~Beyond the Border~ > Akyuu's Arcade

Fire Emblem Heroes: We almost got Brave Bernadetta

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o strawberries myrrh refine

FCorrin refine!!!

Oh daaang, is it good?

As much as I used to use FCorrin for everything at one time, she's just outclassed now. I've been using Sothis and Winter Sothis as my anchor the same way I used to use FCorrin and even with way way more merges she can't compete. I hope her refine is huge. Or at least unique.

Haven't actually used Myrrh since refining her yet. It's sort of just a bond-like refine with a clause in there to make sure Great Flame works like it should. I think it's fine.

I hardly get to use FCorrin anymore, so I'm hoping it's something fun more than something boring but practical.

I guess best case scenario I'd like it to be the inverse of MCorrin's refine, where FCorrin gets a huge stat boost if she's near her partner. And that stacks with MCorrin's refine.


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