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Touhou 18: 東方虹龍洞 〜 Unconnected Marketeers (Full release!)
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My understanding is that it's more like Chimata and Megumu were using each other for their own ends. Chimata figured she was going to be thrown under the bus sooner or later, which is why she prioritized restoring her godly power before then so she wouldn't need Megumu anyway, all while Tsukasa bided her time and played everyone against each other so she wouldn't have to do anything and still profit. So basically, a healthy capitalistic relationship.
I've cleared the game in hard mode with all the characters. Honnestly, I've enjoyed this one  a lot. It's hard, but not that lunatic-hard or normal-hard, it's hard like it should be, at least for me.

There's still a lot I have to learn about the paterns of the last stages and the bosses, but I'm doing fine until Misumaru, the 4th boss, I just have a problem with her second spell card but I'm doing the rest relatively fine. Some part of her stage are a little difficult for me right now and I still have to bomb.
Tsukasa (stage 5 midboss) can be a little tricky depending on the stage and oh boy how Megumu can be hard. That said, if you took Misumaru's card, some of her attacks are a little laughable since a lot of them come from the sides (except for LASERS).
And about Chimata....it's beautiful. It's probably because I've always loved rainbows since I was a kid, and I've always loved Meiling/Kogasa for that since they have some colorful attacks and I absolutely LOVE colorful attacks. I must say it was interesting that her fist spellcard was a semi-survival. Right now, I've captured all of her spellcards, but not in the same run. The one that I have a hard time with is "Rainbow Ring of People", I have managed to capture that one but only once.
I've only beaten the extra boss twice right now, so I can't say a lot, BUT can say that, again, I enjoy the fact that this extra stage doesn't feel too easy or too hard, I had no trouble at all clearing 17's extra while this one took me longer to beat it. So, again, difficulty wise, it's a win for me !

About the music...in the full version the ones that tend to cross my mind a lot are Misumaru'stheme and the extra stage theme right now.

As for the plot, I've read a lot, and I must say
Spoiler: it's really nice to see a new wicked character, I mean really wicked. Seija is like that, but it's more because of her specie rather than her personality. Tsukasa makes makes me think of Mai a lot, the two of them are wicked and tend to sweettalk people and showing their true nature later. I also love the fact that her design feels the "simplest" of all the cast with her white dress and this stylish green motif. Also, I personally like her haircut.

As for Misumaru...I hope that Zun will dig the character more, because she can potentially furnish a lot of details. She was the one who crafted Reimu's yin yang orbs, so she probably knows some backstory about the Hakurei Shrine, we can understand in her dialogues that she's obviously "old", probably less than Yukari/Eirin/Yuuka.

The nice thing about the this game concerning the characters is that it introduced characters that can be somehow "useful" for backstories about some things, Megumu the crow chief tengu or Misumaru. I think Tsukasa will just stay a partner of Megumu, probably like Futo and Soga. Not the thing we had with Tewi for exemple when, she appears a lot in the lore of touhou.
Anyway, like 17, I've enjoyed this game a lot, I was fully surprised since the demo didn't really charmed me at the time, but the full game feels really great. I think I might like this one more than 17 on some aspects.(also the fact that it's not flashy because seriously, beasts coming from everywhere + flashy shoot is a pain for me in 17, at least we have a patch for that to  reduce the visuals...)
Regarding the comment about the stage 4 boss above, Misumaru is apparently based on Ame no Akarutama, a god from the Kojiki that participated in some of the legends surrounding Amaterasu. So it's safe to say despite being a stage 4 boss she is far older and presumably more powerful than she displayed in her boss fight (and she is already quite a challenging stage 4 boss). She's definitely the biggest question mark of this game, and I get the sense we have not seen the last of her.
Branneg Xy:

--- Quote from: raikaria on May 08, 2021, 05:01:19 PM ---Here I am just kinda stunned we've finally got to see Spoiler: The Chief of the Crow Tengu. Although she is specifically the Spoiler: Crow Tengu chief; not overall leader; that still seems to be Tenma? So for example; Megumu is Aya and Hatate's boss but not Momiji's
Spoiler: Also getting DDC vibes again; where the primary antagonist/mastermind is the Stage 5 boss, and the Stage 6 boss is more a support to them/being used. Like Seiga was the one behind the Mallet incident, and was using Sukuna who is enough of a moron to trust a species literally known for compulsive lying...
--- End quote ---

Specifically, " Megumu Iizunnamaru " https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Megumu_Iizunamaru is not "Tenma Boss of the Tengu " https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Tengu#Tenma.2C_Boss_of_the_Tengu but rather a " Dai Tengu/Great Tengu Crow Boss "https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Tengu#Great_Tengu",even more specifically in her Unconnected Marketeers - omake.txt :

" ... One of the Great Tengu who live near the mountain's peak.
Tengu society is vertically-oriented, with Great Tengu corresponding to a mid-ranking boss.
As such, they can give orders to (ALL) regular tengu as well. The Great Tengu's orders are absolute.
They can give orders to other mountain-dwelling youkai as well... but in that case, some tend to disobey the orders"."
However there could also be disagreements between Great tengu and Regular Tengu such as Hatate's Suspicions and Complaining during Double Spoiler about their conduct about "eventual encounters with Oni and dealings with Kanako&Suwako(and viceversa)".

About Mastermind(s)
Spoiler: It turns out that,story-dialogues explained and omake.text explained /,the " Original Mastermind-Culprit" is https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Megumu_Iizunamaru ,while the " Opposing Mastermind-Culprit" is https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Chimata_Tenkyuu is  , a case of "Both Support/Right-Hand Woman for Megumu but also an "Exacerbating Factor" is https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Tsukasa_Kudamaki  ",  the " Supportive & Used One ( mainly by Megumu but ,indirectly through her orders, also by Kudamaki and ,indirectly through their 'business plan',also by Tenkyuu) "   is https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Momoyo_Himemushi
About Tsukasa (Midboss of Stages 5-6-Extra)
Spoiler:   Her"Wicked Side" seems to come from her "Youkai Nature as a Kuda-Gitsune" but passable enough to be kept as "Reliable Right Hand-Woman by a Great Tengu(Megumu" https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Tsukasa_Kudamaki

Branneg Xy:
 " 東方虹龍洞 " Video-Tag Search about  " Touhou Unconnected Markeeters " on NicoNico douga  https://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9%E8%99%B9%E9%BE%8D%E6%B4%9.
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