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Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 02:01:12 AM »

> Nod.
> Gesture to the turtle.
> Walk up to the water's edge while doing so.


> Smile.
> "One cannot get much closer to another than that, can they?"
> "By the way, is it just me, or is the pond larger than earlier?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on Today at 01:58:42 AM »

> Look confusedly around the pond, then at the turtle.


> "Well, it is also an opportunity to get closer to one another."
> "Huh. Is there anything else living in this pond?" The mermaid questions.

> "I mean, they'd literally be inside you, so..."
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 01:47:10 AM »

> Look confusedly around the pond, then at the turtle.


> "Well, it is also an opportunity to get closer to one another."
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on Today at 01:37:34 AM »

> Deflate back to normal Youmu-shape and look disappointed as we continue.


> Nod.
> "Yes."
> "I thought it was different, my bad."
> You arrive behind the shrine. The pond, and the turtle, are both still here. Though, you swear the pond was smaller than this last time...

> "I can't say it would... That seems more like a sort of kids attraction. Taking a ride in a flying ghost."
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 10:35:32 PM »
> "It most certainly is. Which is why I feel bad that I've already ruined the stellar folding job."
> Give a rueful smile.
> "The arts truly are wasted on me. But I'll do my best to mitigate the damage, at least. Anyway, we all set to continue on?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on Yesterday at 10:18:42 PM »
> Chuckle ruefully to ourselves.
> "Yeah, this isn't happening."
> Stow our gift in the hold with as much dignity as we can muster.

>Aoi opens the hold for you after saying her goodbyes. "Ooo, that looks valauble," she says, as you tuck it away.

Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 07:52:00 PM »
> Chuckle ruefully to ourselves.
> "Yeah, this isn't happening."
> Stow our gift in the hold with as much dignity as we can muster.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on Yesterday at 07:49:38 PM »
> "...Oops."
> ...Uh...try folding it back up so that it takes up as little additional space as we can manage.

>"Ooo, those look nice," says Koa as she peers around you.
>You try to manage the bundle and there's only so much you can do. It's probably best to put it in the hold before it falls apart completely. You wouldn't want to try to carry this around on your person anyways.

Rumia's Party Games / Re: Shingyoku Quest - Part 1
« Last post by Tom on Yesterday at 03:25:50 PM »
> Could it just be the change of perspective from looking at them from afar?  Or do they look legitimately smaller compared to their surroundings?
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 02:01:44 PM »
> "...Oops."
> ...Uh...try folding it back up so that it takes up as little additional space as we can manage.
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