~Hakurei Shrine~ > Touhou Addict Recovery Center
Touhou-style Album Thread: SSaFE is Out! Hifuu-club finale edition!
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nevermind, i actually like jentha more:

--- Quote from: Popcioslav on February 05, 2023, 11:48:40 AM ---I'll probably start adding fanmade hifuu albums such as History of Distortion and Ryuuou albums alongside more well known albums that most people in community already know about such as original Treasure Castle Labyrinth, HGoC, Adventures in Inferno to the second post for the sake of it in case anyone will be interested in that.

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Wait, Ryuuou made albums? I didn't know that
Hey I'm surprised the albums by the folks at Consonances & Dissonances haven't come up much. CoUD was shared here but the others haven't. Let me remedy that real quick

東方嘘偽話 ~ Anthology of Forgotten Fables

--- Quote ---Anthology of Forgotten Fables is a 23 person collab album featuring over 22 original compositions.

Made in the style of a 'what if' theoretical Touhou fangame, it features a fully-fledged story containing 6 + 1 stages and a colourful cast of bosses.

Enjoy the music as you watch Keine, Akyuu, and Kosuzu explore a strange new world inside of a scroll.
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東方狂音祭 ~ Euphonious Phantom Act

--- Quote ---A Touhou-style Musical. Follow the Prismriver sisters as they investigate a rumor about a dancing plague and the band behind it.
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東西幻想録 ~ Travelogue of 47 Days

--- Quote ---We will be releasing our 4th album, 東西幻想録 ~ Travelogue of 47 Days on October 23rd! The album will have a total of 48 tracks (a mix of arranges and touhou-style)! Make sure to also download the accompaning booklet containing the Hifuu club's journey across Japan on Bandcamp!
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(Note that the album's already been released, the video I linked is just the crossfade preview)

東方聖鮮血 ~ Heart of Sacred Singularity

--- Quote ---A journey of a witch through a gauntlet of ice and fire…
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nevermind, i actually like jentha more:
khirio released something new on aquisitive invader https://soundcloud.com/khirio/ai09?si=dac59e88343c4dabb91893adbd43d171&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

--- Quote from: VanIsBadAtNames on April 16, 2023, 09:53:52 PM ---Hey I'm surprised the albums by the folks at Consonances & Dissonances haven't come up much. CoUD was shared here but the others haven't. Let me remedy that real quick

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They also made fake TH19 Leak which is imho their best work, but I won't and can't add it and their other albums to the first post for reasons I've disclosed, sorry.

--- Quote from: starbet_ on April 18, 2023, 01:40:09 PM ---khirio released something new on aquisitive invader https://soundcloud.com/khirio/ai09?si=dac59e88343c4dabb91893adbd43d171&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

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Yup, both stage 4 and stage 4 boss' themes have been released.
Currently working on a BIG update for this, other missing things and mostly importantly, SHO's stuff.
Like did you know that before Fairyland of Mishmash he made like 10 other albums and some of his earlier works were actual games in his own made up universe? And that some of his Touhou albums still haven't been released outside of full videos? Well, I've learned that and I'll probably post the individual tracks and album whenever I will have the time, but translation help would be welcomed with this.
nevermind, i actually like jentha more:
it seems like burnyuho is making something new
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