Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 315415 times)

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  • the future is now
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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #390 on: September 17, 2021, 05:46:10 PM »
>Continue to target the fairies shooting lasers.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #391 on: September 17, 2021, 06:42:52 PM »
>Continue to target the fairies shooting lasers.

>The Red Fairies are thankfully focused on The Moth, so you completely blindside them.
>One of the fairies gets slashed through midsection by your wakazashi and another gets a face full of bullets.
>Unfortunately the element of surprise wore off fast, and some of them turn their attention to you.
>Hmm, there's an opportunity to burn them all right here if you play your cards right. But which cards to play?

#Good to have you back, Claire

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #392 on: September 17, 2021, 07:28:39 PM »
>"I think that's quite interesting. Maybe Seija could learn something from the Fairies, heheh. Too bad about her inherent nature."
>"I'm not going to complain about that.  If anything with her philosophy, Unity should boss her around.  Actually they might lead Seija to victory."  Smirk

>You heal your wounds using spiritual power, the pain would distract you from dodging (-500 Hunger). "Man, I wish I could do that" Kaze comments.
>"Being able to dodge is a lot better. Wow, they pack a wallop."

>Stop shooting
>Do the light curtain again
->Summon a few moths then have them move to different locations
-->Have the moths fire off bullets so seems I am moving to those locations.

>When the fairies get ready to fire move out of their line
->Shoot when it is too late for the fairies to re-aim.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #393 on: September 19, 2021, 01:22:43 PM »
>"I'm not going to complain about that.  If anything with her philosophy, Unity should boss her around.  Actually they might lead Seija to victory."  Smirk

>Kaze snickers. "That would be an event, I wonder what kind of Incident that would lead to."

>"Being able to dodge is a lot better. Wow, they pack a wallop."

>Stop shooting
>Do the light curtain again
->Summon a few moths then have them move to different locations
-->Have the moths fire off bullets so seems I am moving to those locations.

>When the fairies get ready to fire move out of their line
->Shoot when it is too late for the fairies to re-aim.

>You stop shooting and have your current moths create the curtain of light again, obscuring your location.
>You summon a few moths from your position and have them spread out. As a test, you have one moth fire Danmaku at a Red Fairy.
>Predictably, The Red Fairies immediately rain lasers at the familiar. Good, they took the bait.
>With all the time in the world to aim, you go for a strong direct laser impacting a Red Fairy and turning them into gold dust.
>You then use another familiar to pester them with bullets. They once again take the bait, destroying a moth.

>The Red Fairies are, on a tactical level, surrounded.
>On one side they have an enemy, A Bird, keen on directly attacking them. Though thankfully she uses simple attacks that are only an annoyance.
>On the other, they have The Moth, a known opponent. But one with novel tactics that threaten to render their strategies moot.
>They are being attacked by a direct opponent and an opponent who leverages her abilities. And their leader is distracted by Apple, impacting any possible orders.
>They're on the ropes, and so fast as well.
>"Photon Rain" HP


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #394 on: September 20, 2021, 04:42:15 PM »
>Draw the fairies together then intensify my fire, focusing on them.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #395 on: September 20, 2021, 04:55:27 PM »
>Continue the current strategy

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #396 on: September 21, 2021, 10:43:55 AM »
>Draw the fairies together then intensify my fire, focusing on them.
>Continue the current strategy

>The Red Fairies attempt to deal with this onslaught. Sayuri, The Bird, harasses them with bullets forcing them to move. While The Nameless Moth is almost intangible behind a curtain of light, but still makes herself known by blasting a Fairy into dust when they least expect it.
>Their movement turn defensive, they clump together, hoping they can watch each other's backs like this.
>Their Last Mistake.

>Intensifying requires fuel, which you thankfully have plenty of (-30 Fuel). But intensifying and focusing produces a wonderfully destructive effect.
>The Fire, rather than shooting from you, seems to just appear from the air around the Fairies, smothering them in incandescence before exploding.
>And so all of The Red Fairies were razed by flames.

>"Photon Rain" HP
>Fae Stratagem 002 "Photon Rain": Defeated!

>With the Fairies dealt with, you all look towards where Unity Web last was.
>"Come on, stay still you worm!" She seems to be having trouble hitting Black Apple, firing weak lasers focusing on quantity over power.
>"Nuh-uh, I'm not Worm! Are you blind? Likely, considering your aim." Meanwhile Apple is having the time of her life with three Giant Moths, she's treating this like a game of tag rather than a duel.
>"I just need to hit you once and I would be satisfied okay?! Then the tide of this duel would surely turn!"
>"A bit too late for that, really."
>"What do you mea-" She looks around and realises all of her snipers are gone; "Ah, well in that case: I concede. This Duel is completed and you are the victors. Congratulations." Her expression is content, or even happy despite having admitted defeat.
>Unity Web: Defeated

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #397 on: September 24, 2021, 05:29:07 PM »
>"Those were impressive spellcards.  Please let the fairies know."

>Give Apple a thumbs up, "Good job!"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #398 on: September 26, 2021, 12:57:37 PM »
>"Those were impressive spellcards.  Please let the fairies know."

>Unity smiles "Thank you for the praise, We practiced quite a bit. Even if we didn't get to fight Marisa Kirisame, I suppose you were a great opponent as well. Vermilion will probably a bit miffed once she comes back, though. It's nothing I can't handle."

>Give Apple a thumbs up, "Good job!"

>"Yeah, I was really cool out there wasn't I?"
>Apple lands in front of you and gets off the Giant Moth. Brimming with confidence, she makes a beaming grin.

>"Yeah, some pretty good fireworks!" A familiar, up-beat voice calls out.
>Marisa, along with the rest of your entourage are standing at the front door.
>"We were watching at around the latter half of the fight. Spell Card Duels look very enchanting up close, I must admit." Hanako continues.
>"Oh, good job calming the situation as well. I may be good at lot of things, but de-escalation isn't my strong suit. If The Fairies all came at me, then I would've just blasted them, most likely won any potential duel, and gone back inside my house."

>Unity Web chimes in with an unexpected prediction "Fairies can be near dauntless once given enough motivation, and my retinue is no different. If you had simply annihilated us then we would keep coming back with more fervour, especially with me leading them. This would lead to a constant war within the Forest of Magic with the main Belligerents being The Fairies of The Forest of Magic and Marisa Kirisame, et al. This could destroy the relative peace within The Forest and I'm sure none of us would want that. I think an endless army facing an unstoppable force would not bode well for anyone's health." Her face seems distraught, as if she's visualising the conflict.
>"...Dang, I didn't even know Fairies could talk like this. When did you even think of all that?"
>"Back when The Moth and The Bird had suggested alternate routes for Fairies to gain renown. I analysed my previous plan of attacking you, all the flaws, then the consequences and came across this possible future. So, you are no longer our target."
>"Aww, come on! I'm sure if you guys train a bit more we could have a nice duel on maybe equal footing?" Marisa gives Unity a smirk.
>Unity smirks back. "One day, Witch, one day. But not today."
>"Anyway, this conflict has been resolved, my Fairies and I shall leave and you can all continue with whatever business you have."
« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 08:27:09 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #399 on: September 28, 2021, 09:52:21 AM »
>Say to Unity, "Good luck and take care."

>"How are you feeling, Worm?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #400 on: September 29, 2021, 01:40:50 PM »
>Say to Unity, "Good luck and take care."

>"Good wishes to you too."

>"Me and my group must consider new horizons. I can guarantee that when we figure out a good way to contribute to Gensokyo, you two, The Moth and The Bird- uh Sayuri was it? Will be the first to know."
>With that, Unity and her Fairies leave the area. Perhaps someone could help them realise their ambition? Or maybe they're just good enough on their own. A fellow Minor Existence is a chance for networking.

The Catalogue of Minor Existences:
#From now on I'll be keeping a list of met original characters. Because I've made an embarrassing amount of them and I don't think I should burden others with remembering everything.
>The Moth: A Minor Existence, played by Philosopher. A Moth Youkai with the Capability of Consuming Anything, creating silk, and making moth-like familiars that inherit her abilities. Currently in The Forest of Magic, dealing with weasels.
>Sayuri: A Minor Existence, played by DarkWitchClaire. A Bird Youkai with the Capability of creating and controlling Fire. Currently in The Forest of Magic, silently watching.
>Black Apple and Worm in Red: A duo of fairies, often inseparable. Apple can cause decomposition, Worm can force regeneration. Currently travelling with The Moth.
>Unity Web: An ambitious fairy who works to make people's view of her kind more positive. Currently planning a way to contribute to Gensokyo.
>The Sakura Family: Hanako Sakura and Ame Sakura, mother and daughter Humans respectively. Hanako works as a Florist and takes light walks in The Forest of Magic. Ame guards the Human Village at night. Currently travelling with The Moth.
>The Kaze Itachi: A Trio of Weasel Youkai who stole plants from Hanako. One of the sisters was injured and ill, so the plants are needed for medicine. One of the Weasels have been captured and is currently a (willing) hostage of The Moth.
>Kawa: A Seamstress in The Human Village. Can somehow work with unusual materials, like Youkai-Silk.
>"How are you feeling, Worm?"

>"I'm a bit tired, even after napping a bit. But I have enough strength to use my powers, so the healing plan could still work. Just... Not going to use Overgrowth until I get a proper rest." Worm tries her best to give you a smile and thumbs up but it's subtly strained.
>"Don't force yourself, Worm." Apple sees right through it, and frowns.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 09:41:37 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #401 on: September 30, 2021, 10:54:24 AM »
>"Yeah, no one wants to see you hurt yourself."
->"How are you actually feeling?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #402 on: September 30, 2021, 01:10:14 PM »
>"Yeah, no one wants to see you hurt yourself."
->"How are you actually feeling?"

>Worm pouts, though it looks more cute than threatening on her face.
>"I'm fine! Just using one or two Spell Cards isn't enough to wear me out! I'll be okay as long as I take a rest after all of this. Let's go."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #403 on: October 02, 2021, 09:35:18 AM »
>Give Worm a dubious look.
>"Alright.  You can ride one of the large familiars if you get tired."

>"We'll see you later Miss Marisa!"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #404 on: October 02, 2021, 12:37:01 PM »
>Give Worm a dubious look.
>"Alright.  You can ride one of the large familiars if you get tired."

>"You can ride one of those things?"
>"Oh yeah, it's fun! Like riding a fluffy flying horse."
>"I think only you could reasonably compare an insect to a mammal, Apple. But I'll consider it if flying on my own gets tiring."

>"We'll see you later Miss Marisa!"

"See ya later too! I'm gonna be visitin' the Human Village soon, so maybe we'll meet there."
>The rest of your group say their respective goodbyes to Marisa, with Hanako thanking her for her work. And you all walk away from The Kirisame Magic Shop.
>Hanako's map shows that you're getting close to her box, and therefore the other weasel. So at least nothing drastic could interfere now.


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #405 on: October 04, 2021, 05:26:26 PM »
>I've never left this part of the forest before, but I suppose I can come along with you. Maybe I can forge a new minor existence for myself outside of this clearing.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #406 on: October 04, 2021, 05:48:50 PM »
>I've never left this part of the forest before, but I suppose I can come along with you. Maybe I can forge a new minor existence for myself outside of this clearing.

#Just to clarify: you're talking to The Moth, correct?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #407 on: October 04, 2021, 10:41:56 PM »
>"I'd be happy to have your company."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #408 on: October 05, 2021, 04:45:07 PM »
>I've never left this part of the forest before, but I suppose I can come along with you. Maybe I can forge a new minor existence for myself outside of this clearing.
#I'm going to assume you're talking to The Moth.
>"I'd be happy to have your company."

The Party has increased in size. The Moth and Sayuri has joined forces. They continue to the Weasels, following the map.

>"So, uh, what's your name? You seem like an interesting girl." That Youkai strapped on The Moth's back asks you.
>Why does she want to know your name so badly?

The Moth:
>"Where did you hear about that 'Thermodynamics' stuff, Apple?" Worm asks curiously.
>Apple puts a hand to her chin, confused. "Eh, honestly I don't remember. Maybe from one of those books you appropriated?"
>"I-" Worm stops and exhales; "Probably not. If that were the case then I would have heard of Thermodynamics as well. Maybe you heard of it before you met me? But we're so close..."
>"Maybe it's from the same way I know how to talk and do Danmaku, despite having no teachers or parents."
>That might make sense, you know a lot of things despite having no-one to teach you. Like Momotarō, Minamoto, Shuten and Ibaraki-Dōji, along with Susanoo. There's also the Shinchū, but your knowledge on that seems pretty sparse in comparison for some reason.
>But why something so esoteric? You've never heard of Thermodynamics and considering what it did, it sounds like some sort of forgotten magic.
>You should try to get answers when you find someone who could possibly know about all of this.


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #409 on: October 06, 2021, 12:03:01 AM »
>"I'm Sayuri. I haven't known much outside of this part of the forest, but The Magician's shop here meant that I was never without excitement for too long. What brought you here in the first place?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #410 on: October 06, 2021, 07:13:30 AM »
>"We came to help Hanako and now are helping Kaze's sister who is ill."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #411 on: October 09, 2021, 06:12:13 PM »
>"I'm Sayuri. I haven't known much outside of this part of the forest, but The Magician's shop here meant that I was never without excitement for too long. What brought you here in the first place?"

>"We came to help Hanako and now are helping Kaze's sister who is ill."

>"Well, 'Ill' is a bit of an understatement. But you'll see soon, we're here."
>As Kaze says that, you see an open crevice in the ground.
>"This is the entrance to our house, of sorts. Not all of us can make or afford a fancy house or a shack, okay."
>That looks like a major falling hazard. Good thing you can fly!
>...But Hanako and Ame, humans, can't.
>"We'll ride the Giant Moths." Ame says as a suggestion.
>Now everyone just needs to descend into this weird crevice in the ground. When did this even appear?

#Sorry for being late with this post. University has recently started for me and it will be a while before my schedule gets organised.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #412 on: October 11, 2021, 10:20:28 PM »
>Have some of our smaller moths eat detritus.

>"Does it flood during the rainy season?"

>Make sure the moths are big enough for Hanako and Ame to ride
->Descend down the crevice

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #413 on: October 12, 2021, 04:49:48 PM »
>Have some of our smaller moths eat detritus.

>"Does it flood during the rainy season?"

>"No, miraculously. It's large enough down there that we don't have to worry about flooding. We even put some torches and lanterns down there for light."

>The Moths come back from their tasteless meal of dirt. Better than nothing. (+500 Hunger)

>Make sure the moths are big enough for Hanako and Ame to ride
->Descend down the crevice

>Hanako and Ame climb onto a Giant Moth each. It's a bit comical to look at, but it looks like they can reasonably maintain their balance on the Moths; Like adults riding small ponies.
>"Sweetie, did you ever ride animals as part of your Night Guard training?"
>"No. They didn't think that was necessary. And I don't think that would prepare me for riding a larger-than-average insect."
>"Aww come on, Don't be nervous! Just go with your gut and flying will come naturally!" Apple acts like an expert in the subject.
>"...If you say so." The disbelief in Ame's voice is palpable.

>You and your party descend through the crevice.
>As you get deeper, the natural light decreases. Soon it reaches a level that you're pretty sure the average person wouldn't be able to see in front of them. While the natural rock formation makes the area relatively cramped for flying, for a large group like yours anyway.
>You feel like this would be the perfect place for an ambush by Fairies, or Kedama, or Spirits- basically any enemy.
>"Heh, we keep this place clean of any riff-raff. Makes for good target practice." Kaze boasts

>Eventually, the light levels climb back up by virtue of some floating torches and lanterns.
>"Okay, finally." Apple breathes a sigh of relief; "Worm, Hanako, Ame, Sayuri! You still there?!"
>"We're right behind you!" Ame shouts back.
>"Or rather, above you." Worm corrects.
>You go for a gentle descent, not sure if your Human passengers could take a faster flight.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #414 on: October 14, 2021, 10:47:33 AM »
>"When we get back you'll have an interesting story for the other guards."

>Look behind to see how everyone is doing.

>"I love the lights."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #415 on: October 16, 2021, 01:41:17 PM »
>"When we get back you'll have an interesting story for the other guards."

>"Yeah, I don't think they'll like the 'working together with a Youkai' part, however. Maybe I'll just say you're an Omnyouji or some other believable excuse."

>Look behind to see how everyone is doing.

>You take a look at your retinue while floating down.
>Apple is the closest to you (Kaze doesn't really count). She's nervously shifting her eyes around as if a ghost will pop out any second.
>Hanako and Ame are riding downwards. Hanako is clutching the large Familiar for dear life while slowly descending. Ame is leaning forward, trying to find some way to move faster it seems.
>Worm is sandwiched between them. Looking around the cavern and occasionally looking at the Humans.
>"This place is pretty deep, huh?"
>"Makes for a good hiding place as well." What do The Weasels have to hide from?

>"I love the lights."

>"Thanks, they're floating because of my wind."
>"That's my ability, in case you haven't figured it out. Creating and Maintaining winds. My sisters and I ride the winds I make to enhance their speed, that's how we go so fast. I would be able to create stronger winds with my fan but someone trapped it in a cocoon."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #416 on: October 21, 2021, 03:27:10 AM »
>Avoid Kaze's eyes

>"Do you know how your sisters will react to us?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #417 on: October 21, 2021, 07:57:15 PM »
>Avoid Kaze's eyes

>"Do you know how your sisters will react to us?"

>You try to avoid Kaze's accusatory gaze. Why do people always get uppity about their tools getting cocooned? It's super soft.

>"Well, one of them can't even move without excruciating pain right now. So you'll just have to worry about the other.
She's the blade wielder, the most adept at slicing out of all of us."
>"As for how she'll react... It will be a bit strange at first. You and your fairy duo look like Humans because of those cool disguises, to say nothing of the actual Humans. But I'm your hostage, so her first reaction is probably going to be 'Let go of my sister, you Human scum!'" Her voice seems to be an endearing mockery.
>"My third, injured, sister is the sweetest thing ever. Though I may be biased."
>"Honestly, we should try to explain the situation as fast as possible to avoid problems."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #418 on: October 23, 2021, 09:51:51 AM »
>"That sounds like the smart thing to do."

>Continue on

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #419 on: October 23, 2021, 09:29:14 PM »
>"That sounds like the smart thing to do."

>Continue on

>"I'm glad that we agree. Now lets hope Sis actually gives us a chance."

>You and your party continue down through the cave, navigation is easier as paradoxically there is more light the deeper you get.
>The bottom is actually decently furnished, for a cave. The torches outline a clear path forward.
>You follow the path and reach an opening. A small cove that was most likely made with The Weasel's bare hands.
>As you look around the cove, it becomes obvious this is mainly a place for resting and not much else. The amenities you would find in a place like the Kappa Warehouse aren't found here. The only notable pieces are the Bed, with a wooden frame and some soft material imitating a mattress, a Table carved out of wood with a seemingly meticulous hand, and the Tsurugi made of stone positioned next to the Table.
>The main thing you focus on however is the bed and the two figures near it. Obviously Kaze's Sisters.

>You eavesdrop on a conversation between these siblings. The sickly Weasel sits in bed, clutching her chest. You figure the other one is the "Blade Wielder" Kaze mentioned, she stands with an expression fraught with worry, holding a bowl of some sort of liquid.
>"Okay, I made the ointment using your usual instructions. I'm not as good at this as you are, but this one should work for sure, right?!" The Blade Wielder's words are coated in desperation.
>"I-I think we should stop with the ointments. Maybe we should seek help outside the Forest?" The patient suggests.
>This touches a nerve, you guess, as The Blade Wielder throws a near tantrum.

>"Going outside the Forest is what caused this in the first place! Damn it, those Humans somehow found a way to inflict inhumane damage on a Youkai and they just happened to find you wandering around. Then the remorseless fiends did this to you!"
>She can't contain her emotions through just her words, she starts pacing around the cove as if that will help even out her mood. "If that wasn't bad enough, the last time we went to rob that Florist she somehow had back-up strong enough to restrain another one of us. I can't lose her, I already have enough to worry about with your condition!"
>"I swear, when I find whoever took her I'll-" She pauses abruptly.

>She stares directly at you. Her eyes steer to Kaze, the sister taken from her, on your back.
>"H-hey Sis." Kaze says awkwardly.
>The Blade Wielder moves with impressive speed to the Stone Tsurugi. Her sisters beg her to wait but their words fall on deaf ears.
>At least you can act.