>Who would we go to to check if it was a magic or cursed rock?
> When we separate our main head from our body, what do the bottom of our head and the top of our neck look like? Are there large holes that lead inside us, are there skin coverings sealing off our insides, or is something else going on?
> Are the rock and ribbon actually inside our clothes, touching our body? If so, who could have possibly put them there without our noticing?
> Since we're not in a private location, pull the ribbon and rock out of our clothes and study them properly.
> Keep eyes out for potential scoops
> Check if rock interacts at all with said ribbon?
> You don't know anyone well versed in magic and rocks.
> It's a bit like a hole. You know it's capable of keeping things out a well. You probably can't use it as a receptacle and store things in your heads that way. Best get bags for that instead...
> They are. They could have slid down onto you, though. Maybe while sleeping. Being thrown onto you seems unlikely.
> You take the two things out, studying them better.
> The rock is smooth all around. Its almost like it glows, but it doesnt.
> The ribbon still doesn't have any initials or text mow that you're fully examining it. It appears to be folded, with the flip side being red instead of black.
> The rock doesnt seem to do anything to the ribbon, nor vice versa. Maybe its just to keep polishing it?
> Tengo society still looks the same. Nothing interesting is going on, even as you arrive at Hatate's home.
> Again, you don't know what time it is, so you're not sure if its too early in the day for her to be awake, or too late for the same.