Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Another  (Read 481450 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #600 on: August 15, 2021, 05:10:36 PM »
//Honestly, I rely on your countermands to keep me in check
//We just keep getting wrong place wrong people
//Nothing Wrong with being nice and friendly.  We should avoid extremes.

Shadow Realm:
>Pinch the bridge our nose in frustration

>Return the mermaid, her companion, and the the musicians and their instruments to their original positions outside the Shadow Realm

>Send the other group's fairies back on the chairs in front of the lake

>"I'm really sorry that happened."
>Return our group to the lake

>"I think my sister mentioned a Patchouli.  Does that name ring any bells?"
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 05:47:56 PM by Philosopher »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #601 on: August 15, 2021, 09:09:31 PM »
//Honestly, I rely on your countermands to keep me in check
//We just keep getting wrong place wrong people
//Nothing Wrong with being nice and friendly.  We should avoid extremes.

Shadow Realm:
>Pinch the bridge our nose in frustration

>Return the mermaid, her companion, and the the musicians and their instruments to their original positions outside the Shadow Realm

>Send the other group's fairies back on the chairs in front of the lake

>"I'm really sorry that happened."
>Return our group to the lake

>"I think my sister mentioned a Patchouli.  Does that name ring any bells?"
> You return the groups to where they were before you took them into your shadow realm.
> You give an apology and return your group as well to the lake.
> "I didn't expect a group with fairies would actually stop and comply." The violinist speaks. "I was sure they were going to keep resisting until the end."
> "Make sure they aren't planning any tricks." The girl in red speaks.
> "And what about you guys? You're not planning anything either?" The small person questions.
> "Of course not. We can't even play our instruments right now..."
> "I'm staying my hands tonight." The drummer speaks. "You two better be as well." She looks to the two other instrument girls, who nod quickly.
> "Will she stop taking so many of the fish in the lake?" The mermaid questions.
> "There's already still a lot." The small person gestures to the orb, which returns to the water.
> "What? That's not fair!"
> "They were still alive in there I'm pretty sure. If you have a problem with it, none of us are helping this time."
> The mermaid looks more upset, before she dives back into the water alone.
> "You're right, but you shouldn't tell her like that." The drummer mentions.

> "Yeah. Patchouli is one of the residents of the mansion. She was the only one left when it got swallowed up in darkness. She went out towards the Forest of Magic." Meiling answers.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #602 on: August 16, 2021, 12:06:43 AM »
>Pull our dark out of the instruments

>Before the mermaid disappears
->"I shouldn't need anymore in the upcoming centuries as long as my project pans out."

>"The mansion should be safe.  Was Patchouli harmed when you last saw her?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #603 on: August 16, 2021, 01:34:36 AM »
in the upcoming centuries
//Aren't you exaggerating a bit?

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #604 on: August 16, 2021, 01:42:35 AM »
//And the conga line of failure continues... It's almost a meme how much Rumia has been a loser in this quest since being unsealed. tbh I think the only major conflict where we've had a true victory under our own power where we walked away with a net positive result was against Sendai. Every other time we've either failed and/or had to have someone else step in either to save us or to solve the problem themselves.

//You know what. I'm not going to stop any of your actions today, Phil. In fact, for today you can take the reins entirely. Go nuts. It's becoming clear to me that perhaps a more peaceful and friend-making Rumia isn't the way to go with the current trend, and I kinda feel like an ass for constantly countermanding your posts. (I'm sure the parser would appreciate it if I stopped doing that for a bit as well.)

//Who knows, perhaps going "hostile fey lord" as you put it might make things interesting.

//Also I'm a bit worried that our lack of success might be all because of me, so stepping back for a day will let me see whether or not I've been nothing but a negative influence on this quest.

//So yeah, have fun today. I may pop in for some commentary, but don't expect any commands on my end for the next 24 hours.

// Well now , all corrective improvement is good as well your self-corrective improvement but   impatience ,dejection,disgruntlement ;  you are correcting  yourself too harshly and scrupulously about both " exaggerating in  countermanding other commands and/or actions involving countermanding" ,and both the " seeking and expecting end-results due to usage-convenience-experience-evolution due to majorly Rumia's own powers "  .

The foundation is still willing good-wll and helpfulness back&forth from one to another,so it is about trying to good advicing,balancing,experiencing out without forcing/self-forcing to extremes up or down -> 

("Inspiration" extracted from the quote then full-source quoted from Philosopher's reply   )
" //Honestly, I rely on your countermands to keep me in check
//We just keep getting wrong place wrong people
//Nothing Wrong with being nice and friendly.  We should avoid extremes.keeping in check"
//Honestly, I rely on your countermands to keep me in check
//We just keep getting wrong place wrong people
//Nothing Wrong with being nice and friendly.  We should avoid extremes. " //

Shadow Realm:
>Pinch the bridge our nose in frustration

>Return the mermaid, her companion, and the the musicians and their instruments to their original positions outside the Shadow Realm

>Send the other group's fairies back on the chairs in front of the lake

>"I'm really sorry that happened."
>Return our group to the lake

>"I think my sister mentioned a Patchouli.  Does that name ring any bells?"
« Last Edit: August 16, 2021, 06:23:38 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #605 on: August 16, 2021, 02:18:41 AM »
//Aren't you exaggerating a bit?
I'm not sure how long we can go if we get the fish hatchery up and running.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #606 on: August 16, 2021, 02:44:40 AM »
//Centuries seems like an exaggeration though considering we're starting with a relatively low population.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #607 on: August 16, 2021, 02:57:09 AM »
>Pull our dark out of the instruments

>Before the mermaid disappears
->"I shouldn't need anymore in the upcoming centuries as long as my project pans out."

>"The mansion should be safe.  Was Patchouli harmed when you last saw her?"
> You take the darkness out from the instruments and address the mermaid before she gets out of view.

> "She looked like she was on death's door, but something was keeping her alive. I helped out too, then when she was better, she left."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #608 on: August 16, 2021, 04:35:23 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Reconstruct our aquarium
->Check on our fish

>Examine our tree

>"What are you doing now or plan to do?"
->Glance from Meiling to the maid fairies

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #609 on: August 16, 2021, 05:40:38 AM »
>Pull our dark out of the instruments

>Before the mermaid disappears
->"I shouldn't need anymore in the upcoming centuries as long as my project pans out."

>"The mansion should be safe.  Was Patchouli harmed when you last saw her?"
//Aren't you exaggerating a bit?


// Returning Neutral and Eventual Positive requires honest and insightful explanation, and so I am both trying for that and avoiding over-explaining //

> To Wakasagihime,before she dives underwater,  : "Be reassured that they are lasting  for a relatively long time and,more importantly,   I am both  willing and able to return what surplus number of healthy fishes  to this very Lake ,as soon as there is a more or less stable surplus ; in fact you have witnessed first-hand  how I favour that most fishes are to be poured in new waters,then preserved to thrive"

> Explain to  "all  musical instruments phantoms and musical instrument youkai girls" : the return to  in Gensokyo proper and unjamming their Important Instruments is,indeed as the small person has said a bit ago, a return to neutral and hopefully positive grounds , as the "Small Person" advocated justly a bit ago ; the stress ,misunderstandings and overblowing is due to " The Recent Best Fairy Contest being mostly manipulated and abused,except for the Fairies and Groups who are actively shielding against  .

> When that part is accepted : politely present ourselves as  " Rumia, the Original and Returning Youkai of Shadows and Twilights"   ...

> ...kindly ask the same  ,  and for the sake of the ditto "returning neutral and positive grounds..."   , to Clownpiece,Hecatia and Junko for both themselves and " Team Clownpiece  " as they are deeming fit...

> ...ditto to  unknown ones to present themselves ,again as they are deeming fit.

// Please Note that for the the next resumed context of actions referenced, since during that one  Rumia's Shadow started to willingly&actively  assisting and aligning with us ,  the actions of "Both (Prime!/Proto!/Original!/Returning!) Rumia and Rumia's Shadow " are referred together to "(we players)Rumia" and only "X Rumia" is differentiated //

> ( Tell Shadow we are resumedly narrating "her Scarlet Mansion Observance&Discoveriy"  as if they were ours  or the sake of  not  creating confusion with a 3rd Rumia and avoiding her own likely forced reveal to a larger group before she herself agrees to a reveal.)

> Recount and perform a fact-checking to Meiling  :  X Rumia ,  a sort-of sister to us  , was also concealed but present in helping Patchouli's Recover from  a Seeming Near Death,then a bit after narrated it to us in ....

>...  this corresponds with both she and us   ,through a scanning of Gensokyo Shadows,  "  managing to sense and pinpoint a feeling of  odd dread in 2 of Gensoukyo's Locations" ;  1 which was closer to us and around the Top of Youkai Mountain, and an harder to  investigate Issue has taken place there   ,and another 1  followed fairly soon... the one at Scarlet Devil Mansion,more distant but also more approachable ,  where we managed observing more closely and where X Rumia  intervened for Patchouli afterwards, ...

>...once we come in observing range outside the Mansion, we Shadow-Noticed  Trouble Starting and Subsiding with a Conflict Issue centered on "Sakuya the head-maid" coming ,  then the Mansion Disappeared and  soon followed  the "  Odd Severe Afflicted Patchouli needing Double Recovery Needed to Be Healthy Again "    ...

// Remembering and piecing together those events,this is severely hinting to a "Non-Rumia " starting a "Greater Shadow Consumption"  on Patchouli ...//

// ...another reason to attempt specialization in   "Lesser Degrees of Shadow Consumption" and "Shadow Recoveryand Boosting" "
« Last Edit: August 16, 2021, 07:56:18 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #610 on: August 17, 2021, 12:38:27 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Reconstruct our aquarium
->Check on our fish

>Examine our tree

>"What are you doing now or plan to do?"
->Glance from Meiling to the maid fairies

// Returning Neutral and Eventual Positive requires honest and insightful explanation, and so I am both trying for that and avoiding over-explaining //

> To Wakasagihime,before she dives underwater,  : "Be reassured that they are lasting  for a relatively long time and,more importantly,   I am both  willing and able to return what surplus number of healthy fishes  to this very Lake ,as soon as there is a more or less stable surplus ; in fact you have witnessed first-hand  how I favour that most fishes are to be poured in new waters,then preserved to thrive"

> Explain to  "all  musical instruments phantoms and musical instrument youkai girls" : the return to  in Gensokyo proper and unjamming their Important Instruments is,indeed as the small person has said a bit ago, a return to neutral and hopefully positive grounds , as the "Small Person" advocated justly a bit ago ; the stress ,misunderstandings and overblowing is due to " The Recent Best Fairy Contest being mostly manipulated and abused,except for the Fairies and Groups who are actively shielding against  .

> When that part is accepted : politely present ourselves as  " Rumia, the Original and Returning Youkai of Shadows and Twilights"   ...

> ...kindly ask the same  ,  and for the sake of the ditto "returning neutral and positive grounds..."   , to Clownpiece,Hecatia and Junko for both themselves and " Team Clownpiece  " as they are deeming fit...

> ...ditto to  unknown ones to present themselves ,again as they are deeming fit.

// Please Note that for the the next resumed context of actions referenced, since during that one  Rumia's Shadow started to willingly&actively  assisting and aligning with us ,  the actions of "Both (Prime!/Proto!/Original!/Returning!) Rumia and Rumia's Shadow " are referred together to "(we players)Rumia" and only "X Rumia" is differentiated //

> ( Tell Shadow we are resumedly narrating "her Scarlet Mansion Observance&Discoveriy"  as if they were ours  or the sake of  not  creating confusion with a 3rd Rumia and avoiding her own likely forced reveal to a larger group before she herself agrees to a reveal.)

> Recount and perform a fact-checking to Meiling  :  X Rumia ,  a sort-of sister to us  , was also concealed but present in helping Patchouli's Recover from  a Seeming Near Death,then a bit after narrated it to us in ....

>...  this corresponds with both she and us   ,through a scanning of Gensokyo Shadows,  "  managing to sense and pinpoint a feeling of  odd dread in 2 of Gensoukyo's Locations" ;  1 which was closer to us and around the Top of Youkai Mountain, and an harder to  investigate Issue has taken place there   ,and another 1  followed fairly soon... the one at Scarlet Devil Mansion,more distant but also more approachable ,  where we managed observing more closely and where X Rumia  intervened for Patchouli afterwards, ...

>...once we come in observing range outside the Mansion, we Shadow-Noticed  Trouble Starting and Subsiding with a Conflict Issue centered on "Sakuya the head-maid" coming ,  then the Mansion Disappeared and  soon followed  the "  Odd Severe Afflicted Patchouli needing Double Recovery Needed to Be Healthy Again "    ...

// Remembering and piecing together those events,this is severely hinting to a "Non-Rumia " starting a "Greater Shadow Consumption"  on Patchouli ...//

// ...another reason to attempt specialization in   "Lesser Degrees of Shadow Consumption" and "Shadow Recoveryand Boosting" "
> The mermaid is already gone.

> You fix your aquarium. The fish and the tree seem fine as far as you can tell.
> "This isn't the time for introductions. Your group seems like it was in the middle of sleeping, so you should go back to that." The small person speaks.

> "Oh, there was someone a bit similar to you." Meiling says. "I think they mentioned the mansion's residents being fine. Which is why there isn't much to do but stay put until the mansion's back."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #611 on: August 17, 2021, 12:42:07 AM »
>To Meiling:
>"Oh, that's my sister."

Shadow Realm:
>Is our group still here or did we let them out with the others?

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #612 on: August 17, 2021, 12:56:35 AM »
>"After that, it might be a little bit before anyone can go to sleep."

>Turn to our group, "Does anyone feel like they can sleep?"

Shadow Realm:
>Retrieve the fish shadow we sew to our Marisa
->Try reattaching it back to the fish


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #613 on: August 17, 2021, 01:19:13 AM »
>To Meiling:
>"Oh, that's my sister."

Shadow Realm:
>Is our group still here or did we let them out with the others?
>"After that, it might be a little bit before anyone can go to sleep."

>Turn to our group, "Does anyone feel like they can sleep?"

Shadow Realm:
>Retrieve the fish shadow we sew to our Marisa
->Try reattaching it back to the fish
> You let them out with the others.
> "Oh, so that's what you were talking about."

> "The alternative is staying up all night and ruining our daytime..." Clownpiece speaks. "Or stumbling into something like this again."
> You need to recreate the Marisa darkness structure you made, as you had to for the aquarium.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #614 on: August 17, 2021, 02:26:30 AM »
Shadow Realm
>Search the area the Marisa darkness structure was for the fish shadow

>Whisper to Clownpiece, "Do you want to see if Meiling and the fairies with her want to join us before heading back to bed?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #615 on: August 17, 2021, 03:06:11 AM »
>Whisper to Clownpiece, "Do you want to see if Meiling and the fairies with her want to join us before heading back to bed?"
>Add on: "Also, what is my punishment, Commander?"

//I feel like one may be owed to us since, if the other group is to be believed, we are allegedly the whole reason everything happened. Plus we never got back at them for threatening Clownpiece, so our group definitely has reason to do so. If anything submitting for potential punishment would be a good way to stay in the group in case our position is now in jeopardy because of this.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #616 on: August 17, 2021, 03:20:21 AM »
Shadow Realm
>Search the area the Marisa darkness structure was for the fish shadow

>Whisper to Clownpiece, "Do you want to see if Meiling and the fairies with her want to join us before heading back to bed?"
>Add on: "Also, what is my punishment, Commander?"

//I feel like one may be owed to us since, if the other group is to be believed, we are allegedly the whole reason everything happened. Plus we never got back at them for threatening Clownpiece, so our group definitely has reason to do so. If anything submitting for potential punishment would be a good way to stay in the group in case our position is now in jeopardy because of this.
> The fish shadow still seems to be present.

> "Oh. We could." Clownpiece answers. "And for what? If anyone needs punishment, it'd be..." She looks around. "Uh... M-...Master. She didn't help any of us like Master's friend did, and I tried my torch, too."
> "Oh, are you brave enough to try and punish your master?" Hecatia questions.
> "...No."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #617 on: August 17, 2021, 03:44:40 AM »
>"W-Well uh, assuming there was no other group to be blamed for 'attacking the lake' then apparently me just trying to eat is the reason those people started this whole situation in the first place... Also I never really got to properly punish the one that threatened you either... Plus there's the possibility that the others in our group might think I deserve one for those same reasons..."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #618 on: August 17, 2021, 04:38:11 AM »
>Grab the fish shadow and try and reattach it to the one it came from


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #619 on: August 17, 2021, 05:06:11 AM »
>"W-Well uh, assuming there was no other group to be blamed for 'attacking the lake' then apparently me just trying to eat is the reason those people started this whole situation in the first place... Also I never really got to properly punish the one that threatened you either... Plus there's the possibility that the others in our group might think I deserve one for those same reasons..."
>Grab the fish shadow and try and reattach it to the one it came from
> You try to reattach the fish's shadow to the rest of it, seemingly succeeding?

> "Well then... How about I have you learn how to make your own food. So you don't take anything someone's worried about."
> "You're going to teach her?" Junko questions.
> "What? No, I don't know how to."
> "She's a Youkai. They normally eat humans, I believe. Maybe she should go back to that." Hecatia considers.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #620 on: August 17, 2021, 05:31:12 AM »
>"I don't necessarily need to eat humans. Other food -- preferably meat -- works just as well in sufficient quantities. In fact, back when Gensokyo's rules regarding which humans to target were less restrictive, I'd usually accept other forms of food from my prey in return for sparing them. Unless of course they were very rude or were vile enough of a person that they didn't deserve such mercy..."
>"I can sustain myself off of ambient darkness for a time as well, though it eventually gets to the point where it actually feels tiring to do so, which is actually why I needed to go on a fishing trip tonight..."

Shadow Realm:
>So now that things are settling down, did we ever grab any new fish from the lake for our breeding stock before those people interrupted us with their luring song? Or do we still have the same number as before we went on our fishing trip?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #621 on: August 17, 2021, 05:41:46 AM »
>"I don't necessarily need to eat humans. Other food -- preferably meat -- works just as well in sufficient quantities. In fact, back when Gensokyo's rules regarding which humans to target were less restrictive, I'd usually accept other forms of food from my prey in return for sparing them. Unless of course they were very rude or were vile enough of a person that they didn't deserve such mercy..."
>"I can sustain myself off of ambient darkness for a time as well, though it eventually gets to the point where it actually feels tiring to do so, which is actually why I needed to go on a fishing trip tonight..."

Shadow Realm:
>So now that things are settling down, did we ever grab any new fish from the lake for our breeding stock before those people interrupted us with their luring song? Or do we still have the same number as before we went on our fishing trip?
> "What happened to the people that did give you food in return? They don't do that anymore?" Clownpiece asks.
> "If you're tired, just sleep. Gods can rest to preserve energy too."

> Only a few fish... It's disappointing.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #622 on: August 17, 2021, 05:42:08 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Does it feel like our body in the Shadow Realm is taking energy to maintain?

>"Do remember how we through the barrier to the outside world?"

>Sink sixty feet into the Earth
->Take the shape of a diamond and get as small as possible while maintaining body integrity
-->Siphon off any darkness not needed to keep the body stable

>Does Contingency feel like it takes as much energy to maintain


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #623 on: August 17, 2021, 05:52:06 AM »
>What did we ever do with those that gave us food as an alternative to eating them? Did we make repeat visits or did we just leave them alone?
>Are there any that could plausibly still around, or would they all be dead of old age at this point?

>"Do remember how we through the barrier to the outside world?"
>Don't say this.

//It was never implied that we've ever gone through the barrier or attempted to.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #624 on: August 17, 2021, 05:54:41 AM »
>Ask Shadow the question if we remember leaving the barrier

//I think it was said early on we forgot how we got to the outside


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #625 on: August 17, 2021, 05:58:21 AM »
>Ask Shadow the question if we remember leaving the barrier

//I think it was said early on we forgot how we got to the outside
>Try to remember ourselves first, then ask Shadow if we cannot for whatever reason.

//EDIT: Also why do you suddenly have an interest in breaching the barrier? There's no point to it plus all it'll do is potentially annoy Yukari.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #626 on: August 17, 2021, 06:17:14 AM »
//We could eat humans on the other side
// And/or steal enough fish for breeding stock


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #627 on: August 17, 2021, 06:20:46 AM »
//Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
//Plus there's still the issue of annoying Yukari, who I prefer to stay mostly on the good side of considering she could very easily re-seal us if it came to it.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #628 on: August 17, 2021, 06:22:57 AM »
//We should ask after if Yukari got mad at us for it


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #629 on: August 17, 2021, 09:43:41 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Does it feel like our body in the Shadow Realm is taking energy to maintain?

>"Do remember how we through the barrier to the outside world?"

>Sink sixty feet into the Earth
->Take the shape of a diamond and get as small as possible while maintaining body integrity
-->Siphon off any darkness not needed to keep the body stable

>Does Contingency feel like it takes as much energy to maintain
>What did we ever do with those that gave us food as an alternative to eating them? Did we make repeat visits or did we just leave them alone?
>Are there any that could plausibly still around, or would they all be dead of old age at this point?
>Don't say this.

//It was never implied that we've ever gone through the barrier or attempted to.

>Ask Shadow the question if we remember leaving the barrier

//I think it was said early on we forgot how we got to the outside
> You think you tried to leave them alone.
> There's probably not any still around. But it's not like you can't start again. Unless there's a specific rule against it, or if it's what got you sealed in the first place.

> You recall being able to get to the outside world before. It should still be possible to. If you recall correctly, it was by going through darkness in some way. But whether it's as safe as before for you is another thing. Of course the outside world has changed in your time being sealed. You're sure there were other Youaki who could get in and out of Gensokyo too without breaking the barrier, so you don't think it should just be something you'd need your darkness alone to do.

> It doesn't feel like the shadow realm constructs are using much energy, if any. Not even any of your bodies in there.

> You sink into the ground, trying to minimize your energy usage.
> You're not sure if it's any less or not yet.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 09:46:43 AM by Neovereign »