~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Finite Potential
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> Hmm, the list must not be long enough. We'll have to add to it.
> Dwell on what we can add to that list while Lady Keiki conducts her business with this woman.

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on October 01, 2022, 12:50:52 PM ---> Hmm, the list must not be long enough. We'll have to add to it.
> Dwell on what we can add to that list while Lady Keiki conducts her business with this woman.

--- End quote ---
> Well, it looks like she already made friends with a goddess and her shrine maiden without even trying....
> "Business?"
> Keiki shakes her head.
> "It's just something I'm curious about. Like how you get worshipers and visitors to, well, visit, when the path to it is like this..."
> That's seven thousand, three hundred, forty-nine! Excellent.
> "In general, we wish to learn about humans more, and this is one of the more curious aspects of their existence here."

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on October 01, 2022, 01:38:48 PM ---> That's seven thousand, three hundred, forty-nine! Excellent.
> "In general, we wish to learn about humans more, and this is one of the more curious aspects of their existence here."

--- End quote ---
> "It's curious? Well, we've been trying to make it more accessible, but it's hard to keep them from getting curious about the rest of the mountain. There's the Hakurei Shrine and such, but that-"
> "Hakurei? As in Reimu?" Keiki questions.
> ! We know that name! That's...not a name with the best of memories...
> Widen our eyes a bit and stiffen some, but say nothing and let this person continue.
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