fairies"? Okina ,and under her Mai and Satono,could be involved...//

// If Shadow does not ind any openings help out directly the besieged tengu then rthe ones she has rescued should likely be "escorted" to ask help from the Moriya Shrine,just as 1 Tengu had suggested//


>(Please,reassure the Rescued Tengu that those "Super-Powered Attacking&Conquering"Fairies are some sort of anomaly since no other Fairy is acting like that)

>( Can you make out what kind of terms are the "Super-Powered" Fairies are forcing upon the Tengu ?)

> Ask Shadow :" It would be no issue to help out .though,if there was no involvement in going against someone you care about or at least ,if a case like that happens,to maintain neutrality  ,right?"

> "To avoid misunderstandings and turn-abouts...who are those you care about and unwilling  to duel out or generally oppose and are they actively involved in this Best Fairy Contest?"

> To Clownpiece,Hecatia,Junko: " On another hand,there seems to be a srange current issue of  "Super-Powered Fairies"  surprise and straight-out attacking overwhelmingly the Tengu on Youkai Mountain, start occupying their homes and forcing terms upon them'"


> Do not growl or make any noise as to not give out any alert.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2021, 01:25:29 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #299 on: July 22, 2021, 01:15:53 AM »

(Tell the group of Tengu that among the Gensokyo's Fairies there is a "Best Fairy Contest" going on but that it simply involves proving to be better than the other fairies like beating them in Danmaku Duels and having a Greater and Willing Following)

>Not sure if it was meant to be a command but just in case don't do this.
//Literally just stated to them that we don't know if they're connected.

>Leave a spike of darkness to warp back to
>Try Warp through Shadow to the Tengu
->If that failed absorb the spike and continue on to human village
>Let shadow know we're attempting this first.
>If she objects or otherwise says its a bad idea, don't follow through.