Author Topic: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]  (Read 165871 times)

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Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« on: February 20, 2020, 05:36:13 PM »
> You are [Usually] Rumia. But right now you control Louise

Except right now; Rumia, Koakuma and Kogasa are fleeing from a decrepit Makaian Castle; while a transportation spell warms up to send them back to Gensokyo; Gugnir in tow.

The legendary spear of Remilia Scarlet was stolen from her after an assault by Elis; a violent Makaian 'True Vampire' who is working along with some sort of Heretic Cult that seeks to depose Shinki, and are seeking any means to do so. Particularly the Grimoire of Alice.

As you are fleeing, Elis is being delayed by Louise, a Phantom who crossed into Gensokyo to investigate. She claims to be the only ghost in all of Makai, and is a highly talented magician. You are currently in control of Louise, buying time for Rumia against Elis.


Important Character Status/Relations for new Players:

Rumia - As normal; except Shinki has lightly loosened the Seal so you can actually see in the dark now.

Team (9) - Daiyousei, Cirno and Mystia are currently in Patchouli's library awaiting your return. Wriggle has stayed behind at Eientei with Alice. An astral projection of a human called Sumireiko is also with Daiyousei; Cirno and Mystia.

Mayina - An orange-haired male demon of the same class as Koakuma,who has been banished from Makai for aiding the Heretics. He's quite anti-social and seems to dislike everyone, but has almost no magical power due to being outside Makai; and what he does have is finite. He's been placed as your responsibility; as you stopped Yumeko from Eradicating him. He is with the others at Patchouli's library awaiting your return.

Alice - The primary target of the Heretics; due to the power allegedly contained in her Grimoire; magic directly given to her by Shinki. You helped her narrowly escape an attack from Elis, and she is currently within Eientei; which is protected by the Power of Eternity.

Elis - A seemingly high-ranking member of the Heretic Cult. An ancient Vampire of great power and violent tendencies. She cannot resist a good fight and loves to toy with people to show her absolute superiority. She was injured by the sunlight, seemingly unaware of this weakness due to the lack of the Sun in Makai.

Louise - A 'Phantom' undead, who inhabits the destroyed Ruins of Vina, an ancient city of Makai that was obliterated in some kind of cataclysm. She usually has a mirror-familiar floating over her shoulder and rarely opens her eyes. Notably; Makai's afterlife system shouldn't have any undead; but Louise claims it was a result of her natural ability that let her linger after death.


Makaian Terminology:

Daemon - Naturally occurring Makaian lifeform formed from the Miasma, that is more advanced than a Fairy or a Beast.

Koa - Lesser rank deamon. Generally all look somewhat similar, and often found in other worlds wearing servant uniforms under 'Servitude Contracts'. Koakuma and Mayina are 'Koa' class deamons. Koas who get enough power become Chu Daemons. However, they are not child-like like Fairies. [Makai has it's own fairies anyway]

Chu - Chu deamons are stronger and more diverse than Koa Deamons. Whereas Koa daemons are generally all similar in build, Chus can start to look rather different, as a deamon essentially starts to become their ideal self. Generally while a Koa may look like a teenager; a Chu will look like an adult in their 20's. [Provided they opt for a humanoid form].

Dai - Dai deamons are Greater Deamons and among the strongest beings in Makai. Even more diverse than Chu Deamons, but quite rare. Vampires were apparently a clan of Dai-class deamons originally who spread vampirism to other worlds. Mai is also a Dai-class Ice deamon.

Mage [Plural: Magi] - Generally the catch-all term for Non-Natives of Makai who reside there. Covers Wizards; Witches; Warlocks and such. Particularly powerful and respected Magi are called Archmagi. [And commanding the respect of Makaians when it comes to magical prowess isn't easy] Louise and Yuki are Magi.

Child of Shinki - A being directly created by Shinki. Attitudes towards them can vary quite drastically, although they usually have some element of respect for their status. Yumeko and Alice are Children of Shinki.

Miasma - Raw, chaotic magical energy that permeates Makai. Everything in Makai is connected to the Miasma, and the Miasma is thought to be part of Shinki herself. The Miasma is toxic to those who cannot withstand it, which even covers most Youkai. Only very powerful magical beings such as Witches and Wizards, and natives can stand Makai's Miasma without assistance.  Most daemons require the Miasma to power their magic, although Vampires are a notable exception having specifically adapted to invade other worlds.

Paradise - The capital [And only] City of Makai. A wondrous place of magic and crystals; with the castle of Pandemonium, Shinki's abode, floating above it. It exists at the exact center of Makai.

Vina - An ancient, but ruined City of Makai near an ocean of liquid Miasma. Was largely inhabited by Magi, and crossed over between worlds rather frequently [Making this also the home of the Vampires], usually being the place foreigners would arrive in Makai.

Servitude Contract - When someone summons a daemon, this is what the summoned daemon enters.  The terms both cover the duties of the daemon, but also responsibilities of the owner to not abuse them and such. Notably; these contracts allow daemons to feed off their master's magical energy, so they need not worry about not having Miasma.


Character Relation Sheet:


Players can discuss about and submit actions for whatever character [Or Characters] are being controlled. I [The GM] will then parse said actions, and control any NPC's.

Asking the GM Questions is always a free action [But don't expect knowledge you wouldn't know IC]. Asking *characters* questions may not be however.

The way I run Quests; Bad Ends are possible if you make a silly enough decision. In the event of a Bad End I will parse the Bad End, then rewind time to a previous state [Usually just before the silly decision.]

Example: The players decide to willingly try and block Elis in a Spellcard-barrier with them at Dawn. Said Vampire responds by flat out blood-magic exploding Rumia and fleeing anyway because no way is she staying in the sunlight when it's just burnt her arm to the bone. This gets parsed, and then players are rewound to just before they tried to stick Elis in a 'you're stuck in here with me' situation.

This is to encourage players to take risks without worrying about permanently screwing up.

Reserving Next post to parse prior thread's actions, but I'd rather keep that out of this already lengthy OP.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 06:00:52 PM by raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2020, 05:50:39 PM »
> Use our mirror as a "substitute" and move it in front of us to block the magical blades that way we don't both get hit by one

> "Isn't there virtue in being clever with your magic?  Sometimes it's more effective than raw power, but I'll let off the temperature gimmick if you protest"
> Stop the cold magic and instead focus on redirecting animation magic on areas that there is no blood, forcing her to spread it out more if she wants to regain control, additionally attempt to twist the knight's arm by rotating our animated sword from the edge to gain leverage

> "But I'll respond to your blades with some of my own"
> Throw many magical knives at her and instruct our mirror to fill in holes in our pattern with kunai

> You pull the mirror towards you; but the blast which was aimed at the mirror adjusts slightly as it shoots, clipping the frame. This; in turn, causes it to only just manage to deflect the blade aimed towards you enough that it cuts your sleeve.

> You ease up on the cold magic, and decide to fight Elis' Blood magic more directly. You manage to twist the knight's arm around by focusing the magic on that part specifically, although Elis in turn seems to focus on making the Knight itself move towards you, raising it's empty gauntlet like it intends to bring it down like a hammer.

> You conjure and throw several magical knives towards Elis; which fly around the suit of Armour. The vampire dosen't even pay attention to them, letting them hit her and dissipate, any damage they did do recovering nigh immediately. Your mirror dosen't fire kunai shots because it's still recovering from the glanceing blows it took and getting back into the right position. If it were to fire right now, in it's current staggered position and in front of you, it would hit you.

> Do not lose sight of the 3 blades :dodging or another "Deflection of Shield-Mirror" might beneeded.

> Make the magical knives&kunai double arch ,aiming in a way to reduce even more dodging room, to escape and imprint a throwing effect similiar to home-in

> Switch to actual home-in aiming for the injured side of Elis when they approach her ,if able of course.

//For  stepping-up the Challenge,since Elis is doing that and "anticipating" leat the "Boredom Bar" goes up again , the experimental idea&planning of " mass animating the debris,enchanting and transmutating them ,as possible ,all/ most of them using them as gestalt/combinations from behind and sides "has its feasible potential  ,or the basics of it has it at least th ; of course with keeping pressure&dustraction at the forefront and sides by Louise ,the Mirror and the Sword...wirh the Blood Possesed Armour dodged/avoided/stopped //

[First part of your post is basically what Tom said so I'm skipping that for redundancy's sake]

> You keep an eye on the other three blades, and once they fly past you, you just follow their magical signature. They stop; and turn back around. Pointing towards you, but not flying towards you yet. They seem to be on standby.

> Elis flicks her wand, and the three blades stick themselves into the ground around you, melting into it. As they melt; they form a rune beneath you.

> The rune has the Makaian sigil for 'Blood' in the center, and starts to glow, the scarlet edges of the rune bubbleing and starting to spread over the floor. At a glance you cannot tell exactly what sort of rune this is or exactly what it will do, but since the core sigil is 'Blood' you absolutely know whatever is about to happen will involve Blood.

> No particular change in the status bars this round; but I'll post them again and explain it for any new players:

> Louise's Purple Bar is a sort of HP/MP combination. If this empties and you have not brought enough time; you Lose; a Bad End occurs and you'll get booted back a bit to retry. Of course; you're fine losing if you have brought enough time. You're already dead anyway.

> Elis' Green/Red bar is 'Seriousness'. If she gets excessively bored [In which case she takes a 'get out of my way' attitude] or feels like she needs to step it up; this will rise.

> The Blue/Yellow bar is 'Boredom'. Basically; how much you're keeping Elis interested in fighting you, since the objective is to distract her from chasing Rumia. The higher this rises; the quicker Elis will become more serious.

> Elis does have a third bar for her Defeat Condition, but this is not the objective and thus is hidden and will only appear if you create a situation where you can actually defeat Elis. It is not intended to defeat Elis here, merely stall her. I will not be giving hints as to this condition either. Consider it a hidden bonus.


Any new players; I am happy to answer questions you may have. Asking questions to the GM is a free action!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 05:55:18 PM by raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2020, 12:57:55 AM »
> You pull the mirror towards you; but the blast which was aimed at the mirror adjusts slightly as it shoots, clipping the frame. This; in turn, causes it to only just manage to deflect the blade aimed towards you enough that it cuts your sleeve.

> You ease up on the cold magic, and decide to fight Elis' Blood magic more directly. You manage to twist the knight's arm around by focusing the magic on that part specifically, although Elis in turn seems to focus on making the Knight itself move towards you, raising it's empty gauntlet like it intends to bring it down like a hammer.

> You conjure and throw several magical knives towards Elis; which fly around the suit of Armour. The vampire dosen't even pay attention to them, letting them hit her and dissipate, any damage they did do recovering nigh immediately. Your mirror dosen't fire kunai shots because it's still recovering from the glanceing blows it took and getting back into the right position. If it were to fire right now, in it's current staggered position and in front of you, it would hit you.

[First part of your post is basically what Tom said so I'm skipping that for redundancy's sake]

> You keep an eye on the other three blades, and once they fly past you, you just follow their magical signature. They stop; and turn back around. Pointing towards you, but not flying towards you yet. They seem to be on standby.

> Elis flicks her wand, and the three blades stick themselves into the ground around you, melting into it. As they melt; they form a rune beneath you.

> The rune has the Makaian sigil for 'Blood' in the center, and starts to glow, the scarlet edges of the rune bubbleing and starting to spread over the floor. At a glance you cannot tell exactly what sort of rune this is or exactly what it will do, but since the core sigil is 'Blood' you absolutely know whatever is about to happen will involve Blood.

> No particular change in the status bars this round; but I'll post them again and explain it for any new players:

> Louise's Purple Bar is a sort of HP/MP combination. If this empties and you have not brought enough time; you Lose; a Bad End occurs and you'll get booted back a bit to retry. Of course; you're fine losing if you have brought enough time. You're already dead anyway.

> Elis' Green/Red bar is 'Seriousness'. If she gets excessively bored [In which case she takes a 'get out of my way' attitude] or feels like she needs to step it up; this will rise.

> The Blue/Yellow bar is 'Boredom'. Basically; how much you're keeping Elis interested in fighting you, since the objective is to distract her from chasing Rumia. The higher this rises; the quicker Elis will become more serious.

> Elis does have a third bar for her Defeat Condition, but this is not the objective and thus is hidden and will only appear if you create a situation where you can actually defeat Elis. It is not intended to defeat Elis here, merely stall her. I will not be giving hints as to this condition either. Consider it a hidden bonus.


Any new players; I am happy to answer questions you may have. Asking questions to the GM is a free action!

> How large and complex is the sigil with its "signature" beneath?

> Is it possible to dispel it,even partly, or those of this kind have a fixed range+"condition" making it more efficient to nimbly move away from it ?

> In which position is the Mirror in relation to us and to Elis ?
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2020, 09:42:03 PM »
> Blood wouldn't have anything to do with us, we don't have any!  We can't let the knight step into the magic circle!

> Quickly dash out of the magic circle towards the side of the room
> Try and break the knight by using the leverage from the sword and parts Elis can't control, try and twist them in ways its not designed to

> Try and animate some fallen bricks behind Elis to form a sphere and hit her from behind, aim half of them at her wand


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2020, 09:18:33 PM »
> Blood wouldn't have anything to do with us, we don't have any!  We can't let the knight step into the magic circle!

> Quickly dash out of the magic circle towards the side of the room
> Try and break the knight by using the leverage from the sword and parts Elis can't control, try and twist them in ways its not designed to

> Try and animate some fallen bricks behind Elis to form a sphere and hit her from behind, aim half of them at her wand

> You float out of the rune, putting as much distance as you can.

> As you are doing this; you try to break the armoured suit. You manage to unhinge the arm holding the sword; which floats on it's own via your animation. The Knight forms a replacement arm from blood and starts lurching towards you at a now-uninhibited pace.

> Due to the knight chargeing at you; I am not parseing the rubble command.

> Blood is seeping from the rune still. It seems to be filling the room, so it may be a summoning rune. The blood is covering the floor in a thin layer, but has not reached the other room yet.

> Since all you really did was move and pull an arm, no status update. Also this round was fairly fast so Elis' status hasn't updated.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2020, 09:38:56 PM »
> Dash with our haste out of there and into the new room

> Oh she's summoning more blood to help with her rituals?  No thank you!
> From the new room animate the bricks on the floor to reform a "brick wall" by rebuilding themselves near the ground, this is to prevent the blood from flowing into the new room.  Make the brick wall a little over knee height, if we need something to "glue" the bricks to eachother or fill small holes use Ice.

> Shoot lasers into our mirror familiar (which would be behind her since we dashed into the new room) which should reflect them at Elis' back.  Instruct our mirror to amplify the charge of the lasers it reflects


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2020, 09:40:07 PM »
> Dash with our haste out of there and into the new room

> Oh she's summoning more blood to help with her rituals?  No thank you!
> From the new room animate the bricks on the floor to reform a "brick wall" by rebuilding themselves near the ground, this is to prevent the blood from flowing into the new room.  Make the brick wall a little over knee height, if we need something to "glue" the bricks to eachother or fill small holes use Ice.

> Shoot lasers into our mirror familiar (which would be behind her since we dashed into the new room) which should reflect them at Elis' back.  Instruct our mirror to amplify the charge of the lasers it reflects

> Just to check for positioning; I imagine you'd want the mirror at a 90 degree angle to Elis and you, like a triangle formation?
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2020, 11:07:44 PM »
> Yes around 90, the goal it to hit her from an angle she isn't expecting and disrupt whatever shes trying to do while also staying out of the bloody room.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2020, 01:05:54 PM »
> Is it possible to dispel or modify that summoning rune or place another one on top or next to it for counterattacking?

> Besides ice and wind, what do we have at our disposal that could "interfere" with organic matter like blood?

> Start out with weak lasers, to lure Elis to take on the attacks like the previous ones, after that charge them up to a great extent but always Mirror-Reflected and aim-adjusted , with the help of Haste as well, to reach for blindsides.

1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2020, 03:38:39 PM »
> No don't start with weak lasers, do normal powerful attacks

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2020, 03:55:38 AM »
> Is the " Arm-Sword" trailing behind us even if still in the previous room and what is position to all the involved subjects ?

>. [EDITED]If possibile, after the proper positioning assessments, move it to halt  the way of the" Lurching Armour " but in a mannear to stay outside the " Blood Rune"and enhancing in a way to better clear the line-of-sight&fire, if necessary otherwi, trying to make it  a challenging distraction as to keep the attention off the " Mirrored Lasers "

« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 12:49:16 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2020, 08:49:34 PM »
> Is it possible to dispel or modify that summoning rune or place another one on top or next to it for counterattacking?

> Besides ice and wind, what do we have at our disposal that could "interfere" with organic matter like blood?

> Start out with weak lasers, to lure Elis to take on the attacks like the previous ones, after that charge them up to a great extent but always Mirror-Reflected and aim-adjusted , with the help of Haste as well, to reach for blindsides.


> Runes are generally needed to be dispelled to interfere with their effects [and this stops them].

> You might be able to slow the summoning if you cover the floor, making it harder for the blood to flow.

> Is the " Arm-Sword" trailing behind us even if still in the previous room and what is position to all the involved subjects ?

> If possibile, after the proper positioning assessments, Move to be in the way of the" Lurching Armour " but in a way to receive it outside the " Blood Runeand keep it as a way to better clear the line-of-sight&fire, if necessary otherwise keep the line-of-sight&fire cleared as it is, and as a sort-of challenging distraction, on a different side from the "Mirror as to keep the attention off the " Mirrored Lasers "

> The arm is floating stationary, as it has no instructions. It is roughly in the middle of the room.

> Yes around 90, the goal it to hit her from an angle she isn't expecting and disrupt whatever shes trying to do while also staying out of the bloody room.

> No don't start with weak lasers, do normal powerful attacks

> You circle around Elis and the Armour, fleeing into the opened room. As you do this; you launch magical blasts at the Vampire, causing her to focus on deflecting them.  When you arrive at your destination; you launch a larger blast at your mirror; which reflects the blast towards Elis at a different angle.

> Elis makes an upwards motion, and a thick wall of blood rises from the ground and absorbs the laser, before it falls back down to the ground.

> The Knight is still following you. The blood is now starting to trickle through the rubble into the other room, although this is slow.

> Many small globules of blood rise from the pool and start floating around Elis. She appears to be preparing something...
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2020, 09:13:01 PM »
>We don't know any ice magic, do we?
>If we do know, would we be skilled enough in it to freeze the blood surrounding Elis?


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2020, 09:49:54 PM »
>We don't know any ice magic, do we?
>If we do know, would we be skilled enough in it to freeze the blood surrounding Elis?

// Great thinking, we did perform some cold magic before so it's possible we can freeze it given more energy

> If we can, drop both rooms into sub zero temperatures

> If we can quickly try animating her wand to fly out of her hand and onto our side of the room

> Attempt to dispel the runes

> Instruct our mirror to follow up with a barrage of erratic bullets

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2020, 09:52:33 PM »
// Great thinking, we did perform some cold magic before so it's possible we can freeze it given more energy

//( The Repeated&Boosted Commands are on my latest post) //
> If we can, drop both rooms into sub zero temperatures

> If we can quickly try animating her wand to fly out of her hand and onto our side of the room

> Attempt to dispel the runes

> Instruct our mirror to follow up with a barrage of erratic bullets

//I don't know if try and animating The Wand would work since when we tried to "snatch" it, as Sakuya during Time-Stop, it could not be moved //

> Fastly Ponder between what would be best between Sub-Zero Temperatures and an Extremely Cold Icy Wind,then go ahead.

>If we cannot Dispel The Blood Rune Outright,since we could be needing more time to analyze before doing it,  use either the Sub-Zero Temperature or the Icy Wind the cover it with a Thick Ice Layer.

> If Lasers could be fired at this moment from the Mirror, Fire Them Repeatedly  at Elis' to Hamper Her Progress,  otherwise do so with Focused Bullets.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 11:32:18 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2020, 07:35:32 PM »
Note: Work is hectic atm and most of my free time is absorbed by Mafia.

Will try to update on days off but will be sporadic at best otherwise.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2020, 05:05:56 PM »
//Oh boy, I am going to have to get used to this. This posting system is daunting man. First time posting on this forum, and I only recently got in to Touhou, but I just finished bingeing this quest and now I wan't in.

//What material is the roof made out of? Do we have access to water summoning spells? If we flood the upper floor (or this one) will it leak and drip through the ceiling?

//Patchy told us that direct water magic cast at a vampire wont do anything, but if the water is flowing naturally, ie; flowing downhill due to gravity, it will become damaging to them.

//If we can flood the room we are in then Elis will be forced to play 'the floor is lava', which she may very well do anyways (touhous tend towards floating after all), but now it wont be a choice. This will also have a secondary effect of diluting any blood that is on the floor, or if we are lucky, washing away the magic circle itself.

//The big prize I am looking for however is creating a situation where water is falling from the ceiling in multiple places, forcing Elis to literally start dodging raindrops. This will hopefully force her to spend part of her "turns" dodging, making them take longer.

//How far into the fight are we btw? We have the bars for our magic and her mood, but we dont know how much time has passed, or how long our actions are taking each time we make them.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2020, 09:48:50 PM »
// Were pretty much still in the opening phase, neither have managed to deal any significant damage to the other, pretty much just experimenting with spells
// I like the flood with water idea, let's try that


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2020, 07:37:26 PM »
//I understand that we are in the "Opening phase" of the fight, but we have been given an explicit win condition: 30 seconds pass without Elis getting to the rest of the party.
//I want to know how many seconds have passed and how many we have left. Unless everything is happening at Sonic+ then we should already be a few seconds in from Animating the suit and having her counter it.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2020, 10:52:16 PM »
//Oh boy, I am going to have to get used to this. This posting system is daunting man. First time posting on this forum, and I only recently got in to Touhou, but I just finished bingeing this quest and now I wan't in.

> What material is the roof made out of? Do we have access to water summoning spells? If we flood the upper floor (or this one) will it leak and drip through the ceiling?

> Patchy told us that direct water magic cast at a vampire wont do anything, but if the water is flowing naturally, ie; flowing downhill due to gravity, it will become damaging to them.

//If we can flood the room we are in then Elis will be forced to play 'the floor is lava', which she may very well do anyways (touhous tend towards floating after all), but now it wont be a choice. This will also have a secondary effect of diluting any blood that is on the floor, or if we are lucky, washing away the magic circle itself.

//The big prize I am looking for however is creating a situation where water is falling from the ceiling in multiple places, forcing Elis to literally start dodging raindrops. This will hopefully force her to spend part of her "turns" dodging, making them take longer.

//How far into the fight are we btw? We have the bars for our magic and her mood, but we dont know how much time has passed, or how long our actions are taking each time we make them.

// Welcome to Touhou and here MotK/Maidens of the Kaleidoscooe V. 3!
Have fun with Rumia Quest Revival, now on an Occasional Uploading Pace,  and hopefully also  with checking out the other Quests and Other Boards o

// Please remember that writing in  "//...  //" is for players and  parser-players  discussions while doing so in
" >...  " is for the RPG/CYOA commands.

// For an helpful example, I have edited the quote of your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs as Commands //

> Yes, Rumia also discussed with us that a Gensokyo mage named Patchouli // (not directly to Patchouli since she and Louise did not met) //told us of Vampires being weak to both Natural Sun and Natural Flowing Water...

// (Repeated&Boosted Previous Commands) //
> Fastly Ponder between what would be best between Timing and Efficiency between causing Sub-Zero Temperatures, an Extremely Cold Icy Wind or Transmutating the Roof in Flowing Water.

>If  however we are able to Dispel The Blood Rune outright,do so.

> If Lasers could be fired at this moment from the Mirror, Fire Them Repeatedly  at Elis' to Hamper Her Progress,  otherwise do so with Focused Bullets.

// The downside of turning,  without timing,  All or a Major Part of the Roof to Flowing Water, if it is possible in a Big Quantity and in a Short Time,  could however be too much Time and\or Miasma-consuming giving Elis an Opening to Boost&Unleash her "Sooner Than Us "Prepared Blood Incantations against Louis;  the worst risk for it to be a Step Ahead for Elis in going after Rumia, Kogasa, Koakuma+Gungnir //

//  Moreover we do not know  the time for the Teleport to Activate, save for it to be around average to avoid early returning by accident,   required to Stall Elis and have the Trio Safely Be Teleported Back at the Mansion in Gensokyo with  Spear the Gungir in tow //

// Finally,during and after " Roof-To-Flowing-Water" we must first be  prepared for Elis' Seriousness (Bar) to shoot up and resist being overwhelmed, at least until the
 R. K. K. Trio+Gungir is "Back at Their Home ", since it would be Provoking  1 of her, Vampire's, Recently Unknown Weaknesses and especially her "Cornered" Reprisals which are Very Bad...

//...  like That One  during the Risen Dawn of the Sun, after Rumia&Sakuya's "soon to be overwhelmed short stalling ", while successfully defending Alice's Grimoire, and Alice indirectly , near  her Cottage in a fairly deep part of the Forest of Magic... but  costed  us and Rumia the so far 1st and only, hopefully till the end, Game-Over by underestimating a Wounded Elis and getting imprudently ahead in trying to corner her. //
« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 11:29:34 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2020, 11:20:30 PM »
Just as a status update; I've been pretty ill last few days.

I'm starting to feel better, so hopefully I can update tomorrow.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2020, 11:42:36 PM »
Just as a status update; I've been pretty ill last few days.

I'm starting to feel better, so hopefully I can update tomorrow.

// Laudable Dedication but People's Health comes first, of course this is not limited  just to Online&IT Activities  ,  so I kindly and humbly advise to recover more thoroughly  without straining yourself //
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2020, 02:09:20 AM »
Just as a status update; I've been pretty ill last few days.

I'm starting to feel better, so hopefully I can update tomorrow.

//Oh dear. It's not COVID, is it?


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2020, 02:29:14 PM »
//Oh dear. It's not COVID, is it?

They don't test in my country anymore; but it probably was considering Public Transport user.

// Laudable Dedication but People's Health comes first, of course this is not limited  just to Online&IT Activities  ,  so I kindly and humbly advise to recover more thoroughly  without straining yourself //

It's not a strain, it's more the focus. I'm mostly better now.


>We don't know any ice magic, do we?
>If we do know, would we be skilled enough in it to freeze the blood surrounding Elis?

> You can use basic Ice Magic

> You're not sure. It depends if Elis is doing anything else to it.

// Great thinking, we did perform some cold magic before so it's possible we can freeze it given more energy

> If we can, drop both rooms into sub zero temperatures

> If we can quickly try animating her wand to fly out of her hand and onto our side of the room

> Attempt to dispel the runes

> Instruct our mirror to follow up with a barrage of erratic bullets

> You cannot perform such a feat of Ice magic. Someone like Yuki could, or a specialised Ice mage, but it's quite difficult to overcome natural heat quickly over such a large area.

> You cannot animate items being held by someone else, their own magic interferes with it.

> You flick a quick basic dispel at the Rune. It seems to shrink and lose some markings, but not dispel. Meanwhile; the mirror starts launching an array of bullets. Most of them, due to the erratic nature, miss. However some collide with some of the blood orbs and cause them to pop.

//I don't know if try and animating The Wand would work since when we tried to "snatch" it, as Sakuya during Time-Stop, it could not be moved //

> Fastly Ponder between what would be best between Sub-Zero Temperatures and an Extremely Cold Icy Wind,then go ahead.

>If we cannot Dispel The Blood Rune Outright,since we could be needing more time to analyze before doing it,  use either the Sub-Zero Temperature or the Icy Wind the cover it with a Thick Ice Layer.

> If Lasers could be fired at this moment from the Mirror, Fire Them Repeatedly  at Elis' to Hamper Her Progress,  otherwise do so with Focused Bullets.

> You direct the mirror to focus it's barrage more, while you unleash a blast of Icy Wind from your hand. This further hampers Elis' blood orbs, causing some to freeze and fall to the ground, and others to pop.

//Oh boy, I am going to have to get used to this. This posting system is daunting man. First time posting on this forum, and I only recently got in to Touhou, but I just finished bingeing this quest and now I wan't in.

//What material is the roof made out of? Do we have access to water summoning spells? If we flood the upper floor (or this one) will it leak and drip through the ceiling?

//Patchy told us that direct water magic cast at a vampire wont do anything, but if the water is flowing naturally, ie; flowing downhill due to gravity, it will become damaging to them.

//If we can flood the room we are in then Elis will be forced to play 'the floor is lava', which she may very well do anyways (touhous tend towards floating after all), but now it wont be a choice. This will also have a secondary effect of diluting any blood that is on the floor, or if we are lucky, washing away the magic circle itself.

//The big prize I am looking for however is creating a situation where water is falling from the ceiling in multiple places, forcing Elis to literally start dodging raindrops. This will hopefully force her to spend part of her "turns" dodging, making them take longer.

//How far into the fight are we btw? We have the bars for our magic and her mood, but we dont know how much time has passed, or how long our actions are taking each time we make them.

> The roof is made of stone.

> I'm intentionally not giving out timescales because 1) The party do not even know if 30 Makaian Seconds = 30 Gensokyian Seconds 2) Louise can't really focus on time right now and 3) There's a chance you guys figure out the actual wincon rather than the stall condition. [Again, no hints to this. This is a bonus.] Put simply; it's OOC information to Louise if she's stalled enough or not. Also this is a pretty high-level battle.

However I will be speeding things up a bit because we're out of the testing phase and this is dragging on a little. I think you're being a little over-cautious with magic.

Also remember part of this is for me to test out this sort of battle system.


> Elis looks a little irritated upon being blasted by the cold wind, and makes an under-arm sweep with her wand. Following the and's movement, a ripple passes through the blood on the floor, until the blood spikes up and strikes you.

> You feel your magical essence get disturbed a little bit, but the attack was clearly intended as a physical assault, so the big spike of blood that would have stabbed you in the abdomen dosen't actually do much.

> The vampire tilts her head in confusion as the blood spike simply melts through you.

> "That's... unusual..." she says in a legitimately dumbfounded tone.

- You took some damage from the magic within the blood when it struck you. You also used a fair amount of magic, partially in upkeep.

- Elis has gotten more serious due to annoyance at her blood orbs being stopped and curiosity. She's lost her boredom due to being confused by why she didn't successfully stab you.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • *
Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2020, 11:47:55 PM »
> Look mildly annoyed "You could've ruined my beautiful dress!"
> In response to that attack lash out with a spray of water on her.  Follow that by summoning an array of moving magic circle familiars that spray out water like sprinklers (not that we know what those are), try to go for as large volume of water as we can to dilute her precious blood on the floor.  If we can use a little earth magic to muddy the water and taint her blood

> Our mirror familiar should stay guard and preemptively reflect/block any magic attacks aimed at us in retaliation to the water.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2020, 11:51:36 PM by Tom »


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2020, 02:36:28 AM »
>feign that the blood spike did more damage than it actually did. Act wary of them.
>If she continues to probe us with them in response to see what effect they actually have on us, back away from them and attempt to freeze them as she makes the attacks.

//We have her interested in what we are now, that has captured her attention nicely, we should try throwing her mixed messages so it takes her longer to figure out what is going on.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2020, 04:48:45 AM »
// Great idea on feigning damage

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2020, 03:59:57 AM »
>feign that the blood spike did more damage than it actually did. Act wary of them.
>If she continues to probe us with them in response to see what effect they actually have on us, back away from them and attempt to freeze them as she makes the attacks.

//We have her interested in what we are now, that has captured her attention nicely, we should try throwing her mixed messages so it takes her longer to figure out what is going on.

> Distance ourselves from the Blood Spike and be prepared to dodge around or fly above them while feigning, convincingly and not exaggerating, to have suffered  pain and fatigue and not just being oddly damaged.

> Look mildly annoyed "You could've ruined my beautiful dress!"
> In response to that attack lash out with a spray of water on her.  Follow that by summoning an array of moving magic circle familiars that spray out water like sprinklers (not that we know what those are), try to go for as large volume of water as we can to dilute her precious blood on the floor.  If we can use a little earth magic to muddy the water and taint her blood

> Our mirror familiar should stay guard and preemptively reflect/block any magic attacks aimed at us in retaliation to the water.

> While still acting,  always in a convincing and not exaggerated manner, pained, fatigued and wary in Facing&Avoiding Blood Attacks, retailate with the Planned Water Sprays and Earth Sprouts,  also causing Mud Floods, Position the Mirror for Block&Bounce and even Unleash,as soon as capable, Focused Bullet Barrages and Lasers.

// As long as we keep coordinating, the acting is convincing enough and we can make the most out of it, including for  Experience,  this should be nifty //
« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 04:16:25 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2020, 11:01:39 PM »
> Look mildly annoyed "You could've ruined my beautiful dress!"
> In response to that attack lash out with a spray of water on her.  Follow that by summoning an array of moving magic circle familiars that spray out water like sprinklers (not that we know what those are), try to go for as large volume of water as we can to dilute her precious blood on the floor.  If we can use a little earth magic to muddy the water and taint her blood

> Our mirror familiar should stay guard and preemptively reflect/block any magic attacks aimed at us in retaliation to the water.

>feign that the blood spike did more damage than it actually did. Act wary of them.
>If she continues to probe us with them in response to see what effect they actually have on us, back away from them and attempt to freeze them as she makes the attacks.

//We have her interested in what we are now, that has captured her attention nicely, we should try throwing her mixed messages so it takes her longer to figure out what is going on.

> Distance ourselves from the Blood Spike and be prepared to dodge around or fly above them while feigning, convincingly and not exaggerating, to have suffered  pain and fatigue and not just being oddly damaged.

> While still acting,  always in a convincing and not exaggerated manner, pained, fatigued and wary in Facing&Avoiding Blood Attacks, retailate with the Planned Water Sprays and Earth Sprouts,  also causing Mud Floods, Position the Mirror for Block&Bounce and even Unleash,as soon as capable, Focused Bullet Barrages and Lasers.

// As long as we keep coordinating, the acting is convincing enough and we can make the most out of it, including for  Experience,  this should be nifty //

> You feign that the blood spike did more damage than it appears as you prepare some water magic, four spheres of water forming around you which begin to launch blasts of liquid towards the Vampire.

> Elis raises a barrier of blood from below her, which blacks the water easily, with the blood of course being thicker.

> As you prepare some earth magic to combine with the water magic, Elis opens a hole in her guard and shoots a projectile from her wand, which quickly fies towards you. Luckily; the mirror was already in position to intercept it; and the comet-like blast bounces off it back at Elis, erupting into a shower of stardust on impact.

> This actually seems to have had enough power behind it to briefly stun the Vampire, causing her to stagger in mid-air, and the blood barrier to splash back to the ground. However, you can sense that reflecting that blast drained quite a bit of energy from the mirror's wards. You're not sure if it'll be able to reflect something like that again without being recharged.

// Stopping your actions there due to a situation change.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • *
Re: Rumia Quest Revival - 3.5 [Newcomers always welcome]
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2020, 11:49:15 PM »
// Don't advance time

> Could we animate her wand to grab it?  Or can we think of some other way to get it in our possession

> Do we think she's capable of somehow summoning it back if we obtain it?

> Could the mirror still reflect/powerup one of our own lasers/light magic?  Could we achieve two things at once and recharge it while at it (since it'd be powering up from our own magical energy)

> How powerful a water blast can we summon upon her?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 11:52:21 PM by Tom »