Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Another  (Read 481455 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #540 on: August 14, 2021, 07:44:30 AM »
>We can see Junko from here?

>Resist the pull.

Prime->Orb blob:
>Embrace the pull and accelerate towards the mermaid. Enter her harmlessly. Discreetly if we can. Try to dilute/spread ourselves through the air as we travel until we're barely visible if we can manage it without poofing the blob to make infiltration easier.
>Travel to her inner ears.
>Whisper: "You have a nice voice."
Shadow Realm:
>Glance at shadow then look away in embarrassment

>Try to lift up the water like shadow lifted the tengu earlier
->Solidify the Marisa

>Mumble "Jumped before I can walk."
->"You remember what we could do in our heyday, right.  Shadow, could we make doppelgangers or learn a person's history from their shadow?"

>Fall back and let our darkness form a simple chair to hold us."

>"Or is this it, travel through the darkness, make an area dark, and make silly hats?"

>Let out a sigh
>"Maybe I'm over thinking. Heh, gods know how long it's been since I could.  My ego has been bruised, being blinded by the Moriya God, not being able to pierce that barrier, how far I've fallen since being sealed, and X's fairy talking like I'm a dog treat."

>Swing around to face Shadow.

>"Thanks for listening.  So, besides protecting the people who interest you, what do you want out of life?"
> You make the shadow Marisa "solid".
> "I don't think we had anything like that..." Shadow answers.
> You make a chair of darkness to sit down on.
> "We used our darkness for support. It's not like we could have the darkness in someone rip themselves out into a minion for us. Any chance we're relying too much on it now that there's more?"

> No.
> You try to resist, but it's hard to ignore the music and singing...
> You follow the music instead, and head into the mermaid as well.
> "Eh?" The mermaid jumps as you speak. "In my head?"
> "It's okay, we've got this." You hear a voice close to the mermaid. "I know you're tired, but um... Keep singing, please!"
> The music stops, but kicks back up, faster, in a different tune. It sounds like it's further past the mermaid's spot, but find yourself drawn to one of the nearby fairies instead.
> The mermaid starts singing again. And although she's the one singing, you still feel drawn to the fairies. The music sounds like it's coming from her now.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #541 on: August 14, 2021, 08:01:18 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"That's a good point.  I think you're right."
>"I'd forgotten that even before our sealing we primarily used our muscle."

>Try blocking our ears with darkness
->If that doesn't work shift our form so this body is death.

Prime->Orb blob:
>Try to remove the blob's ability to hear


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #542 on: August 14, 2021, 08:36:15 AM »
> No.
> Junko stands up, starting for the lake.
//How can we possibly know this then??? Prime was the only body with Junko and she's committed to the lake.

>Are we being affected at all?

Shadow Realm:

>Are we experiencing any compulsions?

>We obviously need to counter their singing with our own!
>"We're no strangers to love! You know the rules, and so do I!"

>Try to switch off our main mass's sense of hearing. (Leave the mermaid blob be.)
>Attempt to conceptually darken our mass's sense of hearing if that doesn't work. (Do not darken that of the mermaid blob).
>>If either of the above works, have our main mass retreat back into the water.
>>If it doesn't, have tiny parts of our darkness turn into rigid, grooved masses, and have them rapidly rub against each other to generate white noise within ourselves. Do not do this with the mermaid blob.
>>>If this reduces the effect, have our main mass retreat.

>Physically anchor ourselves inside the mermaid's ear canal if this blob is starting to be drawn out of her. Try not to hurt the mermaid or cause discomfort when we do so.

>Whisper. "Oh, I'm not in your mind, just projecting my voice in a manner of speaking. Who was that by the way? Are they listening to your beautiful voice too? Also are you really going to let that fairy upstage you? Your voice is way better than hers. I liked it better when it was just you drawing me in anyway."
>>(If we're forced to anchor and end up accidentally hurting the mermaid as a result) "Also sorry if that hurt at all. Had to anchor myself so I could keep talking to you."

>"Speaking of fairies, she's not forcing you to sing for you is she? Because that might actually be bad if you're not okay with it. Fairies are forming factions and recruiting people all around Gensokyo and not all of them have been playing nice."
>"Also sorry that I have to resort to this method of talking to you. This is a rather strange situation from my end..."

>(If the main mass is unable to retreat in any capacity) "By the way do you know if your fairy companions have hostile intentions? I'd rather keep things peaceful but if that fairy intends to cause me harm by luring me to her I will have no choice but to open fire. I'll make an effort to miss you though if you're not with them or serving them against your will."

>Try blocking our ears with darkness
->If that doesn't work shift our form so this body is death.
>Don't do this as it would be redundant with above actions. Plus Prime isn't even in body mode anyway.

//Prime is literally a dark mist dispersed through air and water right now, there's no physical ears to block or shift.

Prime->Orb blob:
>Try to remove the blob's ability to hear
>Only do this if both of the following are true:
>>We are forced to anchor.
>>We are being drawn out despite being anchored.
>If we end up doing this. Turn it on when we speak to hear the mermaid's responses before switching it off again. Reposition if necessary.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #543 on: August 14, 2021, 09:22:42 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"That's a good point.  I think you're right."
>"I'd forgotten that even before our sealing we primarily used our muscle."

>Try blocking our ears with darkness
->If that doesn't work shift our form so this body is death.

Prime->Orb blob:
>Try to remove the blob's ability to hear
//How can we possibly know this then??? Prime was the only body with Junko and she's committed to the lake.

>Are we being affected at all?

Shadow Realm:

>Are we experiencing any compulsions?

>We obviously need to counter their singing with our own!
>"We're no strangers to love! You know the rules, and so do I!"

>Try to switch off our main mass's sense of hearing. (Leave the mermaid blob be.)
>Attempt to conceptually darken our mass's sense of hearing if that doesn't work. (Do not darken that of the mermaid blob).
>>If either of the above works, have our main mass retreat back into the water.
>>If it doesn't, have tiny parts of our darkness turn into rigid, grooved masses, and have them rapidly rub against each other to generate white noise within ourselves. Do not do this with the mermaid blob.
>>>If this reduces the effect, have our main mass retreat.

>Physically anchor ourselves inside the mermaid's ear canal if this blob is starting to be drawn out of her. Try not to hurt the mermaid or cause discomfort when we do so.

>Whisper. "Oh, I'm not in your mind, just projecting my voice in a manner of speaking. Who was that by the way? Are they listening to your beautiful voice too? Also are you really going to let that fairy upstage you? Your voice is way better than hers. I liked it better when it was just you drawing me in anyway."
>>(If we're forced to anchor and end up accidentally hurting the mermaid as a result) "Also sorry if that hurt at all. Had to anchor myself so I could keep talking to you."

>"Speaking of fairies, she's not forcing you to sing for you is she? Because that might actually be bad if you're not okay with it. Fairies are forming factions and recruiting people all around Gensokyo and not all of them have been playing nice."
>"Also sorry that I have to resort to this method of talking to you. This is a rather strange situation from my end..."

>(If the main mass is unable to retreat in any capacity) "By the way do you know if your fairy companions have hostile intentions? I'd rather keep things peaceful but if that fairy intends to cause me harm by luring me to her I will have no choice but to open fire. I'll make an effort to miss you though if you're not with them or serving them against your will."
>Don't do this as it would be redundant with above actions. Plus Prime isn't even in body mode anyway.

//Prime is literally a dark mist dispersed through air and water right now, there's no physical ears to block or shift.
>Only do this if both of the following are true:
>>We are forced to anchor.
>>We are being drawn out despite being anchored.
>If we end up doing this. Turn it on when we speak to hear the mermaid's responses before switching it off again. Reposition if necessary.

> You don't feel any from in your void. Nor does Contingency.
> "Youkai strength usually wasn't beatable by humans back then."

> You can see her figure at least.
> You don't know how to stop yourself from hearing.
> With no progress, you make bits of darkness rub against each other within you.
> Despite that noise overshadowing the music, the music still keeps you goin towards the fairy. Is this what people mean when they "feel" music?

> You cling onto the mermaid as painlessly as you can.
> "Out of my heaaaad♪ Out of my- wait, what?" The mermaid stops singing, questioning. "You know about the fairies?"
> "Don't get distracted! It's no one on our side if they're only talking to you." The voice you heard before repeats. "Could you please play louder? We have an emergency!" The voice requests.
> The music kicks up even more, at a faster pace. At this point, you can feel the beat as if it's passing through your body. despite not having one.
> The fairies seem to be huddled around the one the music is coming from, and you can even see who you believe is the red mansion's gate guard among the fairies.
> Another look determines that Junko is among them now, trying to get to the one the music is coming from, with Hecatia and Clownpiece not far away and approaching as if they had to hurry. You can't tell if they're awake or sleepwalking from this distance.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #544 on: August 14, 2021, 09:40:24 AM »
>Send spores of darkness towards the singer

>If the singing doesn't count as danmaku
->"Could ask them to stop?  I'd happily play a game of damnaku, and it is safer for everyone."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #545 on: August 14, 2021, 10:56:29 AM »
>Send spores of darkness towards the singer

>If the singing doesn't count as danmaku
->"Could ask them to stop?  I'd happily play a game of damnaku, and it is safer for everyone."
> There are no fairies singing. The only person to sing recently was the mermaid, and even though she's stopped to address you, the music still seems to be coming from a fairy instead of the mermaid.
> You send a bit of your darkness towards the fairy that the music is coming from.

> You don't think this counts as danmaku...
> "Someone's... asking for a danmaku battle. I guess they're the perpetrator, then." The mermaid speaks.
> "I think everything alive is around here now. Or everyone..." Someone in the crowd speaks. "It should be fine.
> The music slows down, to just a few notes occasionally.
> The source no longer seems to be coming from the fairy, nor do you feel drawn to it. It sounds like it's coming from above now.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 11:08:44 AM by Neovereign »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #546 on: August 14, 2021, 06:33:42 PM »
>Above, as in the water orb?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #547 on: August 14, 2021, 06:43:27 PM »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #548 on: August 14, 2021, 06:49:31 PM »
>In a tired voice, "What am I being accused of?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #549 on: August 14, 2021, 07:13:37 PM »
>In a tired voice, "What am I being accused of?"
>Change to: In a tired voice: "So, what exactly is going on here? And what was allegedly perpetrated that you felt the need to draw in everything in the area indiscriminately?"

//Decided to sorta merge yours with mine but remove the mention of us specifically being the accused, since it's clear now that this is indiscriminate.

>"Also sorry I didn't speak to you all in general before. Before I realized that you were targeting everyone, I thought I was being singled out for some reason, so forgive me for being cautious."
>Look towards the source of the music.
>Do our allies seem unharmed?

>"Oh, so the song was indiscriminately targeting everyone, guess that's better than me specifically."
>"Anyway, yeah I know about the fairies. Even have one of my own too. Are these ones yours? Are you with them by choice?"
>"You can whisper if you'd rather not let them hear. I'm close enough to hear. Or at least this fragment of me is."

« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 07:20:17 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #550 on: August 14, 2021, 09:28:18 PM »
>In a tired voice, "What am I being accused of?"
>Change to: In a tired voice: "So, what exactly is going on here? And what was allegedly perpetrated that you felt the need to draw in everything in the area indiscriminately?"

//Decided to sorta merge yours with mine but remove the mention of us specifically being the accused, since it's clear now that this is indiscriminate.

>"Also sorry I didn't speak to you all in general before. Before I realized that you were targeting everyone, I thought I was being singled out for some reason, so forgive me for being cautious."
>Look towards the source of the music.
>Do our allies seem unharmed?

>"Oh, so the song was indiscriminately targeting everyone, guess that's better than me specifically."
>"Anyway, yeah I know about the fairies. Even have one of my own too. Are these ones yours? Are you with them by choice?"
>"You can whisper if you'd rather not let them hear. I'm close enough to hear. Or at least this fragment of me is."

> The music appears to be coming from someone with a musical instrument. A violin, you're pretty sure that is.
> "Oh, I can hear them now. The music was just louder before." The other voice near the mermaid speaks.
> "Whatever you wanna know or discuss, ask the person playing the music."
> "I can just get rid of them now, since they're with the fairies." The voice continues.

> None of your trio seems harmed. Clownpiece is starting to wave her torch, though.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #551 on: August 14, 2021, 09:44:29 PM »
>Directly whisper to the voice but keep the mermaid in earshot.
>"Correction: I'm with a single fairy -- willingly, mind you -- and certainly not whichever ones may have caused you trouble since we just got here relatively recently. I know there are a few factions around this area, though, so more likely than not it was one of them. Though before I jump to any conclusions I'll ask the violinist what's going on... Oh, my name is Rumia by the way, may I know the two of yours?"

>"Excuse me, miss violinist? As much as I like your music, is there a reason you've gathered up everyone around the lake? "

>Be prepared to fight if Clownpiece's torch ends up causing a fight before negotiations end.

>Send a small portion of ourselves near Clownpiece's ear, try not to look at the torch as we approach.
>Whisper: "Nice to see you awake, Commander, though it's a shame your sleep was interrupted by whatever this violinist was up to. Don't be alarmed, I'm kinda dispersed across the area at the moment. Anyway, I see you're already planning something?"

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #552 on: August 14, 2021, 10:00:38 PM »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #553 on: August 14, 2021, 10:41:44 PM »
>Directly whisper to the voice but keep the mermaid in earshot.
>"Correction: I'm with a single fairy -- willingly, mind you -- and certainly not whichever ones may have caused you trouble since we just got here relatively recently. I know there are a few factions around this area, though, so more likely than not it was one of them. Though before I jump to any conclusions I'll ask the violinist what's going on... Oh, my name is Rumia by the way, may I know the two of yours?"

>"Excuse me, miss violinist? As much as I like your music, is there a reason you've gathered up everyone around the lake? "

>Be prepared to fight if Clownpiece's torch ends up causing a fight before negotiations end.

>Send a small portion of ourselves near Clownpiece's ear, try not to look at the torch as we approach.
>Whisper: "Nice to see you awake, Commander, though it's a shame your sleep was interrupted by whatever this violinist was up to. Don't be alarmed, I'm kinda dispersed across the area at the moment. Anyway, I see you're already planning something?"
> You feel too sluggish to get all the way over to Clownpiece. It's too much work.
> Neither the voice nor the mermaid seem to answer you.
> The violinist looks around for the source of the voice, before settling for speaking in general.
> "Well, someone's been attacking this lake. So we're bringing them here to punish them." She speaks. "We don't know who exactly, so we'll do it to everyone gathered who isn't with us. If you aren't a part of the attack, that doesn't mean you're innocent."
> The violin shifts as the music gets a bit louder. "Those that were near enough to witness it didn't do anything to put a stop to it. They are also the ones near enough to hear."
> "Not innocent? We were asleep!" Clownpiece retorts. "If I didn't feel so sleepy, I'd teach you a thing or two." She waves her torch a bit less.
> "Does that mean you plan to attack Clownpiece? Interrupting her sleep too?" Hecatia questions, rubbing her eye. Or at least trying to. She doesn't even get her arm up to her face...


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #554 on: August 14, 2021, 10:51:38 PM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Have we ever tried to darken something on a conceptual level? Like, for instance, 'darkening' a sound so that it's inaudible?"

>"Can we at least know the nature of this so called attack? My group literally just got to the lake tonight, not to mention half of us were asleep, so we couldn't have been responsible, plus you can't really witness much from the shoreline with all the mist either, especially considering it's the middle of the night."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #555 on: August 14, 2021, 11:15:47 PM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Have we ever tried to darken something on a conceptual level? Like, for instance, 'darkening' a sound so that it's inaudible?"

>"Can we at least know the nature of this so called attack? My group literally just got to the lake tonight, not to mention half of us were asleep, so we couldn't have been responsible, plus you can't really witness much from the shoreline with all the mist either, especially considering it's the middle of the night."
> You don't believe you have.
> "I don't recall us ever trying." Shadow responds. "How would you even start with that?"

> "We also only got here recently!" One of the fairies spoke. "We were at the forest near here."
> "And we were just at the mansion with miss Meiling. She wouldn't let us do anything bad to the lake." Another fairy speaks.
> "Excuses excuses. Looking around, it seems like you're all with fairies one way or another, too. We'll start with something light for-"
> "Hey, aren't problems supposed to be settled with danmaku duels?" Clownpiece questions.
> "If they don't want to, we're fine with that." Hecatia speaks.
> "Well, the fairies we've crossed never wanted a danmaku battle since they were so strong. Are you going to weaken yourself just to participate in one instead of just using your new powers?" The violinist questions.
> "You struck first without danmaku. Isn't it only fair for us to reply in kind?" Junko questions.
> You feel a refreshing sensation going through you, removing the sluggish feeling. Like you had a good rest.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 11:25:52 PM by Neovereign »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #556 on: August 14, 2021, 11:21:59 PM »
> You don't believe you have.

//It was a question directed at Shadow.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #557 on: August 14, 2021, 11:26:09 PM »
//It was a question directed at Shadow.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #558 on: August 14, 2021, 11:47:36 PM »
>Start spreading underground/underwater so we can wrap around everyone if they don't want to play danmaku

>Have the dark spores duplicate then spread through the fairy
->Have the duplicates head to the violinist

>Is the moon out and casting shadows

>Send a small blob that looks like a spirit out, "I'd prefer danmaku."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #559 on: August 15, 2021, 12:07:49 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Not sure, but still would have interesting implications if conceptually darkening something actually works."

>"Honestly considering how late it is, I'm all for a peaceful resolution if one is possible. Besides, not every fairy faction is that barbaric from what I understand. I, for one, would be perfectly willing to abide by danmaku rules if it came down to it, but that would hinge on whether or not my opponents are honorable enough to do the same."
>"Besides, my associates have a point. You broke the rules first, after all, so most of us would actually be justified in retaliating without danmaku if it came to it."
>"I personally hope it doesn't come to that, so why don't you just tell us what you do know about this alleged attack and the party responsible and see if anyone here knows anything about them from your description and can point you in the right direction."

>Does everyone that doesn't seem to be associated with the violinist and mermaid collectively outnumber those that seem to be?

//Since I was ninja'd:
>Start spreading underground/underwater so we can wrap around everyone if they don't want to play danmaku
>Change underground to "dispersed into the air", since we're partially spread through it already.
>Stop when/if it feels like it might compromise our ability to maintain this body.

>Have the dark spores duplicate then spread through the fairy
->Have the duplicates head to the violinist
>Make sure the spore blobs are small/dispersed in the air enough not to be easily seen and approach the violinist from behind.
>Have a few enter the violin itself, merge into a larger one, and hide in the ambient darkness inside the instrument.

>Send a small blob that looks like a spirit out, "I'd prefer danmaku."
>Don't do this.

//I don't want to give them a target to shoot at unless they actually decide to indulge in danmaku. Still hoping for peaceful negotiation.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 12:10:03 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #560 on: August 15, 2021, 12:49:35 AM »
>Start spreading underground/underwater so we can wrap around everyone if they don't want to play danmaku

>Have the dark spores duplicate then spread through the fairy
->Have the duplicates head to the violinist

>Is the moon out and casting shadows

>Send a small blob that looks like a spirit out, "I'd prefer danmaku."
Shadow Realm:
>"Not sure, but still would have interesting implications if conceptually darkening something actually works."

>"Honestly considering how late it is, I'm all for a peaceful resolution if one is possible. Besides, not every fairy faction is that barbaric from what I understand. I, for one, would be perfectly willing to abide by danmaku rules if it came down to it, but that would hinge on whether or not my opponents are honorable enough to do the same."
>"Besides, my associates have a point. You broke the rules first, after all, so most of us would actually be justified in retaliating without danmaku if it came to it."
>"I personally hope it doesn't come to that, so why don't you just tell us what you do know about this alleged attack and the party responsible and see if anyone here knows anything about them from your description and can point you in the right direction."

>Does everyone that doesn't seem to be associated with the violinist and mermaid collectively outnumber those that seem to be?

//Since I was ninja'd:>Change underground to "dispersed into the air", since we're partially spread through it already.
>Stop when/if it feels like it might compromise our ability to maintain this body.
>Make sure the spore blobs are small/dispersed in the air enough not to be easily seen and approach the violinist from behind.
>Have a few enter the violin itself, merge into a larger one, and hide in the ambient darkness inside the instrument.
>Don't do this.

//I don't want to give them a target to shoot at unless they actually decide to indulge in danmaku. Still hoping for peaceful negotiation.
> You begin spreading darkness further to move through.
> And send more through the fairy you were heading to before, as well as towards the violinist in the air outside of view, and into the violin itself.

> Yes, the moon is out.
> There is a massive amount of people against the violinist and mermaid if that mysterious voice is also with them. That'd only mean a party of 3, versus the entirety of the lake fairies, the few fairy maids with Meiling, and your group.

> "Breaking the rules? All we've been doing is playing some music and singing." The violinist seems agitated. "If people are attracted to it, is that our fault?"
> "Someone's been taking all the fish from the lake too. It's much more than any fishermen have done, and-"
> "Now now Waksagihime, a more serious matter than that has come up." The violinist interrupts the mermaid. "This voice speaking of honor and playing by the rules has been nothing but a distraction, while some filthy sneak took the opportunity given." She starts to address the rest of the groups here. "Negotiations are over. Blame whoever thought trying to invade a phantom's possession would be funny. One of these factions is barbaric enough to break through personal space like this. Sisters, it's time to start."
> "Someone's been in me too, but-"
> "How long will we play for? What do we have them do?" A new voice questions, as a girl in red with a strange floating object materializes next to the violinist. She appears to be playing it, though you don't hear anything from it. They once again, interrupt the mermaid.
> "Let's have them fight each other, even through exhaustion." Another girl, this time in white, and with a trumpet near her, appears near the other two. "Dibs on deciding what we do with the maniac fairy with the torch."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #561 on: August 15, 2021, 01:09:14 AM »
>Pull the instruments into the Shadow Realm

>Pull Meiling, the mermaid, and all the fairies that don't belong with musicians except Clownpiece into our realm

>"You wander in my domain, my flesh and you threaten those under my protection.  Nay, but I will have tribute for your passage and this gross insult!"

>Eat the fairies shadows except for Clownpiece and steal the phantoms' shadows if they have them.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #562 on: August 15, 2021, 01:15:19 AM »
>Pull the instruments into the Shadow Realm

>Pull Meiling, the mermaid, and all the fairies that don't belong with musicians except Clownpiece into our realm
//I'd like you to be more specific with this action please. There are ways this can be misinterpreted, with it being under two actions instead of one and with Rumia only having one darkness realm.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #563 on: August 15, 2021, 01:25:04 AM »
//I was referring to the Shadow Realm in both

//I do want to wait for Naz's input before we go hostile fey Lord


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #564 on: August 15, 2021, 01:52:00 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Can we create darkness solid enough to prevent sound from passing through in one direction? I may need to bring some idiots that can influence your mind with music here if the current situation I'm in escalates. If it comes to it, then you do not have to be present if you don't want to."
>If shadow answers yes to the soundproofing question, create a hollow sphere with such properties (allowing sound to pass from out to in but not the other way) capable of holding three stooges if it came to it.
>If not: "Fine then. I'll/We'll have to deal with them without protection... "
>Prepare a table with enough chairs for each of the stooges and their associates, as well as a throne at one end of the table for ourselves, and another next to it for Shadow if she wishes to remain here.
>Create a pool of darkness water for the mermaid. We like her and want her to remain comfortable for her potential visit.
>"...we really should buy a tea set for this place."

>"Well excuse me for being cautious against a potential threat that lured us here with music and blatantly stated that they would be willing to violate the spellcard rules. This is your last chance to settle things, either peacefully or through the spellcard rules, otherwise I will have no choice but to put you and your associates into timeout for a bit so that everyone else can go back to sleep. Consider yourselves lucky that I'm giving you this chance despite the fact that you threatened my fairy, and so I heavily advise you take it."

>Send spores into the dark spaces of the other instruments as well, if we can (staying out of the trio's line of sight when we infiltrate.)

>Direct some of our dispersed darkness into air around the trio and their associates such that we can increase our density, engulf them, and send them to the Shadow Realm at a moment's notice.

>If our threat is ignored AND if without the below actions being here the parser won't give us a chance to react before they start playing the instruments:
>>Send the aforementioned individuals and their associates to the Shadow Realm if they ignore our threat and decide not to engage in danmaku/reopen negotiations and start playing.
>>Have the darkness in the violin solidify and fill the chamber within in order to disable the instrument without breaking it. Cut the strings with a sharpened tendril if this fails and we don't think we can send them to the realm before being affected by the music.
>>Have the darkness in the other instruments solidify as well to block air passage through the trumpet and to paralyze whatever moving parts the other thing has. Don't do anything to damage these instruments if that fails, though.
>>Drop the mermaid into the 'water' we prepared for her. Have everyone else land near a chair. Drop the stooges in the soundproof orb if we were able to create it.

>Pull the instruments into the Shadow Realm

>Pull Meiling, the mermaid, and all the fairies that don't belong with musicians except Clownpiece into our realm

>"You wander in my domain, my flesh and you threaten those under my protection.  Nay, but I will have tribute for your passage and this gross insult!"

>Eat the fairies shadows except for Clownpiece and steal the phantoms' shadows if they have them.
>Please do not do this.

//I mean, I do intend to send them to the shadow realm if they continue to escalate but this seems way more extreme than what I think is appropriate.
//We can discuss what to do with their shadows if and when we actually send them in there, AND things break down further.
//Also Meiling has nothing to do with this, so she shouldn't be brought in.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 01:54:24 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #565 on: August 15, 2021, 01:54:00 AM »
//No, I was sending to the Shadow Realm those I didn't want to hurt.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #566 on: August 15, 2021, 01:58:53 AM »
//That would cause more chaos in the shadow realm than just sending the troublemakers to timeout. Not to mention that it would make a bunch of people unnecessarily unhappy with us.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #567 on: August 15, 2021, 02:00:25 AM »
//I'm a little weary that we might not be able to pull poltergeist into us or they could possess us.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #568 on: August 15, 2021, 02:11:49 AM »
//I mean we're not an inanimate object.
//Plus we have no way of knowing in character if it's a bad idea or not either.

//Also if, for whatever reason, they pass through us, their physical instruments certainly won't, so we'll be getting the instruments out of the picture either way.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #569 on: August 15, 2021, 02:14:23 AM »

//I do wish we got to taste fairy shadow.