~Beyond the Border~ > The Shrinemaiden Café
Introductions thread
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--- Quote from: Rozevamp on December 22, 2023, 09:18:06 PM ---Well, seems like I'm pretty late here :/

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Yep, you're about 10 years too late, but there's still people here so we have to appreciate it while we still can.

--- Quote from: Rozevamp on December 22, 2023, 09:18:06 PM ---My favourite characters are Remilia Scarlet, Fujiwara no Mokou and Yuuka Kazami.

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Remilia and Mokou are also some of my favourite characters. They're one of my favourites of all time, even outside of Touhou.
Oh Hey Hi

I'm VanillaCake, or Vanilla if it's more comfortable to you, i'm a 21 year old woman who's been loving touhou for quite a while now

Matter of fact, i can't think of The First touhou thing i was exposed to, nor what pushed me to actually play the games, but all that matters is that i'm here now, and i've been enjoying them quite a bit (my favorites being a close competition between 8 and 15)

As for how i found this forum, it was through the LunarCast website, while trying to troubleshoot the AoCF netplay patch i found out that there was a forum mentioned, and since i have quite an interest in the old internet and spaces like these i thought i'd jump in :p

There's not much to say about myself really, so all that's left is hopes that i have a good time in here!
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