~Beyond the Border~ > The Shrinemaiden Café
What's your favourite fruit?
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--- Quote from: williewillus on October 26, 2023, 03:58:59 AM ---It has to be lychee. God's greatest fruit gift to earth.

When they're in season in the summer, omg.

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If we're talking about Chinese originating fruits, then you have to mention the yangmei/waxberry/yumberry/Chinese bayberry
(it has a lot of names)

They're really juicy and delicious and it's unfortunate that I rarely see them sold outside of China/Asia.
Peaches,Though I'm not quite a fan of tenshi, but she do has a taste for fruits
Branneg Xy:
 :heart:(Italian)Fruit Salad/Macedonian Salad though not by its recipes but rather to indicate a wider variety of preferred fruits:
Peaches,Pineapples,Kiwi(s)Apples,Pears,Oranges(especially the Red variety),Plums(esp. the Golden/Yellowvariety),Cherries,Hazelnuts,Quinces,Goji Berries. :heart:

 :que: I also noticed so far none of has (yet)put forward:
Durian. I love durian. I like how spiky looking it is. I love the sweet taste of durian. I love the smell of durian, why is everyone looking at me weird? It's not really that bad... Right?.

--- Quote from: Frans on November 15, 2023, 03:15:51 PM ---Durian. I love durian. I like how spiky looking it is. I love the sweet taste of durian. I love the smell of durian, why is everyone looking at me weird? It's not really that bad... Right?.

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Sorry, but please seek professional help if you think durian smells good :cirnotan:
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