Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 315436 times)

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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #360 on: August 30, 2021, 07:57:47 PM »
>"Yes, I'd be happy to duel with you."
>"Kaze, Apple, do you want to play?"

>"I'm up for it! Been a while since I had a romp with fellow fairies!" Apple cheerfully agrees.
>"Yeah, I'm in. I'm on your back right now, so it's not like I have a choice." Despite saying that, Kaze seems excited for this.

>"Don't fancy myself much of an entertainer but I'll join the duel."

>"Grand! Fantastic! Truly your hearts are pure to be humouring me like this, after all that's happened." Unity seems truly elated at your responses, she looks like she's ready to dance in excitement.

>"Now, if you don't mind, I'll take the lead. Girls, just like we practiced!"
>With that, she immediately declares a Spell Card. Starting off strong, huh?
>"Fae Stratagem 001: 'Phalanx'!"

>The atmosphere of the area shifts, and a group of Fairies dressed in green get close to Unity.
>They form a defensive barrier of bodies around her, they seem completely willing to take anything. But Fairies are immortal, not invulnerable.
>The Fairies fire unfocused Danmaku from their position, unmoving while firing.

>Fae Phalanx HP:


Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #361 on: August 31, 2021, 03:57:29 AM »
>Can we fly right now?

>Look through our familiars' eyes to see if formation leaves Unity exposed from the top.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #362 on: August 31, 2021, 07:19:45 PM »
>Can we fly right now?


>Look through our familiars' eyes to see if formation leaves Unity exposed from the top.

>You look through your nearby Familiars to see any chinks in the Fairies' defence.
>Disappointingly, and impressively, they've covered almost every angle around Unity. Including abo-

>The Fae Phalanx's formation shifts and parts, revealing their Leader.
>There is a very bright pink light shining in the middle of their formation. Is that Unity Web? Is she charging up an attack?
>Fae Phalanx HP (Exposed)

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #363 on: September 01, 2021, 06:32:28 AM »
>Move out of the way
->Use our familiars to get an idea of the size of the laser while Moth fires danmaku at the exposed unity.


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #364 on: September 01, 2021, 08:04:26 PM »
>Find a safe play to fly to and get a clear focus on the leader.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #365 on: September 01, 2021, 09:18:39 PM »
>Move out of the way
->Use our familiars to get an idea of the size of the laser while Moth fires danmaku at the exposed unity.

>You try to move out of the way of the charged attack. But you can't really predict its trajectory.
>You assume that the attack is most likely a laser and attempt to predict its size using your familiar's sight.
>You haven't really seen many charged lasers, but the light is being condensed into a single point, with Unity seemingly using herself as the focus for the energy.
>While observing, your familiars take shots at the Exposed Leader of the Fairies. Unity, to her credit, continues channelling, unfettered.

>Find a safe play to fly to and get a clear focus on the leader.

>A charge attack. That sounds like something you don't want to deal with.
>You fly to a safe spot, somewhere in her sides. As that's where the green fairies that made up her formation are currently and she wouldn't fire on her own, would she?
>You manage to get confirm a clear shot on Unity. It's difficult not to considering she's shining and in the centre of the formation.

>The Light converges onto a single point. Then you feel a shockwave, see a laser, and hear the howl of destruction.
>Looks like it was a laser. It focused on power in exchange for size.

>"I don't think I need to warn you about that, right?" Kaze remarks.
>She's right, you're already moving. Kaze's wind makes a last-minute dodge into more of a side-step. In fact, you don't think Unity was even aiming directly at you.
>But what was she aiming at then-
>...Huh. Looks like she wanted your Moths out. That laser tore right through them, even the giant ones, despite their size.
>The only ones that weren't destroyed were the ones focused on Apple. Wait, where is she?

>You were close to the formation, so you felt the shockwave. Good thing you moved, if you stayed where you were, you might've gotten hit by that thing.
>All those moths that were looking at Unity are decimated. You would feel sorry if you weren't sure those are familiars.
>Wait, why do you hear wing-beats?
>"Ahahaha! We ride on!"
>A blur of white and black speeds past and you almost think that The Witch decided to join in. But it's even smaller than her, and there were multiple whites...
>You see a Fairy in a Black-Brown Dress riding a giant moth like an oversized pony with wings. Isn't that fairy part of The Moth's repertoire? Black Apple wasn't it?

>What's she doing up there?! At least the Moths you assigned to her are following her, she's riding one of them and there are two on her side flanks.
>Actually, she's in a pretty good position to attack now. Was she planning this or is this a spur of the moment thing?
>Giant Moths remaining: 3

>The Formation shifts, and attempts to move to its original positioning.
>While moving, the green fairies open fire on any nearby intruders. Sayuri and Black Apple are the closest, so they take precedence.
>A silver lining is that this process causes Unity to be exposed for a moment. Even after her attack is done.
Fae Phalanx HP (Exposed)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 09:23:23 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #366 on: September 02, 2021, 10:02:59 AM »
>"No, but that was impressive."
->Take a quick shot at Unity

>Concentrate on dodging while trying to find a pattern to the danmaku
->Count to get an estimate of how long between laser blasts

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #367 on: September 03, 2021, 11:19:28 AM »
>"No, but that was impressive."
->Take a quick shot at Unity

>"Yeah, who would've thought such a small frame could have that much power." Kaze notes.
>You take a shot at Unity before the Formation closes. It was just a small pot-shot, but any damage helps.

>Concentrate on dodging while trying to find a pattern to the danmaku
->Count to get an estimate of how long between laser blasts

>You concentrate on dodging any Danmaku that gets near you. Not a lot does, because the Fairies are focused on Apple and that Bird Youkai.
>Trying to find a pattern is a bit troublesome. You can focus but you're too far away from the action to do a proper analysis. You need closer eyes...
>That's it! You split your vision to the Moths that are around Apple, and see the Formation, the Danmaku, the organised chaos of the Spell Card. That Bird is nearby as well.
>Now to analyse. Using past experience (however scant it is, this is your second or third actual fight) and instinct, you attempt to read a pattern...
Spell Card Analysis:
>Unity Web's Spell Cards are interesting. In that calling them Unity Web's Spell Cards would be a misnomer.
>Her Spell Cards do not use only her power, and are not only associated with her. Unity Web uses her ties with nature and, most of all, her leadership talents to make these Spell Cards possible.
>Yes. It would be more fitting to say that these Spell Cards belong to all the Fairies of the Forest of Magic; or at least, all of those in Unity Web's team.
>But Unity is their ambassador. So, much to her chagrin, she gets the main credit for these Spell Cards despite the fact that she wants all the Fairies to be credited for their effort in them.
Fae Stratagem 001: "Phalanx":
>Fae Stratagem 001: "Phalanx" Also Known As Unseelie Court "Trooping Fairies' Guard"
>>Green fairies surround Unity Web in a close Formation, protecting her from any outside attacks while warding off possible intruders with Danmaku.
>>This covers her long enough for a charged laser. Like a spear or a sword striking through the scenery, it's fast and powerful, but thin compared to other strong laser-oriented Spell Cards. It's also telegraphed with a visual tell. Not to mention the Formation has to open up, lest she attacks some of her own.

>>When the Formation opens up, Unity Web is exposed until the Formation closes. This makes the charge up and aftermath of her laser a perfect time to attack.
>>Another flaw is that while her Formation keeps intruders out, it also keeps things in. This means that if you sneak into the Formation and get near Unity, then there's little that the green fairies can do. Of course, this means that you have to deal with Unity Web and a powerful fast laser, but it should be worth it if it means attacking the Leader directly.
>The laser should come out every 7 seconds. Enough time for someone with a high amount of speed to rush in and get close to Unity.
>Normally you would say that you're too slow, but thankfully you have a speed boost in the form of Kaze playing as a Backpack/(un)willing teammate.
>Alternatively, you could leave it to Apple as she's currently flying near the Formation.

>Fae Phalanx HP


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #368 on: September 03, 2021, 03:37:18 PM »
>Focus on dodging and fire danmaku when I have a chance.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #369 on: September 03, 2021, 04:53:53 PM »
>Get closer while dodging the danmaku

>Do we think there is enough room for us and Unity if we run into the formation after the laser?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #370 on: September 03, 2021, 06:05:38 PM »
>Focus on dodging and fire Danmaku when I have a chance.

>You dodge the bullets that come after you and fire back. Despite being close to the Formation, your superior speed makes it easy to not get hit. The actual problem is attacking.
>The green fairies block your shots. It looks like you need more power if you want to break through the Formation with brute force.

>Get closer while dodging the danmaku

>You get closer to the Formation while dodging any stray bullets. Kaze's boost is greatly appreciated here.
>"Woo! Getting into the action huh?" And it seems she really appreciates the straightforward approach.

>Do we think there is enough room for us and Unity if we run into the formation after the laser?

>It's a bit of a tight fit, but you think everyone should fit if you rush in after the laser.
>Speaking of the laser...

>The Formation shifts and opens, once again revealing a light as pink as Cherry blossoms. Just where does Unity draw this power from? Herself?
>Everyone is so close, could you really dodge from this distance?
>Maybe this is what Incident Resolvers think sometimes when faced with more daunting Spell Cards. But fear, although natural, must be swallowed to grasp victory.
>Fae Phalanx HP (Exposed)


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #371 on: September 03, 2021, 10:58:46 PM »
>Continue focusing on dodging but intensify my danmaku to take out the green fairies.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #372 on: September 03, 2021, 11:37:06 PM »
>Take potshots while Unity is charging her laser
->Move in a square pattern towards Unity

//The square horizontal to the ground

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #373 on: September 04, 2021, 10:35:09 AM »
>Continue focusing on dodging but intensify my danmaku to take out the green fairies.

>Dodging is, once again, easy. But intensifying your Danmaku is surprisingly difficult.
>Most others can accomplish this by just shoving more Magic or Spiritual Power into their attacks, but for some reason you can't do that.
>So you improvise.
>You create Danmaku in the shape of a ball and imbue it with your flame. Then throw it at the green fairies. (-30 Fuel)
>It explodes and spreads a good amount of flame. Now there should be hole in their Formation.

Sayuri's Fuel, Shown and Explained:
>Fuel refers to how many flammable things are around you. You can use this to strengthen attacks, imbue things with fire, and curse others with flame. Though you are curious about how powerful burning anything is...
>You are currently in a Forest surrounded by trees, you're not going to be running out of this soon so you're not worried about using it.
>This can fluctuate a bit depending on the situation and environment.
>Take potshots while Unity is charging her laser
->Move in a square pattern towards Unity

//The square horizontal to the ground

>You take a few shots at Unity while she's charging her laser. Getting closer allows you take more shots.
>You take a different movement pattern than usual hoping-

>The laser shoots forward. With so many people in a singular area, it seems that Unity Web tried to hit multiple people in one blast.

>You strongly flap your wings and get out of the way in a split second before it would hit.

>That laser comes out way too fast! The square pattern isn't going to help!
>Wind Sign "Squall of Nagano"!
>You feel much faster than usual. Using this extra speed you fly to safety.
>"Hey, Onmyouji, have you ever heard of a technique called Streaming? I feel like that would really help, since I'm not doing that more than once!"
>"Oh, I see you decided to join me!" Apple looks like she's having the time of her life riding that Moth, how did she dodge that laser anyway?

>The light clears and you all see Unity up close. Her hands were outstretched forwards, is that the stance she takes when charging up?
>"Oh, I see you managed to get close. This doesn't bode well for me. But then, I had to make these cards fair somehow." Unity notes.
>Fae Phalanx HP (Exposed)

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #374 on: September 05, 2021, 07:32:02 AM »
>"Thank you for the save.  I haven't heard of streaming. What is that?"

>Fire Danmaku and move back to a safer distance

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #375 on: September 05, 2021, 09:10:36 PM »
>"Thank you for the save.  I haven't heard of streaming. What is that?"

>"You're welcome. Anyway, Streaming!" Kaze clears her throat and starts eagerly talking like a patronizing tutor.
>"Streaming is a dodging technique where you wait until the bullet, laser or whatever Danmaku the opponent is using is just about to hit you, then you dodge by sidestepping slightly. This maximizes the amount of time you can spend focusing on shooting and lowers the need for movement while reducing enemy Danmaku spread. But you can only do this with focused Danmaku, in other words, Danmaku that is directly aimed at you." That's good to know.
>"Otherwise this is a pretty simple technique. Helps if you're fast like that Bird Youkai over there, but even a fat moth like you can pull it off with a bit of practice." It's good that she has faith in you, but did she really need to add that 'fat' part?

>"Speaking of that Bird Youkai: What's her name? It feels weird or rude to just call her 'Bird Youkai' but she hasn't actually told us her name." That's rich coming from someone who just called you fat.

>Fire Danmaku and move back to a safer distance

>You fire Danmaku directly at Unity Web while retreating slightly. You still stick close to the Formation, but that beam isn't going to require Kaze using a Spell Card.

>The bullets collide into Unity's small frame. "H-hey! That stings!"
>Fae Phalanx HP (Exposed)

« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 09:14:35 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #376 on: September 06, 2021, 09:53:31 AM »
>Keep up the danmaku before the formation closes

>"I'm not sure.  This is the first time I've seen her."


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #377 on: September 06, 2021, 06:02:54 PM »
>Keep focusing on dodging, firing danmaku at Unity Web whenever I have an opportunity.
>Try to listen in on the commotion going on near The Moth.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 06:04:58 PM by DarkWitchClaire »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #378 on: September 06, 2021, 09:00:40 PM »
>Keep up the danmaku before the formation closes

>"I'm not sure.  This is the first time I've seen her."

>You keep firing directly at Unity. She seems to be trying to calm herself while under fire.

>"She seems interesting. Not many people I know of would willingly jump into a gauntlet of Fairies just to help a stranger. Sounds like the kind of insane generosity you would need to be an Incident Resolver."

>Keep focusing on dodging, firing danmaku at Unity Web whenever I have an opportunity.
>Try to listen in on the commotion going on near The Moth.

>Well, that Youkai on The Moth's back is giving you mixed impressions. It's flattering she thinks that you're Incident Resolver material, but is it really so insane to help someone just because the odds are stacked against you? She does have a point on the whole 'name' thing, though.
>You fire directly at Unity. That seems to be her breaking point.

>"Phalanx Division, retreat! This stratagem has been rendered moot!"
>The Green Fairies heed the orders and rush back into the foliage. Huh, no exploding into dust like the 'Recall'.
>Fae Stratagem 001 "Phalanx" Captured!

>Unity pulls out a Red card. She made a physical card for this one?
>"Alright then. Let's be a bit more aggressive, shall we? Snipers! Into position!" Unity raises her right hand and crushes the card. Are the dramatics really required?
>A group of Red Fairies rush out of the foliage. Just how much training did they do to know their roles so easily?
>They've positioned themselves to surround the clearing. At least there's a small amount of them.

>Fae Stratagem 002 "Photon Rain"!
>The clearing is... Surprisingly silent.
>Until every Red fairy fires a devastating vermillion beam in unison at a single area! What where they aiming at?
>"I'm okay!" Apple. You almost forgot she was here. She was a good guinea pig, but how did she dodge multiple laser blasts?! With the Familiars surviving as well?!
>The Red Fairies are charging up for another blast. Now seems like a good time to plan on how to dodge that.
>"Photon Rain" HP
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 09:06:09 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #379 on: September 06, 2021, 10:39:53 PM »
>Focus on dodging the lasers, trying to pick off the fairies when I can.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #380 on: September 07, 2021, 12:19:02 AM »
>Get a little more back
->Practice streaming, but focus more on dodging

>"Keep up the great work, Apple!"

>Maybe there is a lot of people in Gensokyo that are unsung heroes
->That just means I have to try harder.

>"We're lucky to have ran into her."
->"Running into trouble; I think incident resolvers are the same as people from the old stories."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #381 on: September 07, 2021, 12:40:51 PM »
>Focus on dodging the lasers, trying to pick off the fairies when I can.

>You focus on dodging the lasers whenever they fire upon you. It's actually a bit daunting, both because they're getting used to your flight patterns and you're getting closer to the source of the Danmaku, giving you less time to dodge. You may need to rethink tactics, get more imaginative...
>Regardless, you still fire at the Fairies whenever possible but they actively dodge out of the way while charging their beams. They're a shifty bunch.

>Get a little more back
->Practice streaming, but focus more on dodging

>You move back a bit. You think that it's a good idea to move away from the red laser blasts.
>You practice some streaming. It feels a bit risky, dodging a deluge of crimson beams as closely as you possibly can but eventually...
>"Whoa! Maybe I should ask my sis for piggyback ride more often!" You shift your body, almost contorting it instinctively. Curving around a storm of Danmaku like this, this is... almost exciting!

>"Keep up the great work, Apple!"

>"Thanks! I'm going to approach Unity directly."
>Just as she says that, a laser deluge approaches her. But they all... Dissipate?
>She continues to rush towards Unity with her trio of Moths.

>Maybe there is a lot of people in Gensokyo that are unsung heroes
->That just means I have to try harder.

>"We're lucky to have ran into her."
->"Running into trouble; I think incident resolvers are the same as people from the old stories."

>Gensokyo is an interesting place, so small and yet big in character. There could be people like you or that Bird everywhere. Oh well, competition brings out the best in people, as they say.

>"Yep, real lucky."
>"...What kind of old stories? How do you know about them?"

>"There's an enemy approaching my position! Shift priority targets!" Her orders seem absolute.
>You feel a burden taken off your shoulders, as if a thousand eyes were watching and now they are closed.
>But they're not closed. They have merely shifted.
>Apple, showing the childishly foolhardy nature fairies are infamous for, continues driving towards the Leader. Unaware that a rain of blood-red light is gazing upon her, eager to raze her.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #382 on: September 10, 2021, 09:49:09 AM »
>"Apple, they're concentrating on you!"

>Keep up the streaming, but now trying shooting danmaku
->"I'm not sure where I learned them, Kaze.  I think the same way I just know how to speak.  There's Momotarō, Minamoto no Yorimitsu who slayed Shuten-Dôji, the mother of Ibaraki-dōji, and Susanoo."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #383 on: September 11, 2021, 10:00:21 PM »
>"Apple, they're concentrating on you!"

>Apple perks up at the warning, and realises the gravity of the situation.
>"R-right! I've got something risky I want to try!" She focuses...

>Keep up the streaming, but now trying shooting danmaku
->"I'm not sure where I learned them, Kaze.  I think the same way I just know how to speak.  There's Momotarō, Minamoto no Yorimitsu who slayed Shuten-Dôji, the mother of Ibaraki-dōji, and Susanoo."

>You attempt to keep up the streaming, but no lasers are fired at you at all. It seems that all the Red Fairies are focused on Apple.
>So you focus on firing at the Fairies and you take down one of them. It seems that focusing on shooting makes them vulnerable, a perfect time to be aggressive.
>"...Interesting stories. Must be good to have such memorable names. Even though I don't know about them, for some reason." Kaze says with envy.

>Black Apple is at the centre of a firing squad, ready to eliminate one of her lives.
>But it seems that even with effective immortality, she's keen on staying alive.
>"I remember something, knowledge given to me by an unknown force. Knowledge of Science that stated the reason for decomposition existing in this world." Why do things just stop, or break? Is this Fairy questioning death?
>"e-I don't know if I should even know about this, but I'm going to have to rely on it right now!" Nervous conviction runs through her.

>In dramatic timing, every Red Fairy and Unity herself, fires a laser directly at Apple. The blast is so bright that it obscures your vision.
>"T-thermodynamics: "Entropy"!
>What are even "Thermodynamics"?!
>Every laser that approached Apple just... dissipated. As if they were all flames that ran out of fuel and extinguished.
>"E-ehe. How do you like that?" Apple looks smug despite being out of breath.
>Unity raises an arm and starts channelling. "...Everyone, charge up another blast." it seems she skipped the 'shock and awe' response, going straight for a killing blow.
>"Hey, Moth-Lady! I'm still on one of your Moths! I have faith in your decisions!"
>"Photon Rain" HP (Charging)

#Sorry about being later than usual, albeit on an arbitrary schedule. I usually like to wait until both Participants have posted before moving onto major enemy actions, but that can be pretty slow.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #384 on: September 12, 2021, 03:34:09 AM »
//No problem, I understand.

>Can I cast Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon" from the moth Apple is riding to protect her?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #385 on: September 13, 2021, 12:41:49 PM »
//No problem, I understand.

>Can I cast Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon" from the moth Apple is riding to protect her?

>The short answer is "Maybe".

>Normally you would say no. Your Familiars don't have enough spiritual energy to sustain a Spell Card.
>But Apple is riding a Giant Moth, it has more spiritual energy than average which makes this hard to immediately invalidate as an option.
>You can try and see what happens, this is a bit of uncharted water for you.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #386 on: September 13, 2021, 06:15:34 PM »
>Channel enough spiritual power for a spellcard into one of the moths next to Apple

>"Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon" !"
->cast Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon" from the moth we applied the spiritual power to and make sure it protects apple.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #387 on: September 14, 2021, 03:09:32 PM »
>Channel enough spiritual power for a spellcard into one of the moths next to Apple

>"Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon" !"
->cast Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon" from the moth we applied the spiritual power to and make sure it protects apple.

>You utilize that instinctive link between you and your familiar, and shove power through it. (-500 Hunger)
>You declare Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon"
>All of fairies hesitate a bit when the Spell Card is declared, prepping themselves for a storm.

>Commanding a Moth to use a Spell Card was surprisingly simple. It seems that as long as they have enough power stored in them to follow through then the Familiar would act like it was any other command.
>The result was a bit interesting.
>Immediately, Apple was surrounded in a thick cocoon of your silk. Usually the next step would be the lasers but no Danmaku was shot from the Cocoon.

>The Red Fairies, realising that they were safe, calmed themselves and collectively fired a destructive array of lasers at the Cocoon.
>Thankfully the cocoon completely held up through the onslaught and exploded shortly thereafter, revealing a completely unharmed Apple.
>"Thanks! Time for a direct assault!" with that Apple continues riding towards Unity and opens fire. Curiously, the Familiars around her join in with their own bullets.

>"Hmm, that was unexpected, even with our intel on her. Snipers, change targets to The Moth Youkai! I will deal with Black Apple myself." At least Unity's getting used to being under direct fire.

>You feel a crushing pressure upon you, the gaze of The Fae masses bores into you, for the Leader commanded it.
>Is this what it feels like to actually be targeted?!
>"W-wha- Did fairies in large numbers always have this effect?!" Kaze's reaction at least gives you solace in the fact that she also feels this pressure, you aren't alone.
"Photon Rain" HP

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #388 on: September 16, 2021, 07:37:21 AM »
>"Even Seija wasn't this intimidating.  Amazing what a little organization can do."

>Summon moths then have them create a curtain of lasers to keep the snipers from seeing us.
->Use our familiar's sight to see where the snipers are aiming

>Get ready to stream then fire danmaku

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #389 on: September 17, 2021, 03:03:22 PM »
>"Even Seija wasn't this intimidating.  Amazing what a little organization can do."

>"I think that's quite interesting. Maybe Seija could learn something from the Fairies, heheh. Too bad about her inherent nature."

>Summon moths then have them create a curtain of lasers to keep the snipers from seeing us.
->Use our familiar's sight to see where the snipers are aiming

>You summon a swarm of moths and order them all to make a laser light-show, a curtain of light to give you time to plan your next performance.
>"Nice non-spell! This is impressive, if a bit one note, but hey, non-spells don't need variation." You weren't even intending to create a non-spell.
>You split your vision and see out the curtain. Some of the Red Fairies seem to be aimed at the last position they saw you, though the rest spread out a bit.

>Get ready to stream then fire danmaku

>You prepare yourself for the next blast. The pressure of The Fairies gaze are lightened a bit. Maybe you're getting used to eyes being on you. Maybe it's the type of gaze they have. Oh well, questions for later.

>The Fairies fire. Red runs through the white curtain like a lance through a shield, or more fittingly a cloak.
>You realise, as a laser skewers and sears your sternum, that streaming may not have been the best option this time.
>It seems that because they can't actually see you due to the curtain, the Red Fairies decided to spread out their lasers. They aren't aiming directly at your position, so streaming isn't as effective. You're a bit thankful that your analysis skills can hold up through the pain of being skewered by magic.

>"O-onmyouji!" Kaze seems worried, whether it's for your safety or hers is debateable. Either way, you get a speed boost, though not on the same level as Squall of Nagano.
>You heal your wounds using spiritual power, the pain would distract you from dodging (-500 Hunger). "Man, I wish I could do that" Kaze comments.

>The Shooting goes better however, when you realise something.
>In this setup, the enemy doesn't know where you are. And while that fact shot down your streaming strategy, it gives you great advantage: The enemies don't know where you're shooting from.
>This could be the beginning of a great plan, but you need to play this well or you might just get too weak to fight.
"Photon Rain" HP
#Good thing I'm not merciless enough to force you to 1cc NMNB in order to win, yet.