~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Murasa Quest Continues 3 - A Z-Machine Adventure
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> Hrm. That wouldn't really apply here, would it? This thing is a foul attachment in a far more literal sense than what we usually deal with...
It's Purvis!:

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on October 18, 2022, 07:12:38 PM ---> Hrm. That wouldn't really apply here, would it? This thing is a foul attachment in a far more literal sense than what we usually deal with...

--- End quote ---

>You don't think it would apply directly, at least.

> Hmm.
> Let's sit here, or float here, or whatever it is we do as a physical existence now, and meditate for a while. A shame focused breathing isn't really an option at the moment...
> While we are meditating, dwell on the behavior of the stain, if it feels like it's (spiritually) growing larger or smaller, and see also if we can't eventually control it somehow via its connection to us.
It's Purvis!:

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on October 18, 2022, 07:40:54 PM ---> Hmm.
> Let's sit here, or float here, or whatever it is we do as a physical existence now, and meditate for a while. A shame focused breathing isn't really an option at the moment...
> While we are meditating, dwell on the behavior of the stain, if it feels like it's (spiritually) growing larger or smaller, and see also if we can't eventually control it somehow via its connection to us.

--- End quote ---

>As near as you can tell...the stain doesn't seem to be changing. You don't think it's a particularly active thing. It certainly didn't feel malicious while you were experiencing it?

> Okay, mental recap: Do we think the stain and the Formless One are related, if not the same thing?
> If we do not think the stain and the Formless One are related, what do we think the stain actually is? The memories, or something else?
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